A Review On Novel Structural Development in Tall Building: Diagrid Structure

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e-ISSN (O): 2348-4470

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p-ISSN (P): 2348-6406

International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research


A Review on Novel Structural Development in Tall Building: Diagrid Structure

Joshi R S1, Dhyani D J2
P.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology, Vasad-388306
Assitant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology, Vasad-388306

Abstract The development of new structural concepts for the evolution of tall building structural systems have been
towards stiffness and lightness. The structural systems have become further lighter and safer. Structural systems are
more efficient now and this is significantly influenced by its geometrical configuration. Therefore, after selection of
appropriate structural system it should be configured properly to increase the structural efficiency. It is also wiser to
reduce the forces and dissipate the magnitude of vibrations rather than directly standing them. one of the main governing
criteria for structural design of high rise structure is lateral loads which are due to wind and earthquake. The resistance
towards lateral load is provided by interior structural systems and exterior structural systems. From the many structural
systems, available for tall building the diagonalized grid structure have emerged more effective as the primary structural
members carry lateral loads by axial action. the structural effectiveness is increased as the primary structural member is
located on the perimeter of the building. A review paper is presented discussing the effectiveness of diagrid structural
system having different story heights, variable diagrid angles, variable density diagrid system. Optimum diagrid angle
range is discussed and depicted that variable angle pattern is better than regular diagrid pattern and regular diagrid
angle is better than regular frame structure. Lastly, analysis result like displacements, story drift and story shear of a
simple frame and diagrid structural system are compared.

Keywords- High rise structure, Tall structural systems, Diagrid system, Variable angle, Variable density system.


The rapid growths of urban population and consequent pressure on limited space have considerably influenced
the residential development of city. The high cost of land, the desire to avoid a continuous urban sprawl, and the need to
preserve important agricultural production have all contributed to drive residential buildings upward. It is difficult to
distinguish the characteristics of a building which categorize it as tall. Tall building cannot be defined in specific terms
related to height or number of floors. From the structural point of view a building is considered as tall when its structural
analysis and design are affected by the lateral loads particularly sway caused by such loads. Lateral loading due to wind
or earthquake are governing in design of high rise buildings along with gravitational loading. As the height of building
increase, the lateral load resisting system becomes more important than the structural system that resists the gravitational
loads. The growth of high rise buildings is contributed by the evolution of efficient structural system, advances in
construction technology, scarcity of urban land and advances computational techniques. For tall structures, interior
structural systems and exterior structural systems are provided to resist the lateral loads.


Structural system in tall buildings can be divided into two broad categories: Interior structures and Exterior
structures (Fig. 1). This classification is based on distribution of components of the primary lateral load resisting system
over building. An interior structure is when its major part of lateral load resisting system is located within interior of
structure and an exterior structure is, if the major part of lateral load resisting system is located at the building perimeter.

A. Classification of tall building structural system

1. Interior Structures
Shear Wall/shear Trusses
Core Supported Outrigger structure
Moment-Resisting frame (MRF)
2. Exterior Structures:
Diagrid system
Bundled Tube
Braced Tube
Space Trusses
Framed Tube System
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Exoskeleton Super Frames

Super Frames Figure 1. Exterior Structure


Recently, the diagrid structural system with their structural efficiency of an evolved version of tubular systems
and exclusive geometric configuration, have been budding as a new artistic trend for tall buildings. Initial designs of tall
buildings accepted the usefulness of diagonal bracing members in counteracting lateral forces with various arrangements
such as X, K and V. However, diagonals had a structural importance but aesthetical potential was not appreciated
considering it obstructive in view. Thus, diagonals were usually fixed within the building cores which were usually
located in the interior of the building. The diagrid is a specific form of space truss. It consists of exterior grid made up of
a series of triangulated truss system and the diagrid system is formed by intersecting the diagonal and horizontal
The diagrid systems are the further development of braced tube structures, the difference between standard
exterior-braced frame structures and present diagrid structures is that the mega-diagonal members are spread over the
elevation, giving rise to closely spaced diagonal elements and letting the complete removal of the vertical columns.
Therefore, the diagonal members in diagrid structures act both as inclined columns and as bracing elements, and carry
gravity loads as well as lateral forces; due to their triangular configuration, mainly internal axial forces develop in the
members, thus lessening shear racking effects. Compared [2] with conventional framed tubular structures without
diagonals, diagrid structures are much more operative in minimizing shear deformation because they carry shear by axial
action of the diagonal members, while conventional tubular structures carry shear by the bending of the vertical columns
and horizontal spandrels.
Another structural system for today's tall buildings is outrigger system with either reinforced concrete cores or
steel braced cores. An [2] outrigger structure is effective in reducing moment and drift below outriggers. But the system
does not provide shear rigidity, whereas diagrid structure provides both shear and bending rigidity. Thus, outrigger needs
cores of higher rigidity whereas diagrid structure does not need higher rigidity cores because they carry shear by diagonal
grids located on the perimeter.

A. Diagrid Variations
Regular Diagrid: Assuming a diagrid module with constant angle along the height, the resulting
pattern is characterized by constant module size and uniform density [1].
Variable angle Diagrid (VA): The basis behind the design strategy adopting variable angle (VA)
patterns is that the share of bending and shear stiffness demands in a diagrid building is a function
of the building dimension, and, for a given building, it varies along elevation thus varying angle
diagrid system is designed [1].
Variable density Diagrid (VD): An alternative design strategy is proposed, consisting in a variable
density (VD) geometry of the structural configuration: the decrease of stiffness and strength
demands along the elevation is addressed by reducing the number of diagonals going from the
building base to the top [1].


Diagrid structures boast diagonal bracing on the perimeter of the building to provide the building with lateral
stiffness. Because diagonal bracing is located further from the center of the building, it also provides more stiffness than
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if they were located in the core of building. However, the diagonal braces also serve to carry gravity loads, eliminating
the need for vertical columns in building. The diagonal braces carry both lateral and gravity loads axially, provide a more
efficient structural response than other systems that depend on bending capacity of vertical columns. This reduction in
the number of vertical columns is the main architectural selling point of diagrid structures, as it lends itself to open floor
plans and unobstructed views for building occupants. The diagonals can also be integrated into facade and help define
aesthetic vision of building for observers.
As shown in the studies by Moon et al.2007 and Moon 2008, the diagrid module under gravity load G is
subjected to downward force (NG, mod) it causes both diagonal member in compression and horizontal member in
tension. (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Diagrid module: Effect of gravity load

Under horizontal load W (Fig. 3), the overturning moment Mw causes vertical forces in the apex joint of the
diagrid modules, the direction and intensity of force is more for module located on windward side and less for module
located on web sides.

Figure 3. Diagrid module: Effect of overturning moment

The global shear Vw (Fig. 4) causes a horizontal force in the apex joint of the diagrid modules, V (w, mod), which
intensity depends on the position of the module with respect to the direction of wind load, since the shear force V w is
mainly absorbed by the modules located on the web facades.

Figure 4. Diagrid module: Effect of shear force

Since the triangle module usually expands over a certain number of stories, transfer of loads to the module
occurs at every floor level, and thus also concentrated loads along the diagonal length are present (Fig. 5); As a
consequence, bending moment and shear force are expected due to this load condition. However, the introduction of a
horizontal member at each floor girder to diagonal intersection, an intermediate chord, allows for the absorption of the
force component orthogonal to the diagonal direction, thus preserving the usual axial force condition.

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Figure 5. Diagrid module: Effect of concentrated loads

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In the field of structural engineering, it has been generally known that diagrid structural systems are usually
appropriate for resistance against eminent lateral forces. The paper aims at briefing the several investigations and their
conclusions that have been carried out in the field of diagrid structures.
In 2014, Montuori et al. carried an organized study of geometrical patterns for diagrids. For this purpose, diagrid
structures having unvarying patterns are compared to another geometrical configuration, found by changing the angle of
diagonals (variable angle, VA) as well as by altering the number of diagonal (variable-density, VD) along the building
elevation. The author generated eight different model buildings which are assessed under gravity and wind loads and
various performance constraints are evaluated. The assessment in terms of structural weights and performances finally
permits for debating productivity of the different patterns. In this paper the author proposes handy and quick analytical
tools for preliminary sizing of diagrid members, where the geometrical and mechanical limitations which govern the load
path, resisting mechanisms and deformation modes, are clearly identified. The need for secondary stability system (SBS)
for reducing the inter-story drifts and stabilizing the core gravity columns is checked. With this regard, it has been shown
that ordinary concentric braced frames located in the interior core are sufficient for drastically reducing the inter-story
drifts, with a very slight increase (3%) of the structural weight.
In 2010, Kim and Lee studied the seismic performance of 36 storey diagrid structure with various brace angles
using nonlinear static and dynamic analysis. The results were equated with those of a tubular structure and a diagrid
structure with secondary bracing system. According to the result the authors observed that as the slope of braces enlarged
the shear lag effect increased and the lateral strength reduced. Authors deduced that diagrid between to seemed
to be most effective in resisting lateral as well as gravity loads. They also deduce that the diagrid structure with circular
plan showed higher strength than the diagrid structure with a square plan as a result of decrease in shear lag phenomenon.
The diagrid structure showed higher strength than the tubular structure. The result also showed that the behaviours of
diagrid under lateral load were highly brittle caused by buckling of braces and to overcome this they suggest to replace
diagonal members with buckling restrained braces.
In 2014, Panchal et al. applied design methodology to a set of diagrid structure which consist of 24, 36, 48 and
60 stories. The diagrid structure of each storey height is designed with diagonals placed at various uniform angles as well
as gradually changing angles along the building height in order to determine the optimal uniform angle for each structure
potential of diagrid with changing angles. The comparison of analysis of results in terms of top storey displacement,
storey drift, time period, angle of diagrid and steel and concrete consumption is presented by author. Author concludes
that the diagrid angle in the region of to provides more stiffness to the structure and storey drift and storey shear
is very much lesser. This region of angle provides more economic structure in terms of consumption of steel and
In 2011, Moon in the paper covers the earlier studies on diagrids by considering more effective diagrid
arrangements which involve less amount of structural material to meet design necessities. Author has studied diagrid
structures of uniform and several varying angle configurations to get more efficient geometric configurations of the
system. Thus, this paper presented material saving workable structural design approaches for tall buildings of diagrid
systems. It was found that varying angle arrangements can yield more efficient diagrid structures for very tall buildings.
Structural consideration has been a governing factor of the studies presented in this paper. However, the most effective
structural results may not best satisfy other design necessities. Complete design integration approach between the
structural and other building systems should be followed throughout the design process.
In 2014, Panchal and Patel has carried out a comparative analysis and design of 20 storey diagrid structural
system building and simple frame building. ETABS software is used for modelling and analysis of the structure. Some
conclusion given by author from the study are like, the lateral load is counterattacked by diagonal columns the top storey
displacement, story drift, storey shear is very much less in diagrid structure than simple frame structure. Other is the
member size used in the simple frame is higher than diagrid structure, thus the diagrid structural system is economical.
Lastly diagrid structural system offers more flexibility in planning interior space and faade of the building.
In 2008, Moon carried out stiffness-based design methodology for diagrid structure and braced-frame buildings
and the result obtained for displacement and required steel tonnage demonstrate that braced-frame structure has more
displacement and steel requirement as compared to diagrid structural system. Author also examined the geometric
configuration of braced tube and diagrid structure in which it was found that optimal angle for diagrid structures it was
between 60-70 degrees whereas for braced frame it was between 40-50 degrees.
In 2007, Ali and Moon analyses the development of tall buildings structural systems and the technological
driving force behind tall building developments. For the primary structural systems, a new classification interior
structures and exterior structures are presented in this paper. While most illustrative structural systems for tall buildings
are discussed, the emphasis in this review paper is on present trends such as diagrid structures and outrigger systems.
Auxiliary damping systems controlling building motion are also discussed. Further, modern out-of-the-box
architectural design trends, such as aerodynamic and twisted forms, which directly or indirectly affect the structural
performance of tall buildings, are also studied in this paper.
In 2012, Moon investigated the optimum configurations of todays widespread structural systems for tall
buildings. When the lateral load resisting system is situated at the periphery of the building, the efficiency system can be

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increased, this is because the entire building depth can be used to resist lateral loads. Among numerous structural systems
developed for tall buildings, the systems with diagonals are generally more efficient. The systems that use bracing are the
Diagrid, Outrigger structure and Braced tube. From this author conclude that the effectiveness of a particular structural
system selected for a tall building is significantly influenced by its configuration. The importance of the studies on
optimal configuration of tall building structural systems cannot be exaggerated to save our limited resources and
construct more workable built environments.


Reviewed papers have designed different storey structures with different diagrid angles taking regular, variable
angle diagrid structures. Comparison is done between terms like storey drift, time period, angle of diagrid, steel and
concrete consumption. Results depict that variable angle system are effective than regular diagrid structures and regular
diagrid is better than regular frame structure. The diagrid structure reduces column count which provides more rentable
space in the same plane area as that of framed system. Results also depict the requirement of the study of the diagrid
structural system combined with different cores to increase its effectiveness and height.


Comparison of diagrid structure with simple frame structure is carried out using ETABS to check that diagrid is
better than a simple frame structure.
A. Building configuration
Plan dimension- 36mt. X 36mt.
Storey height- 3.5mt.
Number of floors- 48
Steel grade- Fe250
Concrete grade- M 30
Live load- 4 KN/m2


BEAM Beam A 700 X 250 X 50 700 X 250 X 50
Beam B 700 X 250 X 75 700 X 250 X 75
COLUMN C1(INT.) 2000 X 2000 2000 X 2000
C2 (EXT.) - 550 X 550
Exterior Dia. 750mm
Interior Dia. 50mm
Table 1. Member sizes

B. The wind loading is computed based on the basic wind speed of 39 m/sec and terrain category III as per
IS:875 (III)- 1997
C. The design earthquake load is computed based on the zone factor of 0.16, medium soil, importance factor of
1 and response reduction factor of 5.
D. Analysis result in terms of Storey Shear, Displacement, Inter-storey Drift are presented.

Figure 6. Floor Plan Figure 7. Story V/s Displacement Graph

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Figure 8. Story V/s Story Drift Figure 9. Story V/s Story Shear


Figure 6 shows basic floor plan for the structures having Beam A and Beam B.
Figure 7, 8 & 9 shows graph for story verses displacement, drift and shear respectively.
As the lateral loads are resisted by diagonals the top story displacement is very less in diagrid structure as
compared to the simple frame structure.
The story drift and story shear is less for diagrid structural system.


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