IB DP Physics Standards FIXED

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1.1 Measurements in physics 1.1 Uses common standards of
measure and scientific
1: Measurement 1.2 Uncertainties and errors 1.2 notation, determines and
and applies uncertainties in
1.3 Vectors and scalars 1.3
uncertainties measurements and
calculations, and analyzes
vector and scalar quantities.
2.1 Motion 2.1 Describes motion through
the kinematic equations and
2.2 Forces 2.2 Newtons three laws, solves
complex problems using the
2.3 Work, energy and power 2.3
generalizing principles of
2: Mechanics
work, energy and power,
2.4 Momentum and impulse 2.4
and explores systems of
interacting particles by
applying momentum and
3.1 Thermal concepts 3.1 Describes concepts
involving the molecular
theory of solids, liquids and
gases and the kinetic model
3.2 Modeling a gas 3.2 of an ideal gas, applies
3: Thermal
principles of specific heat
capacity and latent heat to
thermal transfer problems,
solves state variable
problems using equation of
4.1 Oscillations 4.1 Describes concepts and
solves problems involving
4.2 Traveling waves 4.2 oscillations, traveling waves,
frequency, period,
4.3 Wave characteristics 4.3
wavelength, amplitude,
4: Waves
4.4 Wave behavior 4.4 superposition, polarization,
intensity, interference,
4.5 Standing waves 4.5 diffraction, reflection,
refraction, Snells law, and
standing waves.
5.1 Electric fields 5.1 Describes concepts and
solves problems involving
5.2 Heating effect of electric currents 5.2 electric charge, field, force,
potential energy, potential,
5: Electricity 5.3 Electric cells 5.3
power, circuits, and cells,
and magnetism
5.4 Magnetic effects of electric 5.4 and describes concepts and
currents solves problems involving
magnetic field and magnetic
6.1 Circular motion 6.1 Describes concepts and
solves problems involving
6.2 Newtons law of gravitation 6.2 centripetal force and
6: Circular
acceleration, Newtons law
motion and
of gravitation, and the
relationship between the
two for planets or satellites
in circular orbits.
7.1 Discrete energy and radioactivity 7.1 Describes concepts and
solves problems involving
7.2 Nuclear reactions 7.2 discrete energy, radioactive
decay, half-life, the
7.3 The structure of matter 7.3
fundamental forces,

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