Lec 1
Lec 1
Lec 1
Prof. J. Ramkumar
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Lecture - 01
Introduction to Manufacturing of Composites
That is why, today, you see many products which are in the market; talk about
smartphones, intelligent phones, smart material, intelligent material so many new things
come. All these things are getting inspired by nature. So, composites is manmade and
now we are moving towards bio-mimicking composites. We were try to see some of the
bio-mimicking composites in the last phase of this course.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:17)
So, in today's lecture what we are trying to cover is, we will try to cover the content of
composites, then we will talk about classification of composites then, what is the
advantage of composites as compared to that of metals, then special features of
composites, applications of composites, then we check exclusively polymer matrix
composite and we will talk about, what is monomer, what is polymer, what are the
different mechanism, wherein which this polymerization can happen.
So, what is composite; though composite is a term which is used almost for a century
still a clear definition has not been evolved. So based on my understanding and with their
literature available I have just put a very broad sense of definition of composite.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:07)
In a broad sense, the term composite materials refers to a solid matter composed of more
than one component, wherein those components are in separate phases. For example, I
take material A, I take material B, when I mix this 2 or when I do a process; that means,
to say I apply pressure, temperature with respect to time, then, I get a product out. This
product will always be a synergy, that means to say, it will try to take the advantages of
A, advantages of B and try to give a new product, wherein which that has a required
material property and when I try to take the cross-section of the composite material I can
still distinguish, what is the component A added, what is component B added. So, this is
a definition for composites.
So, the component A is called the matrix and component B is called the reinforcement.
There is a difference between composite and alloy. In an alloy, when I try to mix material
A plus material B and it forms a product C. The product C which is formed will have a
better property as per the customers requirement, but when I try to take a cross-section, I
will not be individually able to detect the presence of material A and B. So, this is what is
a difference between composite and an alloy.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:54)
Now, let us see the classifications of composite based on the dispersed phase. Here, the
dispersed phase means the reinforcement getting dispersed in a matrix. Now, it is very
clear; you will have 2 products which I said material A, material B; 2 materials: material
A and material B. So, material A is called the matrix, wherein which, we try to reinforce
the matrix by material B.
The first classification which is shown here is based on the dispersion of phase, phase’s
reinforcement. Here, if you see composites can be classified into 3 types; one is called as
continuous fiber reinforced composite, short fiber reinforced composite and particulate
type reinforced composites. Long fiber means its length when we talk about aspect ratio,
it is length by diameter, we have a long length divided by the diameter of few tens of
microns. So, these are called as long fibers. It is very similar to that of a thread which is
used for stitching, the shape, and the length.
The next one is short fibers, I cut this long fiber into very short fibers and then I try to
make something like a mat. So, here the aspect ratio is very small; that means, to say
length is small, diameter will be the same. So, these are called short fibers. If the
diameter goes very small and if the length is still maintained or slightly less, the aspect
ratio is maintained, those reinforcements are called as whisker. The difference between
short fiber and a whisker is, in whisker, the defect densities are very very low.
The third classification here is particulate composites. In particulate composites, the
reinforcement, whatever we use, will be the length to diameter ratio will be
approximately equal to 1, slightly higher than 1, less than 5 something like that. It is
something like a sand size. Those are reinforcing materials; those things are called as
particulate composites. So, particulate composites are predominantly used in ceramic
matrix composite and metal matrix composite.
When we go ahead with the continuous fiber reinforced composite, again you have
unidirectional, bi-directional; uni-directional means, all the fibers running in one
direction length, bi-direction means, it is woven like your cloth, shirt, what we wear. So,
you have fibers running in both directions. You can also have fibers running in the third
direction. These composites are now getting into market and it has very high strength and
these composites are called as 3D composites.
So, the fibers run in all 3 directions, so that, you get x y and z, thickness also. Then you
can also have multi-directional. When you talk about short fibers, it can be aligned in one
direction or it can be random in nature. When you go to bi-direction, we call it as woven
and then we also call it as there is a classification called as cross fiber. You can also have
angle fibers; angle fibers are these textiles like material arc cut in different directions and
they are laid.
We will see more in detail, when we go talk about composite, laminate, laminae and
other places. We will see more details and as far as random is concerned, it can be planar
random or it can be 3D random.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:39)
When I talk about composites, based on matrix classification, there are 3 types of matrix
classification; one is called as polymer matrix composite where this matrix composite is
very predominantly used in mankind today. The next one is metal matrix composite;
metal matrix composite is used wherein which, there is high strength and you need more
high strength materials and more other properties like stiffness and corrosion resistance,
all these things we are now trying to add metal matrix composites there. You also have
ceramic matrix composite. Ceramics are very poor in toughness, so now we add
reinforcing agent to enhance their toughness property, same way with metals we add
reinforcement, so that, we enhance their strength property.
When you talk about polymer matrix composite, they are further classified into 3.
Generally, there are 3 types or 3 kinds in the polymer; one is called as thermoset polymer
and another one is called a thermoplastic polymer and the third one is called as
elastomers. Thermoset polymers are polymers wherein which, it was very high strength
and stiffness, but as far as ductility is concerned, is very poor and on top of it these
composites are not recyclable. Today, there is a major challenge which is thrown in front
of us, is how do we process the thermosetting polymers, which has been installed in
service condition in the last few decades.
Thermoplastic polymers, these polymers are recyclable, they have strength, they have
also ductility. The major advantage of thermoplastic is, recyclable. Today, there is a new
offshoot of thermoplastic polymer which is coming, which is called as biodegradable
polymer. They are slowly gaining importance; however, they have not gone into the
application of strength, stiffness requirements.
The last one is elastomer. Elastomer is also part of polymer. The only difference between
thermoplastic and elastomer are; elastomer has ductility from 100 percent it can go up to
even 2000 percent, the elongation can happen. Simple example is your rubber band. The
elastomers, you can see a wide spectrum of an application, right from a rubber band to a
cycle tire, to a plane tire, all these things are elastomers based composite materials. In the
tire, we always try to reinforce with steel and carbon fibers to get the required properties.
When you go for metals, we take 2 kinds. In them, one is called as metals; you can take
pure metals, try to mix it or you can take an alloy and try to mix it. Predominantly,
whenever we talk about strength, we always talk about metal alloys getting mixed with
the reinforcing to match out the requirements. So, here again, strength versus weight
ratio is taken and here they are found to be major advantage. 1 good example today, what
is happening is the huge electrical transmission towers are made out of metal matrix
composite today. The copper wire, the cable, which carries very high current is now
made out of metal matrix composite. Because of this coming of metal matrix composite
wires, the sagging happens slow, the number of towers for reinforcement has also
reduced. This has given the transmission industries a huge boon.
Next is, intermetallics. Intermetallics are an offshoot of metal matrix. Here, the alloys
occupy a fixed stoichiometric ratio and these intermetallic composites are used for high-
temperature applications.
When you talk about ceramics there are 3 classifications; one is oxides ceramics, another
one is non oxides ceramics and the third one is carbon. When we talk about oxides
alumina SiO2 are some of the examples. Here these ceramics are bonded together and
sintered along with the reinforcement to get a toughness property. So, oxides; non oxides
example is SiC, CBN, WC, tungsten carbide, these are some of the examples. And the
last one is the carbon which is used in the matrix for matrix in which, there is a
reinforcement happening. A very good example for carbon composite is used in radomes,
which is in the front nose cone of a plane, wherein which, there is a huge amount of
temperature and pressure and friction when it tries to come down from very high
altitudes to the ground level. So, this is classification of composite based on matrix. First,
I was talking to an about dispersion phase, now I talked about matrix phase.
Now, let us see some of the properties of the composite when I compare it with that of
metal. I take only 2 metals because these 2 are commonly used; one is steel, the other is
alumina. If you see weight wise, steel has a very high density followed by it is
This aluminum is nowadays getting replaced wherever steel was used and second,
aluminum has an advantage of corrosion resistance. Aluminum is now playing a major
role. Now, when we move towards composites, it is much lighter than even aluminum.
So, if you have a moving body and if you want to have a better efficiency of mileage,
then we replace that aluminum also with composite materials.
So, next one is thermal expansion; you see thermal expansion of steel is much better than
that of aluminum, but when I try to make a composite, it is almost close to negligible.
When I talk about stiffness, it is also steamed that, steel and alumina are very close by
composites have a very high specific stiffness. Then, with specific strength the
composites excel out.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:07)
With this, let us see, move further and see; what are all the special features of
composites. So, the composite materials are materials, which have high specific stiffness;
what is high specific stiffness: stiffness to density ratio. Stiffness divided by density, this
will try to give an advantage and see; what is the weight I have to add, to get a required
The next one is with respect to strength: stiffness and strength are 2 different properties.
Please make a note: people interchange unknowingly. Stiffness is different, strength is
different. Stiffness is taken in the elastic zone and strength we always take in the ultimate
strength and we talk about that.
Next one, composites are those materials, which can be made up to near-net-shape.
Today, in manufacturing, the entire manufacturing domain or regime is moving towards
near-net-shape machining or near-net-shape part making. So, one example is rapid
manufacturing or rapid prototyping, wherein which, the prototype or the product is made
exactly to the near-net and we do final secondary operation, either giving a painting or
giving finishing operations, such that, we can directly take it to the market. So, near-net-
shape is one of the biggest advantages of composites and on top of it composites gives a
wonderful property of getting integrated along with other parts.
The capability of part integration is very easy and good with composite materials. And
latest advancement which has happened in composite structures are, in-service
monitoring; for example, I make a composite, I make a composite bridge, I embed few
sensors. These sensors will try to tell me what is a load going on the bridge, plus it would
also try to tell me; what is the health of the composite, which is put there. So, today
smart materials are embedded into the composite materials and we try to use it for inline
service monitoring.
So, now let us see some of the examples, application industries where composites are
exhaustively used.
It is used in transportation; for example: it is used in train, car, as well as buses, wherein
which, in all these the performance gets enhanced. The biggest advantage is energy
efficiency. Today, world is talking about carbon footprint and pollution, composites are
coming up in their way to help them in reducing the pollution. The next one is
engineering construction; I have given you example of towers and then in process
industries, in transmission industries.
Next, in aerospace industries, you can see, it is the commercial flights are becoming
lighter and lighter. The biggest advantage is, they do not have to stop over at different
countries to have a refueling. They start from one destination and they go to the other
destination or almost half of the globe without any stoppage, because of the composite
material getting added there.
In space shuttles, yes, very high temperature, very high strength, there a composite,
ceramics matrix composites are coming up in a big way. Defense applications; today,
people are talking about bulletproof jackets, bulletproof helmets. Earlier, the weight
which was talked about was 15 kilos, 21 kilos, today they are talking about none about 3
kilos and 5 kilos which gives a soldier a big boon to wear it and use it during the
operations. Sports: the cycles have become very light. The cycle today, are made out of
carbon fiber composites, which they claim to be around about 3 kilos, the entire cycle
can be can be collapsed and it can be taken to places. People are also looking at sports
material, people are talking about T-shirts wherein which, it is coated with nanomaterials
and it is performing very well, it does not give you odor. So, there are and shoes are
made out of composite materials, which are predominantly elastomer composites,
polymer matrix composites.
The next one is energy, wherein which the windmill the blades are made out of polymer
matrix composites. The biggest advantage is the shape of the blades today, can change, it
can stretch by few centimeters or few millimeters, the diameter can change, the surface
can change, depending upon the wind. The shipping industry is also one industry where
there is a lot of change which has happened from steel to polymer matrix composites.
So, this graph, tells you the bottoms tells you about the year in from 1970 to 2004. You
can see the usage of composite materials in various industries have enhanced and also
the amount of money which is getting invested in millions of pounds per year is shown
in this graph. This is an old graph 2004 and the graph keeps exponential increasing even
today for various applications.
So, when we take commercial airplane, there is about 50 percent of the material is made
out of composites I will repeat, it has very high strength to density, stiffness to density, it
is made up to near-net-shape. I can give aerodynamic profile very easily; I can integrate
with other parts very easily. When I want to do part integration, composite comes up in a
very big way. Today, from 50 percent of the composites, people are now stretching
themselves to go up to 75 percent made out of composites.
So here, in which I have different color codes, I am sure it is visible for you. We have,
people, have started using carbon composite. People have started using carbon sandwich
composite, we will see what a sandwich later, fiberglass and they have also started using
aluminum metal matrix composites.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:20)
These are some of the parts which are used, which are made out of composites. For
example, CFRP vertical tail planes are there, tails cones made out of it, rear pressure
bulkhead is made out of composites, engine cowlings is made out of composites, wings
are made out of composites and center wing box is made out of composites.
Today, houses are made out of composite materials and these houses are first it came into
existence for disaster management, but today, what has happened is rapid construction
are required in the third world countries. So, here, the complete roof and the side panels
are made out of polymer matrix composite, which has acoustic proof plus it also has part
integration with steel fasteners, so you can quickly go assemble it at the required site and
it gives a big boon for the construction industries.
Cars, as I told earlier, today, in cars also there are lot of parts which was earlier made out
of alloys are getting replaced by metal matrix composite materials, for making the car
lighter stiffer and perform much higher.
So, when you take a marine application of composite there are lot of primary structures
made out of polymer matrix composite as well as secondary structures made out of
polymer matrix composites. Simple example for secondary structure is deck, wherein
which, it is only as spacer wherein which, it is used for the movement of human being
As I was talking to you about defense; helmets have become much lighter. Bulletproof
jackets have become much lighter, but lighter and high performance. So, inside a bullet
jacket now ceramic tiles are used. These ceramic tiles are again a composite material
which has very high toughness and very light in weight, which helps the soldier without
getting fatigue when he is an operation he can perform efficiently.
The helicopters are made of the carbon fiber reinforced composites; the blades of a quad
copter or a helicopter are made out of lightweight material, so that, it gives stiffness as
well as weight is less.
In biomedical applications, there are lot of products which are coming out, which is
made out of composites, wheelchairs is one and then you see lot of appliance which are
or the fixed lot of fixtures and apparatus are made out of composite metal matrix
composite material, so that, they perform high or they perform good.
Now, let us get into polymer. Polymer is otherwise called as plastics and when it is used
for fabrication it is called as resin. The name polymer clearly tells that there are a lot of
monomers join together to form a polymer. The matrix material can be polymer, metal or
ceramics, but, from now on for the next few lectures we will focus only on polymer
matrix composite.
The term plastics and reinforcement are often used to refer polymer matrix composite.
The term polymer means many units are joined together and form a chain and this chain-
like structure is called as polymer and inside this polymer we try to add reinforcement
and make a composite material.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:36)
So, these are schematic diagram, you see lot of mers which are dispersed and these mers
joined together like a chain. The mer is nothing but a bead in a chain. All these beads
which are nothing but monomers are joined together to form a wonderful chain and this
formation is called as polymer.
A monomer is a single molecular unit that can be made into a polymer. So, a monomer is
made out of atoms and have a specific and consistent grouping. What is a polymer; a
polymer molecules are nothing but several monomers linked together to form a polymer
chain. It is a single long chain. The single long chain alone cannot be used for
applications. There will be several chains attached together and there will be forming
clusters and this clustering of monomers into a chain fashion is called a polymer.
There will be something called as termination step, so that, it terminates the polymer. If
you want, it is a simple analogy is, I have a set of beads, all these beads are there in a
box. These beads have to be linked to each other, how do we link with; one we apply
adhesion and stick all the beads, the other way around is we use a twine, which can pass
through all the beads and form a chain.
It is almost the same thing. The radical is, which is a peroxide, which forms free radicals.
These radicals get attached to the monomer and monomer gets attached to monomer,
monomers get attached and then finally, they get terminated. This mechanism is called
addition polymerization.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:04)
So, the reaction of an end of the link molecules, with the new monomer happens and this
reaction with the new monomer keeps continuing and finally, it forms a chain. Any
condensation process which results in the formation of a polymer is called as
condensation polymer. The monomer should have functional groups in the ends, which
can react together to continue for polymerization. These are the 2 predominant
mechanism of polymerization happening, such that, a mer is converted into polymer.
Now, the polymer is ready, we will try to add reinforcement to make it into composite.
I would like to conclude today’s lecture. In today’s lecture what we saw was; we saw
what is a composite, what are the applications of composite, what are the properties of
composites and we saw different polymerization mechanism, such that, how a mer is
converted into a polymer. We saw only the major mechanisms.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:38)
As an assignment, today, we will have first assignment based on this lecture. So, what I
would request you is, you use internet as your source, search for your product which is
now made of composite, in the past which was made out of metal.
So, just take that part if you have it physically, it is excellent, if you do not have it
physically, at least by looking at it you have a feel and please list down all the
advantages of the products today, since it has made of made out of composite materials.
You please list it down and then you will try to see the advantage, what composites have
given over conventional material in that product. You do not have to submit this
assignment and this is an assignment for your self-learning only.
Thank you very much. We will start the second lecture with, what are all the ingredients
of composite and how do you fabricate a composite, with some more on property