Openpiton Simulation Manual: Wentzlaff Parallel Research Group Princeton University Openpiton@Princeton - Edu
Openpiton Simulation Manual: Wentzlaff Parallel Research Group Princeton University Openpiton@Princeton - Edu
Openpiton Simulation Manual: Wentzlaff Parallel Research Group Princeton University Openpiton@Princeton - Edu
Princeton University
Revision History
Revision Date Author(s) Description
1.0 06/10/15 MM Initial version
2.0 04/01/16 MM Second version
2.1 04/03/16 WPRG Third version
2.2 10/21/16 MM Updates for new release
2.3 09/21/17 JB Updates for new simulators
1 Introduction 1
4 Environment Setup 8
5 Simulation 9
5.1 Simulation Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5.1.1 Types of Simulation Models . . . . . . . . 11
5.1.2 Building a Simulation Model . . . . . . . . 13
5.1.3 Configuring the manycore Simulation Model 15 Configuring the Number of Tiles 15 Configuring Cache Parameters . 15
5.2 Running a Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.2.1 Assembly Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.2.2 C Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5.2.3 Unit Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.2.4 sims Simulation Run Flow/Steps . . . . . 19
5.3 Running Advanced Simulations Using the manycore
Simulation Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5.3.1 Specifying Number of Threads and Thread
Mapping for a Simulation . . . . . . . . . 22
5.3.2 Specifying Monitor Arguments for a Sim-
ulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.3.3 Debugging Simulations with sims . . . . . 24
5.4 Running a Regression Suite . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5.5 Running a Continuous Integration Bundle . . . . 26
5.6 Determining Test Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
A sims manpage 28
B contint manpage 50
References 52
List of Figures
1 OpenPiton Directory Structure . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Unit testing infrastructure source-sink model . . . 12
3 sims Simulation Model Build Flow/Steps . . . . . 14
4 sims Simulation Model Run Flow/Steps . . . . . 20
List of Tables
2 Common file extensions/naming conventions . . . 6
3 OpenPiton Simulation Models . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4 OpenPiton Regression Suites . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5 OpenPiton Continuous Integration Bundles . . . . 26
1 Introduction
This document introduces the OpenPiton simulation infrastruc-
ture and how it is used to configure and run simulations. It also
discusses the OpenPiton test suite, how to add new tests, and
how to determine test coverage. Some of the information in this
document is based on the OpenSPARC T1 Processor Design and
Verification User Guide [1].
The OpenPiton processor is a scalable, configurable, open-source
implementation of the Piton processor, designed and taped-out
at Princeton University by the Wentzlaff Parallel Research Group
in March 2015. The RTL is scalable up to half a billion cores, it
is written in Verilog HDL, and a large test suite (∼8000 tests)
is provided for simulation and verification. The infrastructure is
also designed to be configurable, enabling configuration of the
number of tiles, sizes of structures, type of interconnect, etc.
Extensibility is another key goal, making it easy for users to ex-
tend the current infrastructure and explore research ideas. We
hope for OpenPiton to be a useful tool to both researchers and
industry engineers in exploring and designing future manycore
This document covers the following topics:
to-date information, please check the OpenPiton website, www.
• Ubuntu 12.10
• Ubuntu 14.04*
• Ubuntu 16.04*
• Springdale Linux (Custom Red Hat distro) 6.6/6.8
2.4 Job Queue Managers
• vcs mx I-2014.03
• vcs mx vL-2016.06
• Cadence Incisive Unified Simulator 08.20-s028
• Icarus Verilog 10.1.1
does not support the full range of PLI used by OpenPiton and
as such some assembly tests and simulation monitors are not
own directory hierarchy within build/ to further organize your
working space, it is yours to customize.
All of the OpenPiton documentation is kept in the docs/ di-
rectory. It is conveniently distributed all in one place with the
OpenPiton download. The most up to date documentation is
also available on our website,
The piton/ directory contains all of the design files, verifica-
tion files, and scripts. It is therefore logically broken down into
design/, verif/, and tools/ directories.
The design/ directory contains all synthesizeable Verilog for
OpenPiton and is broken down into several subdirectories: chip/,
chipset/, common/, fpga tests, and include/. Within these
four subdirectories, the directory hierarchy follows the major
points in the design’s module hierarchy. In addition to Verilog
design files, these directories contain flist files, which list Verilog
files for a given design and are referenced by simulation tools to
determine which Verilog files are needed to build portions of the
The chip/ directory contains the Verilog design files for a scal-
able, configurable OpenPiton chip, please see the OpenPiton
Microarchitecture Manual for more details on the design. The
chipset/ directory contains the Verilog design files for the chipset
FPGA portion of the OpenPiton system which communicates
to an OpenPiton chip through the chip/fpga bridge and pro-
vides access to main memory, multiplexes memory-mapped I/O,
and routes packets between OpenPiton chips (see OpenPiton Mi-
croarchitecture Manual for more details). The common/ directory
includes Verilog design files common to other top-level subdirec-
tories within the design/ directory. The fpga tests/ directory
contains Verilog design files for a number of top-level designs
which test different portions of the design on FPGA, such as
I/O and memory controllers. The include/ directory contains
Verilog files which define global macros for OpenPiton. These
macros are used to set parameters for different portions of the
All scripts and tools used in the OpenPiton infrastructure reside
in the tools/ directory. We will not document in detail the
scripts and tools, other than how to use them, which is what the
following sections of this document are about. There are a few
locations worth pointing out within the tools/ directory: the
location of the sims configuration files, tools/src/sims/, and
the contint configuration files, tools/src/contint/. The use
of the configuration files within will be explained in Section 5.
Last, the verif/ directory houses all verification files. This in-
cludes assembly and C tests, or diags, unit tests, and simulation
models. Within verif/, the diag/ directory contains all assem-
bly and C tests. In addition, it also contains diaglists, which de-
fine parameters for certain tests and define groups of tests, or re-
gressions, and common assembly and C test infrastructure (boot
code, etc.). The env/ directory contains non-synthesizeable Ver-
ilog files (testbenches) needed to build simulation models. For
unit testing simulation models (see Section 5.1.1), the tests are
located within the env/ directory as opposed to the diag/ direc-
tory. In general, the manycore simulation model will run assem-
bly and C tests in the diag/ directory, and all other simulation
models will run based on unit tests in env/. Infrastructure for
unit testing is provided in the env/test infrstrct/ directory
along with a script to quickly and easily generate a new simula-
tion model, env/create
.pyv.h/.pyv.vh Verilog macro definition files with embed-
ded python code. A .pyv.h/.pyv.vh file is
run through the PyHP pre-processor prior
to building simulation models to generate a
.tmp.h/.tmp.vh with the embedded Python code
replaced by the output from executing it. The
.tmp.h/.tmp.vh file is then included from other
Verilog design files and used in building the sim-
ulation model.
.tmp.h/.tmp.vh Temporary Verilog macro definition files
generated by the PyHP pre-processor from
.pyv.h/.pyv.vh files. Python code embedded
in a .pyv.h/.pyv.vh file is replaced by the
output from executing it in the resulting
Flist./.flist Verilog file lists. These are referenced from sim-
ulation model configuration files to determine
which design files are required to build that
.diaglist List of diags, assembly or C tests, which specify
test parameters and make up sims regressions.
.s Assembly file.
.c/.h C implementation and header files.
.pal PAL is a perl framework for generating random-
ized assembly tests. The .pal files are the source
.vmh/vmb Hex/binary Verilog memory files.
.config Configuration files for simulation models. These
specify file lists needed to build a simulation
model, default parameters, build and run argu-
ments, etc.
.xml XML files, generally used by contint to specify
continuous integration bundles.
.py Python scripts.
.log Log files.
.image/.img Memory image files.
.html HTML files.
4 Environment Setup
This section discusses the environment setup for running simula-
tions with OpenPiton. A script is provided, piton/piton settings.bash,
that does most of the work for you, however, there are a few en-
vironment variables that must be set first. Below are a list of
steps to setup the OpenPiton environment for simulation.
variable must point to the root of the Xilinx ISE installa-
tion in order for OpenPiton to use any Xilinx tools and/or
IP. This is mainly relevant to Section ?? of this document
for simulation using Xilinx IP simulation models, but is
more pertinent to topics discussed in the OpenPiton FPGA
Manual. This setup is not necessary if no Xilinx tools or IP
are used (if you don’t plan to use FPGA implementations).
6. (OPTIONAL) In order to run C tests in OpenPiton, a
GCC compiler targeting the SPARC V9 architecture must
be used to compile the tests. Currently, this compiler is
not released with OpenPiton. Thus, the PITON GCC envi-
ronment variable must point to a GCC binary that tar-
gets the SPARC V9 architecture. Please contact us at or on the OpenPiton Google
group if you need help or more information on setting this
7. Run ”source $PITON ROOT/piton/piton settings.bash”
to setup the OpenPiton environment
• Note: A CShell version of this script is provided, but
OpenPiton has not been tested for and currently does
not support CShell.
5 Simulation
Running a simulation with OpenPiton requires two components:
a simulation model and a test. This section will discuss how to
build simulation models, how to run tests on simulation models,
and how to use high-level simulation infrastructure, i.e. regres-
sions and continuous integration bundles.
The sims tool is used to build models, run tests, and run re-
gressions. It uses information from configuration files to setup
a simulation environment and make calls to the Verilog simu-
lator (e.g. Synopsys VCS). It may also call other tools (e.g.
PyHP preprocessor, compiler, assembler, test generation scripts,
etc.) in order to compile tests into the proper format or per-
form other tasks. sims outputs log files, temporary configuration
files, and results files to the current working directory by default,
therefore it is recommended that you call sims from within the
$PITON_ROOT/build directory to keep all temporary/generated
files in one place. The manpage for sims is provided in Ap-
pendix A of this document for convenience.
The contint tool is used to run continuous integration bundles.
It operates similarly to sims and ultimately calls sims to compile
simulation models and run tests. More details on contint will be
discussed in Section 5.5. The manpage for contint is provided
in Appendix B of this document for convenience.
Table 3: OpenPiton Simulation Models
Name Type
manycore C/Assembly
chip fpga bridge Unit Test
dmbr Unit Test
dmbr test Unit Test
fpga chip bridge Unit Test
fpga fpga hpc bridge Unit Test
fpga fpga lpc bridge Unit Test
host fpga comm Unit Test
ifu esl Unit Test
ifu esl counter Unit Test
ifu esl fsm Unit Test
ifu esl htsm Unit Test
ifu esl lfsr Unit Test
ifu esl rtsm Unit Test
ifu esl shiftreg Unit Test
ifu esl stsm Unit Test
jtag testbench Unit Test
memctrl test Unit Test
sdctrl test Unit Test
uart serializer Unit Test
Vector Input Vector Queue
Input vectors
Output vectors
Vector Output Vector Queue
pected value. The input vectors and expected output vectors
are supplied through .vmh/.vmb files, which are read into the
source/sink’s input/output vector queue. The .vmh/.vmb files
are lists of input/output vectors, where each line represents an
entry into the source/sink’s input/output vector queues. Thus,
each line represents an input vector or expected output vector
for a given unit testing simulation cycle. Consequently, tests
for unit testing simulation models are specified by the names of
these .vmh/.vmb files. The .vmh/.vmb files are commonly lo-
cated in $PITON_ROOT/verif/env/<simulation_model_name>
/test_cases and are loaded into the simulation model at run-
time. This allows for many different source-sink .vmh/.vmb file
pairs testing different parts of the design to be run on the same
simulation model.
All simulation models are built the same way, using the sims
tool. In general, the simulation model name is specified through
the -sys=NAME argument. This along with the -vcs build ar-
gument instructs sims to build the simulation model using the
Synopsys VCS Verilog simulator. Build commands for VCS, NC-
Sim, and Icarus Verilog are shown below:
Setup Environment
Set results directory (default is $PWD)
Get/Parse configuration files
Setup/create model directory
Pre-build steps
Generate RTL config file (timescale, etc.) in model dir
Aggregate Flists into model dir (Preprocess Verilog)
Copy aggregated Flist to $PWD
in Section 5.2. After the simulation model is built, the current
working directory is restored to its previous location.
It is also worth noting that any call to sims generates a sims.log
file in the current working directory containing a duplicate of
everything printed to stdout during the execution of that com-
mand. In addition, sims maintains a history file, history.sims
of all commands executed from that directory. These files can
be useful in working with sims in general.
While there are many sims command line arguments to allow
for configuring and controlling the simulation model build pro-
cess, the RTL design, etc., for most simulation models, providing
the -sys=NAME and -vcs build/-ncv build/-icv build argu-
ments is all that is needed. One other argument worth pointing
out for VCS simulation is -debug all, which allows for simula-
tions to be run with the DVE GUI (using the -gui argument
to the simulation run command) for debugging purposes. Please
refer to the sims manpage in Appendix A for a detailed de-
scription of each command line argument. The manycore simu-
lation model provides many configurability options and is thus
discussed in the next section.
configured on both cache size and associativity. This can be done
by specifying the following switches either on the sims command
line or in the config file (eg. manycore.config).
manycore simulation model requires the -x tiles and -y tiles
arguments to be specified if they were specified when building
the simulation model, however this is a special case. Other sim-
ulation models generally do not have required, model-specific,
simulation run arguments. Along with the -sys=NAME argument
and any other arguments required by the simulation model, the
-vcs run/-ncv run/-icv run arguments instruct sims to run a
simulation using VCS/NCSim/Icarus respectively.
One other argument worth mentioning is -gui. This optional
argument requires the -debug all argument to be specified when
building the simulation model, and instructs sims to run the
simulation in the DVE GUI, which enables waveform viewing,
breakpointing, signal tracing, etc. This has only been tested
with VCS.
In the basic case, the last argument that must be supplied is the
simulation stimuli, or the test.
• VCS: sims -sys=manycore -x_tiles=X -y_tiles=Y -vcs_
run princeton-test-test.s
• NCSim: sims -sys=manycore -x_tiles=X -y_tiles=Y -
ncv_run princeton-test-test.s
• Icarus: sims -sys=manycore -x_tiles=X -y_tiles=Y -
icv_run princeton-test-test.s
• VCS: sims -sys=manycore -x_tiles=X -y_tiles=Y -vcs_
run -asm_diag_name=princeton-test-test.s
• NCSim: sims -sys=manycore -x_tiles=X -y_tiles=Y -
ncv_run -asm_diag_name=princeton-test-test.s
• Icarus: sims -sys=manycore -x_tiles=X -y_tiles=Y -
icv_run -asm_diag_name=princeton-test-test.s
All of the provided assembly tests are located in $PITON_ROOT/
piton/verif/diag/assembly. You can trivially locate one you
would like to run, specify it to sims as above, and run a simula-
tion of that test. There are many other arguments available when
running assembly tests which control different parts of the sim-
ulation, i.e. number of threads, maximum simulation cycles, en-
abling/disabling of verification monitors, assembler arguments,
etc. More complex simulation run commands involving these
types of arguments are discussed in Section 5.3.
5.2.2 C Tests
• NCSim: sims -sys=manycore -x_tiles=X -y_tiles=Y -
ncv_run factorial.s
• Icarus: sims -sys=manycore -x_tiles=X -y_tiles=Y -
icv_run factorial.s
Similar to assembly tests, there are many other arguments avail-
able when running C tests allowing for more complex simula-
tions. These arguments apply to both assembly and C tests and
are therefore discussed in Section 5.3.
Unit tests that use the OpenPiton testing infrastructure are lo-
cated within the simulation model directory for which the unit
test applies, $PITON_ROOT/piton/verif/env/<simulation_model_
name>/test_cases. As described in Section 5.1.1, unit tests are
specified by the .vmh/.vmb Verilog memory files. There are gen-
erally two files in the test cases directory associated with each
unit test, one for the source, <unit test name> src.vmh, and
one for the sink, <unit test name> sink.vmh. The <unit test name>
is supplied as a plusarg to the Verilog simulator (e.g. Synopsys
VCS), +test case=<unit test name>. The testing infrastruc-
ture adds the corresponding suffix ( src.vmh or sink.vmh) to
load the source and sink memory files and run the test. In or-
der to do this using sims, the -sim run args=OPTION is used.
This option causes sims to pass the supplied OPTION directly
to the Verilog simulator (e.g. Synopsys VCS). Thus, to run the
test step unit test for the ifu esl counter simulation model,
which has the test step src.vmh and test step sink.vmh files
located within $PITON_ROOT/piton/verif/env/ifu_esl_counter/
test_cases, you would run the following command:
• VCS: sims -sys=ifu_esl_counter -vcs_run -sim_run_
• NCSim: sims -sys=ifu_esl_counter -ncv_run -sim_
• Icarus: sims -sys=ifu_esl_counter -icv_run -sim_run_
The steps invoked when running a simulation with sims are de-
picted in Figure 4. The initial environment setup steps for run-
Setup Environment
Set results directory (default is $PWD)
Get/Parse configuration file
Unit tests
Assembly/C tests
Assemble Test
Find assembly file from command line argument
Copy the test to $PWD (as diag.s)
Extract any simulation options from the test
Construct assembler (midas) command and execute
Post-Process Results
Run any user or model specified post-process
• mem.image - a memory image with the test code and asso-
ciated infrastructure (boot code, interrupt handlers, etc.)
embedded at correct addresses
• midas.log - a log of the assembler run
• symbol.tbl - the symbol table for the test.
The next step is to invoke the Verilog simulator to run the sim-
ulation. In the case of Synopsys VCS, this consists of calling
the simv executable compiled when building the model with a
number of command line arguments. First, sims verifies that
the specified simulation model has been built (simv exists for
Synopsys VCS). The next step is to extract the addresses of the
good and bad trap handler routines from the test symbol table.
This is another step that is skipped for unit tests. Good and bad
traps are special types of traps that are used in tests to indicate
a pass or fail. The addresses are passed to the simulation model
and are used to determine when the test is finished and whether
it passed or failed.
Finally, the Verilog simulation command line is constructed based
on the configuration files and any sims command line options.
For assembly and C tests, the good and bad trap handler ad-
dresses and the assembly test are passed to the Verilog simula-
tor, although the test is actually read into the simulator from
the mem.image file generated by the assembler. For unit tests,
the source and sink memory files to be used are passed directly
from the sims command line to the simulator command line
through the -sim run args=OPTION argument. Lastly, the com-
mand is executed to kick off the simulation, logging the output
to sim.log.
After the simulation completes, any user or model specified post-
processing commands are run. For instance, the manycore sim-
ulation model, i.e. for assembly and C tests, has two post-
processing scripts by default. The manycore simulation model
specifies in its configuration script to run perf and regreport
through the -post process cmd=COMMAND argument. The for-
mer extracts the performance from the simulation log to perf.log
and the latter extracts the pass/fail status of the test to status.log.
These steps are not necessary but provide nice summaries of
what happened in a test. Additional post-processing steps can
be added by the user either via the command line or configura-
tion file.
As always, the sims command for running a simulation generates
a sims.log file which logs all output during the execution of the
command and a history.sims file which logs the history of sims
commands executed from a directory.
For most of the multi-threaded tests in our test suite, you can
specify the total number of software threads and the mapping
from software threads to physical hardware thread units (and
thus cores) for a simulation. By default each core contains two
hardware thread units in OpenPiton, therefore each core can be
mapped with up to two threads. The total number of software
threads can be configured by adding -midas args=-DTHREAD COUNT=thread cou
into simulation run commands. By default, thread mapping
starts with the first core in an incremental order. E.g. if the num-
ber of threads is set to 4 and there are two hardware thread units
per core, the default mapping will map those 4 threads to the first
two cores. Thread mapping can be changed to a regular strided
pattern by adding -midas args=-DTHREAD STRIDE=stride number
to the simulation run command. The stride number defines the
number of hardware thread units that are skipped between two
neighboring threads. It is set to 1 by default meaning no skip-
ping. E.g. if the number of threads is 2 and the stride num-
ber is 2, those 2 threads will be mapped to the first hardware
thread unit of the first core and the first hardware thread unit of
the second core. Arbitrary thread mappings can be managed by
adding the -midas args=-DTHREAD MASK=thread mask option to
the simulation run command. After you specify those numbers,
you also need to set the argument -finish mask=mask vector
to notify which hardware thread units should read good trap for
the test to be considered passing. The finish mask is a bit vec-
tor in hex. Previously there were four hardware threads in an
OpenSPARC T1 core, each corresponding to one bit in the finish
mask. By default in OpenPiton, we reduce the number of hard-
ware threads to two per core, but we still leave the bit position for
the other two removed threads for better configurability (Notice:
there are no unused bit positions left for -DTHREAD MASK).
Therefore, in the above example of 4 threads mapped into the
first two cores, the finish mask should be set to 33. In another
example of 2 threads with a stride number of 2, the finish mask
should be set to 11. More complex examples are shown below:
Running 32 threads on 16 cores:
-midas arg=-DTHREAD COUNT=32 -finish mask=3333333333333333
Running 16 threads on 16 cores, allocating one thread to each
core (one to each of the first hardware thread units):
-midas arg=-DTHREAD COUNT=16 -midas args=-DTHREAD STRIDE=2
-finish mask=1111111111111111
Running 2 threads on 16 cores, allocating one on the first core
and the other on the last core:
-midas arg=-DTHREAD COUNT=16 -midas args=-DTHREAD MASK=40000001
-finish mask=1000000000000001
Table 4: OpenPiton Regression Suites
Name Description
all tile1 passing All single tile tests
tile1 mini a mini set of single tile tests
all tile2 passing All 2-tile tests
tile2 mini a mini set of 2-tile tests
tile4 All 4-tile tests
tile8 All 8-tile tests
tile16 All 16-tile tests
tile36 All 36-tile tests
tile64 All 64-tile tests
listed between the open and closing tags in the format <test_
id> <sims_args>, where <test id> is a unique ID for that test
in the regression and <sims args> define the arguments to sims
to run that test. A simple regression definition is shown below. It
defines a regression called princeton test with regression-wide
sims arguments -sys=manycore -x_tiles=1 -y_tiles=1 and
includes a single test with the ID princeton-test-test and
sims arguments princeton-test-test.s. While this test defi-
nition is simple, as the only sims argument is the test assembly
file, multiple sims arguments can be included in the sims args
section of the test definition.
<princeton-test -sys=manycore -x tiles=1 -y tiles=1>
princeton-test-test princeton-test-test.s
Table 5: OpenPiton Continuous Integration Bundles
Name Description
git push a compact set of tests designed to run
for every git commit
git push lite a light version of git push with fewer
nightly a complete set of tests designed to run
every night
pal tests a set of PAL tests
all tile1 passing All single tile tests
tile1 mini a mini set of single tile tests
all tile2 passing All 2-tile tests
tile2 mini a mini set of 2-tile tests
tile4 All 4-tile tests
tile8 All 8-tile tests
tile16 All 16-tile tests
tile36 All 36-tile tests
tile64 All 64-tile tests
$PITON_ROOT/piton/tools/src/contint/README and/or our ex-
isting XML files such as git push.xml for the detailed format.
In order to run a continuous integration bundle, specify the --
bundle=<bundle_name> argument to contint, where <bundle name>
refers to the name of the continuous integration bundle you would
like to run, specified in the XML files. Below is an example of
how to run the git push bundle.
contint --bundle=git push
All jobs will be submitted to the SLURM job scheduler by de-
fault. After all simulation jobs complete the results will be ag-
gregated and printed to the screen. The individual simulation re-
sults will be stored in a new directory in the form contint <bundle
name> <date> <id> and can be reprocessed later to view the ag-
gregated results again. This can be done with the --check results
and --contint dir=contint <bundle name> <date> <id> ar-
guments to contint. The --bundle=<bundle name> argument
must also be provided when re-checking results.
The exit code of contint indicates whether all tests passed
(zero exit code) or at least one test failed (non-zero exit code).
This can be useful for using contint in a continuous integration
framework like Jenkins.
A sims manpage
sys is a pointer to a specific testbench
configuration to be built and run. a config
file is used to associate the sys with a set
of default options to build the testbench and
run diagnostics on it. the arguments in the
config file are the same as the arguments
passed on the command line.
group name identifies a set of diags to run
in a regression. The presence of this
argument indicates that this is a regession
run. the group must be found in the diaglist.
multiple groups may be specified to be run
within the same regression.
-group=NAME -alias=ALIAS
this combination of options gets the diag run
time options from the diaglist based on the
given group and alias. the group must be
found in the diaglist. the alias is made up
of diag_alias:name_tag. only one group should
be specified when using this command format.
mesh topology of tiles, with X tiles in the x
dimension and Y tiles in the y dimension. If
-x_tiles and -y_tiles is not specified, the
default is X=1 and Y=1. The maximum value for
both X and Y is 1024.
enable Execution Drafting in each core.
sets the Execution Drafting thread
synchronization method (TSM) to SYNC_METHOD.
Possible values for SYNC_METHOD are "rtsm",
"stsm", or "htsm". The default is "stsm".
Please refer to the Execution Drafting paper
or OpenPiton documentation for more
information on TSMs.
use simulation models from the IBM SRAM
compiler. These are not provided with the
OpenPiton download, but if the user has
access to download them, there is
infrastructure for them to be dropped in and
used. Please refer to the OpenPiton
documentation for more information on this
use simulation models from Xilinx IP, e.g.
BRAMS, clock gen, etc., to simulate the FPGA
version of OpenPiton. The Xilinx IP is not
provided with the OpenPiton download, but if
the user has access to download them, there
is infrastructure for them to be dropped in
and used. If you are planning to synthesize
OpenPiton to an FPGA, it recommended to use
this option for simulation. Please refer to
the OpenPiton documentation for more
information on this option.
use block memories generated by ISE tools,
required for ML605 evaluation board. Can be
used only in conjunction with -xilinx option.
use block memories generated by Vivado tool
chain, required for Artix7 evaluation board.
Can be used only in conjunction with -xilinx
use block memories generated by Vivado tool
chain, required for Xilinx VC707 evaluation
board. Can be used only in conjunction with
-xilinx option.
a shortcut for -vcs_build_args=-debug_all. In
Synopsys VCS, this causes the simulation
model to be built with the -debug_all flag.
This allows for the simulation to be run in
the DVE environment, convenient for waveform
viewing and debugging.
a shortcut for -sim_run_args=-gui. In
Synopsys VCS, this causes the simulation to
be run within the DVE environment, convenient
for waveform viewing and debugging. When
building the simulation model specified by
the -sys option, the -debug_all argument must
have been passed to sims.
-slurm -sim_q_command=sbatch
specifies simulations should be submitted
with the Simple Linux Utility for Resource
Management (SLURM) and run in parallel. The
-sim_q_command=sbatch must also be specified.
The -jobcommand_name argument may also be
used to specify the job name.
defines which simulator to use vcs, ncverilog,
or icarus, defaults to vcs.
defines which job queue manager command to use
to launch jobs. Defaults to /bin/sh and runs
simulation jobs on the local machine.
builds a ncverilog model and the vera
testbench. defaults to off.
ncverilog compile options. multiple options
can be specified using multiple such arguments.
builds an icarus model and the vera testbench.
defaults to off.
icarus compile options. multiple options can
be specified using
multiple such arguments.
builds a vcs model and the vera testbench.
defaults to off.
vcs compile options. multiple options can be
specified using multiple such arguments.
wipes out the model directory and rebuilds it
from scratch. defaults to off.
builds a 2state model instead of the default
4state model. this defaults to off.
initialize all registers to a valid state
(1/0). this feature works with -tg_seed to set
the seed of the random initialization. this
defaults to off.
use the debussy fsdb pli and include the dump
calls in the testbench. this defaults to on.
use the vcs direct kernel interface to dump
out debussy files. this defaults to on.
compile in the vera libraries. if -vcs_use_ntb
and -vcs_use_vera are used, -vcs_use_ntb wins.
this defaults to off.
enable the use of NTB when building model
(simv) and running simv. if -vcs_use_ntb and
-vcs_use_vera are used, -vcs_use_ntb wins.
this defaults to off.
use the +rad option when building a vcs model
(simv). defaults to off.
build vcs model (simv) with an sdf file.
defaults to off.
use incremental +rad when building a vcs model
(simv). defaults to off. this is now
permanently disabled as synopsys advises
against using it.
use the +cli -line options when building a vcs
model (simv). defaults to off.
full path to flist to be appended together to
generate the final verilog flist. multiple
such arguments may be used and each flist will
be concatenated into the final verilog flist
used to build the model.
GRAFTFILE is the full path to a file that
lists each verilog file that will be grafted
into the design. the full path to the verilog
files must also be given in the GRAFTFILE.
verilog file to be included into the flist
each such parameter is place as a ‘define in
config.v to configure the model being built
properly. this allows each testbench to select
only the rtl code that it needs from the top
level rtl file.
the name of a model to be built. the full path
to a model is
specify the build id of the model to be
built. the full path to a model is
builds the vera/ntb testbench. default on.
performs a make clean on the vera/ntb
testbench before building the model. defaults
to off.
vera testbench compile time options. multiple
options can be specified using multiple such
commands. these are passed as arguments to the
gmake call when building the vera testbench.
vera/ntb diag compile time option multiple
options can be specified using multiple such
this option provides a dummy vera diag name
that will be overridden if a vera diag is
specified, else used for vera diag compilation
vera/ntb pal diag expansion options (i.e. "pal
OPTIONS -o diag.vr diag.vrpal") multiple
options can be specified using multiple such
vera proj file generation options. multiple
options can be specified using multiple such
name of the vera vcon file that is used when
running the simulation.
this argument is passed to the vera Makefile
as a OBJ=1 and to vera as -DOBJ to enable a
given vera coverage object. multiple such
arguments can be specified for multiple
coverage objects.
enable the use of NTB when building model
(simv). if -vcs_use_ntb and -vcs_use_vera
are used, -vcs_use_ntb wins. defaults to off.
enables the NTB 2 part compile where the
Vera/NTB files get compiled first into a file which is dynamically loaded by
vcs at runtime. The file is built
by the Vera Makefile, not sims. Use the
Makefile to affect the build. If not using
-ntb_lib, sims will build VCS and NTB
together in one pass (use Makefile to affect
that build as well). default is off.
runs the vcs simulation and loads in the vera
proj file or the ntb file. defaults
to on.
signals the bench to dump in VCD format
the name of the vcd dump file. if the file
name starts with a "/", that is the file
dumped to, otherwise, the actual file is
created under ’tmp_dir/vcdfile’ and copied
back to the current directory when the
simulation ends. use "-vcdfile=‘pwd‘/filename"
to force the file to be written in the current
directory directly (not efficient since
dumping is done over network instead of to a
local disk).
runs the vcs simulation (simv). defaults to
sim runtime options. multiple options can be
specified using multiple such arguments.
forces vcs to finish and exit at the specified
speeds up booting when using the ciop model.
this passes the +fast_boot switch to the simv
run and the -sas_run_args=-DFAST_BOOT and
-midas_args=-DFAST_BOOT to sas and midas. Also
sends -DFAST_BOOT to the diaglist and config
file preprocessors.
enable debussy dump. this must be implemented
in the testbench to work properly. defaults to
start dumping out a waveform after START
number of units
stop dumping out a waveform after STOP number
of units
runs fsdb2vcd after the simulation has
completed to generate a vcd file.
the name of the debussy dump file. If the file
name starts with a "/", that is the file
dumped to, otherwise, the actual file is
created under ’tmp_dir/fsdbfile and copied
back to the current directory when the
simulation ends. Use
"-fsdbfile=‘pwd‘/filename" to force the file
to be written in the current directory
directly (not efficient since dumping is done
over network instead of to a local disk).
max size of Debussy dump file. minimum value
is 32MB. Latest values of signal values making
up that size is saved.
turn on glitch and sequence dumping in fsdb
file. this will collect glitches and sequence
of events within time in the fsdb waveform.
beware that this will cause the fsdb file size
to grow significantly this is turned off by
default. this option effectively does this:
this is turned off by default. this option
effectively does this:
rerun the simulation from an existing
regression run directory.
post processing command to be run after vcs
(simv) run completes
pre processing command to be run before vcs
(simv) run starts
use FILE as the .denalirc in the run area.
Default copies ’env_base/.denalirc’
runs the vlint program. defaults to off.
vlint options. The <sysName>.config file
can contain the desired vlint arguments,
or they can also be given on the command
line. Typically the -vlint_compile is
given on the command line.
run illust after x2e
illust options
top level module on which to run vlint
runs the verix program. defaults to off.
specify the library files to add to the vlist
verix template options. The <sysName>.config
file can contain these desired verix arguments
top level module on which to run verix
run 0in checklist
build 0In pli for simulation into vcs model
build 0in search pli for simulation into vcs
additional arguments to be passed to the 0in
additional debug arguments to be passed to the
0in shell
run architecture-simulator. If vcs_run option
is OFF, simulation is sas-only. If vcs_run
option is ON, sas runs in lock-step with rtl.
default to off.
Define arguments for sas.
run tcl/expect TAP program. If vcs_run option
is OFF, simulation is tcl-only. If vcs_run
option is ON, tcl runs in lock-step with rtl.
default to off.
NOTE: You _must_ compile with -tcl_tap as
well, to enable to enable functions that are
needed for running with tcl
Define top level tcl/expect diag name.
arguments for midas. midas creates memory
image and user-event files from the assembly
Compile the diag using midas and exit without
running it.
Add -DTG_SEED=tg_seed to midas command line.
Use -tg_seed to set the value passed to midas
or use a random value from /dev/random.
arguments to be passed in to for
generation of a pci random diagnostic.
generates a random pci diagnostic using the
-tg_seed if provided. default is off.
random generator seed for pci random test
generators also the value passed to +initreg+
to randomly initialize registers when
-vcs_use_initreg is used.
arguments to be passed in to for
generation of an sjm random diagnostic.
generates a random sjm diagnostic using the
-tg_seed if provided. default is off.
random generator seed for sjm random test
generators also the value passed to +initreg+
to randomly initialize registers when
-vcs_use_initreg is used.
generates an efuse image file using the
-tg_seed if provided. default is off. Random
if no -efc_args specified.
arguments to be passed in to for
generation of an efuse image file. Default is
random efuse replacement for each block.
random generator seed for script
also the value passed to +initreg+ to randomly
initialize registers when -vcs_use_initreg is
passes in the -cm switch to vcs at build time
and simv at runtime default to off.
argument to be given to the -cm switch
argument to be given to the -cm_cond switch.
argument to be given to the -cm_hier switch
argument to be given to the -cm_fsmcfg switch
specifies an FSM coverage configuration file
argument to be given to the -cm_name switch.
defaults to cm_data.
modifies the sims flow to accomodate dftvert.
this skips compiling the vera testbench and
modifies the simv command line at runtime.
this is a master switch to disable all building
options. there is no such thing as -build to
enable all build options.
copy back all files to launch directory after
passing regression run. Normally, only failing
runs cause a copy back of files. Default is off.
copy back dump file to launch directory after
passing regression run. Normally, only failing
runs cause a copy back of non-log files. The
file copied back is sim.fsdb, or sim.vcd if
-fsdb2vcd option is set. Default is off.
copy back files using ’tar’. This only works in
copyall or in the case the simulations ’fails’
(per sims’ determination). Default is to use
If the assembly diag has a Perl portion at the
end, it is put into and is run as a
Perl script. This allows you to give arguments
to that Perl script. The arguments accumulate,
if the option is used multiple times.
Send ’-seed=<tg_seed_value> to pal diags. Adds
-pal_diag_args=-seed=tg_seed to midas command
line, and -seed=tg_seed to pal options (vrpal
diags). Use -tg_seed to set the value passed
to midas or use a random value from
when specifying multiple groups for
regressions this switch will submit each
group to Job Q manager to be executed as a
separate regression. This has the effect of
speeding up regression submissions. NOTE:
This switch must not be used with -injobq
runs the specified group multiple times in
regression mode. this is useful when we want
to run the same diag multiple times using a
different random generator seed each time or
some such.
specify the name of the regression
This flag is used to produce a report of a an
old or running regression. With -group
options, sims produces the report after the
regression run. Report for the previous
regression run can be produced using
-regress_id=ID option along with this option,
masks for vcs simulation termination.
Simulation terminates when it hits ’good_trap’
or ’bad_trap’. For multithread simulation,
simulation terminates when any of the thread
hits bad_trap, or all the threads specified by
the finish_mask hits the good_trap. example:
-finish_mask=0xe Simulation will be terminated
by good_trap, if thread 1, 2 and 3 hits the
mask for vcs simulation termination.
Simulation ends when the stub driving the
relevant bit in the mask is asserted. This is
a hexadecimal value similar to -finish_mask
passes a +wait_cycle_to_kill to the simv run.
a testbench may chose to implement this
plusarg to delay killing a simulation by a
number of clock cycles to allow collection of
some more data before exiting (e.g. waveform).
passes a +TIMEOUT to the simv run. sets the
number of clock cycles after all threads have
become inactive for the diag to exit with an
error. if all threads hit good trap on their
own the diag exits right away. if any of the
threads is inactive without hitting good
trap/bad trap the rtl_timeout will be reached
and the diag fails. default is 5000. this is
only implemented in the cmp based testbenches.
passes a +max_cycle to the simv run. sets the
maximum number of clock cycle that the diag
will take to complete. the default is 30000.
if max_cycle is hit the diag exits with a
failure. not all testbenches implement this
Does not run (if it exists) after simv
(vcs) run. Use this option if, for some
reason, you want to run an existing assembly
diag without the Perl part that is in the
original diag.
turns off redirection of sas stdout to the
sas.log file. use this option when doing
interactive runs with sas.
turns off redirection of stdout and stderr to
the sims.log file. use this option to get to
the cli prompt when using vcs or to see a
truncated sim.log file that exited with an
error. this must be used if you want control-c
to work while vcs is running.
turns off compression of log files before they
are copied over during regressions.
print version number.
prints this
full path to iver file for frozen tools
For reruns of regression tests only, use
sims.iver to choose TRE tool versions saved
during original regression run
absolute path to design root directory. this
overrides DV_ROOT.
absolute path to model root directory. this
overrides MODEL_DIR.
path where temporary files such as debussy
dumps will be created
full path to sims config file
this specifies the root directory for the
bench environment. it is typically defined in
the bench config file. It has no default.
this allows the user to provide CPP arguments
(defines/undefines) that will be used when
the testbench configuration file is processed
through cpp. Multiple options are
concatenated together.
this allows the regression run to be launched
from a different directory than the one sims
was launced from. defaults to
full path to diaglist file
this allows the user to provide CPP arguments
(defines/undefines) that will be used when
the diaglist file is processed through cpp.
Multiple options are concatenated together.
name of the diagnostic to be run.
absolute path to diag root directory. sims
will perform a find from here to find the
specified type of diag. if more than one
instance of the diag name is found under root
sims exits with an error. this option can be
specified multiple times to allow multiple
roots to be searched for the diag.
absolute path to diag directory. sims expects
the specified diag to be in this directory.
the last value of this option is the one used
as the path.
assume we are in ClearCase environment for
setting DV_ROOT and launching Job Q manager
commands. default is off.
force clearcase option off
ClearCase path to design root directory. this
overrides .
+TIMEOUT see -rtl_timeout
Build models
sims -sys=manycore -x_tiles=1 -y_tiles=1 -vcs_build
Run models
Run regressions
sims -group=tile1_mini
sims -group=tile1_mini
sims -group=tile1_mini
B contint manpage
Usage: contint --bundle=<continuous integration bundle>
-h, --help Print this usage message
--dryrun Don’t actually run, print
--check_results Do not run simulations,
just check results
--contint_dir=<dir> Specify a name for the
continuous integration
run directory
--cleanup Remove run directories and
model directories when
finished if all tests pass
--inverse Inverts the exit code to
return 0 if all tests
failed and 1 otherwise,
whereas the default is to
return 0 if all tests pass
and 1 otherwise.
If you have the above errors, add the following line to $PITON ROOT/piton/tools
[1] Sun Microsystems, Santa Clara, CA, OpenSPARC T1 Pro-
cessor Design and Verification User’s Guide, 2006.
[2] PyHP, “PyHP Official Home Page.” http://pyhp.