Death in The Dark Continent - Flames of War

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Death in The Dark continent

Summary & Quick Reference Sheet


Rally units - Remove disorder markers.

Raw units - Roll 1D6
All other units - Roll 2D6
Chiefs - Roll 1D6 for any unit within 4 inches of their own base
Outstanding chiefs - Roll 2D6 for any unit within 4 inches of their own base
(this roll can be aimed at one unit or two different units).
The chiefs rolls can be used to either remove further markers from units who have already
removed markers this turn or to give additional units another attempt.

2 Dice for late arrivals (see page 15)

3 Both sides make any retirements required by last turn’s close combat results (pages 21 to 23).

Side 1 moves one unit of its player’s choice. Side 2 now moves one unit of its choice.
(See pages 16 to 17 for movement rules).
Repeat until both sides have moved all the units they wish to.
(A declaration that a unit is not going to move counts as a move for the purpose of this sequence.)

Resolve shooting (pages 17 to 20).

5 This is treated as simultaneous, so that a base or unit rendered hors de combat in this shooting
phase may still shoot back, and disorder markers inflicted by shooting do not affect the target’s return fire this turn.

Resolve close combat (pages 20 to 23) in any convenient order.

Note that disorder caused by this turn’s shooting is taken into account at this stage.

7 Take any morale tests (page 23) which are required as a result of events this turn.

8 If either side has now achieved its victory conditions, the game ends at this point. If not, continue with the next turn.


Good Difficult Effective Max D20s
Skirmishers 2 D6 + 2 2 D6 Spears, knives, bows, slings 3'' - 1
Warriors 2 D6 1 D6 Muskets, and all untrained 4'' - 1
Soldiers 1 D6 + 2 1 D6 Elephant guns 4'' 8'' 1
Wazungu I D6 + 2 1 D6 - 1 Breech-loaders, repeaters 8'' 20'' 1
Pygmies 1 D6 + 1 1 D6 + 1 Smoothbore artillery 8'' 20'' 3/1
Heavy Cavalry 3 D6 1 D6 -1 Rifled artillery and rockets 12'' 48'' 3/1
Light Horse 3 D6 + 4 1 D6 Early machine guns 8'' 20'' 3
Medium artillery I D6 -1 Not allowed Maxim guns 16'' 24'' 5
Other artillery 1 D6 v 1 D6 - 2
14+ Disorder
19+ Disorder + Lose a base

to pass morale tests TO Rally DISORDER MARKERS

Raw 5+ 6 needed on D6 2+ No “critical hits” on throw of 20 when shooting
Elite 3+ 3+ No advance within 6 inches
Raw throw 1D6,
Others 4+ others 2 5+ Rout
Death in The Dark continent


Warriors +2 Armed with Repeaters
Heavy Cavalry +2 within effective range

Elite Soldiers +2 Armed with Breech-loaders

Elites (not soldiers) +1 within effective range

Within 2 inches of their chief +1 Armed with medium rifled guns

Within 2 inches of their “outstanding” chief +2 within effective range

In contact with the flank or rear of Wazungu +1

an enemy base engaged frontally and not in square Pygmies +1
DEFENDERS ARE... Elite soldiers +1
Skirmishers +2 Elite Skirmishers +1
Light Horse +2 Elite Light Horse +1
Bow-armed Pygmies +2 Raw or untrained -2
Raw +2 Moved this turn and using firearms at
Elite -1 beyond 4 inches range

Warriors -1 Using firearms while mounted -3

Heavy Cavalry -1 Using rockets -3
Soldiers in square -1 TARGET IS/ARE
Armed with muskets, in first turn* -1 On foot and inside a boma
Armed with repeaters, in the first turn* -3 (not with field guns or machine guns)

Armed with breech-loaders or elephant guns, in the first turn* -2

Warriors, shot at with spears etc. -2
Armed with breech-loaders or repeaters,
in second and subsequent turns*
Protected Heavy Cavalry, shot at with spears etc. -2
Within 2 inches of their chief -1
Within 2 inches of their “disciplined” chief -2 Skirmishers
On foot and behind a boma -3 (unless with firearms within effective range)

Inside wagon laager -3 On foot and in cover -2

Inside a fortification -3 Beyond effective range -3
On top of a town wall -3 On foot and in trenches
EVERY (not with field guns)

Disorder Marker a defender has -1 On foot and inside a wagon laager

Disorder Marker a attacker has +1 (not with field guns)

* Not if defenders are Warriors On foot and behind a wall

or fortification
1 or The attackers lose a base of their player’s choice and receive 2 Disorder Marker a shooter has -1
less disorder markers and fall back 2D6 inches (still facing the enemy)

2 or 3 As above, but the attackers do not loose a base

The attackers fall back 1D6 inches and shooting RESULTS

each side receives a disorder marker.
Any unit fighting against warriors must lose a base
of its players choice 14+ Target unit receives 1 disorder marker

No effect, unless any unit is fighting against warriors, in which case

it must lose a base of its players choice
The target loses a base (of its player choice)
and receives 1 disorder marker
The defenders receive 2 disorder markers and fall back 2D6 inches.
6 They also lose 1 base if fighting against warriors,
or 3 bases if fighting against heavy cavalry in good going
The target loses a base (of its player choice)
Unmodified 20
and receives 1 disorder marker
7+ The defending unit is massacred - all its bases are removed.

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