Experiment # 1: Objective

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To calculate the time period of spring mass system using Hookes Law Apparatus and compare it
with the theoretical values.

1) Springs of different stiffness.

2) Masses of different values.

3) Stopwatch


The simplest type of vibrational motion is a mass moving back and forth horizontally due to a spring. To start the
motion, the system is given either an initial displacement or velocity (or both). At any time, a force equilibrium and
acceleration diagram can be constructed, similar to the diagram at the left.

Summing forces in the x-direction gives,

F x =ma x

where Fs is the force in the spring, kx. This can be changed to,

m x +kx =0
Because the basic differential equation descriptions back and forth motion, it is referred to as harmonic motion.

Similiarly, mass-spring motion in the vertical direction can also be modeled as a second order differential equation.
Let the distance y represent the distance from the equilibrium position with gravity. The motion is started with an
initial displacement and/or velocity. At any time, the forces can be summed, giving,

F smg=m a y

But the FS is the spring constant times the total displacement, FS = k(yS + yg). Also, noting yS = y, the equation

k ( y + y g )mg=m a y

However, ykg must equal 'mg' (see second graphic at left), and thus the 'mg' terms cancel, giving,

m y + ky=0

which is the same as the horizontal equation. It is interesting to note, gravity does not effect the harmonic motion.

Using the vertical form of the differential equation, it can be written as

y + n y=0

where the term n is called the natural frequency, and is given by

rad / s

From differential equations, the general solution is

y (t )= Asin n t + Bcos n t

where the constants A and B must be determined from the initial conditions of position
and velocity. This general solution can be verified by substituting back into the
differential solution and noting all terms cancel.
dy (t )
Constant A is found by evaluating the initial condition ,
dt t=0

y (0)

Constant B is found by evaluating y(t) @ t = 0,

B= y (0)

The diagram at the left shows a typical response for a spring-mass system. Notice that the response y(t) oscillates
about the equilibrium position sinusoidally with a constant amplitude.

The frequency of oscillations, f, can be expressed in cycles per second (hertz) as


The time taken to complete one full oscillation is called the period ,

1 2
= =
f n

1. Take a spring and attach the mass at its one end.
2. Then attach the other end of the spring with pin on Hookes Law apparatus.
3. Deflect the spring from its original position by keeping spring straight.
4. Take a stop watch to note the time.
5. Release the mass and instantly start the stop watch.
6. Note the time of 20 oscillations and calculate the time period by using formula
Time Period = (Time of total Oscillation) / Total number oscillations

Note: This time period will be experimental time period.

7. Repeat the procedure 2 to 3 times and take the average time period.
8. Change the mass and repeat the same procedure.
9. Compare it with theoretical values.


Sr. k m (kg) theo Ttheo (s) Time (20 Texp (s) Percentage
No. (N/m) (rad/s) cycles) (s) Error


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