Blends 5

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Science and Technology of Polymers

Prof. Basudam Adhikari

Materials Science Centre
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Lecture - 35
Multi Component Polymeric Materials

Good morning, today the topic of our discussion is multi component polymeric
materials, when we talk about polymer technology, which is polymer product
technology. We think of some products made of merging polymer materials, along with
some functional additives. Now, there are certain limitations of that product technology
made from individual homo polymers.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:31)

So, there were enough reasons to find out improvement in the properties of the product.
For that reason, people have developed some polymer products which are better than the
products made from single polymer materials to develop a broad spectrum property in
the product.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:46)

So, basically a need is felt for such type of products, which are supposed to provide
broad spectrum properties as well as better properties or improved properties over the
properties contributed by a single polymer in the product. To explicitly explain, we know
about the homo polymers, we know about the copolymers, the difference between the
homo polymers and the copolymers lies in the fact that homo polymers are made from a
single monomer.

This means the monomeric unit repeats along the entire backbone of the polymer chain
and we get a polymer when the properties of that homo polymer are not sufficient
enough to obtain the desirable performance of the product. Then, people thought about
mixing a second monomer or a third monomer with the first monomer to form a new
product which is known as copolymer. This means polymers made or synthesized
between more than one monomer, so that the monomer units of the different monomer
units act here along the backbone chain in a different sequence.

I discussed in other lectures that is the monomers, when they are arranged in an
alternating sequence or alternation sequence that is called alternating copolymer. When
the monomers, monomer units of two different monomer units are arranged in a block
sequence, block of one monomer followed by the block of the second monomer. Then,
we get block copolymer; or the monomers, two monomers can be arranged in a random
fashion along the backbone chain that is called random copolymer.
Not only that, it can be a graphed copolymer that means onto the backbone of one of the
homo polymer of the monomer, a second monomer is polymerised, so that it is grown or
starts from the backbone of the first polymer. So, the second polymer becomes grafted or
becomes attached to the first polymer chain, so that is graphed copolymer.

So, this way these copolymers were developed and as it was expected that such
copolymers are supposed to provide better polymer better products properties or
improved properties or broad spectrum properties. This is not present in one homo
polymer, that was successful that means the properties of the two monomers can be
developed in a copolymer.

Similarly, when people could not be further satisfied with this either homo polymer or
copolymer, then people thought about of multicomponent blends of polymers that means
more than one polymers are mixed together. So, there are lot of science behind this
copolymer synthesis, copolymer properties and the science behind the multicomponent
blends or the blends of more than one polymer to form a new product, I have discussed
to some extent in other lectures.

(Refer Slide Time: 06:30)

Now, here when homo polymers from individual monomers should not or cannot provide
the desirable properties or cannot provide broad spectrum properties need of tailoring the
existing polymers to newer products was failed. So, people ventured to mix two more
different polymers or to get two more different polymers or to get a polymer composition
with a newer set of properties. People tried to polymerize two or more monomers
together with the other monomers to get a new polymer known as copolymer. So, this
way the existence of or the development of copolymers and polymer blends were

(Refer Slide Time: 07:31)

Now, what are the problems or if there are any problems if we go through or if we go for
synthesis of copolymers or the polymer blends. In case of copolymers you know that the
monomers different monomers are attached to an attached to one another through
covalent primary bonds or primary covalent bonds.

So, basically that polymer made from two monomers are not a mixture of two polymers
rather different properties of different monomers are introduced in one polymer having
the presence of two different monomers in a different sequence. In case of polymer
blends that is that is good in case of your copolymer there is a success in developing
newer properties there is a success in the developing broad spectrum properties. When
people went for mixing more than polymer or two polymers, three polymers like this
then a problem was faced, so when polymer 1 is mixed with polymer 2.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:03)

P 1 is mixed with P 2 a product known as polymer blend is produced now there are many
considerations to be thought of in this particular issue. Now, what is the nature of
polymer 1, what is the nature of polymer 2, how they are mixed, after mixing how they
show the properties or what about their phases two different phases of the polymer 1 and
polymer 2. All these things are to be considered. In that angle, we have to discuss about
the miscibility immiscibility of the component polymers miscibility immiscibility of the
component polymers.

If, the component polymers are not miscible, then what will happen? The phase 1 will
separate from phase 2, which means there will be separation of different, when it is
produced by some process. Initially, we can have improved properties or the
combination of properties or the addition of properties of polymer 1 with the polymer 2,
but in the long run during service in the during the service of the product during the use
of the product. With time there will be separation of polymer 2 phase from the polymer 1
phase, so that leads to unstable or instability in properties. So, that is not a desirable
phenomenon the product should maintain its properties for a longer period or even up to
its end use end of life.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:42)

So, miscibility immiscibility phase separation these aspects are to be considered if we

discuss with examples. Let us take the examples of homo polymers of ethylene which is
polyethylene P E there are different grades LDP, EHD, PEL, LDP, EBL, DPE ultra high
molecular rate polyethylene. So, those are all homo polymers, but the different grades
differ from each in terms of their micro structure, their molecular weight, their branching
non branching density. Similarly, propylene also gives a homo polymer polypropylene
same is the situation with polypropylene.

So, these are known as very good plastics, as I mentioned if we want to have a
multicomponent polymer that means in one polymer there can be more than one
component. I want to have you want to have ethylene component in the polymer along
with the propylene component in the polymer, so we can synthesize a co polymer of
ethylene and propylene, so it will form a copolymer of EPE, PEP like this.

So, if we plus this ethylene and propylene units in alternation, we call it ethylene
propylene co polymer, if we place this ethylene propylene units in the form of blocks
ethylene blocks followed by propylene blocks like this, we call it block copolymer. We
say it continuous, if we want to graphed ethylene propylene on to the main backbone
chain of ethylene. It looks like this from here the propylene segments can grow, this is
graphed copolymer.
Similarly, we can have random copolymer ethylene propylene propylene ethylene, this
random ethylene units are propylene units are randomly placed in along the back bone
chain of the polymer random placement. So, random copolymer, here in doing, so the
properties of homo polymers are drastically changed in the co polymer because of the
presence of the two monomer units in the backbone chain. This copolymer of ethylene
propylene becomes elastomeric in nature, whereas their homo polymers are plastic.

(Refer Slide Time: 15:34)

Before going to discuss about this, little details of this multicomponent polymeric
systems, we must look at the definitions of some terminologies, sometimes we hear as
polymer alloy.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:54)

This terminology alloy is used in case of metal alloys metals and alloys means that is a
solute solution of one metal in another metal that is solute solution, similar is the case for
polymer alloy. So, we can consider that if one polymer becomes soluble in another
polymer, that means one of the polymers can act as solute and polymer can act as solvent
in that case we can get a polymer alloy. Again, if we take this example of polymer P 1
and polymer P 2, so this product will be a polymer alloy, provided they form a solute
solution. There is a molecular mixing and the chance of separation into phases all these
things does not occur at all.

So, that is called polymer alloy, then what is polymer blend? Polymer alloy can also be
called as polymer blend. Now, this polymer blend is a mixture of polymers mixture of
more than one polymer with other polymer or mixture of a polymer or a co polymer and
or mixture of two co polymers. So, polymer, polymer mixture, polymer polymer mixture,
co polymer, co polymer mixture or polymer, co polymer mixture. So, these different
cases, different blends of polymer, polymer, co polymer co polymer, co polymer are
formed constitutes this polymer blends.

Then, what is miscible P B, miscible poly blend? It is a single phase poly blend system is
supposed to be a single phase poly blend system at molecular level of dispersion of one
polymer in other. It must fulfil the thermodynamic criteria that are heat of mixing of the
two polymers should be negative, when delta H of m that means heat of mixing of the
two polymer is negative. Then, other terminology also we come across that is compatible
poly blend when the two polymer components mixes mix it get a polymer blend. There,
the question of this two components miscibility or the compatibility phase mixing of the
two component polymers or interfacial addition of one polymer molecule with other
polymer molecule that is known as compatibility.

So, that leads to compatible poly blend and it can be considered as a homogeneous
system with enhanced physical properties, which is intimately mixed, molecularly mixed
to form a homogeneous solution homogeneous mixture. We can consider that also as
polymer alloys there is nothing wrong in it and by doing, so we can have improved or
enhanced physical properties of the as well as the chemical properties of the polymer

Then, we want to make this compatible poly blend, then what is the main sub
compatibilization, what is the meaning of this term compatibilization? Now, any physical
or chemical action which stabilizes a poly blend without phase separation is known as
compatibilization. This means, a polymer B to be blended with polymer A to make it
compatible for that action there must be some chemical or physical interaction between
the two component polymers. That physical or chemical action must stabilize the system
of the poly blend without any chance of phase separation. Now, there is another
terminology is engineering polymer E P engineering polymer.

Now, engineering polymer is also considered as a processable polymer, which is

supposed to exhibit high performance properties say high mechanical properties at
certain temperature where the product is to be continuously used. The product is to
perform continuously preferably at a temperature of higher than 100 degree celsius, we
say tensile strength of greater than say 40 mega Pascal. So, a polymer which can stand
higher than 100 degree Celsius for a prolonged service period maintaining a tensile
strength tensile properties of polymer beyond 40 mega Pascal, then the terminology
engineering poly blend engineering poly blend EPB.

So, to make engineering poly blend we can take a polymer alloy or a polymer blend in
which one of the components should be an engineering polymer that is known as
engineering polymer blend. So, a polymer blend once again I repeat a polymer blend
having components P A polymer alloy or polymer blend, either of this two any of these
two should be an engineering polymer that is known as engineering polymer blend.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:16)

If we look into the classification of this polymer alloys and blends based on their
miscibility or their degree of miscibility, degree of mixing, degree of compatibility
etcetera the miscible blends should behave as homo polymer.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:44)

One of the classes of this polymer blends and alloys this miscible blend should behave
like a homo polymer that means it can be considered as a substitute of homo polymer. At
the same time, having higher level of properties over those of homo polymers as well as
development of newer properties which is not available in the homo polymer and their
properties are composition dependent. That means the properties of the blend is
dependent on the composition of the component polymers that means either the property
available is dependent on 70, 30 basis. This means one component is 70 parts by weight
or parts by volume and the other component might be 30 parts by volume or parts by

Now, if we move from 70, 30 to 80, 20 or 90, 10 or 60, 40 the properties of the blend
may vary, in fact it happens. So, in order to optimize that one should make blends in
wide range of compositions to arrive at the maximum property available from a suitable
composition it might be 60 40 or 70 30 or 50 50 that is to be explored.

Next class is immiscible blend, now this immiscible blend is a mechanical mixture of
two immiscible polymers here, you must understand that the two component polymers
are not miscible. We are blending it, mixing it and the product formed is known as
immiscible blend.

So, mechanical mixture of two immiscible polymers and commercial products are made
via careful control of morphology for example, polyethylene terephthalate polyethylene
terephthalate nylon 6 6 blend for that is used for monofilament application. Now, this
polyethylene terephthalate and nylon 6 6 are not completely miscible there are certain
immiscibility effect of this two polymers because this two polymers are chemically
different. Then, since this two polymers are little polar in nature through polar interaction
they can be used for making a blend, but their properties can also be modified or
toughened with engineering resins containing 2 to 4 percent of polyolefin or rubber.

So, these polymers can be blended, compatibilized with a mixture of small percentage of
some other polymer that can be polyolefin say polyethylene or polypropylene or a
rubber. Next class is compatibilized polymer blend, when two component polymers are
not compatible in a mixture in a blend well we can also use those component polymers P
1 and P 2 to form a blend with the help of a third material ingredient. That is known as a
compatibilizer, we can consider or we can designate this compatibilizer as a marriage
Let this P 1 and P 2 does not like to mix with each other, but since because of the
difference in their solubility parameter, their polarities and their other aspects molecular
weights, density. So, these two basically immiscible components can be made miscible if
a third component third person is brought in between them which is known as a marriage
maker, that marriage maker is known as compatibilizer. So, with the help of the
compatibilizer two immiscible polymers can be converted to a polymer blend.

Now, this modification is done such modification with the help of compatibilizer is done
by addition of an agent which is known as compatibilizer, this compatibilizer interact
with both the phases. So, this can be a block or graft copolymer, this can be an ionomer,
this can be a co solubilizer means a co solvent type of thing. This means, the third
component which is used as compatibilizer can interact with the both.

So, they can keep both the polymer components P 1 and P 2 miscible by the presence of
this third component, examples are poly phenylene oxide P P O and polyethylene. These
two and these two are compatibilized polyethylene is purely hydrocarbon, polyphenylene
oxide has got some polar nature.

So, that is compatibilized with the help of styrene ethylene styrene co ethylene co
butylene copolymer. So, because of the presence of this phenylene of styrene, presence
of ethylene unit, presence of butylene units. So, these help to make this two component
polymers miscible, so this is known as SEBS. So, S E B S can be used as a
compatibilizer can act as a compatibilizer, then comes this block copolymers, block
polymers and their blends this block co polymers. Their blends these are made basically
made up of macro segments of different nature say polyurethane, poly etheramide, poly
etherblockamide, polyetherblockamide etcetera.

So, these polymers have macro segments means segments are the molecular weight of
that segment is higher than that of a monomer unit. So, that is why they are known as
macro segments, so that is known as block polymers and their blends say styrene block
styrene, butylene block copolymer SBS also SBS.

Similarly, polyether polyurethane, polyester polyurethane, similarly carboxyl terminated

polyurethane, carboxyl terminated poly butylene there may can be many examples to be
cited in favour of that block polymers and their blends. So, there are so many block
polymers they can be also blended to form a new product having newer set of properties.
(Refer Slide Time: 34:32)

Let us look into some commercially available polymer blends or commercial blends,
there are plenty of examples, you can get details of those examples in other literature just
to mention examples of few. Lexan is the trade name producer is manufacturing General
Electric Company and the component polymers in that blend is poly carbonate and poly
ethylene. It is fantastic poly carbonate is a polar polymer, it is an engineering polymer,
poly ethylene is a non polar polymer, it need to be hydro carbon polymer. Now, the
purpose behind the blending of these two polymers is that this polarity of this poly
carbonate is altered by the presence of polyethylene or the hydro carbon nature non
polarised nature is altered by the presence of poly carbonate.

So, by varying the composition of poly carbonate and poly ethylene, we can have some
new properties in some particular composition. So, this blend is available in the market,
similarly Noryl is polyphenylene oxide and high impact polystyrene blend mixture of
high impact polystyrene with poly phenylene oxide Vectra, produced by Celanese
corporation. Basically, a liquid crystalline polymer blend more than one liquid crystal
polymers are mixed to develop a composition which is better properties than individual
liquid crystalline polymers.

Again, manufactured by General Electric it is a poly etherimide blend with thermo

plastic polymer poly etherimide is blend with T P thermo plastic polymer. Lauranyl
made by B A S F germany polyphenylene oxide polyphenylene ether with thermo plastic
polymer, Nydur is polyamide with an elastomer. Texin Mobay is the manufacturer
polyurethane polycarbonate blend. Then, Celanex made by Celanese Corporation it is a
blend of poly butylene terephthalate with polyethylene terephthalate.

Kralastic made by Uniroyl company it is a blend of butadiene styrene tar polymer and P
V C poly vinyl chloride. So, there are plenty of examples where the commercial products
are available from the blends of different polymers say with polyolefin and with some
other condensation polymers, so these are the few examples only.

(Refer Slide Time: 38:15)

Now, to talk about the compatibilization techniques or the principles of the

compatibilization of the polymer blends. This is done to prevent segregation of the
component polymers in the blend by promoting co-crystallization between the
component polymers. This means this polymers when they are processed by melt
processing technique, means they are mixed, then they are fabricated either by injection
moulding or by compression moulding or by transfer moulding.

Then, after filling the mould the filled polymer filled mould is cooled the rate of at a
specified rate of cooling now that specified rate of cooling, affects this molecular
alignment or organizes this molecules to have this long range order in the product. So,
either to develop crystallinity or either to crystallize or to not crystallize or to remain or
to keep it in amorphous condition. That depends on the requirement if it is required that
the products are to be or the polymer molecules are to be crystallized in the product.
This means molecularly aligned to develop long range order molecular order then the
cooling rate is properly adjusted so that polymer molecules crystallizes. So, that is a
phenomenon of a crystallization during cooling of the product within the mould. Now,
that principle has been used as a method of preventing segregation of the component
polymers in the blend by promoting co crystallization. Now, the crystallization
phenomenon is a kind of purification we know, kind of purification technique means that
one material can be purified by crystallizing in presence of other impurities.

So, after crystallization these impurities are removed. Now, here in this case one polymer
is supposed to be crystallized in presence of the other that means the nature of the two
polymers are chemical nature structure etcetera are almost comparable or identical. Then,
two segments of the two polymers different polymer molecules can crystallized together,
that means from a crystallite in which one can find the presence of the two different
component polymers, that is known as co crystallization.

So, such co crystallization can help to prevent segregation of the component polymers in
the blend. This is a kind of this is a one of the principles of compatibilization, second is
the cross linking of the dispersed phase..

(Refer Slide Time: 42:02)

We want to make a blend of polymer 1 with polymer 2, so if we consider that polymer 1

is the major phase suppose it is 70 parts by weight polymer component one polymer with
which we want to mix component polymer two having 30 parts by weight. So, this P 2
since it is used with lower concentration this P 2 will remain dispersed in the phase of P
1, in this case P 1 will behave as the matrix at the continuous phase and P 1 P 2 as
dispersed phase.

Now, this dispersed phase can be cross linked means this is the phase of P 1 molecules in
which is this P 2 molecules are dispersed lower concentration than the P 1. So, these are
P 1 molecules, P 1 molecules these are P 2 molecules, P 2 molecules, P 2 molecules.

Now, if this these are intimately mixed P 2 molecules are intimately mixed in P 1 phase
that means P 2 is dispersed in P 1 phase in this P 2 molecules are inter linked, if this P 2
molecules are inter linked, only P 2 molecules are inter linked, so what will happen?
These P 2 P 1 molecule will remain in the cross linked phase of the P 2 molecule, so that
is the kind of compatibilization. That means if P 1 wants to go out of this P 2 P 1
molecules likes to go beyond this P 2 go from the P 2 side, then that will prevent it since
there is a network formed by P 2 and this P 1 is entangled with this P 2 network.

So, P 1 cannot move from P 2 separate in to a different phase, so that can prevent phase
separation or segregation. So, this is a kind of compatibilization technique by cross
linking, then forming inter penetrating network. So, this formation of inter penetrating
network is again an extension or modification of this cross linking of the dispersed phase
in the phase of P 1 continuous phase. So, this inter penetrating network means we can
have a polymer I will discuss later I P N we can have a network of one polymer system
in which we can grow another network by polymerising a second monomer in this.

So, it will form a inter penetrating network like this. So, that is also another way of
compatibilization in the two components then ionic interactions say polar interactions,
say one polymer can have some ionic group, say P 1 can have some ionic group. Now,
the ionic groups of P 1 can be interacted with some other ionic groups some other ionic
group of P 2 that means the ionic groups of this P 1 and P 2 are not identical. They are
different, but since they are ionic say positive or negative ions say positive ions of P 1
can interact with the negative ions of P 2. So, that is called ion, ion or ion dipole
interactions that can also stabilize the two different phases in a blend of two component

Next is hydrogen bonding, it is a secondary interaction hydrogen bonding is a secondary

interaction through secondary interaction hydrogen bonding one can stabilize the
segregation or prevent the segregation of the component polymers. That means hydrogen
present in one polymer linked to some more electro negative atom and hydrogen present
in another polymer link to some electro negative atom. So, these there will be
competition of hydrogen bonds between the electro negative atoms present in one
polymer with the other present in the different other polymer.

Then, the second principle is use of compatibilizer, as I mentioned earlier that

compatibilizers can be of different nature this compatibilizer can be block copolymer or
graft copolymer or co solvents. I shall discuss little elaborately later. Then,
compatibilization through reactive polymer processing reactive polymer processing, one
polymer can be one of the component polymer.

(Refer Slide Time: 48:31)

Suppose, it is P 1 it can contain some functional groups functional sides again polymer
component polymer P 2 also contains some other kind of functional groups. So, these
two function different function groups can in different functional groups present in P 1
and P 2 they can react with each other to form a new product. Through such reaction, this
separation of phase P 1 from the phase two or separation of phase P 2 from the P 1 can
be prevented or even monomer of P P 2 can be polymerised in the matrix of P 1. That is
the technique known as polymerisation through polymerisation, we can also go for
compatibilization which is known as one of the techniques of reactive polymer
processing functionalization.
One can functionalize, say component polymer P 1 and P 2 these two polymers are
available in the market. I want to develop a new product P having different properties
from that of either P 1 or P 2. So, I can chemically modify this P to P prime, sorry I can
chemically modify this P 1 to P 1 prime.

Similarly, I can also chemically modify this P 2 to P 2 prime that is, done through
functionalization of P 1 and P 2 that means chemical modification of P 1 and P 2. For
example, we can say halogenate polymer P 1 that means halogen atoms can be added to
polymer P 1 so that it becomes P 1 prime halogenated polymer. We can also we may or
may not modify this P, suppose if it is a halogenated polymer, then we can mix this P 1
prime with P 2 P 2 is a halogenated polymer.

We can mix this P 1 prime with P 2 through halogenation of this polymer P 1, so P 2

contains halogen atom P 1 does not contain halogen atom. So, we can add or attach some
halogen atom so that we can blend this P 1 and P 2, not only that we can attach some
other functional groups say we can carboxylate or we can develop hydroxyl groups or
even we can develop some free radicals. In either of these two polymers, we can then
make a blend of these two polymers P 1 and P 2 and which will be stable in properties
then polymer polymer reactions.

Now, polymer 1 as I mentioned earlier this polymer 1 can have some functional groups
and polymer 2 P 2 can have another functional groups of opposite nature. So, if they are
opposite nature then this two functional groups functional group of P 2 can react with P 1
and this two polymers can interact with each other. The new product the product will be
new material having different properties then semi inter penetrating network. This is also
another technique by which we can develop new properties in this or we can
compatibilize these two polymers.
(Refer Slide Time: 52:43)

Again, you can view this polymer blend in different way, we can have polymer, polymer
blend that means homo polymer, homo polymer blend, we can have a blend of polymer
and copolymer, and we can have a blend of copolymer and copolymer. Now, these
polymer blends, different types of polymer blends, in which the component polymers can
be either miscible or the component polymers can be immiscible. If these component
polymers are miscible, then that can again be homogeneous or can also be

So, depending on our requirement we can make homogeneous miscible blends as well as
heterogeneous miscible blends, then if the component polymers are immiscible. Then,
we have to take certain measure adaption to do something on the component polymer so
that the two component polymers can be miscible that is done through compatibilization.
Ultimately, we get a polymer alloy or solid solution of two different component
polymers, this way we can get multicomponent polymer system from two different
component polymers polar nonpolar they can lead to miscible polymer blends.

Now, a blend of a polar polymer with a nonpolar polymer can be miscible we can make
it miscible through compatibilization. Similarly, we can mix a nonpolar polymer in a
polar matrix through compatibilization this way we get polymer alloys or polymer blends
or polymer mixtures. So, in next lecture we shall discuss the other aspects of these
multicomponent polymer systems. Thank you.

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