Engineering 16 PDF
Engineering 16 PDF
Engineering 16 PDF
Computer Science
National University of Sciences and Technology
Defining futures
This prospectus contains basic information about the undergraduate,
masters, and PhD programs, life at the University, learning resources
and advice to local and international students who wish to join the
University in Fall 2016. It also shows the fee structure, funding modes
(financial assistance), procedure for applying for admission and criteria
for entry. Information about the constituent institutions, teaching fac-
ulties along with their expertise, and courses offered is also given. Brief
descriptions of degree programs and curricula details are listed with
course titles, codes and credit hours.
The information in this prospectus is correct at the time of its publica-
tion. Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy of information, the
University does not accept liability for any inaccuracy or change out-
side reasonable control of the University. It is issued for general guid-
ance of public and candidates wishing to enter the University in Fall
2016 and does not form part of any contract. The University intends
to provide the courses and facilities described in the prospectus, but
reserves the right to withdraw or make alterations to these courses or
facilities if found necessary, without any prior notice. Likewise, fees for
the programs starting in 2016 are provisional and subject to change.
Welcome from the Rector
NUST has carved out a niche of its own among the comity of prestigious universities committed to
excellence in learning and research on the one hand, and service to the community on the other. It
has not only retained its world ranking among the top 500 universities of the world for consecutive
nine years but has also earned first place in the coveted MacJannet Prize for Global Citizenship, 2015.
These achievements are an index of our focus on shaping our graduates into dynamic professionals
with a global vision together with the spirit of compassion and enterprise, prepared to contribute to
the knowledge-based environment. We accept students on the basis of their talent reflected through
academic attainments. They are supported to the fullest in their curricular and co-curricular activities. So,
NUST is a place for those who aspire and have a passion to excel in life.
Your future relies on the choices you exercise today. Therefore, make informed decisions about your
fields of endeavour. I wish you a rewarding stay at NUST.
Within two decades, NUST has achieved important milestones and gained immense significance as an institution of higher
education in Pakistan. The University produces professionals and researchers of very high calibre, capable of developing
indigenous technologies to meet the growing demands of the 21st century. It is envisioned to grow as a center of excellence for the
countrys scientific and technological progress. An outstanding feature of the University is that while maintaining traditional values
of excellence in teaching and research, it challenges conventional practices and creates new ways of developing and delivering
courses, pertaining to emerging and cutting-edge disciplines, on most modern lines.
NUST is a new-age university defining new frontiers in teaching and research. The programs are distinctive for their high-quality
research orientation. Notwithstanding the significance of undergraduate courses, there is ever-growing emphasis on postgraduate
studies and research output. Creativity and innovation are embedded as core values in all scholastic activities. The conducive
academic environment at the campuses facilitates educational pursuits.
NUST has developed linkages with international universities of repute to ensure two-way flow of knowledge and to be in step
with modern trends. Split programs and visits of eminent professors from reputed foreign universities is a regular feature of the
academic activity. These eminent scholars deliver lectures on the latest developments in their respective fields and also help
update and review the academic programs.
NUST is currently ranked 519 in the world by QS, UK. In NUST is competitive in engaging the best to serve as faculty
subject-wise ranking, NUST is ranked at 340 in the discipline members. NUST faculty of over 1200 highly qualified and
of Engineering & Technology, 215 in Electrical & Electronic capable men and women includes around 400 PhDs, mostly
Engineering and 272 in Computer Sciences & Information qualified from premier international universities.
System. NUSTs high-profile international linkages for research and
NUST is also ranked 112 in Asia by QS, UK of 2016. academic collaborations embrace over 117 celebrated
centers of excellence in 31 countries around the globe.
NUST is ranked at 132 amongst the Time Higher Education
(THE) annual ranking list 2016 of the top 200 universities NUST has few equals in generous funding for education of
from BRICS and emerging economies. talented but financially challenged students. It also provides
sponsored education to students hailing from economically
NUST is ranked at 85 among the worlds top 100 less than backward areas of Pakistan.
50 year old universities by QA (UK) of 2016.
Because of sound education and trusted skill levels, NUST
Higher Education Commission (HEC) has ranked NUST a graduates stay in demand for jobs, both in public and
No 1 university in Pakistan in the field of Engineering & private sectors nationally and internationally. Several NUST
Technology for the Year-2015. graduates have launched their own business ventures.
With its galaxy of 18 constituent teaching institutions, NUST Being a NUSTIAN is a great transforming experience.
provides quality education to its students.
NUST accepts and invests in the best; those with a passion
NUSTs multi-disciplinary campuses offer undergraduate to excel in life.
and postgraduate programs in a wide range of fields,
including Engineering & Technology, Life Sciences, Arts
and Humanities, Natural Sciences, Social and Management
NUST is located in the heart of the Capital (Sector H-12) Climate
Islamabad, amid a hub of research organisations and The city enjoys a continental climate with hot summers (May
institutions of higher learning. It is easily accessible from the - June), rainy monsoons (July - August), fabulous fall (October -
Kashmir Highway. It is at 35-minute drive from Benazir Bhutto November), cold winters (December - January) and a blooming
International Airport and 5 minutes from the Motorway (M1). spring (MarchApril). The climate is regulated by alpine
Apart from fascinating tourist attractions in and around the mountains in the vicinity and manmade lakes (Khanpur, Rawal
city, some famous historical sites (like Taxila and Kittas Raj) and and Simli) which are also the sources of potable water for the
hill stations (like Murree and Patriata) are within easy access. twin cities. The temperature ranges from 4 C in January to 46
There are museums, theatres, parks, shopping centers and C in June.
a diplomatic enclave which houses the foreign missions. The
city is also known for its universities, colleges and research
organisations. Demography
The twin cities (Islamabad-Rawalpindi) have a population
exceeding 4.5 million. There is a happy blend of different ethnic
Geography communities including members of foreign missions. Urdu is
Islamabad is located in the backdrop of lush green Margalla the lingua franca. However, English is also generally understood
mountains in the foothills of the mighty Himalayas, at the and spoken by the educated sections of the society. English is
northern rim of the Potohar Plateau. The area is undulating, also the medium of instruction in the universities.
interspersed with mountain streams and rivulets. It is co-
located with the historic Gakhar city of Rawalpindi; thus
displaying a beautiful blend of the ancient and the modern.
Pro-Rector (Academics)
Oversees all the offices which deal with academic and administrative issues of the students during their stay in the University.
Director Academics
Handles matters pertaining to academic regulations, programs of studies and academic calendar.
Director Admissions
Deals with matters pertaining to NUST Entry Test.
Director Finance
Deals with matters pertaining to fee and finances of the students.
Director Administration
Deals with hostel accommodation, messing, security, transport and sports.
Career guidebook
Interviewing Manual
Skill Development Booklet for NUST
Brochure of CDC NUST
Developed 06 Career Skill
enhancement exercises:
Exercise 1: Brainstorm Career Options
Exercise 2: 10 Steps to developing
Your Skill Inventory
Exercise 3: Assessment Using Career
Driver Techniques
Exercise 4: Resume Development Test
Exercise 5 : Skill Development Plan
Exercise 6: Job Positioning Exercise
Contact Information:
Tel: 051-90851211
Research is the focal point of university education all over the world. Universities significantly contribute
towards creation of new knowledge and discovery of fresh frontiers of creativity and innovation.
Contribution to Research
NUST aims at emerging as a leading
research-intensive university in Pakistan,
comparable to the best in the world within
the next 10 years. Our main thrust is on
high-quality teaching and goal-oriented
research and development (R&D). The
Universitys PhD programs help create the
requisite research culture duly supported
by well-qualified faculty and need-
based research. In order to accomplish
the requirements of research and
development, high-quality laboratories and
research facilities are made available to the
faculty and students round-the-clock.
Research Collaborations
NUST seeks to garner expertise from a
wide variety of sources (within/outside the
country) in order to boost its academic &
research activity. This in turn helps create
deeper impact on the world of science and
technology. Consequently, the University
collaborates with leading international
universities, professional organizations,
commercial ventures, talented
professionals and scholars to pursue its
academic and research goals. Our faculty,
researchers and students are constantly
adding value to NUST by remaining
Fact file
actively engaged with professional groups
and individuals in research, review of
Campus-wide optical fibre ring for
academic papers and organization of connecting all academic, admin &
conferences, seminars and workshops residential blocks/buildings
etc. NUST has developed linkages with as Technology smart classrooms, lecture halls
many as 62 international universities and & offices
organizations of 32 different countries. Gigabit wired & wireless LAN
These collaborations help our faculty
remain up-to-date with current knowledge High-speed internet connectivity
and ensure a two-way flow of knowledge. Video lecturing and conferencing facilities
Universitys own ISP facility
The faculty at NUST is actively engaged in research activities and providing an environment of practical learning to the
students. The HR Directorate supports such programs for the faculty to keep their expertise up-to-date and develop their skills
continuously. Eligible faculty is sent abroad for higher studies and research programs, and is also assisted for placement in
various schools on their return.
Career development is another notable function carried out by the HR Directorate. It has successfully carried forward the
progress of the University to operate at an optimal level in times of financial crunch by exploring/offering fully funded
The newly built campus at H-12, Islamabad is located in the serene backdrop of majestic Margalla Hills. The NUST Campus,
H-12, Islamabad blends old and modern architecture. The Kashmir Highway, which leads to M-1 (Motorway) linking it to the
rest of the country through a wide range of motorways network, coasts along the campus which is only at 20-minutes drive
from all the main terminals-air, bus and railways.
NUST Campus, H-12, Islamabad provides well-furnished and equipped male and female hostels named after great Muslim
Scholars as under:
Girls Hostels
Fatima Hostels - PG Students
(2 blocks) Single Occupancy with attached
Zainab Hostel
Ayesha Hostel }
UG Students
Bi / Tri-seater with community
Boys Hostels
Rumi Hostels - PG Students
(3 blocks) Single / Bi-seater Occupancy with
attached washrooms
Visiting Faculty Accommodation
Ghazali Hostels*
} UG Students A guest block has been created for visiting faculty in the
Razi Hostels* Bi / Tri-seater with community married students hostel. The block is fully furnished with
Attar Hostels* washrooms attached dining facilities.
*2 blocks each
Secure Environment
Monthly Accommodation Charges In addition to highly effective Campus security arrangements,
(NUST Campus, H-12, Islamabad) all hostels have CCTV Cameras, protective boundary walls,
security personnel and dedicated staff at each block.
Hostel Accommodation Charges for National Students
Hostel Management
Single occupancy with attached bath Rs. 5800/- A qualified and experienced management team, composed as
Double occupancy with attached bath Rs. 4800/- under, looks after hostel affairs:
Double occupancy with community bath Rs. 4300/- Deputy Director Hostels with Office Staff, Hostel Wardens
Tripple occupancy with community bath Rs. 3500/- and Caretakers.
Deputy Director Messing with experienced supervisors,
Married Students Cooks and Waiters for preparing and serving food.
One bedroom apartment Rs. 9,000/-
Two bedroom apartment Rs. 13,000/- Hostel warden with necessary staff remains available in each
hostel round the clock.
Security Fee of Rs. 10,000/- (Refundable) will be charged
at the time of allotment.
Hostel includes accommodation charges only.
Allotment Procedure
Hostel accommodation in the relevant category is allotted
strictly on first-come, first served basis. Application form is
available on website Can be applied through
e-mail to
The hostels provide catering services and the boarders have a
choice to enjoy a variety of wholesome food, prepared under
hygienic conditions. Sports and Recreation
NUST offers a wide variety of sports activities. All Colleges
have elaborate sports infrastructure. The NUST Campus, H-12,
Cafeteria and Shopping Complex Islamabad is developing at a fast pace and would soon have
Aesthetically designed cafeterias and shopping complexes, facilities of international standards. Some sports facilities
called Concordia I and Concordia II, have been constructed in have come up ie. Multipurpose hall, 13 x Fitness Gyms, 6 x
the northern and southern wings of the NUST Campus, H-12, Basketball outdoor Courts, 1 x Football field, 5 x Volleyball
Islamabad. Concordias offer the following services: Courts, 7 x Futsal Grounds, 1 x Cricket Ground and 2 x Squash
Cafeteria Courts.
Mini Mart
Bakery Regular Inter-College/School Sports Competitions are
Souvenir Shop held every year at the University. NUST teams have been
Photographer Shop participating and performing well in HEC Intervarsity Sports
Barber Shop Competition both at the Zonal and National levels.
Ladies Shop / Parlor
Cellular Shop
Stationery Shop
Book Shop
Dining/Function halls
Lawns with gazebos
Higher Education Commission set up Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) in 2002 and facilitated the establishment of Quality
Enhancement Cells (QECs) at 10 public sector universities, in year 2006, including NUST. Up till now, a total of 130 such cells
have been established at national universities.
Directorate of Quality Assurance was established at NUST to ensure quality enhancement of academic and research
activities. Since NUST is a multi-campus university, Local Quality Enhancement Cells have been established at all constituent
institutions as field set-ups. NUST Quality Assurance website ( has been developed on NUST
webportal and relevant information has been uploaded. The Directorate is actively engaged in self assessment of programs,
and internal quality audit of institutions at NUST for attaining international compatibility and competitiveness of its
NUST has also obtained the membership of the following international associations and networks, for the
purpose of international visibility and sharing information and good practices related to higher education:
School of Electrical Engineering and curriculum evaluation. Our increasing focus on research
together with the initiatives to develop synergies with other
Computer Science (SEECS) centers of excellence within NUST will enable us to become
business school par excellence.
NBS has evolved and emerged as a well established institute School of Chemical and Materials
from NUST Institute of Management Studies NIMS. In the Engineering (SCME)
recent past it has proved itself as one of the finest and
prestigious management schools of Pakistan offering both
the UG and PG programs with state-of-the-art learning
infrastructure which includes well equipped class rooms,
lecture and seminar halls, language and research labs, a fully
functional library that offers both physical and digital sources
of information along with top-of-the line teaching faculty with
years of research and professional experience. NBS employs
result based teaching methodology through its close liaison
with the industry. Several initiatives such as joint field projects,
research activities, workshops, seminar and lectures from The School of Chemical and Materials Engineering (SCME)
professionals enrich the professional learning of the students. became functional in 2006 as a research-oriented school of
Its recent accreditation with the NBEAC has enhanced inter NUST and is currently offering two undergraduate and three
and intra-institutional cooperative practices as well as ensured postgraduate degree programs in the twin disciplines of
professional mobility and employment opportunities for its Chemical Engineering, Materials Engineering and Nanoscience
graduates. We at NBS believe in continued improvement & Engineering. Setting up an educational institution in unique
mechanism through periodic students surveys, faculty and and highly specialised areas is a great challenge. It is very
Risalpur Campuses
Fact file
The Super Computer installed at RCMS-NUST, the fastest
GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), is graded as one of the
best computing systems operating in any organisation/
academic institution in Pakistan. This supercomputer
can perform parallel computation at a peak speed of
132 Teraflops i.e. 132 Trillion Operations per second. It is
equipped with multi core processors and graphics co-
processors with inter-processor communication speed of
40 Gbps.
The School of Military Engineering was established after the end of World War-II in 1946 near Rurkee (Poona) in southern India.
After partition of the sub-continent and emergence of Pakistan, the School of Military Engineering was established at Sialkot in
April 1948. The institute was shifted from Sialkot to Risalpur in the year 1952 and developed into an engineering institution.
Miltary College of Engineering (MCE) attained the status of a degree-awarding institution in 1962. In pursuit of academic
excellence and to keep pace with the state-of-the-art technologies, the College took a lead by instituting postgraduate classes
in 1988 offering specialization in the disciplines of structures and transportation engineering. In 1990, the College was affiliated
with Michigan State University, USA, for split Masters Degree. National Institute of Transportation (NIT) was established at
Risalpur in 1992, thereafter, Post Graduate (PG) program was shifted from MCE to NIT. With the emergence of NUST, MCE
became its constituent college in 1995. In year 2000, MCE got IS0-9001-2000 certification after successfully meeting all quality
standards. MCE has the honour of producing 3,157 engineering graduates, including around 60 international students. Later,
253 students completed their masters and over 50 have done their PhDs from renowned universities of the country and abroad.
MCE resumed postgraduate programs in three rare disciplines (Disaster Management, Construction Engineering & Management
and Disaster Mitigation & Reconstruction Engineering) in 2012. The journey that started in 1948 from Sialkot, spans over 63
years of rich history and success. The College is committed to the pursuit of knowledge and professionalism.
Faculty Profiles
The Military College of Engineering is committed to high quality education. It provides excellence in teaching underpinned
by research and links with business and industry. Dedicated faculty and staff make the learning experience both exciting and
rewarding. The College endeavours to provide support and facilities of the highest possible quality.
Structural Engineering
Dr M Maqbool Sadiq Awan, HoD Engr Qamar uz Zaman
PhD (Michigan State University) USA MS (NUST) Pakistan
Discipline: Civil Engineering Discipline: Civil Engineering
Specialisation: Structural Engineering Specialisation: Structural Engineering
PhD (Purdue University) USA MSc (The University of Punjab) Pakistan
Discipline: Civil Engineering Discipline: Geology
Specialisation: Geotechnical Engineering Specialisation: Engineering Geology
Engr Muhammad Ayub Jan
MS (NUST) Pakistan
Discipline: Civil Engineering
Specialisation: Transportation Engineering
Science society
Games and sports Swimming Pool
Aeromodeling club An international standard swimming pool is being maintained
Adventuring club at the College so that students can participate in healthy
Para Gliding club and competitive swimming galas, besides using the pool as
a recreational facility. A swimming gala is organized every
In-line with its commitment to support all student initiatives, summer for students. They can get membership at a nominal
the College facilitates club activities. Some of the activities that fee for an entire season.
are organized on a regular basis include:
Movies on weekend
Telecasting cricket matches on large screen
Food stalls offering barbecue. Chinese cuisine and
sunday brunche etc
institution amongst NUST constituent Col- certified calibrating firms. Quality, precision and accuracy are
leges. It was established in 1948, in Sialkot, the hallmarks of MCE laboratories. The main laboratories are:
and was later shifted to Risaipur in 1952. Concrete Materials laboratory
Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory
Transportation Laboratory
Strength of Materials Laboratory
following: Public Health Technology Laboratory
Helping students maximize their academic potential. Geology Laboratory
Helping students in their individual and collective Hydraulics Laboratory
academic tasks. In this regard, workshops are arranged
Electrical Technology Laboratory
which focus on a wide range of activities including;
developing academic writing skills, revision techniques,
Mechanical Technology Laboratory
understanding learning styles and time management. Electric Project Management Lab
Helping students in providing extra tutoring individually
and / or collectively on requirement basis.
IT Services
IT services are available to all students and staff. A local area
network has been established at the College. A computer
center has also been set up to keep pace with modern trends
and research in the engineering field. Students are provided
with internet facilities at the computer center, the library
and the residence. The computer center offers the following
facilities to the students.
A dedicated internet hall provides internet surfing
Civil Engineering Display Hall
2 networking halls with 25 computers each, provide
computer training facilities to students.
The software engineering laboratory offers the latest Accommodation
professional civil engineering software in the market.
Accommodation at MCE is secure and comfortable. Through
the support of NUST, the College has invested in new and
Health Service refurbished halls of residence with modern study rooms and
The College Health Service operates through a doctor hired by communal living spaces where students can relax and feel at
NUST for all students. The Nursing Advisor can advise on minor home. The social aspect of life at the College is overwhelming
illnesses and injuries. In case of serious illness or detailed as it offers great opportunities to meet new people and
investigation, the services of the Combined Military Hospital, provides an intellectual student body which is varied in its
Risalpur are also available. This hospital has a medical ward, a interests. Students are provided with transport facilities from
surgical ward, an intensive-care unit and an eye-care service. their accommodation to halls of study and back.
A medical officer is available round-the-clock and in case of
emergency, all specialists are on call. Moreover, lectures on The College provides excellent messing facilities to its students.
health-related issues are regularly delivered to students by Each hostel has a well-furnished mess with the following
qualified physicians. facilities:
Dining hall
Library Services TV lounge
Visitors lounge
All students are granted library membership for the duration
of their programs and they get course books free of cost. The Fact file
library comprises:
Over 40,000 books
An honour, singular to MCE, is that the first Rector
An audio-visual section comprising TVs, VCRs, VCDs
of NUST Engr Syed Shujaat Hussain as well as the
and tape recorders
current Rec tor, Engr Muhammad Asghar, are both
Training and technical video cassettes/CDs
Alumini of this College.
Scanning and printing services
Guest Speakers
The College makes an endeavour to keep its students abreast
with the latest knowledge and developments in the field of
civil engineering. It invites a number of renowned engineers,
scholors, and professionals who deliver lectures on various
topics, share their ideas and abreast the students with the
latest research and development. Some of the distinguished
guest speakers of the recent past include:-
Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering and Water Resources Engineering. BE Civil
Engineering syllabus has been revised in line with HECs Uniform Frame Work of Engineering (UFEE) and accredited by PEC. The
curriculum is designed to provide undergraduates with a solid foundation on fundamental principles of basic sciences including
Mathematics, Management Sciences, Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Theory of Structures, Survey, Architecture,
Computer Sciences, Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics, Soil Mechanics, Concrete Technology, Transportation Engineering, Public Health
Engineering and then use this knowledge to solve practical Civil Engineering problems.
MATH-101 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3-0 MATH-104 Differential Equations Transforms 3-0
CE-101 Engineering Mechanics 2.5-0.5 CE-251 Fluid Mechanics-I 2-1
Fundamentals of Information &
CS-100 2-1 HU-222 Professional Ethics 2-0
Communication Technologies (ICT)
CE-181 Civil Engineering Drawing 0-2 CE-181 Civil Engineering Drawing 0-2
Total 19
Semester-III Semester-IV
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
Total 17 Semester-VI
Semester-V Course Code Course Title Credits
Course Code Course Title Credits Computer Aided Civil Engineering
CE-388 1-2
Design and Graphics
CE-241 Transportation Engineering-I 3-0 HU-212 Technical & Business Writing 2-0
CE-309 Structual Analysis-III 3-0 CE-205 Mechanics of Solids-II 2-1
HU-107 Pakistan Studies 2-0 CE-342 Transportation Engineering-II 2-1
CE-310 Plain & Reinforced Concrete-II 3-1 Fundamentals of Computer Pro-
CS-111 2-1
CE-324 Soil Mechanics-II 2-1 *Elective - I From the approved courses 3-0
CE-371 Construction Project Management 2-1 CE-497 Project-I 0-1
TotaI 18 Total 17
CE-497 Project-I 0-2 *Elective - III From the approved courses 3-0
*Elective - II From the approved courses 3-0 Total 16
Total 18
* Students will have option to register for an elective course from the list of approved courses covering variety of disciplines i.e.
structural, geotechnical, transportation, construction and environmental engineering and water resources. Elective course will be
offered depending upon the availability of instructor.
Fact file
An honour, singular to MCE, is that the first Rector of NUST Engr Syed Shujaat Hussain as
well as the current Rector, Engr Muhammad Asghar, are both Alumnai of this College.
CE-414 Bridge Engineering 3-0
CE-415 Special Application Structures 3-0
CE-416 Earthquake Engineering 3-0
CE-425 Introduction to Rock Mechanics 3-0
CE-426 Slope Stability 3-0
CE-427 Soil and Site Improvement 3-0
CE-428 Design & Construction of Earthen Dams 3-0
CE-429 Introduction to Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering 3-0
CE-430 Applied Soil Mechanics 3-0
CE-431 Investigation and Instrumentation in Earthquake Engineering 3-0
Water Resources
CE-459 Hydraulic Engineering
CE-460 Computational Hydraulics 3-0
CE-461 Open Channel Flow 3-0
CE-462 River Engineering 3-0
Construction Management 3-0
ENE-433 Environment Management & Impact Assessment 3-0
CE-474 Construction Project Scheduling 3-0
HRM-443 Human Resource Management in Construction 3-0
CE-476 Construction Contract Management 3-0
CE-443 Pavement Design & Rehabilitation 3-0
CE-444 Traffic Engineering & Safety 3-0
CE-445 Road Construction, Materials & Practices 3-0
CE-446 Geometric Design 3-0
In Construction Engineering and Management, civil engineers manage and direct physical construction of a project from start
to finish. This field is also known as construction management. Construction engineers apply the knowledge of construction
methods and equipment along with principles of financing, scheduling, planning, organisation, and coordination to convert
paper designs into completed usable facilities. They maintain a continuous record of personnel, time, materials, and costs and
prepare periodic reports depicting the projects progress to completion.
Elective Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits WRE-882 Environmental Impact Assessment 3
Construction Equipment CE-829 Geotechnical Site Investigation 3
CEM-806 3
CE-803 Pavement Materials Engineering 3
CEM-807 Risk Management in Construction 3
Water resources, Economics,
CE-852 Concrete Materials and Technology 3 WRE-886 3
Planning and Management
Water Supply and Wastewater CE-898 Special Topics in Civil Engineering 3
WRE-877 3
MS Transportational Engineering
MS Coursework Program Code-xxx
Core Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
Urban Transportation System
CE-867 3
CE-860 Pavement Design and Analysis 3 Evaluation
CE-862 Pavement Materials Engineering 3 CE-836 Construction Management 3
In Construction Engineering and Management, civil engineers manage and direct physical construction of a project from start
to finish. This field is also known as construction management. Construction engineers apply the knowledge of construction
methods and equipment along with principles of financing, scheduling, planning, organization, and coordination to convert paper
designs into completed usable facilities. They maintain a continuous record of personnel, time, materials, and costs and prepare
periodic reports depicting the projects progress to completion.
Core Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
DME-801 Fundamentals of Disaster Management 3
DM-801 Policies, Planning and Strategies for Disaster Management 3
DM-802 Disaster Risk and Vulnerabilities Assessment 3
DM-803 Disaster Risk Reduction and Preparedness 3
DM-804 Disaster Response and Recovery 3
DM-899 MS Thesis 6
Total 15
Elective Courses (Any Three)
DME-802 GIS and Remote Sensing for Disaster Mapping and Management 3
DME-832 Climate Forecasting and Early Warning System 3
DM-811 Community Based Disaster Risk Management 3
DM-812 Environmental Framework on Disasters 3
DM-821 Earthquake Disaster Assessment and Mitigation 3
DM-831 Flood Hazard Assessment and Remediation 3
DM-832 Complex Humanitarian Emergency Management 3
DM-833 Public and mental Health Aspects of Disaster Management, Psychotrauma Consequent to Disas- 3
Faculty Profile
Dr. Muhammad Tahir Nawaz, Head of Department Dr. Tahir Iqbal
PhD (UET Taxila) Pakistan PhD (NUST) Pakistan
Discipline: Engineering Management Discipline: Engineering Management
Specialisation: Quality Management, Decision Making Tech- Specialisation: Engineering Management
Engr Ali Salman
Dr Nawar Khan MS (University of Surrey) UK
PhD (UET Lahore) Pakistan Discipline: Engineering Management
Discipline: Engineering Management Specialisation: Manufacturing Management
Specialisation: Total Quality Management
Engr Najam Us Saher
Dr. Syed Tasweer Hussain Shah MS (UET Taxila) Pakistan
PhD (NUML) Pakistan Discipline: Engineering Management
Discipline: Engineering Management Specialisation: Engineering Management
Specialisation: Service Quality, Entrepreneurship, HR, Project
Mgmt, Strategic Mgmt Afshan Naseem
MS (UET, Taxila) Pakistan
Dr. Muhammad Saleem Discipline: Engineering Management
PhD (NUST) Pakistan Specialisation: Technology Management
Discipline: Engineering Management
Specialisation: Total Quality Management
MS Projects (Compulsory)
Course Code Course Title Credits
MEM 899 Thesis 6
* Optional courses of MS program can also be taken to complete the courses work requirements of PhD program if they are
relevant to field of specialty.
After becoming a constituent college of NUST in 1991, the College started undergraduate and MS and PhD programs in Software
Engineering and Masters program in Telecommunication and Information Security under NUST. Postgraduate program in system
engineering was start in this college in 2014. College started its PhD program in year 2001 and to date 17 PhDs have graduated
and 24 are pursuing their PhD degree. The College has a unique honor of being the pioneer in the country for offering these
disciplines. At present, the College is producing over 300 graduates every year. MCS has the honor of training number of foreign
students. Currently, around 20 students from Libya are perusing their Telecommunication Engineering degree in MCS.
Faculty Profile
Engineering Wing
Dr Abdul Rauf, Chief Instructor Dr Asif Masood, Dean
PhD (University of Sheffield) UK PhD (UET Lahore) Pakistan
Discipline: Telecommunication Discipline: Computer Science
Specialization: Optical Fiber Communication, Optical Sensing Specialization: Computer Graphics, Image Processing
MSc (QAU) Pakistan Discipline: Compressed Sensing
Discipline: Computer Science Specialization: Communication Technology
Specialization: Computer Science (Database)
Engr Ayesha Mushtaq
Engr Raja Iqbal (Manager I&P) BE (NUST) Pakistan
MS (Wayne State University) USA Discipline: Electrical Engineering
Discipline: Computer Engineering, Telecomm Engineering
Specialization: Computer & Telecomm Engineering Engr Intisar Rizwan-i- Haque
MS (NUST) Pakistan
Engr Ammal Haider Discipline: Electrical (Telecomm) Engineering
MS (University of Salford) UK
Discipline: Electrical Engineering Engr Maryam Rasool
Specialization: Data Telecommunication Networks BS (COMSATS IIT) Pakistan
Discipline: Telecom Engineering
Engr Fazal Ahmed Specialization: Wireless/ Optical Fibre
MSc (Nanjing University of Science & Tech) China
Discipline: Telecomm Engineering Engr Muhammad Hammad
Specialization: Telecomm (SAT Mobile) BE (UET Peshawar) Pakistan
Discipline: Computer Systems Engineering
Engr Danish Ilyas Specialization: Image Signal Processing
MS (NUST) Pakistan System Design Computer Programming
Discipline: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Telecomm Engineering
Mr Humayun Sattar
MS (NUST) Pakistan
Discipline: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Engineering Management
Dr Muhammad Faisal Amjad
PhD (University of Central Florida) USA Mr Ahmed Raza Cheema (On PhD)
Discipline: Computer Science MSc (University of Bradford) UK
Specialization: Cognitive Radio Networks, Discipline: Information Security
Information Security Specialization: Internet, Computer and System Security
Ms Samavia Mumtaz
MA (NUML) Pakistan
Discipline: English
Specialization: English Linguistics and Literature
institutions. It is now making concerted efforts to align its Systems with AADL 10 Jun 2015
academia in accordance with R&D to focus with the national Workshop on Agile Testing 6 Jun 2015
goal of achieving technological self-reliance. The research Workshop on Free Lancing 3 Jun 2015
groups are involved in hi-tech R & D projects in solving Workshop Oracle Workshop 11-13 May 2015
Information & Communication Technology related problems Workshop on Mobile Application Workshop 10-11 Mar
and develop advance technological solutions. 2015
Workshop on Open Source and Linux OS 4 March 2015
Workshop on 3G, 4G Technologies and Beyond 24 Feb
Fact file
MCS provides its students an opportunity to join Pakistan
Army after completion of their Bachelor degree. Such
students undergo training for short period of time
at Military Academy on completion of which these
graduates are awarded regular commission in Pakistan
Army as Captain.
Lego Kit Lab
experience to the students due to the blend of
Image Processing Center
civilian and military students as well as faculty. The
Satellite Communication Research Laboratory
college Alumni spreads across the globe; a lot of us
Generation Network Laboratory
are working at leadership positions in renowned
Communication Laboratory
organization. All of us feel proud to be part of a
RF & Microwave Laboratory
strongly bonded Signalianz family!
Electronic Laboratory
Electrical Machine Laboratory
Fiber Optics Laboratory Mr. Amir Masood Khan
General Purpose Laboratories Signalianz Alumni Advisor and COO
Simulation Laboratory Hassan Enterprise
DSP & FPGA Laboratory
SDR Research Laboratory
Virtual Reality Laboratory
Broadband NW Laboratory
Computer Networks Laboratory
Operating System Laboratory
Database Systems Laboratory
MCS fully realises the importance of providing round-the-clock
internet access to students and faculty members in order to
MCS library is fully computerized and provides excellent
facilitate them in their academic and research pursuits. An
services and facilities to fulfill the information needs of
optical fibre network has been laid to provide fast and reliable
faculty members as well as students. It has a collection of
internet bandwidth. WiFi Internet connectivity of 44 Mbps is
over 35,000 volumes. It also provides a wide range of services
available to all students and faculty at the offices, hostels and
that include issuance of books on loan, online Information
searching, reference services, inter-library loan, document
delivery, photocopying, access to virtual collections and digital
Transportation resources like CD-ROMs and up-to-date collection of online
IEEE research papers. The library is efficiently maintained by
MCS has an excellent bus service. Students receive a low- qualified and experienced staff.
cost bus pass that grants them full access to College routes.
Students can get a parking pass that allows them to park their
cars in the campus parking lots. Engineering, IT and Computer Science NUST Prospectus 2016 51
Cafeteria Hostels
Hostel accommodation is available for both male and female
The cafeteria provides a modern dining and caf facility students. Accommodation is allotted on a first-come, first-
to all students. It is equipped with ACs, LCD TVs and Wi-Fi served basis. Dining facility is available and the boarders enjoy
connectivity for internet users. The cafeteria offers a variety of the tranquility and fine meals of the mess. Three blocks (1
hygienic food items on nominal prices. A mosque and printing for girls and 2 boys) are operational. Furnished rooms are
kiosk are also located in the vicinity for convenience of the available for students. Each hostel block offers a friendly and
Contact Us
Telephone and Email Office Email
Chief Instructor, Engineering Wing +92-51-9272102
Dean, MCS +92-51-5564048
Head of Department of Computer Software Engineering +92-51-9270284
Head of Department Electrical Engineering +92-51-9272948 irashid@
Head of Department of Information Security +92-51-9240952
MCS Training Battalion +92-321-5011227
Staff Officer (NUST Affairs) +92-51-9272097
MCS Hotel (Jinnah Company) +92-322-4536492
Postal Address Military College of Signals, Humayun Road, Rawalpindi Cantt,
encryption and transmission, and real-time embedded systems.
Associated Careers
Telecommunications is a rapidly developing and dynamic field of engineering. The demand for graduates in telecommunications
is growing as technology is advancing and broadening its scope of applications. Our close links with employers and professional
bodies ensure that our students are equipped with skills that are in demand. Therefore, MCS continues to be the College of
choice for employers seeking high-calibre graduates. All of our graduates either get employed, start their own ventures or opt for
higher studies/professional trainings on completing their degrees. Our graduates normally find employment with major service
providers and large private industrial groups. There are a number of opportunities available in smaller service and technology
providers, some of which are highly specialised and technologically advanced.
Semester-V Semester-VI
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
EE-382 Instrumentation and 2-1 EE-371 Linear Control Systems 3-1
EE-330 Digital Signal Processing 3-1 EE-357 Computer & Communication 3-1
EE-354 Analog Communication Systems 3-1 ID- Elective I 3-1
MATH-352 Numerical Methods 3-0 EE-355 Digital Communication Systems 3-1
EE-344 Wave Propagation and Antenna 3-1 ECO-130 Engineering Economics 2-0
Total 18 Total 18
specially designed & scheduled to make it convenience for working engineers to enhance their qualification & lead of expertise.
The program has been designed to cater for the following key areas of research:
Satellite Communications
Signal and Image Processing
Optical Fibres and Mobile Communications
Data Networks
Data Coding, Compression, Encryption and Transmission
Software Define Radio
Associated Careers
Our close links with employers and professional bodies ensure that our students are equipped with skills that are in demand,
therefore the college continues to be the choice for employers seeking high calibre graduates. A hundred percent of our College
graduates go into employment or higher studies/professional trainings, immediately after the completion of their degrees. Our
graduates normally find employment with major service providers and large private industrial groups or a host of smaller service
and technology providers.
Software Engineering program covers not only the technical aspects of building software systems, but also management issues.
This program is an amalgamation of strong applied science knowledge, applications of engineering practice and an ability to
understand the impact of technology. We Endeavour to help students carry out both theoretical and experimental research in
software engineering and to disseminate the results in the form of publications, patents and technology transfer to industry.
MCS also has a set of specialized courses for Network & Information Security domain. Students can specialize in these areas by
registering these courses from 5th semester onward
Associated Careers
The software industry has grown exponentially over the years; mechanical and electronic devices in automobiles, aero planes,
entertainment and communication equipment and manufacturing are being replaced by software components because software
is more adaptable, and can provide greater functionality. The ubiquity of software applications has created a multitude of career
prospects for our graduates. Our graduates normally find employment with major service providers and large private industrial
groups. There are a number of opportunities available within smaller service and technology providers, some of which are highly
specialized and technologically advanced.
Semester V Semester VI
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
CS-330 Operating Systems 3-1 SE-312 Software Construction 3-1
HU-212 Technical & Business Writing 2-0 SE-320 Formal Methods 3-0
SE-311 Software Requirements Engineering 3-0 SE-321 Software Quality Engineering 3-0
EE-353 Computer Networks 3-1 xxx SE Elective III 3-0
HU-222 Professional Ethics 2-0 xxx General Education Elective II 2-0
XXX SE Electives-II 3-1 Supporting Science Elective III 3-0
Total 19 Total 18
Research is conducted in the following areas:
Web Engineering
Computer Vision and Image Processing
Software System Design and Architecture
Software Requirement Engineering
Software Project Management
Data Text Mining
Associated Careers
The software industry has grown manifold over the years; areas like mechanical and electronic devices in automobiles, aero
planes, entertainment and communication equipment and manufacturing are being replaced by software components as
software is more adaptable, reliable and accurate. Software is used in medical, transportation and financial systems to automate
critical tasks. Scientists and business researchers use software to sift through data warehouses and identify pertinent facts and
trends. Banking, insurance, and other businesses use software to automate and personalize the services they offer to their
customers. This proliferation of software applications has increased the demand for software professionals in Pakistan and all
over the world. A hundred percent of our graduates get employed or opt for higher studies/professional trainings after the
completion of their degrees. Our graduates normally find employment with major service providers and large private industrial
MS Coursework Program Code: 251
Course Code Course Title Credits
Core Courses
SE-860 Advanced Software Engineering 3
SE-861 Software System Design & Architecture 3
SE-862 Software Requirement Engineering 3
SE-863 Software Quality Engineering 3
SE-899 MS Thesis 6
Electives (Any Four)
SE-803 Computer Vision 3
SE-865 Human Computer Interface 3
SE-867 Formal Methods 3
SE-805 Adv Artificial Intelligence 3
SE-807 Machine Learning 3
SE-880 Adv Database Systems 3
SE-813 Design of Parallel & Distributed Systems 3
SE-869 Model Driven Software Engineering 3
SE-826 Advance Computer Network Design & Security System 3
SE-868 Software Project Management 3
SE-876 Web-Engineering 3
SE-877 Software Development for Web 3
SE-850 Digital Image Processing 3
SE-(900- Selected topics in relevant Area 3
SE-898 Research Methodologies 3
Note: Students will choose four elective courses in addition to four core courses to complete 24 credit hours. PhD students will complete the
requirements of 800/900 level coursework (18 credits) to be decided by the Doctoral Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC).
within an organization. As government, private sector, and personal activities continue to move to networked operations; digital
systems add ever more capabilities; wireless systems become more ubiquitous and as the design, manufacture, and service
of information technology have moved overseas, the threat will continue to grow. In the absence of robust security programs,
agencies have experienced a wide range of incidents involving data loss or theft, computer intrusions and privacy breaches;
underscoring the need for improved security practices.
Associated Careers
The program is focused to produce professionals competent enough to offer solution for Information Security problems in
the market. Graduates of this program will be able to address information security related issues in present and future era of
Information Technology. The need of Information Security has grown dramatically over the last few years. Like the Industrial
Revolution, the Information Technology Boom, which started in the 1990s and is still present today, has dramatically changed
commerce around the world. This is mostly due to advancement of technology in computers, telecommunications equipment,
and networking standards, leading to the development and widespread use of the Internet. This propagation of information
security has led to an urgent and growing demand for information security professionals in Pakistan and all over the world. A
hundred percent of our graduates go into employment or higher studies/professional trainings immediately after completion
of their degrees. Our graduates normally pursue careers in major service providers such as PTCL, Warid, Mobilink, Zong, Ufone,
Telenor and Special Communication Organization (SCO); large private industrial groups such as Microsoft, NetSol, Ericsson, and
Cisco; and a host of smaller service and technology providers.
IS-830 Information Security Management 3
IS-842 Advanced Cryptography-1 3
IS-899 Thesis 6
Electives (Any Four)
IS-843 Advanced Cryptography II 3
IS-822 Wireless Network Security 3
IS-844 Cryptanalysis 3
IS-825 Vulnerability Exploitation and Defense 3
IS-853 Cloud Computing Security 3
IS-852 Data Communication Networks & Security 3
IS-827 Electronic Warfare - Principles and Techniques 3
CE-863 Analysis of Stochastic Systems 3
SE- 802 Pattern Recognition 3
SE- 805 Advance Artificial Intelligence 3
Note: Minimum coursework of 24 credit hours will be offered. PhD students will complete the requirements of 800/900 level
coursework (18 credits) to be decided by the doctoral Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC).
designed to meet that need. It integrates the inputs of all the required technical disciplines into a coordinated effort that meets
established performance, cost, and schedule goals. Systems engineers provide the leadership and coordination of the planning,
development, and engineering of technical systems, including hardware and software components. Systems Engineering program
serves to provide a broad common framework for students coming from a wide variety of undergraduate backgrounds, including
engineering, sciences, mathematics, management, business, or computer science. MS program in Systems Engineering at MCS is
an with interdisciplinary program with focused streams on communication systems and networks, software system engineering,
information security and C4I to provide professionals with an in-depth knowledge and technical skills in understanding systems
of systems in their respective areas.
The College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering was established in 1957 as a polytechnic institute at Quetta. The College
was moved to its present campus in 1984. With the establishment of NUST in 1991, the College became one of its constituent
colleges. The College is situated on the Grand Trunk Road at the Rawalpindi-Islamabad junction. Its open landscape makes it an
ideal place for an academic campus. A fascinating locale and congenial environment are indeed the hallmarks of the College. It
is the largest College of NUST in terms of PhD faculty, student enrolment, diversity of academic programs, research activities,
space, infrastructure and facilities. The College attained ISO-9001 certification in 1999, ISO 9001-2000 certification in 2003 and
ISO 9001-2008 in May 2009. It has earned accolades in quality assurance from Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) in accreditation
evaluation. The College offers degree programs in diverse undergraduate and postgraduate programs, mainly in the disciplines of
Electrical, Mechanical, Computer and Mechatronics Engineering, and postgraduate program in Engineering Management.
The College lays great emphasis on indigenous research. As a result, quantum research material is produced annually. The faculty
mostly comprises eminent research scholars who regularly participate in conferences and seminars, both at home and abroad. A
state-of-the-art spacious library, stocked with around 95,197 books, an e-library section and a good number of computers with
wireless internet connectivity facilitate students and faculty in their research.
Faculty Profile
The College of E&ME is staffed with highly qualified faculty that offers the most dynamic, up-to-date and highly challenging
academic programs. Currently, there are 49 PhD faculty members; most of them are foreign qualified.
Dr Mojeeb Bin Ihsan, Director (MERL) Dr Hamid Mehmood Allah Ditta Kamboh
PhD (Drexel University) USA PhD (UET Taxila) Pakistan
Discipline: Electrical Engineering Discipline: Computer Engineering
Specialisation: Microwave Engineering, Solid State Electronics Specialization: Digital Design, Digital Signal Processing
College of E&ME
Discipline: Electrical Engineering Discipline: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Antenna Design, Microwave Engineering
Mr Azmat Saeed
Engr Muhammad Anis Chaudhry MS (UET Peshawar) Pakistan
MS (NUST) Pakistan Discipline: Electronics
Discipline: Electrical Engineering Specialization: Electronics
Specialization: Microwave Circuits and Systems
Engr Bahzad Zaib
Engr Faiza Nawaz BE (UET) Pakistan
MS (Northern China Electric Power University) China Discipline: Electrical Engineering
Discipline: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Power Systems Engr Shakeeb Ahmad
BE (NUST) Pakistan
Engr Aamir Javed Discipline: Electrical Engineering
MS (NUST) Pakistan
Discipline: Electrical Engineering Engr Arooj Asif
Specialization: Microwave Engineering BE (NUST) Pakistan
Discipline: Electrical Engineering
Engr Salman Qadir
MS (NUST) Pakistan Engr Taosif Iqbal (on Leave)
Discipline: Electrical Engineering Engr Muhammad Mustafa Masud (on Leave)
Engr Sidrah Liaquat (on Leave)
Engr Sufyan Hafeez Khan Engr Sarmad Majeed Malik (on Leave)
MS (NUST) Pakistan
Discipline: Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Dr Khalid Mahmood, Head of Department Dr Raja Amer Azim
PhD, Univ of Manchester, UK PhD, NUST Pakistan
Discipline: Mechanical Engineering Discipline: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Laser Deposition, Laser Cladding of Corrosion & Specialization: Vehicle Dynamics & Controls
Wear Resistance Layers
Asst. Prof. Ahmed Sohail
Dr Imran Shafi MS, DU Sweden
PhD, UET Taxila, Pakistan. Discipline: Textile/Mechanical Engineering
Discipline: Computer Engineering Specialization: Solar Energy & LCD Technology
Specialization: Networks, Neural Networks & Digital Signal
Processing. Asst. Prof. Saif Ullah Khalid
MS, NUST Pakistan
Dr Nauman Ahmad Discipline: Mechanical Engineering
PhD, University of Nottingham, UK Specialization: Modeling & Simulation, CFD Analysis
Discpline: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Materials Asst. Prof. Saheeb Kiyani
MS, NUST Pakistan
Dr Hasan Aftab Saeed Discipline: Mechanical Engineering
PhD, Univ of Tokyo, Japan Specialization: Modeling & Simulation
Discipline: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Solid Mechanics, Dislocation Nucleation, Asst. Prof. Rehan Ahmed Khan
Modeling & Simulation MS, University of Manchester Institute of Science &
Technology (UMIST), UK
Dr Tariq Talha Discipline: Mechanical Engineering
PhD, Univ. of Warwick, UK Specialization: Non-traditional Manufacturing Processes, CAD/
Discipline: Mechanical Engineering CAM
Specialization: Computational Fluid Dynamics, Active Flow
Control Asst. Prof Yasser Riaz Awan
MS, HUST, China
Dr Sajid Ullah Butt Discipline: Mechanical Engineering
PhD, ParisTech Univ, France Specialization: Reverse Logistics
Discipline: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Fixture design, Workpiece repositioning, System
Computer Engineering
Dr Shoab Ahmad Khan, Head of Department Dr Ali Hassan
PhD (Georgia Tech, Atlanta) USA Ph.D, UK
Discipline: Electrical & Computer Engineering Discipline: Computer Engineering
Specialisation: Digital Signal Processing Specialisation: Machine Learning and Speech Processing
College of E&ME
Dr Kunwar Faraz Engr Usman Asad
PhD (University of Toronto) Canada MS (RIT) USA
Discipline: Mechatronics Engineering Discipline: Mechanical Engineering
Specialisation: Mobile Robots, Computer Vision, Artificial Specialization: Vibrations
Engr Uzair Khaleeq
Dr Mahmood Anwar Khan MS (NUST) Pakistan
PhD (University of Salford) UK Discipline: Mechanical Engineering
Discipline: Mechanical Engineering Specialization: Manufacturing
Specialisation: Robotics
Engr Kanwal Naveed
Dr Umar Izhar MS (NUST) Pakistan
PhD (Lehigh University) USA Discipline: Electrical Engineering
Specialisation : Electronics, Optics, Semiconductors/Micro Specialization: Control Systems
Engr Fatma Faruq
Dr Khurram Kamal MS (Carnegie Melon) Pakistan
Phd (Loughborogh University) UK Discipline: Robotics
Discipline: Mechatronics Engineering Specialization: Robotics
Specialization: Artificial Intelligence/ Embedded Systems
Engr Hammad Aziz
Dr Mohisn Islam Tiwana MS (Mechanical Engineering), Malaysia
Phd (University of New South Whales) Australia Discipline: Mechatronics Engineering
Discipline: Mechatronics Engineering Specialization: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Bio Medical Engineering.
Engr Aqeela Mir
Dr Muhammad MubasherSaleem MS Mechatronics (NUST)
PhD (Mechatronics) 2015, Italy Discipline: Mechatronics Engineering
Discipline: Mechatronics Engineering Specialization: Mechatronics Engineering
Specialization: Microelectromchanical Systems (MEMs)
Engr Tayyab Zafar
Engr Asad Ullah Awan MS Mechatronics (NUST)
MS (Seoul National University) Korea Discipline: Mechatronics Engineering
Discipline: Mechatronics Engineering Specialization: Mechatronics Engineering
Specialization: Control and Robotics
EngrAnosh Ali
Engr Anas Bin Aqeel MS Design & Manufacturing (NUST)
MSc (University of Leeds) UK Discipline: Mechatronics Engineering
Discipline: Advanced Mechanical Engineering Specialization: Mechatronics Engineering
Specialization: Design and Automotives
Engr Muhammad Aneequz Zaman
Engr Nasir Rashid MS Mechanical Engineering, (UIUC)
MS (NUST) Pakistan Discipline: Mechatronics Engineering
Discipline: Mechatronics Engineering Specialization: Mechatronics Engineering
Specialisation: Robotics
Mr Adil Riaz
MS (Quaid-i-Azam University) Pakistan
Discipline: Electronics
Specialisation: Digital Signal Processing, Mechatronics
Mr Muhammad Qasim
MSc (Quaid-i-Azam University) Pakistan
Specialisation: Software Engineering
College of E&ME
Decision Support System Laboratory
Department of Electrical Engineering The computerised College library has a collection of 70,000
Electronics Lab printed and digital books. It provides a range of services that
Embedded Systems Lab include loans, online information searching, reference services,
Control & Communication Systems Lab inter-library loan, document delivery, photocopying, access
Electrical Machines Lab to virtual collection & digital resources and CD-ROMs. The
Antenna and Microwave Lab College is fully wired to the internet through high-speed DSL
and Wi-Fi networks.
Research Labs
Microwave Engineering Research Lab Cafeterias
Postgraduate Research Lab Inexpensive hygienic food is available in cafes. The food quality
is closely monitored by the campus doctor. Besides, utility
Department of Mechanical Engineering shops have been set up on the campus to fulfil students day-
to-day needs.
Strength of Materials Lab
Fluid Mechanics Lab
Steam Lab Accommodation
Dynamics & Controls Lab There are two hostels for male students and one for female
Heat Transfer Lab students at the campus. Well-furnished rooms are available on
Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) Lab first come, first served basis.
Vibration & Stress Analysis Lab
Solar Lab
Automotive Lab Alumni Directory
An updated database of alumni is maintained by the general
Research Labs body. Calls are made regularly to the alumni members to
Solar Lab send their updated data to the association. The information
Mechanarium Research Lab gathered during reunion registration is also used to append/
Composite Material Research Lab update the database.
Teaching Labs
Tennis Courts
Industrial Automation Lab
College has 3 tennis courts of international standard. 1 hard
Robotics and Control Lab
and 2 Clay courts are provided for youth events as well as
Circuit Design Lab
company competition.
Machine Vision and Embedded Systems Lab
Basket Ball Courts
Research Labs A cemented basketball court is in the vicinity of sports complex
Prosthesis Lab Engineering, IT and Computer Science NUST Prospectus 2016 71
College of E&ME
College of E&ME
A new gymnasium having the facility of wide range indoor team NUSTAG. It was the only car that completed the
games is constructed for the students. designated mileage on the track. The event was a resounding
The College is having a beautiful stadium. Participation in International Competition on
Future Flight Design
Athletics Ground
A team NUSTAG led by Assistant Prof. M. Saif Ullah Khalid
The College is having a beautiful athletics ground. and comprising 6 final year students from Department of
Mechanical Engineering, NUST College of Electrical and
Mechanical Engineering represented NUST in International
Events Competition on Future Flight Design, held at Hezarfen Airfield,
The College of EM&E regularly holds educational events on its Istanbul, Turkey on May 10-12, 2013. This competition was
campus to stimulate the minds of its students. Some events organized by Turkish Air Force Academy. This project will help
have been briefly mentioned below: students understand the emerging role of unmanned aerial
vehicles for civil and military applications like traffic monitoring
and area surveillance etc. and various issues associated with
COMPPEC 2012 their design, fabrication, and control.
All Pakistan Inter College/ University Software Exhibition and
Competition (COMPPEC) is organized by this College. This year, Open House
the College of E&ME, Co-hosted this mega event with National
ICT-R&D Fund. The Department of Computer Engineering Annual Event of Open House & Job Fair is held since last
of this college has the honor to successfully host COMPPEC eighth consecutive years at College E & ME. The objective
for the last ten consecutive years. COMPPEC provides a of this event is to provide an opportunity to both, potential
platform that facilitates the exchange of the state-of-the-art employers and the graduating students of the College, to
technologies, innovative ideas, new trends, technical skills and come closer and share their mutual interests and strengthen
modern programming tools in the field of engineering sciences the already existing links with the Industry. Students exhibited
and information technology. around 82 Final Year Projects related to Electrical, Mechanical,
Computer and Mechatronics Engineering, focusing on practical
solutions of engineering problems during the event of 2011. A
National Engineering Robotics Contest total of around 75 delegates from 22 companies participated
The idea of National Engineering Robotics Contest (NERC) was in this event to conduct interviews and Entry tests.
initiated in the department of Mechatronics. The aim of this
contest is to provide a platform to the engineering students Seminars/Workshops
and their teachers/ supervisors from all over Pakistan to
participate in a contest of a multi-disciplinary field of Robotics To introduce new advances in research and innovation to the
with a view to expand the knowledge of this field and its Industry and Academia, the college conducts various seminars/
applications in Pakistan. The theme of the competition is to workshops on the wide ranging topics.
build an Autonomous Mobile Robot, which should be able to
move in a specified arena and complete some specified and Olympiad
predefined task. The task is uploaded on the NERC website
one year prior to the next years competition. This competition NUST EME Olympiad is organized by three foremost
was started back in the year 2003. The Contest has now professional societies, the IEEE Student Chapter, Sports and
become one of the mega events in the annual calendar of the Adventure Society (SAS) and Society for Promotion of Arts
NUST College of EME. It is well on its way to expand beyond and Literature (SPAL) to promote the cause of charity. In
the geographical boundaries to become an international Olympiad- 2011 the students of different Universities, Colleges
contest. and Schools from Islamabad, Wah, Taxila and Rawalpindi
participated and contributed to the appeal of charity for flood
affectees of Pakistan.
Participation in Design, Build and Energize
The College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering organized
a competition at the college campus in association with Shell
Pakistan called Design, Build & Energize. The competition
was held on 18th and 19th May, 2013, with participation by
energy-efficient cars designed and built by students from
different universities of Pakistan. The competition had two
types of cars (a) urban and (b) Prototype. Shell Pakistan had
Position Contact Info
Commandant +92-051-9278040
Dean +92-051-9278047
Associate Dean (E&A) +92-561-32627
Associate Dean (IC/R&D) +92-051-9278063
Head of Computer Engineering Department +92-051-9278047
Head of Electrical Engineering Department +92-051-9278045
Head of Mechanical Engineering Department +92-051-9278046
Head of Mechatronics Engineering Department +92-051-9278044
Head of Basic Sciences & Humanities Department +92-051-9278041
Head of Engineering Management Department +92-051-9278043
Helpline Fax
+92-051-9278050 +92-051-9278048
College of E&ME
Bachelors in Electrical Engineering
The program aims to produce electrical engineers with sound theoretical foundation and hands on experience of developing and
designing circuits, systems and products. The program places a special emphasis on Learning by Doing and the curriculum is
supported by well-equipped undergraduate teaching laboratories and a strong emphasis is placed on laboratory work and class
projects. This effort culminates in the final year project in which the students apply their knowledge and skills learnt during the
course of their studies.
Associated Careers
Electrical engineering graduates are in demand in a number of industries such as communication (including broadcast
communications, mobile communications), integrated circuit design, instrumentation, bio-medical engineering, avionics,
consumer electronics and computer networking, to name a few. Graduates can also pursue research, as MS & PhD students, or
join industrial laboratories.
Semester-III Semester-IV
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
EE221 Digital Logic Design 3-1 EE-232 Signals and Systems 3-1
EC202 Data Structures and Algorithms 3-1 EE-215 Electronic Devices and 3-1
EE211 Electrical Network Analysis 3-1 EE-260 Electrical Machines 3-1
ME-102 Thermodynamics 2-0 EE-222 Microprocessor Systems 3-1
MATH232 Complex Variables and Transforms 3-0 MATH-361 Probability & Statistics 3-0
Total 17 Total 19
Semester V Semester VI
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH-351 Numerical Methods 3-0 EE-371 Linear Control Systems 3-1
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
OTM-455 Engineering Project Management 2-0 HU-222 Professional Ethics 2-0
MGT-271 Entrepreneurship 2-0 EE-499 Senior Design Project-II 0-4
HU-212 Technical & Business Writing 2-0 XX-XXX University Elective 3-X
EE-498 Senior Design Project-I 0-2 Elective Lab 0-X
EE-XXX Elective III 3-X
Elective IV 3-X
Elective-V 3-X Total 9+X
Total 17+X Grand Total 131+X
Electronics Stream
Course Code Course Title Credits
EE-412 VLSI Circuit Design 3-0
EE-316 Operational Amplifier Applications 3-1
EE-318 Solid State Electronics 3-0
EE-XXX Selected Topics in Electronics Engi- 3-0
Computer Engineering
Course Code Course Title Credits
EC-441 Relational Database Management 2-1
System Using Oracle
EC-412 Digital Image Processing 3-0
EC442 Management Information Systems 3-0
EE-421 Digital System Design 3-1
EE-423 Embedded System Design 3-1
EC-302 Analysis & Design of Algorithm 3-0
College of E&ME
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
EE-341 Transmission Lines, Antennas & 3-1 EE-352 Communication Systems II 3-1
Wave Propagation
EE-342 Microwave Engineering 3-1 EE-357 Computer and Communication Net- 3-1
EE-344 Wave Propagation and Antennas 3-1
EE-451 Mobile Communication Systems 3-0
EE-441 Microwave ICs Design 3-0
EE-442 Microwave Devices 3-1 EE-491 Radar Systems 3-1
EE-443 Electromagnetic Compatibility 3-0
EE-XXX Selected Topics in Telecommunication 3-0
EE-444 Antenna Design 3-0
EE-XXX Selected Topics in RF & Microwave 3-0 Control Engineering
Course Code Course Title Credits
Power Engineering EE372 Digital Control Systems 3-1
Course Code Course Title Credits EE-381 Robotics-I 3-1
EE-482 Electric Drives 3-0 EE-XXX Selected Topics in Control Engineering 3-0
EE-XXX Selected Topics in Power Engineering 3-0
Associated Careers
Students earning a postgraduate degree in microwave engineering specialisation can embark upon engineering careers in
industry, R&D organisations, or government and defence establishments.
Semester-III Semester-IV
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
Electives (Two of the following) EE-899 Thesis 6
EE-945 Computational Electromagnetics 3
EE-817 Microwave Integrated Circuit 3
EE-944 Microwave Devices II 3
Total 6 Total 6
Grand Total 30
College of E&ME
Specialisation: Solid State Electronics
Advances in electronics are based on new and novel semiconductor devices and processes. This option offers a fine combination
of courses for students wishing to develop expertise in design and development of semiconductor devices for a given application.
In particular, the focus is on microwave semiconductor devices, process development and device design and development.
Associated Careers
Students earning a postgraduate degree with Solid State Electronics specialisation from Department of Electrical Engineering, are
well-placed to embark upon engineering their careers in industry, R&D organisations or government and defence establishments.
Semester-III Semester-IV
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
EE-899 MS Thesis 6
Electives (Two of the following)
EE-845 Computational Electromagnetic 3
EE-944 Microwave Devices II 3
EE-804 Photonic Devices 3
EE-801 Thin Film Characterisation 3
Total 6 Total 6
Grand Total 30
Semester-III Semester-IV
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
EE-899 MS Thesis 6
Electives (One of the following)
EE-838 Filtering & Tracking 3
EE-852 Information & Coding Theory 3
EE-853 Advanced Wireless Communication 3
EE-808 Digital Integrated Circuit Design 3
Total 6 Total 6
Grand Total 30
College of E&ME
Specialisation: Control Systems
Control Systems Engineering is the foundation of modern industrial development. This sequence builds a strong base in systems
engineering and links it to the control systems theory of linear and non-linear systems. A heavy dose of abstract linear algebra
and control theory enables students to handle systems in domains of their interest as researchers. The continuous-time control
theory is also extended to discrete-time to enable the development of modern computer-based control systems. The option also
focuses on more modern and sophisticated adaptive, optimal, robust, neuro-fuzzy and learning control concepts, etc.
Semester-III Semester-IV
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
Elective (Two of the following) EE-899 MS Thesis 6
EE-838 Filtering & Tracking 3
EE-874 Adaptive Control 3
EE-873 Fuzzy Control 3
ME-837 Nonlinear Dynamics 3
Total 6 Total 6
Grand Total 30
1. Offering of courses in all the specialization streams is subject to the availability of faculty and class strength.
2. For all the specialization streams, course(s) from other departments/constituent colleges, schools or institutions of NUST, may be recommended, if
considered necessary by Department of Electrical Engineering, NUST College of E&ME.
3. PhD students will complete additional requirements of 800/900 level coursework (18 credit hours) beyond their Masters degree as recommended by the
doctoral Guidance and Examination Committee and conduct original and independent research work to produce PhD thesis (EE-999 PhD Thesis) which is a
mandatory requirement for award of PhD degree.
The Department faculty possess an impressive competence in their respective areas of specialty through their academic and
industrial work experiences. All faculty members at the Department, are committed to the development and teaching of the
program in addition to maintaining continuity and academic standards.
The Department is actively carrying out research in the areas of Thermofluids and Manufacturing Engineering Systems.
Manufacturing Research Group is committed to advanced industrial capability in a globally competitive marketplace by
identifying, understanding, developing and transferring critical technologies to industry. Research focuses on monitoring and
control of manufacturing processes, precision manufacturing, nano/micromolding, rapid prototyping and manufacturing.
The research activities of the Thermofluids Research Group cover application areas such as Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics,
CFD, Turbo-machinery, Micro-fluidics, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Environmental Fluid Mechanics with a strong
emphasis on computational modelling.
Semester-III Semester-IV
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH-241 Vector Calculus & PDEs 3-0 MATH-231 Fourier & Complex Analysis 3-0
ME-213 Engineering Dynamics 3-1 EE-103 Electrical Engineering 2-1
ME-220 Engineering Materials 3-0 ME-211 Mechanics of Materials-I 3-0
ME-230 Fluid Mechanics I 3-0 ME-235 Fluid Mechanics-II 3-0
ME-231 Thermodynamics- II 3-1 HU-222 Professional Ethics 2-0
HU-212 Technical & Business Writing 2-0
Total 17 Total 17
Semester-V Semester-VI
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH-361 Probability & Statistics 3-0 MATH-351 Numerical Methods 3-0
ME-310 Mechanics of Materials-II 3-1 ME-420 Project Management 2-0
ME-312 Measurement & Instrumentation 2-0 ME-311 Machine Design 3-0
EE-212 Basic Electronics 2-1 ME-315 Mechanics of Machines 2-1
ME-221 Manufacturing Processes 3-0 ME-330 Heat & Mass Transfer 3-0
ME-323 Manufacturing Processes & 0-1 ME-331 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 3-0
Instrumentation Lab
ME-325 Engineering Economics 2-0 ME-332 Heat Transfer & HVAC Lab 0-1
Total 18 Total 18
College of E&ME
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
ME-314 Control Systems 3-0 MGT-271 Entrepreneurship 2-0
ME-421 Mechanical Vibrations 3-0 XX-4XX Elective III 3-0
ME-410 Vibrations & Controls Lab 0-1 XX-4XX Elective IV 3-0
ME-448 Internal Combustion Engines 2-1 ME-499 Final Year Project II 0-4
XX-4XX Elective I 3-0 ME-498 Internship (Pass/Fail basis)
XX-4XX Elective II 3-0
ME-499 Final Year Project I 0-2
CSL-401 Community Service Learning 1-1*
(Satisfactory/Participated basis)
Total 18-2* Total 12
Grand Total 136-2*
*CSL-401 (1+1)is not counted towards CGPA calculation.
Course Code Course Title Credits
ME-440 Fundamentals of Aerodynamics 3-0 ME-468 Vehicle Design Performance 3-0
ME-441 Applied Heat Transfer 2-1 ME-469 Production Tooling & Automation 2-1
ME-442 Applied Thermodynamics 3-0 M&S-401 Introduction to Modeling and 2-1
ME-443 Automotive Technology 2-1
RIME-221 Introduction to Mechatronics 2-1
ME-444 Basic Naval Architecture 3-0 Design Fundamentals
ME-445 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3-0 DME-470 Automotive Manufacturing Systems 3-0
ME-446 Computer Aided Engineering 1-2 DME-471 Computer Applications in 3-0
ME-447 Computer Aided Thermal System 2-1 Automobile Manufacturing
Design DME-472 Computer Applications in 3-0
ME-449 Introduction to Oil and Natural Gas 3-0 Manufacturing Systems
Engineering DME-473 Industrial Maintenance 3-0
ME-450 Laser & its applications 3-0 Management
ME-451 Marine Environment Issues 3-0 DME-474 Logic Design & Micro-processors 2-1
ME-452 Optimization Techniques 3-0 DME-475 Logistics and Inventory 3-0
ME-453 Power Generation and Distribution 3-0 Management
ME-454 Electrical Machines 3-0 DME-476 Ergonomics, Work Study and 3-0
Methods Engineering
ME-455 Energy Conversion and Power 3-0
Electronics DME-477 FEM applications in Manufacturing 3-0
ME-456 Engine Tribology 3-0 ME-481 Vehicle Dynamics 3-0
ME-457 FEM applications in Automobile 3-0 ME-482 Advanced Engineering Design 3-0
ME-458 Finite Element Methods 3-0 ME-483 Power Train Systems 3-0
ME-459 Gas Dynamics 3-0
ME-460 Gas Turbines 3-0
ME-461 Fuel Cell Technology 3-0
ME-462 Power Plant Engineering 3-0
ME-463 Power System Analysis 3-0
ME-464 Renewable Energy Technologies 3-0
ME-465 Robotics and Automation 3-0
ME-466 Ship Propulsion Engineering 3-0
ME-467 Solar Energy Systems 3-0
The curriculum of the program has been developed to equip the students with in-depth knowledge of Mechanical Engineering
and developing technical skills for design and operation of mechanical systems. The students have an option to select subjects of
their interest from a wide-ranging list that includes major areas of engineering design, manufacturing, mechanics of materials,
thermofluids, controls, automotive engineering and tribology. With this academic background, the students are fully equipped to
embark on graduate research activities leading to PhD degree.
Total 17 Total 18
Semester-III Semester-IV
MATH-161 Discrete Mathematics 3-0 MATH-232 Complex Variables and Transforms 3-0
ME-104 Engineering Drawing 0 -1 XXX CE Depth Elective-I 3-0
EE-215 Electronic Devices & Circuits 3 -1 EC-221 Operating Systems 3-0
EC-200 Data Structures 3 -1 EC-201 Object Oriented Programming 3-1
EC-220 Computer System Architecture 3 -1 HU-109 Communication Skills 2 -0
HU-101 Islamic Studies 2 -0 EC-103 Computer Application in Engineering 2 -1
Total 18 Total 18
Semester-V Semester-VI
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH-361 Probability and Statistics 3-0 MATH-351 Numerical Methods 3-0
EC-310 Microprocessor and 3-1 EE-371 Linear Control Systems 3-1
Microcontroller Based Design
EC-330 Computer Networks 3-1 CE Depth Elective-II 3-0
EE-232 Signals & Systems 3-1 CE Depth Elective-III 2 -1
EC-240 Database Engineering 3 -1 HU-212 Technical & Business Writing 2-0
EC-312 Digital Image Processing 2-1
Total 19 Total 18
Semester-VII Semester-VIII
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
OTM-455 Engineering Project Management 2-0 MGT-271 Entrepreneurship 2-0
EC-350 AI and Decision Support System 3-1 ECO-130 Engineering Economics 2-0
CE Depth Elective-IV 2-1 HU-222 Professional Ethics 2 -0
CE Depth Elective-V 3 -1 EC-499 Final Year Project-II 0-4
CSL-401 Community Service Learning 1-1
EC-431 Digital Communication 2 -1
EC-499 Design Project-I 0-2 Total 10
Total 20 Grand Total 136
College of E&ME
Course Code Course Title Credits
EC-360 Software Engineering 3-0
EC-311 Digital Signal Processing 3-1
EC-301 Computer Graphics 2-1
EC-430 Mobile Networks 2-1
EC-410 Digital System Design 3-1
EC-460 Software Design & Testing 2-1
EC-432 Wireless Communication 2-1
EM-430 Introduction to Robotics 3-0
EM-440 Industrial Automation 2-1
EE-473 Fuzzy Control 3-0
EC-411 Digital Instrumentation and Systems 2-1
EC-433 Integrated Services over Packet Networks 2-1
EE-216 Electrical Machines 2-1
BS-439 Laser and its Applications 2-0
EE-416 Energy Conversion & Power Electronics 3-1
EE-434 Cloud Computing 2-1
The objective of the program is to train students to contribute to advanced computer engineering technology research and to
apply emerging research results for development of computer systems. Graduates will have advanced knowledge and skills to
perform more effectively in the application, evaluation, design and technical competence in the foundation areas of computer
systems engineering. The subjects with modular course structure are taught by leading researchers. The courses focus on
coherent computer systems in engineering themes, providing a balance, co-ordinated and application-oriented coverage of up-
to-date topics.
Scheme of Studies
Program Code: 352
Semester- I Semester- II
Core courses Core courses
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Course Title Credits
CE-825 Advanced Digital System Design 3 CE-866 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 3
CE-820 Advanced Computer Architecture 3 Elective Courses (Any Two)
Elective Courses (Any One) CE-822 Parallel Processing Computer Systems 3
CE-812 Advanced Operating System 3 CE-833 Pattern Recognition and Analysis 3
CE-835 Digital Image Processing 3 CE - 830 Adaptive Control 3
CE-880 Advanced Software Engineering 3 CE - 863 Analysis of Stochastic System 3
MATH -851 Numerical Analysis 3
Total 9 Total 9
College of E&ME
The objective of computer software engineering program is to prepare students for a variety of rewarding careers. Innovation
and creativity is the major focus of the program. A range of subjects help students in acquiring skills and qualities needed
to contribute to this very attractive discipline. Knowledge gained through this program prepares students for professional
competence of computer applications in the field of computing, information and communication systems.
Scheme of Studies
Program Code: 354
Semester- I Semester- II
Core courses Core courses
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
SE-860 Advanced Software Engineering 3 SE-862 Software Requirement Engineering 3
SE-861 Software System Design and 3 SE-863 Software Quality Engineering 3
Architecture Elective Courses (Any One)
Elective Courses (Any One) SE-805 Advanced Artificial Intelligence 3
SE-812 Advanced Operating Systems 3 SE-876 Web Engineering 3
SE-850 Digital Image Processing 3 SE-830 Advanced Algorithm Analysis 3
SE-831 Design and Theory of Algorithms 3 SE-864 Team based Software Development 3
SE-898 Research Methodologies 3 SE-835 Advanced Algorithmic Graph theory 3
SE-802 Pattern Recognition 3 SE-828 Network security 3
SE-825 Advanced Computer Networks 3 SE-827 Wireless Communication 3
SE-813 Design of Parallel and Distributed 3 SE-826 Advanced Computer Network Design 3
Systems and System Security
SE-807 Machine Learning 3 SE-814 Distributed Systems and Resource 3
SE-808 Bio Informatics Systems 3 Optimization
SE-809 Bio Inspired Systems 3
SE-810 Software Engineering 3 Total 9
Total 9
College of E&ME
Bachelors in Mechatronics Engineering
Mechatronics refers to a flexible, multi-technological approach for integration of mechanical engineering, computer engineering,
electronics and information sciences. Mechatronics is essential in the design of intelligent products. It allows engineers to
transform their virtual concepts into real life applications. It is a relatively new concept relating to the design of systems, devices
and products aimed at achieving an optimal balance between basic mechanical structure and its overall control. The program
involves research and coursework that will push the frontiers of technology in intelligent product design and development. The
research activities involve design and control of intelligent robotic systems and automated machines.
Associated Careers
Graduates will have strong command on engineering principles as well as a sound capability of converting concepts to
reality. They could find themselves in industry engaged with maintenance and operation of plant equipment such as boilers,
compressors, turbines, instrumentation, automation and control of advanced industrial processes using such tools as PLC and
microcontroller-based control systems, process simulation for plant modifications, defence and R&D applications, engineering
management, or a variety of similar areas.
Many of our alumni have gone on to pursue further studies in renowned institutions of the world, in a variety of fields, such as
Control Engineering, Digital Signal Processing, Power Electronics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Mobile Robotics, Machine Vision
and Distributed Robotics.
Semester-III Semester-IV
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH-243 Vector calculus 3-0 MATH-233 Fourier ,Complex Analysis & PDEs 3-0
MTS-233 Electronics Devices & Principles 3-1 MTS-234 Electronics Circuit Design 3-1
HU-222 Professional Ethics 2-0 HU-109 Communication Skills 2-0
ME-210 Engineering Dynamics 3-0 ME-206 Mechanics of Materials 2-1
MTS-226 Materials and Manufacturing 3-0 EE-223 Digital Logic Design 2-1
EC-204 Data Strc and OOP 3-1 MTS-232 Electro-Mechanical Systems 3-1
MTS-220 Solid Modeling 0-1
Total 20 Total 19
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MTS-310 Microcontroller Based Systems 2-2 ME-304 Mechanical Vibrations 2-0
MTS-322 Design of Machine Elements 3-0 MTS-315 Mechatronics System Design 2-2
ME-302 Thermodynamics 2-1 ME-313 Theory of Machines 3-0
MTS-336 Instrumentation and 3-1 MTS-337 Industrial Electronics 2-1
OTM-455 Engineering Project Management 2-0 ECO-130 Engineering Economics 2-0
MATH-361 Probability & Statistics 3-0 MATH-352 Numerical Methods 2-1
Total 19 Total 17
Semester-VII Semester-VIII
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title
MTS-417 Introduction to Robotics 3-1 MGT-271 Entrepreneurship 2-0
MTS-xx Elective I 3-0 MTS-XX Elective II 3-0
EE-379 Linear Control Systems 3-1 MTS-499 Senior Design Project II 0-4
ME-403 Fluid Mechanics 3-1 MTS-419 Manufacturing Automation 2-1
MTS-499 Senior Design Project I 0-2 Total 12
Total 17 Grand Total 139
Elective Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MTS-418 Applied Robotics 3 EE-470 Fuzzy Logic 3
EE-370 Digital Control Systems 3 M&S-401 Introduction to Modelling & 3
EE-484 Electric Instrumentation 3 MTS-450 Laser and its Applications 3
MGT-174 Elements of Business 3 EE-451 Mobile Communications Systems 3
MTS-415 Special Topics in Mechatronics 3 EC-335 Digital Signal Processing 3
ME-443 Automation Technology 2-1 ME-448 Internal Combustion Engineering 2-1
College of E&ME
Mechatronics engineering blends the disciplines of mechanical, electrical and software engineering around the principles of control
systems and automation. Mechatronics engineers create and work with systems that have various degrees of automation, which
are increasingly becoming common such as robots and automobiles. The Masters / PhD program in the department combines
in-depth technical knowledge required to work in this fast-changing discipline with broader aspects of engineering. The program
is strongly influenced by industrial perspectives and has state-of-the-art facilities, which includes equipment related to Robotics,
Manufacturing, Machine Vision, Embedded Systems Labs, Brain Controlled Interface and Prosthetics.
Although the discipline of Mechatronics Engineering is relatively new in Pakistan, yet it has been able to successfully integrate
with the demands of major main stream industry. In the industrial sector employers are looking for specialized skill set and their
perception of these expertise are directly gauged from the courses that are studied by a particular applicant in his Masters degree.
Moreover, majority of mechatronics related indigenous as well as international jobs are available under the umbrella of Robotics,
Automation, Smart Systems, Autonomous Systems, Bio-Medical/Bio-Engineering, Machine Vision and Instrumentation. Therefore,
in order to allow the student to align his/her interest with the industry the department has introduced number of relevant
specializations/streams which include:
Robotics and Industrial Automation: Robotics and Industrial Automation are the hallmark areas of specialization for
mechatronics engineers. Whether operating a small company or a big business, there are a number of robotic component
solutions available for performing a large number of different functions and the industry in Pakistan is now beginning to take
cognizance of this fact. In addition, presently there are a number of highly specialized companies that are fully geared up to
provide complete end to end automation solutions to major local industries (e.g., the Oil & Gas industry, Cement Industry,
Sports Goods Industry, etc.).
Smart ElectroMechanical Systems: Smart Electromechanical Systems is the technology of the future. It encompasses systems
and devices that collect information over sensors, make independent decisions based upon this information, then act upon
it in a suitable manner. Security aspects, reliability, miniaturization, energy consumption and intelligent data processing, all
play a critical role in smart systems. To find successful solutions, it is therefore necessary to consider the smart system and
its environment as an entire strategy. Therefore the field of smart systems is essential in the industry since it allows systems
to make independent decisions regarding maintenance and make intelligent reactions to sensor data which is the focus of
research in most industrially developed nations.
Biomechatronics: Biomechatronics is an applied interdisciplinary science that aims to integrate mechanical elements,
electronics with parts of biological organisms. Biomechatronics includes the aspects of biology, mechanics, and electronics. It
enhances the fields of robotics and neuroscience towards prosthetics, brain-controlled devices and human machine interaction.
Industrial applications of the technology include the development of improved prosthesis, bio-sensors and artificial muscles,
which represents technologies of the future.
MS/PhD Coursework
Students will be required to take a total of eight courses in each stream. Out of these eight courses the students will have to take
the specified four core courses (same for all streams) and chose four elective courses that will be offered in each semester. The
scheme of studies including the Core and Elective courses with credit hours for each specialization is given below:
of the Quaid, being the birth and burial place of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Karachi is a city with a rich heritage. Tribes
from Balochistan and Makran established a small settlement of fishermen, many of whom still inhabit various parts of Sindh, and
called it Kolachi. The modern port-city of Karachi, however, saw its rapid development during the British rule in the 19th Century.
The culture of the city is a manifestation of the lifestyles, festivals, literature, music, language, politics, cuisine and socio-economic
conditions of the people of Karachi, greater Sindh and Pakistan. It is a microcosm of people from diverse cultures and ethnicities
from all over Pakistan as well as other parts of the world. The culture of the city is characterised by the blending of South Asian,
Middle Eastern, Central Asian and Western influences, as well as major international business center. Pakistan Navy Engineering
College is situated in Karachi.
Programs PhD
Electrical Engineering with Specialization in Controls
Undergraduate Electrical Engineering with Specialization in
Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering with Specialization in Thermo
Electrical Engineering Fluids
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Mechanical Engineering with Specialization in Thermal
MS Manufacturing Engineering & Management
A sum of rupees 58m has been provided by industry PIA and Pakistan Navy for their R&D projects.
Dr Shafiq-ur-Rehman (Dean)
PhD (University of Manchester) UK MS Metallurgy (NED University) Karachi
Discipline: Mechanical Engineering Discipline: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Thermo Fluid Specialization: Metallurgy, Design & Manufacturing
Discipline: Electrical Engineering Discipline: Computer Science
Specialization: Engineering Management
Engr Sajid Mehmood
Muhammad Samiullah Awan MS (Bahira University) Pakistan
MS (Iqra University) Pakistan Discipline: Electrical Engineering
Discipline: Computer Science
Specialization: Artificial Intelligence
Engr Dur-e-Shahwar
MS (NUST) Pakistan
Discipline: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Communication
Muhammad Mustaqeem
MS (PAF KIET), Pakistan
Discipline: Electronic Engineering
Specialization: Telecom and Networks
Discipline: Mathematics Discipline: Mathematics
Specialization: Applied Mathematics Specialization: Applied Mathematics
Thermodynamics Laboratory
Composite Materials Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Laboratory Library
Radar and Microwave Engineering Laboratory The College library remains open round-the-clock and
Microprocessor Laboratory is equipped with more than 40,000 books in the fields
Power Electronics Laboratory of engineering, computer science, applied science and
Communication Engineering Laboratory humanities. PNEC is also connected to Pakistan Educational
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory Research Network (PERN) which has facilitated access to more
Robotics and Automation Laboratory than 11,000 scientific journals and 26000 e-books, links to
Advance CAD Laboratory digital libraries, collaborative research and distance learning
Materials Testing Laboratory amongst universities in the country and abroad. The library
Heat Treatment Laboratory inventory is computerised for the convenience of users.
Innovative Product Development Laboratory Facilities of internet, email and video courses are also available
Work and Methods Study Lab to readers in the library. It also has a dedicated server along
CADAM Center with 02 TB devices for E-Resource Center. It is utilised for
Machine Shop hosting the IEEE database. A separate book bank has been
Boiler shop established with sufficient number of textbooks, which are
Welding shop issued to the undergraduate students for the whole semester
Applied Chemistry Laboratory for a nominal rental fee. Continuous acquisition of the latest
Applied Physics Laboratory editions of books in various engineering disciplines is made to
High Performance Computing Laboratory meet the teaching and research needs of students and faculty.
Electronics DSP IC Laboratory
PCB Design and Development Laboratory
Material Science & Engineering Laboratory Transport
Fitting Shop Pick and drop services to students is provided.
UG Research Laboratory
Solar Power Research Laboratory
Two well-maintained and well-stocked cafeterias, providing
Internet hygienic food, operate throughout the day from where
Internet is available round-the-clock, in all labs and offices, students can purchase refreshments.
through a comprehensive Local Area Network with a fibre
optics backbone link for fast connectivity. The entire College
is networked with a common internet facility of 40 MB
PNEC students are divided into small groups of approximately
bandwidth. The network extends to the students hostel area
35 students in each group. Each group is supervised by a
through a fibre-optics link providing high quality internet
Course Officer (faculty member). These officers liaise with
access in every room.
each other to guide and counsel students on academic as well
Separate hostel accommodation is available for male and Location Map
female students within the College premises. The capacity
of boys hostel is 206 and 14 girls can be accommodated.
These hostels have dedicated dining facilities. Besides,
the College has a vast range of indoor and outdoor sports
facilities, a students cafeteria, a mosque, and a dispensary
(Sick Bay), which provides medical services round-the-clock
with a permanently posted medical officer and the necessary
paramedical staff.
PNEC has an established Alumni department with up-to-date
data. PNEC alumni, acting as its ambassadors, contributing in
different designations and various capacities in leading engi-
neering firms and organisations such as:
Engro Fertilizers
Engro Chemical Pak Ltd
DFML Karachi
PTCL Karachi
K Electric
Hinopak Motors Ltd
Deputy Commandant
Dean Electronics and Power Engineering
Dean Engineering Sciences
Dean Institute of Manufacturing Engineering
Dean Management Information Systems
Dean Applied Sciences
Training Commander
OIC NUST Affairs
Commandant +92-21-99240152 +92-21-48503001
Deputy Commandant +92-21-48503021
Registrar +92-21-48503014
Dean Electronics and Power Engineering +92-21-99245093 +92-21-48503024
Dean Engineering Sciences +92-21-99245084 +92-21-48503023
Dean Institute of Manufacturing Engineering +92-21-992400751 +92-21-48503039
Dean Management Information Systems +92-21-48503216
Dean Applied Sciences +92-21.99245095 +92-21-48503022
Training Commander 92-21-48503253
OIC NUST Affairs +92-21-99240113 +92-21-48503043
Fax +92-21 99240112
IEP National Excellence Award.
The institution of Engineers Pakistan is a renowned
organization serving and representing engineers community
Ceremony for Awarding of Scholarship.
in Pakistan. To promote and recognize the services rendered
ASHRAE Pakistan held a ceremony for awarding of Scholarship
by engineers, it annually holds subject award for the engineers
to PNEC Students and Installation of the PNEC student branch
who have contributed significantly in the field of engineering.
and its new Board of Governors, Pakistan Chapter. The
The selection is done on the national level and for the year
ceremony was held on 29 August 2015 at College Auditorium.
2015, the award was conferred on Captain Dr Shafiq-ur-
Rehman TI(M) PN for his meritorious work. It is indeed an
honor and privilege for the Officer of Pakistan Navy to receive
this award. The award ceremony was held at Expo Center in
Lahore on 7 May (Engineers Day) and the award was given by
the Federal Minister, Mr Ahsan Iqbal.
27th UG / PG Convocation PNEC.
Convocation was held on 19th Nov 2015 at Bahria Auditorium. President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mr Mamnoon Hus-
sain, was the Chief Guest for the occasion. A total of 288 graduates were awarded degrees. Among these graduates, 43 were
awarded MS degrees, whereas 245 received BE and BS (MIS) degrees. Out of these 101 students were from Pakistan Navy and
187 were the students of NUST. In the graduating students 94 were from the discipline of Mechanical Engineering, 66 from
Electrical Engineering, 36 Electronics Engineering, 37 Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering and 55 students acquired BS MIS
degrees. In all, 33 medals were awarded on the occasion as per the following breakdown: Engineering, IT and Computer Science NUST Prospectus 2016 107
PNEC Shell Eco Marathon Car. Shell Eco Marathon - Run For Money Competition.
NUST-PNEC team competed for Telenor Internet of Things (IOT) Shell Pakistan, in collaboration with Pak Suzuki Motors, Toyota
awards and won an innovative award in the automobile cate- IMC and DYL Motorcycles, launched a local competition called
gory amongst hundreds of individuals, start ups and companies Run for Money in July 2015 with the purpose of gauging the
that participated in the event held on 18 November 2015 at preparedness of all the Pakistani teams that are going to par-
Expo center, Karachi. IOT is a competition aimed at familiarizing ticipate in Shell Eco Marathon Asia in March 2016. Ten most
people with technology and promoting innovation among the promising teams, with a Dream Car Concept participated in the
youth of Pakistan. Mr. Michael Patrick Foley, CEO of Telenor pre- competition. NUST - PNEC team obtained third position and
sented the first prize in IOT to NUST- PNEC team. The award was was awarded a cash prize of 0.5 million rupees.
a great example of recognition of teams efforts and hard work.
The program is designed to meet the dictates of modern trends in the field of electrical technology, encompassing a wider
technological perspective. The program includes basic sciences and humanities courses, electrical and microwave technology,
electronics, signal processing, control systems, communications, microprocessor and computer courses, with the final semester
specifically emphasising power generation, transmission, distribution and protection. The element of electrical power enables
the graduate engineer to effectively take on his/her job in the power generation and distribution sector. With a significant design
element of 6 credit hours for project work, students are able to apply their theoretical knowledge in research and developmental
Associated Careers
Electrical Engineering at NUST opens up numerous career paths for graduates. Students holding this degree have access to various
opportunities to commence their careers as design engineers, production managers, plant engineers, and quality engineers for
various private/government engineering organisations.
Semester-III Semester-IV
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
EE221 Digital Logic Design 31 EE232 Signals and Systems 31
CS250 Data Structures and Algorithms 31 EE215 Electronic Devices and 31
EE211 Electrical Network Analysis 31 HU 109 Communications Skills 20
MATH232 Complex Variables and Transforms 30 EE222 Microprocessor Systems 31
ME100 Engineering Mechanics 30 MATH361 Probability & Statistics 30
15-3 Total 14-3
Semester V Semester VI
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH351 Numerical Methods 30 EE371 Linear Control Systems 31
EE260 Electric Machines 31 EE330 Digital Signal Processing 31
Instrumentation and
EE313 Electronic Circuit Design 31 EE383 31
EE351 Communication Systems 31 ECO130 Engineering Economics 20
EE241 Electromagnetic Field Theory 30 CS XXX Elective-I 3X
Total 15-3 14+3+X
EE357 Computer and Communication 3-1
EE363 Power Transmission 3-0 Networks
EE386 Communication Planning 3-0
EE364 Power Distribution and Utilization 3-0 EE451 Mobile Communication Systems 3-0
EE452 Satellite Communication Systems 3-0
EE365 Renewable Energy Systems 3-0
EE455 Optical Fiber Communication 3-0
EE366 Power Engineering 3-0 EE458 Broadband Technologies 3-0
EE491 Radar Systems 3-1
EE367 Electrical Power Transmission & 3-1 EEXXX Selected Topics in Telecommunica- 3-0
Distribution tion
EE369 Power Electronics 3-0
RF & Microwave Engineering
EE368 Power Electronics 3-1
Course Code Course Title Credits
CE185 Basic Civil Engineering 3-1 EEXXX Selected Topics in RF & Microwave 3-0
University Electives
Any course from any discipline can be opted by the student
Specialisation Description
The aim of this advanced level program is to develop a fundamental understanding of the advanced aspects of control engineering
including modelling and analysis of dynamic system, studying stability and control aspects of linear and nonlinear dynamic systems
and investigating the optimality and robustness of control algorithms applied to various engineering applications..
Associated Careers
The program offers the opportunity for employment in the leading engineering industries of the world. Students successfully
completing this postgraduate course may find employment as control engineers, design engineers, systems engineers or research
and development engineers in leading research organizations and multi-national engineering firms based in Pakistan and abroad.
munications engineering, including modelling and analysis of communication systems, studying aspects of efficient and reliable
transmission of data in communication networks and developing insight into evolution and challenges of next generation com-
munication networks.
Associated Careers
This specialization offers the opportunity with leading telecommunication industries around the globe, intending to deploy and
maintain different types of communication networks. Students successfully completing this postgraduate course may find employ-
ment as design engineers, system engineers or research and development engineers in any of the leading telecommunications
companies in Pakistan or abroad.
EE- 852 Information and Coding Theory 3 EE- 951 Radar Systems 3
Note: PhD students will complete additional requirements of 800/900 level coursework (18 credit hours) beyond their Masters degree, as recommended by the
doctoral Guidance and Examination Committee.
including modeling and analysis of dynamic system, studying stability and control aspects of linear and nonlinear dynamic systems
and investigating the optimality and robustness of control algorithms applied to various engineering applications.
Unique Features
NUSTs engineering programs have been ranked 366th in the world by THE-QS World University Rankings 2010 and are the best
in Pakistan. Furthermore, PNEC NUST has the distinction of being the first educational institute of the country to have obtained
ISO-9001 certification. The program is supplemented by a dominant research component, in addition to the course work. On the
successful completion of 8 courses (including 3 core courses), the students undertake a thesis project in consultation with their
research supervisor(s). After successfully defending the title of their chosen thesis, students complete their research under the
guidance of their supervisor(s). Students are expected and encouraged to publish the findings of their research in international
journals and present them at conferences of repute.
Associated Careers
The program offers the opportunity for employment in the leading engineering industries of the world. Students successfully
completing this postgraduate course may find employment as control engineers, design engineers, systems engineers or research
and development engineers in leading research organizations and multi-national engineering firms based in Pakistan and abroad.
munications engineering, including modeling and analysis of communication systems, studying aspects of efficient and reliable
transmission of data in communication networks and developing insight into evolution and challenges of next generation com-
munication networks.
Important Courses
Analysis of Stochastic systems, Advanced Digital Signal Processing, Information Theory and Coding, Advanced Communication
Networks, Advanced Digital System Design, Wireless Communication Network, Advanced Digital System Design, Wireless Commu-
nications, Wavelet based Image and Signal Processing, Optical Communication Systems, Advanced Topics in Communications and
Signal Processing, RF/Miro-wave and Antennae Design, RF circuit design and Radar Systems.
Unique Features
NUSTs engineering programs have been ranked 366th in the world by THE-QS World University Rankings 2010 and are the best
in Pakistan. Furthermore, PNEC, NUST has the distinctions of being the first educational institute of the county to have obtained
ISO-9001 certification. This postgraduate program is supplemented by a dominant research component in addition to coursework.
On successful completion of 8 courses (of 3 credit each) students undertake a thesis project (of 6 credits) in consultation with their
research supervisor(s). After successfully defending the title of their chosen thesis, students complete their research under the
guidance of their supervisor(s). Students are expected and encouraged to publish the findings of their research in international
journals, and present them at conferences of repute.
Associated Careers
This specialization offers the opportunity with leading telecommunication industries around the globe, intending to deploy and
maintain different types of communication networks. Students successfully completing this postgraduate course may find employ-
ment as design engineers, system engineers or research and development engineers in any of the leading telecommunications
companies in Pakistan or abroad.
broad intellectual tools and skills, essential for professional practice as well as for continuing studies in all engineering specialties.
This discipline largely includes concepts of metallurgy, heat treatments and welding/cutting/other Forms of workability on
materials. In a nut-shell, it is the science of taking material from market and processing it to form useful items.
Associated Careers
Given the fact that mechanical engineering plays a vital role in almost all industries, career options are manifold. Graduates may
seek careers as design engineers, production managers, plant engineers and quality engineers for various private or government
engineering companies, consultancies and R&D organisations. Pakistan can benefit from this discipline, as manufacturing of
spares is a regular activity at almost all of its repair and maintenance operations. This aspect also enhances the career outcomes
for graduates of this program. What further adds to its appeal is the fact that it is one of the highest paid professions in
developed economies of the world.
Semester-III Semester-IV
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH-241 Vector Calculus & PDEs 3-0 MATH-231 Fourier & Complex Analysis 3-0
HU-109 Communication Skills 2-0 EE-103 Electrical Engineering 2-1
ME-112 Engineering Statics 1 3-0 ME-211 Mechanics of Materials-I 3-0
ME-220 Engineering Materials 3-0 ME-235 Fluid Mechanics-II 3-1
ME-230 Fluid Mechanics I 3-0 ME-213 Engineering Dynamics 3-1
ME-231 Thermodynamics- II 3-1
Total 18 Total 17
Semester-V Semester-VI
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH-361 Probability & Statistics 3-0 MATH-351 Numerical Methods 3-0
ME-221 Manufacturing Processes 3-0 ME-420 Project Management 2-0
ME-310 Mechanics of Materials-II 3-1 HU-212 Technical & Business Writing 2-0
ME-311 Machine Design 3-0 ME-311 Machine Design 3-0
ME-312 Measurement & Instrumentation 2-0 ME-315 Mechanics of Machines 2-1
ME-323 Manufacturing Processes & 0-1 ME-330 Heat & Mass Transfer 3-0
Instrumentation Lab
EE-212 Basic Electronics 2-1 ME-331 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 3-0
ME-325 Engineering Dynamics 2-0 ME-332 Heat Transfer & HVAC Lab 0-1
Total 18 Total 20
ME-448 Internal Combustion Engines 2-1 XX-4XX Elective IV 3-0
XX-4XX Elective I 3-0 ME-499 Final Year Project II 0-4
XX-4XX Elective II 3-0 ME-498 Internship (Pass/Fail basis)
ME-499 Final Year Project I 0-2
CSL-401 Community Service Learning 1-1*
(Satisfactory/Participated basis)
Total 14
Total 18-2* Grand Total 136-2*
Course Code Course Title Credits
ME-440 Fundamentals of Aerodynamics 3-0 ME-468 Vehicle Design Performance 3-0
ME-441 Applied Heat Transfer 2-1 ME-469 Production Tooling & Automation 2-1
ME-442 Applied Thermodynamics 3-0 M&S-401 Introduction to Modeling and 2-1
ME-443 Automotive Technology 2-1
RIME-221 Introduction to Mechatronics 2-1
ME-444 Basic Naval Architecture 3-0 Design Fundamentals
ME-445 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3-0 DME-470 Automotive Manufacturing Systems 3-0
ME-446 Computer Aided Engineering 1-2 DME-471 Computer Applications in 3-0
ME-447 Computer Aided Thermal System 2-1 Automobile Manufacturing
Design DME-472 Computer Applications in 3-0
ME-449 Introduction to Oil and Natural Gas 3-0 Manufacturing Systems
Engineering DME-473 Industrial Maintenance 3-0
ME-450 Laser & its applications 3-0 Management
ME-451 Marine Environment Issues 3-0 DME-474 Logic Design & Micro-processors 2-1
ME-452 Optimization Techniques 3-0 DME-475 Logistics and Inventory 3-0
ME-453 Power Generation and Distribution 3-0 Management
ME-454 Electrical Machines 3-0 DME-476 Ergonomics, Work Study and 3-0
Methods Engineering
ME-455 Energy Conversion and Power 3-0
Electronics DME-477 FEM applications in Manufacturing 3-0
ME-456 Engine Tribology 3-0
ME-457 FEM applications in Automobile 3-0
ME-458 Finite Element Methods 3-0
ME-459 Gas Dynamics 3-0
ME-460 Gas Turbines 3-0
ME-461 Fuel Cell Technology 3-0
ME-462 Power Plant Engineering 3-0
ME-463 Power System Analysis 3-0
ME-464 Renewable Energy Technologies 3-0
ME-465 Robotics and Automation 3-0
ME-466 Ship Propulsion Engineering 3-0
ME-467 Solar Energy Systems 3-0
to build a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of engineering practices, manufacturing processes, control
systems, CAD/CAM etc. It also provides students with broad intellectual tooIs and skills of production technology, total quality
management, ergonomics, operational research and computer-integrated manufacturing, which are essential for professional
engineers. Two internships in industry and 6 credit hours of project work provide students with a platform to demonstrate their
competence in acquired methodologies and skills, to enhance real-time industrial and manufacturing performance
Associated Careers
Graduates find themselves in a healthy job market where their knowledge and skills are applicable to a multitude of concerns.
Presently industrial engineers are one of the most sought after human resources in industrial sectors; local and international.
IME-414 Computer Integrated Manufacturing 2-1 IME-499 Manufacturing Design Project 0-4
IME-419 Operations Management 2-0
IME-499 Manufacturing Design Project 0-2
XXX-000 Elective - I 3-0
XXX-000 Elective - II 2-0 Total 11
Total 19 Grand Total 136
Elective Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
IME-481 Plant Engineering 3-0 IME-471 Principles of Decision Making 2-0
IME-482 Fundamentals of Heat Transfer 3-0 MKT-120 Marketing Principles & Practices 2-0
HRM-442 Human Resource Management 3-0 IME-472 Manufacturing Strategy 2-0
IME-415 Product Design and Development 3-0 IME-473 Surface Coating Technology 2-0
MATH-361 Probability & Statistics 3-0 IME-474 High Speed Machining 2-0
ME-421 Mechanical Vibrations 3-0 IME-475 Computational Plasticity 2-0
IME-483 Advance Topics in Industrial & 2-0 IME-476 Manufacturing of Composites 2-0
Manufacturing Engineering.
IME-484 Metal Forming Analysis 2-0 IME-431 Stress Analysis 2-0
IME-485 Lean Manufacturing 2-0 IME-412 Instrumentation & Measurement 2-0
IME-486 Sales & Marketing 2-0 IME-421 Tool Design 2-0
IME-422 Supply Chain Management 2-0
flow systems for research applications. Thermal power specialisation is designed specifically to meet the needs of the modern
engineer in industry and educational institutions. This specialization will enable graduates to acquire knowledge of a broad range
of industrially relevant topics within the fields of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics.
Associated Careers
Completion of this program results in comprehensive knowledge of thermal power and thermo fluids engineering. They will
enjoy strong adaptability in R&D organizations, industries and other establishments. Graduates can apply for career in academia
and research in higher education schools, HVAC and thermal design companies/consulting firms, power plants, and many other
Program Code: 451
MS Mechanical (Thermal Power & Fluid Engineering)
Semester I Semester II
Core Courses Select any Three elective courses
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
ME-882 Heat & Mass Transfer 3 ME-831 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3
ME-881 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 3 ME-885 Thermal Systems Design 3
MATH-812 Advanced Engineering 3 ME-886 Power Plant Engineering 3
ME-887 Sustainable Energy Systems 3
Total 9
ME-888 Radiation Heat Transfer 3
Semester I Semester II
Core Courses Select any Three elective courses
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH-812 Advanced Engineering 3 ME-831 Computational Fluid Dynamics-I 3
ME-881 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 3
ME-802 Finite Element Methods 3
ME-817 Advanced Theory of Vibrations 3
ME-803 Continuum Mechanics 3
ME-833 Computational Fluid Dynamics-II 3
Total 9
ME-834 Fracture Mechanics 3
Semester III ME-835 Advanced Mechanics of Materials 3
Select any Two elective courses
Course Code Course Title Credits ME-882 Heat & Mass Transfer 3
ization is better suited to the students who are keen in pursuing research and academic careers. The curriculum is designed to
ensure that graduates will develop analytical, computational and experimental methods to analyse heat and fluid flow systems for
research applications. Thermal power specialisation is designed specifically to meet the needs of the modern engineer in industry
and educational institutions. This specialization will enable graduates to acquire knowledge of a broad range of industrially rel-
evant topics within the fields of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics.
Important Courses
Advanced Head Transfer, Advanced Fluid Mechanics, Instrumentation, Measurements and Data Acquisition System, Computational
Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer, Advanced Numerical Analysis, Thermal System Design, Advanced Refrigeration and Air Condi-
tioning, Power Plant Engineering, Thermal System Design, Advanced Turbo Machinery, Internal Combustion Engines, Finite Ele-
ment Method, Advanced Numerical Analysis, Fundamentals of Maintenance, Maintenance Planning and Control, Failure Analysis
and Condition Based Maintenance, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Quality and Reliability Management, Sustainable Energy
Systems, Project Managements.
Unique Features
NUSTs engineering programs have been ranked 340th in the world by THE-QS World University Rankings 2010 and are the best in
Associated Careers
Completion of this program results in comprehensive knowledge of thermal power and thermo fluids engineering. They will
enjoy strong adaptability in R&D organizations, industries and other establishments. Graduates can apply for career in academia
and research in higher education schools, HVAC and thermal design companies/consulting firms, power plants, and many other
dents who are keen in pursuing research and academic careers. The curriculum is designed to ensure that graduates will develop
analytical, computational and experimental methods to analyse fluid flow systems for research applications. Computational Me-
chanics specialisation is designed specifically to meet the needs of the modern engineer in industry and educational institutions.
This specialization will enable graduates to acquire knowledge of a broad range of industrially relevant topics within the fields of
thermodynamics and fluid mechanics.
Important Courses
Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Finite Element Methods, Continuum Mechanics and Advanced Fluid Mechanics, Computa-
tional Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer, Advanced Numerical Analysis and Thermal System Design.
Unique Features
NUSTs engineering programs have been ranked 340th in the world by the QS World University Rankings - 2015.
Associated Careers
Completion of this program results in comprehensive knowledge of thermal power and thermo fluids engineering. They will enjoy
strong adaptability in R&D organizations, industries and other establishments. Graduates can apply for career in academia and
research in higher education schools and many other establishments.
Associated Careers
The program has a management perspective, thus it offers broad career opportunities for students. With the high ranking
NUST enjoys in the country and around the world, this program is an ideal launching pad for an engineers career. This market-
driven course opens a multitude of opportunities for engineers besides the canonical jobs. The development of managerial
strengths in graduates enables them to meet tough market demands and provides them with stronger and more realistic growth
opportunities in their professional careers.
Semester I Semester II
Core Courses Core Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MEM-801 Manufacturing Strategies and 3 MEM 804 Computer Integrated 3
Technologies Manufacturing
MEM-802 Production and Manufacturing 3 MEM 805 Product Development 3
Processes Management and Economics
MEM-803 Production and Operations 3 Select any ONE course
MEM 811 Advanced Manufacturing Processes 3
MEM 813 Surface Engineering 3
Semester III
Core Course MEM 821 Manufacturing Systems Design and 3
Course Code Course Title Credits
MEM 806 Quality and Reliability 3
Select any ONE course Semester IV
MEM 822 Supply Chain Management 3
Course Code Course Title Credits
MEM 823 Financial Management 3
MEM-899 MS Thesis 6
MEM 824 Leadership and Entrepreneurship 3
EM 843 Advanced Research Methods 3
MEM-914 Advanced Coating Technology 3
MEM-915 Rapid prototyping and Manufacturing 3
MEM-921 Design and Analysis of Allocation Mechanism 3
MEM-922 Advanced-Topics in System Engineering 3
MEM-923 System Safety Engineering and Management 3
MEM-924 Engineering Ethics 3
MEM-925 Facility Planning and Layout 3
MEM-926 Production Planning and Control 3
MEM-927 Production Scheduling Techniques 3
MEM-928 Service Engineering 3
MEM-929 Advanced Topics in Quality Management 3
MEM-916 Advanced Materials for Engineering Components 3
MEM-917 Laser Materials Processing 2
MEM-918 Adv Maintenance Engineering & Process Improvement 3
MEM-919 Tribology & Advanced Surface Engineering 3
MEM-931 Non-linear Finite Element Methods 3
MEM-932 Modelling of Machining Operations 3
MEM-933 Modelling of Metal Forming Operations 3
MEM-981 Special topics for PhD program 3
(Any subject on the research interests of the faculty available)
MEM-999 PhD Thesis 30
lent the services of three qualified and experienced officers for the posts of the Principal and the Heads of the Department of
Aerospace and Avionics Engineering. Colonel John H. Blakelock from USAF Institute of Technology arrived on July 7, 1965 to
be the first Principal. The first batch of students arrived at the College on 24 July, 1965 and instructions for the course started
on 29 July, 1965. Graduation ceremony of the first-degree course was held on 9 November, 1968. Two USAF officers continued
to serve in the faculty of the College till June, 1978. The College was initially affiliated with the University of Karachi. Later, on
the establishment of NED University of Engineering & Technology in March, 1977, affiliation of the College was transferred to
NED University. In May, 1986, CAE was shifted to Risalpur and since then it is an integral part of the PAF Academy. In December,
1994, the College became one of the constituent colleges of National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad.
In 1997, MS programs in Aerospace and Avionics Engineering commenced at CAE. In 1999 to keep pace with the technological
advancements and to meet the international requirements, ISO 9000 certification for the quality management system of its
academic programs was successfully achieved. Outcome Based Education (OBE) program was started at CAE in 2014 after PEC
became a provisional signatory of the Washington Accord (WA) of International Engineering Alliance (IEA).
Academic Departments
The college has five academic departments:
Dr Suhail Akhtar, Dean CAE Engr Muhammad Ayaz Ahmad, SO NUST Affairs
PhD (Michigan State University), USA MS (Air University) Pakistan
Discipline: Electrical Engineering Discipline: Aerospace Engineering
Specialization: Controls Specialization: Aerodynamics
Department of Humanities & Sciences
Dr AMJAD NAEEM, Head of Department Mr Naveed ur Rehman
Ph D (Quaid-i-Azam University), Pakistan MSc (BZU Multan), Pakistan
Discipline: Mathematics Discipline: Chemistry
Specialization: Wiener HOPF Technique Specialization: Physical Chemistry
Mr Asif Mahmood
MSc (BZU Multan), Pakistan
Discipline : Mathematics
Specialization: Applied Mathematics
Mr Arshad Khan
MSc (University of Peshawar), Pakistan
Discipline : Mathematics
Specialization: Applied Mathematics
Mr Israr Murtaza
M.A (University of Punjab) Pakistan
Discipline: English
Specialization: English Literature
Mr Yazeed ul Hassan
MSc (Peshawar University) Pakistan
Discipline: Chemistry
Specialization: Bio-Chemistry
Material Science Lab completed about 100 projects with the collaboration of
Numerical Analysis Lab national organizations and local industry. CAE students
Digital and Embedded Systems Lab regularly participate in various International / National
Microwave Lab competitions and bring laurels to the institution by achieving
Advanced Design System Lab top positions. CAE team was judged as first amongst the
PCB Prototyping Lab international teams in the Future Flight Design competition
Radar Lab which was organized by the Turkish Air Force.
Guidance, Navigation & Controls Lab
Antenna Lab Accommodation
Communications Lab
Thermal Imaging Lab CAE is a fully residential institution. All students are provided
Computer Numerical Control Lab accommodation. The conducive living environment enables
Industrial Engineering Workshops the students to pursue their studies with single-mindedness.
Test & Measurement Lab Well-furnished hostel accommodation is available in the close
Physics Lab vicinity of the College which provides facilities for messing,
Chemistry Lab accommodation, recreation and social activities. All resident
members avail dining facilities where food is served as per
a common menu decided by students mess committee. A
Counselling room is shared by two students. All hostel rooms are also
A tutor is appointed from the faculty for each student who acts equipped with UPS connections, in case of power failure to
as the local guardian and academic counsellor of the student. provide uninterrupted study environment. Hostel also has a
The tutor monitors his wards academic progress and provides barbershop and a small gymnasium.
him with assistance in dealing with personal issues that may
be hampering his progress. He develops a close relationship
with the student through frequent contacts in both formal and
informal settings.
Campus Address:
College of Aeronautical Engineering,
PAF Academy, Risalpur, Pakistan
Commandant: +92-51-9280513
+92-923-631391-7 Ext 7601
Dean: +92-923-631391-7 Ext 7607
Course Description
The Avionics Engineering program is also inter-disciplinary in nature wherein 47% credit hours pertain to subjects related to
Avionics Engineering while 29% to Humanities & Sciences, 11.5% to Aerospace, 11% to Industrial Engineering and 1.5% to
Military Sciences.
The avionics Engineering Program is designed with an objective to instil in students the knowledge and perspective appropriate
both for a professional career and for pursuit of advanced degrees in the fields that rely on fundamental principles of electrical
engineering. Such principles and practices include rigorous quantitative reasoning and robust engineering design. This is
accomplished by ensuring that students achieve both depth and breadth of knowledge in their studies and by maintaining a high
degree of flexibility in the curriculum.
This program also seeks to provide a good preparation for life, including an ability to communicate in written and oral forms, and
a desire to continue learning throughout life.
A total of 134 Credit hours of academic work are completed that include an independent project in the final semester.
Semester-III Semester-IV
Course Course Title Credits Course Course Title Credits
Code Code
MATH-204 Advance Engineering Mathematics 3-0 ME-212 Thermodynamics of Propulsion 3-0
MATH-361 Probability and Statistics 3-0 AV-231 Electromagnetic Field Theory 2-0.5
HU-111 Communication Skills 0-1 AV-241 Electronics-Devices and Basic Circuits 3-0.5
MECH-202 Engineering Dynamics 3-0 CS-114 Introduction to Computer Programming 1-1
DWG-202 Computer Aided Drafting 0-1 AV-261 Signals & Systems 3-0.5
AE-201 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering 0-1 AV-222 Electromechanical Systems 2-0.5
AV-202 Engineering Circuit Analysis-AC Circuits 2-0.5 CBL-202 Leadership 1-0
AV-211 Digital Systems-Logic Design & Devices 3-0.5
Total 14-4 Total 15-3
Semester-VII Semester-VIII
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
AV-471 Radar Systems 2-0.5 AV-492 Project-II 0-5
IE-431 Statistical Quality Control 2-0 AV-482 Emerging Aviation Technologies 1-0
HU-211 Tech Report Writing 0-1 HU-224 Professional Ethics 1-1
IE-421 Computer Aided Instrumentation 1-1 IE-411 Engineering Economy 2-0
AV-463 Data Communications & Networks 2-0.5 IR-401 International Relations 1-0
IE-451 Product Design and Development 1-1
AV-472 Avionics System Design 2-2
AV-491 Project-I 0-1
Total 10-7 Total 5-6
Grand Total 100-34
ing MS at CAE, PAF can undertake indigenization R&D projects of better quality, wider scope and classified nature. The curricula
of MS program at CAE would cater for specific defense and aviation related requirements maintaining prime focus on national
Course Description
The MS program is leading to PhD in five specialties subject to adequate student enrolment and faculty availability, comprising
of 24 credits hours of course work and 6 credit hours of thesis research. It will include 4 core courses and 4 elective courses.
Each course is a 3.0 credit hour course. The courses of each of the four streams are presented as follows. Students will also be
required to take a leadership and/or community service seminar.
The Aerospace Engineering program is inter-disciplinary in nature wherein 51% credit hours pertain to subjects related to
Aerospace Engineering while 28.5% to Humanities & Sciences, 11% to Industrial Engineering, 8% to Avionics and 1.5% to Military
Sciences. This inter-disciplinary composition of the degree programs at CAE add to the stature and distinction of these programs.
Career Opportunities
Bachelor of Aerospace degree holders may seek careers as aerospace, mechanical or design engineers, in airline industry,
defence-related R&D organisations or any other public or private sector organisations.
MECH-202 Engg Dynamics 3-0 ME-231 Thermodynamics-II 3-0
ME-130 Thermodynamics-I 3-0 MECH-204 Materials Science and Engineering 2-0
IE-102 Workshop Technology-II 0-1 AV-221 Electrical Circuits and Machines 2-0.5
HU-111 Communication Skill 0-1 CS-114 Introduction to Computer Programming 1-1
DWG-202 Computer Aided Drafting 0-1 AV-281 Electronic Warfare 1-0
AV-242 Electronics -Analog & Digital Circuits 2-0 CBL-202 Leadership 1-0
Total 14-3 Total 16-2
Semester-V Semester-VI
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH-352 Numerical Methods 2-1 STR-304 Computational Structural Analysis 3-0
Aircraft Loading and Structural 3-0.5 Structural Vibrations and Aero- 3-0
STR-302 STR-303
Analysis Elasticity
High Speed Aerodynamics 3-0 Aerospace Propulsion & Turbo 3-1
AERO-312 ME-321
ME-303 Heat Transfer 3-0.5 AERO-321 Aircraft Performance 3-0
AERO-311 Basic and Applied Aerodynamics 2-0.5 AERO-322 Aircraft Stability and Control 3-0
AV-352 Feed Back Control Systems 2-0.5 AERO-332 Wind Tunnel Testing 0-1
Manufacturing Process and CNC 0-1
IE-303 Machines
Semester-VII Semester-VIII
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
HU-211 Technical Report Writing 0-1 AE-492 Project-II 0-5
IE-441 Engg Management 2-0 HU-224 Professional Ethics 1-1
AERO-441 Aerospace Vehicle Design 2-2 IE-411 Engg Economy 2-0
STR-441 Structure and Machine Design 3-0 AE-413 Astrodynamics 1-0
AE-431 Applied Computational Engineering 0-1 IR-401 International Relations 1-0
AE-491 Project-I 0-1
IE-451 Product Design and Development 1-1
IE-431 Statistical Quality Control 2-0 Total 5-6
IE-421 Computer Aided Instrumentation 1-1 Grand Total 104-30
Total 11-7
ing MS at CAE, PAF can undertake indigenization R&D projects of better quality, wider scope and classified nature. The curricula
of MS program at CAE would cater for specific defense and aviation related requirements maintaining prime focus on national
Course Description
The MS program is leading to PhD in initially two specialties (Solid Mechanics/ Structural Design & Analysis & Fluid Dynamics/
Aerodynamics), extendable to four specialties subject to adequate student enrolment and faculty availability. The program con-
stitutes 24 credits hours of course work and 6 credit hours of thesis research. It will include 4 core courses and 4 elective courses.
Each course is a 3.0 credit hour course. The courses of each of the four streams are presented as follows. Students will also be
required to take a leadership and/or community service seminar.
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
AE-811 Theory of Elasticity 3-0 AE-811 Theory of Elasticity 3-0
Advanced Aerodynamics I : 3-0 Advanced Aerodynamics I : 3-0
AE-821 AE-821
Incompressible Flows Incompressible Flows
AE-831 Turbo-machinery 3-0 AE-831 Turbo-machinery 3-0
MA-844 Advance Engineering Mathematics 3-0 MA-844 Advance Engineering Mathematics 3-0
Semester-II (Stream-I) Semester-II (Stream-II)
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
AE-820 Advanced Theory of Vibrations 3-0 Advanced Aerodynamics II : 3-0
AE-814 Advanced Mechanics of Composites 3-0 Compressible Flows
AE-812 Finite Element Methods 3-0 AE-823 CFD I 3-0
MA-845 Data Analytics 3-0 AE-921 CFD II 3-0
MA-845 Data Analytics 3-0
efforts with a clear vision, singular commitment and a of time since its inception, it has made relentless efforts to
passionate quest for excellence are capable of achieving within build a research environment of international stature. To
a span of less than a decade. this end, the school has significantly expanded its faculty
From its inception in 1999, as a tiny IT wing of NUST, this and student intake, raised considerable research funding,
institute has blossomed into one of the finest seats of higher established high-tech research labs and a dedicated research
education, of which not only NUST but the entire nation can complex developed active linkages with the industry, filed
be legitimately proud of. The philosophy of education at SEECS indigenous patents, and produced high-quality research
puts due premium on an essential blending of engineering publications. Research aptitude and capacity are the main
and computing education with a sound orientation of social criterion for evaluation and selection of faculty. Researchers
and humanitarian interests of the society. With a relocation of are provided maximum logistical support to set up labs and are
SEECS to NUST H-12 Campus, the School is striving to set a new also introduced to relevant industry people as well as premier
pace for wholesome growth of its students. international research institutions so that they are able to
work on research problems of national and international
Academics significance.
MS (BUAA) China
Discipline: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Embedded Systems, System on Chip (SOC)
Design and Verification
Dr Ali Haider
Head of Department, Telecommunication and Networking
PhD (University of North Carolina at Charlotte), USA
Discipline: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Computer Networks
Dr Tahir Azim
Dr Muhammad Moazam Fraz Head of Department PhD (Stanford University), USA
PhD (Kingston University London), United Kingdom Discipline: Software Engineering
Discipline: Software Engineering Specialization: Distributed Systems, Virtual Worlds, Sensor
Specialization: Image Processing, Medical Image Analysis, Networks
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Engr Samin Khaliq
Dr Aakash Ahmad Abbasi MS (NUST), Pakistan
PhD (IT University of Copenhagen), Denmark Discipline: Software Engineering
Discipline: Software Engineering Specialization: Digital Image Processing, High Performance
Specialization: Softwares and Systems Section Computing
MS (NUST), Pakistan PhD (TUKL), Germany
Discipline: Software Engineering Discipline: Computer Science
Specialization: E-Commerce Application Development Specialization: Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
Ansar Shahzadi
Dr Ibrar Hussain MPhil (QAU), Pakistan
PhD (NUST), Pakistan. Discipline: Statistics
Discipline: Mathematics
Specialization: General Relativity Atifa Kanwal
MPhil (QAU), Pakistan
Dr Quanita Kiran Discipline: Mathematics
PhD (NUST), Pakistan
Discipline: Mathematics Muhammad Yousaf
Specialization: Fixed Point Theory/ Functional Analysis MPhil (IIUI), Pakistan
Discipline: Economics
Dr Adnan Aslam Specialization: International & Monetary Economics
PhD (NUST), Pakistan
Discipline: Mathematics Usman Khawar
Specialization: Partial Differential Equations MA (Punjab University), Pakistan
Discipline: English
Dr Naila Amir Specialization: English Language & Literature
PhD (NUST), Pakistan
Discipline: Mathematics Komal Malik
Specialization: Mathematical Physics MPhil (IIUI), Pakistan
Discipline: Linguistics
Dr Muhammad Imran Malik Specialization: Linguistics
PhD (BUAA), China
Discipline: Condensed Matter Physics Bilal Zubair
MPhil (QAU), Pakistan
Moin-ud-Din Discipline: International Relations
MSc (University of the Punjab), Pakistan Specialization: Power Discourse in IR & Pak US Relations
Discipline: Statistics
MCS (SZABIST) Pakistan Ammar Ahmed
Discipline: Software Engineering MPhil (IIUI), Pakistan
Discipline: Islamic Studies
Muhammad Nadeem Specialization: Hadith and its Sciences
MPhil (QAU), Pakistan
Discipline: High Energy Physics
one of the pioneers, in knitting industry and academia into apparatus are maintained and kept updated by highly qualified
a meaningful partnership and working in tandem on several lab administration. All labs are kept opened from 9 am till 5 pm
practical ideas for the mutual benefit. This has helped them to facilitate and encourage maximum learning and research
jointly propel the dormant conditions of our technology activities.
and engineering education centers. SEECS is engaged in
various industrial projects through Corporate Advisory
Council (CAC). SEECS has always actively participated in CAC Teaching and Research Facilities in
university telecom forum. This has greatly facilitated the two Electrical Engineering
sides to share valuable inputs from each other and devise Following are the research labs managed by Electrical
improved strategies to achieve the goals of academia-industry Engineering Department
partnership. SEECS industry linkages have recently been Electronics Systems Design Automation (ESDA) Lab
extended overseas and a handful of projects have already Microwave Lab
been commenced in collaboration with US companies. Antenna Testing Lab
Purpose of these linkages is to expose students to practical EMC / EMI Lab
work experience in the industry and to familiarize them with IP Technology Center of Excellence
the opportunities that exist for careers in Computer Science. Core Communication and Networks Lab
Some very well renowned companies including Trgtech, Vision Imaging and Signal Processing (VISPRO) Lab
TechAccess, Bentley Systems, Buraaq Integrated Solutions, Information Communication and Network Security Lab
BrightSpyre and Personforce offer summer projects and Wireless and Sensor Networks Lab
provide professional and outstanding environment that offers FPGA/ASIC Hardware Design and Development Lab
hands-on career experience. Next Generation Communication Systems Lab
Besides research oriented labs, following teaching labs
Industrial Collaboration & have also been established that play a vital role in training
undergraduate students with the state-of-the-art electrical and
Professional Training Centers computer design and analysis techniques
SEECS professional credibility and its image as a catalyst to Digital and Embedded Systems Lab
a new paradigm shift in higher education, marked with an Electromechanical Systems Lab
increasing emphasis on creativity and innovation has attracted Basic Electronics Lab
to its premises some of the world class research laboratories, Control Systems Lab
as the coveted gifts from more leading companies. Some of Advanced Electronics Lab
Industrial Collaboration R & D centers present in SEECS are as Microwave Devices and Antenna Lab
follows: Digital Signal Processing Lab
Communication Systems Lab
IBM Linux Competency Center
TechAccess - NUST Research & Development Center
IP Technology Research Center Teaching and Research Facilities in
Tranchulas NUST Cyber Security Research Center Computing
NRTC Resource Center Research facilities at Department of Computing include:
HPC (High Performance Scientific Computing) Lab
Students Support Facilities CERP (Centre for Education, Research and Practice) Lab
Library SMART (Smart Machines and Robotics Technology) Lab
SEECS houses a state-of-the-art library with rich collection KTH-AIS (Applied Information Security) Lab
of books in the areas of electrical engineering and computer EMC (Centre of Excellence for Mobile Computing) Lab
science. It has established its repute in the student KBS (Knowledge Based Systems) Lab
community by providing excellent services and facilities Ideas Lab
to fulfill information needs of its readers. The library has a Besides these research-oriented labs, teaching and skill labs
collection of over 14,800 volumes. It is equipped with the have also been established which play a vital role in training
latest computers to access the digital library of more than and development of students. These include:
23,000 research journals and 124,000 online books. It has a Babbage Lab
collection of over 10,000 volumes in the area of databases, Farabi Lab
networking, e-commerce, object-oriented programming, Shirazi Lab
data communications, circuit analysis, antennas, digital signal Turing Lab
processing, microwave engineering, wireless communications, Biruni Lab
satellite communications, fiber optic communications, mobile General Purpose Lab
communications, digital design, control systems, mathematics, Media Lab
physics, chemistry, management, Islam, Urdu and English Professional trainings related to IBM and Open Source
fiction, etc. technologies are conducted in the IBM Competency Center.
social and professional skills. For this purpose, following timely availability of transport is top priority of the school.
vibrant societies and clubs exist at SEECS. These societies help
students enrich their life experience and broaden their outlook Career Development Office at SEECS
on important social and professional issues by engaging them
in a wide range of wholesome social, cultural and intellectual SEECS provides students sound academic foundation, with a
activities throughout their stay at SEECS. focus on practical applications of knowledge and research. This
International Association for the Exchange of Students for makes them action-oriented, with diverse interests and back-
Technical Experience Islamabad grounds to meet the demands of their prospective employers.
One World Youth Project Islamabad The objective of setting up a Career Development Office (CDO)
NUST Entrepreneur Club is to facilitate placements and internships of the graduates of
ACM Student Chapter the Masters and Undergraduate programs. CDO offers coun-
IEEE Student Branch seling and placement services and undertakes a wide range of
IEEE Women In Engineering activities including company presentations, on-campus jobs,
IEEE Robotics & Automation Society open house, job fairs, workshops on resume writing and inter-
Computer Society of Pakistan viewing skills, job search strategies etc. This helps the students
Youth Entrepreneur Society and the companies to evaluate options and make the right
choice matching with their respective needs.
You want to be proud of yourself? Strive to be a part of SEECS. Yes, I really mean it. It wasnt
easy for me (or anyone in that case) to survive in SEECS but it sure was the best adventure of
my life and a milestone in achieving extraordinary goals. From fun, sports, recreational clubs
to projects, exams and lectures each day was a challenge in its own way which prepared me
for the life ahead creating remarkable memories along the way. I look back to the 4 years with
pride and awe.
The University you graduate from becomes your identity for lifetime and I am fortunate
enough to be identified as a graduate from one of the most prestigious schools of NUST.
SEECS has undoubtely been a hub for academic excellence from many years but for me as
an indidividual, it has not only provided me with quality academic qualification and a strong
professional start, but also many diverse opportunities to excel in every field of my talent and
interest. I personally feel, the scope of my experience and achivements would not be be this
vast, if I was not part of this multicultural, diverse and supportive college community. Having
represented Pakistan and NUST at various international forums, I can surely say that the level
of exposure you get here is equally competent and inline with international standards and
practises as long as your are willing to benefit from it. To me with all evens and odds, the four
year journey at NUST has been an amazing roller coaster ride!
opportunity to work on real-life projects. Graduates from our department have gone on to work for national and international
organisations of repute such as Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, etc.
Associated Careers
With software permeating virtually all aspects of our work, a Software Engineering graduate has the option to work in many
different sectors such as software industry, telecommunication, finance, healthcare, transport, etc. Other engineering areas like
aeronautical, automotive, etc. also have increasing needs for software engineering. In addition, the SE program develops a strong
background for pursuing higher education and research. Graduates from our programs are studying and doing research at some
of the best universities and institutes around the world.
Semester V Semester VI
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
CS-330 Operating Systems 3-1 SE-312 Software Construction 3-1
HU-212 Technical & Business Writing 2-0 SE-320 Formal Methods 3-0
SE-311 Software Requirements Engineering 3-0 SE-321 Software Quality Engineering 3-0
EE-353 Computer Networks 3-1 SE-XXX SE Elective III 3-0
HU-222 Professional Ethics 2-0 XXXX General Education Elective II 2-0
SE-XXX SE Elective-II 3-0 XXXX Supporting Science Elective III 3-0
Total 18 Total 18 Engineering, IT and Computer Science NUST Prospectus 2016 147
Semester VII Semester VIII
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
SE-430 Software Project Management 3-0 XXXX General Education Elective IV 3-0
MGT-271 Entrepreneurship 2-0 XXXX SE Elective VI 3-1
SE Elective IV 3-0 SE-499 Senior Project 0-3
SE Elective V 3-0 CSL-401 Community Service Learning 0-2
General Education Elective -III 3-0 EGR-100 Engineering Foundation Course
SE-499 Senior Project 0-3 Total 10
Total 17 Grand Total 135
SE Elective Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
CS-332 Distributed Computing 3-1 CS-482 System Incident Handling 3-0
EE-350 Data Communication 3-0 CS-344 Web Engineering 3-1
CS-423 Data Warehousing and Data Mining 3-1 CS-473 Theory of Intelligent Systems 3-1
CS-321 Advanced Database Systems 3-0 SE-301 Object Oriented Software Engineering 3-0
CS-340 Web Technologies-I 2-1 SE-490 Advanced Topics in Software Engineering 3-0
CS-381 Network Security 3-1 MATH-352 Numerical Methods 2-1
CS-443 E-Commerce and Solutions 3-0
CS-251 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3-0 Supporting Science Elective Courses
CS-370 Artificial Intelligence 3-1 Course Code Course Title Credits
CS-425 Management Information Systems 3-0 MATH-112 Calculus II 3-0
CS-490 Advanced Topics in Computing 3-0 EE-212 Basic Electronics 2-1
CS-271 Computational Logic 3-0
EE-322 Wireless Networks 3-0
CH-101 Applied Chemistry 2-1
CS-361 Computer Graphics 3-1
PHY-401 Advanced Physics 2-1
EE-430 Telecommunication Systems 3-0
MATH-232 Complex Variables and Transforms 3-0
CS-342 Mobile Computing 3-0
EE-201 Engineering Mechanics 3-0
CS-424 Information Retrieval 3-0
MATH-221 Number Theory 3-0
EE-433 Digital Image Processing 3-1
CS-382 Fundamentals of Cryptography 3-0
CS-433 Applied Parallel Computing 2-1
EE-102 Basic Electrical Engineering 3-1
CS-213 Advanced Programming 3-1
EE-215 Electronic Circuits & Devices 3-1
EE-232 Signals and Systems 3-1
OTM-455 Engineering Project Management 2-0
EE-330 Digital Signal Processing 3-1
EE-414 Digital Electronics 3-1
SE-440 Business Process Automation 3-0
MATH-133 Engineering Mathematics 3-0
SE-313 Design Patterns 2-1
MATH-234 Multivariable Calculus 3-0
SE-423 Software Metrics 3-0
EE-477 Analog and Digital Communication 3-1
SE-422 Software Testing 3-0
MATH-351 Numerical Methods 3-0
SE-431 Software Engineering Economics 3-0
CS-453 Programming Languages 3-0
CS-471 Machine Learning 3-1 General Education Elective Courses
CS-472 Natural Language Processing 3-0 Course Code Course Title Credits
BIO-317 Computational Biology 3-0 HRM-441 Human Resource Management 2-0
BIO-215 Bioinformatics 3-0 MGT-175 Intellectual Property Rights 3-0
CS-352 Theory of Automata and Formal Lan- 3-0 HU-103 Principles of Sociology 3-0
CS-322 RDBMS Using Oracle 2-1 HU-102 Psychology 3-0
CS-414 Advanced Java with emphasis on Internet 3-1 HU-104 English Literature 3-0
CS-441 Web Technologies-II 3-1 FIN-100 Principles of Accounting 3-0
CS-331 System Programming 2-1 CS-309 Computing and Society 3-0
CS-362 Multimedia Systems and Design 2-1 MGT-164 Introduction to Management 2-0
CS-334 Open Source Systems 3-1 HRM-240 Organizational Behavior 2-0
CS-380 Introduction to Computer Security 3-0 ECO-130 Engineering Economics 2-0
CS-481 Computer Forensics 3-1
projects in core computer science areas and bring new ideas for establishing independent businesses that shall contribute
towards the economy of the country.
The program contains mandatory courses in the areas of artificial intelligence, compiler construction, theory of automata
and formal languages, scientific computing and analysis of algorithms. In addition, the CS program will contain courses like
Introduction to Management, Strategic Marketing and Management, Entrepreneurship, Intellectual Property, Accounting and
New Business Ventures to encourage entrepreneurship in the students.
Associated Careers
Computer Science graduates have a world of career opportunities before them. The CS professionals can generate and
implement creative solutions to difficult problems, as well as to train the next generation of computer scientists and software
professionals. They not only can work as entrepreneurs but also have the option to work as software developers and analysts
in many different sectors such as software industry, telecommunications, finance, healthcare etc.. In addition, the CS program
develops a strong background for pursuing higher education and research.
CS-213 Advanced Programming 3-1 HRM-240 Organizational Behaviour 2-0
CS-271 Computational Logic 3-0 HRM-441 Human Resource Management 2-0
CS-309 Computing and Society 3-0 HU-102 Psychology 3-0
CS-321 Advanced Database Systems 3-0 HU-103 Principles of Sociology 3-0
HU-104 English Literature 3-0
CS-322 RDBMS Using Oracle 2-1 MATH-112 Calculus II 3-0
CS-331 System Programming 2-1 MATH-133 Engineering Mathematics 3-0
CS-332 Distributed Computing 3-1 MATH-221 Number Theory 3-0
CS-334 Open Source Systems 3-1 MATH-232 Complex Variables and Transforms 3-0
CS-340 Web Technologies-I 2-1 MATH-234 Multivariable Calculus 3-0
CS-342 Mobile Computing 3-0 MATH-351 Numerical Methods 3-0
CS-344 Web Engineering 3-1 MATH-352 Numerical Methods 2-1
CS-352 Theory of Automata and Formal Lan- 3-0 MGT-164 Introduction to Management 2-0
CS-482 System Incident Handling 3-0
CS-361 Computer Graphics 3-1
CS-490 Advanced Topics in Computing 3-0
CS-362 Multimedia Systems and Design 2-1
ECO-130 Engineering Economics 2-0
CS-380 Introduction to Computer Security 3-0
EE-102 Basic Electrical Engineering 3-1
CS-381 Network Security 3-1
EE-201 Engineering Mechanics 3-0
CS-382 Fundamentals of Cryptography 3-0
EE-212 Basic Electronics 2-1
CS-414 Advanced Java with emphasis on Inter- 3-1
EE-215 Electronic Devices and Circuits 3-1
net Applications
EE-232 Signals and Systems 3-1
CS-423 Data Warehousing and Data Mining 3-1
EE-322 Wireless Networks 3-0
CS-424 Information Retrieval 3-0
MGT-175 Intellectual Property Rights 3-0
CS-425 Management Information Systems 3-0
OTM-455 Engineering Project Management 2-0
CS-433 Applied Parallel Computing 2-1
PHY-401 Advanced Physics 2-1
CS-441 Web Technologies-II 3-1
SE-301 Object Oriented Software Engineering 3-0
CS-443 E-Commerce and Solutions 3-0
SE-313 Design Patterns 2-1
CS-453 Programming Languages 3-0
SE-422 Software Testing 3-0
CS-471 Machine Learning 3-1
SE-423 Software Metrics 3-0
CS-472 Natural Language Processing 3-0
SE-431 Software Engineering Economics 3-0
CS-473 Theory of Intelligent Systems 3-1
SE-440 Business Process Automation 3-0
CS-481 Computer Forensics 3-1
SE-490 Advanced Topics in Software Engineer- 3-0
EE-330 Digital Signal Processing 3-1
EE-350 Data Communication 3-0
CS-251 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3-0
EE-414 Digital Electronics 3-1
CS-370 Artificial Intelligence 3-1
EE-430 Telecommunication Systems 3-0
er science which will then be complimented with specialised postgraduate courses in areas of immense research and commercial
potential. This program has been designed to produce highly-skilled professionals who would be trained computer science areas,
namely Algorithms and Complexity, Architecture and Organisation, Operating Systems, Intelligent Information Management,
Graphics and Visual Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, Web Technologies, and Software Engineering.
Associated Careers
In this program, highly-specialised, theoretically-sound, and practically-important courses will be offered. Graduates of this
program can subsequently utilise their knowledge to pursue a PhD, get employment in relevant national and multinational
companies/ industries, become entrepreneurs or research scientists.
Total 9
Semester-III Semester-IV
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
Elective III 3 CS-899 Thesis 6
Elective IV 3 Total 30
Total 6
CS-812 Object Oriented Analysis & Design 3-0 CS-885 Data Security and Privacy 3-0
CS-841 Software Quality Engineering 3-0 IT-807 Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 3-0
SE-860 Advanced Software Engineering 3-0 Graphics and Visual Computing
CS-862 Advanced Image Processing 3
CS-866 Information Visualization 3
CS-864 Scientific Visualization 3
CS-865 Ubiquitous and Autonomic Computing 3
PhD Coursework
CS-853 Formal Methods 3
PhD candidates can take any of the following courses during
their course work.
Associated Careers
The graduates of MSIT program have gone on to achieve success in both industry and research in Information Technology and
Computing. They attribute their success to the high quality of teaching and emphasis on research activities. The graduates
are working in various national and multinational IT firms as research scientists, managers, business analysts, network system
analysts, and a few of them are successful technology entrepreneurs.
Program Code-600
MS Coursework
Semester I
Course Code Course Title Credits
CS-820 Advanced Database Concepts 3
CS-812 Object Oriented Analysis & Design 3
EE-981 Network Switching and Routing 3
Total 9
Semester II
Object-oriented Technologies
CS-841 Software Testing & Quality Engineering 3
XX-xxx OO Technologies Elective 3
IT-852 Mathematical Methods of IT 3
Total 9
Network Technologies
EE-886 Photonic Networks 3
IT-872 Wireless Networks 3
IT-852 Mathematical Methods of IT 3
Total 9
Databases Technologies
Course Code Course Code Credits
CS-821 Distributed Databases 3
XX-xxx DB Technologies Elective 3
IT-852 Mathematical Methods of IT 3
Total 9
Total 9
Object Oriented Technologies
XX-xxx OO Technologies Elective 1 3
XX-xxx OO Technologies Elective 2 3
Total 6
Network Technologies
IT-853 Advanced Networks Security 3
XX-xxx Network Technologies Elective 3
Total 6
Databases Technologies
CS-823 Advanced Topics in Databases 3
XX-xxx DB Technologies Elective 3
Total 6
E-Commerce Technologies
IT-802 Planning and Designing E-commerce Projects 3
XX-xxx E-Commerce Technologies Elective 3
Total 6
CS-899 MS Thesis 6
Total 30
PhD Coursework
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
IT-815 Graph Theory and Algorithms 3 CS-832 Distributed Computing 3
CS-800 Strategic Information Management 3 CS-824 Web based Databases 3
IT-853 Advanced Networks Security 3 CS-826 Object Oriented Databases 3
Planning and Designing Ecommerce
IT-802 3 CS-836 Advance Distributed Computing 3
CS-823 Adv. Topics in Databases 3 CS-855 Logical & Formal Methods 3
CS-821 Distributed Databases 3 CS-822 Data Mining 3
CS-801 Ecommerce Engineering 3 CS-855 Data Security & Privacy 3
CS-832 Distributed Computing 3 CS-831 Parallel Computing 3
Advanced OO Design and
SE-816 3 CS-803 Internet Marketing 3
CS-822 Data Mining 3 CS-800 Strategic Information Management 3
CS-855 Logical & Formal Methods 3 CS-832 Distributed Computing 3
Software Testing Quality
CS-836 Advanced Distributed Computing 3 CS-841 3
IT-817 Enterprise OO Technologies 3 CS-822 Data Mining 3
CS-831 Parallel Computing 3 CS-804 Ecommerce Laws and Regulations 3
Artificial Intelligence & Machine
CS-877 3 CS-820 Advanced Database Concepts 3
CS-885 Data Security & Privacy 3 CS-812 Object Oriented Analysis & Design 3
SE-860 Advanced Software Engineering 3 EE-981 Network Switching and Routing 3
Software Testing & Quality
IT-800 Strategic Information Management 3 CS-841 3
IT-860 Advanced Data Communication 3 OO Technologies Elective 3
IT-874 Wireless Sensor Networks 3 IT-852 Mathematical Methods of IT 3
IT-875 QOS for Networks 3 EE-886 Photonic Networks 3
IT-876 Network Design & Management 3 IT-872 Wireless Networks 3
IT-877 Advanced Computer Networks 3 CS-885 Data Security & Privacy 3
CS-800 Strategic Information Management 3
coursework of the MS-IS program has been designed with a special emphasis on preparing research-ready students that can
undertake significant postgraduate research work, as well as equipping them with practical knowledge needed to pursue a career
in information security engineering.
Associated Careers
The MS-IS degree can create opportunities for employment as security consultants in major public service sectors, such as
telecommunications and banking, as well as employment within specialist information security research and development
companies (both local and foreign).
Semester III
Course Title Credits
XX-xxx Elective Students will take two subjects each 3
XX-xxx Elective 3
IS-899 MS Thesis 6
Course Code Course Title Credits Information Security Project
IS-831 3
IS-844 Cryptanalysis 3 IS-826 Cyber Warfare 3
IS-810 Secure Coding 3 Access Control and Database
IS-856 3
IS-822 Wireless Network Security 3 IS-855 Information Hiding 3
IS-823 IT Law and Computer Forensics 3 IS-854 Advanced Web Security 3
Vulnerability Exploitation &
IS-825 3 IS-853 Cloud Computing Security 3
IS-833 IT Security Evaluation & Auditing 3 EE-852 Information and Coding Theory 3
IS-824 Biometrics 3 CE-863 Analysis of Stochastic Systems 3
PhD Coursework
PhD candidates can take any of the following courses during their course work.
The EE department aims to achieve academic and research leadership in its subject area through its well-designed curriculum
(that emphasizes conceptual understanding and fosters creativity) coupled with its strong focus on research, innovation, and
industry-liaison. The school also strongly emphasizes on imbibing the graduates with sound professional ethics.
Associated Careers
Electrical and electronic engineering graduates are in demand in a number of industries-broadcast communications, mobile
communications, optical communications, integrated circuit design, instrumentation, medical engineering, avionics, consumer
electronics and computer networking, to name but a few. Graduates can also pursue research, as PhD students, or join industrial
Semester-III Semester-IV
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
EE-221 Digital Logic Design 3-1 EE-232 Signals and Systems 3-1
CS-250 Data Structures and Algorithms 3-1 EE-215 Electronic Devices and Circuits 3-1
EE-211 Electrical Network Analysis 3-1 HU-109 Communication Skills 2-0
ME-102 Thermodynamics 2-0 EE-222 Microprocessor Systems 3-1
MATH-232 Complex Variables and Transforms 3-0 MATH-361 Probability & Statistics 3-0
Total 17 Total 17
Semester V Semester VI
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH-351 Numerical Methods 3-0 EE-371 Linear Control Systems 3-1
CS-251 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 3-0 EE-412 VLSI Circuit Design 3-0
CS-435 Parallel & Distributed Processing 3-1 EE-414 Digital Electronics 3-1
CS-470 Machine Learning 3-0 EE-415 Opto-Electronics 3-1
CS-474 Computer Vision 2-1 EE-421 Digital System Design 3-1
CS-475 Computer Vision 3-0 EE-423 Embedded System Design 3-1
EE-316 Operational Amplifier Applications 3-1 EE-428 Industrial Process Control 3-1
EE-317 Integrated Circuits 3-0 EE-441 Microwave ICs Design 3-0
EE-318 Solid State Electronics 3-0 EE-442 Microwave Devices 3-1
EE-332 Linear Systems and Signal Process- 3-0 EE-443 Electromagnetic Compatibility 3-0
ing EE-463 Fundamentals of High Voltage 3-0
EE-333 Digital Image Processing 3-0 Engineering
EE-341 Transmission Lines, Antennas and 3-1 EE-464 Power Systems Protection 3-0
Wave Propagation EE-465 Power Economics and Manage- 3-0
EE-342 Microwave Engineering 3-1 ment
EE-343 Transmission Lines, Waveguides 3-1 EE-466 Advanced Electrical Machines 3-1
EE-344 Wave Propagation and Antennas 3-1 EE-472 Industrial Control and Automation 3-0
EE-356 Wireless Communication 3-0 EE-474 Advanced Control Systems 3-0
EE-357 Computer and Communication 3-1 EE-475 Power System Operation and 3-0
Networks Control
EE-361 Analysis and Design of Electric 3-0 EE-476 System Identification 3-0
Machines EE-481 Robotics-II 3-0
EE-363 Power Transmission 3-0 EE-482 Electric Drives 3-0
EE-364 Power Distribution and Utilization 3-0 EE-491 Radar Systems 3-1
EE-365 Renewable Energy Systems 3-0 EE-493 Applied Control & Navigation 3-0
EE-366 Power Engineering 3-0 Systems
EE-367 Electrical Power Transmission & 3-1 EE-497 Power Engineering Lab 0-1
Distribution SE-200 Software Engineering 3-0
EE-368 Power Electronics 3-1 CS-330 Operating Systems 3-1
EE-369 Power Electronics 3-0 EE-321 Computer Architecture & Organisa- 3-1
EE-372 Digital Control Systems 3-1 tion
EE-374 Optimal Control 3-0 EE-444 Antenna Design 3-0
EE-375 Introduction to Adaptive Control 3-1 EE-451 Mobile Communication Systems 3-0
EE-376 Stochastic Control 3-1 EE-452 Satellite Communication Systems 3-0
EE-377 Multivariable Control 3-1 EE-455 Optical Fibre Communication 3-0
EE-378 Introduction to Non-linear Control 3-0 EE-458 Broadband Technologies 3-0
EE-381 Robotics-I 3-1 EE-461 Power System Analysis and Design 3-0
broad area covering advanced digital and analogue electronics, communication, signal processing, multimedia and computer
vision, advanced controls of robotics and microelectronics / nanoelectronics. Currently, five areas of specialisation are being
offered at the department. These include Digital System & Signal Processing, Telecommunication & Computer Networks, Power
Electronics & Controls, RF & Microwaves and Electronic Material & Devices. The number of elective courses will be offered during
the second and third semesters, depending upon the students interest and availability of specialist faculty.
Associated Careers
Electrical Engineers contribute to the development of a wide range of technologies. They design, develop, test and supervise the
deployment of electrical systems and electric devices. They may work on design of sub-micron Digital and Analogue Integrated
Circuits, DSP and Computer Vision Algorithms, Telecommunication Systems, the operation of electric power stations or the
electrical control of industrial machinery. Students can subsequently utilise their knowledge to either pursue an advanced
research degree or seek employment in technology companies, both local and foreign.
Semester I Semester II
Course Course
Course Title Credits Course Title Credits
Code Code
EE-800 Stochastic Systems 3 XX-XXX Elective - I 3
EE-831 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 3 XX-XXX Elective - II 3
EE-823 Advanced Digital System Design 3 XX-XXX Elective III 3
Total 09 Total 09
Elective Courses
Course Title Credits EE 832 Pattern Recognition 3
EE 839 Adaptive Filters 3 EE 938 Advanced Topics in Signal Processing 3
EE 822 ASIC Design Methodology 3 EE 924 Advanced VLSI Design 3
Analog/Digital Circuit Design and IC
EE 821 Advanced Embedded System Design 3 EE 827 3
EE 991 Detection and Estimation 3 EE 922 System on Chip Architecture 3
EE 932 Speech Processing 3 EE 926 System validation 3
EE 936 Multirate Systems and Filter banks 3 CSE 811 Advanced Computer Architecture 3
Advanced Topics in Computer Vision
EE 937 3 EE 833 DSP Hardware System Design 3
and Image Processing
CS 867 Computer Vision 3
Semester I Semester II
Course Course
Course Title Credits Course Title Credits
Code Code
EE-800 Stochastic Systems 3-0 XX-XXX Elective - I 3-0
Elective Courses
Course Title Credits
EE-981 Network Switching and Routing 3
CSE-879 Network Performance Analysis 3
EE-889 Advanced Wireless Networks 3
EE-883 Wireless Sensors and Mesh Networks 3
EE-983 Advanced Topics in Networks 3
EE-886 Photonic Networks 3
EE-885 Cognitive Radio Networks 3
EE-854 Optical Communication Systems 3
EE-853 Advanced Wireless Communication 3
EE-953 Advanced Data Communication Systems 3
Semester I Semester II
Course Course
Course Title Credits Course Title Credits
Code Code
EE-800 Stochastic Systems 3 XX-XXX Elective II 3
EE-871 Linear Control Systems 3 XX-XXX Elective III 3
XX-XXX Elective - I 3 XX-XXX Elective IV 3
Total 09 Total 09
EE-815 Physical Electronics 3 EE-875 Discrete Time Control Systems 3
EE-816 Electronic Devices 3 EE-876 Robotics 3
EE-817 Microwave Integrated Circuit Design 3 EE-877 Mobile Robotics 3
EE-818 Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems 3 EE-878 System Identification 3
Power Electronics and Electric Drives EE-879 Robust Control 3
EE-901 3
Advanced Semiconductor Device Modeling & Simulation of Dynamic
EE-903 3 EE-971 3
Theory Systems
EE-904 Advanced Topics in Electronics 3 EE-972 Advanced Digital Control Systems 3
Semester I Semester II
Course Course
Course Title Credits Course Title Credits
Code Code
EE-841 Electromagnetic Theory 3 EE-844 Antennas and Wave Propagation 3
Microwave Transmission Lines and
EE-843 3 EE-947 Microwave Devices and Systems 3
EE-847 Microwave Engineering 3 XX-XXX Elective I 3
Total 09 Total 09
Elective Courses
Course Title Credits
EE-842 Microwave Communication System Design 3
EE-831 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 3
EE-851 Advanced Digital Communication Systems 3
design, storytelling and drama. additional tools to support their learning. Moreover, we should
It will provide a practical forum to look beyond the obvious, to not forget that the school should only deliver the content
ask questions not yet asked and to provide innovative solu- needed by the children. The local software industry is swiftly
tions that could dramatically improve the way people learn moving towards design of mobile educational applications and
- not only for those who go to a school but also those who games. Currently, there is no pedagogical grounding which can
cannot attend a conventional school. provide a framework for designing interactive applications.
Educational innovation, driven by a need for continuing educa- The proposed MS program will enable our graduates to take
tion in the labor force, is transforming the global industrial advantage of the billion dollar emerging industry dealing with
landscape. Moreover, this need has also put a lot of stress on edutainment.
producing dynamic and diverse educational entrepreneurs as
well as researchers who can steer the next revolution in educa-
tion. This is the first program in Pakistan that will address the
Associated Careers
The objectives of proposed MS in ITE are to develop entrepre-
deficiency of such individuals and aim to create graduates with
neurial innovations in educational practice, to evaluate tech-
the ability to Learn, Think, Apply, Innovate and Educate.
nologys impact on learning and development and to excel in
designing interactive media content and learning applications.
Why join this program? The graduates of this MS program will be suitable and sought
We have about 5 million adults in Punjab who go to high after in the following industry:
school, but there are more than 8 million adults who drop- 1. Interactive text book design
out before entering high school. This inequality is becoming 2. Schools
more pronounced as times passes. Inequality in education, 3. Games and interactive media
in opportunities and in financial status of families is linked 4. Online education companies
to disturbing indicators in a society. This is like a time bomb 5. Instructional designer, online training
which is ticking not only for the poor but also for the neighbor- 6. Animation development, childrens and adults educational
ing rich. The planners have never thought that the poor will television network
never be able to send their children to high school - the school 7. Educational start-ups
should reach out to their children (at different times) when- 8. War games design and development
Course Code Course Title Credits
ITE-899 Thesis 6
Elective Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits Advanced Topics in Education
ITE-831 3
Pedagogy of the Oppressed: Critical (Seminar Course)
ITE-803 3
Thinking Navigating Pakistans Educational
ITE-832 3
ITE-813 Design of Games for Learning 3
CS-822 Data Mining 3
Innovative Entrepreneurship in
ITE-821 3
Education CS-861 Advanced Computer Graphics 3
were launched in the year 2008. Presently, the school has 535 students of which more than 176 are pursuing degrees at the MS
and PhD levels.
The mission of SCME is to provide students with a broad and through understanding in engineering fundamentals, applications,
and design that prepares them to practice engineering at the professional level with confidence and skills necessary to meet the
technical and social challenges of the future. Graduate will attain the skills for entry level engineering portions leading to their
development into advanced engineering professionals inculcating innovative thinking and entrepreneurship.
The School enjoys reciprocal ties with universities in Europe, China and the ASEAN countries, and continues to forge stronger
links with the academia and research communities across the world. In this regard, an MoU has been signed with China (Tsinghua
University), Korea (Chungnam National University), Turkey (Marmara University), INPT Toulouse, France, a leading university in
the field of Simulation and Modeling of Fluid Dynamics. Our Materials Engineering Department is also collaborating in terms of
students and teachers exchange with Institute of Materials (IMN) Nantes University, France. Several significant industrial projects
are at hand, involving private and strategic partners. This is envisioned to provide a framework for present and future collaboration
between academia and the industry and to make an important contribution towards revitalizing the industrys capability. It is due
to this conviction that university-industry linkage is being forged at SCME in line with prevalent higher education policy.
SCME has a strong tradition of holding seminars and talks on contemporary topics of interest; both in the specific fields of study
pursued at the School and areas of wider significance. Internationally recognized faculty involved in cutting-edge contemporary
research together with well-equipped, state-of-the-art labs and learning resources provide an ideal setting for professional
growth. We encourage, support and celebrate exceptional approaches to teaching that excite and inspire engineering students in
a supportive and challenging environment.
Instrumentation and process control lab Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR)
Organic & Inorganic chemistry lab Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS)
Particulate technology lab Gel Permeation Chromatograph (GPC)
Physical chemistry lab High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC)
Polymer lab Micro Calorimeter Particle Size Analyzer
Simulation lab Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
Thermodynamics lab Thermal Gravimetric / Differential Thermal Analyzer (TG/DTA)
Heat transfer lab X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)
Mass transfer lab X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)
Simultaneous heat and mass transfer Lab Electrochemical Workstation
Polarized Optical Microscope
Materials Engineering Laboratories Liquid and Solid Sublimation Devices
Corrosion lab Potentiostat GAMRY
Heat treatment lab Micro-Hardness Tester
Mechanical testing lab
Microscopy lab
Nano synthesis lab
Sample preparation lab
Scanning electron microscopy lab
Surface engineering lab
Thermal transport lab
Chemical Sensor lab
Non Destructive Testing lab
Welding and Joining lab
XRD, AFM lab
SCME in its short existence has been credited with the acceptance of thirteen patents (SI No 140915, 104916, 104917,
139821, EP2006005834, W02006/136345 A1, EP09012588, US2010/0264368 A1, US2011/0109855 A1, US20110240917 A1;
US 2011/0240920, US 2013/0344577 A1, WO 2012175214) in the area of Liquid crystals molecules comprising Hydroazulane
Structures, Synthesis, characterization of new polymides, blue phase Liquid crystal composition, Sensor device for sensing
toxins, bacteria, binding events on analytes at interfaces, filament Wound Structures, Particles, Composites, Shockwave/ Seismic
Absorbance Materials and a method of tackling erosive burning in high C/D rocket motors.
During the last year, over 15 research papers were presented at national and international conferences of high repute and over
60 papers were published in journals with high impact factor ratings. The School promotes sharing of knowledge and exchange of
research at all levels. With this objective in view, the School has recently published four books with VDM, a leading international
publisher. The books are available at Publications include:
Ablative Nano Composites
Anti-blast Nano-polymer for Structural Retrofit
High Strength Composites
Renewable Technologies: Thermionic Energy Conservation
Faculty Profile
Dr Mohammad Mujahid Dean and Principal
DPhil (University of Oxford) UK
Specialisation: Nano/Bio Materials, Materials Characterisation
Phase Transformation
MS Chemical Engineering (Karl Stad University) Sweden
PhD (Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia) Specialization: Pulp, Paper and Surface Treatment Technology
Specialization: Chemical Engineering
Engr Waqas Cheema (On leave)
Dr Syed Salman Raza Naqvi MS Chemical Engineering (University of Nottingham) UK
PhD (Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia) Specialization: Renewable Energy and Desalination Water
Specialization: Chemical Engineering Treatment
Mehrunnisa irfan
Designation: Management Trainee at
Achievements Fauji Fertilizer Company
search and access to HEC digital library. HEC
digital library has launched an e-library,
Springer books and McGraw Hill collections to
provide around 50,000 online books in addition
to more than 23,000 journals that have been
made available through the Digital Library
Program. SCME Library is automated through
library software KOHA, OPAC is also available
on LAN and has started its barcode enabled
circulation; local digital collection is also
available on LAN. Scanning and photocopying
facility is also available to facilitate the students
and researchers.
In addition to excellent opportunities for higher studies in engineering. Professional materials engineers are equipped
world renowned universities, chemical engineers have a bright with the academic background and skills to tackle challenges
career with national and multinational companies. Potential related to materials industry, environmental problems,
employers include: material selection and processing, design and engineering,
leadership skills, quality control/assurance and understanding
Energy sector to work within the corporate sector. In addition to excellent
Fertilizer industry opportunities to pursue higher education within NUST and in
Fine chemical manufacturing other advanced countries, materials engineers are sought after
Food and beverages by national and multinational companies. Some important
Oil and gas sector employers include:
Petroleum sector
Pharmaceuticals Aerospace and aviation
Plant design and manufacturing Alloy and composites manufacturers
Processing sectors Biomedical Industry
Pulp and paper industry Ceramic industry
Strategic organizations Glass industry
Synthetic fibre manufacturing Heavy industries (HIT, HMC, Steel Mills)
Textile industry Oil and gas sector
Semi-conductor and electronic device manufacturing
Strategic organisations
Auto manufacturers
Steel making industry
Manufacturing Industry
Sports Manufacturers
Surgical Industry
Telephone: 051-9085-5107
Fax: 051-9085-5002
Program Description
Chemical Engineering deals with the process of converting raw materials or chemicals into more useful valuable products. Its
primary theme resides in designing industrial processes which revolve around the rigorous application of thermodynamics,
kinetics and transport phenomena at its core. The undergraduate program covers topics as diverse as mathematics, computer
applications, process diagnostics and instrumentation to facilitate plant design and unit operations. The program is designed to
produce competent engineers, with leadership qualities, capable of undertaking projects of national interest.
Associated Careers
Chemical Engineers work in manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, design and construction, pulp and paper,
petrochemicals, food processing, specialty chemicals, polymers, biotechnology, and environmental health and safety industries,
etc. Fertiliser, mining, synthetic fuels, cement, ceramics and composites, defence and aerospace are amongst the leading
industries offering a multitude of employment opportunities for chemical engineers.
Department Mission
The mission of the department of Chemical Engineering at SCME is to provide conducive learning environment with quality teach-
ing and cutting-edge research for sustainable solutions to the industry and society. The aim is to produce graduates with strong
understanding of chemical engineering principles to meet the challenges of current and forthcoming technologies and to become
entrepreneurs as well.
PEO-1 Excel as chemical engineers in traditional and emerging fields with sound engineering knowledge and acquire the
ability to solve complex problems using modern tools vis-a-vis chemical process industries.
PEO-2 Develop continuously the knowledge and skills through life-long learning for success in pursuing advanced de-
PEO-3 Possess strong communication and interpersonal skills to accomplish leadership roles in industry, business and
PEO-4 Practice and adhere to the principles of professional ethics, keeping in mind the social and environmental implica-
engineering, surface engineering and industrial engineering. The Bachelors in Materials Engineering at SCME offers comprehensive
education, with specialization in areas of Surface Engineering. This program covers the fundamental materials science of metals,
ceramics and polymers as well as topics of particular interest in industry, such as material selection and design, environmental
adaptation of products and failure analysis. This program promotes networking of students from different backgrounds (materials
science, mechanical engineering, physics and chemistry) with the aim to groom its graduates inter-disciplinary as well as personal,
interpersonal and professional skills.
Associated Careers
Materials Engineers remain in demand in virtually all industries. These engineers may be monitoring impurities in steel destined
for an assembly line (in the steel industry), shrinking the size of circuits to improve the reliability of a pager (in the ICT industry),
or designing new materials for a missile casing (in the defense industry), industries may employ materials engineers to reduce the
overall weight of a vehicle (in the automobile industry), remove limitations in power plants (in the manufacturing industry), or
research product failures for a liability suit (in legal and corporate sectors). The Graduates can also exercise the option of working as
researchers and scientists in a number of R&D organizations. Strong links exist between the Department of Materials Engineering
and Foreign Universities in Europe, USA, China and the ASEAN countries. Provided they fulfill the admission criteria, graduates
who would like to proceed abroad for higher studies, are facilitated to avail postgraduate education at various universities of these
Total 17
Total 17
Semester-VII Semester-VIII
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MSE-461 Composite Materials 3-0 MSE-483 Plant Design 3-0
OTM-454 Project Management 3-0 HU-222 Professional Ethics 2-0
MSE-405 Materials Engineering Lab 5 0-1 MGT-271 Entrepreneurship 2-0
MSE-474 Surface Engineering of Materials 3-0 MSE-463 Nano-materials 2-0
ME-312 Measurement & Instrumentation 2-0 MSE-499 Final Year Project-II 0-3
MSE-499 Final Year Project -I 0-3 MSE-XXX Technical Elective-III 3-0
MSE-4XX Technical Elective -II 3-0 Total 15
Total 18 Grand Total 136
Elective Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MSE-371 Interfacial Phenomena 3-0 MSE-482 Industrial Economics & Management 3-0
MSE-373 Tribological Phenomena on Surfaces 3-0 MSE-404 Design of Experiments & Data 3-0
MSE-381 Industrial Safely 3-0 Analysis
MSE-382 Design Standards & Quality 3-0 MGT-401 Total Quality Management 3-0
Assurance MSE-452 Electronic and Magnetic Materials 3-0
MSE-383 Operations Research 3-0 MSE-362 Introduction to Computational 3-0
MSE-471 Vacuum Technology in Surface 3-0 Materials Science
Engineering MSE-485 Metallurgical Plants and Quality 3-0
MSE-472 Surface Analysis and 3-0 Control
Characterization MSE-464 Advanced Materials 3-0
MSE-473 Novel Techniques in Surface 3-0 MSE-465 Powder Metallurgy 3-0
MSE-481 Maintenance Management 3-0
devices that will eventually enable us to untie the fundamental building blocks of nature, easily, inexpensively and in particular
with defect-free properties. The Masters program in Materials and Surface Engineering produces scientists and researchers
of the future who can develop and use these materials for the betterment of the society. The emphasis of the program is on
the application of nano-technology to produce thin films, nano-composites, electronic and bio-materials, ablatives, photonics
materials, armor and blast protection linings and, modern alloys and smart materials.
PhD Coursework
Course Code Course Title Credits
Core Courses
MSE 901 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3
MSE 954 Advanced Characterization Techniques 3
Elective Courses (Any two)
MSE 952 Materials for Biomedical Applications 3
MSE 963 Semiconductor and Optical Materials 3
MSE 941 Materials for High Temperature Applications 3
MSE 951 Interface Engineering 3
MSE 999 PhD Thesis 30
covers topics as diverse as mathematics, computer applications, process diagnostics and instrumentation to facilitate plant
design and unit operations. The program is designed to produce competent engineers, who will evolve as the benchmark for
competitors around the globe.
Associated Careers
Chemical Engineers work in manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, design and construction, pulp and paper, petro-
chemicals, food processing, specialty chemicals, polymers, bio-technology, and environmental health and safety industries, etc.
Fertiliser, mining, synthetic fuels, cement, ceramics and composites, defence and aerospace are amongst the leading industries
offering a multitude of employment opportunities for chemical engineers.
Program Code-678
MS Coursework PhD Coursework
Course Course Title Credits Course Course Title Credits
Code Code
Core Courses CHE 906 Advanced Transport Phenomena 3
EME 921 Momentum Heat and Mass Transfer in 3 CHE 910 Advanced Chemical Engineering 3
Chemicals Thermodynamics
CHE 847 Chemical Kinetics & Reactor Design 3 CHE 920 Advanced Reaction Engineering 3
CHE 843 Separation processes in CHE 3 CHE 915 Colloids &Surface Chemistry 3
CHE 899 Thesis 6 CHE 999 PhD Dissertations 30
Elective Courses EME 810 Materials Technology 3
EME 810 Materials technology 3 ESE 801 Bio fuel Engineering 3
ESE 801 Biofuel Engineering 3 EME 981 Advance Fuel Technology 3
EME 981 Advance Fuel Technology 3 CHE 873 Membrane Technology 3
CHE 873 Membrane Technology 3 EME 902 Numerical methods in CHE Eng 3
EME 902 Numerical methods in CHE 3 CHE 853 Green Process Engineering 3
CHE 853 Green Process Engineering 3 CHE 848 Gasification Processes 3
CHE 848 Gasification Processes 3 EME 803 Combustion and Propulsion 3
EME 803 Combustion and Propulsion 3 MSE 880 Corrosion and Protection 3
MSE 880 Corrosion and Protection 3 MSE 871 Polymer Engineering 3
MSE 871 Polymer Engineering 3 ENE 809 Waste water treatment & Design 3
ENE 809 Waste water treatment & Design 3 CSE 801 Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) 3
CSE 801 Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) 3 CHE 823 Advance Analytical Techniques 3
CHE 823 Advance Analytical Techniques 3 MSE 952 Materials for Biomedical Application 3
MSE 952 Materials for Biomedical Application 3 MATH901 Advance Engineering Mathematics 3
CHE 816 Molecular Nanotechnology 3 CHE 816 Molecular Nanotechnology 3
CHE 814 Product Technology 3 MSE 872 Composite Material 3
CHE 815 Nano Catalysis 3 MSE 855 Nano Materials & Nano Processing 3
RM 898 Research Methodology 2
EME-911 Advanced Chemical Analysis & Fluid Diagnostics 3
Elective Courses
EME-902 Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering 3
EME-912 High-Speed Diagnostic Techniques 3
EME-921 Momentum, Heat & Mass Transfer in Chemical 3
EME-931 Rocket Motors Design & Propellants 3
EME-932 Propellants Technology 3
EME-941 Energetic Materials Processing 3
EME-981 Advanced Fuel Technology 3
EME-982 Interface Engineering 3
EME-999 PhD Dissertation 30
demand in industry, academic institutions and research organizations. The program caters to a growing demand for Scientists and
Engineers who can fabricate systems of sensors, actuators, functional materials and who can integrate electronics at the micro and
nanoscale. The graduates of this program are expected to possess the necessary insights in nano-science to develop new products
using these skills
The cross-disciplinary nature of the program will provide exciting careers in environment, biomedicine, chemistry, and industries
such as building, electronics, materials and renewable energy. Graduates with MS in Nano-science and Engineering will also find a
range of opportunities outside Pakistan as well. Some of the key areas may include but not limited to nano-medicine, nano-devices,
nano-biotechnology, nano-photonics and energy harvesting devices. The program is offered with the mission that Nano-science
and Engineering Postgraduate program will provide qualified manpower with inter-disciplinary academic foundations needed to
develop Nano-science products for the society. The program is aligned to integrate critical thinking, scholarly training, leadership
qualities and sustainable vision in graduates to enable them to cope with the complex problems of the Nano-science and allied
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (SCEE) was established in November, 2008. It comprises four vibrant institutes,
namely National Institute of Transportation (NIT), Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering (IESE), Institute of
Geographical Information Systems (IGIS) and NUST Institute of Civil Engineering (NICE). SCEE is a modern and progressive
school, the first of its kind that offers a wide choice of programs in the disciplines of Civil and Environmental Engineering. In BE
programs, students are given the option of selecting an elective major. This means that while remaining Civil or Environmental
Engineering graduates, they specialise in a particular field of their discipline. SCEE has advanced postgraduate programs in
Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Transportation engineering, Water Resource Engineering and Management,
Environmental Engineering, Remote Sensing &Geographic Information Systems, Urban & Regional Planning and Construction
Engineering and Management. The programs are tailored to equip graduates with the requisite knowledge and skills in order to
meet the latest challenges in their respective fields. The goal of SCEE is to undertake basic and applied research to educate the
next generation of academia and industry leaders, and prepare students for successful careers in relevant professions. SCEE has a
competent and experienced faculty, and is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories, sophisticated equipment and computing
facilities. It has an excellent library with the latest books, journals and technical reports pertaining to relevant disciplines. It
offers an enabling environment for dynamic students looking for challenging and adventurous professions such as Civil and
Environmental Engineering and Geographical Information Systems.
Dr S Muhammad Jamil, Dean Engr Malik Saqib Mehmood
PhD (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign) USA MS (Michigan University) USA
Discipline: Civil Engineering Discipline: Civil Transportation
Specialization: Geotechnical Engineering Specialization: Transportation/ Traffic Engineering
Dr Ali Tahir
Dr Abdul Waheed
PhD, University College Dublin, Ireland
PhD (Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok) Thailand
Discipline: Geoinformatics
Discipline: Regional & Rural Development Planning
Specialization: Geovisualisation
Specialization: Regional & Rural Development Planning
Dr Salman Atif
Dr Muhammad Jawed Iqbal PhD, University of Paris Diderot France
PhD (MUET) Pakistan Discipline: Physical Geography
Discipline: Transportation Engineering Specialization: Geography and Natural Environment, Geo
Specialization: Civil Engineering Environment
Discipline: Information Technology PhD (Environmental Engineering and Management, Asian Insti-
Specialization: Communication Systems Engineering tute of Technology) Thailand, Bangkok
Specialization: Anaerobic Technology and Waste Treatment
Mr Junaid Aziz Khan (Environmental Technology and Management)
MS, National University of Science & Technology Discipline: Environmental Engineering
Discipline: Remote Sensing and GIS
Specialization: Remote Sensing and GIS Engr Erum Aamir
MS (Florida International University) USA
Engr Ali Ismaeel
Discipline: Environmental Engineering
MS, National University of Science & Technology
Discipline: Remote Sensing and GIS
Engr Muhammad Ukasha
Specialization: Remote Sensing and GIS
MS (University of Tokyo) Japan
Engr Muhammad Umair Discipline: Civil Engineering
BE, National University of Science & Technology
Discipline: GeoInformatics Engr Muhammad Ali
Specialization: Web GIS MS (Institute of Environmental Sciences and Engineering,
NUST) Pakistan
Discipline: Environmental Engineering
IESE Faculty
Engr Nida Maqbool
Dr Imran Hashmi, Associate Dean MS (Institute of Environmental Sciences and Engineering,
PhD (University of Karachi) Pakistan NUST) Pakistan
Discipline: Environmental Sciences Discipline: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Environmental Microbiology
Ms. Sahaab Farooq
Dr Muhammad Anwar Baig, HoD Environmental Sciences MS (Institute of Environmental Sciences and Engineering,
PhD (University of Arizona) USA NUST) Pakistan
Discipline: Soil Water and Environmental Science Specialization: Environmental Microbiology
Specialization: Pollutant Transport Monitoring and Modeling
Engr Amal Sarfraz
Dr Sher Jamal Khan, HoD Environmental Engineering Bachelor (Institute of Environmental Sciences and Engineering,
PhD (Asian Institute of Technology) Thailand, Bangkok NUST) Pakistan
Discipline: Environmental Engineering and Management Discipline: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Water Resource Management
Engr Ayesha Umer
Dr Ishtiaq Ahmed Qazi Bachelor (University of Engineering and Technology Taxila)
Ph.D (University of Aston in Birmingham, Birmingham) UK Pakistan
Discipline: Environmental Sciences Discipline: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Environmental Chemistry
Engr Aamir Khan
Dr Muhammad Arshad Bachelor (Institute of Environmental Sciences and Engineering,
PhD (Institute of National Polytechnique de Toulouse) France NUST) Pakistan
Discipline: Environmental Biotechnology Discipline: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Environmental Biotechnology
NICE Faculty
Dr Salahuddin Azad
PhD (Environmental Management Sciences. BUITEMS Quetta) Dr Liaqat Ali, Associate Dean NICE
Pakistan PhD (University of Michigan) USA
Specialization: Health Issues of Mining Discipline: Civil Engineering
Discipline: Environmental Management Sciences Specialization: Geotechnical Engineering
Dr Muhammad Fahim Khokhar Engr Nasrul Haq, HoD Survey Engineering Department NICE
PhD (Institute of Experimental Physics II, University of Leipzig) MS (School of Military Survey Hermitage Newbury (Berks)
Germany United Kigdom
Discipline: Experimental Physics Discipline: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Satellite Remote Sensing Specialization: Survey and Mapping)
Dr Syed Ali Rizwan, HoD Structures NICE Engr Abdul Basir Awan
PhD (Technical University, Freiberg) Germany MS (MSU, USA)
Discipline: Civil Engg Discipline: Civil Engg
Specialization: Structural Engg Specialization: Structural Engg
Transportation engineers design and operate highways, airports, railroads and public transit. They conduct research in the field of
transportation including design & operation, traffic flow & control, demand analysis & planning; and related work in economics,
finance & administration. Study in the field of transportation engineering provides opportunities for the study of land-use
transportation planning, infrastructure planning & management and environmental aspects of transportation.
Why join this program?
Structural engineers combine science and art to design and build infrastructure that will resist natural and manmade forces.
Buildings, bridges, stadiums and other civil facilities define the traditional core focus of structural engineers. At the periphery
of the field, structural engineering extends more broadly to share common interests with mechanical, aerospace and naval
engineering for the design of often large, complex systems including power plants, pipelines, aerospace vehicles and ships-
In Construction Engineering and Management, civil engineers manage and direct physical construction of a project from start
to finish. This field is also known as construction management. Construction engineers apply the knowledge of construction
methods and equipment along with principles of financing, scheduling, planning, organisation, and coordination to convert
paper designs into completed usable facilities. They maintain a continuous record of personnel, time, materials, and costs and
prepare periodic reports depicting the projects progress to completion.
Elective Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
CEM-803 Economic Decision Analysis in Construction 3
CEM-804 Construction Cost Estimating and Control 3
CEM-807 Risk Management in Construction 3
CEM-836 Construction Management 3
Semester-III Semester-IV
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
HU-101 Islamic Studies 2+0 ENE-252 Environmental Economics 2+0
CE-183 Surveying 1+2 HU-212 Technical & Business Writing 2+0
MATH-361 Probability & Statistics 3+0 MATH-331 Numerical Analysis 3+0
ENE-251 Ecological Management 2+0 ENE-262 Computer Aided Design and Drafting 2+2
Thermodynamics& Mechanical
CE-253 Fluid Mechanics 3+1 ME-206 3+1
ENE-212 Environmental Microbiology 2+1 EE-101 Electrical Technology 2+1
Total 17 Total 18
CE-223 Soil Mechanics 3+1 ENE-XXX Engineering Elective - A 3+0
Environmental Engineering Lab
CE-356 Engineering Hydrology 3+1 ENE-304 2+2
ENE-331 Environmental Impact Assessment 2+0 MGT-471 Entrepreneurship 2+0
ENE-XXX Engineering Elective - B 3+0
Total 17 Total 18
Semester-VII Semester-VIII
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
ENE-421 Solid Waste Management 3+0 HU-222 Professional Ethics 2+0
ENE-432 Cleaner Production Techniques 2+0 ENE-434 Environmental Health & Safety 2+0
Water Resources & Irrigation Engi-
ENE-441 Air & Noise Pollution Control 3+1 CE-453 3+1
ENE-442 Water Pollution Control 2+0 ENE-454 Energy Resources and Management 3+0
ENE-XXX Engineering Elective-C 3+0 ENE-499 Senior Design Project II 0+3
ENE-499 Senior Design Project I 0+3
Total 18 Total 14
development facilities that differentiate the IESE research activities from other universities/institutes.
Research Focus
Well thought-out courses build an understanding of the fundamental principles of physical, chemical, and biological processes,
employing mathematics and computational tools where relevant. The program strives for appropriate balance between theory,
computation and experimental observation, including both laboratory and field-scale experiments. It offers a healthy balance
between research and practical application.
Research Facilities
IESE has a wide range of facilities and equipment to support research activities. Some of our key facilities include: Atomic
Absorption Spectrophotometer, Gas Chromatography, X-Ray Fluorescence, Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Laser Particle
Size Analyzer, Total Organic Carbon Analyzer, Thermocycler, Fluorescent imaging, UV/Vis Spectrophotometer, etc.
Teaching & Research labs are available in the institute which include Water and Wastewater Lab, Environmental Biotechnology
Lab, Air, Noise & Solid Waste Lab, Microbiology Lab, Chemistry Lab, Instrumentation Lab and Computer Lab to facilitate students
to promote their research work in their respective areas.
Associated Careers
Service in the federal or provincial environment departments/Divisions or environmental protection agencies
Affiliation with NGOs, international donors and development agencies such as World Bank, Islamic Development Bank,
Environmental engineering portfolio
Environmental management in the industry
Waste management companies in major cities. WAPDA, WASA.
MS/PhD Coursework Program Code-651
Core Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
ENE-809 Wastewater Treatment & Plant Design 3
ENE-813 Physico-Chemical Processes in Environmental System 3
ENE-820 Environmental Chemistry & Microbiology 3
ENE-822 Solid & Hazardous Waste Management 3
ENE-899 MS Thesis 6
Core Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
ENS 801 Environmental Analytical Techniques 3
credits to AIT and get a dual degree. IGIS conducts short courses from time to time according to the demand of industry in GIS
and Remote Sensing related disciplines. IGIS has also signed several MOUs with other national and international organization/
institutes for collaboration in research.
In the years ahead, we hope to pursue, with renewed vigor and zeal; our vision is to expand not only our academic programs but
also the student intake, without diluting our traditional standards of excellence. The institute has also successfully organized 1st
and 2nd International Conference on Advances in Space Technologies in 2006 and 2008 respectively.
Our graduates are working in both public and private sectors. Some of the well-known organizations which require
Geoinformatics skills include but not limited to Planning Commission, SUPARCO, Survey of Pakistan, Pakistan Meteorological
Department, Punjab Urban Unit, Soil Survey of Pakistan, Army Survey Group, C4I, LMKT, FWO, GCISC, Urban Policy Unit KPK,
DHA Islamabad and Lahore, NESPAK, WWF, UNDP etc. Similarly there are number of startups which are actively seeking
Geoinformatics graduates. It is envisaged that Geoinformatics will be widely used as a planning mechanism in e-government and
g-government era.
Semester-III Semester-IV
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
CE-182 Surveying-I 2-1 CE-286 Surveying-II 1-2
MATH-222 Linear Algebra 3-0 GIE-204/304 Photogrammetry 2-1
MATH-361 Probability & Statistics 3-0 GIE-205 Spatial Data Analysis 2-1
GIE-102 Introduction to RS 3-1 CE-223 Soil Mechanics 3-1
CS-250 Data Structures and Algorithms 3-1 HU-212 Technical & Business Writing 2-0
ECO-130 Engineering Economics 2-0 GIE-203 Digital Mapping & Image Processing 2-1
Total 16-3 Total 12-6
Semester-V Semester-VI
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
GIE-342 GIS Applications 2-1 GIE- Elective II 3-0
GIE-341 Geosciences 3-0 GIE- Elective III 3-0
GIE- Elective I 3-0 GIE-306 Cartography and Map Production 2-1
GIE-308 Database Management Systems 2-1 GIE-321 Spatial Databases 2-1
GIE-312 Geodesy and Map Projections 2-1 GIE-413 GPS Surveying 2-1
CE -371 Construction Project Management 2-1 GIE-414 Land use Planning 2-1
Total 14-4 Total 14-4
Elective Courses
Civil Engineering
Course Code Course Title Credits
CE-357 Water Resources Engineering and Management 3
CE-453 Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering 4
*GIE -453 Environmental Impact Assessment 3
*GIE-455 Renewable Energy Resources 3
Land Use Planning
GIE-461 Regional Planning and Management 3
GIE-462 Introduction to Urban and Transport Planning 3
GIE-463 Land Information System in Third world 3
GIE-465 Fundamentals of Urban Planning 3
Special Topics
GIE-482 Special Topic in GIS 3
GIE-483 Special Topic in RS 3
GIS-912 Advanced Digital Image Processing 3+0
GIS-903 Advanced Spatial Data Management 3+0
GIS-913 Microwave and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing 3+0
GIS-914 Advanced Mapping Technology 3+0
Elective Courses
GIS-838 Spatial Hydrology 3+0
ISE-830 Advanced Database Concepts 3+0
ISE-828 Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 3+0
CS-861 Advanced Computer Graphics 3+0
GIS-823 Spatial Algorithms and Programming for GIS 3+0
GIS-804 GIS Application Software Development 3+0
GIS-805 Internet Mapping and Information Management 3+0
GIS-883 Structural Equation and Multilevel (Hierarchical) Modeling 3+0
GIS-867 Demographic Analysis and Modeling 3+0
GIS-848 Spatial Epidemiology 3+0
GIS-808 Data Analysis for Geoscientists 3+0
GIS-803 GIS Pattern Analysis 3+0
GIS-806 Spatial Statistics 3+0
CS&E 801 Advanced Probability & Statistics 3+0
GIS-884 Advanced Regression Analysis 3+0
GIS-871 Geodesy 3+0
GIS-865 Land Information System 3+0
GIS-852 District Planning and Management 3+0
GIS-853 Urban Planning 3+0
GIS-842 Natural Hazard and Disaster Management 3+0
GIS-843 Environmental Pollution 3+0
GIS-844 Environmental Impact Assessment 3+0
GIS-807 Theory of GIS 3+0
GIS-901 Special Topics in GIS 3+0
GIS-812 GPS Surveying Techniques 3+0
GIS-813 3-D GIS Data Capture and Ground LiDAR 3+0
GIS-810 Photogrammetry 3+0
GIS-815 Engineering Aspects of RS 3+0
GIS-816 Remote sensing in hydrology 3+0
GIS-817 Remote sensing of the environment 3+0
GIS-818 Terrain Mapping 3+0
GIS-819 Observations of the Earth and its Climate 3+0
GIS-911 Special Topics in RS 3+0
GIS-999 PhD Dissertation 0+30
Semester-I Semester-II
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
CE-101 Engineering Mechanics 2.5-0.5 CE-103 Mechanics of Solids-I 2-1
Total 18
Semester-III Semester-IV
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
CE-205 Mechanics of Solids-II 2-1 CE-206 Structural Analysis-I 3-0
Total 17 Total 18
Semester-V Semester-VI
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
CE-307 Structural Analysis-II 4-0 CE-309 Structural Analysis-III 3-0
CE-308 Plain & Reinforced Concrete-I 3-1 CE-310 Plain & Reinforced Concrete-II 3-1
Public Health Engineering (Water
CE-324 Soil Mechanics-II 2-1 CE-355 2-1
Supply and Sanitary Engg)
Computer Aided Civil Engineering
CE-354 Engineering Hydrology 1.5-0.5 CE-388 1-2
Design and Graphics
CE-371 Construction Project Management 2-1 HU-107 Pakistan Studies 2-0
TOTAL 19 Total 18
Elective Courses
CE-412 Design of Concrete Structures 3-0
CE-413 Design of Steel Structures 3-0
CE-414 Bridge Engineering 3-0
CE-415 Special Application Structures 3-0
CE-416 Earthquake Engineering 3-0
CE-410 Structural Fire Engineering
CE-425 Introduction to Rock Mechanics 3-0
CE-426 Slope Stability 3-0
CE-427 Soil and Site Improvement 3-0
CE-428 Design & Construction of Earthen Dams 3-0
CE-429 Introduction to Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering 3-0
CE-430 Applied Soil Mechanics 3-0
CE-431 Investigation and Instrumentation in Earthquake Engineering 3-0
CE-440 Design of Tunnels and Underground Structures 3-0
Water Resources
CE-459 Hydraulic Engineering 3-0
CE-460 Computational Hydraulics 3-0
CE-461 Open Channel Flow 3-0
CE-462 River Engineering 3-0
Construction Management 3-0
ENE-433 Environment Management & Impact Assessment 3-0
CE-474 Construction Project Scheduling 3-0
HRM-443 Human Resource Management in Construction 3-0
CE-476 Construction Contract Management 3-0
CE-443 Pavement Design & Rehabilitation 3-0
CE-444 Traffic Engineering & Safety 3-0
CE-445 Road Construction, Materials & Practices 3-0
CE-446 Geometric Design of Highway 3-0
Geotechnical Engineering provides flexibility, broad subject coverage, high quality delivery and excellent job prospects on
graduation. The course allows development of important technical aspects associated with Geotechnical Engineering. It provides
the students with comprehensive and diverse understanding of Geotechnical Engineering which will allow the students to
develop their careers. It is not only successful in providing essential technical aspects in the subject, but also allows a sound
practical application of the skills learnt.
Core Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
CE 821 Soil and Site Improvement 3 CE 876 Sediment Transport 3
CE 828 Advanced Geotechnical Design 3 CE 880 Groundwater Hydrology 3
CE 831 Advanced Soil Mechanics 3 CE 885 Groundwater Exploration 3
Design & Construction of Water Resources Economics,
CE 837 3 CE 886 3
Earthen Dams Planning & Management
CE 899 Thesis 6 CE 888 Watershed Management 3
Elective Courses Irrigation & Drainage
CE 889 3
CE 830 Rock Mechanics-II 3 CE 890 Ground Water Modeling 3
CE 836 Construction Management 3 CE 844 Hydropower Engineering 3
CE 841 Earth Structures 3 Pavement Rehabilitation &
CE 861 3
CE 860 Pavement Design and Analysis 3 CE 862 Pavement Materials Engineering 3
CE 881 Soil Dynamics 3 Special Topics in Civil
CE 897 3
STAT 835 Probability & Statistics 3
CE 898 Contract Management 3
CE 823 Slope Stability 3 Construction Planning,
CEM 802 3
Scheduling and Control
CE 824 Mechanical Properties of Soil 3 Construction Equipment
CEM 806 3
CE 829 Geotechnical Site Investigation 3 Risk Management in
CEM 807 3
CE 884 Rock Mechanics-I 3
URP 904 Urban Mass Transit 3
Concrete Materials &
CE 803 3 GIS & RS and Its Application for
Technology GIS 802 3
Pre-stressed Concrete Civil Engg
CE 804 3
Structures GIS 807 Theory of GIS 3
CE 806 Reinforced Concrete Members 3
GIS 815 Engineering Aspects of RS 3
CE 808 Finite Element Method 3 Soil Geomorphology and
GIS 833 3
CE 818 Coastal Engineering 3 Natural Hazards and Disaster
GIS 842 3
Water Supply and Wastewater Management
CE 835 3 Solid & Hazardous Waste
Engg ENE 822 3
CE 872 Applied Hydrology 3 Management
ENE 921 Contaminated Site Remediation 3
CE 873 River Engineering 3
ENV 848 Environmental Geology 3
CE 875 Computational Hydraulics 3
CE 999 Thesis 30
Preservation and systematic regulation of water resources is the dire need of the present era. This course provides maximum job
opportunities to students to work in different departments in the country.
CE 821 Soil and Site Improvement 3
CE 899 Thesis 6
TNL-899 Thesis 6
disciplines. Its areas of specialisation include manufacturing, expanded understanding of technologies required for industry
automobile and power/energy sectors so as to prepare for effective utilisation of human and financial resources.
its graduates to perform effectively in the technological The programs are designed to inculcate the following
world. Though newly established, it has state-of-the-art attributes and skills in the students:
laboratories related to mechanical and manufacturing fields.
In addition, high-tech laboratories of Robotics, Biomedical Ability to design and conduct experiments, analyse
and Manufacturing Resource Center (MRC) have also been data, use relevant tools/models and evaluate alternative
developed. mechanical/thermal/manufacturing system designs based
on technical/non-technical criteria
The School is running undergraduate program in Mechanical
Engineering and MS and PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Capability of providing leadership while working in a team,
Robotics & Intelligent Machine Engineering, Design & exhibiting a high degree of professionalism
Manufacturing Engineering (DME) and Biomedical Engineering.
SMME will start MS and PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Ability to work in diverse environments and address
fall 2012/13 onwards. The programs have been developed multidisciplinary challenges
to address a growing concern within industry that fresh
graduates do not meet the expectations of todays corporate Strength and critical understanding of moral values and
and industry leaders. It has been noted that the current professional ethics, with a passion for life-long learning
graduates have little awareness of the actual state of the and self-improvement
industry, its culture, and the complex interactive management
and operating systems which are based on value-added Ability to visualise and transform their innovation &
effort, team performance and result oriented leadership. creativity into practical form
The graduates of SMME are trained to assist the industry
in its effort to meet the challenges posed by domestic and
PhD (Electrical & Computer Engineering), National University Engr Muhammad Adnan Hanif
of Singapore, Singapore MSc (Mechanical), Bleking Institute of Technology, Sweden
Discipline: Robotics and Intelligent Machine Engineering Discipline: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Visual Neuroscience Specialization: Structural Mechanics, Strategic Sustainability
214 NUST Prospectus 2016 Engineering, IT and Computer Science
Lab Facilities
S# Department Labs
Design and Manufac-
1 CIM/Micro CIM Lab, Rapid Prototyping and Reference room Lab, CNC Lab (Lathe & Milling).
Fluid Mechanics Lab, Mechanics of Materials Lab, Heat and Mass Transfer Lab, Refrigeration &
Air Conditioning Lab, Thermodynamics Lab, I.C. Engine / Tribology Lab, Ergonomics Lab, Me-
2 Mechanical
chanics of Machines Lab, Vibrations Lab, Measurement and Instrumentation Lab. Tool Making
& Heat Treatment Lab, Automotive Lab, CAD/CAM Lab.
Robotics & Intelligent Systems Engineering (RISE) Lab, Electronics Lab, Machine Vision Lab,
Robotics & Artificial
3 Advanced Control Lab, CAD/CAM/Artificial Intelligence Lab, Industrial Automation Lab, Aerial
Robotics Lab, Computer Aided Engineering/Embedded System Lab.
Manufacturing Re- Surface Treatment Lab, Electrical Shop, Bench Fitting Lab, Wood Work and Pattern Making
source Center shop, Machine shop, Welding Fabrication shop, Forging & Foundry shop, Tool room.
5 Biomedical Human Systems Lab, Biochemistry Lab, Prosthetics Lab. Engineering, IT and Computer Science NUST Prospectus 2016 215
Student Support Services DICE Foundation (USA)
A panel of faculty members is designated as advisors who are SMME joined hands with DICE Foundation, USA, which is a
available to the students for career counseling. They also guide non-profit organization registered and working in Michigan,
students and solve their problems related to university life. USA. Its vision is to foster Innovation & Entrepreneurship
culture in the country to make it a part of nations DNA and
rapid socio-economic development through Innovation. Use
Alliances and Partnerships Innovation as a tool to generate wealth for the nation and
fully commoditize digital technologies bring it to masses in
the country. DICE Foundation and SMME established NUST
SMME has developed strong links with local and international
DICE Automotive Innovation Center (NDAIC) at NUST which
industry and has conducted joint events and workshops. The
was inaugurated by president of Pakistan. The center shall
school has also designed and developed number of products
combine academic knowledge with Industry expertise to
for these companies.
produce the first completely indigenous Multi-Purpose Vehicle
(MPV) in the country. Using the platform of NDAIC Pakistans
Millat Tractors first multi-purpose vehicle (MPV-1) is being designed with
combine efforts of NUST-SMME and its consortium universities
Along with international companies, SMME is also closely namely COMSAT Institute of Information Technology (CIIT)
working with and supporting local industries. One of the Sahiwal, NED-University of Engineering and Capital University
examples is the technical link developed with Millat Tractors. of Science and Technology (CUST).
Knowing our expertise in the field of engines, Millat Tractors
and SMME are working on a number of joint projects. This
includes, development of engine blow-by monitoring system,
real time oil consumption measurement system etc. SMME has
Method and apparatus for measuring the torque on the
designed and developed Green engine test cell, the first of its camshaft of an internal combustion engine (Patent No:
kind in Pakistan for Millat Tractors EP1816456)
Method for the measurement of the rotation of a valve train
Pakistan Association of Automotive Parts follower and apparatus for carrying out the method (Patent No:
& Accessories Manufactures (PAAPAM) Development of engine blow-by meter RAM-BB2, Patent
Application No: 854/2011.
Along with international companies, SMME is also closely Oil film thickness measurement system for engine journal
working with and supporting local industries. One of the bearings using localized capacitive technique, Patent Application
examples is the technical link developed with PAAPAM. SMME No: 188/2013
Development of engine blow-by meter based on micro
has recently signed an Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
controller, Patent Application No: 190/2013.
with PAAPAM to provide placement of students from SMME in Technique and apparatus for engine tappet speed monitoring
different industries related to automotive system, Patent Application No: 189/2013.
sector for permanent job, training and internships Engine direct acting follower rotational speed measuring system,
Patent Application No: 507/2013
Vision based Automatic mold Positioning System in a Sand
Sakura Wheelchairs (Japan) Casting Process (Patent Application No. 696/2013) dated
SMME has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Pin on Disk Tribometer (Patent filed on 28/10/2013)
with Sakura Auxetic structures and their application in non-vascular
Wheelchair pathologies (Patent Application No. 104/2013) dated
Project (Japan) 22/02/2013.
under which Anisotropic stent device for the treatment of coronary heart
researchers from disease dated 26/2014
leading Japanese Counter-intuitive auxetic intramedullary bone stent and a
method for treating long bone fractures, 77/2014
Skeletal Plate system with unique features for the repair of
Industries and tubular and flat fractured bone (396/2014)
associated Intelligent Bandage with drug dispensation and adjustable
Japanese porosity system for topical wounds
Universities have A Multifunctional Device that Promotes Wound Healing through
joined hands Drug Delivery and Exudate Removal 401/2014
with researchers Pin on Disk Tribometer (Patent filed on 28/10/2013)
of the Robotics Robotic Mannequin, Patent Application No: 332/2013, Filed on:
and Intelligent 24 May 2013
Electronic Valve Train for internal combustion engines (Patent
Systems Engineering (RISE) Research Center at SMME to
Filed: 2015)
introduce active wheelchairs technology in Pakistan. The Dynamic Oil Film Thickness Measurement System for Engine
researchers are also working to collaborate on research (Patent Filed: 2015)
projects for development of state of the art technologies to Valve Trains using Electrical Capacitive Technique(Patent Filed:
further research into Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous 2015)
Active Wheelchairs. Technique and Apparatus for Rotational Speed and Sliding
Measurement of Roller in Roller Follower Valve Train in Engine
(Patent Filed: 2015)
Design and Development of Engine Test Cell for Green Summer Internships
Engine sponsored by Millat Tractors
Development of Standalone Blow By Monitoring System SMME has strong relationships with many national and
Vision Based quality control solution for football shape international companies. Due to these strong ties, SMME
analysis sponsored by AKI (Pvt.)Ltd. is able to arrange summer internships for all the students
Radiator Dry lead Detection System who have completed their first four semesters of Mechanical
Solar Space Heating of the SMME Building sponsored by Engineering in local and international industries. Following are
HEC the companies in which SMME placed its students for summer
APU test rig sponsored by HIT internships.
Fabrication of Jatropha Biodiesel Prototype Pilot Plant Pakistan Ordinance Factory
sponsored by ST Venture Fauji Fertilizer
Development of 5000 Meter Range Unmanned Helicopter Pakistan Aeronautical Complex
along with all its System sponsored by UNESCO Atlas Honda
APU sponsored by HIT Atlas Power
Mobile Science Lab sponsored by NUST Infinity Engineering (Pvt.) Ltd
Knee Joint Project sponsored by MVRDE Mecas Engineering (Pvt.) Ltd
Measurement on the Multifunctional Valve Trains RIG Millat Tractors Limited
(Cummins B Project) sponsored by British Petroleum Millat Equipment Limited
Design, Development & Rapid Prototyping of casing for Ravi Autos (Pvt.) Ltd
secure communication device sponsored by AWC Rastgar Engineering Company
Development of a 10 KM Range Flight Control System for Spel Group
Helicopter sponsored by NUST Metaline Industries (Pvt.) Ltd
NUST SMME Fun Stent Graft Treat OES/Cancer sponsored Thermosole Industries (Pvt.) Ltd
by NUST Alpha Chemicals
NUST- Dev of Mobile Automotive Technology Test Bed Attock Oil Refinery
sponsored by NUST PARCO
Tool Analysis for the Drilling of Hard Rocks in Petroleum Heavy Industries Taxila
sponsored by HEC Descon
Open Source Platform for Numerical Simulation (OPN) Interloop (Pvt.) Ltd
sponsored by HEC Kohinoor Mills (Pvt.) Ltd
Feasibility of Production / Manufacturing System set up in Laser Sports
Industry sponsored by HEC MGR Air Filters (Turkey)
An Industrial project with Fan Industry member of PEFMA National Instruments
to optimize Ceiling Fan production line. Investigating the OGDCL
Oil Film Strength in a Dynamically Loaded Bearing using Pak Gen
Localized Capacitance Technique by HEC Pakistan Oilfields
Modeling and robust control of grid connected converters Pakistan Tobacco Company
sponsored by HEC Schlumberger
Manufacturing and Fabrication of Electric Bus for H-12 Sitara Chemicals
Sector NUST Campus sponsored by NUST Tesla Technologies
Design and Modification of Dinosaur and Solar System Trojans
sponsored by Pakistan Muesum of National History Sazgar Engineering Works
Islamabad IAESTE Pakistan
ber, 2014 in SMME Seminar Hall.
Workshop on disaster management September2015
First Aid and Fire Fighting October 2015 Lecture on Entrepreneurship Opportunities & Threats,
by Mr. Aitazaz A. Niazi, Ex Chairperson Engineering Devel-
First International Symposium on Automotive and Manu-
opment Board, CEO Nissan & Chevrolet Islamabad Motors
facturing Engineering (SAME) November 2015
was held on 19th November, 2014 in SMME Seminar Hall.
Workshop on Social Entrepreneurship October 2015
PCTN Conference on sustainable development Lecture on Entrepreneurship Opportunities & Threats,
by Ms Roubina Taufiq Shah, Director General (TDRO) Trade
Deep hole drilling in engine block using minimum quantity
Dispute Resolution Organization, Ministry of Commerce,
lubrication (MQL)
was held on 26th November, 2014 in SMME Seminar Hall.
Resume Writing and Interviewing Skills Workshop.
Industrial Control and Automation Workshop June 2014. Lecture on Entrepreneurship Opportunities & Threats,
by Dr Joseph Wilson, Chairman, Competition Commission
Quality Assurance and Certification in Industrial Environ-
of Pakistan, was held on 10th December, 2014 in SMME
ment Workshop February 2014
Seminar Hall.
ISO 9000 Workshop July 2014
S&T Workshop on Entrepreneurship held on June 2014 Lecture on Social Entrepreneurship, by Dr Syed Irtiza,
was held on 17th December, 2014 in SMME Seminar Hall.
Guest Lecture by Dr Edyta Dzieminska from Sofia Univer-
Guest Lecture by Dr Abid Ali Khan Professor & Head of
Aeronautics & Astronautics from Institute of Space and
Guest lecture by Prof James Witte from George Mason
Technology (IST), Islamabad
Seminar and lecture on Finite element Optimization by
Workshop on Entrepreneurship by Mr. Bilal Majeed Khan
an Entrepreneur
Prof. Dr Muhammad Asghar Bhatti IOWA State University,
Lecture on Entrepreneurship Opportunities & Threats,
by Mr. Naweed Hasan, Deputy Director MRC, NUST was
held on September, 2014l.
Lecture on Entrepreneurship Opportunities & Threats,
by Engr Riaz-ul-Haq, Add Fed. Secy (R), was held on Octo-
ber, 2014.
Lecture on Entrepreneurship A Project Management
Perspective, by Mr. Salim Khan Khattak, Chief, Economic
Appraisal, Planning Commission, Govt. of Pakistan was
held on October, 2014
Lecture on Entrepreneurship Opportunities & Threats,
by Mr. Tahir Masood, CEO, Institute of Health Manage-
ment, Rawalpindi was held on October, 2014.
Lecture on Entrepreneurship Opportunities & Threats,
by Brig. (R) Kamal Rasool SI (M), was held on 12th Novem-
Student Societies
Extracurricular and co-curricular activities play a vital role in the personal grooming of the students.
Quick Facts
Undergraduate Programs
Course Starting: September 2016
Duration: 4 years
Eligibility: Matric/ Equivalent (minimum 60% marks)
FSc/ equivalent with Physics,
Maths & Chemistry (Minimum 60% marks)
Postgraduate Programs
Course Starting September 2016
Duration: Minimum 1.5 years (For MS) and 3 years (For PhD)
Eligibility: BE in Mechanical / Industrial/ Manufacturing/ Mechatronics or equivalent Engineering
degree from a PEC/HEC recognized institution of Pakistan or abroad. (For Robotics
and Intelligent Machine Engineering BE Computer Science Student can also apply.)
220 NUST Prospectus 2016 Engineering, IT and Computer Science
Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering
The aim of the undergraduate program in Mechanical Engineering is to train young graduates with technical, analytical, business
and interpersonal skills to meet the challenges of the modern industries. The curriculum is tailored to provide skills in various
areas of Mechanical Engineering such as design, thermo-fluids, refrigeration and air conditioning, heat and mass transfer,
industrial manufacturing, management and interpersonal skills. The program is structured to create ability in the students
to apply a multi-disciplinary approach to conceive, plan, design and implement solutions to a large number of Mechanical
Engineering problems. The curriculum is integrated with computer based technologies facilitating the design and simulation of
mechanical components and systems. In addition to all, the curriculum is set so that it helps students to choose a specific area
or interdisciplinary fields such as industrial, manufacturing, materials and other wide range of engineering technologies. Modern
mechanical engineers use sophisticated computer-aided design and engineering skills to ensure the reliability, efficiency and
economics of products. There is an increasing demand for trained graduates with technical, analytical, business and interpersonal
skills. The modern industry has led the world in innovation for almost a century, and its operations are now firmly integrated with
computer-aided design, manufacturing and engineering. Our program in Mechanical Engineering with its relevant specializations
provides skill, knowledge and understanding in the areas of computer-based technologies and innovative design processes.
These are associated with current and future generations of machines.
Scheme of Studies
Semester-I Semester-II
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
PHY-102 Applied Physics 2-1 MATH-121 Linear Algebra & ODEs 3-0
MATH-105 Calculus & Vector Algebra 3-0 CH-101 Applied Chemistry 2-1
EC-102 Computer Systems & Programming 1-2 HU-107 Pakistan Studies 2-0
HU-100 English 2-0 ME-111 CAD 1-1
ME-110 Engineering Drawing & Graphics 1-1 ME-112 Engineering Statics 3-0
ME-121 Workshop Practice 1-2 ME-130 Thermodynamics-I 3-0
HU-101 Islamic Studies 2-0 HU-109 Communication Skills 2-0
Total 18 Total 18
Semester-III Semester-IV
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH-241 Vector Calculus & PDEs 3-0 MATH-231 Fourier & Complex Analysis 3-0
ME-213 Engineering Dynamics 3-1 EE-103 Electrical Engineering 2-1
ME-220 Engineering Materials 3-0 ME-211 Mechanics of Materials-I 3-0
ME-230 Fluid Mechanics I 3-0 ME-235 Fluid Mechanics-II 3-0
ME-231 Thermodynamics- II 3-1 HU-222 Professional Ethics 2-0
HU-212 Technical & Business Writing 2-0
Total 17 Total 17
Semester-V Semester-VI
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH-361 Probability & Statistics 3-0 MATH-351 Numerical Methods 3-0
ME-310 Mechanics of Materials-II 3-1 ME-420 Project Management 2-0
ME-312 Measurement & Instrumentation 2-0 ME-311 Machine Design 3-0
EE-212 Basic Electronics 2-1 ME-315 Mechanics of Machines 2-1
ME-221 Manufacturing Processes 3-0 ME-330 Heat & Mass Transfer 3-0
ME-323 Manufacturing Processes & 0-1 ME-331 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 3-0
Instrumentation Lab
ME-325 Engineering Economics 2-0 ME-332 Heat Transfer & HVAC Lab 0-1
Total 18 Total 18
Course Code Course Title Credits
ME-440 Fundamentals of Aerodynamics 3-0 ME-468 Vehicle Design Performance 3-0
ME-441 Applied Heat Transfer 2-1 ME-469 Production Tooling & Automation 2-1
ME-442 Applied Thermodynamics 3-0 M&S-401 Introduction to Modeling and 2-1
ME-443 Automotive Technology 2-1
RIME-221 Introduction to Mechatronics 2-1
ME-444 Basic Naval Architecture 3-0 Design Fundamentals
ME-445 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3-0 DME-470 Automotive Manufacturing Systems 3-0
ME-446 Computer Aided Engineering 1-2 DME-471 Computer Applications in 3-0
ME-447 Computer Aided Thermal System 2-1 Automobile Manufacturing
Design DME-472 Computer Applications in 3-0
ME-449 Introduction to Oil and Natural Gas 3-0 Manufacturing Systems
Engineering DME-473 Industrial Maintenance 3-0
ME-450 Laser & its applications 3-0 Management
ME-451 Marine Environment Issues 3-0 DME-474 Logic Design & Micro-processors 2-1
ME-452 Optimization Techniques 3-0 DME-475 Logistics and Inventory 3-0
ME-453 Power Generation and Distribution 3-0 Management
ME-454 Electrical Machines 3-0 DME-476 Ergonomics, Work Study and 3-0
Methods Engineering
ME-455 Energy Conversion and Power 3-0
Electronics DME-477 FEM applications in Manufacturing 3-0
ME-456 Engine Tribology 3-0 DME-478 Production Planning & Control 3-0
ME-457 FEM applications in Automobile 3-0 DME-479 Total Quality Management 3-0
ME-458 Finite Element Methods 3-0
ME-459 Gas Dynamics 3-0
ME-460 Gas Turbines 3-0
ME-461 Fuel Cell Technology 3-0
ME-462 Power Plant Engineering 3-0
ME-463 Power System Analysis 3-0
ME-464 Renewable Energy Technologies 3-0
ME-465 Robotics and Automation 3-0
ME-466 Ship Propulsion Engineering 3-0
ME-467 Solar Energy Systems 3-0
facilities in material characterization, design and analysis of automotive systems, instrumentation and computational mechanics.
The program is expected to enable the students to research, design, develop, test, evaluate and implement engineering solutions
to problems that are of a complexity encountered in professional practice. The interdisciplinary nature of the curriculum allows
the students to communicate effectively with colleagues in other disciplines such as manufacturing, biomedical engineering,
robotics and architecture etc. The student will be made proficient with computer-based design simulation and analysis tools. The
department has dedicated, student-focused faculty available to guide the students at every stage of their research.
Any two from the following Streams and Two from NUST ME-835 Advanced Mechanics of Materials 3
approved Courses (Subject to availability of Faculty) ME-839 Advanced Finite Element Analysis 3
Course Code Course Title Credits ME-859 Mechanics of Fibre Reinforced Com- 3
Dynamics & Control posites (FRC Materials)
ME-812 Advanced Control Systems-I 3 ME-820 Advanced Instrumentation and 3
experimental methods
ME-813 Advanced Control Systems-II 3
ME-840 Computational Fluid Dynamics and 3
ME-814 Digital Control Systems 3 Heat transfer
EM-806 Operations Research 3 ME-898 Special Topics 3
EE-977 Nonlinear Control Systems 3 Product & Manufacturing Systems Design
ME-852 Rapid Prototyping, Tooling & Manu- 3 ME-812 Advanced Control Systems-I 3
EM-806 Operations Research 3
ME-853 Manufacturing System Design & 3
Management ME-851 Advanced Manufacturing Processes 3
ME-854 Computer Integrated Manufacturing 3 ME-852 Rapid Prototyping, Tooling & Manu- 3
ME-831 Computational Fluid Dynamics-I 3
ME-853 Manufacturing System Design & 3
ME-819 Instrumentation & Data Acquisition 3 Management
ME-854 Computer Integrated Manufacturing 3
ME-820 Advanced Instrumentation and 3
experimental methods ME-855 Material Selection & Design 3
EM-800 Introduction to Advanced Robotics 3 ME-859 Mechanics of Fibre Reinforced Com- 3
posites (FRC Materials)
ME-898 Special Topics 3
ME-862 Advanced Engineering Materials 3
Computational Mechanics
ME-863 Product Lifecycle Management 3
ME-831 Computational Fluid Dynamics-I 3
ME-871 Product Design & Development 3
ME-881 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 3
ME-875 Computer Aided Engineering Design 3
ME-833 Computational Fluid Dynamics-II 3
* Remaining electives of all the above streams are available on SMME website.
MS and PhD in Design & Manufacturing Engineering
This educational program has been started to address the demands of the modern industry. We at SMME are well- aware of the
fact that todays graduates must have the knowledge of the actual state of the industry, its culture and the complex interactive
management and operating systems which are based on value-added efforts, team performance and result-oriented leadership.
SMME is offering MS and PhD program in Design & Manufacturing Engineering and aspires to develop expertise in other
disciplines as well. The purpose of the program is to develop understanding of manufacturing and management techniques
along with specialisation in Manufacturing Engineering, Design Engineering and Industrial Engineering. The program provides
a firm foundation in lean manufacturing, product engineering, quality systems, and skills for effective utilisation of human and
corporate resources necessary to improve manufacturing business performance. It integrates systems perspectives, combining
the classroom learning of engineering and business with laboratory work, plant tours, industry-related internship & research
project. It also provides ample opportunities to work in teams with other manufacturing professionals to analyse real-time
problems and develop economical solutions.
The Masters Program students are required to complete 22 classroom credit hours, 2 laboratory credit hours and an
industrial research thesis of six credit hours. Laboratory work includes understanding and use of CIM, Micro CIM, CNC and
Rapid Prototyping. The thesis is designed to provide a platform for the students to demonstrate competencies in learned
methodologies and acquired skills to enhance real-time manufacturing and business performance. The partner manufacturing
industry serves as a laboratory for the research project. The Program will inculcate the skills and ability in the students to
effectively fulfill the requirements of such positions as Manufacturing Systems Engineer, Process Improvement Specialist, Lean
Manufacturing Consultant, Supply Chain / Logistics Systems Specialist and Manufacturing Business Planner / Consultant.
MS Coursework Elective Courses
Program Code: 620 Specialisation in Manufacturing Engineering
(Any Three)
Core Courses
Code Course Title Credits
Course Code Course Title Credits
DME-821 Rapid Prototyping, Tooling and 3
MATH-815 Applied Engineering Mathematics 3
DME-811 Product Design and Development 3
DME-822 Laser Material Processing 3
DME-812 Advanced Manufacturing Processes 3
DME-823 Advanced Manufacturing Technologies 3
DME-813 Product Lifecycle Management 3
DME-824 Design for Manufacturing 3
DME-814 Computer Integrated 3
DME-825 Lean and Agile Manufacturing 3
DME-826 Manufacturing Systems Design and 3
DME-899 Thesis 6
DME-827 Special Topics in Manufacturing 3
Engineering Engineering, IT and Computer Science NUST Prospectus 2016 225
Specialisation in Design Engineering (Any Three)
Course Code Course Title Credits
DME-828 Design of Machine Elements 3
DME-829 Design of Mechanisms 3
DME-830 Cognitive Ergonomics in Design 3
simple to most complex.
The Department of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (R&AI) was established in September 2011 and currently seventy two
postgraduate students are completing their Master and PhD in Robotics and Intelligent Machine Engineering (RIME). Department
of R&AI houses dedicated laboratories for Robotics, Machine Vision, Control Systems, Industrial Automation, Electronics
and Computer Aided Engineering whereas it is supported by other labs at the SMME including Rapid Prototyping (RP) and
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) etc. which facilitate mechanical fabrication of indigenously designed robot prototypes. These
laboratories comprise equipment both for research as well as teaching purposes including robotic arms of various types, mobile
robots, stereo vision camera systems, robot designing kits, advanced microcontroller instrumentation, pneumatic / hydraulic
workstations and PCB board fabrication facilities. These enable the student to get maximum practical exposure to modern day
robotic technology at par with similar graduate programs in other leading international universities.
The department is home to highly qualified faculty from leading universities of Japan, USA, UK, France and Singapore.
The Masters program requires the student to complete 22 23 credit hours of theory and 1
2 credit hours of lab work including 6 core and 2 elective courses. The students are required to
take up a research thesis in any of the streams identified above. The PhD program requires the
students to study 6 courses focusing on the stream of their choice and then undertake research
for a PhD dissertation. The laboratories housing most modern equipment available at the
department make it possible for the students to gather practical results for their experiments
wherever required.
MS Coursework
Program Code: 621
Core Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
EM-800 Robotics I 3-0
EM-805 Robotics II 3-0
RIME-812 Mobile Robotics 3-0
CSE-880 Artificial Intelligence 3-0
EC-803 Computer Vision 3-0
EE-826 Linear Control Systems 3-0
RIME-899 MS Thesis 6-0
Elective Courses (Any two of the following)
Course Code Course Title Credits
RIME-821 MEMS Design and Fabrication 3-0
RIME-832 Machine Learning 3-0
MATH-812 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3-0
RIME-813 Computer Integrated Manufacturing 3-0
RIME-852 Digital Control Systems 3-0
The Biomedical Engineering and Sciences program at SMME with its one hundred and nineteen post graduate students is aimed
to meet the requirement of skilled and professional engineers and scientists in the market including hospitals, biomedical
equipment and prosthetic manufacturers etc.
To translate discovery into treatments that transform the practice of medicine; determine the effectiveness and outcomes of
primary, secondary and tertiary health interventions on patients and populations;
To provide leading-edge research that related to human health and disease
To support the academia, hospital and medical businesses, Government health service agencies
Research and development in regulatory affairs and medical devices standards
Development of biosensors.
Research and development in diagnosis and treatment of cancer
Indigenous production of pharmaceutical materials
Research and development in computational and experimental neuroscience
To provide cutting edge research in biomedical imaging
To provide support for Healthcare information and management system
The Master course consists of eight taught lecture modules plus a research project work. Each taught module is self-contained,
and covers a complete topic. Out of eight taught courses, four courses are Core Courses. The core courses are common and
compulsory for all students, while the remaining four courses may be selected from any field of specialty (i.e. Biomedical
Engineering / Biomedical Sciences).
PhD Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
BMES-941 Advances in Biomedical Materials 3
BMES-942 Artificial Organs and Biomedical Applications 3
BMES-931 Advances in Biological Perception 3
BMES-932 Image and Vision Computing in Medicine 3
BMES-934 Advanced Bio-signal Processing 3
BMES-923 Advances in Neural Rehabilitation Engineering 3
BMES-999 Dissertation 30
BMES-813 Biomedical Instrumentation 3
BMES-811 Signals and Images in Medicine 3
BMES-832 Biomechanics 3
MATH-814 Thesis 3
BMES-899 MS Thesis 6
* Introductary courses
PhD Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
BMES-950 Recent advances in Molecular 3
Biology and Biomedicine
BMES-941 Advances in Biomedical Materials 3
BMES-923 Advances in Neural Rehabilitation 3
BMES-942 Artificial Organs and Biomedical 3
BMES-952 Tissue Engineering 3
BMES-951 Bio-Nanotechnology 3
BMES-999 Dissertation 30
Discipline: Electronics Engineering Discipline: Computer Software Engineering
Specialization: Parallel Computing/Cluster Management Specialization: Optical Networks
The library possesses latest books /journals relevant to the fields of specialization being offered at the Center. Textbooks are
loaned to students for one semester without any charge. The collection of books is updated continuously and most suited and
beneficial new books are acquired on the recommendation of faculty members as well as students. Access to HEC Online Digital
Library is also available to faculty and students. Moreover, RCMS library provides its users access to about 3000 multidisciplinary
collection of e-books through our networked CD-ROM server.
Research Facilities
Network Simulation & Communication Lab Being a MS research student, it has been a great
For demonstrating Network Modeling and Simulation, experience at RCMS. The interdisciplinary nature of
Design, Configuration & Troubleshooting of LAN & WAN CS&E program facilitates students like me, coming
and implementing Network Security. from background of Bioinformatics. The highly
qualified faculty at RCMS from multidisciplinary fields
Super Computing Lab is very welcoming to new ideas. My department has
Students use this facility to remotely access supercom- facilitated my learning by providing both challenges
puter. and facilities alike. From the cooperative staff
and administration to the guiding and knowledge
Computational Biology Lab imparting faculty, a student is able to learn and polish
For computational work related to molecular modeling his/her abilities. The Supercomputing Research &
and computer aided drug design. Education Center has given me an experience I might
not have been able to get anywhere else.
PhD Labs
PhD cubicles equipped with workstations, Printers, white Reham Fatima
boards, UPS and Lockers, etc. MS student Batch V, RCMS
MS Research Lab
Facility for MS students comprising research desks
equipped with computers, UPS and Lockers, etc.
It feels great to be a part of RCMS, which is continuously striving to achieve excellence in higher education.
I chose RCMS because it offers a variety of specialization streams in its degree programs. All programs are
well balanced, curriculum conforms to international standards and the faculty is highly qualified. Excellent
computational facilities are available to faculty and students. The student to teacher ratio is impressively
low, which facilitates faculty in paying individual attention to each student. In short, RCMS provides con-
genial environment for learning & research and it has been a wonderful experience to be a part of RCMS,
Core Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
CSE-880 Computational Linear Algebra & Optimization 3
CSE-887 Computing for Computational Science & Engineering 3
CSE-881 Applied Mathematics For Computational Science & Engineering (Not for Bioinformatics and 3
Computational Chemistry streams)
CSE-883 Data Analysis & Statistics 3
Additional Course (To evaluate research potential / aptitude and prepare for thesis)
RM-898 Research Methodology 2
SEM / WKSP Seminar / Workshop 1
SEM / WKSP Seminar / Workshop 1
CSE 801 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3 CSE 878 Computational Chemistry 3
CSE 911 Advanced Flight Mechanics 3 CSE 871 Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Dynam- 3
Electrical & Electronic Systems ics
Communication Systems & Networks (CS&N) For Course Based MS Program: General Electives (For all
CSE 842 Communication Systems & Networks 3
CSE 917 Advanced Numerical Methods 3
CSE 870 Petri Nets 3
CSE 920 Advanced Partial Differential Equations 3
CSE 843 Performance Analysis of Communica- 3
tion Systems CS 831 Parallel Computing 3
CSE 844 Performance Analysis of Networks 3 CS 832 Distributed Computing 3
Computational Biomedical Engineering (CBE) CS 836 Advanced Distributed Computing 3
Bioelectromagnetics CSE 866 High Performance Computer Architec- 3
CSE 885 Anatomy and Physiology For CSE 3
Applied Mechanics
CSE 888 Computational Modeling of Physiologi- 3
cal Systems CSE 872 Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 3
CSE 886 Electrophysiology and Bioelectricity 3 CSE 906 Boundary Layer Theory 3
CSE 889 Electromagnetic Based Therapeutic 3 CSE 894 Ship Hydrodynamics 3
and Diagnostic Techniques CSE 903 Advanced Heat Transfer 3
Biomechanics ME 837 Non-Linear Dynamics 3
CSE 885 Anatomy and Physiology For CSE 3 SYSE 821 Unmanned Aircraft Systems 3
CSE 888 Computational Modeling of Physiologi- 3 ME 833 Computational Fluid Dynamics II 3
cal Systems ME 840 Computational Fluid Dynamics & Heat 3
BMES 832 Biomechanics 3 Transfer
CSE 890 Analysis of Biomechanical Systems 3 ME 881 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 3
Real Time Systems Turbo Machinery
CSE 815 Graph Theory and Algorithms 3 CSE 902 Advanced Incompressible Fluids 3
CSE 870 Petri Nets 3 CSE 801 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3
CSE 952 Advanced Model Checking 3 CSE 802 Turbo Machinery 3
CSE 869 Real Time Systems 3 CSE 803 Mechanics & Thermodynamics Of 3
Bioinformatics Aircraft Propulsion
Computational Systems Biology CSE 904 Advanced Combustion 3
CSE 876 Biochemistry 3 CSE 905 Advanced Propulsion 3
CSE 953 Advanced Computational Biology 3 Structural Mechanics
CSE 877 Statistics in Bioinformatics 3 CSE 910 Advanced Mechanics of Materials 3
CSE 870 Petri Nets 3 CSE 831 Finite Element Methods 3
CSE 952 Advanced Model Checking 3 CSE 909 Advanced Theory Of Vibrations 3
Computational Drug Design CSE 834 Theory of Elasticity 3
CSE 876 Biochemistry 3 CSE 832 Fracture Mechanics 3
CSE 953 Advanced Computational Biology 3 CSE 833 Behavior of Materials Under Impact 3
CSE 877 Statistics in Bioinformatics 3
Communication Systems & Networks
CSE 873 Computational Drug Design 3
IT 877 Advanced Computer Networks 3
CSE 874 Molecular Modeling and Drug Design 3
EE 853 Advanced Wireless Communications 3
Translational Bioinformatics
EE 831 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 3
CSE 876 Biochemistry 3
EE 836 Advanced Digital Image Processing 3
CSE 877 Advanced Computational Biology 3
EE 851 Advanced Digital Communication 3
CSE 953 Statistics in Bioinformatics 3
CSE 895 Microarray and RNA Sequencing 3
CSE 914 Computational Enzymology 3
CSE 915 Modeling of Molecular Properties 3
CSE 916 Metals in Biological Systems 3
CSE 917 Concepts in Supramolecular Chemistry 3
CSE 918 Modeling Polymeric Materials 3
CSE 999 Dissertation 30
For PhD CS&E Program:
1. Core courses
For MS CS&E Program: 2. Minimum 18 credit hours of specialization courses as
specified by the Guidance and Examination Committee
In addition to the core courses, minimum four (04) courses (GEC).
from the specialization stream to complete 24 credit hour 3. Pre-requisite courses to study specialization courses, if
coursework requirement followed by six (06) credit hours of any.
thesis research. 4. Any other additional course(s) specified by the GEC.
Note: Selection/Allotment/Choice/Offering for specialization Note: Selection/Allotment/Choice/Offering for specialization
stream depends on: stream depends on:
1. Students/applicants background 1. Students/applicants background
2. Sufficient number of students opting for a particular 2. Sufficient number of students opting for a particular
stream stream
3. Availability of faculty 3. Availability of faculty
4. Consent of Program Coordinator 4. Consent of Program Coordinator
MS in Systems Engineering
Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary field of engineering focusing on how complex engineering projects and products
should be designed and managed over their entire life cycles. The aim of education in Systems Engineering is to simply formal-
ize the approach and in doing so, identify new methods and research opportunities similar to the way it occurs in other fields of
engineering. As an approach, Systems Engineering is holistic and interdisciplinary.
Its focus is on integration and overall system optimization to ensure that all likely aspects of a project, product or system are
taken into consideration and embedded into design and management planning. It is a considered opinion that Systems Engineer-
ing will play an important role for the future of the scientific discovery process and engineering design.
5. Command, Control, Communication, Computers and IS 827 Electronic Warfare - Principles & 3
Intelligence Techniques
synthesize ideas, develop methods and software tools to acquire, store, organize, archive, analyse, visualize and interpret
biological, medical or health data.
b. To produce professionals to understand ones own and others perspectives, inter-dependency, diversity, and support coop-
eration and collaboration to solve issues.
c. To produce graduates to communicate effectively in both oral and written form to articulate technical knowledge, ideas, and
d. To prepare graduates to actively participate in professional development, continuous self-improvement and lifelong learning
MS Coursework
Core Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
CSE-882 Foundation of Computing for CSE 3-0
CSE-880 Computational Linear Algebra and Optimization 3-0
CSE-883 Data Analysis and Statistics 3-0
CSE-876 Biochemistry 3-0
CSE-877 Statistics in Bioinformatics 3-0
CSE-953 Advanced Computational Biology 3-0
Specialization Courses
Computational Drug Design
CSE-873 Computational Drug Design 3-0
CSE-874 Molecular Modeling and Drug Design 3-0
Computational Systems Biology
CSE-870 Petri-Nets 3-0
CSE-952 Advanced Model Checking 3-0
Translational Bioinformatics
CSE-895 Microarray and RNA Sequencing 3-0
CSE-896 Translational Bioinformatics 3-0
The Center for Energy Systems (CES) lately titled as U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy was launched in June 2011
to provide impetus to energy sector programs and support and consolidate related activities/ projects with a view to contributing
to national economy in times of energy crisis. It was inaugurated on January 9, 2012. Collaborating partners from Canada, USA,
UK, RSA and KSA warmly participated in the event. The Center aims at providing sustainable supply of energy at affordable rates
with greater share of renewable in the energy mix to reduce environmental footprint. The centers vision resides in setting up
pilot plants to demonstrate the feasibility of specific programs in the various energy sectors. Thus, takes the lead in moving from
research and development to demonstration; a step that is considered vital for meaningful academia-industry collaboration. The
Center incorporates existing institutes to this core mission.
The U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E) aims to focus on applied research relevant to Pakistans energy
needs and serve as a bridge between the government, industry, and academia and undertake sustainable policy formulation.
USPCAS-E is a partnership between the National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Islamabad; University of Engineering
and Technology, Peshawar (UET); and U.S. partner Arizona State University (ASU).
At the end of the project, the Centers at NUST and UET will be sustainable hubs to address energy related issues. Collaboration
between the partner USPCAS-E universities and the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan will help ensure institutionalization
and sustainability of USPCAS-E.
Help Pakistan unleash its enormous potential for economic growth
Become Pakistans premier energy think-tank and engage stakeholders in both industry and government
Improve relevance and quality of curricula, strengthen use of effective teaching methods, and upgrade graduate programs
Enhance responsiveness of university research and graduates skills to public and private sector needs;
Focus on cutting-edge applied research & finding indigenous solutions to challenges;
Build a nationwide network for energy professionals by establishing and facilitating channels for interaction including
networking sessions, workshops, and exchange programs
Increase access to higher education in energy-related professions for women and economically disadvantaged students
Establish channels to facilitate local and international networking in the energy sector;
Emerge as financially self-sustained national hub for energy issues;
Research Agenda
Provide leadership, research, support, and policy development in renewable energy and emerging technologies particularly
Wind, Solar and Fuel Cells.
Advance the goal of using Biomass to produce power.
Advance the goal of thermal power with carbon mitigation.
Emphasize the goals of energy efficient buildings.
Emphasize energy policies that lead to cost-conscious, responsible development of Pakistans energy resources and
commitment to environmental quality.
Advance the goals of energy efficient transport technologies.
Advance the goal of improved nuclear energy technologies.
economically disadvantaged students across Pakistan; by internationally competitive multi-disciplinary graduate training, with
improved relevance and quality curricula and by use of effective teaching methods. The Center builds a nationwide network for
energy professionals by establishing and facilitating channels for interaction including world class research laboratories, library,
networking sessions, seminars, workshops, and international exchange programs.
field of energy. Details of the projects are given below:
1. U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy funded by USAID
2. Instrumentation of photo-bioreactor in collaboration with ICI
3. Promoting sustainable energy production and use from biomass in Pakistan by UNIDO
4. Fabrication & testing of DTL Autoclave/ GCMS by NRG Biofuels
5. Microhydel potential in Pakistan in collaboration with US-NSF
6. To assess current biomass availability in Punjab with respect to major crops by IFC-World Bank
7. Development of environmentally tolerant materials and coatings for gas turbines for electric power generation and vehicular
propulsion by HEC
8. GTL FT synthesis facility with GC in collaboration with FFCL
9. Enhanced hydrogen production form algae using artificial electron donors and inhibiting agents for Ferredoxin NADP Reduc-
tase by HEC
10. Installation of solar-mapping instruments at NUST by World Bank
11. Optimization and scale up of fixed bed reactor for pilot scale facility in collaboration with SyngFuels China
institutions, research, planning and development departments of the energy ministries, energy companies, industries, and
education and research institutions. It will impart baseline knowledge and train professionals to become entrepreneurs and start
up their own small to medium scale enterprises in the diverse energy fields, apart from opportunities in the diverse renewable
energy sector.
Scheme of Studies
Core Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
ESE 800 Clean Coal Technologies 03
ESE 801 Biofuel Engineering 03
ESE 810 Computer Applications in Energy Systems 03
ESE 803 Photovoltaic Devices 03
Total 12
sector commensurate with the needs of allied industries. It is essential to produce scientists who will make significant contribu-
tions in the productive research and development in the vast domains of science and engineering especially in the field of energy
production. The courses has been designed keeping in view the latest market demand and encompasses a broad area covering
advanced requirements for the development of energy generation and conversion materials.
Scheme of Studies
The duration of the PhD Energy Systems Engineering program will be according to the existing policy of NUST for PhD. The main
program requires a minimum of 18 credit hour (CH) course work and a 30 CH research project which will be counted towards the
Core Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
ESE 901 Recent Trends in Energy Systems Engineering 03
ESE 902 Socio-Economic Aspects of Energy Systems 03
ESE 999 Thesis 30
Total 36
and planning and development departments of the energy ministries, energy companies, industries, and education and research
institutions. It will impart baseline knowledge and train professionals to become entrepreneurs and start up their own small to
medium scale enterprises in the diverse energy fields, apart from serving in the predominant thermal energy mix sector.
Scheme of Studies
Core Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
TEE 802 Design and Modelling of Thermal Energy Systems 03
TEE 803 Conventional and Renewable Energy Power Plants 03
ESE 823 Thermal Hydraulics 03
TEE 801 Advanced Thermodynamics 03
TEE 899 Thesis 06
Total 18
Elective Courses
TEE 817 Computational Fluid Dynamics for Thermal Energy Systems 03
TEE 810 Advanced Process Energy Analysis & Optimization 03
TEE 818 Advanced Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning System (Hvac) 03
TEE 820 Process Intensification 03
TEE 800 Clean Coal Technology 03
TEE 811 Solar Thermal Energy 03
TEE 817 Development and Evaluation of Energy Projects 03
TEE 814 Fuel Cells 03
TEE 816 Economics Evaluation of Energy Projects 03
TEE 822 Geothermal Energy 03
TEE 824 Nuclear Energy Engineering 03
TEE 812 Advanced Fluid Dynamics 03
TEE 813 Turbomachinery 03
TEE 814 Environmental Issues of Fossil Fuel Power Plants 03
TEE 815 Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer 03
TEE 816 Fuels and Combustion 03
TEE-810 Advanced Process Energy Analysis & Optimization 03
TEE-820 Process Intensification 03
by nurturing the human resource in this field. The program is designed to equip the students with advanced and contemporary
technical knowledge of electrical power systems and will enable them to better manage and govern the national power system.
Primarily focus will be on electrical power and energy systems, and it covers advanced aspects of power system modelling,
computational power flow analysis, high voltage engineering and dielectric studies, online monitoring and protection of electrical
equipment with digital relays, transients, and energy measurement with smart meters and PMU.
Scheme of Studies
Core Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
EEE 800 Power System Operation, Control and Optimization 3
EEE 801 Clean Energy Generation, Integration and Storage 3
ESE 909 Smart Grid Architecture 3
EEE 802 Advanced Power System Stability and Transient Studies 3
EEE-899 Thesis 6
National Students
Eligibility Criteria
Admission Process
Selection Procedure
International Students
National Students Candidates can apply on the basis of NUST Entry Test (NET)
or SAT or both.
Applying to NUST
Online Registration
Selection of Candidates: August 2016 Engineering
Commencement of Courses: HSSC (Pre- Engineering group) from any Board of Intermediate
All institutions less CAE September 2016 and Secondary Education OR an equivalent qualification like
CAE October 2016 A level OR any other foreign qualification with Mathematics,
Submission of SAT Results: July 22, 2016 Physics and Chemistry.
Computer Based Test DAE candidates can apply for admission in selected engineering
Computer Based Entry tests for all disciplines will be programs on open merit. To apply, the candidates should have
held in multiple sessions at NUST Campus Islamabad minimum 60% marks in Matric as well as DAE. For details please
according to the following schedule: visit NUST website.
NET-2016 (Series-1) December 2015
NET-2016 (Series-2) March-April 2016
BS Computer Science
HSSC (Pre- Engineering Group /Computer Science Group)
NET-2016 (Series-3) July 2016 from any Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education OR
During an admission cycle, candidates can appear in an equivalent qualification like A level OR any other foreign
Entry test more than once to improve their score with qualification with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry /
their best score considered for admissions. Computer Science / Computer Studies.
The result of NET will remain valid for the current ad-
mission cycle only which will culminate in Fall 2016. Ineligibility Criteria
Candidates with any of the following deficiencies are NOT
Paper Based Test eligible to apply for admission in UG programs:
Karachi and Quetta in April and July 2016. Having secured less than 60% marks in Matric and FSc.
Candidates will have an option to appear either in com- Having failed / not appeared in any subject in FSc Part-I / II.
puter based test at Islamabad or the paper based test. Having secured less than 60% marks in O/A level as per the
Candidates will have an option to change their dis- equivalence certificate issued by IBCC.
cipline preferences after the announcement of NET In case of O & A level / equivalent foreign qualification, those
results within the time-frame to be specified after the not in possession of valid O level or equivalent qualification
test. certificate issued by IBCC at the time of applying to NUST.
Female candidates are not eligible to apply for Aerospace,
Avionics and Civil Engineering at Risalpur Campuses.
Expelled from NUST on disciplinary grounds.
Eligibility Criteria
Submission of Online Applications
A minimum of 60% aggregate marks each in SSC and HSSC NUST accepts only online application forms for UG programs.
/ equivalent exams. A candidate can fill and submit the application form, available
Candidates of FSc stream can apply for the NUST Entry online at
Test on the basis of FSc Part I but the confirmation of
their admission is subject to provision of FSc certificate For subsequent correspondence with NUST, the following
or Detailed Marks Certificate (with a minimum of 60% address may be used:
aggregate marks) before the commencement of the
relevant program of study. Admissions Directorate,
O & A level and other non-FSc stream candidates need to National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST),
obtain equivalence certificates from Inter Board Committee Sector H-12, Islamabad, Pakistan.
of Chairmen (IBCC), Pakistan. Tel: +92-51-90856878
Candidates of O / A Level stream can apply on the basis of E-mail:
O Level equivalence certificate duly issued by IBCC, but the
confirmation of their admission is subject to provision of
A Level equivalence certificate before the commencement
of the relevant program of study. Valid O Level equivalence
certificate is mandatory at the time of applying to NUST.
Applying to NUST
NUST Entry Test (per exam) Rs 3,000 or USD 35
SAT National Seat Rs 3,500 or USD 40
SAT International Seat Rs 7,000 or USD 80
Confirmation of receipt of application by NUST through e-mail (within 24 hours of submission of application)
For computer based test, selection of Test Date and Session by Re-Login to candidates NET account
For Islamabad Test Center, confirmation of Test Date, Test Session and allocation of Roll Number, Log-in ID, Pass-
word for Computer Based Test.
For Paper Based Test at Karachi and Quetta to be held in April and July 2016, issuance of Roll Numbers and alloca-
tion of test centers through email (within 24 hours of payment confirmation).
Conduct of the test as per the schedule i.e., computer based in Islamabad and paper based test in April and July
2016 at Karachi and Quetta
Announcement of NET results
Desirous candidates may apply in another NET series before the completion of admission cycle
Candidates may review their preferences of programs within given time frame after uploading of merit list
Printing of Provisional Selection Letter, Medical Certificate Form and Admission Dues Fee Invoice by the selected
Deposit of Admission dues (in any online branch of HBL) and submission of required documents to the UG Sec-
tion, Registrar Directorate, NUST, Sector H-12, Islamabad
Issuance of Joining Instructions to the selected candidates who have completed all admission formalities by the
respective institution
Successful candidates join their respective programs
Visit and get registered required to submit equivalence certificates, obtained from
by providing valid e-mail address. the Inter Board Committee of Chairmen (IBCC), within two
Candidate will be allotted a login ID and password to access weeks after joining the respective program. Offices of the IBCC
the online application form. arelocated in all the provincial capitals. The address of IBCC
Fill the online form, upload recent (not more than 6 months office at Islamabad is as under:
old) passport size photograph (with plain background), and
submit the form. Inter Board Committee of Chairmen,
Successful submission of form will be confirmed through Plot No.25, St 38, G-10/4,
an e-mail by NUST. Near Federal Government Employees
Re-Login to your account and print Fee Invoice for Housing Foundation (FGEHF),
depositing processing fee from My Account page. Islamabad
Candidates can deposit fee with any branch of HBL. Fee Phone: (051) 9235018
deposit will be verified through e-mail within 10 days of Web:
Candidates of computer based test will have to choose Test Note: Candidates are advised to contact IBCC for their eligibility
regarding issuance of equivalence certificate of relevant category as
Date and Session out of the available options.
per their subjects of study in O/A level or equivalent examinations.
Allocation of Test Date and Session will be made on First
Come First Served basis.
Candidates of computer based test will be allocated Roll
Number, Test Center, Test Session, Log-in ID and Password.
For Paper Based Test at Karachi and Quetta in April and
July, candidates will be informed through email regarding
printing of Admit Card containing exact time and center for
Entry Test.
Candidates are required to print their Admit Cards and
bring the same to the Test Center along with original CNIC
or a document with Photo ID such as Passport, original
Matric / HSSC certificate, etc.
Candidates can appear more than once to improve their
score. Best score will be picked by the system for merit
Candidates can review their preference of choices after
announcement of merit list. No application for change of
preferences will be entertained thereafter.
Candidates will be required to confirm whether they want to
stay in the allotted program or would like to be considered
for up-gradation. The seats becoming available as a result
of drop-outs will be re-allocated and filled through the
up-gradation of candidates who have confirmed their
willingness by depositing admission dues in time.
Candidates failing to deposit admission dues within the
given time will not be considered for admission any further.
Closing merit of session 2015 for different programs will be
available on the website for guidance
Admit Cards will be retained at the Test Centers for further
Equivalence Certificate
Applying to NUST
NUST Entry Test will be Computer-based for the candidates of
25% weighting to their O Level equivalence marks as per equivalence
Islamabad center, conducted in two sessions daily on different certificate issued by IBCC.
dates whereas for the candidates of Karachi and Quetta centers,
it will be paper based to be conducted on one day for all the Note
candidates in April and July 2016.
The above policy may be reviewed by the University whenever
deemed necessary.
It is the responsibility of the candidate to provide his/her academic
The standard of test will be that of intermediate level education, record in time to the University as per the deadline.
aimed at evaluation of factual knowledge, comprehension and NUST will not be responsible if result of FSc/equivalent exams is
not declared in time.
its application.
Instructions to attempt computer based Entry test along with SAT Seats for National Students
mock test module is available on NUST website for guidance of NUST has few reserved seats in Engineering / Computer Science
candidates. programs for induction through SAT scores to facilitate admis-
sions of candidates from O/A Level background. Pakistani candi-
dates of both O/A Level and FSc streams can exercise this option
For paper based Entry test, correct filling of answer sheets is and compete for SAT seats by taking SAT Subject Test and sub-
essential. Detailed instructions for the same are given in the mitting the following results in addition to academic qualifica-
NET section to help the candidates. tion requirements already spelled out.
Entry Test for Engineering and Computer Science Programs will Engineering
be held in the following subjects along with their weightings: Mathematics Level-II
Mathematics 40% Chemistry
Physics 30%
Chemistry / Computer Science 15% Computer Science
English 10% Mathematics Level-II
Intelligence* 5% Physics
Note: A minimum of 550 score is required in each subject.
*Intelligence questions will pertain to Mathematical
Reasoning, Critical Thinking, Analytical, Problem Solving
and Creativity. SAT Subject Test
Note: Engineering / Computer Science candidates can opt for BS SAT Subject Test is a computer-based test held under the
Mathematics and BS Physics programs in online registration form management of College Board, USA. For more information on
without paying additional fee. Their merit will be calculated on the SAT and how to apply, please visit their website at
basis of Mathematics, English and Intelligence subjects in case of
BS Mathematics and Mathematics, Physics, English and Intelligence
subjects in case of BS Physics. SAT scores from College Board, USA should reach directly to
NUST by July 22, 2016. Scores received after the deadline will
Re-checking of NET Papers not be entertained. SAT scores are valid for two years.
Re-checking of Entry Test papers may be requested within 10 NUST institutional code to receive SAT scores is 2790.
days of the declaration of result along with a fee of Rs.500/- in Merit list for candidates applying on the basis of SAT for national
the form of a bank draft/pay order in favour of NUST. The original seats is prepared separately
bank daft / pay order should be dispatched to Admissions
Directorate, NUST, Sector H-12, Islamabad, along with written Medical Fitness
application. Re-checking involves the verification of paper for Selected candidates will be required to provide Medical
any unmarked answers and error free totaling of marks. Certificate for joining the relevant program. Medical Certificate
form will be sent to the selected candidates along with
Provision of Entry Test Results the Provisional Selection Letter for endorsement from any
Desirous candidates may obtain the result details of their test Government hospital or a registered medical practitioner.
from the link available on NUST website.
Selection Procedure
Final merit list for Engineering / Computer Science programs
will be prepared by assigning weightings as follows:
The University may reject an application for admission of any Admission is liable to be cancelled if the candidate is found
student without assigning any reason. guilty of suppression or misrepresentation of material facts
at any stage. The University can further debar him/her from
seeking admission elsewhere. Other universities in the country
Submission of Documents will also be informed about the same.
Candidates are required to print the Provisional Selection Letters
and send attested photocopies of the following documents The seats of those candidates who, after submission of
along with paid fee invoice (NUST copy) of admission dues to admission dues, do not join within 15 days of commencement
UG Section, Registrar Directorate, NUST, H-12, Islamabad: date of programs will be declared vacant and filled up by
candidates next on merit.
Matric/equivalent certificate along with Detailed Marks
Detailed marks certificate of FSc Part I Migration and Transfer
FSc/equivalent certificate along with Detailed Marks Under extraordinary circumstances, on the recommendation
Certificate of the Commandant/Principal of the concerned institution,
the Rector may allow migration of a student within NUST, or
Equivalence certificate(s) from IBCC in case of equivalent
from other foreign/Pakistani universities/colleges of repute,
generally under the following conditions:
Allocation of Programs After completion of first year and before the beginning of
final year
Selection and allotment of programs will be carried out strictly
according to the merit position and preferences exercised by Possesses good academic record
the candidates. Courses to be transferred have a minimum of B Grade
Transfer within NUST will be allowed to students admitted
All candidates will be provided an opportunity to change their on the basis of NUST selection process
preferences given earlier in the online application form after Inter-institutional transfers of students within NUST will
the announcement of NUST Entry Test results/merit positions. be managed and processed on the basis of laid down
This option will be available for Engineering Candidates in first procedure in vogue
week of August 2016. No application for change of preferences
will be entertained after this. Provisions of NUST Migration Policy, as amended/updated from
time to time, will be applicable in processing of all migration cases.
Candidates are also required to confirm whether they want
to stay in the Program allotted or would like to remain in Migration/Transfer Fee PKR
upgradation process. The seats becoming available as a result of
dropouts will be re-allocated and filled through up-gradation of Processing Fee 5,000
candidates who have confirmed their willingness by depositing Migration/Transfer Fee
the admission dues in time. Migration from foreign universities 250,000
Migration from local universities 100,000
Name of those candidates who do not deposit admission dues Transfer within NUST 5,000
will not be considered any further.
Note: For migration application form and details of migration policy and
procedure, please visit
Applying to NUST
Dates to Remember Energy Systems Engineering (Morning)
Commencement of Online Admission April 18, 2016
Thermal Energy Engineering (Morning)
Electrical Energy Engineering (Morning)
Commencement of Programs September 19, 2016
Submission of GRE (General) School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
/GAT (General) Score July 28, 2016 (SMME), Islamabad
Mechanical Engineering (Evening)
Design & Manufacturing Engineering (Evening)
Robotics & Intelligent Machine Engineering (Evening)
Masters Programs of Study Biomedical Engineering (Evening)
Biomedical Science (Evening)
Military College of Signals (MCS), Rawalpindi
Electrical (Telecomm) Engineering (Evening) Pakistan Navy Engineering College (PNEC),
Software Engineering (Evening)
Information Security (Evening)
Electrical (Control/Communication) Engineering (Evening)
Systems Engineering (Morning)
Mechanical Engineering (Thermo Fluids/Thermal Power/
Computational Mechanics)(Evening)
College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Manufacturing Engineering & Management (Evening)
(C of E&ME), Rawalpindi
Electrical Engineering (Evening) Military College of Engineering (MCE), Risalpur
Mechanical Engineering (Evening) Construction Engineering & Management (Weekend)
Computer Engineering (Evening) Structural Engineering (Weekend)
Software Engineering (Evening) Transportation Engineering (Weekend)
Mechatronics Engineering (Evening) Disaster Management (Weekend)
Engineering Management (Evening)
College of Aeronautical Engineering (CAE), Risalpur
School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Aerospace Engineering (Morning)
(SEECS), Islamabad Avionics Engineering (Morning)
Information Technology (Evening)
Computer Science (Evening)
Information Security (Evening)
Electrical Engineering (Evening)
Innovative Technologies in Education (Evening)
Applying to NUST
Engineering Industrial/Manufacturing/Aerospace/Avionics/Computer Software
GAT (General) conducted by NTS with at least 50 accumulated score or GRE (General) conducted by ETS, USA with minimum
score as mentioned below:
Quantitative 151/170
Verbal 146/170
Analytical Writing 3.5/6.0
NUST will accept the scores of GAT (General) conducted by NTS on or after August 1, 2014.
GRE conducted after August 1, 2013 will be accepted.
NUST code to receive GRE result is 7014.
Candidates are responsible for providing hard copy of GRE score directly on following address:
Postgraduate Program Directorate,
National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
Sector H-12, Islamabad
PEC/HEC recognised degrees (as applicable) will only be accepted.
The degree must be relevant to the discipline applied for, as shown in the above table.
Candidates who are awaiting final result can also apply, provided their CGPA/Percentage till last semester is equal to 2.0/55%
and they can submit their final result before commencement of classes..
MS Programs
Admission of postgraduate students in various programs of Submission of online application form through web-link
Engineering and Information Technology will be based on along with scanned copies of
GRE/GAT (General) conducted by ETS/NTS, previous academic required documents
record and interview.
Confirmation of receipt of application form through e-mail
Admission in MS will be based on the following weighting: within 24 hours
GRE (General) / GAT (General) score 50%
Previous Academic Record 25% Deposit application fee through online in any branch of HBL
Interview 25%
Submission of Online
Confirmation of status through e-mail/website within 5 days
Applications of confirmation of receipt of application fee
Instructions for Online MS Application
Form GAT Score submitted by candidates will be verified from NTS
Visit and register with valid
e-mail address. Eligible candidates are asked to appear for interviews
Candidate will be allotted a password to access the
application form.
Fill the application form. Interviews at the respective Institutions in July
Enter CGPA only, If both percentage and CGPA are
mentioned on Bachelors/Masters Degree/Transcript.
Enter earned percentage/CGPA of last term/semester, in Selection list uploaded on NUST website, by the end of 1st
case final results are awaited. /2nd week of August
Upload recent photograph (with plain background).
Upload scanned copies of the following documents with Selected candidates take printout of Provisional Selection
the online application: Letter, Willingness Certificate, Medical Certificate and
>> Matric/equivalent certificate Admission Dues Challan Form from NUST website
>> Intermediate/equivalent certificate
>> Undergraduate degree along with final transcript(s)
showing the exact duration Candidates can deposit admission dues in any branch of HBL
>> Masters degree along with transcript showing the exact and submit the required documents to the PGP Directorate,
duration (if applicable). University Main Office, H-12, Islamabad by hand or through
>> Computerised National Identity Card courier service.
Consult eligibility criteria before opting for the program(s).
Candidates will not be considered for the programs for Issuance of joining instructions to the selected candidates by
which they are not eligible. the respective Institutions
Candidates can deposit the fee online, after taking print of
Challan Form, in any branch of HBL.
Successful candidates join the respective programs
Misrepresentation of facts or false information will lead to
cancellation of candidature/admission at any stage.
To do list for candidate To do list for NUST
Rejection of Application
The University may reject an application for admission of
any student without assigning any reason.
Applying to NUST
Eligibility Criteria Submission of Application
For admission into the PhD minimum CGPA 3.0 out of 4.0 Desirous candidates for PhD programs (all types) may apply to
(in the Semester System) or First Division (in the Annual PGP Directorate online according to the advertised schedule of
System) in M.Phil/M.S/Equivalent degree is required. admissions.
Percentage will be valid only if the CGPA is not mentioned Each candidate finally selected for admission to the PhD
in degree/transcript. program will be notified formally.
SAT Requirements
General Eligibility Criteria:-
The following categories can only apply for international SAT Subject Test in
seats: Mathematics Level II
Foreigners and Pakistanis having dual nationality, Physics
irrespective of the place of their study of HSSC or Chemistry
equivalent, Pakistan or abroad.
Pakistani students studied abroad for HSSC or BS Computer Science
equivalent but appearing in the Pakistani board from SAT Subject Test in
abroad. Mathematics Level II
Pakistani national students having passed an Physics
examination, equivalent to intermediate level of
Pakistan, from a foreign education system. SAT scores from College Board, USA should reach directly to
NUST by July 20, 2016. NUST institutional code to receive
Desirous candidates can avail the facility accordingly, SAT scores is 2790.
provided they meet the specified eligibility criteria and are It is the responsibility of the candidate to enter their SAT
willing to pay tuition fee and allied charges of the category. scores in online application form by due date.
Separate application form will be used for applying on SAT For correspondence:
basis, available on NUST website. Undergraduate Section, Registrar Directorate,
The applicant must have passed Higher Secondary National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST),
School Certificate (HSSC) or equivalent qualification like Main Office, Sector H-12, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate, British Email :
General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level),
American High School Graduation Diploma (9-12th Grade)
or any other equivalent qualification in relevant category Provisional Admission
showing twelve years of school education with minimum On fulfillment of the requirements mentioned, a candidate
60% cumulative marks. will be admitted to the University as per policy in vogue. This
In case of any foreign qualification, candidates have to admission shall, however, be provisional until all the original
obtain equivalence certificates from IBCC, Pakistan with degrees or certificates submitted by him / her have been
required subjects and minimum 60% marks. checked and verified. In case any document proves to be false,
Valid TOEFL or IELTS with score of 500 or 5.5. (not applicable fake, or fabricated at a later stage, a provisionally admitted
for those students whose medium of instruction is English student shall be liable to expulsion from the University at any
at HSSC level). stage or to any other disciplinary or legal action the University
For all Programs, a minimum of 550 SAT score is required in may deem necessary.
each subject. SAT scores are valid for two years only.
All Bachelor programs at NUST are taught in English. On receipt of university admission / acceptance letter, foreign
The candidate should also possess adequate mental and nationality holders will approach the Pakistani mission abroad
physical health to continue his/her course of studies. for the visa and submit the following documents:-
For more details, please visit the under mentioned link of Higher
Candidates with FSc / equivalent qualification with the
Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan: -
combination of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Studies
OR Computer Science can apply for Software Engineering and
Computer Engineering only.
Applying to NUST
Final Approval
Cases of the international students, finally selected for admission, will be referred to Higher Education Commission and relevant
Government department(s) for final approval as per policy in vogue.
Hostel accommodation to international students is guaranteed.
Postgraduate Programs
International students, Pakistanis holding foreign nationality Processing
and Pakistanis living abroad can apply for postgraduate Cases of international students selected for admission will be
programs. They have to compete with the local students for
processed through HEC/relevant government departments.
admission on merit.
Eligibility Criteria
Hostel accommodation to international students is guaranteed.
Eligibility criteria is the same as for national students.
GRE Score
International applicants are required to appear for GRE
conducted by ETS, USA. Last date for scores of GRE to reach
NUST is July 28, 2016.
Minimum Score is mentioned below:
Quantitative 151/170
Verbal 146/170
Analytical Writing 3.5/6.0
National Students
International Students
National Students Need-based Scholarship/Fee Waiver
NUST has launched a need-based scholarship scheme to
enable financially under-privileged but talented students to
Fee & Funding
Undergraduate Programs acquire higher education. Salient features of the scheme are:
Scholarships will be awarded to needy students of the
new batch every year.
Fee Structure The scholarships will be for full duration of the program in
Admission Dues PKR which the student is enrolled.
Admission Processing Fee (Non-refundable) 35,000 The scholarships will cover full tuition fee.
Security Deposit (Refundable) 10,000
Deferred Payments
Tuition Fee Financially under-privileged students, who cannot
Engineering & Computer Science (Per semester) 78,000 pay their fees and also do not qualify for merit-based
Miscellaneous dues (Per semester) 1,800 scholarship are allowed deferred payment, on case-to case
basis on completion of 1st semester of their studies.
Payment of Dues
At the time of admission students have to pay the Other Opportunities for Financial Assistance
admission processing fee, security and full semester fee in
HEC in collaboration with USAID, PEEF in collaboration
Invoice/Challan for admission charges along with first with DFID/UKAID, CMEEF (KPK) and certain philanthropic
semester fee and Provisional Selection Letter will be individuals/organizations provide merit cum needs
available on NUST website. based scholarships to the freshly inducted students of
Tuition fee will be payable on semester basis. NUST. Information on how to apply is available on NUST
Students have to pay their fee in advance before the webportal and the constituent institutions. Students may
commencement of semester otherwise they will not be also apply on their own for other scholarships such as
eligible to sit in the class. those offered by:
> Higher Education Commission (HEC)
Note: All fees are subject to revision. > Shell Pakistan, etc.
Further details are available on the NUST webportal and
Merit-based Financial Assistance
with the respective institutions.
A fixed amount is allocated for financial assistance, if a
student maintains CGPA of 3.5 or more in subsequent
Note: The award of scholarship/financial assistance is subject
semester examinations.
to availability of funds, high performance and good conduct of
the students.
*In any case student will not be able to attend classes till clearance of dues.
Postgraduate Programs
Finances (PG Programs)
International students selected through this process will be
required to pay the applicable charges in USD. Please note that
admission is granted only to those candidates who come up to
the required position on the merit list meant for open merit.
Fee Structure
The fee structure of the programs of study is as under:
MPhil/MS PhD
Engineering Management and
Other Engineering/IT programs All Programs
Construction & Engineering Management
One Time Charges: USD USD USD
Admission Processing Fee 110 110 60
Security Deposit (refundable) 100 100 70
Semester Fee 870 570 570
Course Repeat Fee 40 40 40
(Per Credit Hour)
PERSONAL INFORMATION (See appropriate block in the specimen answer sheet). Exam superintendent will brief on filling in of
this portion before start of the exam.
Clearly write your name in Capital Letters in the box titled FULL NAME. Fill corresponding circles. If the name is longer than
the space provided, fill in as much as fits in the given space. (In the specimen answer sheet, Ali Nawaz is the name of a
Write your Roll No in the box titled Roll No. (In the specimen answer sheet, the Roll No of the candidate is 16245016).
In the SUBJECT column, use 111 as subject code for Engineering and 222Computer Science.
In the SEQ CODE column, write NET Code written inside the question booklet. (SEQ Code 01 is marked in the specimen
answer sheet).
In the CITY/CENTRE column, use the following codes and fill in the corresponding circles. (In the specimen sheet, IS is
marked for Islamabad). KI: Karachi QA: Quetta IS: Islamabad
Put your date of birth in the column Date of Birth. 11-04-85 is marked as the Date of Birth on the specimen sheet.
In the SEX column, fill M for male candidates and F for female candidates and O for other candidates. (In the example a male
candidate is marked).
b c d e
Some examples of improper marking are shown below:
a b c d e a b c d e a b c d e
(The computer will mark improperly filled circle as wrong answer)
Do not mark more than a single circle for an answer choice. Multiple answers for a single question will be regarded as an
unanswered question.
If you need to erase an answer, do so clearly/cleanly, using a good quality eraser.
Do not bend/fold your answer sheet, make stray marks or mark any area outside the provided circles.
Answer sheet is to be signed both by the invigilator as well as by the candidate, in respective blocks, with ballpoint pen
USE 2B lead pencil only. DO NOT USE ink pens, ballpoint pens or felt-tip pens on the answer sheet.
You are allowed to bring along clipboard, pencils, eraser and sharpener only.
Use your time effectively. Do not spend too much time on one question, otherwise you will run short of time for other
Write your Roll No on the front page of the QUESTION Booklet and the back side of the answer sheet in the given blocks.
Do not write elsewhere.
Return the complete questions booklet along with the answer sheet on completion of the test.
You are not allowed to take away any part of the question booklet or note questions elsewhere. Non-compliance will be
regarded as use of unfair mean.
You are NOT ALLOWED to use any device which could assist in calculation such as a calculator, tables, digital watch, mobile
phone, electronic diary, Palm Pilot, etc.
There is no negative marking.
SAT Seats for National Students
NUST has a few reserved seats in Engineering and Computer
Science programs for induction through SAT scores to facilitate
admissions of candidates from O/A Level background. Pakistani
candidates of both O/A Level and FSc streams can exercise this
option and compete for SAT seats by taking SAT Subject Test
and submitting the following results.
SAT Subject Test in
Mathematics Level II
BS Computer Science
SAT Subject Test in
Mathematics Level II
Last date for SAT scores to reach NUST is July 15, 2016. Scores
received after the deadline will not be entertained. NUST
institutional code to receive SAT scores is 2790. Merit list for
candidates applying on the basis of SAT for national seats is
prepared separately.
Medical Fitness
ona Unive
The Rising Sun brings change, hope and enlightenment. It emanates inspiration and
from the light of knowledge, four birds take wing from the nests of light, and spread out
to the four corners of the world, symbolising the quest for spiritual gratification through
knowledge and wisdom.
The NUST Blue is a colour that represents the future. It carries all the characteristics of the
colour blue, like dignity, grace, freshness, professionalism, prudence and resolve.
National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST),
Sector H-12, Islamabad, Pakistan.