All Ready Lesson Plan Unit 1, Lesson 1: Lesson/ Week/ Class Lesson Stages Activities Procedures Notes & Materials
All Ready Lesson Plan Unit 1, Lesson 1: Lesson/ Week/ Class Lesson Stages Activities Procedures Notes & Materials
All Ready Lesson Plan Unit 1, Lesson 1: Lesson/ Week/ Class Lesson Stages Activities Procedures Notes & Materials
Unit 1, Lesson 1
6. Look at the sentences and circle 6. Ask Ss to read the sentences and identify the clauses by circling p.9
Lesson 1 I think the if clause and underline the the if clause and underlining the result clause. Draw Ss
Class 2 result clause. 7. Make sure the Ss understand the sentences and clarify if attention to
7. Match the example to the necessary. Then ask them to match the example sentences to the
the verb
explanation explanation.
8.Read the sentences and answer 8. Ask Ss to read each of the sentences individually. Then read tense used
the questions each of the sentences and questions out loud and have Ss give the and the
9. Choose a word from the box that answers in unison. modals used
corresponds 9. Ask Ss to choose a word from the box that corresponds to the p. 10
10. Complete the sentences using meaning of each sentence. When they finish, have them share and
words from the box compare answers with a classmate.
10. Ask Ss to carefully select a word from the box to complete each
Reader: I Am Now More Aware of the sentences, individually. To check answers, ask for volunteers
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Pages 7-19 to read each of the sentences out loud.
11.Match the columns 11. Ask Ss to match the columns to complete the sentences. Check
Lesson 1 12. Listen and complete the answers by having volunteers read the complete sentence out loud. p. 10
Class 3 conversation. 12. Ask Ss to describe the situation. Ask: Who are they? Where are
Track 04 they? Play the CD Ask What solutions were offered? Who offered
I 13. Act out the conversation these solutions? Play the CD again in order to complete the
practice 14. Read and offer solutions sentences.
15. Read the conversation and 13. Ask Ss to find a partner and act out the conversation. p.11
Complete the organizer 14. Ask Ss to work in pairs and think of possible solutions for each
situation. Have them write their suggestions in the spaces provided.
Ss share their suggestions with the rest of the class.
15. Go over the situations and consequences
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5.Circle the best option 5. Draw Ss attention to the sentences and ask them to circle the the class,
option they think best completes each of the sentences. monitor and
6.Underline the comparative 6. Elicit from Ss the use and form of the comparative and help Ss if
superlative adjectives. Then ask them to read the sentences and necessary
underline the comparative adjectives and circle the superlative
7.Look at the comments adjectives.
7. Elicit the meaning of complain from Ss. Then ask Ss to read the p.16
comments and decide if they praise or complain and to write P or C.
Ask them to share and compare their answers.
Lesson 2 13.Read the complaints and 13. Ask Ss to read the complaints and complete them. Check p.17
Week3 complete answers.
Class 8 I can 14.Change the sentences 14. Make sure Ss understand how to transform the main sentences
into a comparative and superlative form. p.18
15. Are these problems common..? 15. Have Ss look at the pictures and guess what the problem is in
each one. Ask Ss to suggest ideas to solve the problems. Ask for
volunteers to play the roles of A and B in each conversation.
16.Write a conversation 16. Explain to Ss that they have to complete the conversation by
writing a complaint related to that problem of the director of a health p.19
17.Act out the conversation 17. In pairs, ask Ss to practice the conversation, taking turns being
the director and the patient.
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Stages Activities Procedures for: Telephone Complaint Voicemail Notes &
Product 1 Materials
Week 3 I get 1.Work in groups 1. Explain they are going to make a telephone complaint to an P.20
Class 9 ready 2. Write the names of the people institution of their choice and leave a voicemail with it. Ask them to
work in groups of three. Allow time for Ss to discuss and decide. Walk around
3.Decide on the types of services 2. Ask them to write the names of all the people in their group. the class and
4.Find as much related vocabulary 3. Ask Ss to think all the different services offered at the institution monitor
5. What materials do you need? and to think about which one they want to relate their complaint to.
4. Ask Ss to think of all the vocabulary they will need to express
their complaint. Have them make a list and refer to their
5. Ask Ss to decide what materials they will need in order to
compose a telephone complaint voicemail. Have them make a list.
I do 6. Invent a situation based on the 6. Explain to Ss that they have to invent a situation using the p.20-21
Week 4 institution chosen. questions as cues. Ask them to try to answer all of them and to Walk around
Class 10 7. Work in groups make notes about the answers. the class
8. Write ideas 7. Draw Ss attention to the table in their Student Books and to monitor and
the kind of information they should include in their introduction help Ss if
and body of their complaint. Also have them refer to the Useful necessary
Expressions box and choose any examples they consider
appropriate for their complaint.
8. Remind Ss that when making a complaint, it is also important p.21
to suggest possible solutions to the problem or situation.
All ready to 9. Practice reading your voicemail 9. Ask Ss to practice reading their voicemail complaint in their
share groups and to decide who will record it. Ss can record their
complaints using a recorder or computer. Have Ss play them
back to the whole class. Ask them to think of other possible
I learn solutions for each of the complaints.
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Class 12 Assessment Guide.
meaning of
4.Match its
Explore extract to
suspense its
narratives. 3. Draw Ss attention
Understand to the table
general sense, maininideas,
their Student
and some Booksdetails words
of a
purpose narrative: Read and re-read
suspense and ask narratives,
them to readuse thediverse
again to complete it.
strategies, infer
Check answers.
main ideas, distinguish elements in narrative: narrator, characters and events infer characters
emotional states from explicit4.information,
Explain to Ss recognize purpose
that they have of the
to read a narrative,
extracts andorganize
paragraphs to form texts. match them to their purpose. Then ask them to share and
Being through the language: compare answers with a classmate.
Lesson 5.Read the extracts again 5. Ask Ssstimulate
Foster respect towards other opinions, to reread the
aestheticfrom Activity 1
pleasure inand answer develop
literature, p.23-24
3 I think empathy towards different moods. the questions. Share and compare their answers with a Alternative
Week 5 6.Complete the organizer classmate. activity
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Class 6. Ask Ss to read the main ideas in the boxes and to p.38
14 7. Decide which extracts in complete the graphic organizer correctly. Check answers. Teachers
Activity 2 these supporting 7. Ask for volunteers to read the different details and have Guide.
details come from. the rest of the class say the title of the extract the details
correspond to out loud and in unison. Give them some time
to write the titles.
Lesson 8. Circle the adjectives in the 8. Elicit from Ss the use of adjectives and their comparative p.24-25
3 passage and superlative forms. Then draw Ss attention to the
Week 5 I think passages in their Books and tell they have to circle the
Class 9. Circle the words that link two adjectives and underline the comparatives. Teachers
15 ideas 9. Elicit from Ss what connectors are. Ask them to read the Guide p.38-
sentences and circle all the linking words they can find. 39
10. Complete the sentence Check answers orally.
using words from the box. 10. Draw Ss attention to the words in the box. Then ask Ss
to complete the sentences by using words from the box.
Check answers as a whole class activity by having
volunteers read the complete sentences out loud.
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Lesson I 11.Read the paragraph and 11. Draw Ss attention to the illustrations. Elicit from p.25-27
3 practi answer them what they can see in each of them and what
Week ce they think the paragraphs are about, based on the Teachers
6 illustrations. Then ask for Ss to read each of the Guide p
Class 12.Match the sentences paragraphs. After each reading, ask for answers. 39-40
16 13What scares you? 12. Draw Ss attention to the table and explain that Walk
they have to match the words using connectors to around the
form a sentence. Class and
I can 13. Ss work in pairs and ask each other what they are monitor
scared of and why they think it scares them. Share
14. Read the paragraph and their answers with the rest of the class. Refer Ss to
answer the questions 14. Elicit from Ss what they see and what they think the
the paragraphs are about based on the pictures. Then Glossary
ask Ss to read each paragraph individually and in p.157.
Lesson Lesson Activities Procedures Notes &
4 stages Materials
Lesson I 1.How do horror or suspense 1. Write the words: horror and suspense on the board. p.28
4 know stories or movies make you Ask: What is the first thing that comes to your mind
Week feel when you hear the word horror? Have different Ss Reader:
6 Reader: the Ghost participate. Then ask the same question for the word the
Class suspense. Write the answers on the board. Ask them Ghost
17 if they felt any of the words they mentioned. Ask Ss to p.20-32
take out their Readers to page 20 and draw their
attention to the title of the story. Ask them what kind
of story they think it is and what kind of audience it is Teachers
intended for. Ask Ss to get into pairs and have them Guide p.41
2. Read the extract. Circle T take turns reading the pages of the story.
or F 2. Draw Ss attention to the statements and explain
they have to circle T or F. Check answers orally. p.28-29
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3.Read the extract in 3. Ask Ss to read the extract in Activity 2 and focus on
activity 2 Arthurs emotional reactions. Explain they have to
match the parts of the story with Arthurs emotional
Lesson I 4.Look at the sentences 4. Read the questions out loud and elicit the answers p.29-30
4 think 5.Read the rule and from Ss.
Week complete 5. Ask Ss to read the rule, ask for Ss to explain it in
6 6.Circle the emotions and their own words. Then draw their attention to the Teachers
Class underline table and ask them to complete it following the Guide
18 7.Label the pictures pattern. p.42-43
8. Work in pairs and explain 6. Ask them how they express happiness, hanger,
the words you know fear, sadness, etc. Then draw their attention to the
sentences and ask them to circle the emotions and
underline the actions that express emotions. Glossary
7. Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turns describing on p.157
the pictures. Then ask them to label the pictures with
the correct emotion.
8. Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turns explaining
the meaning of the words they know.
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12. Elicit from Ss the use and form of reflexive pronouns.
12.Circle the correct reflexive Then ask them to read the sentences and circle the correct
noun pronoun to complete them. Then check answers. Teachers
13. Ask Ss to work in pairs. Have them read the paragraphs Guide p.44
and number them in the appropriate order to make a story.
13. Number the paragraphs Ask a few comprehension questions when most of the Ss p.32
to have finished.
make a story
Lesson 14.Read the story in Activity 14. Ask Ss to go back to the story in Activity 13 and read it p.32- 33
4 I can 13 again in the appropriate order. In pairs discuss what they Teachers
Week 7 15.Answer the questions liked and didnt like about it. Share their impressions with Guide p.45
Class 16.Describe each boys the rest of the Ss. Monitor the
20 emotions 15. Ask Ss to answer the questions based on the story in work
17.Write an ending to the Activity 13.
story 16. Ask Ss to complete the chart by describing each boys
emotional states in the story. Check answers orally.
17. Work in pairs and discuss a possible ending for the
Product Stages Activities Procedures for: Emotionary Notes
Week 7 I get 1.Choose a suspense story 1. Ss select from various sources a suspense narrative. p.34
Class ready Explain what an Emotionary is. Go to Ts Guide page 46. Teachers
21 2. Read the selected narrative in silence. Ask them to Guide p.46
I plan 2.Read the story in silence underline all the words they can find that express Refer Ss on
3. What materials do you emotions. p.176
need? 3. Ask Ss to think of the materials they will need to create
their Emotionary and to make a list in the space provided.
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the Emotionary. classroom walls, so that the rest of the group can walk Teachers
around the classroom reading them. Then you can ask for Guide p.47
Ss to present their emotionaries to the rest of the class,
introducing the story they chose and explaining when and
how the feelings described were present in the story. Ask Continuous
Ss to look at the Useful Expressions box in their Student and Global
Books before coming to the front to present their own Assessment
Chart p. 48
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All Ready Lesson
Unit 2, Lesson 1
School: Grade: Group:
Doing with the Language: Ask SS to open their Readers to page 33 and to read the on p.171 of
title of the text. Have Ss flip through the chapter and look the Teacher
Select and explore sets of instructions
at thetopictures
perform to apredict
simple experiment,
what interpret
the text will instructions,
be about. Ask Ss s Guide
write instructions, and edit sets of to
read Chapter 3 individually and have them underline the
words they dont understand. Then Ss read the text again
Being through the language: and discuss what the text is about. Ss go to page 43 in
their Readers and look at the comprehension questions.
Construct and consolidate knowledge about our surroundings, promote creative and proactive
attitudes in collaborative work.
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Check understanding and ask them to work in pairs and
answer the questions. Check answers.
Lesson I build 3.Look at this extract and 3. Ask Ss to open their Student Books to page 38 to p.38-39
1 answer examine the distribution and function of text and graphic
Week 9 the questions. components. Ask Ss to look at the extract on the same Glossary on
Class page. Ask them to read the title and name the type of p. 158
I think
26 4. Label the parts of this publication. Elicit information from different Ss. Ask Ss to
extract with the words in the work in groups of three or four to do the experiment. Ask Ss
box. to read the extract and answer the questions.
5.Read these instructions for 4. Ask Ss to read the words from the box and label the
an experiment and answer the parts of the extract. Have Ss work individually. Once they
questions have finished, have volunteers say their answers out loud.
6. Read these sentences. 5. Have Ss read the title of the experiment. Ask them to p.40
Underline the infinitive and explain the experiment. Let Ss read the instructions for an Walk
circle the gerunds. experiment and answer the questions. Check answers. around the
6. Write on the board the following: Reading is the activity classroom
my sister likes the most. I dont like to read novels. Ask Ss
to identify the infinitive, and the gerund. If not, explain. Ask
Ss to read the sentences in their books and do the exercise.
Lesson I 7. Read the examples and 7. Ask Ss to write four sentences in their notebooks; two p.40-42
1 practi circle.. using the gerund and two using the infinitive. Check their
Week 9 ce 8. Look at the pictures . work. Then ask them to open their book to page 40, read Teachers
Class 9.Complete the sentences the examples in the Reflection box, analyze them and circle Guide p.53
27 10. Write the instructions from the best option.
Activity 9 8. Ask Ss to look at each of the pictures and describe them,
11.Coircle the correct verb then number the pictures in the correct order. Walk
forms 9. Ss complete the sentences with words from the box. around the
10. Ask Ss to read the sentences in Activity 9 again and classroom
write them under the correct illustration in Activity 8.
11. Ss read each of the sentences and choose the correct
verb. To check answers, tell Ss to read the whole paragraph
again with the answers they chose. Correct any mistake.
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Lesson/ Lesson Activities Procedures Notes
Week/ Stages & Materials
Lesson 12.Look at the pictures and 12. As Ss to look at the pictures and predict what the p. 42-43
1 I can number them in the correct experiment is about. Point to each of the pictures and
Week order revise vocabulary. Ask them to identify the order of the Audioscript
10 pictures. Elicit answers from different Ss. Then ask them to on p.184
Class work individually. Have them look at the pictures and Sbooks
28 13. Listen to the TV show and number them in the correct order. Compare and discuss
check your answers. Track 08 their answers. Teachers
13. Verify the arrangement of the sequences in the Guide p. 54
sentences, play the CD and have them check their
answers. Play the CD more than once. Check answers.
14. Work in pairs. Look back at 14. Play the CD and have Ss take notes. Play the CD more
the pictures in Activity 12 and than once. Then ask Ss to organize their notes. After that,
write instructions. help Ss use the words in the box and their notes to write
instructions. Then have them to look at the pictures from
Activity 12 and write the instructions for the experiments in
their books. Check answers.
I Know 1. Can you think of any really 1. Work in groups of three, have Ss take turns to discuss p.44-445
Lesson cool jobs that use science? the question. Share their answers.
2 2. How do you think science 2. Ask Ss how branches of science can help to solve Glossary on
Week1 I build can help the environment? environmental problems. Elicit their ideas and write them p. 158
0 3. Read the instructions and on the board.
Class29 complete the title. 3. Ask Ss to read the list of materials. Tell them to underline TGuide
4.Read the instructions in the words they dont know. Ask them to look at the p.56
Activity 3 again and answer pictures, read the instructions, and complete the title.
those questions 4. Write on the board the following words: whipping cream,
seal, tightly, freezing, frozen, drop, melt. Elicit the meaning
of these words from different Ss. Ask some Ss to go to the
board and write some examples.
Lesson 5. Look at the illustrations and 5. Ask Ss to describe the formats, have Ss look at the p.46-47
2 I think instructions and answer the illustrations and answer the questions.
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Week questions. 6. Play the CD and ask Ss to match the sentences. Check Audioscript
10 6. Listen to the TV program their answers. on p. 184
Class again and match the 7. Explain Ss that they are going to write the sentences SBooks
30 sentences. Track 08 from Activity 6 in the correct column (simple or complex
7.Write the sentences from sentences). Ask Ss to answer the exercise individually. Then
Activity6 in the correct column ask Ss to share their answers with a partner.
8. Circle the best option. 8. Ask Ss to read the sentences and to circle the best
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Product Stages Activities Procedures for: Instruction Album Notes &
1 materials
Week I get 1.Work in groups. Make a list 1. Divide the class in groups of three. Explain to the Ss they p.50
11 ready of fun science experiment. are going to make a list of fun science experiments that
Class they have done or heard about. They can refer to school Go around
33 I plan 2.Choose your experiment books in the schools library to complete the list. the
2. Explain that, in their groups, Ss have to choose one of classroom
3.Make a plan the experiments. After that, write on the board: Why are and give
you choosing this experiment? Do you think is the easiest? help when
4. What materials do you Do you think is the most difficult? Tell them that it is necessary.
know? Make a list. important to consider choosing an experiment that they
can actually do. Bring your
3. Ask Ss to make a plan. Ask Ss to read the questions. materials
They have to distribute group work. next class
4. Ss make a list of the materials they will need for the
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collect and put the manuals together and staple the pages
to make an album. Decide who will write the index and to
decide on the design of the album.
10. Tell Ss that now that they have their albums, they are
going to add it to the classrooms library. This album may
be used as a reference book in the future.
meaning and some details of a TV program, clarify meaning of words, reflect on the
Unit 2, Lesson 3
relationship between actions, images, dialogues and sound effects, negotiate meaning, point
out speech register, share emotions and reactions caused by a TV program.
Transmit and disseminate information objectively, value the credibility of mass media, and
acknowledge the influence of media in everyday life.
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Lesson/ Lesson Activities Procedures Notes
Week/ Stages & Materials
Lesson I Know 1.What types of TV shows do 1. Focus Ss attention on the pictures of TV programs. Ask p.52
3 you enjoy watching? Ss to describe each of them. In groups of three discuss the
Week Reader: All Alone question. Ask them to give reasons why they like / dont Readers
13 like the TV shows they mention. Have Ss share their p.46-56
Class answers with the rest of the class.
37 TGuide
Have Ss open their Readers to page 46. Read the title and p.63
flip through the text to predict what it will be about. Then
ask them: What were your emotions when you saw these
pictures? Go to page 46 again. Read the text aloud with
proper inflection and intonation and have Ss follow along
silently. Pause after page 47 and ask focus questions about
the text and illustrations. Discuss the answers. Next have
them read the rest of the text silently.
Lesson 2. Ask Ss where they can find information about their p.52 -53
3 I build 2.Read the description of a TV favorite TV programs. Go back to Activity 1 and review the
Week show different types of TV shows. On page 52 examine the
13 distribution and function of texts and graphic components.
Class I think Tell Ss to look at the text and ask them: Where can you TGuide
38 read a text like this? What type of text is this? How do you p.64
3Read the TV guide in Activity know?
2 3. Ss read the text again and answer the questions.
4.Is this problem common in 4. Ask Ss what health problems are the most common in
your community their community.
5. Listen to the first part of the 5. Play the CD and ask Ss to answer the questions.
TV show. Track 09 6. Direct Ss attention to the pictures and have them
6. Listen to excerpts from three describe each one. Play the CD and ask Ss to number the
segments. Track 10 scenes.
7. Listen to the excerpts again 7. Ss determine the role of the participants in a TV
and write. Track 10 program. Tell Ss they have to write who is the host
interviewing in each scene. Play the CD.
Lesson 8.Look at the transcription 8. Ss read the transcription from a documentary and p.54-56
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3 I think 9.Underline the best option answer the questions. Remind them to read the questions
Week1 10.Complete the questions first and then read the script and find the answer.
3 11. Work in pairs. Compare 9. Direct Ss attention to the Reflection Box. Then Ss read
Class your answers from Activity 10 the sentences and circle the best option to complete them. Audioscript
39 12.Look at the storyboard 10. Ss read and complete the questions. on p. 185
scenes 11. In pairs, compare and discuss Activity 10. SBooks
13. Listen to the segment from 12. Ss look at the storyboard scenes and number them in
the documentary. Track 11 order.
13. Play the CD and ask Ss to check their answers from
Activity 12.
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did the kids feel after watching describe each one. Have Ss complete the activity. Compare answers
the TV show? Track 12 their answers and tell them to describe what they feel for
the situation they have checked. TGuide
Reader: All Alone 3. Go over the instructions and the questions. Elicit the p.68
meaning of upset. Play the CD and ask Ss to answer the
questions. Play the recording more than once. Check
answers with the class.
Lesson 4. Read the conversation and 4. Go over the instructions with the Ss. Then, ask Ss to p. 59-60
4 underline the expressions. complete the activity. Next, have them to compare their
Week I 5. Complete the table with the answers with a partner. Glossary on
14 think phrases your underlined in 5. Elicit some examples of things that cause positive and p.159.
Class 42 Activity 6.Read the phrases in negative emotions to your Ss: What makes you feel happy?
Activity 4 What makes you feel sad? Ss complete the table. Check TGuide
7. Look the adjectives in answers. p.69-70
Activity 4 6. Ask Ss to go to Activity 6 and answer it. Check answers
8.Read the sentences and as a class, ask some Ss to read the answers out loud.
answer the questions below. 7. Ask Ss to complete the activity and discuss the questions
8. Go over the questions and ask Ss what the answers will
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Lesson I can 11. Complete the review of All 11. Point to the review and ask Ss to identify it and to p.62-63
4 Alone with nouns and comment about it: What type of text is that? Where can TGuide
Week adjectives you find a similar text? Do you usually read this type of p.70-71
15 texts? Do you like these texts? Why? Ask Ss to read and
Class 44 complete the review with words from the table in Activity Go around
12.Complete the conversation 10. Ask them to read the whole text. Check answers. the
12. Ask them to read the conversation first and then try to classroom
guess if they need a word or a phrase. and give
13. Work in pairs. Check your 13. Ask Ss to work in pairs. To ask questions about the help when
answers and practice the contents of a TV program, have Ss compare their necessary
dialogue. conversations from Activity 12 with their partners. Ask
them to practice the dialogue together. Have different Ss
14. Think about a TV program role play their conversation in front of the class.
or a movie that is a 14. Go over the instructions and the questions along with
documentary or is based on the Ss. To answer questions about the contents of a TV
real events. Answer the program, have Ss answer the questions. Check as a class.
questions 15. Have Ss share their answers from the previous activity
with their partners. Ask them to explain their ideas during
15. Share your answers from this discussion. Take some notes and give a whole class
Activity14 with your class or feedback session to correct their mistakes after they have
with a classmate. finished this activity. This is a good opportunity to assess
speaking: clarity when speaking, use of complete
sentences, volume, posture, and eye contact.
Product 2 Stages Activities Procedure for: Oral presentation
I get 1. What kind of documentaries 1. Ask Ss about their favorite TV channels to watch p. 64
Week ready are you interested in? documentaries
15 I plan 2. Work in groups. Use a 2. Ask Ss to read a program guide and choose a Documenta
Class 45 program guide to choose a documentary they think sounds interesting. ry
documentary that sounds 3. Ss are going to fill out part 1 of the documentary Presentatio
interesting to you presentation form in the worksheets section on page 177 n Form in
3. Before watching the about the documentary they chose. Worksheets
program, fill out Part 1 of the 4. Ask Ss to watch the program and to take some notes section p.
Documentary Presentation. while they are watching. Make sure they fill out part 2 of 177
4. Watch the program and fill the form as they watch.
out part 2 5. Finally, have Ss reflect on how the program made them
5. Fill part 3 feel. Fill out part 3 of the documentary presentation form
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6. Compare your forms individually.
7. What materials do you 6. Ask Ss to compare their forms in their groups.
need? 7. Finally, have Ss make a list of materials.
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I plan
Week I do 8. Use the information in the 8. Go over the instructions with the Ss. Explain that they p. 64
16 form have to make their own outlines in their notebooks. Go
Class 9.After you made your outline, over the outline with the Ss and clarify doubts. Make sure
46 prepare your presentation they all understand the outline and the activity before they
10.Decide who will give each start working. Walk
part of the presentation and 9. Once they have their outline, Ss can start writing the around the
All practice sentences they will use in their presentations. classroom
ready 11. Check your sentences 10. Establish turns and extension for each participation. and make
to Have Ss decide who will give each part of the presentation. sure they
share 12. Give your presentation 11. Ask Ss to check their sentences for errors in grammar, all are
13. Pay attention to the spelling, and punctuation. Help them correct their completing
intervention of others and live sentences and rewrite them without any mistakes. their
a little time at the end for a 12. Ask Ss to give their oral presentations. Remind them to outlines
question and answer session. speak out loudly, and clearly, dont speak too fast and correctly.
make eye contact with members of their audience.
13. Make sure your Ss understand that everybody should TGuide
be quiet while the different groups give their presentations. p.73
I learn Ask Ss what they can do now that they couldnt do at the
beginning of the learning environment and listen to their Continuous
responses. Then have them answer the I learn box in and Global
order to improve weaknesses and reinforce strengths Assessment
during the process. Chart p. 74
Week 1. Self-test
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16 Self- Self-Test: page 169 of the Student Book Self-Test
Class Test
Week 2. Formal Evaluation Formal Assessment: page157 of the Teachers Guide Test
16 Test
Explore word games, understand the characteristics of irregular verb forms, write sentences
with irregular verb forms to create a language game.
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14.Complete the sentences and ask Ss to make some by
combining a tense on the left with a time expression on the
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Class the end of the text, ask Ss to answer the question on the
53 2.Count the number of pints for board. TGuide
I build each word and add up the total3. Some letters are worth more points than others and Ss p.81
should therefore review the letter tile values shown in the
3. Read the history of a word image from this activity.
game and answer the 4. 3. Now ask Ss to read the text silently and make and
questions acrostic puzzle with the inventors first name and other
words in the text, example on Teacher Guide page 81.
4.Number the events 5. 4. Divide the class into groups of three and ask them to
refer back to the information provided in the extract from
Activity 3 to place the events in the order that they
happened. Compare their answers with another group.
Check answers as a class.
Lesson 5.underline the verbs in the 5. Ask Ss to look back at the events listed in Activity 4. p. 75-76
2 I think sentence Instruct them to underline the verbs in each sentence. Ask
Week 6.Read the sentences and Ss if they notice anything in particular that these words TGuide
18 circle the irregular verbs have in common. p.82-83
Class 7. Classify the irregular verbs 6. Ss underline the irregular verbs
54 in the table. Notice the 7. Instruct Ss to work with a partner to classify the
patterns. remaining verbs from the activity in the appropriate
8. column.
8. Have Ss work in pairs to complete the rules about
regular and irregular verbs. Monitor and check.
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Lesson/ Lesson Activities Procedures Notes
Week/ Stages & Materials
Lesson I 9.Unscramble the verbs 9. Ss will have to unscramble the words to form the verb p.76-78
2 practi 10. Complete the text with the inn simple past. Answer individually. Check answers as a
Week ce verbs in Activity 9 class.
19 11.Complete the crossword 10. Allow Ss time to read the text and decide the best
Class puzzle answer before going to the board.
55 12. Use words from the 11. Tell Ss to take a minute to read each of the clues listed
crossword in Activity 11 to to complete the crossword puzzle. Working with a partner,
complete the sentences. Ss should use their irregular verbs list and refer back to the
previous activities to help them complete the activity.
12. Ss can now use the answers from the crossword to
complete the sentences for Activity 12.
Lesson I 13.Read the text and write six 13. Instruct Ss to take turns reading the text out loud with a p.78-79
2 can verbs on the cards on p. 79 partner. Have Ss select the verbs they will write on the
Week 14. Exchange books with a cards on page 79. TGuide
19 classmate. Find the sets of 14. Ask Ss to exchange books and circle the sets of verbs, p.84-85
Class verbs. using different colors with a classmate.
56 15. Listen to the conversation 15. Play the audio once and ask how much the Ss Verb List on
and continue the game. Track understood, next play the rest of the audio and ask Ss to p. 181.
14 explain the rest of the game in their own words.
16. In pairs play irregular 16. Each pair should prepare 18 small squares of
verbs. Concentration (Memory) construction paper and write the base form of the first verb
17. Write four sentences using they choose on one square, the simple past on another and
the verbs the past participle on the third. Clarify instructions.
17. After Ss have collected their sets, they should form silly
sentences using each of the three verb forms in the same
Product Stages Activities Procedures for: Memory Game Notes&
:1 materials
Week I get 1. Write a name for each game 1. Nominate a student to read the first description listed in p.80-81
19 ready Activity 1. Elicit which game is being described
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Class (Concentration / Memory) Do the same for the next two Glossary on
57 I plan2. Check the rules that are for the descriptions given (Dont Say the Word, Bingo) p. 161
game of Concentration 2. Review the rules for Concentration as a class before
(Memory) looking at the rules listed in the activity. After briefly
3. Work in pairs select eight discussing the game, read each of the rules from Activity 2 TGuide
irregular verbs out loud to the class. As each rule is read, the class should p.87
4. What materials will you need? confirm whether it is a rule for the Concentration game or
Make a list. not. On page 80, go over the rules individually and check
the rules that correspond to Concentration. Have them
compare their answers with a partner.
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Product: 1 Stages Activities Procedures Notes
& Materials
Week 20 I do 7. Write the irregular on one set 5. Now that the Ss have their 16 cards they should select p. 81
Class 58 of cards. eight squares and write the base form of the irregular verbs
All 8. Copy the sentences without on them using colored markers.
ready the verbs on the other set of 6. Ss copy the sentences they created in Activity 3 on the Monitor Ss
to cards. remaining eight cards, but leaving a blank space for the
share verb. Check for spelling and grammar mistakes.
7. Ask Ss to trade their set with another team. Ss can also TGuide
9. Exchange your cards with play more than once if time allows or switch with more than p.87
another pair. Play the one group.
Concentration (Memory) 8. Pairs play against each other. To read the verbs and
Game sentences each time a set is matched. Ss should read the
10. Read the sentences out loud sentences out loud. Ask Ss to come up with an additional Continuous
each time a pair is found sentence using the same verb and tense. Emphasize that and Global
Ss should read the sentences out loud to practice their Assessment
I learn intonation, rhythm, and stress. p.100
Week Self- 3. Self-test Self-Test: page 170 of the Student Book Self-Test
20 Test
Class 59
Week Test 4. Formal Evaluation Formal Assessment: page 158 in the Teachers Guide Test
Class 60
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All Ready Lesson Plan
Uness1 and 2
All Ready
Ready Lesson
Lesson Plan
All R
Unit 3,
3, Lesson
Lesson 33 and
and 44
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Lesson/ Lesso Activities Procedures Notes
Week/ n &
Class Stages Materials
Lesson I know 1. What resources do you 1. Ask Ss to identify the resource shown in each picture p.82-83
3 consider useful for research? and, in pairs, explain whether or not they find the resource
Week I build Why? useful and why. After naming the resource in the photos,
21 2. Read this extract from an ask Ss to identify other resources.
Class encyclopedia and answer the 2. Have Ss work in pairs to predict what the text will be
61 questions about. Elicit the graphic components commonly found in TGuide
encyclopedias or websites. Have Ss read the extract p.88
silently and make a list of eight unknown words. Then have Glossary on
the four Ss work together to come up with a single list of p. 161
eight words and look for these words in the Glossary on
page 161. Finally ask questions that differentiate main
ideas from secondary ideas, have Ss look at the questions
on page 83.
Lesson 3.Read the text in Activity 2 3. Number each of the four paragraphs 1 through 4 and p.84
3 I think 4.Complete the organizer match the main ideas to the most appropriate paragraph.
Week 5.Read the sentences and Check answers as a class by nominating four individual Ss TGuide
21 circle T or F from different groups to reveal their responses. p.89-90
Class 4. Ask Ss to work in groups of three to complete the
62 organizer using the information from Activity 2.
5. Have Ss answer the statements and then share their
answers with a partner.
Lesson 6. Look at the past events. 6. Ss read events 1 to 5. Explain that the events in the right p.85-86
3 I Match them to the events that column all took place before one of the events in the left
Week practi had happened earlier. column. Ask Ss to match the events that are related
21 ce 7.Match the sentences to the individually and then get together with a classmate to Verb List on
Class corresponding diagram compare and discuss their answers. p.181
63 8.Complete the rules 7. Have Ss work in pairs to decide the correct responses
9. Cross out the sentence that and then check their answers with another pair. TGuide
is not related to the main idea 8. Tell Ss to work in groups of three to complete the rules. p.91
10. Listen and check your Have Ss add more examples from the Verb List on page
answers. Track 15 181.
11.Complete the sentences 9. Ask Ss to read the three paragraphs individually, Monitor and
marking the sentence that is not related to the main idea. check
Then get together with a classmate and check if they
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10. Play the CD so Ss can check their answers.
11. Ss complete the sentences.
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Tell Ss that they will be listening to a recording of the
teacher, Mrs. Bishop, giving her introduction to the
American Civil War, and they must number the illustrations
in the order that they hear them.
Lesson 3. Complete Pauls notes on 3. Remind Ss that Mrs. Bishop asked her Ss to take notes, p.88-90
4 I think Mrs. Bishops presentation. but they are incomplete. Ask them to listen and complete
Week Track 16 Pauls notes on Mrs. Bishops explanation presentation. Play TGuide
22 4. Read Petes report and the recording again. Check answers as a class. p.94-95
Class answer the questions. 4. Ask Ss to circle the dates in the text and to calculate how
66 5.Complete the timeline long the American Civil War lasted, using the circled
6. Where did these things information.
happen? 5. Ask Ss to write the dates they circled on the timeline and
7.Complete the table with the then work in pairs and complete the information.
underlined words from Activity 6. Ask Ss to underline the word that tells us how frequently
6 events happen and then ask them to circle the adverbs.
7. Tel Ss to write the adverbs in the appropriate place.
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have them complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verb.
16. Ss complete the years in the timeline and then use the
information to complete the table.
Lesson I can 17. Write sentences using 17. Ss work with a classmate to match the two clauses and p.93
4 when to place the connector when in the most appropriate place,
Week 18. These sentences are using commas where necessary.
23 about 18. Ss should order the events in the sequence they TGuide
Class 19. use the sentences in occurred by writing numbers 1 through 3 next to each p.97
68 activity 18 sentence.
20. Give your paragraph a title 19. Divide the class into two groups. Assign the first group
to write a paragraph using the information provided in the
previous exercise about the French invasion of Mexico.
Assign the second group to write a paragraph about the
missing settlers Roanoke Island.
20. Ss should write a fitting title for their paragraph.
Week I get 1.Make a list of historical 1. Have Ss choose a historic event, brainstorm topics as a p.94
23 ready events class. TGuide
Class 2. Working in groups 2. Write the event they chose on a sheet of paper p.98
69 I plan 3. Complete the table with 3. Choose a scheme to organize information.
information 4. Ss should decide on the visual material that they can
4. Decide on the graphic .. add to their report.
Product Stages Activities Procedures for: Anthology of reports on Historic Events Notes&
2 Materials
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Product 2 Stages Activities Procedures for: Anthology of Reports on Historic Events Notes
& Materials
Week 24 I do 6.Decide who in your group will 6. As a team member, each member should be responsible for p. 95
Class 70 write about each idea writing one of the main paragraphs, and the appropriate graphic
7. Find out more details about your components.
event. Add information to your 7. Ss may need to search and select additional information from
notes. various sources.
8. Use your notes to write the report 8. The reports should flow (in chronological order) and should be
9. Edit the report and make any visually appealing. TGuide p.99
necessary changes. Rewrite your 9. Each team member can take turns reading the other members
report and add the graphic. paragraph and suggesting changes.
10. Each group presents their report to another. TGuide
10.Present your report to another 11. The class can consider arranging the reports chronologically, Continuous
All group. alphabetically, by region, etc. The class must agree on the design and Global
ready 11. Put your reports together to create for the anthology since it is a group effort. Assessment
to an anthology 12. The index should include page numbers for each event, the title, Chart on
share 12. Make an index and a list of authors (a list of students names). Have Ss create a p. 100
cover page and back cover for the anthology for a more
professional, finished appearance.
Ask Ss what they can do now that they couldnt do at the beginning
I learn of the learning environment and listen to their responses. Then
have them answer the I learn box in order to improve weaknesses
and reinforce strengths during the process. Briefly have them
discuss their responses to the self-assessment in groups or with the
rest of the class. Give positive feedback for their effort and
Week 24 Self- 1.Self-test 1.Self-Test: page 171 of the Student Book Self-Test
Class 71 Test
Week 24 Test 1.Formal Evaluation 1.Formal Assessment: p.159 of the Teachers Guide Test
Class 72
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School: Grade:
All Ready
Ready Lesson
Group: Lesson Plan
Unit 4, 4, Lesson
Lesson 11 and
and 22
Unit Title: Week Dates:
Listen to and explore descriptions of unexpected situations shared in an oral exchange: identify
topic, purpose, and intended audience. Identify attitudes and emotions. Interpret general
sense, main ideas, and some details: identify main ideas and information that broadens,
exemplifies or explains them. Describe unexpected events: write sentences to describe
unexpected situations change direct speech into indirect speech and vice versa, produce
spontaneous descriptions of unexpected situations.
Show confidence in the use of English, promote constructive dialogues, and appreciate
credibility and objectivity in different descriptions.
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Lesson/ Lesson Activities Procedures Notes
Week/ Stages & Materials
Lesson I Know 1.Match the event to the 1. Ask Ss to analyze the pictures on the left. Ask: Do you p.98
1 country know what these events are? Where are they taking place?
Week Are there any similar events in your country? From the TGuide
25 Reader: Travel World p. 85- events shown in your Student Book, which one would you p.103
Class 95 like to go to? Try to elicit as much information as you can
73 from the Ss to motivate into conversation.
Reader: Travel World. Ask Ss to open their Readers to page Answer Key
85. Ask them to flick through the chapter to anticipate on p. 172 of
subject, purpose, and intended audience. Tell them to take the TGuide.
a look at the pictures and ask: What kind of text is it? Then
focus on the titles and subtitles and have them speculate
what the reading will be about. Lead a brief pre-reading
activity to clarify the meaning of words. Have Ss
individually read the customers opinion on page 94. Have
Ss turn to page 95 in their Readers and look at the
comprehension questions. Check understanding and ask
them to work in pairs and answer the questions. Ask Ss to
share and compare their answers with another pair of Ss.
Check answers as a whole class activity.
Lesson I build 2. Listen to the conversation. 2. Ask Ss: Has anyone ever won a prize? What kind of prize p.98-100
1 Track 17 was it? Then tell them they will listen to a conversation of a
Week 3. Listen again and answer the radio program about a woman winning a trip. Play the CD TGuide p.
25 question. Track 17 for a general understanding. Ss go through the questions. 103-104
Class 4. Read the extract from the Play the CD for a second time and ask Ss to check their
74 conversation. answers.
5.Look at the words in bold 3. Play the CD. Have Ss listen to determine the place where
6.Match the time phrases the exchange takes place. Finally, focus on question
7.Underline the correct opinion number 4.
8.Look at the adjectives 4. Have a pair of volunteers read the dialogue. Work in
9.Match the rules to the pairs and circle the words that tell you it is in the past.
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examples 5. Ask Ss to answer the questions together with their
10.Complete the sentences partners.
6. Tell Ss to match the columns. Check answers as a class.
7. Give Ss a few seconds to answer and then check as a
8. Read the statements and tell Ss to answer True or False.
9. Ss go through the sentences and match. Check answers.
10. Ss answer the missing information.
Lesson I 11. Listen to the unexpected 11. Pay attention to the details. Play the CD. Check p.101-102
1 practi situation. Track 18 answers. Audioscript
Week ce 12. Listen again. Track 18. 12. Instruct Ss to read the four questions. Play the CD. on p.186 of
25 13. Complete Rauls e-mail Check answers. Sbooks
Class 14.Complete the organizer 13. Ss complete the sentences by changing the verbs in TGuide
75 15. Write the time adverbs the box. p.105-106
16.Match the adjectives 14. Ask Ss to get in pairs and complete the organizer.
Check work.
15. Tell Ss to write the five adverbs in chronological order.
Check Ss.
16. Ask Ss to do the activity in pairs. Check answers.
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unexpected experience of their own using Carmens
testimonial or any other testimonial found in this lesson as
an example. Get in pairs and exchange their texts. Then
discuss the experiences and get more details about them.
21. Ask Ss to change partners and share the experience of
their partner in their previous activity with the new one.
Encourage Ss to produce descriptions of surprising
situations spontaneously. Reinforce the importance of
paraphrasing. Remind them to use follow up questions, like
the ones seen in Activity 18.
22. Ss reflect on their feelings when sharing personal
information with the class.
Lesson Stages Activities Procedures Notes
2 &Material
Lesson I know 1. What do you know about 1. Elicit the sports that they watch. Ss look at the pictures 104-105
2 these Olympic Sports? and tell what they know about each sport. Then ask Ss to
Week I build 2. Read the articles, what are get in groups of three and discuss how the Olympic Games TGuide
26 they abut? help relations between countries. Take notes. Share their p. 107-108
Class 3. Listen to the interview. conclusion with the Ss.
77 Track 19 2. Ask Ss to analyze both texts: What is similar about Glossary on
4. Work in pairs. How similar? them? What is different? p.162
5. Answer the questions. 3. Ask for volunteers to read the questions. Play the CD.
4. Ask Ss to decide which are the similarities and the
differences between the information in the articles and the
5. Ask Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions.
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15. Read the article and 13. Read the instructions and read the words in the box. Glossary on
complete.. Have Ss read the first sentence and ask Ss to fill the p. 162
blanks. Check answers.
14. Ss look at the options given before they listen to the
CD. Play the CD. Have Ss listen again. Check their answers.
15. Ask Ss to read and complete the chart. Check answers.
Lesson I can 16.Change the sentence to 16. Write opening quotation marks on the board and ask Ss p.108-109
2 direct speech to complete the sentences. Check if all Ss agree and, if
Week 17. Change the sentences to necessary, review the elements of direct speech. TGuide110-
27 indirect speech 17. Answer the first sentence as a whole class and tell Ss to
Class 18. Use the picture to finish the activity on their own. Check their answers.
80 complete 18. Working in pairs, ask Ss to use the pictures to help
19. Work in pairs. Share your them fill in the gaps in the article and to follow the cues of
testimonial with your partner an unexpected situation. Monitor and check the work.
19. Switch pairs and share their unexpected situations.
Product Stages Activities Procedures for: Testimonial Notes &
1 Materials
Week I get 1. Look at the pictures of 1. Tell Ss to look at the pictures and discuss if they are p. 110-111
27 ready unexpected situations. Has similar to any situation that has ever happened to them.
Class I plan anything similar ever Exchange thoughts. Then ask if someone would like to TGuide p.112
81 happened to you? share their unexpected experience.
2. Brainstorm an unexpected 2. Think about some unexpected situations they have
situation experienced. After individual brainstorming, tell Ss to talk
3. Choose one unexpected about their experiences with their group.
situation 3. In teams, Ss choose one of the unexpected situations
4. Establishing the order in they have talked about by voting for which is the most
which each group will present interesting or amusing one.
their testimonial 4. Have Ss decide the order in which they will present their
5. What material do you need? testimonial. Explain that each team will have a fixed
amount of time.
5. Ss think about the materials they might need to carry
out this task and ask them to make a list.
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Lesson/ Lesson Activities Procedures Notes
Week/ Stages & Materials
Week I do 6. Make a graphic organizer 6. Have Ss make a graphic organizer to elaborate on all the p.111
28 7. Write sentences to describe details needed to describe the unexpected situations.
Class 8. Organize the sentences into Remind Ss to include information to answer all the Wh-
82 a text. questions: who, where, when, what, and why.
9. Proofread your text 7. Next, have Ss write sentences to describe their
10. Practice reading your text unexpected situation.
out loud. Think about speed, 8. Have Ss put their sentences into an organized
volume, and dramatic effects. paragraph. Remind them about the need to have an
introduction, body, and closing, as well as to specify and be
11. Participate in an exchange very clear about the when, where, what, who, and how,
of testimonials. Ask follow-up plus general information about their experience.
All TGuide
questions. 9. Ask Ss to revise their text and to ask their group
ready p.113
members to proofread it carefully. Explain that peer editing
allows group members to make a lot of progress in a safe
environment. As a team, they should check that all
members are contributing to the creation of a clear and Continuous
organized text. and Global
10. Ask Ss to practice their testimonials to their group Assessment
partners before they exchange experiences with other p.126
groups. Ask Ss to focus on intonation, speed, and
I Learn 11. Have teams choose another group to work with and
then the two teams get together. Establish the time in
which each group has to share their testimonials.
Encourage Ss to ask follow-up questions and to obtain as
much information as possible.
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of the class. Give positive feedback for their effort and
Select and explore short plays suitable for a young audience: identify textual arrangement,
identify author(s), and determine topic, purpose, and intended audience. Read a short play
and understand general sense, main ideas, and details: identify stage directions, determine
current actions which are still taking place in the present and/ or begin in the past and
Lesson/ Lessoconclude
in the present. Perform aProcedures
dramatized reading of a short play, etc)] Notes
Week/ n &
Class Stages
Being through the language: Materials
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character: Ask: Which definition describes the traits of a
main character. Then, ask them to identify and describe the
main character of The Big Sell. Explain that the second
definition describes a secondary or incidental character and
elicit examples
Lesson I think 8.Read the definition and 8. Ask a volunteer to read the definition. p.115-116
3 answer the questions 9. Ask Ss to complete the sentences with the words in the
Week 9. Complete the table with box. TGuide
29 words from the box. 10. Ask volunteers to signal its different parts (author, title, p.117
Class I Think 10. Read the script and choose setting, characters, etc) Then ask Ss to choose the best
87 the best option. option to complete the sentence below.
p. 188
11.Read the play script in 11. Ask Ss to get in pairs and decide the stage directions
Activity 10 they would write for the dialogue.
12. Listen and complete the 12. Ask Ss to tell you what information is missing. Play the
poster advertising new play CD. 12. 12. Have Ss listen again and look at the Audio
King Blear. Track 2 script.
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Lesson/ Lesson Activities Procedures Notes
Week/ Stages & Materials
Lesson 13.Read the excerpt from the 13. Read the instructions and ask a S to explain what they p.117
3 story are going to do. Tell Ss to turn to page 179. Ask them to
Week I can 14. Read the text in Activity 13 analyze the organizer and pay attention to the information TGuide p.
30 15. Compare your script they will need. Go back to page 117 and read the text 118
Class 16. Work in groups. Choose silently.
88 and act one of the script 14. Read the instructions and tell Ss to write the script for
17. Did you enjoy acting in the the story. Direct Ss attention to the quoted text that can be
play? included in the script.
15. Have Ss share what they have done and compare their
scripts. Encourage Ss to provide feedback.
16. Join two pairs together so Ss can act out their scripts.
17. Have a brief discussion on Ss reactions during the
short performance.
Lesson Stages Activities Procedures Notes &
4 Materials
Lesson I know 1. What makes someone a 1. Elicit the names of the actors and general information p. 118
4 good actor? about them. Ask: Who do you like best? Who do you think
Week 2. Listen to the Big Sell excerpt is a better actor? TGuide p.
30 and circle T or F. Track 23 2. Ask general questions about it: What are they looking for 119- 120
Class I build 3. Listen to the two readings of in the play The Big Sell? What do they want to sell? Play
89 the excerpt from the play The the CD. Check answers as a class.
Big Sell Track 24 3. Play the CD and then have Ss decide which of the two
4. Circle the characteristics readings is better.
that make the reading of the 4. Read the instructions and have a volunteer read the
play in Activity 3 better. options. Ask Ss to circle the characteristics that make the
5. Answer the questions about reading of the play better and check answers as a class.
the play 5. Ask Ss to read and answer questions in pairs. You might
play the CD one more time (Track 20) in case Ss are unsure
about the answers.
Lesson 6. Listen to these lines said 6. Play the CD twice and have Ss place arrows where the p.119-120
4 with different stage direction. intonation goes significantly up or significantly down.
Week I think Does the meaning change? 7. Have different volunteers read the sentences out loud TGuide
30 Track 25 and elicit answers. p.120-121
Class 7. Complete the sentences with 8. Have a volunteer read the paragraph out loud. Then tell
90 words from the box. Ss to circle the verbs in the text.
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8. Read the paragraph. Circle 9. Ask Ss to read the list of tenses in the left column and
the.. then the sentences in the right column. Then match the
9.Match the sentences tense.
10. Read the sentences 10. Work in pairs and answer the questions.
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I plan
I do
Lesson 15. Choose a theme to write 15. Ss must take notes to have a clear idea of what they p.122-123
4 a will write about.
Week I can 16. Write out the riddle from 16. Ask Ss to follow the model on the board and write their
31 Activity15 own riddle.
Class 17. Complete the conversation 17. Ask Ss to complete the conversation on their own.
92 to make a script. 18. Ask Ss to get in groups of three and share information
18. You are in Mexico City about Mexico City. Then have a brainstorm and write on the
12. 19. Work in pairs. Act out board ideas about interesting places.
19. Give Ss a couple of minutes to practice their telephone
conversations and choose the best way to say them.
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Product Stages13. Activities Procedures for: Performance of a Short Play
Week I get 1. Can you name these famous 1. Ask Ss what they know about the works of William p.124
31 ready plays? Shakespeare. Ask them to share their thoughts about
Class 2.Select a short play these classics and discuss the meaning of the topics of TGuide
93 3. Determine who will interpret each play in the illustrations on page 124. p.124
I plan the protagonist, secondary, 2. Organize the Ss in groups, each group chooses their own
4. Read the selected play out short play.
loud 3. Have Ss consider who will play each role. Ask them to
5. Plan the stage directions take into consideration the length of the dialogues, the
6. Determine the date and time characteristics of each character, etc.
for each groups performance 4. Have Ss read their dialogues and determine the best
7. What materials will you way to say them.
need? Make a list. 5. Have Ss write their stage directions on their scripts.
8.Read and rehearse the 6. Have Ss decide in which order they will perform their
dialogues plays.
7. Ask Ss to think about all the things they will need in
order to carry out their performances.
I do 8. Rehearse their short plays. Encourage them to rehearse
several times at home. Tell them to pay special attention to
pronunciation and intonation. A good practice is reading
your lines first very slowly and then very fast.
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responses. Then have them answer the I learn box in Continuous
order to improve weaknesses and reinforce strengths and Global
during the process. Briefly have them discuss their Assessment
responses to the self-assessment in groups or with the rest Chart p.126
School: Grade:
of Group:
the class. Give positive feedback for their effort and
Week Self-
Unit Title: 1.Self-test 1. Self-Test: page 172 of the Student Book Week Dates: Self-Test
32 Test
Social Practice of the Language: Produce Learning Environment 1: Product 1: Debate
texts to participate in academic events Formation and Academic
Week Test 1.Formal Evaluation Environment
1. Formal Assessment: page 161 of the Teachers Guide Test
Specific Competency: Write arguments in
Class Achievement (s): Can detect and establish links between a
favor or against a subject to intervene in a personal stance and information which agrees or disagrees
debate with it., emphasize or clarify agreements or disagreement,
solve doubts and encourage feedback in order to edit
agreements and/disagreements.
Knowing about the Language:
Topic, purpose and intended audience, textual and graphic components. Word repertoire;
synonyms; verb forms: passive, connectors (but, while, however, yet); possessive genitive;
pronouns: personal and reflexive. Regular and irregular verbs. Word endings (e.g. y, ie, and
e), punctuation.
Doing with the Language:
Solve conflicts and foster understanding and respect, propose foundations for collective work,
and promote D.R. Macmillan
cooperation, Publishers,
constructive S.A. de C.V.
criticism, and2013. Onlyother
respect for teaching purposes.
peoples opinion,
All Ready Lesson Plan
Unit 4, L
Lesson/ Lesson Activities Procedures Notes
Week/ Stages & Materials
Lesson I Know 1. Look at the pictures and 1. Ask them look at the photographs and describe them. p.128-129
1 describe them to a classmate. Point out that they should try to recognize the topic or the
Week 2. Work in pairs. Discuss which common factor linking the photographs.
33 situations from Activity 1 are 2. Elicit ideas from the meaning of controversial and, if TGuide
Class controversial and which not. necessary, explain or elaborate the meaning. Have Ss work p.128-129
97 3. Match the opinions to the in pairs and let them discuss the situations shown from
correct pictures. Activity 1 they think are controversial. Reader:
3. Read the three opinions out loud and check for Make the
understanding. Ask Ss if they agree or disagree which each World a
Reader: Make the World a statement. Better
Better Place p.111-120 Place
Reader: Make the World a Better Place. Ask Ss open the p.111-120
4. Skim the text and underline Reader on page 111. Ask them to guess what they think
the most appropriate title of the chapter will be about. Ask Ss to go through it by just
the debate. looking at the photos and ask them what they think the
functions of the photos are. Write the following questions
5. Read the text in Activity 4 on the board: What is a debate? What does the moderator
again and match the beginning do? Whats abstention? Is a decision always reached?
of each sentence to the correct Share their views with the rest of the class. Ask: What
ending. debates would you like to see at school? Elicit suggestions
and write them on the board. Then ask Ss to read through
the rest of the chapter. Once they have finished, ask them
to compare if any of the topics that were raised in the text
matched the suggestions on the board. Look at the
comprehension questions on page 121 and ask them to
work in pairs and answer the questions.
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4. Ask Ss to read the two titles from the box in Activity 4
and say if they agree with them or not.
5. Elicit from Ss the two positions in a discussion or debate
for and against. Tell them to think what the arguments for
and against wearing a uniform at school could be.
Lesson I think 6.Look at the pictures and 6. Look at the pictures in Activity 6. From what they can p.130
1 guess see, ask them to guess what the teen radio debate is
Week 7. Listen to the teen radio. about. Have them describe the pictures and help them with TGuide
33 Track 26 vocabulary to express their ideas. p.130
Class 8.Read the sentences and 7. Ss will listen to a debate about school uniforms and then
98 answer complete the table.
9. Complete the sentences with 8. Ask Ss to read and answer the question and underline
words from the box. passive verbs in the text. Check their answers.
9. Ss complete the sentences by choosing the correct word
from the box. Check answer.
Lesson I think 10.Add the apostrophe to the 10. Ss Add apostrophes where appropriate. Check answers. p.131-132
1 correct place in the underline 11. Ask Ss to work individually and match the first part of
Week words each sentence to the correct ending. TGuide
33 11.Match the beginning of each 12. Ss read the sentences and underline words with similar p.131
Class sentence meanings.
99 12. Read the sentences 13. Ss read the sentences and match the beginning of each
13.Match the beginning with one to the correct ending. Check answers.
the end 14. Complete the gaps in the sentences. Check their
14.Complete the sentences answers.
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Homework. usage of cell phones. Check answers as a class.
18. Choose one of the topics 18. Divide Ss into groups. Ask Ss to go the corresponding p. Walk
from Activity 17, cell phones or of their Readers (113-118) and look at the arguments. around the
homework. Allow them a few minutes to read the information and then classroom
19. Work in groups. Discuss each group should decide who is going to be for against.
and compare your opinions Then they select information to write their arguments in
their Sbooks. Monitor and check.
19. Ss in their groups, begin their debates comparing
opinions and ideas. Check and offer individual help where
Lesson I know 1.Complete the questionnaire 1. Ask them if they remember the first video game they p. 134-135
2 for you played. Then Ss work individually in the questionnaire on
Week 2.Complete the questionnaire p.134 and complete the first column about themselves. TGuide
34 in Activity1 for a classmate 2. Ss complete the second column of the questionnaire for p.133-135
Class10 3. Do you think video games their classmate.
1 I build are a good influence on 3. Ask Ss to read the question and answer it. Share their
teenagers?.. answers.
4. Look at the pictures in the 4. Ss look at the pictures in Activity 6. Without reading,
text in Activity6. have them tell you which of the topics from Activity 4 the
5. Skim the text in Activity 6. text refers to.
6. Read the text and label it. 5. Ask Ss to skim the text and write two advantages and
two disadvantages of video games. Share their answers.
6. Ss individually read the text and label it with the
components from the box. Check answers as a class.
Lesson I build 7. Read the text in Activity 6 7. Ask Ss to read the text and underline the main ideas that p.135-137
2 again show agreement and circle the ones that show
Week I think 8. Read the text and underline disagreement. TGuide
34 9. Match the beginning of 8. Ask Ss to read the text and find and underline the p.134-135
Class each expressions that show agreement and disagreement. Monitor
102 10. Read the sentences and Check answers.
circle 9. Match the beginning of each sentence to the correct
11. Complete the sentences ending.
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with words from the box 10. Ss circle the connectors that join two ideas. Check the
11. Ss complete the sentences in this activity. Check the
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Lesson/ Lesso Activities Procedures Notes
Week/ n &
Class Stages Materials
Lesson 12.Read the text and underline 12. Tell Ss to underline the words that end in y. Then ask p.137-138
2 13.Look at the table in Activity Ss to write the different words from the text in the
Week I think 12 appropriate column of the table. Ask Ss to compare their TGuide
35 14. Complete the sentences answers in pairs. p.136
Class with.. 13. Ss look at the words in the table from Activity 12. Draw
103 15. Read the rule and answer their attention to the nouns and then to the verbs. Ss circle
practi 16. Read the arguments and the words ending in y that change.
ce match 14. Ss look at the words in the box in Activity 14 and use
17. Match the columns to them to complete the sentences.
complete the sentences 15. Point out how the spelling changes, for words ending in
a consonant y. Ask Ss to read the sentence and answer
the question in pairs.
16. Have Ss look at the pictures and read the speech
bubbles in Activity 16.Then Ss read the titles of the
arguments and match them with the correct picture.
17. Ask Ss to read the beginnings and ends of the
sentences in Activity 17 and to match them to make
complete sentences.
Lesson 18.Read the debate topics and 18. Ask Ss to check the debate which is most interesting to p. 139
2 check them from the list in Activity 18.
Week I can 19.Complete the sentences 19. Ask Ss to read both sides. To write sentences to express TGuide
35 about agreeing or disagreeing, ask them to complete the phrases, p.137
Class 20. Put all the information adding their personal point of view.
104 together 20. Ss write a short text that expresses agreeing and / or Walk
21. Work in groups. Share your disagreeing arguments. Remind Ss to read their work to around and
texts. check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. monitor
21. Ss work in groups and take turns to read their texts to
one another.
Product Stages Activities Procedure for: Debate
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Week I get 1. Read the texts. Check the 1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 140 of their p. 140-141
35 ready topic Student Books and identify the arguments presented. Then
Class 2. Read the arguments for and choose the topic that most interests them. TGuide
105 against 2. Ss read the arguments for and against for the topic they p.138-139
3. Research your topic using a chose in Activity 1. They select the argument they most
variety of different sources. agree with.
4. Write three extra arguments 3. Ss search information from various sources.
supporting the side you chose 4. Ss organize their information in agreement or
in Activity2 disagreements with a personal stance.
I plan 5. Work in groups. Compare 5. Divide the class into two groups, one will debate cell
your ideas. phones, and the other one will debate school uniforms.
6. Write down the ideas from Then ask Ss to subdivide their groups into those for and
your group. those against the argument.
7. Write the final version. 6. Have Ss to organize their ideas and remind them that its
Choose a moderator. important to plan their text. Collect the draft version of
their texts. Check their drafts before the next lesson.
7. Hand back the drafts of Ss texts with corrections. Ss
I do should then write the final version of their texts.
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announces the winner of each debate.
I Learn
Ask Ss what they can do now that they couldnt do at the
beginning of the learning environment and listen to their
responses. Then have them answer the I learn box in
order to improve weaknesses and reinforce strengths
during the process. Briefly have them discuss their
School: responses
Grade: to the self-assessment in groups or with the rest
of the class. Give positive feedback for their effort and
Ask Ss to reflect on Lesson 1 and 2. Ask them what theyve
Unit Title: Weekthem
learned in the debates and in English. Encourage Dates:
say what they found easy and difficult in the lessons.
Week Self- of1.the
Social Practice Self-test
Language: Interpret 1. Self-Test:Environment
Learning page 172 of the2:
Student Book
Product Self-Test
2: Activity Schedule
36 Test
and convey
Class instructions found in daily life Familiar and Community
107 Environment
Week Test
Specific Competency:1. Formal Evaluationand offer
Understand 1. Formal Assessment:
Achievement page
(s): Can 161 of
adjust the Teachers
volume, Guideand tone
intonation, Test
Class to plan a field trip. to emphasize or clarify instructions, offer explanations to
108 clarify instructions, rephrase instructions to confirm
comprehension, compose instructions, appraise the
pertinence of following or not, instructions.
Knowing about the Language:
Topic, purpose, and intended audience, context clues, word repertoire; verbs: modals; verb
tenses; verb forms: imperative; future tense verb forms All Ready Lesson Plan
All Ready Lesson Plan
Doing with the Language: Unit
Unit 5,
Lesson 33and
All Ready
Ready Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Listen to and explore instructions to plan a field trip: identify place and distinguish
volume, tone, rhythm, speed, and intonation. Interpret general sense,
Unit 5,
main 5,
3 and 4
and some3 and 4
details: infer meaning, identify sentence structure, and establish sequence of enunciation.
Offer instructions for the planning of a field trip: write instructions, determine speech register,
rephrase ideas, and judge the relevance of instructions.
Foster group interaction, strengthen interpersonal bonds, and become aware of mutual
responsibility with the group.
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Lesson/ Lesson Activities Procedures Notes
Week/ Stages & Materials
Lesson I Know 1.Make a list of the differences 1. Ss look at the pictures in Activity 1. Elicit what is p.142-143
3 you see between the pictures happening in each one. Then elicit the main features that
Week 2. Work in pairs. Look at the are different. Finally, ask Ss where they would prefer to go
37 items used for camping and and why. Glossary on
Class number them. 2. Ask: What equipment do you need to go camping? Elicit p. 165
109 3. Work in groups. Decide on ideas. Then have Ss working in pairs look at the pictures
the same order of importance and identify the camping items. TGuide p.
for the items in Activity 2 3. Ss get into groups and compare their answers. Ss justify 140-141
Reader: A Week Away p.124- their answers.
I build 134 Reader
4.Look at the pictures and Reader: A Week Away. Read the title of the Chapter 10. Answer Key
guess what the telephone call Elicit ideas as to what they think the chapter is about. Ask on p. 172.
is about them to read pages 124-133. Ss go to page 134 and look
5. Listen to the message to at the comprehension questions. Share and compare their
confirm your prediction. Track answers.
27 4. Ss describe what they can see. Elicit ideas and write
6. Listen to the message again them on the board for reference.
and check. Track 27 5. Tell Ss they are going to listen to the message and see if
7. Listen to the message and matches their predictions from Activity 4. Play the CD.
match. Track 27 6. Ss listen to the message again and check the items Amy
needs to pack for the trip.
7. Ss listen to the message again, but this time they need
to match the first half of the sentences in Activity 7 to the
correct endings.
Lesson 8. Read the text and write MI 8. Ss read the text and write MI or D in the gaps. p.144
3 for main idea or D for detail. 9. Read the sentences in Activity 9 and circle the best
Week I think 9. Read the sentences and option. TGuide
37 circle the best option to 10. Ask Ss to read the sentences in Activity10 and to try p.142
Class complete each one and complete them orally. Then ask them to complete them
110 10. Complete the sentences in their Sbooks and check their answers with a partner.
with words from the box.
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Lesson 11. Read the letter. 11. Ss circle the sentences with need and underline the p.145-146
3 12.Match the beginning of each sentences which give instructions. Check answers as a
Week I 13. read the sentences and class. TGuide
37 practi number 12. Draw Ss attention to the list of items attached to the p.142-143
Class ce 14. Complete the instructions letter in Activity 1. Have Ss look at the beginnings and
111 15. Read the sentences and endings of the sentences and match them to make
write complete sentences.
16.Read the sentences and 13. Ss read the sentences and put them in the correct
write the appropriate order.
instructions 14. Ask Ss to think of instructions they could make with
those verbs. Finally, have Ss complete the sentences.
15. Ss read the sentences and write which instruction from
Activity 14 they refer to.
16. Ss look at the sentences. Ask if they are problems or
instructions. Ss write the corresponding instructions. Check
answers as a class.
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best. When Ss finish, ask them to share their lists with two
other pairs.
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39 ce Track 30 misunderstanding. p.147-148
Class 15. Use the information 13. Ask Ss to complete the sentences using going to or will.
115 16. Rewrite the following Tell them to check their answers in pairs and then check as Monitor
sentences a class.
14. Ask Ss what they think Tom could be doing on the
weekend. Play the CD and Ss make their notes. Play the CD
again for them check their answers.
15. Ss use their notes to describe what Tom is doing on the
16. Ask Ss to look at the questions and rewrite the
sentences to clarify information or to apologize.
Lesson I can 17. Look at the different 17. Have Ss check their favorite destinations. Share their p. 153
4 destinations answers.
Week 18. Make a list of some the 18. Ss complete the list of items they would need to take
39 things their destination of choice from Activity 17. TGuide
Class 19. Write reasons to explain 19. Ss write down reasons why they chose to bring those p.149
116 20. Write an itinerary particular items.
20. Ss complete their itinerary for the weekend in note
I do need? Make a list 3. Tell Ss to choose which activities they would like to try or
3. Use the organizer on p. 180 talk about those they have already done. Ss turn to page
p.180 in the
4. Write instructions for the 180 and look at the graphic organizer. Ss complet the
activities written down in organizer.
Activity 3 4. Ss think of the different activities they are going to do at
5. Share your sentences their camp and things they need take to do these activities.
6. Work in groups. Compare 5. Ask Ss to share their sentences in groups.
your activity 6. Ss compare all their activity schedules and instructions.
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7. Work in groups and decide 7. In their groups, decide in the final version of their
on the final version activity.
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Product 2 Stages Activities Procedures for: Activity schedule Notes
& Materials
Week All 8. Present your activity Ss share the instructions and activity schedules for their P.155
40 ready schedule to the rest of the chosen destination. Have each group of four present their
Class to class. field trip activity. Remind them to think about their TGuide
118 share pronunciation, and give them time beforehand to practice p.151
the enunciation of the schedule.
Ask Ss what they can do now that they couldnt do at the
and Global
I learn beginning of the learning environment and listen to their
responses. Then have them answer the learn box on p. 155
Chart p.152
of their Student Books. Explain that its purpose is to assess
their performance while making the product in order to
improve weaknesses and reinforce strengths during the
process. Briefly have them discuss their responses to the
self-assessment in groups or with the rest of the class. Give
positive feedback for their effort and progress.
Week Self- 1. Self-test 1. Self-Test: page 175 of the Student Book Self-Test
40 Test
Week Test 1. Formal Evaluation 1. Formal Assessment: page 163 of the Teachers Guide Test
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