Escuela Secundaria Técnica 31: However, Yet) Possessive Genitive Pronouns: Personal and Reflexive

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School: Escuela Secundaria Tcnica Grade: 3 Group: B, C


Teacher: No Francisco Moreno Chon

Unit Title:
Week Dates:

Social Practice of the Language: Learning Environment Product 1: Debate

Produce texts to participate in 1: Formation and
academic events Academic Environment

Specific Competency: Write Achievement (s): Can detect and establish links
arguments in favor or against a between a personal stance and information which
subject to intervene in a debate agrees or disagrees with it., emphasize or clarify
agreements or disagreement, solve doubts and
encourage feedback in order to edit agreements
Knowing about the Language:
Topic, purpose and intended audience, textual and graphic components.
Word repertoire; synonyms; verb forms: passive, connectors (but, while,
however, yet); possessive genitive; pronouns: personal and reflexive.
Regular and irregular verbs. Word endings (e.g. y, ie, and e),

Doing with the Language:

Explore a topic of interest from various sources, read texts and interpret

general sense, main ideas, and some details: use strategies to point out
information in agreement and/or disagreement with a personal stance,
identify relationships between parts of the text, establish connection
between a personal stance and information in agreement or
disagreement with a personal stance. Write agreements or
disagreements about a topic of interest to participate in a debate: write a
short text that expresses agreements and/disagreements. Edit
agreements and or disagreements.

Being through the language:

Solve conflicts and foster understanding and respect, propose

foundations for collective work, and promote cooperation, constructive
criticism, and respect other peoples opinion,
Lesson/ Lesson Activities Procedures Notes
Week/ Stages &
Class Materials
Lesson I Know 1. Look at the 1. Ask them look at the p.128-129
1 pictures and photographs and describe them.
Week describe them to a Point out that they should try to
33 classmate. recognize the topic or the common TGuide
Class 2. Work in pairs. factor linking the photographs. p.128-129
97 Discuss which 2. Elicit ideas from the meaning of
situations from controversial and, if necessary, Reader:
Activity 1 are explain or elaborate the meaning. Make the
controversial and Have Ss work in pairs and let them World a
which not. discuss the situations shown from Better
3. Match the Activity 1 they think are Place
opinions to the controversial. p.111-120
correct pictures. 3. Read the three opinions out loud
and check for understanding. Ask
Ss if they agree or disagree which
Reader: Make the each statement.
World a Better
Place p.111-120 Reader: Make the World a Better
Place. Ask Ss open the Reader on
4. Skim the text page 111. Ask them to guess what
and underline the they think the chapter will be about.
most appropriate Ask Ss to go through it by just
title of the debate. looking at the photos and ask them
what they think the functions of the
5. Read the text in photos are. Write the following
Activity 4 again and questions on the board: What is a
match the debate? What does the moderator
beginning of each do? Whats abstention? Is a
sentence to the decision always reached? Share
correct ending. their views with the rest of the
class. Ask: What debates would
you like to see at school? Elicit
suggestions and write them on the
board. Then ask Ss to read
through the rest of the chapter.
Once they have finished, ask them
to compare if any of the topics that
were raised in the text matched the
suggestions on the board. Look at
the comprehension questions on
page 121 and ask them to work in
pairs and answer the questions.

4. Ask Ss to read the two titles

from the box in Activity 4 and say if
they agree with them or not.
5. Elicit from Ss the two positions
in a discussion or debate for and
against. Tell them to think what the
arguments for and against wearing
a uniform at school could be.
Lesson I think 6.Look at the 6. Look at the pictures in Activity 6. p.130
1 pictures and guess From what they can see, ask them
Week 7. Listen to the to guess what the teen radio TGuide
33 teen radio. Track debate is about. Have them p.130
Class 26 describe the pictures and help Audioscript
98 8.Read the them with vocabulary to express p.189
sentences and their ideas.
answer 7. Ss will listen to a debate about
9. Complete the school uniforms and then complete
sentences with the table.
words from the 8. Ask Ss to read and answer the
box. question and underline passive
verbs in the text. Check their
9. Ss complete the sentences by
choosing the correct word from the
box. Check answer.
Lesson I think 10.Add the 10. Ss Add apostrophes where p.131-132
1 apostrophe to the appropriate. Check answers.
Week correct place in the 11. Ask Ss to work individually and TGuide
33 underline words match the first part of each p.131
Class 11.Match the sentence to the correct ending.
99 beginning of each 12. Ss read the sentences and
sentence underline words with similar
12. Read the meanings.
sentences 13. Ss read the sentences and
13.Match the match the beginning of each one to
beginning with the the correct ending. Check answers.
end 14. Complete the gaps in the
14.Complete the sentences. Check their answers.

Lesson/ Lesson Activities Procedures Notes

Week/ Stages &
Class Materials
Lesson 1 I can 15.Unscramble the 15. Ss unscramble the phrases p.132-133
Week 34 words to make and write them out in their Sbooks.
Class100 phrases Remind them to use the correct TGuide
16. Rewrite the punctuation and to think about p.132
following sentences capital letters, etc. Check answers
using synonyms of as a class.
the underlined 16. Tell Ss to read the sentences
words. and choose a word from the box to
17. Read the replace the underlined words in Walk
opinions and write the sentences around
C for Cell phones 17. Ask Ss what the main topics. the
and H for Then, ask them to put an H for classroom
Homework. homework and C next to the
18. Choose one of opinions referring to usage of cell
the topics from phones. Check answers as a
Activity 17, cell class.
phones or 18. Divide Ss into groups. Ask Ss
homework. to go the corresponding p. of their
19. Work in groups. Readers (113-118) and look at the
Discuss and arguments. Allow them a few
compare your minutes to read the information
opinions and then each group should
decide who is going to be for
against. Then they select
information to write their
arguments in their Sbooks. Monitor
and check.
19. Ss in their groups, begin their
debates comparing opinions and
ideas. Check and offer individual
help where necessary.

Lesson 2 Stages Activities Procedures Notes

Lesson 2 I know 1.Complete the 1. Ask them if they remember the p. 134-
Week 34 questionnaire for first video game they played. Then 135
Class101 you Ss work individually in the
2.Complete the questionnaire on p.134 and TGuide
questionnaire in complete the first column about p.133-135
I build Activity1 for a themselves.
classmate 2. Ss complete the second column
3. Do you think of the questionnaire for their
video games are a classmate.
good influence on 3. Ask Ss to read the question and
teenagers?.. answer it. Share their answers.
4. Look at the 4. Ss look at the pictures in Activity
pictures in the text 6. Without reading, have them tell
in Activity6. you which of the topics from
5. Skim the text in Activity 4 the text refers to.
Activity 6. 5. Ask Ss to skim the text and
6. Read the text write two advantages and two
and label it. disadvantages of video games.
Share their answers.
6. Ss individually read the text and
label it with the components from
the box. Check answers as a
Lesson 2 I build 7. Read the text in 7. Ask Ss to read the text and p.135-137
Week 34 Activity 6 again underline the main ideas that show
Class 8. Read the text agreement and circle the ones that TGuide
102 and underline show disagreement. p.134-135
9. Match the 8. Ask Ss to read the text and find Monitor
beginning of each and underline the expressions that
10. Read the show agreement and
sentences and disagreement. Check answers.
circle 9. Match the beginning of each
11. Complete the sentence to the correct ending.
sentences with 10. Ss circle the connectors that
words from the box join two ideas. Check the answers.
11. Ss complete the sentences in
this activity. Check the answers.

Lesson/ Lesson Activities Procedures Notes

Week/ Stages &
Class Materials
Lesson 12.Read the text 12. Tell Ss to underline the words p.137-
2 and underline that end in y. Then ask Ss to write 138
Week I think 13.Look at the table the different words from the text in
35 in Activity 12 the appropriate column of the table. TGuide
Class I 14. Complete the Ask Ss to compare their answers in p.136
103 practice sentences with.. pairs.
15. Read the rule 13. Ss look at the words in the table
and answer from Activity 12. Draw their
16. Read the attention to the nouns and then to
arguments and the verbs. Ss circle the words
match ending in y that change.
17. Match the 14. Ss look at the words in the box
columns to in Activity 14 and use them to
complete the complete the sentences.
sentences 15. Point out how the spelling
changes, for words ending in a
consonant y. Ask Ss to read the
sentence and answer the question
in pairs.
16. Have Ss look at the pictures
and read the speech bubbles in
Activity 16.Then Ss read the titles
of the arguments and match them
with the correct picture.
17. Ask Ss to read the beginnings
and ends of the sentences in
Activity 17 and to match them to
make complete sentences.

Lesson 18.Read the debate 18. Ask Ss to check the debate p. 139
2 topics and check which is most interesting to them
Week I can 19.Complete the from the list in Activity 18. TGuide
35 sentences about 19. Ask Ss to read both sides. To p.137
Class 20. Put all the write sentences to express
104 information agreeing or disagreeing, ask them
together to complete the phrases, adding
21. Work in groups. their personal point of view.
Share your texts. 20. Ss write a short text that
expresses agreeing and / or
disagreeing arguments. Remind Ss
to read their work to check for
spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
21. Ss work in groups and take
turns to read their texts to one
Product Stages Activities Procedure for: Debate

Week I get 1. Read the texts. 1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures on p. 140-
35 ready Check the topic page 140 of their Student Books 141
Class 2. Read the and identify the arguments
105 arguments for and presented. Then choose the topic TGuide
against that most interests them. p.138-
3. Research your 2. Ss read the arguments for and 139
topic using a against for the topic they chose in
variety of different Activity 1. They select the argument
sources. they most agree with.
4. Write three extra 3. Ss search information from
arguments various sources.
supporting the side 4. Ss organize their information in
you chose in agreement or disagreements with a
Activity2 personal stance.
5. Work in groups. 5. Divide the class into two groups,
Compare your one will debate cell phones, and the
ideas. other one will debate school
6. Write down the uniforms. Then ask Ss to subdivide
ideas from your their groups into those for and
group. those against the argument.
7. Write the final 6. Have Ss to organize their ideas
version. Choose a and remind them that its important
moderator. to plan their text. Collect the draft
version of their texts. Check their
drafts before the next lesson.
7. Hand back the drafts of Ss texts
with corrections. Ss should then
write the final version of their texts.

Product Activities Procedures for : Debate Notes

1 Stages &
Week All 8. Organize a 8. Both groups will debate. Decide p. 141
36 ready debate. Use and which topic will be debated first, the
Class to present the ideas moderator of the first group presents
106 share from the texts in the introduction. Then they signal who
Activity 7. can start, and they manage the
9. When the debate debate until the end. Groups take
is over, vote on who turns to put forward their arguments.
is for, who is against Each debate will have fifteen minutes.
and who abstains. Be strict with the time limit. TGuide
9. At the end of each debate, the p.139
moderator should briefly resume the
main arguments and ask the rest of
the class to vote by rising their hands
to show if they are for, against, or if
I Learn they abstain. The moderator counts
the votes and announces the winner
of each debate.

Ask Ss what they can do now that

they couldnt do at the beginning of
the learning environment and listen to
their responses. Then have them
answer the I learn box in order to
improve weaknesses and reinforce
strengths during the process. Briefly
have them discuss their responses to
the self-assessment in groups or with
the rest of the class. Give positive
feedback for their effort and progress.

Ask Ss to reflect on Lesson 1 and 2.

Ask them what theyve learned in the
debates and in English. Encourage
them to say what they found easy and
difficult in the lessons.
Week Self- 1. Self-test 1. Self-Test: page 172 of the Student Self-
36 Test Book Test

Week Test 1. Formal 1. Formal Assessment: page 161 of Test

36 Evaluation the Teachers Guide

School: Escuela Secundaria Tcnica Grade: 3 Group: B, C


Teacher: No Francisco Moreno Chon

Unit Title:
Week Dates:
Social Practice of the Language: Learning Environment Product 2: Activity
Interpret and convey instructions 2: Familiar and Schedule
found in daily life Community

Specific Competency: Understand Achievement (s): Can adjust volume, intonation,

and offer instructions to plan a field and tone to emphasize or clarify instructions, offer
trip. explanations to clarify instructions, rephrase
instructions to confirm comprehension, compose
instructions, appraise the pertinence of following or
not, instructions.
Knowing about the Language:
Topic, purpose, and intended audience, context clues, word repertoire;
verbs: modals; verb tenses; verb forms: imperative; future tense verb

Doing with the Language:

Listen to and explore instructions to plan a field trip: identify place and medium,

distinguish volume, tone, rhythm, speed, and intonation. Interpret general

sense, main ideas, and some details: infer meaning, identify sentence
structure, and establish sequence of enunciation. Offer instructions for the
planning of a field trip: write instructions, determine speech register, rephrase
ideas, and judge the relevance of instructions.

Being through the language:

Foster group interaction, strengthen interpersonal bonds, and become

aware of mutual responsibility with the group.

Lesson/ Lesson Activities Procedures Notes

Week/ Stages &
Class Materials
Lesson I Know 1.Make a list of the 1. Ss look at the pictures in Activity p.142-
3 differences you see 1. Elicit what is happening in each 143
Week between the one. Then elicit the main features
37 pictures that are different. Finally, ask Ss
Class 2. Work in pairs. where they would prefer to go and Glossary
109 Look at the items why. on p.
used for camping 2. Ask: What equipment do you need 165
I build and number them. to go camping? Elicit ideas. Then
3. Work in groups. have Ss working in pairs look at the TGuide
Decide on the pictures and identify the camping p. 140-
same order of items. 141
importance for the 3. Ss get into groups and compare
items in Activity 2 their answers. Ss justify their Reader
Reader: A Week answers. Answer
Away p.124-134 Key on
4.Look at the Reader: A Week Away. Read the p. 172.
pictures and guess title of the Chapter 10. Elicit ideas as
what the telephone to what they think the chapter is
call is about about. Ask them to read pages 124-
5. Listen to the 133. Ss go to page 134 and look at
message to confirm the comprehension questions. Share
your prediction. and compare their answers.
Track 27 4. Ss describe what they can see.
6. Listen to the Elicit ideas and write them on the
message again and board for reference.
check. Track 27 5. Tell Ss they are going to listen to
7. Listen to the the message and see if matches
message and their predictions from Activity 4. Play
match. Track 27 the CD.
6. Ss listen to the message again
and check the items Amy needs to
pack for the trip.
7. Ss listen to the message again,
but this time they need to match the
first half of the sentences in Activity
7 to the correct endings.
Lesson 8. Read the text 8. Ss read the text and write MI or D p.144
3 and write MI for in the gaps.
Week I think main idea or D for 9. Read the sentences in Activity 9 TGuide
37 detail. and circle the best option. p.142
Class 9. Read the 10. Ask Ss to read the sentences in
110 sentences and Activity10 and to try and complete
circle the best them orally. Then ask them to
option to complete complete them in their Sbooks and
each one check their answers with a partner.
10. Complete the
sentences with
words from the box.
Lesson 11. Read the letter. 11. Ss circle the sentences with p.145-
3 12.Match the need and underline the sentences 146
Week I beginning of each which give instructions. Check
37 practice 13. read the answers as a class. TGuide
Class sentences and 12. Draw Ss attention to the list of p.142-
111 number items attached to the letter in Activity 143
14. Complete the 1. Have Ss look at the beginnings
instructions and endings of the sentences and
15. Read the match them to make complete
sentences and sentences.
write 13. Ss read the sentences and put
16.Read the them in the correct order.
sentences and 14. Ask Ss to think of instructions
write the they could make with those verbs.
appropriate Finally, have Ss complete the
instructions sentences.
15. Ss read the sentences and write
which instruction from Activity 14
they refer to.
16. Ss look at the sentences. Ask if
they are problems or instructions. Ss
write the corresponding instructions.
Check answers as a class.

Lesson/ Lesson Activities Procedures Notes

Week/ Stages &
Class Materials
Lesson 3 17. Match the 17. Ask Ss about different p.147
Week 38 I can beginning of each activities they can do on the
Class beach activity different types of trips. Then Ss Glossary
112 18. Read the flyer match each beach activity to the p.165
and make a list correct ending.
19. Work in pairs. 18. Ask Ss what type of text they TGuide
Share your list think is. Ask them to read the flyer p.144
20. Work in pairs. and make a list of the things they
Take turns to say might need to take to the beach
sentences with them.
21.What places 19. In pairs, ask them to share
would you their lists of things they might
recommend to visit need to take with them and to
explain why they need those
20. Encourage Ss to give further
explanations to clarify
instructions, elicit the response.
Point out the conversation in their
book, model it, and have them
practice it.
21. Ask Ss to brainstorm some
famous places to visit in their city
or town. Ask them to individually
choose their favorite and think of
the reasons why they like that
place best. When Ss finish, ask
them to share their lists with two
other pairs.

Lesson 4 Activities Procedures Notes

Lesson &
Stages Materials
Lesson 4 I know 1. What do you like 1. Elicit the activities. Ask Ss what p.148-150
Week 38 to do on ..? they usually do on the weekend,
Class113 I build 2. Have you ever and if ever includes any of these TGuide
traveled with ? activities. p.145-146
3. Read the text 2. Elicit answers. In pairs, ask
and underline . them to discuss the questions
4. Listen to the together. Audioscript
Head Explorer and 3. Ask Ss to read the text and p.190
check. Track 28 underline the plans mentioned.
5. Listen to the 4. Play the CD and ask Ss to
conversation and complete the activity by
identify. Track 29 recognizing general information
6. Listen to the regarding a field trip.
conversation. 5. Play the CD and ask Ss to
Track29 identify the gist of the
6. Give Ss some time to read over
the sentences before playing the
CD. Alternatively have Ss listen
again and look at the Audioscript,
to check their answers.
Lesson4 7.Look at the 7. Ask Ss to read the sentences p.150-151
Week 38 I think itinerary expressing plans. Elicit answers.
Class 8. Read the 8. Ss write N (Now) or F (Future)
114 sentences next to each sentence.
9. Read the 9. Ss read the sentences and
sentences and decide whether each one is T or
circle F.
10. Read the text 10. Ask Ss to read the text to find
and circle the verb out the verbs that refer to the
11. Choose the future.
best option 11. Ss read the two sentences
and choose the best option.

Lesson/ Lesson Activities Procedures Notes

Week/ Stages &
Class Materials
Lesson I 12. Underline the 12. Ask Ss read the conversation. p.151-152
4 practice phrases Elicit phrases that they think are
Week 13.Complete the used to help clarify information, TGuide
39 sentences and ones that express that the
Class 14. Listen to the speakers are apologizing for Monitor
115 conversation. misunderstanding.
Track 30 13. Ask Ss to complete the
15. Use the sentences using going to or will.
information Tell them to check their answers in
16. Rewrite the pairs and then check as a class.
following 14. Ask Ss what they think Tom
sentences could be doing on the weekend.
Play the CD and Ss make their
notes. Play the CD again for them
check their answers.
15. Ss use their notes to describe
what Tom is doing on the
16. Ask Ss to look at the questions
and rewrite the sentences to clarify
information or to apologize.

Lesson I can 17. Look at the 17. Have Ss check their favorite p. 153
4 different destinations. Share their answers.
Week destinations 18. Ss complete the list of items
39 18. Make a list of they would need to take their TGuide
Class some the things destination of choice from Activity
116 19. Write reasons 17. p.149
to explain 19. Ss write down reasons why
20. Write an they chose to bring those particular
itinerary items.
20. Ss complete their itinerary for
the weekend in note form.

Product Stages Activities Procedures for: Activity Schedule Notes

2 &
Week I get 1. Work in groups. 1. Ss select one of the destinations p.154-155
39 ready Choose a field trip to plan a field trip for their class.
Class destination for your 2. Ask Ss what materials they will TGuide
117 class. need to make their activity p.150-151.
2. What materials schedule, and to write a list. Organizer
do you need? 3. Tell Ss to choose which p.180 in
Make a list activities they would like to try or the
3. Use the talk about those they have already Worksheet
organizer on p. 180 done. Ss turn to page 180 and look Section
4. Write at the graphic organizer. Ss
instructions for the complet the organizer.
activities written 4. Ss think of the different activities
down in Activity 3 they are going to do at their camp
5. Share your and things they need take to do
sentences these activities.
6. Work in groups. 5. Ask Ss to share their sentences
Compare your in groups.
activity 6. Ss compare all their activity
7. Work in groups schedules and instructions.
and decide on the 7. In their groups, decide in the
final version final version of their activity.

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