Competency 7

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Competency 7

Field Work Integrative Seminar

Courtney Holt
Assess individuals, families, groups, organizations,
and communities
Collect and organize Majority of the clients who are
data, and apply critical partaking in the ORC
curriculum, often ask questions
thinking to interpret
about the benefit of the
information from clients program and how does the
and constituencies program enhance their ability
for employment.
I have realized that the ones
who ask questions, and seek
answers tend to be more
successful in the program.
Assess individuals, families, groups, organizations,
and communities
Apply knowledge of human In the CBI courses, I talk with
clients about how their
behavior and the social
environment is predominant
environment, factor in their decision
person-in-environment, making.
and other The intervention process aims
to provide the clients with the
multidisciplinary right tools in order for them
theoretical frameworks to separate themselves from a
in interventions with negative or detrimental
clients and environment.

Assess individuals, families, groups, organizations,
and communities
Develop mutually Each client has three milestone
agreed-on intervention periods,(30 day/60 day/90 day),
as a requirement of the
goals and objectives
intervention in order to
based on the critical successfully complete the
assessment of strengths, program.
needs, and challenges These milestone implement that
within clients and the client has been on track
constituencies reaching their goals and shows
positive reinforcement of
positive behavior.
Assess individuals, families, groups, organizations,
and communities
Select appropriate Based on the clients
intervention strategies psychological, mental, and
physical status, the Director,
based on the assessment,
TASC Coordinator, and CBI
research knowledge, and Counselor will determine which
values, and preferences intervention will best fit the
of clients and client and provide him/her with
constituencies. the best service possible.

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