Student Attitudes Study Skills

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Alison M. Wolfe, Elmira College


In a world of increasing tools and technology, inside and outside the classroom, do the study skills of postsecondary
students align with current pedagogical approaches? And should marketing faculty make changes to address these
skills? This paper examines current student attitudes toward effective study skills, using a survey with 352 responses
administered during registration. Areas examined include attitudes toward studying, primary study methods, time
spent, preferred study and learning styles, and use of technology.

INTRODUCTION al, 1993; Castagna & Codd, 1984; Johnston et al, 1975;
Stanley et al, 1999).
Study skills are critical to academic success, Generally, study skills are those skills and habits
particularly given the independent nature of are which are necessary for understanding and
postsecondary education. At the same time, little retrieving information, and in particular they are the
attention has been paid to the way students study in the link between comprehension and memorization (Al-
21st century, in a world that now has more interactive Hilawani & Sartawi, 1997). Hoover (1989) has listed
tools and pedagogical approaches than ever before. specific competencies of study skills including
This paper examines current student attitudes toward acquiring information, recording information,
study skills, using a survey designed to address issues recording appropriate responses to the presented
such as the following: information, locating the required information,
organizing and managing activities efficiently,
What are the study skills and habits of current synthesizing information to create meaningful patterns
students? of responses, and memorizing and retrieving
How have these skills and habits evolved between information on demand. Fielden (2004) states that
high school and college? good study habits help the student in critical reflection
What are the primary resources used by students to in skills outcomes such as selecting, analyzing,
study? critiquing, and synthesizing.
How do students rate current learning styles and The literature is replete with studies and
pedagogical tools? conclusions regarding the benefits of utilizing effective
What kinds of technology tools do students prefer study skills. Al-Hilawani & Sartawi (1997) report that
to help them study? the literature in general reveals that college students
with low GPA had inadequate study skills, and further
Todays higher education institutions are placing that students who are academically successful use
an enhanced emphasis on student independent learning. study skills spontaneously and more efficiently than
As such, it has become important for those institutions low achieving students. Hoover indicates that good
to facilitate independent learning with approaches, study skills and habits are the tools that assist students
tools and techniques for handling that independence. during the learning process in order to acquire and
Unfortunately, todays college students are currently retain new information and are essential for students
dissatisfied with the efforts of higher education in successful academic performance. Jones, Slate and
providing them with the study skills needed for Kyle (1992) reported that high achieving college
academic success (Wall et al, 1991). Harvey & Watt students have better study skills than low achieving
(1993) state that colleges often simply provide a brief students in areas of time management, study techniques
initial introduction to study skills, and thereafter fail to and attitudes toward learning. DiVesta and Moreno
provide the necessary and subsequent systematic (1993) viewed study skills as a compensation for
advice and support. There is a demonstrated cognitive limitations in the information processing
connection between poor study skills and increased system and reported that there was a significant
rates of academic failure, (Biggs, 1987; Meyer, 1992) correlation between GPA and comprehension
as well as the effect of study skills training on retention monitoring activities, which in turn was an indication
of at risk high school and college students (Polansky et that students with high GPA practice self awareness,
purposeful planning and self-adjustment activities more time to study every day) and negative ones (such
than students with low GPA. More recent work in self- as I have a hard time listening to lectures) were
regulated learning examines this process in terms of included in this question. Other yes/no questions
teachable cognitive skills where students learn to think included whether instructions should provide their
about the way they learn (Paris and Winograd, 2001). notes online, and whether respondents access such
In order to become effective independent learners notes online.
in todays changing academic environment, some have A multiple-choice question asked respondents to
suggested that what is important is not so much what select their primary source of study information.
students are doing within the classroom but what the Other quantitative questions asked respondents
students are doing outside of the classroom, how many hours they studied per week, how often
particularly in terms of their study methods and study they used their schools online learning
behaviors (Entwistle et al., 1991) While positive study management system per week, the percentage of
behaviors are important to student achievement, time they spent reading textbooks and assignments
knowledge of the actual study behaviors and in deciles, and how they would rate each of eight
techniques utilized is rather limited (Elliot et al, 2002). different learning styles using values of poor,
Scholars do however agree that students typically average, good, and excellent.
utilize a variety of studying techniques (Allgood et al, Two qualitative questions asked students to
2000), while the actual techniques utilized are rarely describe, in their own words, about their preferred
documented (King 1992; Stanley et al., 1999; Van style of study and what technology tools help them
Meter et al, 1994; Wood et al. 1999). learn the most.
What is often missing in much of this literature is
the voice of students themselves regarding effective Results from the survey questions listed above
study habits, particularly given the amount of were then coded as quantitative values as specified by
technological change that has been seen in recent years respondents, and a content analysis was performed on
in postsecondary education. These new technologies the two qualitative questions to quantify these
are often seen as having the potential to dramatically responses. This content analysis grouped these
improve time on task for students and make studying responses into seven and six common categories for
more efficient, and yet students themselves must reporting, respectively, including Other and No
ultimately weigh in on what tools and approaches have response.
worked for them, or have the potential to do so. Within The 352 survey responses received had a
this context, we have sought to explore student distribution ranging from 20 to 28 percent of
attitudes toward current study habits, their evolution respondents from each undergraduate class, with a 62%
between high school and college, and what these trends to 38% ratio of females to males, similar to the
mean for marketing education in the future. composition of the student body. Academic majors of
respondents were skewed toward business (32%),
METHODOLOGY management (16%), and marketing (9%), with other
major clusters including psychology, accounting,
A paper survey was administered to students at a nursing, and history (7% of respondents each). Key
liberal arts college on the East Coast during registration result samples did not vary significantly according to
for the fall term of 2008, containing 15 questions demographic information such as gender, major, or
developed by the author assessing student attitudes class year. Respondents had a average grade point
toward studying, primary methods of studying, time average (GPA) of 3.4 out of 4.3 in high school and 3.3
spent, preferred study and learning styles, and use of out of 4.3 in college, where 4.0 is an A and 4.3
technology, together with demographic information. corresponds to the highest possible grade of A+. 90%
The full survey is listed in Appendix A, and its of these respondents were full-time students.
questions were organized using a mix of response types

Demographic questions included year of The results from this survey were tabulated in
graduation, full versus part-time status, declared terms of percentages of multiple-choice responses for
major, gender, and grade point average (GPA) in most questions, such as percentage of yes or no
high school and college. answers in the list of study skills statements in question
One question listed 38 statements about study 6, or the frequency of learning management usage in
habits, prompting respondents to agree or disagree question 13, for the survey as shown in Appendix A. In
relative to their habits in both high school and the case of the total study time per week assessed in
college. Both positive statements (such as I take question 11, these responses were broken into ranges in
two hour increments, showing a median study time of Table 2. Least accepted statements on study habits
between 9-10 hours per week per student, with
responses ranging from zero (for less than 1% of I listen carefully to a lecture but I do not take 15.3%
respondents) to over 25 hours per week (for notes.
approximately 3% of respondents). I dont bother taking notes on lectures. 15.9%
The results of this survey show one very clear I have difficulty determining important 22.4%
overall trend: personal study skills today revolve points in lectures.
around comprehension of lecture content, with tools I waste time because I am not organized. 24.4%
and technology assisting the review of this lecture
material being most highly rated by students. Studying Generally speaking, I prefer to study in 25.3%
also remains an activity that is performed alone or in groups of three or more.
small groups, and one that remains quite separate from
increasing trends toward social networking and online Looking deeper at what study habits change the most
connectivity. Specific conclusions from the survey between high school and college, reviewing notes from
include the following: the day before a class (25.9% change) and not waiting
until the night before a test to review these notes (-
Conclusion 1: Lecture comprehension is the key 20.1% change) serve as the biggest change, and the
study skills competency for college students only ones exceeding a 20 per cent rate of change.

This survey examined multiple dimensions of study Table 3. Biggest changes in study habits from high
habits and their variation between high school and school to college
college, expressed as the relative percentage of yes
answers for each study skills statement between high HS College Change
school and college. Overwhelmingly, the most Before class starts, I 12.5% 38.4% 25.9%
commonly accepted statements revolved around review yesterdays
comprehension of the lecture material. The top two lecture notes.
statements involved taking notes on the lecture in class I wait until the night 61.9% 41.8% -20.1%
(90.3%) and listening carefully to explanations in class before a test to review
(85.2%), with the related issue of not liking to read my lecture notes.
from textbooks ranking in the top 5 with 75% of I take time to study 31.8% 48.9% 17.1%
respondents agreeing. Other highly-ranked issues every day.
include studying in a quiet place (80.4%) and Generally speaking, I 53.7% 36.9% -16.8%
managing time (78.4%). skip over charts,
graphs, and tables when
In a similar vein, the least well accepted statements I read a chapter.
involved listening to lectures but not taking notes Generally speaking, I 56.8% 40.3% -16.5%
(15.3%), not taking notes at all (15.9%), and the related study only when I have
issue of having difficulty determining important points to absolutely have to.
in the lecture (22.4%) being the third least accepted
statement. Other low-ranked statements included not Conclusion 2: Access to notes is the most important
being organized (24.4%) and liking to study in groups study skills tool for students
of three or more (25.3%).
One common denominator across many survey
Table 1. Most accepted statements on study habits questions is a preference for tools that aid in optimizing
the process of learning, and particularly lecture
In class, generally speaking, I take notes on 90.3% comprehension. As shown in Figure 1, the availability
the lecture. of notes in PowerPoint or other electronic formats is
Because I want to remember, I listen 85.2% rated as the most important tool by nearly half of
carefully to any explanations in class. students responding (42.3%), with traditional notes on
Usually, I prefer to study in a quiet place. 80.4% a chalkboard following closely behind with 36.1% of
students ranking this highest.
I manage time well to meet school, job, and 78.4%
social/ entertainment needs.
Generally speaking, I do not enjoy reading 75.0%
Figure 1. Study skills tools ranked highest by repository of lecture notes and course materials (73
students in a single-choice question responses, 20.7 per cent). Other responses included use
of the Internet or their computer (44 and 43 responses
respectively) as well as a broad range of other
responses ranging from audio and video files to good
old writing on the chalkboard. In related survey
questions, over 95 percent of respondents felt that
instructors should post their lecture notes online, and
make use of these resources when they are available.

Conclusion 3: Most students like to study alone or

in small groups not in online communities

Looking at how students rate each of the learning tools We live in a world that is increasingly tied together
available to them, there was also a clear preference for with digital social networks, and yet students have a
notes and PowerPoint summaries, with 63.9% and clear preference for studying alone or in small groups.
86.1% respectively rating these tools as good to A content analysis of responses to the question What
excellent. This schools on-line learning management is your preferred style of studying? showed that
system, which serves as a repository for notes as well, studying alone or reviewing notes was the
followed closely at 62.2% rated good to excellent. overwhelming choice of respondents, with 277
Conversely, social networking tools such as responses or 64.5% of respondents. Studying in small
Facebook/MySpace were rated extremely low, with groups was a distant second choice with 36 responses
over 80% of students (82.7%) rating them poor to or 10.2% of respondents, with other respondents citing
average, indicating a clear split between tools used for study styles ranging from attending lectures to using
social connectivity and study. flashcards.

Table 4. Student ratings of study skills tools Taken together, these findings indicate that time
and lecture comprehension remain critical issues for
Social students, particularly as they make the transition from
Network, high school to college, and that decidedly low-tech
Power e.g. tools such as access to lecture notes are much more
Notes Point Angel Q&A important than tools such as social networks or
communications media. Survey respondents indicated
Excellent 22.16% 38.92% 15.63% 9.38% spending a high level of time reviewing textbooks, with
Good 41.76% 47.16% 46.59% 37.22% nearly half (46.9%) spending over 80 per cent of their
time on this, and more than 20 per cent spending over
Average 31.25% 12.50% 27.84% 33.81% 90 per cent of their time and yet fully three quarters
Poor 4.26% 0.85% 9.09% 19.03% of respondents agree with the statement I do not enjoy
reading textbooks. Between this and the natural
Social transition in increased study efforts between high
Network school and college, this survey clearly points to a
FaceBook future for marketing education that must continue to
E-mail /MySpace Debates Video optimize students time and effort to help them become
Excellent 8.24% 2.56% 19.60% 16.76%
Good 38.92% 13.64% 41.76% 52.84% SUMMARY
Average 36.36% 30.97% 30.68% 23.86% Students report being in an environment that has
Poor 14.77% 51.70% 7.39% 5.40% increasing demands on their time and workload as they
transition from high school to postsecondary education,
Finally, in performing a content analysis of responses and their study habits as shown in this survey reflect a
to the question What technology tools most help you clear desire to make learning as frictionless and time-
learn? there was also a clear preference for efficient as possible. As a result, marketing education
PowerPoint summaries of notes (112 responses, or should increasingly look toward ways to package
31.8% of respondents) as well as the Angel learning information, summarize it, and make it available to
management system that frequently serves as an online students electronically outside of the classroom.
Does this also mean that pedagogical techniques Biggs, J.B. (1987), Student Approaches to Learning.
must change to address the way students study? At one Hawthorn, Victoria: Australian Council for
level, these findings indicate that we must continue to Educational Research.
adapt lecture techniques for maximum retention. At
another level, they open the door to examining how we Castagna, S.A. and Codd, J.M. (1984), High School
teach students to study, and indeed to think: for Study Skills: Reasons and Techniques for Counselor
example, recent efforts in the area of self-directed Involvement, The School Counselor, 32, 37-42.
learning (SRL), a cognitive approach to learning based
around metacognition (e.g. awareness of how we think, Di Vesta,F.J. and Moreno, V. (1993), Cognitive
together with the use of strategies and situated Control Functions of Study Activities: A
motivation) show promise for teaching students new Compensation Model, Contemporary Educational
ways to approach the process of studying itself (Paris Psychology, 18(1), 47-65.
and Winograd, 2001). The survey results point to
numerous areas for further study including the Elliot, L., Foster, S. and Stinson, M. (2002), Student
following: Study Habits using Notes from Speech-to-Text Support
Service. Council of Exceptional Children, 69(1), 25-
Examining the mechanics of effectively 40.
summarizing classroom information for optimum
retention Entwistle, N.J., Meyer, J.H.F. and Tait, H. (1991),
Leveraging online learning management systems Student Failure: Disintegrated Patterns of Study
to improve their utility as an informational Strategies and Perceptions of the Learning
resource, as well as other technology Environment, Higher Education, 21, 249-261.
communications tools such on-demand webcasts,
podcasts, and document archives. Fielden, K. (2004), Evaluating Critical Reflection for
Understanding what factors help students learn and Postgraduate Students in Computing. Informing
retain information better Science and Information Technology Education Joint
Broadening these survey results to other Conference, 2005, Flagstaff, Arizona, (accessed
institutions September 19, 2008), [available at
The trends shown in this survey also make sense 005/I38f36Field.pdf].
within the broader context of a world where there is a
greater level of information and more competing Harvey, J. and Watt, H. (1993), Using Learning
demands on peoples time, than ever before. In a very Technology to Support Student Study Skills, Chapter
real sense, study skills for marketing education serve as 6, Implementing Learning Technology, LTD, (accessed
a microcosm of the evolving competencies students September 15, 2008), [available at
will require in a changing workforce subsequent to
graduation. By helping students to study more it/support.htm].
effectively, guided by the input of the students
themselves, we have the potential to prepare them for Hoover, J.J. (1989), Study skills, in E.A. Polloway.
greater levels of success in the increasingly J.R. Patton, J.S. Payne, and R.A. Payne. Strategies for
information-driven marketing environment of the Teaching Learners with Special Needs (4th ed.). New
future. York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

REFERENCES Johnston, J.M., ONeill, G.W., Walters, W.M. and

Rasheed, J.A. (1975), The Measurement and Analysis
Al-Hilawani, Y. A. and Sartawi, A. A. (1997), Study of College Student Study Behavior: Tactics for
Skills and Habits of Female University Students, Research, in J. Johnston (Ed.), Behavior Research and
College Student Journal, 31, 537-544. Technology in Higher Education. Springfield, IL:
Charles C. Thomas.
Allgood, W.P., Risko, V.J., Alvarez, M.C. and
Fairbanks, M.M. (2000), Factors that Influence Jones, C.H., Slate, J.R. and Kyle, A. (1992), Study
Study, in R.F. Flippo and D.C. Caverly (Eds.). Skills of Teacher Education Students, Teacher
Handbook of College Reading and Study Research. Education, 28(1), 7-15.
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
King, A. (1992), Comparison of Self-Questioning,
Summarizing, and Note Taking Review as Strategies
for Learning from Lectures, American Educational 4. What is your gender?
Research Journal, 29, 303-323.
5. What is your Grade Point Average (GPA) in high
Meyer, J.H.F. (1992), Study Orchestration: the school and in college?
Manifestation, Interpretation and Consequences of
Textualised Approaches to Studying, Higher II. Study skills information
Education, 22, 297-316.
6. Answer "yes" or "no" for the following questions,
Paris, S. G. and Winograd, P. (2001), The Role of for both high school and college:
Self-Regulated Learning in Contextual Teaching: a. I have difficulty determining important points in
Principles and Practices for Teacher Preparation, U.S. lectures.
Department of Education Project Preparing Teachers to b. Before class starts, I review yesterdays lecture
Use Contextual Teaching and Learning Strategies To notes.
Improve Student Success In and Beyond School, c. I waste time because I am not organized.
(accessed January 14, 2009), [available at d. I focus entirely on my work when I study. e. I dont bother taking notes on lectures.
04/0104parwin.htm.] f. I take time to study every day.
g. In class, generally speaking, I take notes on the
Polansky, J., Horan, J.J. and Hanish, C. (1993), lecture
Experimental Construct Validity of the Outcomes of h. In class, generally speaking, I prefer to listen vs. take
Study Skills Training and Career Counseling as notes.
Treatment for the Retention of At-Risk Students, i. Usually, I prefer to study in a quiet place.
Journal of Counseling & Development, 71, 488-492. j. Usually, I listen to music (e.g. iPod) when I study.
k. I often have trouble finding enough time to study.
Stanley, B., Slate, J.R. and Jones, C.H. (1999), Study l. Generally speaking, I rely on my notes vs. read the
behaviors of college preparatory and honors students in textbook.
the ninth grade, The High School Journal, 82(3), 165- m. Generally speaking, I do not enjoy reading
171. textbooks.
n. I know what time of the day I do my best studying.
VanMeter, P., Yokoi, L. and Pressley, M. (1994), o. Generally speaking, I study only when I feel like it.
College Students Theory of Note-Taking Derived p. Generally speaking, I study only when I have to
from Their Perceptions of Note-Taking, Journal of absolutely have to.
Educational Psychology, 86, 323-338. q. Generally speaking, I skip over charts, graphs, and
tables when I read a chapter.
Wall, D., Macauley, C., Tait, H., Entwistle, D. and r. Generally speaking, I prefer to study alone.
Entwistle, N. (1991), The Transition from School to s. Generally speaking, I prefer to study in groups of
Higher Education in Scotland, University of two.
Edinburgh: Centre for Research on Learning and t. Generally speaking, I prefer to study in groups of
Instruction. three or more.
u. I prefer working in teams for term projects in my
Wood, E., Willoughby, T., McDermott, C., Motz, M., classes.
Kaspar, V. and Ducharme, M.J. (1999), v. I get very nervous for exams.
Developmental differences in study behavior, w. I put off studying that I should be doing.
Journal of Educational Psychology, 91, 527-536. x. I seldom read the questions at the end of the chapter
before I begin reading the chapter.
APPENDIX A: SURVEY CONTENTS y. I wait until the night before a test to review my
lecture notes
I. Demographic information z. I listen carefully to a lecture but I do not take notes.
aa. If I have any time left, I check over my test to avoid
1. What year do you expect to graduate from college? errors.
bb. I take time to review the chapter soon after I read it.
2. Are you a full-time or part-time student? cc. Before starting a test, I plan how much time to use
on each section of the test.
3. Have you identified a major? If you answered, dd. If I have any time left, I check over my test to avoid
Yes; what is your major(s)? errors.
ee. Because I want to remember, I listen carefully to f. Instructor and students using FaceBook and/or
any explanations in class. MySpace as a communication and/or learning tool.
ff. I have a hard time listening to lectures. g. Debates
gg. I manage time well to meet school, job, and social/ h. Case videos with discussion
entertainment needs.
hh. Generally speaking, I stay alert and focused during 13. How often do you use our schools (e.g. Angel)
class. educational social network for your classes? (Never,
ii. Generally speaking, I prefer to study with a study two to four times per month, once a week, two to four
partner for exams. times per week, five to six times per week, daily)
jj. I can sit and study for long periods of time if needed
without becoming tired or distracted. 14. In your own words, what is your preferred style of
kk. I prefer to use media tools to assist my study skills. studying?
ll. I use social networks to help me study. (e.g.
Angel, Facebook, MySpace) 15. In your own words, what technology tools most
help you learn?
7. What percentage of the time do you read your
textbook chapters/reading assignments? (90100%,
8089%, 7079%, 6069%, 5059%, Less than 50%)

8. What do you consider to be your primary source for

study? Check one of the following:
a. Instructor writing notes on chalkboard with lecture
b. Instructor using PowerPoint/Internet with lecture
c. Instructors and students in a class using an on-line
education network
d. Lecture (no notes) with Q&A from students
e. Instructor and students in a class uses email as a
teaching /communication tool
f. Instructor and students using FaceBook /
MySpace as a communication/learning tool
g. Debates
h. Case videos with discussion
i. Group discussion
j. Group activities
k. Guest Speakers
l. Other

9. Do you think instructors should provide their notes

and or PowerPoint on-line, e.g. Angel? (Yes, No)

10. If the instructor provides the PowerPoint and

misc. notes and resources on Angel - do you
access/use them? (Yes, No)

11. On average, outside the classroom how many hours

do you study in a week?

12. Please rate each of these learning styles (Poor,

Average, Good, Excellent)
a. Instructor writing notes on chalkboard with lecture
b. Instructor using PowerPoint/Internet with lecture
c. Instructors and students in a class using an on-line
education network, e.g. Angel
d. Lecture (no notes) with Q&A from students
e. Instructor and students in a class uses email as a
teaching and communication tool

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