Week 08 Responsibility PDF
Week 08 Responsibility PDF
Week 08 Responsibility PDF
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I don't see the point of being a human being if you're not going to be responsible to your fellow
human beings. Selfishness thefts away the human and reduces you to just a being.
~Candea Core-Starke
The information in this document is copyrighted by the Humanity Healing Network and may not be copied,
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By James Baldwin,
The Book of Virtues
There once was a king named Dionysius who ruled in Syracuse, the richest city in Sicily. He lived in a
fine palace where there were many beautiful and costly things, and he was waited upon by a host of
servants who were always ready to do his bidding.
Naturally, because Dionysius had so much wealth and power, there were many in Syracuse who
envied his good fortune. Damocles was one of these. He was one of Dionysius's best friends, and he was
always saying to him, "How lucky you are! You have everything anyone could wish for. You must be the
happiest man in the world."
One day Dionysius grew tired of hearing such talk. "Come now," he said, "do you really think I'm
happier than everyone else?"
"But of course you are," Damocles replied. "Look at the great treasures you possess, and the power
you hold. You have not a single worry in the world. How could life be any better?"
"Perhaps you would like to change places with me," said Dionysius.
"Oh, I would never dream of that," said Damocles. "But if I could only have your riches and your
pleasures for one day, I should never want any greater happiness."
"Very well. Trade places with me for just one day, and you shall have them."
And so, the next day, Damocles was led to the palace, and all the servants were instructed to treat
him as their master. They dressed him in royal robes, and placed on his head a crown of gold. He sat
down at a table in the banquet hall, and rich foods were set before him. Nothing was wanting that
could give him pleasure. There were costly wines, and beautiful flowers, and rare perfumes, and
delightful music. He rested himself among soft cushions, and felt he was the happiest man in the entire
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"Ah, this is the life," he sighed to Dionysius, who sat at the other end of the long table. "I've never
enjoyed myself so much."
And as he raised a cup to his lips, he lifted his eyes toward the ceiling. What was that dangling above
him, with its point almost touching his head?
Damocles stiffened. The smile faded from his lips, and his face turned ashy pale. His hands trembled.
He wanted no more food, no more wine, and no more music. He only wanted to be out of the palace, far
away, he cared no where. For directly above his head hung a sword, held to the ceiling by only single
horsehair. Its sharp blade glittered as it pointed right between his eyes. He started to jump up and run,
but stopped himself, frightened that any sudden move might snap the thin thread and bring the sword
down. He sat frozen to his chair.
"What is the matter, my friend?" Dionysius asked. "You seem to have lost your appetite."
"That sword! That sword!" whispered Damocles. "Don't you see it?"
"Of course I see it," said Dionysius. "I see it every day. It always hangs over my head, and there is
always the chance someone or something may cut the slim thread. Perhaps one of my own advisors will
grow jealous of my power and try to kill me. Or someone may spread lies about me, to turn people
against me. It may be that a neighboring kingdom will send an army to seize this throne. Or I might make
an unwise decision that will bring my downfall. If you want to be a leader, you must be willing to accept
these risks. They come with the power, you see."
"Yes, I do see," said Damocles. "I see now that I was mistaken, and that you have much to think
about besides your riches and fame. Please take your place, and let me go back to my own house."
And as long as he lived, Damocles never again wanted to change places, even for a moment, with
the king.
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To embrace such a task, we need to develop a responsible approach towards our actions, words and
A Responsible attitude is highly inclusive and holds much potential, especially when we respond to
what is given to us from a center of confidence and inner joy.
From this point inside of our being, we are able to transform, transmute all the weight of obligations
and duties into the lightness to naturally respond to what life offers us. To act responsible is to enjoy the
pleasure to practice our best talents.
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The call for Responsible actions in our lives can come from diverse sources. We can specify these as
Moral responsibilities, Social responsibilities, Human responsibilities, and Personal responsibilities.
When unveiling ourselves through the realms of Responsibility, we cant forget to mention the Law
of Retribution, known by many as the Law of Karma, or the Law of Ethical Responsibility.
Karma gives you the opportunity at every moment to become open to greater levels of love and
compassion. It operates impersonally: applying to everyone, all the time, and with no exceptions. It is
very logical: what you sow is what you reap in exact and precise measure.
Karma is as unsurprising as the law of gravity: what is done to you is the grid result of what you
have done to others. The purpose of Karma is to give you all the skill that you need to evolve into
greater levels of your Being.
Karma teaches that you are totally accountable for the circumstances of your life.
Karma is like "training wheels". They keep you on the straight and narrow until you have mastered
your vehicle enough and you are able ride freely on your own. Only then are you completely master of
your scope of actions and consequences.
~ Genesis 3, 17-19
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I have the personal Responsibility to realize the best in my life, and to apply the best of me towards
the healing of myself and others. I accept this as my Divine Responsibility
Key Expression
Sometimes I feel obsessed by my shortcoming, failures and mistakes. I need to be and feel perfect. I
have problems forgiving myself and generally I tend to blame myself for others mistakes.
Concrete Actions
If you take Responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.
~ Les Brown
1. Starting now, assume entire Responsibility for your own well being. You are a unique individual,
therefore exceptional with many talents and gifts
2. Accept the fact that you deserve all the Blessings that have been given to you by the Higher
Source, God, or ALL THAT IS.
3. Make a point of mapping the direction you want to follow in your life; it is always important to
know where we want to be. When developing a Responsible attitude, every situation we face
has the potential to become a rich learning experience.
4. Make a list of all your talents and skills. Feel inside yourself how much pleasure those activities
bring to your life and understand how light the Responsibility is to make them grow and
5. When feeling overwhelmed by some specific responsible demand in your life, make a point to
reach out to your inner spot of balance and joy. Access the problem or challenge from that
The information in this document is copyrighted by the Humanity Healing Network and may not be copied,
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standpoint. This is a technique that will eventually allow you to stop instinctive reactions and
act with clarity of purpose and mind.
6. Sometimes, after we become aware of the path of Responsibility, we may develop the
tendencies to excessively critical about ourselves, attributing to ourselves the mistakes and
failures of others. This is an attitude that will not bring internal balance, becomes it comes
from a place of need for perfection. The internal balance comes from the acceptance of our
capabilities, our limitations and failures; but persevering and trusting that we are always
following the right path.
7. One of the consequential results of adopting a responsible outlook in life is developing of the
need to forgive and let go of experiences that are compromising your energy levels, and not
bringing new inputs or possibilities of growth. In doing so, the seeker may develop the ability
to be more perseverant, confident and altruistic.
8. It is not uncommon for people when connected with the internal vigor of Responsibility to
develop a workaholic behavior, and this may even guide the individual to a certain level of
self-sacrifice, a negative self-image, the sense of not being worthy and a tendency to be overly
perfectionist or heroic.
9. It is important to keep in mind that the real Responsibility is not only to take care of others, but
also of yourself. This is especially true if we develop the inclination to be responsible for other
in a clinging way. Responsibility will awake all the gifts and skills of the Spiritual Warrior,
especially in adverse times, when a Soul is called to express Social Responsibility.
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The Muladhara, or Root, Chakra is the energy center that anchors the energy necessary to plan,
analyze and materialize situations in our lives. Located on the base of our Spine, this energy vortex rules
over physical issues such as identity, survival, security, tribal issues, and self-preservation.
When dealing with Responsibilities, we awake many possibilities when we analyze elements in our
immediate reality that may differ from the basic concepts in which we were raised.
It is important to keep this chakra in balance when anchoring energies in a higher level of your
being. The way we suggest you do that is through grounding techniques, such as grounding meditations
and visualizations, walking barefoot, hugging a tree, caring for your plants and garden, and developing
your sense of smells.
The lack of energy and balance of this center can cause lower back pain, problems with feet, knees,
or varicose veins1.
Physical pain in general can indicate discomfort with our physical bodies. When it occurs in the legs, hips,
knees, ankles, or feet, this can signify difficulty in accessing earth energy.
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This chakra is how the person feels about being on the earth, connection with the physical body and
how comfortable one feels being himself. Observe how you are nurturing yourself and how you are
paying attention to your primary needs. This will help you to feel how to balance all the differences of
the energy.
An increase in physical activity should always be done with moderation and common sense. If you are
starting an exercise program after a long absence, please consult with a medical practitioner.
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You are not responsible for the programming you picked up in childhood. However, as an adult,
you are one hundred percent responsible for fixing it.
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Along with the many benefits that come from anchoring a Responsible attitude into your internal
matrix, you will immediately perceive an increase of spiritual gifts, such as Perseverance and Fortitude.
1. The ability to regain trust and faith in our personal destinies, despite of harsh and adverse
2. Perseverance will keep your mind and spirit going, despite of setbacks, even when you fell
depressed and spiritually or emotional discouraged.
3. Improving the strength of Spirit that will enable you to be a warrior to fight worldly ills,
maintain your personal integrity and transparency, and catalyze inner power regardless of
obstacles and difficulties of the outer world.
4. In addition, it will enable the possibility to reflect positively about painful experiences with a
proper distance and the aptitude to continue in ones path acting on what one knows needs
to be done without fear of failure or lack of confidence.