Chief complaints:-
Medical- Mr. Mahesh was apparently anxious & the symptoms started as
Chest pain started with pain & palpitation. He is getting more sweating
and weakness It was reducing at rest.
Personal Habits:
Diet- He takes a mixed diet, and eats two to three meals per day.
Sleeping habits- Regular, 5-6 hours per day, but the last 2-3 days he is
not able to sleep due to traction and pain
Bowel and Bladder habits- Bladder pattern was normal, but after the
trauma there is history of urge incontinence and frequency
Family history:-
45yr 39yr
s s
There is no any history of any hereditary disease like HTN, DM, asthma,
epilepsy or seizures in the clients family. The client is married and has
two children, one son and one daughter. All of them are enjoying a good
and healthy life.
Economic status- the client is the only source of income in their family,
his monthly income is Rs: 1700 per month.
Vital signs:-
Temperature : 990 F
Pulse : 80 beat per minute
Respiration : 18per minute
Blood Pressure: 150/100 mmHg
General appearance:-
Constitution : Thin
State of nutrition : Poor
Personal appearance : Anxious
Posture : Normal
Skin and hair : Dark complexion
Emotional state : Worried
Co-cooperativeness : cooperative
Nervous system:
Cardiovascular system:
Respiratory system:
Gastro-intestinal system:
Organomegally- Absent
Urinary system:
Sl Investigatio Patients value Impres Normal value
n n si-on
1. Blood Test
Complete Hb= 14 g/dl Normal Hb= 14 - 16 g/dl
blood count- Total WBC= Normal WBC= 5,000-
5,900cells/cmm 10,000cells/cmm
Platelet Normal Platelet count=1.5- 4lac/L
count=2,10,000lac/L Normal RBS= 70-120mg/dl
2. RBS= 92mg/dl
Electrolyte Normal Sodium=135-145mmol/L
Sodium= Normal Potassium=3.5-5.0mmol/L
139mmmol/L Infection Chlorine=97-107mmol/L
Potassium=4.6mmol/ Normal Serum creatinine=0.7-
L 0.6mg/dl 1.4mg/dl
Chlorine=107mmol/L 26U/L 0.3 1.2mg/dl
Serum 16U/L 0 -35U/L
creatinine=0.9mg/dl 90U/L 0 45U/L
Total Bilirubin 40 -129U/L
Alkaline Phosphatase
Age : 45 years
Sex : Male
Diagnosis : Hypertension
Theories applicable:
In this case, the most suitable theory is Orems Self care deficit
Self care is a learned goal oriented activity of the individual. The persons
ability to perform self care is in laces by 10 power components.
3. Ability to maintain the correct position of the body and its parts
5. Motivation
Self care Agency: The complex acquired ability to meet ones continuing
requirement of care that regulate life process that maintain or promote
integrity of human structure and functioning, human development and
promote well being.
Self care agent: A self care agent is the provider of self care. Dependent
care agent
Self care deficit: A relation between the human property therapeutic self
care are demand and self care agent in which constituent developed self
care abilities within self care agency are not operable or adequate for
knowing and meeting some or all components self care demand.
Nursing Agency: the goal of nursing agency is to help the people meet
their own and their depended other therapeutics self care demands.
Age : 45 years
home activities
drainage system
Elimination : Normal
Activity/rest : Restricted
Maintenance of developmental
Prevention of conditioning in
Adherence to medical
Age 50years - Administer oxygen to the - Education about hygiene and nutrition
Developmental status young age
- Monitor cardiac function
Health care delivery- supportive
health care system - Administer medication
(Problems identified)
2. Impaired skin integrity related to skull tong placement, immobility as evidenced by reddened skin over bony
3. Nutritional balance impaired related to disease process, immobility as evidenced by constipation, weakness
4. Ineffective therapeutic regimen management related to lack of knowledge regarding treatment regimen,
traction, immobility and prevention of infection.
5. Anxiety related to fear of death as evidenced by Verbalization.
6. Deficit knowledge about the disease condition and complication as evidenced by verbalization.
Black MJ, hawks JH. Medical surgical nursing, Clinical management for positive outcomes. 7th ed. Missouri:Saunders; 2005.
Lewis SM, Heitkemper MM, Dirksen SR. Medical surgical nursing, Assessment and management of clinical problems. 6th ed. Missouri:
Mosby; 2004.
Suzane CS, Brenda GB, Jonice LH, Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing.10th ed. Wolters klwwer; 2004.p.
Silverstri LA. Comprehensive review of nclex. rn. examination. 3rd ed. Pennylvania: Saunders;2006.