ALU 4 Bit Verilog

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Bach Khoa University

Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Department of Electronics Engineering


Lab 2 report : Design a 4-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit

Instructor : Dr. Trn Hong Linh

Student : Hong Minh Nhng 1412770
Submission Date : Mar, 2017
1. Objective
The objective of this lab are review the sequential logic, apply knowledge
to design a simple 4-bit ALU using HDL and then simulate the result that
designed with ModelSim.
2. ALU specification
Design a simple ALU following:
- Length of the parameters is 4 bits
- The input of ALU involved of 3 funtion-selects are M, S0 and S1
- The instruction set :
M S0 S1 function Description
0 0 0 Ai.Bi AND
0 0 1 Ai+Bi OR
0 1 0 Ai (+) Bi XOR
0 1 1 ~( Ai (+) Bi) XNOR
1 0 0 A+C0 Add A to Carry
1 0 1 A+B+C0 Add A to B and Carry
1 1 0 A+B+C0 Add A to B and Carry
1 1 1 A+B+C0 Add A to B and Carry

- Block Diagram of the ALU :

- Result of the design process must a logic circuit that can implement in
reality with minimum of hardware resource

3. Procedures
- In a simple ALU consist of 2 modules: AU ( Arithmetic Unit) and LU
( Logic Unit) so we can split the ALU into two parts to design and
then using a MUX 2:1 for the output.

3.1 Design the 4-bit Arithmetic Unit

Fist at all, we notice that all the instructions is involved with addition
operation so we have to build a 4-bit full adder module and then use gates to
change the values of full-adders input correspondingly.
So, with this idea, I made a truth-table of the full-adders inputs:
S0 S1 A A_adde note
0 0 0 0 A+C_in
0 0 1 1 A+C_in
0 1 0 0 A+B+C_in
0 1 1 1 A+B+C_in
1 0 0 0 A+B+C_in
1 0 1 1 A+B+C_in
1 1 0 1 A+B+C_in
1 1 1 0 A+B+C_in
S0 S1 B B_adde note
0 0 0 0 A+C_in, B_add=0
0 0 1 0 A+C_in, B_add=0
0 1 0 0 A+B+C_in
0 1 1 1 A+B+C_in
1 0 0 1 A+B+C_in
1 0 1 0 A+B+C_in
1 1 0 0 A+B+C_in
1 1 1 1 A+B+C_in

According to the truth table, We use Karnaugh map to make a Boolean

equations and simplify it, thus:.

A adder = A (S 0 . S1 )

B adder =S0 . S 1 . B+
S1 . B

Code Verilog HDL for Arithmetic Unit :

/* Arithmetic Unit function */
module AU( Out, Co, S0, S1, A, B, Ci ) ;
output [3:0] Out ;
output Co ;
input [3:0] A, B ;
input S0, S1, Ci ;
wire [3:0] A_in, B_in ;
preAU pre0(A_in[0], B_in[0], S0, S1, A[0], B[0]); //calculate
inputs of full
preAU pre1(A_in[1], B_in[1], S0, S1, A[1], B[1]); //adder
corresponding with
preAU pre2(A_in[2], B_in[2], S0, S1, A[2], B[2]); //opcode S0
and S1
preAU pre3(A_in[3], B_in[3], S0, S1, A[3], B[3]);
Fulladder_4bit add0(Out, Co, A_in, B_in, Ci );
/* this function calculate the input for full adder module correspondingly
module preAU ( A_o, B_o, S0, S1, A, B ) ;
output A_o , B_o ; //A_o , B_o is the inputs of full-adder
input S0, S1, A, B ;
assign A_o = A ^ ( S0 & S1 ),
B_o = ( S0 & ~S1 & ~B) | (S1 & B) ;
/* 4-bit adder function */
module Fulladder_4bit ( SUM, C_out , A, B, C_in) ;
output [3:0] SUM;
output C_out ;
input [3:0] A , B ;
input C_in ;
wire C1, C2, C3 ;
Fulladder_1bit fa_0(SUM[0], C1, A[0], B[0], C_in);
Fulladder_1bit fa_1(SUM[1], C2, A[1], B[1], C1) ;
Fulladder_1bit fa_2(SUM[2], C3, A[2], B[2], C2) ;
Fulladder_1bit fa_3(SUM[3], C_out, A[3], B[3], C3) ;
// Module Ripper Full Adder 1-bit
module Fulladder_1bit(sum, c_out, a, b, c_in);
output sum, c_out ;
input a, b, c_in;
assign sum = a ^ b ^ c_in ;
assign c_out = ( a & b) | ( ( a ^ b) & c_in ) ;

3.2 Design of the 4-bit Logic Unit

Therere a lot of way to make a Logic Unit, for simple and reduce the
amout of transistor needed, I made a truth table for 1-bit ALU with
opcodes S0,S1 correspondingly:
S0 S1 A B LU_out Note
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 AND
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 1 OR
0 1 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 1 XOR
1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 0 1 0 XNOR
1 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1
LU out =S1 ( S 0 ( A+ B )) + AB ( S0 + S 1) + S 0 S1 ( A B)

We use 4 module 1-bit LU for 4-bit LU.

Code Verilog HDL for 4-bit Logic Unit:

/* Logic Unit function */
module LU( Lu_out, A, B, S0, S1);
output [3:0] Lu_out ;
input [3:0] A, B ;
input S0, S1 ;

LU_1bit Logic1(Lu_out[0], S0, S1, A[0], B[0] );

LU_1bit Logic2(Lu_out[1], S0, S1, A[1], B[1] );
LU_1bit Logic3(Lu_out[2], S0, S1, A[2], B[2] );
LU_1bit Logic4(Lu_out[3], S0, S1, A[3], B[3] );

/* 1-bit LU function */
module LU_1bit ( F0, S0, S1, Ai, Bi);
output F0 ;
input S0, S1, Ai, Bi ;
assign F0 = (S1 & (S0 ^ ( Ai | Bi ) ) ) |
((Ai & Bi ) & ( ~S0 | S1) ) |
((S0 & ~S1 ) & ( Ai ^ Bi )) ;

3.3 Design a 4 bit Mux 2:1
According to two above designed module ( AU and LU), both of AU and
LU will work concurently because is not depend on M ( bit-select). So,
we have to buid a Mux 2:1 to choose the output that we expected.
The idea is we will buid a 4 modules Mux 2:1 bit for 4 bit inout with
common bit select (M).
Mux 2:1 :

( L U out [i]) + M ( A U out [i])

Fout [ i ] = M


module mux2to1_4bit( F , A, B, M) ;
output [3:0] F ;
input [3:0] A, B ;
input M ;

assign F[0] = (~M & A[0] ) | (M & B[0]),

F[1] = (~M & A[1] ) | (M & B[1]),
F[2] = (~M & A[2] ) | (M & B[2]),
F[3] = (~M & A[3] ) | (M & B[3]) ;
// respectively
3.4 Final ALU module
After made the sub-modules completely, were gonna combine all of
those to main ALU module with full of inputs and outputs that exercise
required :
module ALU_4bit(F, Cout, A, B, Cin, S0, S1 , M );
output [3:0] F ; // F is 4-bit output of ALU
output Cout ; //Cout is ouput Carry of ALU for Arithmetic
input [3:0] A, B ;
input Cin, S0, S1, M ;
wire [3:0] Lu_out , AU_out ;
wire co ;
LU lu1 (Lu_out , A , B , S0, S1 ) ;
AU au1 (AU_out , Cout, S0, S1, A , B , Cin ) ;
Mux2to1_4bit mux1 ( F, Lu_out, AU_out, M ) ;
assign Cout = co & M ; //to ensure Cout always equa zero in LU
3.5 Test file and results
The module below is test module, simulating in ModelSim.
module stimulus ;
reg [3:0] A, B ;
reg c_in ;
reg [2:0] opcode ;
wire [3:0] F_out ;
wire c_out ;

ALU_4bit alu1( F_out, c_out, A, B, c_in, opcode[1], opcode[0],

opcode[2] ) ;

opcode = 3'b000 ; A = 4'd12 ; B = 4'd9 ; c_in =1'b0 ;
#50 opcode = 3'b001 ; A = 4'd8 ; B = 4'd5 ; c_in =1'b0 ; //OR
#50 opcode = 3'b010 ; A = 4'd7 ; B = 4'd6 ; c_in =1'b0 ; //XOR
#50 opcode = 3'b011 ; A = 4'd8 ; B = 4'd5 ; c_in =1'b0 ;
#50 opcode = 3'b100 ; A = 4'd7 ; B = 4'd4 ; c_in =1'b0 ; //A+C
#50 opcode = 3'b101 ; A = 4'd2 ; B = 4'd9 ; c_in =1'b1 ;
#50 opcode = 3'b110 ; A = 4'd15; B = 4'd9 ; c_in =1'b0 ;
#50 opcode = 3'b111 ; A = 4'd2 ; B = 4'd13 ; c_in =1'b1 ;

Waveforms result:

Truth table of above simulation result :

M S0 S1 A B C_i F_out C_o note

n ut
0 0 0 1100 1001 0 1000B 0 A and B
0 0 1 1000 0101 0 1101B 0 A or B
0 1 0 0111 0110 0 0001B 0 A xor B
0 1 1 1000 0101 0 0010B 0 A xnor B
1 0 0 7H 4H 0 7H 0 A+C
1 0 1 2H 9H 1 CH 0 A+B+C
1 1 0 FH 9H 0 5H 1 A+B+C
1 1 1 2H DH 1 BH 1 A+B+C

So, according to the result of simulation wave-form,wee see that the ALU has
worked correctly. All of results as we expected.
4. Conclusion & Discussion
- The Lab has finished with correct results.
- The ALU is an important part of every CPU. I learnt how to produre
different arithmetic and logic function by divide it into smaller parts
and then design one by one from idea to logic gate and then test the
idea with Verilog HDL and simulate with ModelSim.
- Actually, the design in my lab above is not the best way to make a
ALU. For instance, we can use the full-adder with carry look-ahead
instead of ripple full-adder for the best performative
- The lab helped me review and enhance my poor knowledge about
digital design. Its very interesting and Im gonna study harder for

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