Warmaster Armies Errata 2009

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By Rick Priestley and the Warmaster Playtest Team
under coordination of Lex van Rooy

This Errata applies to the latest version of Warmaster Armies from January 2007.

Empire Empire
Special rules: Army selector:
Replace the Flagellants/Skirmishers paragraphs with Skirmishers: Replace the Unit size
following: number with following:
2. Flagellants. So keen are they to meet their maker that a unit
of Flagellants will always use its initiative to charge an enemy if +1
possible and cant be given orders instead. Theyll never use their
initiative to evade. They cant be driven back by shooting and
do not roll for drive backs. If a unit of flagellants is victorious in
combat and is able to pursue the enemy or advance in accordance
with the rules, then it must to do so where possible. Flagellants
are unaffected by enemies that cause terror in combat, so they do
not suffer the usual -1 Attack modifier.
Spells: Weird Enchantment
Replace the last paragraph with following:
3. Skirmishers. Skirmisher stands never count as independent
units under any circumstances. Instead, you may add one stand
of Skirmishers to any of your infantry units. This brings the size
The unit moves at half pace in all situations: even when charging
for example. The unit counts all enemies as terrifying (-1 Attack
penalty). If the unit would normally cause terror then it ceases

else. However, if the target is Undead or Daemonic unit it will not

count enemies as terrifying although all other penalties apply as
to do so and counts all enemies as terrifying just like everyone

of the unit to 4 stands - i.e. 3 ordinary stands plus the skirmisher.

Skirmishers always have the same Armour value as the rest of
their unit, either 6+ or 0. They fight as part of their unit and can
be removed as a unit casualty if the player wishes. Skirmisher
casualties never count as casualties for purposes of issuing orders,
described (Undead and Daemons are hard to spook).

which means there is no -1 Command penalty as there normally

would be for units that have lost a stand. Skirmisher stands never
count as part of the units formation when determining whether
they move at full or half pace, so no movement penalty is incurred
if they are arranged out of the units regular formation. As a result
skirmishers are both more adaptable and more expendable than
other troops.

Replace the Hellblaster Range/Attacks table with following:

Range (R) 0<R<=10cm 10<R<=20cm 20<R<=30cm

Attacks 8 4 2

Warmaster Armies Errata

High Elves Undead Tomb Kings

Special rules: Special rules:
Replace the second and the last paragraphs of Dragons Replace the Sphinx paragraph with
Special Rule with following: following:

Because Dragon Riders have a great many hits (6) which are

the Shooting phase or Combat phase it is deemed to have been

badly hurt. Once a Sphinx is badly hurt all accumulated hits are
3. Sphinx. The Sphinx causes terror. Because the Sphinx has
so many hits (6) we must consider the possibility of hurting
the Sphinx and reducing its effectiveness in subsequent turns.
Therefore, if a Sphinx has accumulated 3-5 hits by the end of

discounted and its maximum Hits and Attacks are halved for the
difficult to inflict even during a lengthy combat engagement, we
must consider the possibility of hurting the Dragon and reducing
its effectiveness in subsequent turns. Therefore, if a Dragon
Rider has accumulated 3-5 hits by the end of the Shooting phase
or Combat phase it is deemed to have been badly hurt. Once a
Dragon has been badly hurt all accumulated hits are discounted
and its maximum hits value and Attacks are halved for the rest of
the battle (to 3 Hits and 3/2 Attacks).

rest of the battle (to 3 Hits and 2 Attacks).

Dragon Fire
Dragons can make a fiery breath. This applies both to a unit of
Dragon Riders and to Dragons ridden by characters that have
joined a unit of troops. Dragon fire works as follows. The fiery
breath has a range of 20cm. Breath can be directed against one
target as for normal shooting and has 3 Attacks that are worked
out in the usual way at 4+ to hit.

Army selector:
Cannon: Replace the Attack number with following:

1 / 2 + bounce

Special rules:
Replace the Rangers paragraph with following:
2. Rangers. Although they are infantry the exceptional mobility
of Dwarf Rangers means that they can pursue any type of
retreating enemy.

Replace the Anvil paragraph with following:

6. Anvil. The army can only include a single Anvil and it is

incorporated onto the stand of a Runesmith. If a Runesmith
stand includes the Anvil, once per battle he can add +1 to his
dice roll when he attempts to dispel enemy magic spells using
the Dwarf anti-magic ability (see Runesmith). In addition the
Runesmith can strike the Anvil during the Shooting phase of his
own turn. The Anvils plangent rune-song fills the Dwarfs with
even greater resolve! Roll a D6. On the score of a 4, 5 or 6 all
Dwarf units within 20cm of the Runesmith are unaffected by
Terror till the start of the next Dwarf players turn. On a roll of
less than 4 there is no effect.

Warmaster Armies Errata

Army selector:
Replace the Selector Table with following:

Clanrats Infantry 3 3 6+ 3 40 2/
Stormvermin Infantry 3 3 5+ 3 55 /2
Jezzails Infantry 3/1 3 6+ 3 70 /2
Plague Monks Infantry 5 3 0 3 70 /2
Rat Swarms Infantry 2 3 0 3 25 2/
Gutter Runners Infantry 3/1 3 6+ 3 70 /4
Rat Ogres Infantry 4 4 5+ 3 110 /2
Warp LightCannon Artillery 1/D6 2 0 1 50 /2
Doom Wheel Machine 5 4 4+ 1 125 /1
Screaming Bell Machine 0 4 4+ 1 125 /1
Grey Seer General +1 9 1 130 1
Hero Hero +1 8 1 70 /2
Warlock Wizard +0 6 1 30 /1

Special rules: Replace the Salamander 1st paragraph
Replace the Terradons paragraph with following: with following:

4. Terradon. Terradons can fly. Terradon riders have a shooting

stand. The Salamander stand fights as part of the unit and can be

on the unit. The Salamander stand doesnt count as part of the

units formation when determining whether the unit is in a
3. Salamander. Salamander stands never count as independent
units under any circumstances. Instead you may add one stand

of the unit to 4 stands - i.e. 3 other stands plus the Salamander

for purposes of Command penalties - i.e. if the Salamanders are

of Salamanders to any Skink infantry units. This brings the size

removed as a casualty should the player who owns them wish to

removed leaving 3 Skink stands there is no -1 Command penalty

regular or irregular formation - i.e. the stand can be placed to the

side, at an angle, or at a different orientation without affecting an
do so. A Salamander stands does not count as a loss upon the unit
range of only 15cm. However, they can shoot from any edge
without turning stands to face their target. Just measure the range
from any stand edge, front, side or rear. Note that this enables
them to shoot at enemies charging them from any direction.

Stegadon Special Rules: Replace the second paragraph

in right column with following:

The Stegadon causes terror in its foes.

Stegadon & Slann Mage Special Rules: Replace the fifth

and sixth paragraphs in right column with following:
otherwise regular formation.

Because the Stegadon has so many hits we must consider the

possibility of hurting the beast and reducing its effectiveness.
Therefore, if a Stegadon has accumulated 5-9 hits by the end
of the Shooting or Combat phase it is deemed to have been
badly hurt. Once a Stegadon is badly hurt all accumulated hits
are discounted and its Hits and Attack values are halved for the
remainder of the battle to 5/2 Attacks and 5 Hits.

6. Slann Mage. The Slann Mage rides a palanquin carried by his

bodyguard of fierce Saurus warriors - his combat bonus is due to
his bodyguard. The Slann Mage is the armys general but uniquely
amongst commanders he cannot give orders, but has foreseen the
flow of the battle and given his Skink retainers instructions. To
represent this any Skink character within 20cm of the Slann can
announce his use of the Generals Divine Guidance - deducting -1
from his dice score (eg 8 counts as 7, 10 as 9 and so on). When Divine
Guidance is used the Skink cannot Blunder - any roll of double 6
simply counts as a fail. If a Divine Guidance roll is failed then the
Slanns Divine Guidance cannot be used by any other characters
that have not ordered yet in that turn, their confusion over the
mixup is represented by adding +1 to their first order rolls.

Warmaster Armies Errata

Dark Elves Vampire Counts

Special rules: Army selector:
Replace the Cold Ones Knights paragraph with Ethereal Hosts: Replace the Armour
following: number with following:

3. Cold Ones Knights. Cold Ones are very aggressive mounts. Because 6+
of this each stand of Cold One Knights has an Attack value bonus of
+1 in the first round of each combat when fighting to the front, i.e.
the Cold One Knights stand has to touch the enemy in arc of sight
with its frontal edge and/or frontal corners (including contact by Daemons
frontal corner only). For the same reason Cold One Knight cannot
form brigades except with other units of Cold One Knights.
Special rules:
Replace the General paragraph with following: Replace the Daemon Overlord
paragraph with following:
6. General. Dark Elf commanders are masters of manipulation
and cruelty - this makes them uncompromising in their dealings
with subordinates! If a Dark Elf Hero or Sorceress rolls a double

Overlord can be given a magic item restricted to either a General

General and has the option of having the powers of a Wizard for

or a Wizard. Note that the Daemon Overlord is still a General

4. Daemon Overlord. The Daemon Overlord is the armys

an additional 25 points. If given magical powers the Daemon

and his command range extends over the whole battlefield as

for other Generals. A Daemon Overlord can fly regardless of the
6 when issuing orders, the General must either lose 1 level of his
Command value (i.e. drop from 10 to 9) or execute the failed

models appearance in the same way as a Greater Daemon.

underling - in which case the character is removed as a casualty but
does not count towards the enemys victory points. In addition,
if the General rolls a double 6 then the General automatically
loses 1 level and the phase ends. Regardless of these penalties a
General can only drop 2 levels (to a minimum of 8) after which
all subordinates who roll a double 6 are executed and any double
6s rolled by the General merely end the phase as normal.

Army selector:
Replace the Hero line with following:

Hero Hero +1 8 1 80 /2

Special rules:
Replace the Magic Carpets paragraph with following:

4. Magic Carpets. Magic carpets can fly they have been rated
as aerial cavalry as this is the closest categorisation to their
type. Because they are awkward flyers, they can be pursued by
any type of enemy troops. Riders have a shooting range of only
15cm. However, they can shoot from any edge without turning
stands to face their target. Just measure the range from any stand
edge, front, side or rear. Note that this enables them to shoot at
enemies charging them from any direction.

Warmaster Armies Errata

These additional Errata sheets are intended for those who have printed the earlier version
of Warmaster Armies from June 2006 (without the Araby Army).

Army selector: *32
Replace the last column (Special) with following:

Daemons *

Replace the header with following or simply
delete last word:

Daemonic Spells


Mick Mariott AKA Azrael71, Mike Carmichael, Wayne Rozier, Leslie Mitchell AKA Anadrael, Lex van Rooy, Siamak Lou,
Claus Lampl and Gerald Denk AKA spiritusxmachina, Alexey Belianin AKA Bel, High Castle Warmaster Group from Poland
- Tomasz Jachowicz AKA Vazhyl, Piotr Gettlich AKA Getlord and Andrzej Krt AKA Kretus and all other members
of the Playtest Team for their input and enthusiasm in nishing this stage of the project!

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