Apacity Uilding: G.1 Strategies For Capacity Building
Apacity Uilding: G.1 Strategies For Capacity Building
Apacity Uilding: G.1 Strategies For Capacity Building
1. The capacity building strategy and action plan of the project primarily aim to
build the competence and capability of target poor and their organizations so as to
collectively enable them to achieve the project objectives. The capacity building
component of the project has been carefully drawn up considering the following key
requirements of the project:
3. The various strategies that could be adopted for building the capacities of the
various stakeholders, to meet the above Capacity Building Needs, are as follows:
Internalizing capacities locally The project will invest on building the capacity
of VPRC members, SHG and EAG members so as to empower the community
organizations to manage their livelihood affairs by themselves. In addition, the
project will help the community identify and develop local resource persons as
Para-professionals who will be able to provide a variety of support services to the
village community.
Project Responsibility and
Critical Capacity Gaps Capacity Building Strategies
Stakeholder stage of cycle
the livelihoods of poor and Assistance to PFT for social
vulnerable. mobilization, livelihood marketing
Inability to take collective assistance and handholding support.
decisions on technology, Providing support to a range of service
resource allocation etc. providers including technical assistance
Inadequate financial for appraising the technical proposals.
management and procurement Providing opportunities for exposure
skills. visits and hands-on-learning.
Poor negotiating and Providing opportunities to develop
partnership skills. networks and federations of SHGs and
Social Audit Lack of monitoring skills Community Operational Manual PFT all throughout
Committee Lack of process audit skills Handholding support by PFT the Project cycle
Lack of financial and Exposure visits
procurement audit skills
Lack of conflict resolution
EAG Inadequate business skills and Hand holding support through PFT. PFT along with
commercial orientation. Building their capacity on forming livelihood support
No vision on scaling up of federations at village, cluster and district agency.
economic activities. levels. Livelihood
Lack of own institutional Building knowledge, skills and attitude in implementation
support for negotiating entrepreneurship, business management phase
partnership and market skills, accounting skills etc.,
linkages. Building capacity on accessing and using
Lack of awareness on various market information.
support systems. Promoting partnership and linkages
Lack of technical know how Arranging handholding, backstopping
on marketing, product from advisory groups and resource
development, product testing, agencies.
quality assurance etc.,
Individualistic initiatives than
working in groups.
PFT Lack of facilitation skills Hiring developing and fielding composite CB agency
Inadequate skills in mix of required skills at village level. Start up phase
participatory techniques Exposure visits and other hands-on- Specific Functional
Lack of accountability towards learning to acquire facilitation skills and Training.
village communities accountability towards village
Inappropriate mix of skills community
Building the functional competences.
Developing standardized communication
materials, training modules
DPMU and Lack of technical knowledge Providing a multi functional skill mix. CB agency
SPMU Inadequate skill mix Exposure visits Start up phase
Lack of facilitation skills. Special programmes on building Specific Functional
Poor attention on service facilitation skills. training
delivery quality and good Specification of service standards.
Lack of innovative methods,
processes and approaches.
G.2 Implementation Arrangements for Capacity Building
6. Book Keepers : Book Keepers of VPRCs will be trained with special focus on
books and record maintenance. Related module will be prepared by concerned specialist
at State and District level and the trainings will be imparted through a ToT module
7. CRPs / Paraprofessional: The project will utilize the office bearers and
Community Resource Persons identified by the VPRC with the approval of Gramasabha/
Village Assembly from the initial batches of villages whose capacities will be
considerably built through the focused capacity building programs as well as on the job
training. Para-professionals emerging from the field will be further trained in various
identified/demanded skills, that is needed for providing support services to communities
and their institutions.
9. The project will institutionalise delivery of capacity building and other support
services through CRPs as project is scaled up.
Community Reporters
Community Disability Facilitators
SHGs and their leaders / Office bearers
External Resource Persons
Cultural Teams, PIP Teams
Multi disciplinary disability teams
Community Leaders
G.3 Cluster & District level Capacity Building
11. Induction Training: (for project functionaries): National Level, State Level and
Capacity Building agencies will be identified to organize Induction Programs for the
newly recruited functionaries at District and Cluster levels. The CB agencies will recruit
a team of full time trainers with required expertise for the project. The CB agencies will
sign a performance-linked contract and the payments will be linked to successful
achievements of milestones of performance as specified in the contract. The sample ToR
of the CB Agency is given in Attachment G.1
12. Key Tasks of CB Agencies: The following are the key tasks of CB Agencies:
13. Broad Content of Induction Module: The broad contents of the induction
module are:
14. Functional Trainings (for project functionaries) : As regard to the Functional
Trainings the plan of action will be prepared in due consultation with the concerned
specialist by keeping the project cycle as yard stick. The time-to-time functional training
needs will be identified and will be planned. Though the Functional Training should be
demand driven, in the initial phase in order to ensure the effective ness, trainings will be
provided in supply driven manner. The Functional Training will be provided in all sectors
of the project to the concerned functionaries.
15. Orientation for Line Departments: Orientation about TNVKP will be imparted
to line department officials at district and block level.
16. Skill Building Trainings: National Level and State Level Capacity Building
agencies will be identified to organize Thematic Training Programs for State, District and
Cluster Unit. The main thematic areas are
17. G4.2 Exposure Visits: State Specialist for Capacity Building will arrange the
cross learning by visiting the villages of TNVKP targeted villages / blocks or out-side the
state to know the best practices, internalizing non-negotiable principles, championing
project philosophy for the Village Panchayat , VPRC, SAC, members and CRPs.
18. The Project Implementation Plan will be the basic document for capacity
building activities up to the district level. COM will be the key resource module for all
capacity building activities at the cluster and village level. Each chapter of the COM will
serve as capacity building module. The programs will include training sessions,
workshops, and hands on learning as well as exposure visits to neighbouring and other
villages to learn from success stories
19. The project due to its evolving nature and to integrate the learning on the ground
in to capacity building programs, will revise the Community Operational Manual every
six months, consequently, the capacity building materials will also be revised to reflect
the emergent capacity building needs.
20. SHG facilitation package, EAG and VPRC book keeping module, Disability
training module and Financial and Administrative rules will also be used as references.
21. In addition to this, report card system shall be adopted in order to obtain feed back
from the stakeholders on training imparted. This would enable the project to further
improve/modify the capacity building plan.
22. The project will deploy experienced capacity building specialists at various
levels to coordinate and monitor the capacity building activities as detailed in Table 7.2
23. Planning: Capacity Building programs for Project will be planned in a phased
manner that is the plan for the state and the plan for district. The plan for the state will be
prepared by inviting all APM Capacity Building and DPMs along with State Specialists
at TNVKS head quarter in order to finalize the training calendar for every 6 months.
Table 7.3 Monitoring Indicators for evaluating effectiveness of Capacity Building
Stakeholder Group Monitoring Indicators
SPMU Percentage of SPMU members receiving positive scores from DPMU Team members
Number of COM revisions
Number of suggestions for revising capacity building strategy
DPMU Percentage of DPMU members receiving positive scores from PFT
Number of suggestions for revising training modules, Capacity Building Plan
PFT Percentage of PFT members receiving positive scores from VPRC, EAG, SAC office
Number of VPRCs formed, VPRC Plans finalized, VPRC Fund installments released
Successful implementation of VPRC Plans
Number of EAGs formed, number of Livelihood Sub Project Proposals finalized, number
of Livelihood Fund financing agreement signed, number of EAGs successfully accessing
the second installment of Livelihood Fund
Number of Para-professionals identified and trained
25. The project has prepared the CB action plan till June 2007, which is given in
Attachment G.2.