Romantic Music History
Romantic Music History
Romantic Music History
Romantic Era
Aspects of Romanticism in music & art
He speaks Classical
the language of
Mozart & Haydn
9 symphonies
16 string quartets
32 piano sonatas
5 piano concertos
1 violin concerto
1 opera
Symphony No. 5 in C minor, 1st mvt.
Dramatic, even violent, but still in a
perfectly structured sonata form
All 4 movements unified by famous
short-short-short-long motif
Textbook CD example
Symphony No. 6 The Pastoral
5 movements, each with a descriptive title
Pastoral with a sublime storm
Goya, Executions of the Third of May, 1808
p. 340
Odd Textbook CD
Schubert, Erlkonig 1815 (Goethe)
(Narrator) (Narrator)
Wer reitet so spt durch Nacht und Wind? Who rides so late through the night and
Es ist der Vater mit seinem Kind; wind?
Er hat den Knaben wohl in dem Arm, It is a father with his child;
Er fasst ihn sicher, er hlt ihn warm. he has the boy close in his arm,
he holds him tight, he keeps him warm.
"Mein Sohn, was birgst du so bang dein (Father)
Gesicht?" "My son, why do you hide your face in
(Son) (Son)
"Siehst, Vater, du den Erlknig nicht? "Father, don't you see the Erlking?
Den Erlknig mit Kron' und Schweif?" The Erlking with his crown and train?"
"Mein Sohn, es ist ein Nebelstreif." (Father)
"My son, it is a streak of mist."
(Erlking) (Erlking)
"Du liebes Kind, komm geh mit mir! "You dear child, come with me!
Gar schne Spiele spiel' ich mit dir; I'll play very lovely games with you.
Manch' bunte Blumen sind an dem Strand; There are lots of colourful flowers by the
Meine Mutter hat manch' glden Gewand." shore;
my mother has some golden robes."
"Mein Vater, mein Vater, und (Son)
hrest du nicht, "My father, my father, don't you
Was Erlknig mir leise verspricht?" hear
the Erking whispering promises to
(Father) me?"
"Sei ruhig, bleibe ruhig, mein Kind;
In drren Blttern suselt der
Wind." "Be still, stay calm, my child;
(Erlking) it's the wind rustling in the dry
"Willst, feiner Knabe, du mit mir leaves."
Meine Tchter sollen dich warten (Erlking)
schn; "My find lad, do you want to come
Meine Tchter fhren den with me?
nchtlichen Reih'n My daughters will take care of you;
Und wiegen und tanzen und my daughters lead the nightly
singen dich ein." dance,
and they'll rock and dance and sing
(Son) you to sleep."
"Mein Vater, mein Vater, und
siehst du nicht dort,
Erlknigs Tchter am dsteren "My father, my father, don't you see
Ort?" the Erlking's daughters over there
in the shadows?"
(Father) (Father)
"Mein Sohn, mein Sohn, ich "My son, my son, I see it clearly,
seh' es genau, it's the gray sheen of the old willows."
Es scheinen die alten Weiden
so grau." (Erlking)
(Erlking) "I love you, your beautiful form
"Ich liebe dich, mich reizt deine delights me!
And if you're not willing, then I'll use
schne Gestalt,
Und bist du nicht willig, so
brauch ich Gewalt."
"My father, my father, now he's
"Mein Vater, mein Vater, jetzt fasst
grasping me!
er mich an!
The Erlking has hurt me!"
Erlknig hat mir ein Leids getan!"
Dem Vater grauset's, er reitet (Narrator)
geschwind, The father shudders, he rides swiftly,
Er hlt in Armen das chzende he holds the moaning child in his
Kind, arms;
Erreicht den Hof mit Mh und Noth; with effort and urgency he reaches
the courtyard:
In seinen Armen das Kind war tot. in his arms the child was dead.
Textbook CD example
Symphonie Fantastique
- idee fixe
- themes not worked-out in the
German way; emphasis on
effects and color
- 1831
I. Reveries Passions
A young musician, afflicted with "undirected emotionalism,"
sees the woman of his dreams and falls hopelessly in love . . .
II. A Ball
III. Scene in the Country
Textbook CD example
(Dies irae traditional text and chant melody,
part of the requiem mass for the dead)
The Ring over 18 hours of
Tristan und Isolde
A little break from The Ring
Previously tries to integrate
all arts into single theatrical
experience; changes his
mind Music reigns
Tristan und Isolde
- wrote the words
- wrote the music
- designed the sets
- designed the costumes
- directed the stage action
total artist
Designed and built theater at
see p. 361
Tristan und Isolde (1865)