Competency 7
Competency 7
Competency 7
Assess individuals, families, groups, organizations,
and communities
Develop mutually Each client has three milestone
agreed-on intervention periods,(30 day/60 day/90 day),
as a requirement of the
goals and objectives
intervention in order to
based on the critical successfully complete the
assessment of strengths, program.
needs, and challenges These milestone implement that
within clients and the client has been on track
constituencies reaching their goals and shows
positive reinforcement of
positive behavior.
Assess individuals, families, groups, organizations,
and communities
Select appropriate Based on the clients
intervention strategies psychological, mental, and
physical status, the Director,
based on the assessment,
TASC Coordinator, and CBI
research knowledge, and Counselor will determine which
values, and preferences intervention will best fit the
of clients and client and provide him/her with
constituencies. the best service possible.