Foundations and History of Statistical Mechanics
Foundations and History of Statistical Mechanics
Foundations and History of Statistical Mechanics
Technical issues: things like, what exactly is a C* algebra? Role of large deviations.
Historical issues: It's interesting to know how people have argued about this stuff.
David Z. Albert, Time and Chance
Jean Bricmont, "Science of Chaos or Chaos in Science?", chao-dyn/9603009
Stephen G. Brush, "Foundations of Statistical Mechanics 1845--1915", Archive
for the History of Exact Sciences 4 (1966): 145--183
Patrizia Castiglione, Massimo Falcioni, Annick Lesne and Angelo Vulpiani, Chaos
and Coarse Graining in Statistical Mechanics [Mini-review]
E. G. D. Cohen, "Entropy, Probability and Dynamics", arxiv:0807.1268
W. De Roeck, Christian Maes and Karel Netocny, "H-Theorems from
Autonomous Equations", cond-mat/0508089 = Journal of Statistical Physics 123
(2006): 571--584 ["If for a Hamiltonian dynamics for many particles, at all times the
present macrostate determines the future macrostate, then its entropy is non-
decreasing as a consequence of Liouville's theorem. That observation, made since
long, is here rigorously analyzed with special care to reconcile the application of
Liouville's theorem (for a finite number of particles) with the condition of
autonomous macroscopic evolution (sharp only in the limit of infinite scale
separation); and to evaluate the presumed necessity of a Markov property for the
macroscopic evolution."]
Richard S. Ellis, Entropy, Large Deviations and Statistical Mechanics
A. I. Khinchin, Mathematical Foundations of Statistical Mechanics
Joel L. Lebowitz, "Statistical mechanics: A selective Review of Two Central
Issues", Reviews of Modern Physics 71 (1999): S346--S357, math-ph/0010018
[Abstract: "I give a highly selective overview of the way statistical mechanics
explains the microscopic origins of the time-asymmetric evolution of macroscopic
systems towards equilibrium and of first-order phase transitions in equilibrium.
These phenomena are emergent collective properties not discernible in the behavior
of individual atoms. They are given precise and elegant mathematical formulations
when the ratio between macroscopic and microscopic scales becomes very large."] 1/6
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Michael C. Mackey
"The Dynamic Origin of Increasing Entropy", Reviews of Modern Physics
61 (1989): 981--1015
Time's Arrow: The Origins of Thermodynamic Behavior [This is a very
valuable short introduction to the ergodic theory of Markov operators, which
is highly relevant to the origins of irreversibility, etc., but I don't think his
approach works, because he focuses on the relative entropy (Kullback-
Leibler divergence from the invariant distribution), rather than the Boltzmann
entropy or even the Gibbs entropy.]
Benoit Mandelbrot, "The Role of Sufficiency and of Estimation in
Thermodynamics", Annals of Mathematical Statistics 33 (1962): 1021--1038
[Extensive thermodynamic variables as sufficient statistics for the conjugate intensive
variables; Gibbs canonical form arising from natural requirements on finite-
dimensional sufficient statistics, which can only be achieved for exponential families
of probability distributions. Very clever.]
Sandu Popescu, Anthony J. Short, and Andreas Winter, "Entanglement and the
Foundations of Statistical Mechanics", quant-ph/0511225 [Roughly speaking: due
to environmental entanglement, most states of a sub-system look "thermalized", no
matter what the real state of the whole system is]
Hans Reichenbach, The Direction of Time [Comments]
Steven Savitt (ed.), Time's Arrows Today: Recent Physical and Philosophical
Work on the Direction of Time
Geoffrey Sewell
Quantum Mechanics and Its Emergent Macrophysics
"On the Question of Temperature Transformations under Lorentz and Galilei
Boosts", arxiv:0808.0803 [Punch-line: "there is no law of temperature
transformation under either Lorentz or Galilei boosts, and so the concept of
temperature stemming from the Zeroth Law is restricted to states of bodies in
their rest frames."]
Lawrence Sklar, Physics and Chance: Philosophical Issues in the Foundations
of Statistical Mechanics
Eric Smith, "Large-deviation principles, stochastic effective actions, path entropies,
and the structure and meaning of thermodynamic descriptions", arxiv:1102.3938
Hugo Touchette, "The Large Deviations Approach to Statistical Mechanics",
W. H. Zurek, "Algorithmic Randomness, Physical Entropy, Measurements, and the
Demon of Choice," quant-ph/9807007
Modesty forbids:
CRS and Cristopher Moore, "What Is a Macrotate?" cond-mat/0303625
To read:
Walid K. Abou Salem and Jrg Frhlich, "Status of the Fundamental Laws of
Thermodynamics", Journal of Statistical Physics 126 (2007): 1045-1068 ["We
describe recent progress towards deriving the Fundamental Laws of
thermodynamics (the 0th, 1st, and 2nd Law) from nonequilibrium quantum statistical
mechanics in simple, yet physically relevant models."]
A. E. Allahverdyan and Th. M. Nieuwenhuizen, "Explanation of the Gibbs paradox
within the framework of quantum thermodynamics", Physical Review E 73 (2006): 2/6
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David A. Lavis
"The spin-echo system reconsidered", cond-mat/0311527
"Is Equilibrium a Useful Concept in Statistical Mechanics?", cond-
"Boltzmann, Gibbs and the Concept of Equilibrium", arxiv:0710.2052 = phil-
Chuang Liu, "Approximations, Idealizations, and Models in Statistical Mechanics,"
A. Majda, I. Timofeyev and E. Vanden-Eijnden, "Stochastic models for selected
slow variables in large deterministic systems", Nonlinearity 19 (2006): 769
Benoit Mandelbrot, "On the Derivation of Statistical Thermodynamics from Purely
Phenomenological Principles", Journal of Mathematical Physics 5 (1964): 164-
-171 [PDF reprint]
Stphane Mischler, Clment Mouhot, "Kac's Program in Kinetic Theory",
arxiv:1107.3251 ["his paper is devoted to the study of propagation of chaos and
mean-field limit for systems of indistinguable particles undergoing collision
processes, as formulated by M. Kac (1956)..."]
Wayne C. Myrvold, "Probabilities in Statistical Mechanics: What are they?",
Jill North, "An Empirical Approach to Symmetry and Probability", phil-sci/5192
Oliver Penrose, Foundations of Statistical Mechanics: A Deductive Treatment
A. Perez-Madrid, "Gibbs Entropy and Irreversibility", cond-mat/0401532
E. A. J. F. Peters, "Projection operator formalism and entropy", cond-
Denes Petz, "Entropy, von Neumann and the von Neumann Entropy," math-
Peter Reimann
"Foundation of Statistical Mechanics under Experimentally Realistic
Conditions", Physical Review Letters 101 (2008): 190403
"Typicality for Generalized Microcanonical Ensembles", Physical Review
Letters 99 (2007): 160404, arxiv:0710.4214 ["For a macroscopic, isolated
quantum system in an unknown pure state, the expectation value of any given
observable is shown to hardly deviate from the ensemble average with
extremely high probability under generic equilibrium and nonequilibrium
conditions. Special care is devoted to the uncontrollable microscopic details
of the system state. For a subsystem weakly coupled to a large heat bath, the
canonical ensemble is recovered under much more general and realistic
assumptions than those implicit in the usual microcanonical description of the
composite system at equilibrium."]
David Ruelle
Statistical Mechanics: Rigorous Results
Thermodynamic Formalism
Geoffrey L. Sewell, "Statistical Thermodynamics of Moving Bodies",
Orly R. Shenker and Meir Hemmo
"The Von Neumann Entropy: A Reconsideration", phil-sci/2256
"Von Neumann's Entropy Does Not Correspond to Thermodynamic
Entropy", phil-sci/3716
Hal Tasaki 5/6
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