Drug Study: Carbocisteine, Paracetamol, Ampicillin. Gentamicin

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Drug Mode of Dosage Indication Contraindicatio Side Effects Nursing

Name Action n Responsibilities

Carbociste Reduces the 1-3 yr 1-1 ½ Adjunctive therapy for chronic Active peptic rash, bleeding from Obtain pt’s history
ine viscosity of tsp 8 disorder of the resp tract ulcer. the stomach or of cough before
bronchial hrly. (5ml) associated w/ excessive or intestine, diarrhea, therapy and
secretions viscous mucus eg in chronic nausea and vomiting, reassess after giving
and facilitate bronchitis, COPD & otitis headache, stomach the drug
prostaglandin media w/ effusions upset, allergic, sore
synthesis at including glue ear. throat, weight gain Assess cough:
the CNS but and also pain in the type, frequency,
does not muscles and the character, including
have joints sputum: provide
antiinflamma adequate hydration
tory to 2L/day to
action decrease viscosity of
because of its secretions
effect Monitor for
on peripheral possible adverse
prostaglandin reactions: CNS:
synthesis. drowsiness,
dizziness GI:
nausea, vomiting,
abdominal pain

Discuss on detail
all information
regarding the drug
Paracetam Decreases 0-20 mg/kg 4- Mild to Hypersensitivity. hives, rash, short Assess pt.’s fever
ol fever by 6 hrly. moderate pain eg headache, to breath or pain.
inhibiting the othache, myalgias. Fever. As
effects of alternative to aspirin in patients Assess allergic
pyrogens on w/ viral infection,peptic reactions.
the ulcer disease, bronchial
hypothalamic asthma & bleeding disorders Monitor liver and
heat renal functions.
centers and Check input and
by output ratio.
hypothalamic Assess for chronic
action poisoning.
leading to
sweating and
Ampicillin Ampicillin is 150-300 Treatment of UTI, otitis Hypersensitivity nausea, vomiting, los Culture infected area
used to treat mg/kg body media, sinusitis, bronchitis, to penicillin. s of appetite, before treatment;
a wide wt daily in uncomplicated community- Glandular fever diarrhea, abdominal reculture area if
variety of divided doses acquired of lymphatic pain, response is not as
bacterial pneumonia, Haemophilus leukemia. rash, itching, headach expected.
infections. It influenzae infections, e, confusion and
is a penicillin- invasive salmonellosis & dizziness. Check IV site
type listerial meningitis. carefully for signs
antibiotic. It of thrombosis or
works by drug reaction.
stopping the
growth of Do not give IM
bacteria. injections in the
same site; atrophy
can occur. Monitor
injection site.

Administer oral
drumg on an
empty stomach, 1
hr before o 2 hrs
after meals with
a full glass of water;
do not give with
fruit juice or soft
Gentamici Gentamicin Children: 6 to To reduce the development of Hypersensitivity Nausea, vomiting, Before injecting the
n belongs to a 7.5 drug-resistant bacteria and to gentamicin is stomach upset, or drug check for Site of
class of drugs mg/kg/day. (2 maintain the effectiveness of a contraindicati loss of appetite may infection; skin color,
known as to 2.5 mg/kg Gentamicin Injection on to its use occur. lesions; orientation,
aminoglycosi administered Pain/irritation/rednes reflexes, eighth cranial
de every 8 s may occur at the nerve function; P, BP;
antibiotics. It hours.) injection site. R, adventitious sounds;
works by bowel sounds, liver
killing the Infants and evaluation;
bacteria that Neonates: 7.5 urinalysis, BUN, serum
causes the mg/kg/day. creatinine, serum
infection. (2.5 mg/kg electrolytes, liver
administered function tests, CBC
every 8
hours.) Cleanse area before
application of

Ensure adequate
hydration of patient
before and during

Monitor renal function

tests, CBCs, serum drug
levels during long-term
Consult with prescriber
to adjust dosage

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