February 017 Letter

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Dear brothers /sisters

I have been raised up by many false prophets for 30 years, now I

know why my life was in a maze said a young lady who attended
the Divine Plumb line teaching last November. Her condition
physically, emotionally and spiritually was very pure and
desperate need of help. She was full of fear, could not take a
normal meal only milk, and she felt difficult to take a breath and
stomachache. Her Mom has brought her to see the doctors beside
that she also has been threated by 15 soothsayers and 5 among them are pastors by
profession in their villages.

Her Mom got a fever immediately as we begun to sing and worship God and we knew it
well that there is attack from the power of darkness. So we took time to minister to her
personally and rebuked the devil by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of testimony.
Finally the Mom and her daughter delivered from the deception of the enemy and have
brought to the light.

The HCF Indonesia Annual Meeting ..REVOLUTION has to

take place.
The REVOLUTION.. and the manifesto of Gods Kingdom ( Isa 61:1-2 ) was the
message when we began the HCF Indonesia Annual
meeting January 27-29. There is a unity and commitment
of NAT members 10 people plus 2 people from the local
action team to bring revolution particularly in the health
field. We realize that to do it impossible with our strength
but in Gods strength.

Beauty in brokenness and glory in suffering

When one of the ex the Divine Plum line student asked me, how are you nurse? I
didnt want just answered it but I prayed and pondered what God has done for my life
in 2016. So I relpied, Beauty in brokenness and glory in suffering is the right way to
express it. And he reply with a simple word, Wowit is unusual! As the result of
brokenness process, now there is unity and deep commitment among our National
Action Team members.
Beside that there is a reward when you are perseverance in suffering as written in
Proverb 16:7 When a mans ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be
at peace with him.
Someone run to me and kneel down before me suddenly when we were ready to take a
lunch last December. This person has drown herself to connect with me since 2007
though God has designed three times the circumstances which we were happened to
see each other and I tried to greet her but she refused. All of a sudden once again God
designed the circumstance where we were in the same place at the same time.

A man of peace
We conducted the Divine Plumb line teaching three times last November in Medan City,
North Sumatera ( 2.20 hours flight from Jakarta) , for the Theologian School. Orphanage
children, and the Health Profession plus. One of the young student said, I had many
questions in my life and I have being looking for the answer but I did not find it though I
have studied theologian for four years. But through the Divine Plumb line teaching I see
clearly that I have a thick veil in my heart and now all the questions are disappeared.

One of young lady who is a midwife called me after the Divine Plumb line teaching was
over 2 weeks and said, We need more encouragement , would you please allow us to
stay with you for one week more? It is hard to refuse it though it means no time for my
families and friends as I have planned for my annual leaving. Then I found that this lady
is a man of peace, after she came back to her city the people notice the changes in her
life and question her. She testify what God has done for her through the Divine Plumb
line and she has impacted people and asked ask us to conduct the Divine Plumb line for
18-20 people in her town Nias Selatan ( 3.30 hours flight) from Jakarta February 7-10,

Recharge and renewal

Treasure Jesus Christ above all and Rejoice in
Suffering is my personal theme 2017 as the Lord has
put in my heart when I had my annual personal
Retreat in the nice, fresh and peaceful place near the
Toba Lake Sumatera Island December 13-20.
Also it was amazing that in John 15 (the theme of
Prayer Week 2017) we found that there are 3 words
which mentioned seven times Abide; bear fruit; hate.
If you abide in Christ, abide in His Word and abide in
His love you will bear fruit but when you bear fruit and Jesus has brought you to the
position of being His friend, the world will hate you. The Gospel shines brightly is
not in prosperity but in the suffering of his servant. We are greatly blessed
through the fellowship in the Word of God, Gods story and Prayer and thank you for
those who have contributed for this Prayer Week Guide.

Praise Items:
1) The HCF Indonesia Annual Meeting has run well with unity and clear goal for
2) For the new area is opened through a man of peace that God sent to attend the
Divine Plumb line teaching
3) The fulfillment of Gods word when you are perseverance in suffering and the
new revelation of His ways are imparted upon you.
4) The Prayer Week has conducted with rich blessing and with new commitment of
those who attended it.

Next Programs:
1) February 6-10, The Divine Plumb line Teaching in Nias Island
2) February 21-24 , The CHE Indonesia Conference in Jokjakarta (Central Java
3) March 9-13 , Regional Meeting in Penang, Malaysia
4) March 14-16 , Regional Fulltime Retreat in Penang, Malaysia
5) March 16-20, Divine Plumb line Teaching in Penang, Malaysia , Myriam, Mery
Mangosing and I participated.
6) April 6 9 , the Divine Plumb line in Jakarta
7) May 11-14, TTT Saline in Jakarta with Dr Julius, Dr Edi and Allet participate

You are part of Gods global purpose to make known the manifold wisdom of God
unto the principalities and powers in the heavenly places. So thank you for being
united together in prayer.

With grateful heart

Nurmaisi Girsang

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