WBM - 2016-10 Salary Survey Report PDF
WBM - 2016-10 Salary Survey Report PDF
WBM - 2016-10 Salary Survey Report PDF
Kerana Todorov
year. In 2015, the survey reported annual base salary growth had dipped to
1.4 percent from a high of 5.4 percent a year earlier (F I G U R E 1 ).
Weve had a great year so far, said Hank Teahen, CEO of Teahen Group, 3.1%
3.0 2.8%
a national and international wine recruiting firm based in Temecula in 2.5 2.3%
Southern California. I think the industry is very healthy. 2.0 2.4%
At the same time, the number of positions that received pay increases 1.5
declined. In 2016, a little more than 53 percent of the positions surveyed 1.0 1.3% 1.4%
experienced an increase in base pay, compared to 58 percent the previous year. 0.5
$K 1 & 2 Combined Winemaker 1 Winemaker 2 Vice President Sales Tasting Room Manager Vineyard Manager
$160 W1 salaries W2 salaries
$150 up 5 .5% up 3 .2% salaries up 5 .9% salaries up 1 .2%
$120 salaries up 12 .7%
07 08 09 10 11* 12 13 14 15 16 11* 12 13 14 15 16 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Year Year Year Year Year Year
* Since 2011 winemaker data is split into winemaker 1 (left) and winemaker 2 (right) Source: 2016 WBM Salary Survey
FIGURE 3: Average Base Salaries for Wineries Producing Fewer than 50,000 Annual Cases
CASE PRODUCTION < 2,499 2,500 - 4,999 5,000 - 9,999 10,000 to 24,999 25,000 to 49,999
Top Sales
(executive VP Sales/ $61,736 $71,724 $64,381 $84,009 $102,104
national sales manager)
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According to Hill, distributors prefer to deal with larger wineries to project 100,000 to 499,999 $101,257 $91,076
long-term sales and profits. It goes both ways, he said. Larger wineries Over 500,000 $112,012 $110,000
Federal law already requires that publicly-traded companies, such as
Constellation Brands Inc. and Diageo PLC must disclose the compen- Sales Representative
sation of their top executives, including its chief executive officers. CASE PRODUCTION AVERAGE SALARY MEDIAN SALARY
Beginning Jan. 1, these companies must also calculate and publish the 100,000 to 499,999 $85,494 $88,000
ratio of the compensation of their CEOs to that of their employees. Over 500,000 $53,797 $52,150
The new rule under the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and AVERAGE OF ALL WINERY SIZES $69,646
Consumer Protection Act will provide information to shareholders on
how to assess CEOs compensation, according to proponents of the Case production categories with < 5 responses have been omitted.
new pay-ratio disclosure. The pay ratio has to be included in various
documents submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC), including registration statements and annual reports that include
CEO compensation data. are willing to invest more in their own sales force to provide support for
The SEC approved the pay-ratio disclosure rule in August 2015. successful sales teams.
Companies have to determine the median pay of their workers Teahen, of Teahen Group, said regional managers in significant markets,
to calculate the pay ratio by considering all their employees or by such as California, Florida, New York, Illinois and Texas, have a major influ-
calculating a statistical sample of their workers. ence on the U.S. wine consumption.
Most employees are to be considered to determine the pay-ratio The other recruitment growth area is for key account managers retail.
disclosure, including full-time, part-time, temporary, seasonal, and U.S. These managers are responsible for developing and managing regional and/
and non U.S. workers. or national relationships in the retail channel, i.e., Costco, Kroger, Tom
Companies may exclude up to 5 percent of its total employees who Thumb, Albertsons and Publix.These managers can be critical to a brands
are based outside the United States. If these employees are in the growth because one successful sales call can lead to multiple placements
same country, all the workers in that jurisdiction have to be excluded. across multiple states, Teahen said.
According to the new pay ratio disclosure rules, companies identify The skills for marketing personnel include wine knowledge and marketing
its median employees once every three years. experience within the wine industry or other consumer packaged goods.
According to Deloitte, if the median total compensation of a Usually, they will have a degree in marketing or an MBA as well, Hill said.
companys is $50,000 and the CEOs is $2.5 million, then the CEOs The skills of sales jobs include strong wine knowledge, industry sales expe-
compensation is 50 times that of the annual compensation of all its rience, ability to manage distributors and the ability to open new business
employees. with all avenues of the trade to include both on- and off-premise, Hill said.
Companies are required to describe the methodology used to Bardessono said candidates do come from non-wine industry companies,
evaluate the pay ratio. such as Procter & Gamble or Clorox. They dont want to market toothbrushes
Chief Executive Officer
People for
the Job
General Manager
anymore. They want something that has a story and passion and intrigue,
Bardessono said. Marketing, for example, for the first time in many years, is
starting to come back into demand.
Andrain, of The Cypress Group, said her clients are acutely aware of the
opportunity and the challenges in this current business environment and
recognize the importance of strategic vision and tactical execution.
They are seeking the talent and rewarding the talent that sees where the
puck is moving and can help their business thrive and stay ahead of the curve.
They recognize that their businesses are propelled forward by their people.
Boutique wineries want candidates with experience because unlike large
wine production companies they lack training programs, recruiters said.
The smaller the winery, the lesser the resources, the less time to train,
Bardessono said.
Recruiters said they continue to enlist sales and marketing candidates
for companies based in Asia, Europe, New Zealand, Australia and South
America. These companies usually want representatives to sell their wines in
the United States.
than in 2015. Wine club managers salaries averaged $63,700, a 0.5 percent
decrease over the previous year.
I believe in many cases these jobs are combined and theyre making
more, said Parker, whose clients usually are small to medium size wineries.
For example, wine club managers are often tasked with many of the same
jobs a special events coordinator would organize.
Bardessono said candidates for tasting room staff positions and wine club
managers include people with retail backgrounds with such companies as
Williams-Sonoma, where customers are greeted as soon as they walk into the
door. Those kind of people are an easy transition into wine because as soon
as you walk into a winery you want to be acknowledged.
There are not enough really good DTC, wine club, retail strategy-oriented
candidates with wine industry experience, she said.
Wine Club Manager
Silvestri said wineries are hiring managers with a luxury hospital back-
ground, who bring fresh, creative ideas to their wineries. I think they will
always be looking for the newest tends, she said of her clients.
Each winery wants to provide a unique experience, Silvestri said.
Vineyard Manager
Vineyard manager salaries overall increased by 1.2 percent over the past
year, to about $92,200. Vineyard managers who work for wineries that
produce less than 50,000 cases were paid the most: about $100,700 a year
(F I G U R E 4 ). Those working at large-size wine production companies with
more than 500,000 cases a year received smaller paychecks. They were paid
about $85,900 a year.
Vineyard managers who work for wineries that produce less than 50,000
cases a year earned the most money annually if they worked for companies Call 831-524-0017 or email mads.svenningsen@admeo.us
that produce between 25,000 and 49,000 cases per year, according to the
separate, small winery salary data; these managers were paid about $65,000
a year (F I G U R E 3 ).
A winery that produces fewer than 2,499 cases a year on average paid
vineyard managers the least, about $51,500 a year, according to the survey Vineyard Manager
(F I G U R E 3 ).
Parker said vineyard managers salaries in California in general are trending Vineyard Manager
upwards. Its very brand-driven, she said. CASE PRODUCTION AVERAGE SALARY MEDIAN SALARY
Candidates need to have vineyard and managerial experience. They also Under 50,000 $100,723 $94,390
need business skills, a trend that has evolved over the past five years. These 50,000 to 99,999 $87,304 $80,000
skills include knowing how to do spreadsheets, data manipulation and make 100,000 to 499,999 $94,985 $96,349
projections, including harvest projections. Over 500,000 $85,924 $86,500
FIGURE 5: 2016 Annual Base Pay by Position, Region and Winery Size (Under 50,000 cases)
Tasting Room Wine Club Vineyard
Region Winemaker Top Sales Manager Manager Manager Office Manager
SOURCE: 2016 WBM Salary Survey and Western Management Group (see Methodology for regional descriptions).
The Obama administration this year unveiled new federal rules that boost Federal officials stress employers are not required to convert salaried
the wages of about 4.2 million salaried workers. employees to hourly workers in order to calculate overtime pay.
Under the new requirements, which become effective Dec. 1, California employers already pay overtime wages to exempt workers
employees who earn less than $47,476 a year, or $913 a week, receive earning less than $41,600 a year. Under state law, workers are also
overtime premium pay if they work more than 40 hours a week. The eligible for overtime pay if they work more than eight hours a day.
current threshold is $23,660 a year, or $455 a week. The new thresholds Retail and food service managerial positions are expected to be the
will be updated every three years. most affected. Most wine salaried executives earn more than the $47,476
Employers options include either paying employees time-and-a-half annual salary threshold.
more for overtime work, boosting employees salaries to the new According to the latest Wine Business Monthly Salary Survey,
$47,476 threshold to retain the workers exempt status, or limiting their employees who earn less than $47,476 a year include tasting room staff
employees work week to 40 hours or eight hours a day. and cellar workers. The average salary of a tasting room employee was
about $33,000 a year and that of a cellar worker, about $40,000.
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For this survey, Wine Business Monthly partnered with an independent consulting
firm that specializes in compensation and salary surveys. The firm, Western
Management Group, in Los Gatos, California, has conducted this salary survey
since 1991. For more information, visit www.wmgnet.com or call 408-399-4900 x
228, Donna Bowman Survey Director.
The data was collected with an effective date of February 1, 2016. (Data is based
on annual cash payments earned for the most recent completed plan year.)
For the under 50,000 cases data, this survey polled 334 wineries: 20.0 percent
of the surveyed wineries produce fewer than 2,499 cases, 25.3 percent produce
between 2,500 and 4,999 cases, 23.7 percent produce between 5,000 and 9,999
cases, and 22.3 percent produce more than 10,000 cases to 24,999, and 8.7 percent
between 25,000 to 49,999.
Geographically, 27.9 percent of these respondents were from Napa County, 13.5
percent from Sonoma County, 25.4 percent from Californias Central Coast, 4.4
percent Other California, 6.3 percent Oregon, 3.3 percent Washington, and 19.2
percent from all other states.
Regions include the following states: Mid-Atlantic (DC, DE, MD, NC, SC, VA,
WV), Midwest (IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, SD, WI), Northeast
(CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT), Northwest (ID, OR, WA), California-Other (all
areas that are not Sonoma County, Napa Valley or Central Coast).