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Week 7 Instruction 3 Littlepigsplanandreflection

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Three Little Pigs Point of View Lesson

Teacher: Allison Dotts Grade: 1

I. Content and Standards: CC.1.3.1.H Compare and contrast the adventures and
experiences of characters in stories CC.1.3.1.D Identify who is telling the story at
various points in the text. CC.1.4.1 Students write for different purposes and
audiences. Students write clear and focused text to convey a well-defined
perspective and appropriate content.

II. Prerequisites: Students should be somewhat familiar with the story of the Three
Little Pigs, and the fairy tale genre. They should have a basic understanding of
point of view.

III. Essential Questions: What are the points of view of the characters in this story?
How are they the same? How are they different?
What is my point of view, and why?

IV. Instructional Objective: Students will be able to: compare and contrast points of
view through discussion, graphic organizers, and written tasks. Citing evidence
from the text, students will be able to write about own point of view and provide 3
reasons to support their opinion. Students will write following

V. Instructional Procedures:

Before: Review the Story of the 3 little pigs. Have students act it out (either as a
whole class or in small groups), read aloud, or show video. Outline on board: What
do we think about the big bad wolf? What are his character traits--why do we think
that? (record on Smartboard or on part of venn diagram with chart paper folded in
half). Ask: What if that isnt what really happened in The Three Little Pigs? Could
the story have happened another way? How? Have several students share ideas.
We are going to read another story about three little pigs, and in this one the wolf is
going to tell his side of the story. The story is different because it is told from the
wolfs point of view. Sometimes point of view means who is telling the story, but it
also means how a character feels about what is happening.

During: Read The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. Students will each be given a
few sticky notes, and should write down when they notice the wolfs point of view is
different from how the pigs tell the story. After reading, call on students to share and
add to big venn diagram: when other students have the same thing written down,
they can bring up their sticky notes, too. Continue until most students have shared;
collect and share any remaining notes. Call students back to their desks and
compare points of view (retelling stories through this process); add to both section/.

After: Students will fill in their own Venn diagram to compare and contrast the points
of view of the pigs and the wolf, to help them review both stories and in subsequent
lessons. Teacher circulates to monitor and provide feedback.
Day 2:

Before: Reread the True Story of the Three Little Pigs. Remember that the wolfs
point of view is much different from the pigs. Today we will be forming our own
opinion to see who we agree with, and then we will write about it. We are going to
have a mock trial, which means that each side will share their case, and then a jury
will decide who is right (depending on how much students know about it, may want
to delve deeper about how the jury/court works during this lesson, too). Some
groups will be pigs, and some will be wolves.

During: Students will go back to a table with their group, and come up with four
reasons why they are telling the real story. First, model how to come up with a good
reason, and give an example from the story to back it up (i.e. tell us why its a good
reason). Tell students that they can also make connections (t2t, t2w, t2s) to add to
their arguments. This will help the jury make their own connections, which might help
them believe your side of the story. Send students back with their groups and the
My Side of the Story worksheet. Circulate to observe and support student

Students will defend their case in a mock trial: each group will act as a witness and
give two of their reasons and examples (so one student can state the reason,
another can give support, etc.). Record reasons on board as class discusses.
Explain that our courtroom will be a little different, but we will all be the jury after we
have heard all the points of view. Then ask students who think the wolf is telling the
truth to go to one side, and those who agree with the pigs to go on another side (its
okay if this is different from their group).

After: Now that students have chosen their point of view, they will write about it. Give
them the Who Do You Believe worksheet to help organize their writing. Circulate to
check what students have written, providing support as needed.

Pt 3/Extension: Students will work on all steps of the writing process (to publish
display a point of view writing piece in the hallway). Students will write, peer
conference during centers time to edit and revise. Teacher will help students revise,
and students will publish and illustrate.(We will work on this throughout the week as
we discuss point of view in other contexts). May use additional graphic organizers or
four-square paper for writing.

VI. Materials and Equipment : SMARTBoard and/or Chart Paper. Writing Organizer
for each student. Sticky Notes. Worksheets (from this packet): Venn Diagram, My
Side of the Story and Who Do You Believe?. The True Story of the Three Little
Pigs, by Jon Sciezka. Optional: videos like this or this if students dont know the
original story.

VII. Assessment/Evaluation: Teacher will circulate to monitor comprehension

during discussion, and will use checklist/anecdotal notes throughout all parts of
lessons to monitor student participation. Teacher will review the graphic
organizers, which will be used to monitor understanding and help students
organize/synthesize information for later writing assignments.
a. At the close of the first part, students will need to submit one similarity or
difference on a post-it (serving as an exit ticket), and teacher will look over
venn diagrams to check understanding of the events of the story and how
they differ (use this to tailor next parts of instruction, review concepts as
b. During/after mock trial: Review students' graphic organizers and make
anecdotal notes
c. Students final written point of view pieces will be graded according to
standard writing rubric (4-points in each domain: focus, content,
organization, style, conventions)

VIII. Differentiation: Individualized Activities: Indicate how other

activities/materials will be used to reinforce and extend this lesson and for whom.
Include homework, assignments, and projects.

IX. Technology: We have limited technological resources in the room, so we will

use sticky notes for synchronous discussion notes. I will also use smartboard and
projector to screen video recaps of stories and record responses during

X. Self-Assessment: Are the graphic organizers enough for students to

understand, find, and organize evidence from texts? Do the organizers need to
be tailored to better align with the goals of the lesson? Did we read the texts
closely enough? Did the mock trial go smoothly, and/or how could it be retooled
to work better?
XI. Appendix: Graphic Organizer Worksheets
Lesson Reflections
I thought this series of lessons worked really well; students were engaged and
excited about learning, and the text and learning experiences led students to deeper
understanding of point of view. used graphic organizer worksheets I found online, and
some of the activities suggested were similar to what I had planned. Obviously, this
book is a great resource for teaching point of view, so Im not the first teacher to come
up with this kind of learning experience. However, I tried to incorporate some of the
Total Participation Techniques (TPT), as well as some other engagement strategies.
For example, I got the idea for having students write on sticky notes and bring them up
to the board from the TPT Chalkboard Splash. Next time, I think I would have them
add their post-its to the big diagram, and just share a few together, before working on a
whole diagram independently. They seemed like they might need a shift in location and
focus sooner than we did in this part of the lesson.
My CT and I discussed having the students do a mock trial in advance, but I
planned out how it could work so that all the students would be engaged. So, rather
than just having a small group of students represent the pigs and wolves and ad lib in
front of the rest of the students, I broke the students into groups so they could
collaborate and come up with reasons simultaneously. Then, I could be sure that all
students were able to apply what they had learned and have some input before they
could share. Each group got a turn to present, and students all got to share with their
classmates. Then, the whole class formed a jury and chose a point of viewmost of the
students sided with the wolf! We also ended up recording some of the ideas from the
trial on chart paper that the students used for the other parts of the lesson.
I also used the who do you believe organizer, because students are familiar
with that kind of writing organizer. Our last ELA/writing unit was about finding the main
idea and key details, and we used a similar graphic organizer to outline our writing. I
had students tell me what important parts we needed for our writing: main idea/opinion,
3 reasons with examples (use because or for example), and a concluding statement;
they also remembered to add in different sentence structures, and to use examples
from the text as well as their own connections. This was really helpful, and most of the
students found it fairly simple to translate their graphic organizer into a written
paragraph. If I did this lesson again, I think I would also create an anchor chart/checklist
for these components, which students could reference while writing.
When they were working on the who do you believe organizer, some students
had trouble choosing three distinct reasons/evidence. We worked on this during another
class period (since we wanted to transition to writing a paragraph); I tried to clarify for
the students that in choosing our own point of view we were making our own opinion.
We want to make other people see the story from our point of view, so we need to really
convince them. I did another reread of the story, and told the students that they would
need to think about what the characters do and say, how we think they might feel, and
how these things makes us feel. I reminded them that they can also make connections
with what they know, and what they remember from other texts (we have discussed
making text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world connections before).
As I re-read the book with the class, I asked students to think about each event
and think-pair-share with a partner to decide what their point of view at each point.
Some of the students made great connections: I heard one student say that he agreed
with the pigs because wolves are always mean in other stories, like Little Red Riding
Hood. Another student sided with the wolf, but said that he thought both the wolf and
third little pig should have done the right thing and talked it out, instead of getting into a
crazy fight. After this short discussion, the students returned to their seats, reworked
what they had written, and had informal peer conferences to decide if they had come up
with good reasons. Were still in the process of working on the final written pieces. For
the most part, the graphic organizers are really helping students translate their thoughts
into writing. I also added a similar task to our writing centers for next week: Ill provide
students with several copies of fairy tales and ask them to write one from another point
of view. I might also design a similar learning experience with other fairy tales in the
future, since the good/evil dichotomy provides a good scaffold for reversing points of
Overall Reflection
Overall, I think that I demonstrated proficiency in integrating all components of
Domain 3 into my lesson. I communicated expectations and explanations of content
during each step of the learning experience, and used a combination of verbal and
written/read activities (3a). Some of the students who read below-level added drawings
that we discussed and labeled together, but were still able to participate actively in the
mock trial and think-pair-shares without much support.
I provided many opportunities for discussion, and built from simple
comprehension prompts to more and more complex prompts (3b). I also tried to include
multiple types of discussionI modeled some thought processes, asked them to share
in groups and with partners, talk through ideas using role play, and share independently
through writing and one-on-one observation. I gradually asked students to make
connections with their own opinions and experiences, and extend their learning by
sharing and building off of peers ideas.
The students were very engaged during most of this lesson (3c). I think my book
choice was very helpful in achieving this: they loved The True Story of the Three Little
Pigs. The new perspective, tone and hilarious explanations and justifications engaged
them and helped the students identify with the new point of view. This text is also a
great example of how points of view can differwhich was exactly what I wanted to
show themand the text was very clear in leading them to this understanding. The
students worked actively in different groupings, and were eager to share their own
opinions and connections. The students were also very enthusiastic, especially in their
defense of the wolfs alternative perception. They made connections and inferences in
order to synthesize opinions, and provided evidence beyond what they read in the text.
This lesson also provided me with ample opportunity to monitor student learning,
provide feedback, and adjust the next parts of the lesson accordingly (3d). I observed
students in whole-class, small-group, and individual settings, as well as through verbal
and written work. While students worked individually, and on their writing, I provided
specific feedback and helped organize their thoughts. In group and pair settings,
students were able to self-assess and talk through their thought processes with peers.
The students were able to use graphic organizers and feedback to ensure they included
all criteria for their writing.
I used the information I collected during formative assessment to make
adjustments to the lesson and clarify information to students (3e). When I questioned for
comprehension, I needed to model thought processes to lead students to understanding
the big picture at first, but they eventually were able to apply these strategies on their
own. When I noticed a lot of students were having trouble providing reasons and
evidence for their own opinions, I reframed the prompt, and went through the story
again so the students could take notice and discuss with a partner. The students were
very excited and at risk of getting out of control, so I had to stop the lesson a few times
and redirect some students/activities. All in all, though, I think it was a very enriching
experience for both me and the students.

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