Escuela Secundaria Técnica 31: However, Yet) Possessive Genitive Pronouns: Personal and Reflexive
Escuela Secundaria Técnica 31: However, Yet) Possessive Genitive Pronouns: Personal and Reflexive
Escuela Secundaria Técnica 31: However, Yet) Possessive Genitive Pronouns: Personal and Reflexive
Unit Title:
Week Dates:
Specific Competency: Write Achievement (s): Can detect and establish links
arguments in favor or against a between a personal stance and information which
subject to intervene in a debate agrees or disagrees with it., emphasize or clarify
agreements or disagreement, solve doubts and
encourage feedback in order to edit agreements
Knowing about the Language:
Topic, purpose and intended audience, textual and graphic components.
Word repertoire; synonyms; verb forms: passive, connectors (but, while,
however, yet); possessive genitive; pronouns: personal and reflexive.
Regular and irregular verbs. Word endings (e.g. y, ie, and e),
Explore a topic of interest from various sources, read texts and interpret
general sense, main ideas, and some details: use strategies to point out
information in agreement and/or disagreement with a personal stance,
identify relationships between parts of the text, establish connection
between a personal stance and information in agreement or
disagreement with a personal stance. Write agreements or
disagreements about a topic of interest to participate in a debate: write a
short text that expresses agreements and/disagreements. Edit
agreements and or disagreements.
Lesson 18.Read the debate 18. Ask Ss to check the debate p. 139
2 topics and check which is most interesting to them
Week I can 19.Complete the from the list in Activity 18. TGuide
35 sentences about 19. Ask Ss to read both sides. To p.137
Class 20. Put all the write sentences to express
104 information agreeing or disagreeing, ask them
together to complete the phrases, adding
21. Work in groups. their personal point of view.
Share your texts. 20. Ss write a short text that
expresses agreeing and / or
disagreeing arguments. Remind Ss
to read their work to check for
spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
21. Ss work in groups and take
turns to read their texts to one
Product Stages Activities Procedure for: Debate
Week I get 1. Read the texts. 1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures on p. 140-
35 ready Check the topic page 140 of their Student Books 141
Class 2. Read the and identify the arguments
105 arguments for and presented. Then choose the topic TGuide
against that most interests them. p.138-
3. Research your 2. Ss read the arguments for and 139
topic using a against for the topic they chose in
variety of different Activity 1. They select the argument
sources. they most agree with.
4. Write three extra 3. Ss search information from
arguments various sources.
supporting the side 4. Ss organize their information in
you chose in agreement or disagreements with a
Activity2 personal stance.
5. Work in groups. 5. Divide the class into two groups,
Compare your one will debate cell phones, and the
ideas. other one will debate school
6. Write down the uniforms. Then ask Ss to subdivide
ideas from your their groups into those for and
group. those against the argument.
7. Write the final 6. Have Ss to organize their ideas
version. Choose a and remind them that its important
moderator. to plan their text. Collect the draft
version of their texts. Check their
drafts before the next lesson.
7. Hand back the drafts of Ss texts
with corrections. Ss should then
write the final version of their texts.
Unit Title:
Week Dates:
Social Practice of the Language: Learning Environment Product 2: Activity
Interpret and convey instructions 2: Familiar and Schedule
found in daily life Community
Listen to and explore instructions to plan a field trip: identify place and medium,
Lesson I can 17. Look at the 17. Have Ss check their favorite p. 153
4 different destinations. Share their answers.
Week destinations 18. Ss complete the list of items
39 18. Make a list of they would need to take their TGuide
Class some the things destination of choice from Activity
116 19. Write reasons 17. p.149
to explain 19. Ss write down reasons why
20. Write an they chose to bring those particular
itinerary items.
20. Ss complete their itinerary for
the weekend in note form.