Modular Views On Software Architecture Systems
Modular Views On Software Architecture Systems
Modular Views On Software Architecture Systems
Dr. V. Khanna
Dean of Info, Bharath University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
In general, software architecture is documented using software architecture views to address the
different stakeholder concerns. The current trend recognizes that the set of viewpoints should not be
fixed but multiple viewpoints. To ensure the quality of the software architecture various software
architecture evaluation approaches have been introduced. The evaluation of the adopted viewpoints
that are used to design and document the software architecture has not been considered explicitly. If
the architectural viewpoints are not well-defined then implicitly this will have an impact on the quality
of the design and the documentation of the software architecture. We present a modular view for
assessing existing or newly defined software architecture viewpoint languages. The approach is
based on software language engineering techniques, These user groups (stakeholders) have different
concerns relevant to the models the modular views provide a means to visualize complex information
and are also a way to fulfill the concerns of different user groups. In this paper the concept of
modularity is to show how these multiple views addresses the stakeholders concerns. The different
viewpoints are identified to construct ct the multiple views.
Index Terms: Software Architecture, Architectural Views, Structures of Software, Multiple Views,
Cite This Article: P. Kiran Kumar and Dr. V. Khanna, Modular Views on Software Architecture
Systems. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 8(2), 2017, pp. 503510.
Software systems need to evolve over time [12]. They are modified to improve their performance or change
their functionality in response to new requirements, detected bugs, etc. Changes are thus part of the system
maintenance; they preserve the system functionality and ensure it performs well. Other changes evolve the
system, generally by adding new functionalities, modifying its architecture, etc. Thus, there are several
evolution phases for which different processes may be employed. The continuous evolution increases the
system complexity [12].
To successfully evolve a complex system, it is essential to understand it. The under-standing phase is
time and effort consuming, due to several reasons, among which: the system size (large systems consist of
millions lines of code), inappropriate documentation, lack of overall views of the system, its previous
evolutions (not necessarily documented), etc. This motivates our work on sup-porting the understanding
phase of software system evolution by extracting higher level system views.
We focus on extracting architectural views of existing software systems. It is widely accepted that
multiple architectural views are needed to describe the software architecture [9][7][1]. Architecture relevant
information can be found at different granularity levels of given systems and needs to be studied from
different viewpoints. A model providing the main concepts and their relationships defines a viewpoint. The
extraction rules indicate how the architectural view elements map to the elements of the architectural
viewpoint. Different viewpoints are considered such as business-based, software pattern-based, cohesion-
based model, etc.
The notion of multiple views has a long history in software engineering and related elds (such as
requirements engineering, data engineering and systems engineering), where views are introduced to separate
concerns and therefore to control descriptive complexity.
Despite these precursors, their role is less secure in the eld known as Software Architecture. This ap-
pears to be the case for a couple of reasons. First, there are no coherent foundations for their use in
architecture. Second, some researchers regard their introduction as problematic because multiple views
introduce problems of view integration and view consistency.
Yet, practicing software systems architects routinely deploy multiple views in the description of complex
systems, albeit on an informal basis. It would be useful if there were ways to conceptualize multiple views
in a manner that (1) would meet the needs of practitioners and (2) make the problems of addressing them
tractable to researchers in architectural description.
This paper proposes the viewpoints and multiple views for software evolution and need for the same.
Section 2 discusses the related work about views and viewpoints in software evolution. Section 3 provides
the concept Software Architecture systems and concerns. Section 4 provides the concept modular viewpoints
and concerns .It also discusses the identified viewpoints to construct the proposed multiple views. Section 5
outlines the conclusions and future work.
This section reviews related work about the views and viewpoints in the area of software evolution.
iACM Tool [2] is a prototype tool to tackle the impact analysis and change management of
analysis/design documents in the context of UML based development. This taxonomy consist views such as
static (class diagram) view, interaction (sequence diagram) view and the state chart diagram view. These
views support the UML models.
Christain F.J.Lange, proposed a framework [3],[4] consisting of UML model elements, their
properties, and software engineering tasks, that form a basis to develop new views of UML models and
related information. Based on this framework they proposed eight views to support different tasks. These
views are UML based views, which maintains model evolution and quality.
Multiview Software Evolution (MVSE) is a UML based framework for Object-Oriented software [11].In
MVSE, evolution of complex systems is a process in which transformations are successively applied to
multiple views of software (represented by models), until objective criteria are satisfied. A stakeholder view
reflects the perspective of a stakeholder on a systems application and behavior. In MVSE stakeholders initiate
changes to systems and describe these changes in the context of stakeholder views.
Rene Keller [10] Introduces the concepts of multiple viewpoints and multiple views in engineering
change management.
Change prediction Method (CPM) tool implements the change prediction. Stephen Cook [12]
proposed an approach to understand software evolution. This approach looks at software evolution from two
different points of view. One is dynamic view point, which investigates software evolution trends in models
and the second is static view point which studies the characteristics of software artifacts to see what makes a
software system more evolvable.
The above mentioned tools and frameworks describe the multiple views and viewpoints for traditional
software evolution and change management, in which only the UML models are considered. Hence, there
are no such views and viewpoints exist in the literature, to address the stakeholders concerns during evolution
of the different, unrelated models in MoDSE. The following section discusses the viewpoints, and
construction of proposed views to satisfy the stakeholders concerns.
and implementation. A proven way to approach this goal is by creating partial models that relate different
architectural concepts and their role in addressing architectural problems and concerns.
These models reflect various aspects of software construction and execution and provide partial views on
architecture of the software. Together these views make conceptual architecture of software. Architectural
views are created before the system is designed to any significant degree of detail and usually exist more as
a vague intuition than a precise structure. To communicate these intuitions to the development team, to define
architectural partitions, and to develop detailed designs, architects must rely more on evocative concepts than
formal descriptions. This is the primary reason why verbal interaction is considered so important for
successful communication of conceptual architecture
The modular decomposition of a systems software. Such documentation enumerates the principal
implementation units -- or modules -- of a system, together with the relationships among these units.
Generically we will refer to these descriptions as module views. As we will see, these views can be used for
each of the purposes outlined in the Prologue: education, communication among stakeholders, and as the
basis for analysis. Modules emerged in the 1960s and 1970s based on the notion of software units with
well-defined interfaces providing some set of services (typically procedures and functions), together with
implementations that hide (or partially hide) their internal data structures and algorithms. More recently,
these concepts have found wide-spread use in object-oriented programming languages and modeling
notations such as the UML.
Today the way in which a systems software is decomposed into manageable units remains one of the
important forms of system structure. At a minimum it determines how a systems source code is partitioned
into separable parts, what kinds of assumptions each part can make about services provided by other parts,
and how those parts are aggregated into larger ensembles. Choice of modularization will often determine
how changes to one part of a system might affect other parts, and hence the ability of a system to support
modifiability, portability, and reuse. As such, it is unlikely that the documentation of any software
architecture can be complete without at least one view in the module viewtype.
We will start out by considering the module viewtype in its most general form. In the next chapter we identify
four common styles:
The decomposition style is used to focus on containment relationships between modules.
The uses style indicates functional dependency relationships between modules.
The generalization style is used (among other things) to indicate specialization relationships between
The layers (or layered) style is used to indicate the allowed to use relation in a restricted fashion among
4.1. What the Module View type Is For and What Its Not For
Construction: The module view can provide a blueprint for the source code. In this case there is often a
close mapping between modules and physical structures, such as source code files and directories.
Analysis: Two of the more important analysis techniques are requirements traceability and impact analysis.
Because modules partition the system, it should be possible to determine how the functional requirements of
a system are supported by module responsibilities. Often a high-level requirement will be met by some
sequence of invocations. By documenting such sequences, it is possible to demonstrate to the customers how
the system is meeting its requirements and also to identify any missing requirements for the developers.
Another form of analysis is impact analysis, which helps to predict what the effect of modifying the system
will be. Context diagrams of modules that describe its relationships to other modules or the outside world
build a good basis for impact analysis. Modules are affected by a problem report or change request. Please
note that impact analysis requires a certain degree of design completeness and integrity of the module
description. Especially dependency information has to be available and correct in order to create good results.
Communication: A module view can be used to explain the system functionality to someone not familiar
with the system. The different levels of granularity of the module decomposition provide a top down
presentation of the systems responsibilities and therefore can guide the learning process.
It is difficult to use the module viewtype to make inferences about runtime behavior, because it is a
partition of the functions of the software. Thus, the module view is not typically used for analysis of
performance, reliability, or many other runtime qualities. For those we typically rely on Component and
Connector and deployment views.
I. Information notations
A number of notations can be used in a module views primary presentation. One common, but informal
notation uses bubbles or boxes to represent the modules with different kinds of lines between them
representing the relations. Nesting is used to depict aggregation and arrows typically represent some form of
depends on relation. Figure 4 above illustrates nesting to describe aggregation. In that figure small dots were
used to indicate interfaces, similar to the UML lollipop notation introduced in Section 11.5 ("Notation for
Documenting Interfaces").
A second common form of notation is a simple textual listing of the modules with description of the
responsibilities and the interfaces for each. Various textual schemes can be used to represent the is part of
relation, such as indentation, outline numbering, and parenthetical nesting. Other relations may be indicated
by keywords. For example: the description of module A might include the line Imports modules B, C,
indicating a dependen-cy between module A and modules B and C.
Object modeling notations like UML provide a variety of constructs that can be used to represent different
kinds of modules. Figure 5 shows some examples for modules using UML notation. UML has a class
construct, which is the object-oriented specialization of a module as described here. As we will see, packages
can be used in cases where grouping of functionality is important, such as to represent layers and classes.
The subsystem construct can be used if specification of interface and behavior is required. An example for
the use of sub-systems can be found in the module decomposition style described in Chapter 2 ("Styles of
the Module View-type").
The term module is used by system designers to refer a variety of software structures, including
programming language units (such as Ada packages, Modula modules, Smalltalk or C++ classes), or simply
general groupings of source code units. In this book we adopt a broad definition:
We characterize a module by enumerating a set of responsibilities, which are foremost among a modules
properties. This broad notion of responsibilities is meant to encompass the kinds of features that a unit of
software might provide, including services as well as internal and external state variables.
Modules can both be aggregated and decomposed. Different module views may identify a different set
of modules and aggregate or decompose them based on different style criteria. For example, the layered style
identifies modules and aggregates them based on an allowed-to-use relation, whereas the generalization view
identifies and aggregates modules based on what they have in common.
The relations of the module view type are:
Defines a part-whole relation between the submodule A (the part) and the aggregate module B (the whole). In
its most general form, the relation simply indicates some form of aggregation, with little implied semantics. In
general, for instance, one module might be included in many aggregates. There are, however, stronger forms
of this relation. An example can be found
In the module decomposition style in Chapter 2, where this relation is refined to a decomposition relation
Defines a dependency relation between A and B. This relation is typically used early in the design process
when the precise form of the dependency has yet to be decided. Once the decision is made then depends on
usually is replaced by a more specific form of the relation. Later we will take a look at two in particular: uses
and allowed to use, in the module uses and layered styles, respectively. Other, more specific examples of the
depends on relation include shares data with and calls. A call dependency may further be refined to sends data
to, transfers control to, imposes ordering on, and so forth.
Defines a generalization relation between a more specific module (the child A) and a more general module
(the parent B). The child is able to be used in contexts where the parent is used. We will look at its use more
detailed in the module generalization style. Object-oriented inheritance is special case of the is-a relation.
As we will see in Section 10.1 ("Documenting a view"), properties are documented as part of the supporting
documentation for a view. The actual list of properties pertinent to a set of modules will depend on many
things, but is likely to include the ones below.
A modules name is, of course, the primary means to refer to it. A modules name often suggests something
about its role in the system: a module called account_mgr, for instance, probably has little to do with
numeric simulations of chemical reactions. In addition, a modules name may reflect its position in some
decomposition hierarchy; e.g., a name such as A.B.C.D refers to a module D that is a submodule of a module
C, itself a submodule of B, etc.
The responsibility for a module is a way to identify its role in the overall system, and establishes an identity
for it beyond the name. Whereas a modules name may suggest its role, a statement of responsibility
establishes it with much more certainty. Responsibilities should be described in sufficient detail so that it is
clear to the reader what each module does.
Further, the responsibilities should not overlap. It should be possible, given a responsibility, to determine
which module has that responsibility. Sometimes it might be necessary to duplicate specific responsibilities
in order to support some qualities of the system such as performance or reliability. In this case describe the
duplicated responsibilities by stating the condition of use. For example, module A might be responsible for
controlling a device during normal operation. But there is also a module B, which has higher performance
but less features, that takes over during times of high processor load.
Visibility of interface(s)
An interface document for the module establishes the modules role in the system with precision by
specifying exactly what it may be called upon to do. A module may have zero, one, or several interfaces.
In a view documenting an is-part-of relation, some of the interfaces of the submodules exist for internal
purposes only, that is, they are used only by the submodules within the enclosing parent module. They are
never visible outside that context and therefore they do not have a direct relation to the parent interfaces.
Different strategies can be used for those interfaces that have a direct relationship to the parent interfaces.
The strategy shown in Figure 4(a) is encapsulation in order to hide the interfaces of the submodules. The
parent module provides its own interfaces and maps all requests using the capabilities provided by the
submodules. However, the facilities of the enclosed modules are not available outside the parent.
Alternatively, the interfaces of an aggregate module can be a subset of the interfaces of the aggregate.
That is, an enclosing module simply aggregates a set of modules and selectively exposes some of their
responsibilities. Layers and subsystems are often defined in this way. For example, if module C is an
aggregate of modules A and B then Cs (implicit) interface will be some subset of the interfaces of Modules
A, B. (See Figure 4(b).).
Implementation information
Since modules are units of implementation, information related to their implementation is very useful to
record from the point of view of managing their development (and building the system that comprises them).
Although this information is not, strictly speaking, architectural, it is highly convenient to record it in the
architectural documentation where the module is defined. Implementation information might include:
Mapping to code units. This identifies the files that constitute the implementation of a module. For example,
a module ALPHA, if implemented in C, might have several files that constitute its implementation: ALPHA.c,
ALPHA.h, ALPHA.o (if pre-compiled versions are maintained), and perhaps ALPHA_t.h to define any data
types provided by ALPHA.
Test information. The modules test plan, test cases, test scaffolding, test data, and test history are important
to store.
Management information. A manger may need the location of a modules predicted completion schedule and
Implementation constraints. In many cases, the architect will have a certain implementation strategy in mind
for a module, or may know of constraints that the implementation must follow. This information is private to
the module, and hence will not appear, for example, in the modules interface
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