Tribon M2 - Surface
Tribon M2 - Surface
Tribon M2 - Surface
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Nov/02 all Ic Rewritten for M2 M2sp1
Jan/03 various Ic Updated for sp2 M2sp2
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1 introduction
This course is intended to introduce the user to the Surface module of Tribon Initial Design .
Surface is a surface/solid modeller based on nurbs surfaces and 2D and 3D primitives . These can
be used to rapidly create appendages such as bow thrusters anchor pockets etc, that are required
in the final production .
Surface can also be used to create geometric marine structures such as semi-submersibles etc.
1 .1 Objectives
To understand the purpose of M1 Surface and it's role in the Tribon concept .
To familiarise the user with the graphical user interface and the basic Surface concepts .
1 .2 Prerequisites
Trainees should be familiar with Windows NT.
1 .3 Course Structure
The course is a combination of classroom lectures and demonstrations and practical hands on
examples .
The training course is divided into 4 half-day sessions, of 3 hours duration each . Each session or
group of sessions consists of up to three parts .
Presentation of concepts
1 .4 Duration
2 days.
1 .5 Using this guide
Throughout this manual the following conventions and abbreviations are used;
Cascading pulldown menu sequences are shown as follows ; FILE > SAVE AS
Buttons with a text label that should be pushed are shown as ; Generate
Dialogue box and labels for radio buttons ; check boxes or data entry boxes are shown as ;
The left mouse buttons referred to with the abbreviation "I.m .b"
The right mouse button is referred to with the abbreviation "r.m .b"
The middle mouse button is referred to with the abbreviation "m .m .b"
1 .6 Overview
1 .7 The Graphical User Interface
y -5 o
Y 'b (o
4 Q
~+~ C7 t7 ;. ..
L- ~ i
XI-q ---
1 .8 Tool bars
D a:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
I] Of 7 112Im QQ~1m ID jd jA0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1. View options 9. Redraw
2. Render settings 10. Zoom in
3. Section view 11 . Zoom out
4. Waterline view 12. Reset
5. Buttock view 13. Identify
6. Isometric view 14. Identify flash
7. Perspective view 15. Identify range
8. Workplane view 16. Render
17. HLR
(I> ..~' N I ;~e
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1. Block
2. Pyramid
3. Cylinder
4. Cone
5. Sphere
6. Torus
1 2 3 4 5
1 . Scale
2. Translate
3. Rotate
4. Reflect
5. Blending
U9l0%0ind; n9;
] %I 9 ttgWql)Rto
~ ~! .1d n'm
1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 - 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 2223 24 25 26
1. Subtract 9. Concatenate knuckle
2. 18. Delete face
Unite 10, Concatenate tangent
3. Solid intersection 19. Detach face
11 . Concatenate Curvature 20. Cover edges
4. Intersect 12. Align knuckle
5. Imprint 21 . Cover hole
13. Align tangent 22 . Combine
6. Imprint join 14 . Align curvature
7. 23_ Separate
Join 15. Single sided
8. 24. Enclose
Stitch 16_ Double sided 25 . Min distance
17. Reverse 26. Properties
Chapter 2
2 The basics
Select the required file from the file handling dialogue and press Open .
The system will automatically open a new raster view window and display the model in an
isometric view.
If multiple graphics windows are in use for one project, File > Close will close all associated
windows whereas using the close icon, each window must be independently closed to close the
If any changes have been made to a project, the system will prompt
2 .3 Opening a n ew project
Use File > New or the new icon E~ from the standard tool bar. The system will automatically open
an empty raster view with the name "untitled 1".
There are no mandatory files needed to start a new project, most new projects however will be
based on a form from Lines . To create a new project for a vessel that has initially been created as
a surface in Lines, the user must import the hullform for the project as a DML file. Use the
pulldown menu sequence FILE > IMPORT > DML DATASTORE and select the required file .
Having imported the dml file, the individual patches are normally stitched together to make further
processing using Boolean operations easier. This is done using the stitch icon 69 from the
operations tool bar.
2 .4 Savin g a project
To save a project use File > Save or press the save 61 icon from the standard tool bar .
2 .4 .1 Renaming a project
Use File > Save As, enter a new name in the file handling dialogue and press save .
2 .5 Viewing a model
To view a model in different orientations, click the required icon on the view tool bar.
. . .... ..,
. . . ., .. .. . ..
To rotate either of the views, place the cursor at any position in the graphics window, hold down
the I.m.b, and move the cursor in the direction in which it is required to rotate the view.
To understand the behaviour of the view rotation, imagine the model is enclosed in a sphere, the
model is rotated by selecting a point on the surface of the sphere, via the cursor and rotating the
sphere about its centre .
2 .5 .2 View options
The display settings of each graphics window are controlled using the view options dialogue,
accessed by clicking the r.m .b. in the required graphics window and selecting options.
Global CS displays the position of the global origin and the orientation of the X,
Y and Z axes .
Working CS displays the origin and orientation of the current plane in which 2D primitives
are created.
Silhouettes for analytic primitives, spheres, cones, cylinders, etc, displays the silhouette
of the primitive as seen in the current view orientation_
Principal curvature displays a grid of tufts indicating the two principal directions of
curvature and their relative magnitudes .
Curvature sampling grid controls the number of tufts per body
Curve magnification tuft magnification factor
Curve Curvature for curves, displays tufts indicating the inverse radius of curvature at
equally spaced points along the curve.
Curvature sampling grid controls the number of tufts per span
Curve magnification tuft magnification factor
Curve direction displays an arrow and segment numbers to indicate the start point and
direction of 2D and 3D curves.
f; Rotation
t Y 7,ilr55?
r siie
r Dray with Power
Orthogonal views
Slice displays a slice through the model, slice positions for each orthogonal view are
given in X, Y and Z fields .
Slice positions can also be changed by the cursor displayed in slice views .
Drag with pointer objects can be translated by dragging with the cursor .
2 .5 .2 .3 Layers tab
Modes Layers 1
D 1
. _. .
[- Layers n-- .
I f~ AN r Current Layer ~' Layers 11 12 13 14 15 1S 17 1a 19 F
~~ ~~ ~~~
44 5 9
21 24 27
Enter layer numbers and/or layer ranges separated by
commas Fax example 1,5,918
I _ .- . . _ 4 44 6 47 X 50
- Layers Off--
r AN (' Layers 51 [52 53 F54 F55 156 F57 F58 F59 160
61 [62
F63 F64 F65 FGG- S7-f-
68 F69 F70
11 72 1l 74 '11 Ir, 71
a1 a2 a3 ao es 86s ~~90
F9 93 F~F96 97
F99 F00
Layers On
The current layer is set using the current layer icon 10 from the view
tool ,bar.
Layers Off
Alternatively, the user can toggle layers on and off by clicking on the relevant numbered buttons .
2 .5 .2 .4 All tabs
The OpenGL window cannot display the reflection line method of rendering
When selecting or identifying objects, they are not highlighted in an OpenGL window
The OpenGL window is capable of continuous rotation in isometric or perspective view
Rendering in a raster window is much slower than in an OpenGL window
2 .6 .1 Interactive zooming
To interactively zoom a graphics window, hold down ctrl and the Lm.b, move the cursor up the
graphics window to zoom in and move it down to zoom out.
To zoom in to a given area, use the zoom in icon q from the view toll bar. While holding down the
Lm .b, drag a rectangle around the required zoom area.
To zoom around a required area, use the zoom out icon Q from the view tool bar . While holding
down the I.m.b, drag a rectangle around the required area. This area will become the centre of the
new window. The zoom scale factor will be determined based on the relative sizes of the original
window and the indicated area .
2 .6 .3 Interactive panning
To interactively pan the model, hold down shift and the l .m.b, then drag the cursor in the direction
it is required to pan the model .
To reset to the default window, use the reset icon 0~1 from the view tool bar.
2 .7 Project tree
To undo the last change, press the undo icon !2 on the standard tool bar . Each time it is pressed,
the previous step will be undone.
To redo the next step, press the redo icon aon the standard tool bar.
Rollback steps cannot be skipped, the user can only move sequentially through the model states .
The current position in the rollback sequence is shown at the right hand end of the status
bar RolbackFktory : 112 , the number before the slash is the current step and the number after is the
total number of steps.
To clear the current rollback history, press the clear rollback icon * on the standard tool bar.
2.9 Conventions
There are default conventions for axes and units in Surface . For a given project, these can be
changed at any time by the user.
2 .9 .1 Axes
Default convention
Positive direction of the X axis Aft or Fwd
2 . Create a new OpenGL window. Display only layer 100 . Turn off the display of boundaries
and silhouettes and shade the model .
3. Open the project . . .1Tribon1M21T] DIExampleslroro .dm. Examine the model in various
projections .
5. Use the full tree to change the colour of the surface "Envelope" to green .
6. Open a new project and import the dml file . . .1Ntprojects\TID\Surface\TID001 .dm1
3 Primitives
Surface contains functions for creating and manipulating 2D and 3D primitives . These primitives
can be combined with a hullform modeled in Lines or Form, to create appendages such as bow
thrusters, rudders, etc.
In addition some basic geometric structures, such as semi-submersibles, can be directly created in
Surface from primitives .
3 .1 Creating 3D Primitives
The available types of 3D primitives and the parameters required to define them are illustrated in
the following figures. The solid primitives are created using the solid tool bar.
Certain primitives can be generated in two forms, either as a solid object or as a surface object.
The surface form of these objects is created using the surfaces tool bar, for the required primitive.
Height Length
I --
Width 10
Top Radius
HeiN 5
Base Ra&us
Height Top Radiur
No . of sides 14
Rotation Angle
Z Length
Length r5
Radius carcel
RolatimArgie 10
Tap Radius
Length OK Levgfh OK
I 15
Base Rad'r4 Base Aa&& r4 Cancel
RotationArgle hoc
RotationArgle 180
Major Radus 10
MaORadus 1q
Mi. Radus I Cancel
Mitxr Radar
I `
Are Angle Start I
The Boolean operations are generally performed on two selected objects, the resulting object will
keep the name of the first selected object, with the addition of a sequential number if necessary.
The main operations are listed below and are illustrated using a block identified as BLO and a
sphere identified as SPH .
Subtract '
the result of this function depends on the order in which the objects are selected .
Solid intersection EO~ the resulting object is the same no matter what order the two objects are
selected in, only the name will change depending on the first object .
Generates one object from the common part of both objects, identifies
by the name of the first object selected .
Intersect 83 the intersection curve between the two selected objects .
3 .3 Transformations
As has already been mentioned in section 2.5 .2.2, it is possible to move objects by dragging in
orthogonal views . This is a quick way to approximately position an object but it is not suitable to
accurately position an object.
To enable the user to accurately position objects, Surface provides various transformation
operations on the transformations tool bar, these are;
Translate + Translate an object by giving an X,Y,Z displacement from it's current location
r Y X
An axis defined by a pair of X,Y,Z coordinates
' rZ Y
r Belwaen Vertices Z
R_daee 4i Close
Reflect Reflects an object about the X,Y or Z axis or a plane normal to a vector
- In Plane veCtOF
r- x . a
G Y-0
h Z-0
'r Normal toveda
Scale ED an object by the specified factor
.'T,-" k-. 11
Faces $sale
r` Entire Mmes
Align Translates an object by aligning two lines defined by two pair of vertices or by two
pair of X,Y,Z coordinates
Align can only be accessed from the pulldown menu sequence Transformations > Align.
In addition, one or more copies of the object can be generated by the transformations, using the
Copy & Repeat check box.
Exercise 2
1 . Use 3D primitives, transformations and Boolean operations to create the simple semi-
s ubmersible structure shown below .
2 .5
7 .5 12.5 12 .5
5 30
-10 .0
3.4 Creating and manipulating 2D Primitives
2D primitives are mostly used in Surface to general surfaces, such as formed surfaces, swept
surfaces etc.
All 2D primitives are defined in a plane referred to as the Working Coordinate System
Progct I GaneraiParNralers I
FrarneTable units I
A I Section wcs is a section plane specified by
Working Coordinate5ystem ICokaurs Faceler GaussianBands I Position field
i ,- Paamdaas
~" Section
r watediae j
Posh . . F-0 Waterline wcs is a waterline plane specified by
Position field
r Buttock Distance
r Ckrs i
r. Diagonal ;; Pant Veda Buttock wcs is a buttock plane specified by
r Vertex and Edge Position field
r vertex E vertex i Y
~" Pant and NOfmai 4 Cline wcs. is defined by an existing 2D curve
r offard W'CS
. . . ~z
Diagonal wcs is defined by an existing diagonal
Point and Normal wcs is defined by a point and a vector to which it is perpendicular
3 .4 .2 2D Primitives (Clines)
2D primitives in Surface are refered to as clines. The types of 2D primitives that can be generated
are ;
Line f
3 Vertices Arc through three indicated vertices
r 3 vaticea
r 3 Pcdlicns
r Tangent 3 C"n 3 Positions Arc through three digitised positions
r cenhemedwAn*
Tangent 3 Curves Arc tangent to three indicated curves
u F ` v
Radius I - Angle Centre/Radius/Angle
Arc defined by centre U,V coordinates,
Arc Cb"
radius and angle
Elipse Cbsee
Naca """
N 4 digit naca series aerofoil designation
r upper UK
1123 Size Length of the naca curve
size io
No. Points Number of points used to create the curve
No. Paints 10
No of Points: 5
No of Points: 5
3.4 .3 Manipulating Clines
Functions are also provided to trim, fillet, offset and join 2D primitives.
Trim trims two clines at their intersection point. Select the clines by indicating the
segments that it is required to keep . If the clines do not intersect, they will be
extended to the intersection point.
Fillet r construct a radius fillet between two clines. The clines need not intersect .
Enter the fillet Radius. Press Fillet and
indicate the clines or drag and drop two cline
names onto Fillet.
Enter the parallel distance, press Offset and indicate the cline.
Join join two indicated clines. The resulting object takes the name of the first selected
indicated curve.
Reverse ^ ' reverse the direction of an indicated cline. Used in conjunction with the view option
curve direction", see section 2.5.2 .1
3.4 .4 Generalised Surfaces
The types of surfaces that can be generated from 2D primitives are;
The following worked examples illustrate some of the methods of creating 2D curves and the
surfaces that can be created from them .
In the ordinary graphics window, use the Workplane View icons from the view toolbar, to set
the orientation of the view to the current WCS .
r 2 Positions/Aabo/Angles
(" 2verpcmAaWApgles
G CoordnatesMatio/Argles
Ratio 0.25
End Argk
U1 ~Q Vi
U2 20 v2 1 5
Change the WCS to the 0 section plane, note that the 2D Cline view automatically changes
orientation .
Create a line by coordinates .
r Vatex/Cuve Targed
r Grvexurve 7 argw
{' VatMMatax
r Po osk
(= Coord'rWtn
u1 vy
Vz F
1 0.6
1 .01
8.s k-s
Select Curve & Path then indicate first the line, which is the " Extrude Distance '
swept curve and then the ellipse, which is the sweep path. ' Curve and Path
f` Face aril Path Draft
{" Tube Radus
Shade the surface in the raster window to view it . 1
Create a NACA curve using the data shown . Enter the data and press Naca .
tiAf A
F Upper
No . Point;
Change the WCS to waterline 5 and create a second Naca curve as shown .
r u pper
N 1118
S ize 2-5
No. Points 30
Select first the upper then the lower Naca curve, then press the
space bar to terminate curve selection.
Note that the order in which the curves are selected, controls the
direction of the surface normal, which in turn controls which side
of the surface will be shaded
Use the Arc dialogue to create an arc, by digitising three points . Select 3 Positions and press Arc
then digitise a stark middle and end position of the arc.
r 3 Vertices
G 3 Positions
~' Tamed 3 Coves
C" Cerdrefadius/Angle
-3 .0 1
Set the WCS to section 5 and digitise a second arc approximately as shown .
0 .0
5 .0
Use Surfaces > Interpolated > Formed and indicate each of the curves in sequence starting from
the last curve generated.
3 .4 .5 Extruded surface
As an example of an extruded surface, we will create a part of a cambered deck that includes a
radius gunwhale.
U1 1 V1 F-0 0.01
U21 q Y2F
r 3Vertices
r 3 Positions
r Tangent 3 Craves
r CentreAadw/Ande
U 10 V F--2 0.0
Radus ~1 Mo. 9Q
Arc Cbse
Create a line tangent to the arc and passing through the end vertex of the first line. Select
Through VertexlCurve Tangent and press tine . Indicate the end vertex of the horizontal line then
the arc.
r Vedex/Curve Tangent
(' Curve/Carve Tangent
r VetexNeaex
r Patio~silion
r Coordnatas
U1 I V1 7 0 .g
U2 I V2 (o
By windowing in closely, around the point
where the line is tangent to the arc, it will be
seen that it is necessary to trim the arc.
Remove this
l.t5 10.A0
The three primitives must now be joined to produce one curve. In order to join the primitives, their
start and end points must be oriented in the same direction .
To check this use View Options > Display from the ordinary graphics window and select Curve
Direction .
View Uplions
DA :
To join the curves, use the Join icon ~ and indicate first the horizontal line then the sloping line.
The number at the start of the sloping line will change to 1, indicating it is the second curve
Press Join again and indicate first the horizontal line segment then the arc, the number at the start
of the arc segment will change to 2 .
O .p I
When joining a curve made up of multiple segments, it is always necessary to indicate the first
r ric
In addition there are a number of operations that affect how they behave when used with the
Boolean functions Subtract and Unite .
For any surface, it is possible to calculate a vector that is normal (perpendicular) to the surface,
this is referred to as the surface normal . In Surface, the direction of the surface normal affects the
shading of surfaces and their behaviour when Boolean functions are applied to them .
If a surface is rendered, then when viewed from the side from which the surface normal is pointing,
it will be seen as rendered . When viewed from the other side it will be opaque (objects behind the
surface will be visible) .
In Boolean operations involving a surface, the direction of the surface normal controls which part
of the first indicated surface is kept or removed, as illustrated below.
Surface normal
To control the surface normal, there are three functions available on the operations toolbar.
Reverse ~9 flips the direction of the surface normal through 180 degrees,
Doublesided ~~ converts a single sided surface (a surface with one surface normal, the
default), into a double sided surface having to surface normals 180 degrees
5inglesided 9"t converts a double sided surface into a single sided surface .
Exercise 3
This exercise involves the creation of a bow thrusters and it's inclusion in the model tid001 .dm
The first five steps involve creating the thrusters tube cylinder and getting its intersection with the
The next sequence of steps involve creating an intersection curve that will be the outer edge of the
fairing plate.
The two intersection curves will be used as the inner and outer edges of the bow thruster fairing
plate. In order to construct the fairing plate, the inner curve will be translated inboard along the
tube and a formed surface created from the two curves .
9. Use the full view of the project tree two delete the outer cylinder CLN1, as it was only
needed to create the intersection curve .
10 . The inner curve must be moved -0.35 metres along the Y axis, set the translation dialogue
to the appropriate settings . Drag and drop the 3D curve AFOB2 from the project tree onto
the translate button.
11 . When creating a formed patch, the resulting surface may deviate slightly from the original
curves . Therefore the outer edge of the fairing plate may not completely intersect the hull
form. To avoid this, translate the outer curve AFOB3 0 .001 metres along the Y axis, using
drag and drop .
12. Use Surfaces > Interpolated > Formed, then select first the inner curve then the outer
intersection curve. Turn off layer 100 (the layer for the hullform) and render in a raster
The order of selection of the intersection curves is important as this controls the direction of the
surface normal of the formed surface. The direction of the surface normal controls the result of the
Unite function that will be applied in the next step to create the thruster tube and fairing plate
assembly .
4 Blending
Three types of blending are possible in Surface, these are, round blends, chamfer blends and
vertex blends . Currently, chamfer blending only works for plane and conic surfaces. Blends can
be applied to edges and immediately generated or for complex examples they can be applied as
attributes to edges and vertices, then the complete network generated in one operation .
4 .1 Blend Terminology
Round Blend
A round blend refers to the surface produced by rolling a ball of constant radius, along an4
edge, while keeping the ball in contact with the faces to either side of an edge. It also refers
to rolling the ball around a vertex while keeping the ball in contact with a face and an edge
adjacent to the vertex . The curves formed from the point of contact between the ball and the
faces, are referred to as "SPRING CURVES".
The radius of a blend is constant along its length . The blend surface is represented by a tube
or a pipe .
The radius of the blend varies . The radius at any point along the edge is obtained by
allowing the radius of the rolling ball to vary linearly as it moves along the edge. The radius
is specified at the ends of the curve .
Chamfer Blend
A chamfer blend refers to the ruled surface swept out by a line drawn between the two
contact points of the ball.
Vertex Blend
A vertex blend occurs where all the edges meeting at an internal vertex are to be blended.
The edges do not have to have identical blend radii nor does the vertex surface have any
smoothness requirements . Internal vertices that are not explicitly blended with a vertex
blend are handled in different ways as discussed later,
"Setback" is the distance that vertex blend extends along an adjacent edge from the vertex .
Setbacks can be calculated automatically or they can be assigned manually. The user can
set them automatically then check the values and alter them manually if required .
Cross Curves
"Cross curves" are the curves that form the boundary between the blended edge and the
vertex blend. These can be perpendicular to the edge, or the difference between the
setback value at each spring curve can be specified .
The bulge factor is a number used to control the shape of the vertex blend surface. The
default value is 1 and may vary from 0 to 2.
The blending function dialogue is accessed by the blending icon 9 on the transformation tool bar.
Edge I Vest" I Round select to create a round blend
r- R,,id r Chamfer
Attach Chamfer select to create a chamfer
Bleer d Blend
I `
r vaeiaw
Radius radius of a round blend or
setbacks length of a chamfer blend
Fm Local
The user should then Fix two edges, e.g . the upper
edges. A blend attribute is then attached to the new edge
between the blends then the combined edge fixed.
4 .2 .2 Single Blend
A single blend is the result that occurs if the edges that
meet at a vertex are each blended individually . Press
Blend and select an edge then press the space bar .
Repeat this with the other two edges adjacent to a
common vertex .
4 .2 .3 Vertex Blend
A vertex blend is the result of attaching blend
attributes to a set of edges that meet at a vertex and
also attaching a blend to the vertex itself. The
setbacks for the vertex blend may be set
automatically or assigned separately by the user.
The network of blends is then fixed by selecting the
The setbacks
should be manually
set to the indicated
values .
To execute the
network of blends
the user should
press Fix from the
vertex blending
panel and select
one of the vertices .
Exercise 4
This exercise involves the creation of an anchor way.
2 . Set the WCS to Section 0 and assign a 2D Cline view to the ordinary graphics window.
Display a 0.25 by 0.25 grid in the view.
If the grid is hard to see, use TOOLS > OPTIONS > COLOURS and change the colour of the grid
to black .
3. Create a line using the Position/Positon option and indicate the grid points at U,V
coordinates 1,1 and -1,1 .
6. Create four more lines as shown, these form the front of the anchor way.
7 . Use SURFACES > INTERPOLATED > FORMED, create a formed patch using the top two
fines. If necessary reverse the surface normal of the formed patch so that it points away
from the anchor way.
11 . Add a 0 .25 metre radius blend to the top and bottom edges of the forward face.
The anchor way will now be rotated and translated to position it in the correct place in the model.
In the ordinary graphics window, window in to the global origin where the anchor way is located .
How the anchor way is now processed depends on the structure that will be modelled behind it in
Planar Hull .
The Unite function could be use to combine the anchor way with the hull as one object_ This would
remove the excess material from the part of the anchor way that is inside the hull.
Alternatively the Intersect function could be used to create the intersection curve and the two
objects could be handled as separate surfaces in Planar Hull.
Chapter 5
5 Outputs
The main outputs from Surface are drawings and offset tables .
In order to generate these, it is necessary to draw a range of orthogonal curves and possibly
generate various 3D curves such as the FOS and FOB.
5 .1 Orthogonal Curves
Orthogonal curves are drawn using the model cuts dialogue accessed by pressing the model cuts
5 .2 3D Curves
The 3D curves that are usually required for drawings and offset tables, are those associated with
patch boundaries, such as the FOB, FOS, knuckles, etc.
To create these curves, the relevant patch boundaries must first be copied to curve objects. Use
the detach edge icon' "from the line tool bar and indicate the patch edges that should be copied
to curves . Press the space bar to terminate edge selection .
As any one curve, such as the FOS, will normally be defined by several patch edges, the individual
curves must be joined to form a single curve .
Only two curves can be joined in at a time. Use the join icon from the line tool bar, select the
first curve segment then the adjacent curve. Use join again and select the combined curves then
the next segment . Repeat this until all curve segments are joined.
When joining curves, it is useful to show the direction of each curve and the I
Display Modes I Layers
curve segment numbers . Select Options from the graphical display window Display
9 Siiroueltes
Princyd Wvatue
curve cuvatue
cove Direction
Depending on the patches from which the curves are generated, the curves may either be created
as 2D clines or 3D curves . The plotting and offset table functions only work with 3D curves.
Therefore if the curve is 2D it must be converted to 3D.
There is no menu function to do this, it is necessary to type the command COPY CLINE3D and
select the curve using the cursor.
5 .3 Plotting
The plotting in Surface allows the user to arrange the drawing and check the layout before
generating the plot . To access the plotting dialogue, press the plotting icon on the standard tool
bar .
5 .3 .1 Media tab
Specifies the paper size,
AO . . .A4 or User defined Media I Poaxim I Display V"mwports
Width & Height. _ Format Name but
Width 2 .5
The following functions can be Diagonals S' la o
Load. ..
accessed -from all tabs_ Cinea 8 ,ate - - ~3 W
Save. . . f
Apply create a generic plot file fir the current drawing arrangement. This file must then be
processed through the Plot utility.
5 .3 .2 Position tab
Used to arrange the viewports in the drawing. Select a viewport from the list.
Scale the scale the view is to be drawn at . Specify Media Pos~im I Disaay I
the denominator, e.g. 1150 would be specified scale u V
as 50 . 100 Media Position 0 .25 0.25
-character Size-, Wodd E *ants
Media Position
The actual distance the bottom left corner of
i Width
Bottom Left I- 5
I 0.003
the view is to be in relation to the bottom left Top Rift 185
corner of the paper.
0005 Media Sizes 1,900 K 0.200
U the horizontal distance
V the vertical distance
World extents
In the model coordinate system, the U,V
coordinates of the Bottom left and Top Right
corners of the area to be drawn in the view .
Character Size
Width & Height of any text characters added to the view.
5 .3 .3 Display tab
Controls the contents and the appearance of the viewports . Select a viewport from the list.
Layers use the Layer selection dialogue to choose which layers to display in the viewport .
Reflect reflect section and waterline views about the Z and X axes respectively .
Numbers if checked the grid values are placed around the outside of the grid at the U & V
increment values given .
Mesh draws a n*n parametric mesh using the specified number of mesh lines
5 .4 Offset tables
Press the loftbook icon 10 on the standard tool bar. The output units and the X axis coordinate
units depend on the settings of the Units tab on the Options dialogue, see section 2.9.2.
5 .4 .1 Crossings tab
I Report <' Text Fib
Load . .
wth Fs- trons Debe
Layes r Echo
LiOST .. . r Show Preview
With- Close
Cross the curve type that will form the columns of the table.
With the curve type that will form the rows of the table.
Layers for a selected cross/with combination, select the layers containing the curves to be
intersected .
Cross select the layers for the cross curves.
With select the layers for the with curves .
Echo if checked print the cross/with combination in the status line as the intersections are
calculated .
Show if checked show the intersection points in the active graphics display window.
Page width the number of columns per page. Choose Page Vfrdh
FI r 132 Coksms as Column
132 or 80.
,- Line 5pacirv .__
Line Spacing choose Single or Double (blank line r: Sin* r Double
between each row) line spacing .
Page Lerglh F
Page Length specify the number of lines (including
blank lines) per page
Principal Dimensions
Principal Dimensions
Frame Table
Frame 0 is at position 0 .000
+--___---------+---------__ ..+
Frame Number I Spacing
+-__--------- _+--------____+
I -10 I 0 .750
35 I 0 .900
180 0 .700
Waterline crossings on Frame
Exercise 5
1 . Using distance from origin as the X axis units, draw sections 0 to 70 every 5 metres and
store on layer 1 .
5. Use detach edge and join to create curves for the flat of bottom, flat of side and transom .
Store these on layer 5.
Dimensions in red are media size and positions of the views on the paper .
Dimensions in blue are the extents of the views in the ship coordinate system .
Use a grid based on the stored curves and add numbers to the grid border.
Ensure that only the layers with the relevant curves are drawn in each view .