Collection Soil Question
Collection Soil Question
Collection Soil Question
3) Define Porosity.
6) Define Percentage air voids.
12) What is seepage pressure?
14) Give the fomula for finding the value of k(variable head) in the laboratory.
15) Give the fomula for finding the value of k(constant head) in the laboratory.
16) What is a flownet?
crumbles. To improve consistency, a 3 mm diameter rod is often used to gauge the
thickness of the thread when conducting the test.
20) What is Plasticity Index?
The plasticity index (PI) is a measure of the plasticity of a soil. The plasticity index is
the size of the range of water contents where the soil exhibits plastic properties. The PI
is the difference between the liquid limit and the plastic limit (PI = LLPL). Soils
with a high PI tend to be clay, those with a lower PI tend to be silt, and those with a
PI of 0 tend to have little or no silt or clay
The quantity of seepage under dams and sheet piling can be estimated using the
graphical construction known as a flownet
29) The MohrCoulomb failure criterion is the most common empirical failure criterion
used in soil mechanics. In terms of effective stress the MohrCoulomb criterion is
defined as
2 Mark Questions
1. The soil mass is an elastic medium for which the modulus of Elasticity, E is constant.
2. The soil mass in homogeneous, that is all its constituent parts or elements are similar
and it has indentical properties at every point in it in indentical directions.
3. The soil mass is isotropic, that is it has identical elastic properties in all directions
through any point of it.
4. The soil mass is semiinfinite, that is it extends infinitely in all directions below a level
2. Name the vertical stress distribution diagrams drawn using Boussinesq equation?
1. Vertical stress isobar diagram
2. Vertical pressure distribution on a horizontal plane.
3. Vertical pressure distribution on a vertical line.
3. Define isobar?
An isobar is a curved or contour connecting all points below the ground surface of
equal vertical pressure.
The zone in a loaded soil mass bounded by an isobar of given vertical pressure
intensity is called a pressure bulb.
5. Write equations of vertical pressure due to line load, strip load an d uniformly
loaded circular area?
Line load
q 2 1
z =
z x
Strip load
At, O z = [ + sin cos ]
z = [ + sin ]
2 3
1 1
z == q
R 2
1 +
l B
where m = ;n =
z z
7. Define Influence Value?
In Newmarks influence value a circle is drawn with radius r1 equal to 0.270z and the
are is divided into 20 area units, each area unit will produce a vertical stress equal to 0.005q at
a depth of z cm below the centre. The arbitrarily fixed fraction 0.005 is called influence
8. What is the general equation for vertical stress in Newmarks influence chart?
z = NXqXInfluencevalue
q intensity of loading
N No. of area units under the loaded area.
9. Note down the westergaards equation for the vertical stress for a point load?
In this is assured as zero.
Q 1
z = 2 32
Z r
1 + 2
z = kw
kw = 32
1 + 2
10. What are the disadvantages of settlement and the components affecting settlement?
If the settlement is excessive, meaning more than what is permissible for the structure,
it may cause structural damage or malfunctioning, especially whent eh rate of such
settlement is rapid. The total settlement St, of a loaded soil can be recognized as
having three components: the immediate settlement Si, the settlement duet o primary
consolidation Sc and the settlement due to secondary consolidation Ss or creep.
St =
The immediate settlement or distortion settlement occurs almost immediately after the
load is imposed, as a result of disortion of the soil without any volume change. The
immediate settlement is usually determined by using the elastic theory even though the
deformation itself is not truly elastic.
13. What are the factors which cause the compressibility of clays?
The delay caused in consolidation by the slow drainage of water out of a saturated soil
mass is called hydrodynamic lag.
The pressure that builds up in pore water due to load increment on the soil is termed
excess pore pressure or excess hydrostatic pressure.
The reduction in volume of soil which is due principally to a squeezing out of water
from the voids is termed primary consolidation.
17. Define secondary consolidation?
Even after the reduction of all excess hydrostatic pressure to zero, some
compression of soil takes place at a very slow rate. This is known as secondary
consolidation. During secondary compression, some of the highly viscous water between
the points of contact is forced out from between the particles.
Cc 1 zf
Sc = 1 + Co H log 1
Cc compression index
Co Initial voids ratio
The coefficient of compressibility is defined as the decrease in voids ratio per unit
increase of pressure.
The distribution of excess hydrostatic pressure u at any time t is indicated by the
curve, joining water levels, in the piezometric tubes; this curve is known as isochrone.
22. List down the factors affecting time factor and hence the degree of consolidation?
i. Thickness of clay
layer. ii. No. of drainage
iii. Coefficient of permeability, k.
iv. Cv, coefficient of consolidation
v. Magnitude of consolidating pressure
vi. The manner of its distribution across the thickness of the layer.
It is the principle engineering property which controls the stability of a soil mass under
loads. The shear stringth of soil is the resistance to deformations by continuous shear
displacement of soil particles.
A principle plane is defined as a plane on which the stress is wholly normal on one.
Which does not carry shearing stress.
From mechanics it is known that there exist three principle planes at any point in a
stressed material. The normal stress acting on the principal plane are known as principal
2. Friaxial shear test
3. Unconfined compression test
4. Vane shear test
The rohr coulomb theory of shecuring stringth of a soil, first propounded by coulomb
(1976) and later generalized by rohr, is the most commonly used concept. The functional
relationship between the normal stress on any plane and the shearing strength available on that
plane was assumed to be linear by colomb. Thus the following is usually known as
coulombs law.
S= C+ tand
C = apparent cohesion
= internal friction
8. Draw the coulomb envelope for pure sand and pure clay?
It the normal and shear stress corresponding to failure are plotted, then a curve is
obtained. The plot or the curve is called strength envelope.
11. What are the field test to determine shear strength test?
Field test
Penetration test
12. What are the different types of soil based on shear stringth?
Cohesionless soil : These are the soils which do not have cohesion ie c=oo. These
soils derive shear stringth from the intergranular friction. These soils are also called
frictional soils.
eg : sand, gravel
Purely wherive soil : These are the soils which cohesion but the angle of shearing
= 0.
13. What are the factors that affect shear stringth of cohesionless soils?
14. what are the factors that affect shear strength of cohesive soils?
Structure of clay, clay content, drainage condition, rate of strain, repeated loading,
confining pressure, plasticity index, disturbance.
test? Merits
a. This is the only test where both the shearing stress and the normal stress on the
plane of failure are measured directly.
b. Volume changes during the test can be measured easily.
16. What are the different types of failure of a triaxcal compression test
Plastic failure
A stresspath is a curve or a straight line which is the locus of a series of stress points
depicting the changes in stress in a test specimen or in a soil element insitu, during loading or
18. What is peak shear strength? West out the factors it depends on?
Peak shear strength of a soil is the max shear stress that can be rested by the soil. It
depends on percent day contact, drainage condition, stress level, anisotropy.
19. What is rohrs circle? What are the characteristics of rohrs circle?
The graphical method for the determination of stresses on a plane inclined to the
principal stress is called rohrs wide.
20. Give the expression to find shear strength by vane shear test?
D 2 +
2 12
T = Torque
H = Height of vane
The factors leading to the failure of slope may be classified in to two categories.
a) The factors which cause an increase in the shear stresses loads, seepage pressure.
b) The factors which cause a decrease in the shear stresses. This is due to increase in
water content, increase in pore water, weathering.
Failure involving downward or outward movement of portion of the soil is the case
of natural slope is known as land slide.
A Infinite slope is very large in extent and is theoretically infinite and the properties
of the soil will be same at identical points.
A Finite slope is limited in extent and the properties of the soil will nt be same at
identical depths. So that the slip surface may be curved.
If the failure occurs along a surface of sliding that intersects the slope at or above its
toe, the slide is known as slope failure.
If the failure occurs along a surface that is some distance below the toe of a slope is
known as base failure.
1) Face failure
2) Toe failure
1) Face failure
If the failure occurs above the toe, then the failure is said to be face failure.
2) Toe failure
If the failure occurs through the toe, then the failure is said to be Toe failure.
The ratio of total depth (H+D) to depth H is called depth factor (Df).
9. What are the different methods used for analysis of finite slope.
3. Friction circle method
4. Bishops method
Planar failure surface may commonly occur in a soil deposit or embankment with a
specific plane of weakness. It is common in stratified deposit and the failure plane is 11el to
the strata.
11. Where does a Noncircular (composite) slip surface occur in a homogenous dam?
2. Use of different type of soil or rack in the dam section with varying strength and pore
pressure condition.
2. Coulomb equation for shear strength is applicable and parameters and are
3. Seepage pressure was estimated from the assumed seepage conditions and water
4. The conditions of plastic failure are assumed to be satisfied along the critical
14. What are the three forces acting in circular failure while analysis through
friction circle method?
2. Cohesive force (C) developed along the slip surface
The failure of slope is analysed thoroughly since their failure may lead to loss of
human life as well as colossal economic loss.
The force causing instability is the weight of the wedge which I equal to unit weight
and the area of the wedge which I proportional to the square of the height H. It is a
dimensionless quantity.
Sn = FC H
Sn =Stability number
Fc Factor of safety
unit weight
18. What are the Factor of safety used in stability Analysis of slopes?
19. Write down the formula for calculating factor of safety with respect t cohesion?
Fc = (assuming friction to be fully mobilisede)
Fc Factpr pf safetu wotj res[ect tp cpjesopm
C ultimate cohesion
cm mobilized cohesion
20. Write down the formulae for calculating factor of safety with respect to friction?
F = = m (assuming cohesion to be fully mobilized)
tan m