The Rain in Spain

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a EI 3 3 3 a a a a a a a 5 3 3 5 a s a s a a a a a a a a a 3 i ’ i 38 TRIO- (Eliza, Higgins and Pickering) “THE RAIN IN SPAIN" MOGINS:_ Now, try Hagan ELIZA. The ruin in Spain tape mainty inthe plain MiGoiNs:, Waateas at? ELIZA. Tre rainin Spain stays malnly inte pais HiocINs, hein ncetss ELIZA. The rain in Spain stays main - ly in the plain. OTT Ahink she's got it! Tthiok she's ‘Tempo di Habsnera eee Cy x lz ape eR Sete HSS iz - Higgins € Sor ay ors eit 6 _ he rvin. im Spainstays main « ly in the Fis a = oS a5 - aed —+ covitt By Cevenrsshes got i Sings Higgins Eliza On the plaint And wheres that sog - gy plain?. ante chappei TER j €l Higgins . ee Spun! ey The tin ped ey Higgins 27 Poco pita mosso . ee —— = + eS re —_— = = = = = Cee ir re : | ee? |e | Sa a Bae SSS Eliza epg Kenton Eliza(Spoten = aie SRS aS ia PRIS BE === =e Hagin 35, - = SE 2 === = Say Ss eu] CO ee ee ey Higgins Eliza And wheres that Blas «tea Eliza, Higgins and Pickerin 43 Ancora pit animato The rain. in Spaiastays main - ty in the laine by ee ry t dy | if The in in Spainstays main = ly inthe _ plain’ % Mete es eB : ee z Het Fito Se we ee Z ae yee S44] sats9 Chappel aoe. inonerse tte SSS SSS | 2 7 wane a fh ede leet pttiectbeet AUL-TURER: 0 J —— . say soo et ey Hviatogee) Chappell Teg 59 Zz 6 Is SONG—(Eliza,) (with Ist & 2nd Maids and Mrs. Pearce) "1 COULD HAVE DANCED ALL NIGHT” Cue; srs, PEARCE: You've all been working much too hard. I think the strain is begining to show, Eliza,1 don't care what Nr. Higgins says, you must put down your books and goto bed, Eliza Allegro molto = 1 could-nt go to bed! My Daempre staccato ds too light to ty to set it down! 8 = as SSS SS Tg | aancee an night!____. Treoutdhave danced all night And ene nee ee ae TST SE ee at mecaral pion Teste + a i Pipi pur net ee Teg gf sees eae = TEKKEN AAA AAA AAA AAnnannnnnnnt = = ot fen. ten. ton, ELIZ 1 on- ly ten. fon. ten. Len. tem, len suit De-gan to dance win me, a 4 . 1 couldbave danced danced, —_—— a tempo ~ _ 45 Listesso tempo danced, ight! ng 6 Eliza T could have Ast Maid 2nd Maid Both = I's at-terthree,now, Dost you a-gree,now, SHeought to be arg, in bed? muted Tot oe eo aus CChappett

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