Bancassurance: A Base For Financial Inclusion: Manjit Kaur
Bancassurance: A Base For Financial Inclusion: Manjit Kaur
Bancassurance: A Base For Financial Inclusion: Manjit Kaur
Bancassurance is a French word which means selling insurance products through banks. This
concept originated in Europe in 1980 and now has become popular worldwide. According to
IRDA (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority), Bancassurance refers to banks
acting as corporate agents for insurers to distribute insurance products. Bank and insurance
company come up in a partnership wherein the bank sells the tied insurance companys
products to its customers. This type of arrangement benefits both the partners i.e. bank and
insurance company. Bank earns non-interest income and insurance company increases its
market share and customer reach. Bancassurance is the result of amalgamation of a bank and
an insurance company aiming to reach a wider customer base for more penetration.
Bancassurance is prohibited in some countries on the plea that it could give unnecessary
control to banks over financial industry. But in liberalized countries, it has got that
momentum. Banks welcome bancassurance because it brings more income with less or no
investment in infrastructure and customer generation. They can sell insurance at better prices
and push products with risk to their customers relying on their relationship with the
customers. The primary benefit that the banks bring to the insurance companies is the
customers trust and reach. The insurance company is benefitted in a way that it needs to
make limited investment but this is offset to a large extent by high payouts demanded by the
partner banks and in form of equity shares in insurance companies for extending reach to the
customers and access to infrastructure and facilities.
1. Strategic alliance model
Under this model bank only markets the products of the insurance company and there is no
risk participation.
2. Full integration model
Under this model, the bank sells the insurance products under its own brand name and acts as
a provider of financial solutions matching to its customers needs. Bank participates in
Correspondence product and distribution design. Bank earns more as an insurance distributer than a producer.
Manjit Kaur
Professor-in-Commerce at 3. Mixed model
Shaheed Kanshi Ram According to this model bank sells its database to the insurance company and the
Memorial College, Bhagoo
Majra, Kharar, SAS Nagar,
marketing is done by insurance company itself. It needs very little investment. Low level
Mohali, Punjab, India. of integration is there and bank staff is reluctant to sell insurance products. Insurance
company has little control over distribution system.
International Journal of Applied Research
Need of Bancassurance in India and standalone health insurers- as part of the new
Indian economy is a growing economy where the number of bancassurance guidelines.
middle class families is increasing. RBI recognized the need
to expand the financial reach so as to meet development Advantages of Bancassurance
criteria in todays global environment. To expand financial Bancassurance helps bank customers to be aware of
reach, bancassurance is one step. Bancassurance is supported insurance policies available and get to buy them for more
in India because: competitive prices through widely distributed banking
1. It helps the banking industry to widen its area of networks. It results in more strong relationship between bank
working which may reach to every corner of the nation. customers and banks. On the same time, banks may have to
2. It helps development and enhancement of channels compromise on data security while sharing customer
through which insurance products can be made available database with insurance companies. Moreover customers
to every person of India. may get confused on choice of products (competing
3. It facilitate competition among private insurance products) being offered by banks and insurance companies.
companies and thus best possible and effective products Banks need to be more proactive on customer service
availability to Indians. requirements.
1. Bancassurance: an emerging concept in India by Navin
2. Rebeena, Rosa. Growing Role of Bancassurance in
Banking Sector, Bonfring 2015; 5:2.
3. Swain and Pani. Bancassurance and Indian Banks
IJRDMR, 2013, 2:1.
4. report/global- bancassurance-