Chapter 4 - Crude Oil Refining
Chapter 4 - Crude Oil Refining
Chapter 4 - Crude Oil Refining
Ch. 4 - 1
An Evergreen Question...
Ch. 4 - 2
Crude Oil Classification
Saturates Asphaltics
n-alkanes C5 - C44 nitrogen
branched alkanes
Aromatics oxygen containing compounds
cycloalkanes (napthenes) single ring sulfur
condensed ring
10% Saturates
API Gravity = 35o
Ch. 4 - 3
Major Classes of Hydrocarbons in Crude Oils
Paraffins Other hydrocarbons
general formula: CnH2n+2 (n is a Alkenes
whole number, usually from 1 to 20)
general formula: CnH2n
straight- or branched-chain molecules (n is a whole number,
can be gasses or liquids at room usually from 1 to 20)
temperature depending upon the linear or branched chain
molecule molecules containing
examples: methane, ethane, propane, one carbon-carbon
butane, isobutane, pentane, hexane double-bond
Aromatics can be liquid or gas
general formula: C6H5 - Y (Y is a examples: ethylene,
longer, straight molecule that connects butene, isobutene
to the benzene ring) Dienes and Alkynes
ringed structures with one or more rings general formula:
rings contain six carbon atoms, with CnH2n-2 (n is a whole
alternating double and single bonds number, usually from 1
between the carbons to 20)
typically liquids linear or branched chain
examples: benzene, napthalene molecules containing
two carbon-carbon
Napthenes or Cycloalkanes double-bonds
general formula: CnH2n (n is a whole can be liquid or gas
number usually from 1 to 20)
examples: acetylene,
ringed structures with one or more rings butadienes
rings contain only single bonds between
the carbon atoms
typically liquids at room temperature
examples: cyclohexane, methyl
Ch. 4 - 4
Products from Crude Oil
Other, 0.7
Ch. 4 - 5
Products From Crude Oil
Petroleum Gas Gas oil or Diesel distillate
Used for heating, cooking, making Used for diesel fuel and heating oil;
plastics starting material for making other
small alkanes (1 to 4 carbon atoms) products
commonly known by the names Liquid, Alkanes containing 12 or more
methane, ethane, propane, butane carbon atoms
boiling range = 40 deg. C boiling range = 250 to 350 deg. C
often liquified under pressure to
create LPG (liquified petroleum gas) Lubricating oil
Used for motor oil, grease, other
Naphtha or Ligroin lubricants
Intermediate that will be further Liquid, long chain (20 to 50 carbon
processed to make gasoline atoms) alkanes, cycloalkanes,
mix of 5 to 9 carbon atom alkanes
boiling range = 300 to 370 deg. C
boiling range = 60 to 100 deg. C
Heavy gas or Fuel oil
used for industrial fuel; starting
Motor fuel, Liquid material for making other products
mix of alkanes and cycloalkanes (5 to Liquid, long chain (20 to 70 carbon
12 carbon atoms) atoms) alkanes, cycloalkanes,
boiling range = 40 to 205 deg. C aromatics
boiling range = 370 to 600 deg. C
Fuel for jet engines and tractors; Residuals
starting material for making other Coke, asphalt, tar, waxes; starting
products material for making other products
liquid Solid, multiple-ringed compounds with
mix of alkanes (10 to 18 carbons) 70 or more carbon atoms
and aromatics boiling range = greater than 600 deg. C
boiling range = 175 to 325 deg. C
Ch. 4 - 6
Gasoline Prices Are a Function of More than
Just Crude Prices
Ch. 4 - 7
Gasoline Retail Price Contribution
Refining $0.33
Taxes $0.45
Refinery Price $1.61
Ch. 4 - 8
Gasoline Will Be Hard to Replace
Ch. 4 - 9
A Picture of an Oil Refinery
Ch. 4 - 10
Advance in Crude Oil Refining
The most up-to-date unit of the refinery Delayed Coker
with a processing capacity of 1 million t heavy fuel oil
Ch. 4 - 11
Oil Refinery is Large & Complex
Ch. 4 - 12
The World of Energy
Chapter 4 Crude Oil Refining
Ch. 4 - 13
So, How Do You Make Good Stuff
Out Of That Gooey Crude?
Ch. 4 - 14
From Crude Oil to Products
Product Usage Composition Boiling range
(Carbon no.) (C)
Petroleum gas used for heating, cooking 1 to 4 Upto 40
Diesel oil used for diesel fuel and heating 12 to 20 250 to 350
Lubricating oil used for motor oil, 20 to 50 300 to 370
grease, other lubricants
Heavy or fuel industrial fuel 20 to 70 370 to 600
Residuals coke, asphalt, tar, waxes 70 or more Above 600
Ch. 4 - 15
Diagram of Refinery Unit
Diagram of Refinery Units
Gas Oil
Vacuum Gas Oil
Long Residue
High Vacuum
Ch. 4 - 16
Simplified Petroleum & Petroleum Flowchart
Propane &
Butane R Fuel
X Polymers (7 UP Bottles) (Barbeque Grills)
Naphtha Gasoline
(C 5 - C 10) RX
Organic Chemicals (Aspirin, Hair Spray)
More Polymers (Football Helmet, Astro
Turf, Nylon)
Kerosene &
Jet Fuel
Gas Oils (C 10+) Diesel Fuels
Oil Crude Separations and Home Heating
Well Oil Oil, Lubricating
Oil, Wax
Coke Fuel
(Carbon Material Similar to Coal)
Steel Making
Graphite Fibers
(Tennis Racquets)
Roads Pot Holes
Purifications remove sulfur and heavy metals
RX = Chemical Reactions
Ch. 4 - 17
Flow scheme of a modern refinery
Ch. 4 - 18
Typical Oil Refinery Process Units
Refinery Gas
Natural Gas
Syngas and Reformates
Naphtha Regular Mogas
HDT Split RG H2
Condensates and Low Mogas
Sulphur Crudes Kero Premium Mogas
High Sulphur Crudes
LGO Kero / Avtur
Imported Residues
Long Residue
Automotive Gasoils
and Marine
Naphtha Blend
Low Sulphur Crudes Kero H2
H2 Light Fuel Oil
High Sulphur CrudesCDU2 HGO RG FuelOil Heavy Fuel Oil
Imported Residues
HVU2 Refinery Fuel
HVU1 BDU Bitumen 80/100
Long Residue
BBU Bitumen 180/200
Bitumen 45/55
Ch. 4 - 19
Oil Refining Processes
1. Introduction
2. Physical Processes
3. Thermal Processes
4. Catalytic Processes
5. Conversion of Heavy Residues
6. Treatment of Refinery Gas Streams
Ch. 4 - 20
Introduction to Oil Refining
Ch. 4 - 21
Refinery Processes Overview
After desalting and dehydration, crude is
separated into fractions by distillation
Ch. 4 - 22
The Five Pillars of Refining Crude Oil
Ch. 4 - 23
5 Basic Refining Operations
Fractionation (distillation)
Conversion Processes
Treatment Processes
Ch. 4 - 24
5 Basic Refining Operations
Fractionation (distillation)
The separation of crude oil in atmospheric and vacuum distillation towers into
groups of hydrocarbon compounds of differing boiling-point ranges called
"fractions" or "cuts."
Conversion Processes
Change the size and/or structure of hydrocarbon molecules.
These processes include
Decomposition (dividing) by thermal and catalytic cracking;
Unification (combining) through alkylation and polymerization; and
Alteration (rearranging) with isomerization and catalytic reforming.
Treatment Processes
Prepare hydrocarbon streams for additional processing and to prepare finished
Treatment may include removal or separation of aromatics and naphthenes,
impurities and undesirable contaminants.
Treatment may involve chemical or physical separation e.g. dissolving,
absorption, or precipitation using a variety and combination of processes
including desalting, drying, hydrodesulfurizing, solvent refining, sweetening,
solvent extraction, and solvent dewaxing
Formulating and Blending
The process of mixing and combining hydrocarbon fractions, additives, and
other components to produce finished products with specific performance
Other Refining Operations include:
light-ends recovery;
sour-water stripping;
solid waste, process-water and wastewater treatment;
cooling, storage and handling and product movement;
hydrogen production;
acid and tail-gas treatment;
and sulfur recovery.
Ch. 4 - 25
Auxiliary Refining Operations
Ch. 4 - 26
Physical and Chemical Processes of a Refinery
Thermal Catalytic
Distillation Visbreaking Hydrotreating
Solvent extraction Delayed coking Catalytic reforming
Propane deasphalting Flexicoking Catalytic cracking
Solvent dewaxing Hydrocracking
Blending Catalytic dewaxing
Ch. 4 - 27
Petroleum Fuel Octane Rating
Petrol fraction consists of straight-chain alkanes
Fuel burns before ignition by the spark plug knock loss of
power, damage to engine
2,2,4-trimethylpentane: Octane =100
N-heptane: Octane = 0
Can increase octane rating for petrol fraction from 50 to 90 by
3 methods:
Catalytic reforming
Addition of octane enhancers like TEL, methanol, ethanol and MTBE
Catalytic Converter
In exhaust system of vehicles
Ceramic coated with Rhodium, Platinum and Palladium
Exhaust gases converted:
2NO N2 + O2 (Rhodium)
CO CO2 (Oxygen, Pt, Pd)
2 C8H18 + 25 O2 16 CO2 + 18 H2O
Ch. 4 - 28
The World of Energy
Chapter 4 Crude Oil Refining
Ch. 4 - 29
Ch. 4 - 30
Ch. 4 - 31
Desalter/Dehydrator Units
Ch. 4 - 32
The World of Energy
Chapter 4 Crude Oil Refining
Ch. 4 - 33
Oil Refinery
Distillation & Fractionation
Ch. 4 - 34
How Does Distillation Work?
Ch. 4 - 35
Boiling Point of Alkanes
5 carbons, pentane, 36 C, 97 F
6 carbons, hexane, 69 C, 156 F boiling point
7 carbons, heptane, 98 C, 208 F
8 carbons, octane,126 C, 259 F 400
9 carbons, nonane, 151 C, 304 F 300
10 carbons, decane, 174 C, 345 F
Ch. 4 - 36
Typical Crude Assay
CUT wt % ibp(F) ep(F)
Light Gasoline 3.3 90 190
Total gasoline and naptha 17.7 90 330
kerosine distillate 24.4 330 520
Light Gas Oil (A1 & die) 7.1 420 610
Total Gas Oil 14.2 420 800
Non viscous lubricting dist. 14.1% 800
Medium lubricating dist. 8%
Viscous lubricating dist. - 1050
Residuum 20.8%
distillation loss 0.8 %
Ch. 4 - 37
How Does Distillation Work?
Distillation is based on the fact that the vapour of a
boiling mixture will be richer in the components that
have lower boiling points
Ch. 4 - 38
How does distillation work?
Distillation columns are classified by the manner in which they
are operated
Ch. 4 - 39
Distillation Technology
Ch. 4 - 40
Continuous Distillation Columns
Classified according to
Ch. 4 - 41
Schematic of Crude Oil Distillation Tower
Lower Boiling
Higher Boiling
Ch. 4 - 43
Crude Distilling Unit (CDU)
Ch. 4 - 44
Crude Oil Refining
Ch. 4 - 45
Fractions of Crude Oil & Their Properties
Bottled Gas
Refinery Gas 3 or 4 below 30
(propane or butane).
Fuel for car
Gasoline 7 to 9 100 to 150
Naphtha 6 to 11 70 to 200
and used in gasoline.
Ch. 4 - 46
Basic Operation
Ch. 4 - 47
Basic operation
Thus, there are internal flows of vapour and liquid within the column as
well as external flows of feeds and product streams, into and out of the
Ch. 4 - 48
Crude Distillation
Step 1 in the refining process is the separation of crude oil into various
fractions or straight-run cuts by distillation in atmospheric and vacuum towers.
The main fractions or "cuts" obtained have specific boiling-point ranges and
can be classified in order of decreasing volatility into gases, light distillates,
middle distillates, gas oils, and residuum.
Atmospheric distillation
Ch. 4 - 49
Atmospheric Distillation
Ch. 4 - 50
Simple Crude Distillation
Ch. 4 - 51
Vacuum Distillation
Ch. 4 - 52
Vacuum Distillation
Ch. 4 - 53
Modern Crude Distillation
Ch. 4 - 54
Light Ends
Straight Run Gasoline
Straight Run Naphtha
Gas Oils
Vacuum Naphtha
Atmospheric Resid Vacuum Gas Oil
(Straight Run Residue)
Vacuum Resid
Ch. 4 - 55
The World of Energy
Chapter 4 Crude Oil Refining
Ch. 4 - 56
Main Components of Distillation Columns
Ch. 4 - 57
Types of Distillation/Fractionaton Trays
1. Sieve plates
2. Bubble-cap plates
3. Valve plates
Ch. 4 - 58
Types of Column Trays
Ch. 4 - 59
Ch. 4 - 60
Valve Tray Deck
Ch. 4 - 61
Sieve Tray
Ch. 4 - 62
Valve Tray
Ch. 4 - 63
Bubble Cap Tray
Ch. 4 - 64
Structured Packing
Fair, J.R., Seibert, A.F., Behrens, M., Saraber, P.P., and Olujic, Z. Structured
Packing Performance-Experimental Evaluation of Two Predictive Models ,
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 39 (6), 1788-1796 (2000).
Ch. 4 - 65
Structured Packing Wetted Area
Ch. 4 - 66
Trays and Plates
Ch. 4 - 67
Trays and Plates
Valve trays
Perforations are covered by
caps lifted by vapour, which
creates a flow area and directs
the vapour horizontally into
the liquid.
Sieve trays
Sieve trays are simply metal
plates with holes in them.
Vapour passes straight
upward through the liquid on
the plate. The arrangement,
number and size of the holes
are design parameters.
Ch. 4 - 68
Liquid and Vapour Flows in a Tray Column
Ch. 4 - 69
Liquid and Vapour Flows in a Tray Column
Ch. 4 - 70
Ch. 4 - 71
Ch. 4 - 72
Top Tray
Top Tray
Heating Medium
Bottoms Product
Bottoms Product
Circulating Pump
Ch. 4 - 73
Top Tray
Top Tray
Heating Medium
Bottoms Product
Bottoms Product
Ch. 4 - 74
Feed Distributors
Ch. 4 - 75
The Real World
Ch. 4 - 76
The Real World
Ch. 4 - 77
Major Tray Damage
Ch. 4 - 78
Fouling Resistant Design
Ch. 4 - 79
Fouled Bubble Cap Tray
Ch. 4 - 80
Gamma Scan Technology
Tower Scan
Tray Number
Ch. 4 - 81
The World of Energy
Chapter 4 Crude Oil Refining
Ch. 4 - 82
Propane Deasphalting
Ch. 4 - 83
Propane Deasphalting
Ch. 4 - 84
Solvent Extraction and Dewaxing
Ch. 4 - 85
Solvent Extraction
Ch. 4 - 86
Solvent Extraction
Ch. 4 - 87
Aromatic Solvent Extraction Unit
Ch. 4 - 88
Solvent Dewaxing
Ch. 4 - 89
Solvent Dewaxing Unit
Ch. 4 - 90
Solvent Dewaxing Unit
Ch. 4 - 91
The World of Energy
Chapter 4 Crude Oil Refining
Ch. 4 - 92
Ch. 4 - 93
Thermal Processes
When a hydrocarbon is heated to a sufficiently
high temperature thermal cracking occurs. This
is sometimes referred to as pyrolysis (especially
when coal is the feedstock). When steam is
used it is called steam cracking. We will
examine two thermal processes used in
Delayed coking
Ch. 4 - 94
Ch. 4 - 95
Ch. 4 - 96
Ch. 4 - 97
Delayed Coking
Ch. 4 - 98
Sponge Coke
Sponge coke derived from a petroleum feedstock that shows abundant pore
structure. Note the flow texture in the coke cell walls.
Ch. 4 - 99
Typical Needle Coke
Typical needle coke derived from a petroleum feedstock. The parallel layers
and linear fractures are distinctive and provide slip planes to relieve stress in
the coke
Ch. 4 - 100
Delayed Coking
Ch. 4 - 101
Delayed Coking
Ch. 4 - 102
Catalytic Processes
Ch. 4 - 103
Catalytic Processes
Ch. 4 - 104
Octane Numbers of Pure Hydrocarbons
Ch. 4 - 105
Octane Numbers of Pure Hydrocarbons
Ch. 4 - 106
The World of Energy
Chapter 4 Crude Oil Refining
Ch. 4 - 107
Catalytic Cracking
Ch. 4 - 108
Catalytic Cracking
Ch. 4 - 109
Fluid Catalytic Cracking
Ch. 4 - 110
Fluid Catalytic Cracking
Ch. 4 - 111
Fluid Catalytic Cracking
Ch. 4 - 112
FCC- Fluidized Cat Cracker
Ch. 4 - 113
Fluid Catalytic Cracking
Ch. 4 - 114
Ch. 4 - 115
Catalytic Hydrodesulfurization Process
Ch. 4 - 116
Catalytic Hydrodesulfurization Process
Ch. 4 - 117
Hydrotreating: flow scheme
Ch. 4 - 118
Hydrotreating: Trickle-bed Reactor
Ch. 4 - 119
Other Hydrotreating Processes
Ch. 4 - 120
Other Hydrotreating Processes
Ch. 4 - 121
Ch. 4 - 122
Ch. 4 - 123
Ch. 4 - 124
Hydrocracking Process Configuration
Ch. 4 - 125
Hydrocracking Flow Scheme
Ch. 4 - 126
Catalytic Reforming
Ch. 4 - 127
Catalytic Reforming
A catalytic reformer comprises a reactor and product-
recovery section.
There is a feed preparation section comprising a
combination of hydrotreatment and distillation.
Most processes use Pt as the active catalyst. Sometimes
Pt is combined with a second catalyst (bimetallic catalyst)
such as rhenium or another noble metal.
There are many different commercial processes including
platforming, powerforming, ultraforming, and Thermofor
catalytic reforming.
Some reformers operate at low pressure (3-13 bar),
others at high pressures (up to 70 bar). Some systems
continuously regenerate the catalyst in other systems.
One reactor at a time is taken off-stream for catalyst
regeneration, and some facilities regenerate all of the
reactors during turnarounds.
Ch. 4 - 128
Catalytic Reforming
Ch. 4 - 129
Catalytic Reforming Scheme
Ch. 4 - 130
Semi-regenerative Catalytic Reforming
Ch. 4 - 131
Continuous Regenerative Catalytic Reforming
Ch. 4 - 132
Catalytic Reforming Reactors
Ch. 4 - 133
Ch. 4 - 134
Sulphuric Acid Alkylation Process
In cascade type sulfuric acid (H2SO4) alkylation units, the
feedstock (propylene, butylene, amylene, and fresh
isobutane) enters the reactor and contacts the
concentrated sulfuric acid catalyst (in concentrations of
85% to 95% for good operation and to minimize
The reactor is divided into zones, with olefins fed through
distributors to each zone, and the sulfuric acid and
isobutanes flowing over baffles from zone to zone.
The reactor effluent is separated into hydrocarbon and
acid phases in a settler, and the acid is returned to the
reactor. The hydrocarbon phase is hot-water washed
with caustic for pH control before being successively
depropanized, deisobutanized, and debutanized. The
alkylate obtained from the deisobutanizer can then go
directly to motor-fuel blending or be rerun to produce
aviation-grade blending stock. The isobutane is recycled
to the feed.
Ch. 4 - 135
Sulphuric Acid Alkylation Process
Ch. 4 - 136
Sulphuric Acid Alkylation Process
Ch. 4 - 137
Ch. 4 - 138
Oil Refinery
Heavy Residue Conversion Processes
Ch. 4 - 139
Conversion of Heavy Residue
Ch. 4 - 140
Conversion of Heavy Residue
For heavy oil the situation is even worse with ~ 50% fuel
oil being produced even in a complex refinery.
Fuel oil is worth < original crude. The value of the
products decreases in the order: gasoline> kerosene/gas
oil > crude oil > fuel oil.
Ch. 4 - 141
Conversion of Heavy Residue
Ch. 4 - 142
Conversion of Heavy Residue
Ch. 4 - 143
Fluid Coking and Flexicoking
Ch. 4 - 144
The Fluid Coking Process
Ch. 4 - 145
Ch. 4 - 146
Simplified Fluid Coking Flow Scheme
Ch. 4 - 147
The Flexicoking Process
The low BTU gas is typically fed to a CO boiler for heat recovery but
can also be used in modified furnaces/boilers; atmospheric or
vacuum pipestill furnaces; reboilers; waste heat boilers; power
plants and steel mills; or as hydrogen plant fuel, which can
significantly reduce or eliminate purchases of expensive natural gas
The small residual coke produced can be sold as boiler fuel for
generating electricity and steam or as burner fuel for cement
Ch. 4 - 148
Simple Flexicoking Flowscheme
Ch. 4 - 149
The Flexicoking Process
Ch. 4 - 150
Catalytic Hydrogenation of Residues
Ch. 4 - 151
Catalyst Deactivation
Ch. 4 - 152
Reactors used for Catalytic Hydrogenation
Ch. 4 - 153
The LC-fining Process
Developed by Lummus.
Uses fluidized-bed reactors.
Ch. 4 - 154
Processes with Fixed-bed Reactors
Ch. 4 - 155
The HYCON process
Ch. 4 - 156
Catalyst Rejuvenation
Ch. 4 - 157
Processes with Slurry Reactors
Ch. 4 - 158
Veba Combi-Cracking process
Ch. 4 - 159
Oil Refinery
Refinery Gas Processes
Ch. 4 - 160
Treatment of Refinery Gases
Removal of H2S from gases is usually performed by
absorption in the liquid phase.
The concentrated H2S is frequently converted to elemental
sulphur by the Claus process.
In the Claus process 95-97% of the H2S is converted.
H2S is often removed with solvents that can be
regenerated, usually alkanolamines: e.g. CH2(OH)CH2NH2
MEA (mono-ethanolamine).
These amines are highly water soluble with low volatility
and their reaction with H2S is much faster than with CO2
so that the amount of absorbed CO2 can be limited by
selecting appropriate conditions.
Ch. 4 - 161
H2S Removal by Amine Absorption
Ch. 4 - 162
Typical Claus Process
Ch. 4 - 163