Chapter 3: PHP Form Interactions

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The key takeaways are that HTML forms allow users to input data, and PHP scripts can extract that data on the server side to process and display it. Forms have attributes like name, method, and action that define the form and how data is passed.

The main components of an HTML form are the name, method (GET or POST), action (target file), and input elements like text boxes, buttons, radio buttons, etc. The form allows users to enter data which is then passed to the target file.

Data gets passed between form pages using PHP by setting the method to GET or POST. The target PHP file then extracts the passed data from the $_GET or $_POST superglobal arrays to process and display the values.

Chapter 3: PHP Form Interactions

form interactions

1. To introduce the concept of passing users’ value in the web programming
2. To create form to receive user’s input, and target file in order to process the
information sent to the server.

Typing the user input in a form is the most common way to interact with the script inside a
web server. There is also another way to send data, by embedding the data inside the URL.

Input Through the HTML Form using GET method.

<form name=“form_name” method=“send_method” action=“target_file”>



This is the typical structure of a form. It contains name, method and action as the attributes.
- name : is the name of the form.
- method : how the data is transferred (using POST or GET), in this case use GET.
- action : is the target file resides in the web server that receive the data from this
- inputs : are the input elements (eg: text box, button, radio, checkbox, etc)

Text box
<input type="text" name="firstname">

- This is the tag for most of the input.

- The attribute ‘type’ defines what type of input element to be displayed to the user in
the web page. In this case, the input type is text box.
- The name is a very important attribute where it represents the value entered by the
- The main input element used in form is text box, and followed by a submit button to
transmit user’s information to the server.
- The text box is capable of receiving single-line string, and may contain any character.
- The data is sent to the server and received by the target file, which is defined in the
form’s action.

Submit button
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

PHP Manual (All rights reserved (2008) Khirulnizam Abd Rahman - Chapter 3:1
Chapter 3: PHP Form Interactions

- The submit button is normally used to activate the process of sending/ transmitting
the data to the target file (to the server).
- Make sure the ‘type’ is submit. The attribute ‘value’ will be shown as the caption of
the button.

Step 1.Create a HTML page with a form to receive username and the password of a dummy
system. Save the file as login.php.

<head><title>Login Form</title></head>
Login form <br>
<form name="frmLogin" method= "get" action="displayInfo.php">
<input name="txtUsername" type="text" size="20"><br>
<input name="txtPassword" type="password" size="20"><br>
<input name="btnSubmit" type="submit" value="Submit">
<input name="btnReset" type="reset" value="Reset">

Step 2.Create a target file to receive username and the password from the form. The
information will be extracted and displayed to the user.

This is the target file, named displayInfo.php.

$username=$_GET["txtUsername"]; //username is extracted from the querystring
$pword=$_GET["txtPassword"]; //password is extracted from the querystring
<title>Display Info for <?php echo $username;?> </title>
Your username is : <?php echo $username;?> <br>
Your password is :<?php echo $pword;?> <br>

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Chapter 3: PHP Form Interactions

*Observe closely how the username and the password entered by the user is extracted by
the $_GET server variable.

The query string enlarged:


See how the pages exchange the values of the user’s input. The values keyed-in by the user
in the first page (the page with form – login.php). The form transmits the values through the
query string and the second page (displayInfo.php) extracts the values using $_GET, and
display them.

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Chapter 3: PHP Form Interactions

Since PHP is a server-side scripting, it’s interpreted/executed inside the server. The output
of the script execution is embedded inside the page which contains the script. At the end the
process, the HTML page, together with the output generated, is sent to the browser (client).
The script will not be included in the HTML page sent to the browser.

Try to view the HTML source of the displayInfo.php from the browser. You will not see the
PHP script. Compare the HTML source with the page with the PHP script in page 2. Do they
have any differences?

See! No PHP script in the HTML page source!


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Chapter 3: PHP Form Interactions

(This is an example with an error in the PHP script.)

Step 1.Create a HTML page with a form to receive user’s information. Use the following
HTML codes.

Step 2.Save as personalForm.php, and this page will be sent to another page with the name
processPersonal.php as mentioned in the form’s action.

<head><title>Personal info</title></head>
Key-in your Personal Info<br>
<form name="frmInfo" method="get" action="processPersonal.php">
Name <input name="txtName" type="text" ><br>
Email <input name="txtEmail" type="text" ><br>
Gender <input name="rGender" type="radio" value="male">male
<input name="rGender" type="radio" value="female">female<br>
Faculty <select name="cmbFaculty">
<option value="FTSI">Information & Science Tech</option>
<option value="FPM">Management & Muamalah</option>
<option value="FPPI">Islamic Studies</option>
<option value="FBK">Language & Communication</option>
<input name="btnSubmit" type="submit" value="Send to Server">
<input name="btnReset" type="reset" value="Reset">

This is the output of the HTML code above.

Step 3.Create another page and write the code.

Step 4.Save the page as processPersonal.php.

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Chapter 3: PHP Form Interactions

1. <html>
2. <head>
3. <?php
4. $name=$_GET["txtName"];
5. $email=$_GET["txtEmail"];
6. &gender=$_GET["rGender"];
7. $faculty=$_GET["cmbFaculty"];
8. ?>
9. <title>Display Personal Info for <?php echo $name;?></title></head>
10. <body>
11. <b>These are my personal details</b>
12. <hr>
13. My name is <?php echo $name;?>.<br>
14. I am <?php echo $gender;?>.<br>
15. I am a student of faculty <?php echo $faculty;?>.<br>
16. Do contact me for any comment...<a href="mailto:<?php echo $email;?>">
17. <?php echo $email;?> </a>
18. </body>
19. </html>

Step 5.When the page is viewed in the browser, there’s a massage saying that the page
(processPersonal.php) has an error in line 6.

Step 6.Open the processPersonal.php in the code editor (Dreamwever) and go to the line 6,
and fix the error. There are not suppose to have ‘&’ before gender. Change the ‘&’ into ‘$’.

1. <html>
2. <head>
3. <?php
4. $name=$_GET["txtName"];
5. $email=$_GET["txtEmail"];
6. $gender=$_GET["rGender"];
7. $faculty=$_GET["cmbFaculty"];
8. ?>
9. <title>Display Personal Info for <?php echo $name;?></title></head>
10. <body>
11. <b>These are my personal details</b>
12. <hr>
13. My name is <?php echo $name;?>.<br>
14. I am <?php echo $gender;?>.<br>
15. I am a student of faculty <?php echo $faculty;?>.<br>
16. Do contact me for any comment...<a href="mailto:<?php echo $email;?>">
17. <?php echo $email;?> </a>
18. </body>
19. </html>
This is the error, change to $ as the beginning
of any variable.
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Chapter 3: PHP Form Interactions

Step 7.Save the file.

Step 8.Go to the web browser, and refresh the page.

The query string enlarged:


Step 9.Observe at the address bar, the querystring is much longer than the querystring in
Example 1. Why is this happening?

Input Through the HTML Form using POST method.


Step 1.Create a HTML page with a form to receive email address and the password. Write
the following HTML codes and save as loginEmail.php. Make sure the method in the form is

<head><title>Login Email</title></head>
Login form <br>
<form name="loginEmail" method= "POST" action="checkPassword.php">
<input name="txtEmail" type="text"><br>
<input name="txtPassword" type="password">
<input name="btnSubmit" type="submit" value="Login">
<input name="btnReset" type="reset" value="Reset">

PHP Manual (All rights reserved (2008) Khirulnizam Abd Rahman - Chapter 3:7
Chapter 3: PHP Form Interactions

Step 2.Create a another HTML page with the PHP script to retrieve the user’s email and
password.. Write the following HTML codes and save as checkPassword.php. Observe
closely how the user’s email and password are retrieved.
$email=$_POST["txtEmail"]; //email is extracted
$pword=$_POST["txtPassword"]; //password is extracted
<title>Login status </title>

if ($pword==$systemPassword){ //case 1: user password matches system

echo "Welcome to $email account...<br>";
else{ //case 1: user passwrod do not match system password
echo "Password does not match...<br>";
Step 3.Go to your browser and open the file for the form. Key in your email address, and the
password (use abc123), and click the Login button.

Step 4.If you keyed-in the right password (abc123) then you will get this page.

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Chapter 3: PHP Form Interactions

The values from the previous form (in step 3) do not

appear here. This is one of the advantages by using
POST method to submit confidential data. No one get to
see the values in the URL*.

Live HTTP headers

Although the values are not included in the URL, still this is not the most secure internet
transaction. It still visible if you have the right tools to uncover the values transmitted through
POST method. Example: use the Live HTTP Headers from to view all the information submitted to the server. Refer
to the next page.

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Chapter 3: PHP Form Interactions

Differences between GET and POST method.

(Extracted from: )

- The HTML specifications have technically define the difference between "GET" and
- GET is basically for just getting (retrieving) data.
- The variable name and the value appear in the URL and they are visible to the naked
- GET - form data is to be encoded (by a browser) into at the end of the URL of the
target file.
- POST - form data is embedded within a message body.
- POST may involve anything, like storing files to the server, updating data, ordering a
product, or sending an e-mail.
- The variable name and the value do not appear in the URL.

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Chapter 3: PHP Form Interactions

Extracting the form’s information using $_GET

When a form is submitted to the target file, the input element names and their respective
values are embedded in the URL to form a querystring. The query string is ????.

Enter your name<br>
<form name="frmName" method="get" action="mergeName.php">
Firstname <input name="txtfirst" type="text"><br>
Lastname <input name="txtlast" type="text"><br>
<input name="btnSubmit" type="submit" value="Send">

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Chapter 3: PHP Form Interactions

The query string enlarged:


<title>Display your full name</title></head>

echo "Your complete name is :".$firstname." ".$lastname;


Displaying variable’s value using echo

There are many functions capable of displaying (generating output) in PHP. The most
popular function is echo. Below are few descriptions taken from the official PHP Manual
about the echo. (Adapted from

Echo outputs all parameters.

echo "Hello World";

echo "This spans

multiple lines. The newlines will be
output as well";

echo "This spans\nmultiple lines. The newlines will be\noutput as


echo "Escaping characters is done \"Like this\".";

// You can use variables inside of an echo statement

$foo = "foobar";
$bar = "barbaz";

echo "foo is $foo"; // foo is foobar

// Using single quotes will print the variable name, not the value
echo 'foo is $foo'; // foo is $foo

// Some people prefer passing multiple parameters to echo over

echo 'This ' . 'string ' . 'was ' . 'made ' . 'with concatenation.'
. "\n";

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Chapter 3: PHP Form Interactions

1. Live HTTP headers is provided by and can be downloaded freely at
2. The article on Differences between GET and POST provided by Jukka "Yucca"
Korpela, and available from
3. The official documentation (help/manual) is available from Simply add
the function needed for elaboration at the end of the address. Example
to know more about echo, how to use it, some examples, and users’ contributed


Exercise 3.1
You’re given this code for the form (the first page), so the user could key-in the book
information needed. If the user clicks the “Save Book” button, the information will be sent to
another file named displayBookInfo.php. Retrieve the values from the form, and display
them on the second page.
<title>Add New Book</title>
Add New Book<br>
<form method="GET" name="formNew" action=" displayBookInfo.php">
ISBN <input type="text" name="isbn"><br>
Title <input type="text" name="title"><br>
Author <input type="text" name="author"><br>
Publisher <input type="text" name="publisher"><br>
Year <input type="text" name="year"><br>
Quantity <input type="text" name="number"><br>
<input type="submit" value="Save Book" name="submit">
<input type="reset" value="Reset" name="reset">

Exercise 3.2
Create the form for the user to enter the information for his/her name, home address, e-mail,
mobile phone number, and also a submit button to send the information to the target file.
Create another page (the target file) to receive the user’s input, and display all the values.

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Chapter 3: PHP Form Interactions

Exercise 3.3
Below are the pages for a simple web calculator. The form will receive two numbers, sent
the numbers to the target page, and display the numbers on the target page. Write the
HTML tags and the PHP scripts for both pages.

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