Mitosis Vs Meiosis
Mitosis Vs Meiosis
Mitosis Vs Meiosis
Cells divide and reproduce in two ways: mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis is
a process of cell division that results in two genetically identical
daughter cells developing from a single parent cell. Meiosis, on the
other hand, is the division of a germ cell involving two fissions of the
nucleus and giving rise to four gametes, or sex cells, each possessing
half the number of chromosomes of the original cell.
Comparison chart
Meiosis Mitosis
Type of Sexual Asexual
Crossing Over Yes, mixing of chromosomes can No, crossing over cannot occur.
Meiosis Mitosis
producing two haploid cells. resulting diploid cell.
Pairing of Yes No
Number of 2 1
Creates Sex cells only: female egg cells or male Makes everything other than sex
sperm cells. cells.
Though both types of cell division are found in many animals, plants, and fungi,
mitosis is more common than meiosis and has a wider variety of functions. Not
only is mitosis responsible for asexual reproduction in single-celled organisms,
but it is also what enables cellular growth and repair in multicellular organisms,
such as humans. In mitosis, a cell makes an exact clone of itself. This process is
what is behind the growth of children into adults, the healing of cuts and bruises,
and even the regrowth of skin, limbs, and appendages in animals like geckos
and lizards.
Meiosis is a more specific type of cell division (of germ cells, in particular) that
results in gametes, either eggs or sperm, that contain half of the chromosomes
found in a parent cell. Unlike mitosis with its many functions, meiosis has a
narrow but significant purpose: assisting sexual reproduction. It is the process
that enables children to be related but still different from their two parents.
In mitosis, the end product is two cells: the original parent cell and a new,
genetically identical daughter cell. Meiosis is more complex and goes through
additional phases to create four genetically different haploid cells which then
have the potential to combine and form a new, genetically diverse diploid
Stages of Mitosis
The spindle fibers begin to shorten during anaphase, pulling the sister
chromatids apart at their centromeres. These split chromosomes are dragged
toward the centrosomes found at opposite ends of the cell, making many of the
chromatids briefly appear "V" shaped. The two split portions of the cell are
officially known as "daughter chromosomes" at this point in the cell cycle.
Telophase is the final phase of mitotic cell division. During telophase, the
daughter chromosomes attach to their respective ends of the parent cell.
Previous phases are repeated, only in reverse. The spindle apparatus dissolves,
and nuclear membranes form around the separated daughter chromosomes.
Within these newly formed nuclei, the chromosomes uncoil and return to a
chromatin state.
Stages of Meiosis
There are two primary meiosis stages in which cell division occurs: meiosis 1
and meiosis 2. Both primary stages have four stages of their own. Meiosis 1 has
prophase 1, metaphase 1, anaphase 1, and telophase 1, while meiosis 2 has
prophase 2, metaphase 2, anaphase 2, and telophase 2. Cytokinesis plays a
role in meiosis, too; however, as in mitosis, it is a separate process from meiosis
itself, and cytokinesis shows up at a different point in the division.
In meiosis 1, a germ cell divides into two haploid cells (halving the number of
chromosomes in the process), and the main focus is on the exchange of similar
genetic material (e.g., a hair gene; see also genotype vs phenotype). In meiosis
2, which is quite similar to mitosis, the two diploid cells further divide into
four haploid cells.
Stages of Meiosis I
Anaphase 1 is when the tetrads are pulled apart from each other, with half
the pairs going to one side of the cell and the other half going to the opposite
side. It is important to understand that whole chromosomes are moving in this
process, not chromatids, as is the case in mitosis.
Stages of Meiosis II
In prophase 2, centrosomes form and push apart in the two new cells. A
spindle apparatus develops, and the cells' nuclear membranes dissolve.
Spindle fibers connect to chromosome centromeres in metaphase 2 and
line the chromosomes up along the cell equator.