Osmosis Lab
Grade 10 Section 5
March 10th, 2017
The purpose of this experiment was to observe the process of osmosis and how it affect the jelly and
potato in a hypotonic and hypertonic solution.
1. We believe that if the jelly is placed in the concentrated salt solution, then it will
consequently go smaller than its usual size.
2. In the meantime, if the jelly is put in the distilled water, then it will get bigger
3. If a piece of potato is put in the salt water, then it will have less mass with a bit
smaller volume.
4. If a piece of potato is put in the distilled water, then it will gain more mass with a
bigger size
Material list
1. 3 Jelly pieces
2. 3 equal pieces of potato
3. Distilled water
4. Concentrated salt solution
5. 6 Beakers
6. Electronic Balance
7. Calculator
8. Knife
9. Weighing paper
10. Markers
11. Lab coat
12. Graduted cylinder
1. Collect the materials that your group needs (3 Jelly and Half a Potato).
2. Use the knife to cut the potato into 3 equal pieces.
3. Use the electronic balance to find the mass of your jelly. Remember to lay down a
piece of weighing paper and set to zero.
4. Record your data.
5. Record descriptive observations about the jelly prior to the experiment.
6. Measure the initial volume of the jelly and the potato in the graduated cylinder and
record your data.
7. Fill your 1st beaker with 40 ml distilled water. Put one of your jelly into the beaker.
Set the beaker aside for one hour. Label the beaker using marker.
8. Fill your 2nd beaker with 40 ml concentrated salt solution. Put your 2nd jelly into that
beaker. Set beaker aside for one hour. Label the beaker using marker.
9. Put your 3rd jelly into an empty beaker without putting anything in it. That should be
your control.
10. Put the 4th beaker with 40 ml distilled water. Put one of your potato pieces into the
beaker. Set the beaker aside for one hour. Label the beaker.
11. Put the 5th beaker with 40 ml concentrated salt solution halfway. Put your second
potato pieces into that beaker and set it aside for an hour. Label the beaker.
12. Place your last piece of potato pieces into the last beaker, empty. That is your control
for the potato. Label the beaker.
13. Make sure you label all the beakers distilled water or concentrated salt solution
with some markers.
14. After one hour, come back and look at each of the beakers and record the data volume
and mass of both the jellies in two beaker and both the potato in two other beakers.
15. Also record the descriptive data for what the jelly and the potato look like now after
being soaker for an hour.
16. Calculate the percent change in the size of each jelly and potato.
Data Table
Semi-sphere Semi-sphere
Purple colors Purple colors
Grape smells Grape smells
Soft and squishy Soft and squishy
sticky sticky
Semi-sphere Semi-sphere
Rough Rough
Purple colors Purple colors
Smaller Bigger
Percent 0% 66.66%
Change in
Percent 2% 33%
Change in
Bar graph
The result pictures of the experiment.
Analyzing Results
On the other hand, we not only experimented the differences between potato
in hypotonic and hypertonic but also jelly. The outcome of jelly in hypotonic
environment was identical to the potato in hypotonic environment since the
measurement of its increased. The mass moved up from 5.09 grams to 6.76 grams and
volume was from 3 millimetres to 5 millimetres. This means that the cells in jelly
swelled, having a bigger size. In contrast to our hypothesis, the jelly in salt solution
has no difference in both mass and volume. In assumption, the concentration in jelly
and outside are same which means isotonic. Both of them have same solute and
solvent; therefore the cell does not either shrink or swell.
The potato piece has shrink in the hypertonic solution, so it is able to conclude that the water
has osmosis out of it. While in the hypotonic solution the potato grew so it can be said that
the potato absorbed the through osmosis. On the other hand the jelly in hypotonic solution
also grows like the potato,so it also has absorbed the water. But the jelly in hypertonic
solution however has shrunken very little almost as if it stayed the same. So it can be said that
the concentration of water in the solution and jelly is almost isotonic.