Business Document Guide: Printing Time and Cost Savings Are On Your Side With Fiery VUE
Business Document Guide: Printing Time and Cost Savings Are On Your Side With Fiery VUE
Business Document Guide: Printing Time and Cost Savings Are On Your Side With Fiery VUE
VOLUME 1: Number 1
This report identifies Printing Time and Cost Savings are On Your Side with Fiery VUE
the benefits of Until recently, creating brochures, booklets, and other professionally finished documents
creating professional was the domain of print shops or graphic design professionals. Historically, integrating
finished documents various file formats into one of these documents has been somewhat complicated and
using EFIs Fiery VUE, time-consuming for the average office worker. Consider the steps involved in many
a new visual print office environments today.
application and The user creates their document, importing the various components of the docu-
includes the results of ment in different file formats such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, etc.
exclusive BERTL testing If theyre responsible for the finished product, they then output and add the finish-
that illustrate the time ing touches (hole punch, staple, etc.) through the print driver on a multifunctional
and cost savings device. Because workers typically cant see how the finished document will actu-
associated with Fiery ally look until they click print, theres often some trial and error involved in the form
VUE compared to of wasted time and wasted prints and consumables until they are satisfied with the
other vendors printer finished results.
drivers. Or, if they opt to send their documents to a Corporate Reprographics Department
(CRD) or outsource them to their local printer, they have to deliver separate files,
describing how they want that finished document to look and then wait until the
project is done. Add to that the costs associated with outsourcing the work or hav-
ing it billed internally by a CRD. The bottom line, its an added cost.
In order to use Fiery VUE, however, the user must have an EFI controller attached to their
output device. In many office environements, this is a logical option.
Copyright 2010 BERTL, Inc |Business Equipment Research and Test Laboratories April 2010
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Talking About Templates Using Fiery VUEs Green Books feature, users can reduce paper
One of the biggest advantages that BERTL has found Fiery consumption by up to 85 percent.
VUE has over traditional print drivers is that it gives users the
option of printing their document or saving it as a tem- carbon footprint and use less paper. For a PowerPoint pres-
plate. A selection of templates provided by EFI expedites entation with 15 individual slides, thats 15 sheets of paper
the document creation process. For example, users can per handout plus the time it takes to print those sheets. By
start with one of the pre-existing templates or create their choosing Fiery VUEs Full Size Green Book template, a user
own custom template that can be used again and again. can output that presentation at full size in duplex mode
What EFI has discovered in focus groups with end users is and save 50 percent of the paper. Or they can select the
that a half dozen different templates can accomodate Half Size Green Book template and reduce it to 8 x 11
about 80 percent of most print jobs. In BERTLs view, these booklet and save 75 percent or create a Mini Green Book
templates give Fiery VUE a big edge when going head to that prints the PowerPoint presentation professionally and
head with a traditional print driver. legibly at two slides per sheet with its own cover with an 85
percent reduction in paper as compared to printing 15
Going Green slides on single-sided 8 x 11 paper.
BERTL believes that the timing is right for a product like Fiery
VUE largely because of the current focus on waste reduc- This is another example of how Fiery VUE helps users man-
tion initiatives taking place in many organizations while at age their printed output. Not only does it provide users with
the same time, mission-critical documents are growing in the ability to produce high-value documents quickly and
volume. efficiently, it reduces paper waste.
For organizations looking to be green, Fiery VUEs Green BERTLs Keystroke Test
Books function offers them that capability. Three pre- BERTL tested Fiery VUE against drivers from five leading MFP
formatted templates (full, half, mini) are included in Fiery vendors. The drivers were compared to see how many
VUE, enabling users to create and design a finished book- clicks it would take to execute the same features as in Fiery
let with a minimal number of mouse clicks. With Green VUE. The results of this independent testing reveals that it
Books, a user can reduce paper usage by up to 85 per- takes fewer keystrokes in Fiery VUE to perform key finishing
cent compared to a standard PowerPoint presentation by options such as staple, punch, and creating booklets as
combining pages with additional cost savings achieved well as printing on both sides of a page, changing the ori-
by eliminating unnecessary printouts. entation of a page from portrait to landscape, and rotat-
ing the page compared to most print drivers. Indeed,
Consider that many documents created in an office are many of these tasks can be accomplished in just four key-
printed on one page per sheet full size up. Thats a waste strokes using Fiery VUE compared to four to ten keystrokes
of paper, especially for a company looking to reduce its using drivers associated with OEMs output hardware.
Copyright 2010 BERTL, Inc |Business Equipment Research and Test Laboratories April 2010
All Rights Reserved. The license under which this document is made available and applicable law prohibit any reproduction or further transmission of any portion of this document. This document may only be
viewed electronically through the Web site and may not be stored in electronic or hard copy format. Any reproduction of trademarks is strictly prohibited. BERTL accepts no responsibility for any Pag e|3
inaccuracies or omissions contained in this document.
The way competitive drivers are organized, it took more What the chart doesnt factor in, however, and is an ad-
clicks to find a specific feature, such as Staple, or Punch. vantage of the Fiery VUE Template option, is the ability of
Once again, thats the inherent benefit of Fiery VUE in that users to perform additional tasks such as mix attributes in a
the feature that the user wants can be selected with fewer document, change slides in a PowerPoint presentation, for
clicks. For example, when you drag your mouse over a example, to color, and print on two sides and all the other
particular feature, a menu pops up that shows you the func- tasks mentioned earlier in the section on Fiery VUE benefits.
tions you can enable. Those require less clicks as opposed to Those tasks require additional steps intially, but once a tem-
the traditional driver where you have to click on each tab. plate is created, they can all be done via one click. Thats
the value add of Fiery VUE because these same tasks cant
be accomplished as easily and efficiently using other
Fiery Fiery VUE Other Printer Drivers
printer drivers.
Features VUE w/Template (PS & PCL & PCL6)
BERTL also evaluated the time it took to find certain fea-
tures in other drivers compared to Fiery VUE. While negli-
None 4 1 4 to 8
gible, it takes the average user 3-4 more seconds to find
2 Left, 2 Top 4 1 4 to 8
a comparable feature on a competitive print driver. This
3 Left, 3 Top 4 1 4 to 8
may not seem like a lot of time, but for light-production
4 Left, 4 Top 4 1 4 to 8
environments that create finished documents on a regu-
Staple lar basis, this could save some organizations dozens of
None, Corner, Left, Top 4 1 4 to 7 hours a year.
The Bottom Line
None 4 1 4 to 8
Ultimately what Fiery VUE does is take most of the guess
Ring Bound 4 1 4 to 8
work out of creating professional looking finished docu-
Stapled, Stapled Half Size 4 1 4 to 8
ments by simplifying the process and giving the user
Pages Per Sheet greater control in the process than theyve ever had be-
1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 16 4 1 4 to 6 fore. With that control comes time and cost savings, and
for those organizations looking to shrink their carbon foot-
Print on Both Sides print, an opportunity to do that too.
Disabled 4 1 4 to 7
Flip Pages Left 4 1 4 to 7
0, 90, 180, - 90 Degrees 4 1 4 to 7
Portrait 4 1 4 to 10
Landscape 4 1 4 to 10
Copyright 2010 BERTL, Inc |Business Equipment Research and Test Laboratories April 2010
All Rights Reserved. The license under which this document is made available and applicable law prohibit any reproduction or further transmission of any portion of this document. This document may only be
Page|4 viewed electronically through the Web site and may not be stored in electronic or hard copy format. Any reproduction of trademarks is strictly prohibited. BERTL accepts no responsibility for any
inaccuracies or omissions contained in this document.