E05 Handbook Image Sensors
E05 Handbook Image Sensors
E05 Handbook Image Sensors
Image sensors
For many years Hamamatsu has developed image sensors for measurement in broad wavelength and energy regions from
infrared to visible light, to ultraviolet, vacuum ultraviolet, soft X-rays, and hard X-rays. We provide a wide range of image
sensors for diverse applications and meticulously respond to customer needs such as for different window materials,
filter combinations, and optical fiber couplings. We also supply driver circuits that are optimized for sensor evaluation or
installation in equipment, as well as easy-to-use multichannel detector heads.
Back-thinned CCD image sensors are suitable for low-level light detection because of their high UV sensitivity, high S/N, and wide
dynamic range. These sensors are extensively used in scientific and industrial fields such as DNA analysis, spectrophotometry,
and semiconductor inspection systems, as well as in the medical field.
Front-illuminated CCD image sensors are used for imaging and measurement in the visible and near infrared region. Their
applications have been recently expanded to include high-resolution X-ray imaging by coupling them to an FOP (fiber optic
plate) with scintillator for use in medical equipment such as for dental diagnosis and in industrial non-destructive inspection.
NMOS linear image sensors are suitable for precision spectrophotometry because of their high UV sensitivity and superb linearity.
CMOS image sensors are well suited for industrial applications that require small, low-cost, and low-power consumption
image sensors. Distance image sensors are CMOS image sensors that measure the distance to the target object using the
TOF (time-of-flight) method. We also provide photodiode arrays with amplifiers, which have a unique hybrid structure
comprised of a photodiode array with a freely changeable pitch and a CMOS amplifier array chip. These photodiode arrays
serve as sensors for identifying paper money. When combined with a scintillator, these photodiode arrays are also used for
non-destructive X-ray inspection of food and industrial materials.
InGaAs image sensors consisting of an InGaAs photodiode array and CMOS charge amplifier array are used for near infrared
spectrometry, DWDM monitoring, near infrared image detection, and the like.
Hamamatsu also provides flat panel sensors developed for X-ray detection, which combine a scintillator with a large-area
CMOS image sensor made from monocrystalline silicon. (See Chapter 9, X-ray detectors.)
For spectrophotometry
Back-thinned type Image sensors with high quantum efficiency from the For scientific measurements
CCD linear/area image sensor visible region to the vacuum UV region TDI-CCD area image sensor
Fully-depleted area image sensor
Front-illuminated type
Image sensors with low dark current and low noise For spectrophotometry
CCD linear/area image sensor For scientific measurements
Image sensors with high UV sensitivity and excellent Current output type (standard type)
NMOS linear image sensor
output linearity suitable for precision photometry Current output type (infrared-enhanced type)
Voltage output type
Image sensors with internal signal processing circuits.
CMOS linear/area image sensor These are suitable for applications that require low power For spectrophotometry
consumption and device miniaturization. For industrial measurements
Sensors that measure the distance to the target object
Distance linear/area image sensor
using the TOF method. Used in combination with a pulse Distance linear image sensor
modulated light source, these image sensors output phase
difference information when light is emitted and received.
Distance area image sensor
Sensors combining a Si photodiode array and a signal
Photodiode array with amplifier processing IC. A long, narrow image sensor can also be Long and narrow type
configured by arranging multiple arrays in a row. For non-destructive inspection
Image sensors for near infrared region. Easy handling For near infrared spectrophotometry
InGaAs linear/area image sensor
due to built-in CMOS IC. For DWDM monitor
For near infrared image detection
Image sensor/photodiode arrays capable of acquiring CCD/CMOS area image sensor for X-ray radiography
X-ray image sensor high quality X-ray images when used in combination with TDI-CCD area image sensor
an FOS (FOP with scintillator) or phosphor screen non-destructive
Photodiode array with amplifier for
Flat panel sensor Sensors for capturing X-ray images in real time For X-ray non-destructive inspection
For radiography
Energy/spectral range detectable by image sensors (example)
InGaAs linear
image sensor
(long wavelength type)
image sensor
1240 sensor
Wavelength [nm] =
Photon energy [eV]
CMOS area
image sensor
CMOS linear
image sensor
Back-thinned CCD
0.01 nm 0.1 nm 1 nm 10 nm 100 nm 1 m 10 m
Irradiance (W/cm2)
Illuminance (lx)
(1) FT type
1. CCD image sensors The FT type CCD (FT-CCD) is comprised of two vertical
shift registers for the photosensitive area and storage
section, one horizontal shift register, and an output
1-1 Structure and operating principle section. Vertical shift registers are also referred to as
parallel registers, while the horizontal shift register is
CCD image sensors (referred to simply as CCD from now called the serial register or readout register. Transparent
on) are semiconductor devices invented by Willard Boyle electrodes such as made from poly-silicon are generally
and George Smith at the AT&T Bell Laboratories in 1970. employed as the electrodes for the photosensitive area.
CCDs are image sensors grouped within a family of charge When light comes through transparent electrodes into
transfer devices (CTD) that transfer charges through the the CCD semiconductor, photoelectric conversion occurs
semiconductor by using potential wells. Most current and a signal charge is generated. This signal charge is
CCDs have a buried channel CCD (BCCD) structure in collected into the potential well beneath the electrodes
which the charge transfer channels are embedded inside during a particular integration time. By utilizing the vertical
the substrate. blanking period, this signal charge is transferred at high
As shown in Figure 1-1, a CCD potential well is made by speed to the storage section for each frame. Therefore in
supplying one of multiple MOS (metal oxide semiconductor) the FT type, the vertical shift register in the photosensitive
structure electrodes with a voltage which is different from area acts as a photoelectric converter device during the
that supplied to the other electrodes. The signal charge integration time.
packed in this potential well is sequentially transferred The signal charge in the storage section is transferred to
through the semiconductor toward the output section. the output section through the horizontal shift register,
Because of this, the CCD is also called an analog shift register. while photoelectric conversion and signal accumulation
CCDs are essentially semiconductor devices through take place in the photosensitive area. The signal charge is
which a signal charge is transferred. Currently, however, transferred to the horizontal shift register for each line in
the term CCD has come to signify image sensors and the storage section during the horizontal blanking period.
video cameras since CCDs are widely used as image sensors. In the FT type, all areas other than the photosensitive areas
are covered with an opaque metal such as aluminum that
[Figure 1-1] CCD basic structure and potential well prevents light from entering.
P1 P2 P3
[Figure 1-2] Structure of FT type
Oxide film
Direction of transfer
KMPDC0036EB shift
CCD types
The operating principle of the FFT type is similar to that [Figure 1-4] Structure of IT type
of the FT type. The signal charge is collected in a potential Transfer gate
well in the photosensitive area during the integration Photodiode
time and then transferred to the output section via the
horizontal shift register during the external shutter closed
period and the like. Vertical
Since there is no storage section, the FFT type can be register
(3) IT type
The IT type CCD (IT-CCD) has an photosensitive area
consisting of photodiodes or MOS structure diodes formed shift
separately from the transfer section. Recent IT types use
buried photodiodes with a low dark current. Vertical shift
registers are arranged along photodiodes, and horizontal
shift registers and output sections are also configured.
The signal charge produced by photoelectric conversion
in a photodiode is stored in the junction capacitance section
Photodiode array
Storage gate t3
Anti-blooming drain
Anti-blooming gate
Transfer gate
(c) Timing chart
Horizontal shift register
Charge transfer operation
t1 t2 t3
CCDs using two electrodes (gates) for one pixel are called
2-phase (drive) CCDs or 2-gate CCDs. Figure 1-7 shows
the operating principle of a 2-phase CCD in which the FDA
signal charge is transferred by applying two clock pulses
with different voltage levels (high level and low level). FDA (floating diffusion amplifier) is the most popular
In a 2-phase CCD, the signal charge is transferred in method for detecting the signal charge of a CCD. As shown
the direction determined by the difference in potential in Figure 1-8, the FDA consists of a node for detecting
created in the semiconductor process. The signal charge charges and two MOSFETs (MOS1 for reset and MOS2 for
is stored beneath the storage electrode. In Figure 1-7 for charge-to-voltage conversion) connected to the node. The
example, the signal charge is stored beneath the storage charge transferred to the detection node is converted into
electrode for electrode P1 by setting electrode P1 to high a voltage by MOS2 via the relation Q = CV. The detection
level (setting electrode P2 to low level) at time t1. node is reset by MOS1 to the reference level (voltage on
It is important in 2-phase CCDs to optimize the overlapping RD) in order to read the next signal.
of clock pulses. As shown in the timing chart of Figure Noise accompanying the charge detection by FDA is
1-7 (c), clock pulses must cross each other (at time t2) determined by the capacitance of the node but can be
at a level higher than the midpoint of the high and low almost entirely eliminated by CDS (correlated double
levels for P1 and P2 (for example, if the high level is V and sampling) invented by White.
the low level is 0, the cross point should be higher than The signal charge output timing is synchronized with the
V/2). The signal charges can be transferred by setting timing at which the summing gate (SG) goes from high
the clock phase so that P1 alternately goes high and low, level to low level, which is the last clock gate for the shift
while P2 goes low and high. register.
[Figure 1-7] Operating principle of 2-phase CCD [Figure 1-8] CCD output section using FDA
(a) Structure
P1 P2
N- N-
P1 SG Detection
Direction of transfer
Charge transfer
When used in combination with line binning, signals
Binning of signal charges
from 2 2 pixels for example can be summed as shown
in Figure 1-10. In this case, the signals of two vertical
During CCD operation, a signal charge accumulates in the
lines are first summed by line binning into the pixels of
potential well of every pixel during the integration time.
the horizontal shift register. Next, in the signal charge
In FFT-CCDs, this means that the charge information is
readout by the horizontal shift register, the signals of the
stored in two dimensions at the end of the integration
two horizontal pixels can be transferred and summed by
time as shown in Figure 1-9 (a).
applying just one clock pulse to the SG terminal during
Since clock pulses can be input separately to the vertical
each period of two P1H clock pulses.
shift register and horizontal shift register, an operation
This method is effective in detecting low level light. For
called binning can be performed. Binning is an operation
example, when the incident light level is too low to detect
unique to CCDs, and can be grouped into line (vertical)
with a CCD having 1024 1024 pixels, operating it as a
binning and pixel (horizontal) binning, depending on the
sensor having 512 512 pixels will acquire an image with
direction that the signal charge is added.
higher contrast, although the spatial resolution will be
(1) Line binning lower.
In line binning, the signal of each pixel is summed in the
[Figure 1-10] Pixel binning
vertical direction. As shown in Figure 1-9 (b), the signal
charge of each vertical pixel is sequentially transferred (a) Signal charge flow
and added to one corresponding pixel of the horizontal
shift register by applying a specified number of clock
pulses P1V and P2V to the vertical shift register while the
horizontal shift register clock pulse P1H is halted.
Line binning allows obtaining a signal which is equivalent
to that obtained from a one-dimensional sensor having
a very long photosensitive area in the vertical direction.
Noise intrusion resulting from signal readout can be
minimized since signal readout from the output section is
performed at one time.
(b) Timing chart
[Figure 1-9] Line binning
(a) Signal charge flow
At end of integration time
CCDs have input sources (ISV, ISH) and input gates (IGV,
IGH) each arranged at the respective heads of the vertical
shift register and horizontal shift register as the signal
input terminals for electrical tests. In normal operation,
(b) Timing chart
a specified bias (see datasheets) should be applied to
these test terminals. However, by applying a bias and
clock pulses other than the specified values to these
input sources and gates, a signal charge can be injected
into the shift registers. This will reduce radiation-induced
degradation of the CCD charge transfer efficiency. These
terminals can also make quantitative evaluations of the
saturation charge and the FDA linearity. A signal charge
(2) Pixel binning can also be injected into the shift registers by connecting
The last gate of the horizontal shift register in a CCD is an a current source to the input sources and shorting the
independent gate called the summing gate (SG). During input gates to P2 for clock pulse input [Figure 1-11]. The
operation not using pixel binning, the SG terminal is charge injected by this method equals the product of the
directly shorted to P2H (or the same clock pulses as P2H injection current value from the current source and the
may be input to SG without shorting SG to P2H). Pixel injection time (reciprocal of CCD drive frequency).
binning can be performed by supplying a different clock
pulse to SG.
Qinj = Iinj t (1) [Figure 1-12] Comparison of NMOS and CCD image sensors
(b) Back-thinned type [Figure 1-15] Device structure of back-thinned CCD
(schematic of CCD chip as viewed from top
Poly-silicon electrode
of dimensional outline)
BPSG film
Effective pixels
Incident light
2 signal output
In order for back-thinned CCDs to achieve high sensitivity, 5
it is essential to make the silicon substrate thin and to 3
12345 H
Accumulation layer
10 to 30 m
Poly-silicon electrode
(b) Fully-depleted type shift
Incident light
(bias voltage applied to substrate)
Accumulation layer
100 to 300 m
N-type silicon
Poly-silicon electrode
P- P type silicon
Gate oxide film current is reduced by approx. one-half for every 5 to 7 C
BPSG film
decrease in temperature. As with MPP operation (see
N Poly-silicon electrode
Dark current in section 1-2, Characteristics), cooling
a CCD is an effective way to reduce the dark current and
[Figure 1-17] Spectral response of back-illuminated CCDs enhance the detection limit.
(without window, typical example) Thermoelectrically cooled CCDs contain a thermoelectric
(Ta=25 C) cooler (Peltier element) in the package, which efficiently
Fully-depleted type
90 (Td=-100 C) cools the CCD. The cooling temperature is determined by
maximum heat absorption and heat dissipation capacities
of the thermoelectric cooler. The following parameters
Quantum efficiency (%)
differ depending on the thermoelectric cooler.
[Figure 1-19] Cooling characteristics of one-stage v: object speed, charge transfer speed
thermoelectrically cooled type (S7171-0909-01) f : vertical CCD transfer frequency
d: pixel size (transfer direction)
(Typ. Ta=25 C)
6 30
Voltage vs. current
CCD temperature vs. current In Figure 1-20, when the charge accumulated in the first
5 20 stage is transferred to the second stage, another charge
produced by photoelectric conversion is simultaneously
Back-thinned TDI (time delay integration)-CCDs [Figure 1-20] Schematic of integrated exposure in TDI operation
allow acquiring high S/N images even under low-light
Object movement
Charge transfer
First stage
conditions during high-speed imaging and the like. TDI
operation yields dramatically enhanced sensitivity by
integrating the exposure of a moving object. The back- Last stage M
thinned structure ensures high quantum efficiency over
(b) When drum is rotating [Figure 1-25] Schematic and potential of resistive gate
P+ N N- N
[Figure 1-23] Imaging in TDI operation
(continuous image during drum rotation)
Potential slope
Buried photodiode
The conversion factor (Sv) is expressed by equation (4).
Quantum efficiency (%)
70 Standard
back-thinned CCD
Sv = q Vout / Q [V/e-] (4)
q: electron charge Front-illuminated CCD
When the S7030/S7031 series is used: Sv=2.2 V/e-
When the S11071 series is used: Sv=8.0 V/e- 30
The node capacitance (Cfd) is expressed by equation (5).
Cfd = q Av / Sv [F] (5) 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
CCDs also have high sensitivity in the visible region from Wavelength (nm)
400 to 700 nm due to use of a special AR (anti-reflection) KMPDB0205EC
Transmittance (%)
AR coated sapphire
100 101 102 103 104 105
Wavelength (nm)
Saturation charge
Leading Trailing
Linearity error (%)
Interline CCDs experience image lag in the order of several
percent due to the incomplete transferring of signals from
the photodiodes to the shift register. On the other hand,
in the case of an FFT CCD in which the shift register itself
receives light, image lag is generated due to the trapping
and discharging of signal charges by the traps (see Damage
-4 by radiation in section 1-3, How to use). As a result, this
101 102 103 104 105 106
image lag is observed as a CTE deterioration. Here CTE
image lag is described briefly using line binning as an
Signal (e-)
In line binning, signals are acquired for each line
corresponding to the number of horizontal shift registers.
Charge transfer efficiency If the CTE is 1 (the ideal case), the signal charge in the
readout after a line signal is equal to the dark level. But,
Ideally, there is no loss in the charge transfer process if the CTE is less than 1, unread signal charges will be left
of CCDs. In actual operation, however, 100% charge behind as shown in Table 1-1 depending on the number of
transfer is not attained due to traps resulting from the transfers.
semiconductor materials and wafer process. A very small
amount of charge is not transferred and is left behind. [Figure 1-35] CCD image lag in line binning
Charge transfer efficiency (CTE) is defined as the ratio of Signal level
[Table 1-1] Charge transfer efficiency and ratio of image
An X-ray stimulation method is effective in measuring
lag in line binning
the transfer efficiency of a small charge because X-ray
incident on the CCD causes an ideal spot charge to be CTE S9971-0906 S9971-0907
input in a pixel without using electrical means. 0.99995 0.0032 0.0064
In this measurement, the signal of each line in the 0.99999 0.00064 0.00128
horizontal direction is stacked (horizontal stacking). 0.999995 0.00032 0.00064
By means of this horizontal stacking, the CCD output
depicts a single event line according to the X-ray energy
as shown in Figure 1-34. In an ideal CCD with a CTE Dark current
equal to 1, the signal height of the leading and trailing
edges would be the same. In actual use, however, the Dark current is an output current that flows when no
CTE is less than 1, so a loss of the signal charge transfer light is input. This is generally expressed in units of A
occurs at the trailing edge. If we let the signal charge at (ampere), A/cm2, and V (volt). In CCDs for measurement
the leading edge be 1, then the charge transfer loss is applications, e-/pixel/s or e-/pixel/h units are generally
expressed by equation (9). used, which indicate the number of electrons generated
in one pixel per unit time. Dark current nearly doubles
Charge transfer loss = n CTI (9)
for every 5 to 7 C increase in temperature.
n: number of pixels Three major causes that generate CCD dark current are
CTI ( charge transfer inefficiency ) = 1 - CTE
as follows:
Dark current (e-/pixel/s)
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
Shot noise is the noise generated by statistical changes
in the number of photons incident on a CCD. Shot noise
As shown in Figure 1-37, during MPP operation, both is expressed by equation (10) according to the Poisson
the collecting phase and barrier phase are pinned in the distribution.
inverted state. In the pinned state, the CCD surface is
inverted by holes supplied from the channel stop region. Ns = S (10)
The potential at the oxide film interface is fixed at the S: number of signal electrons [e - ]
For example, if a CCD receives photons that generate a The CCD dynamic range is a value obtained by dividing
signal electron quantity of 10000 e- inside the CCD, then the saturation charge by the readout noise.
the shot noise will be 100 e- rms.
Saturation charge
Dynamic range = (12)
(3) Dark shot noise (Nd) Readout noise
Dynamic range generally specifies the measurable range Because optical sine waves are difficult to generate, a test
of a detector and is defined as the ratio of the maximum chart having square wave patterns is commonly used.
level to the minimum level (detection limits). The spatial frequency response measured using this test
chart is called the contrast transfer function (CTF) which
is different from the MTF. (The CTF can be converted [Figure 1-42] Standard deviation of charge diffusion
into the MTF by Fourier transform.) vs. bias voltage
The actual CCD resolution is determined by the extent of (Silicon thickness 200 m, =450 nm)
diffusion occurring when the signal charge is collected
[Figure 1-43] Readout noise vs. readout frequency [Figure 1-44] Spurious charge vs. temperature
(S9737-01, typical example)
Readout noise [e- rms] (typical example)
Spurious charges are generated by clock pulses during Blooming (overflow) is a phenomenon that occurs when
operation such as in MPP mode and do not result from high-intensity light enters the photosensitive area and
signals produced by the incident light. In MPP operation, the resulting signal charge exceeds a specific level. This
the vertical clock pulse is set to low, and during this excess charge then overflows into adjacent pixels and
low period, the region under the gate of each pixel is transfer region. A technique to prevent this is called
in an inverted state. In this state, holes move from the anti-blooming which provides a drain to carry away the
channel stop region to a point under the gate, and the excess charge.
surface potential in that region is pinned at the substrate Anti-blooming structures for CCDs are roughly divided
potential. At this point, some holes are trapped along into a lateral type and a vertical type, and our CCDs
the oxide film interface, and the gate phase of each pixel use the lateral type. The lateral type structure has an
becomes a non-inverted state when the clock pulse goes overflow drain formed along the pixels or charge transfer
to high level. The trapped holes have high energy after channels. This structure has the drawback that the
being released and generate a spurious charge which is fill factor is reduced when used for front-illuminated
then collected in a potential well. The CCD output is the CCDs. However, this problem can be avoided when used
sum of the signal, dark current, and this spurious charge. for back-thinned CCDs. The vertical type structure is
Spurious charges can be reduced by delaying the rising designed so as to carry away the excess charge into the
edge of clock pulses or decreasing the voltage difference inside of the substrate. The fill factor is not reduced, but
between high and low clock levels. When a CCD is cooled there is a problem in that the sensitivity drops at longer
to a sufficiently low temperature where the signal level wavelengths.
approaches readout noise level, it is important to set the When controlling the anti-blooming function by means
clocking conditions by taking the spurious charge into of the overflow drain voltage (VOFD) and overflow gate
account. voltage (VOFG), these applied voltages may decrease the
saturation charge.
low level
Current flows.
Potential high level
[Figure 1-46] Anti-blooming structure and potential [Figure 1-48] Saturation output voltage vs. anti-blooming
(lateral type) gate voltage (typical example)
1 pixel
Charge drift
(clock: low)
(clock: high)
[Figure 1-50] Output voltage vs. effective integration time
(CCD linear image sensor, typical example)
A cluster consisting of ten or more continuous pixel
defects (larger than a cluster defect) is called a column
defect and is viewed as different from cluster defects. As
0 with cluster defects, column defects also appear vertically
900 920 940 960 980 1000
in most cases, but may appear as a two-dimensional
Wavelength (nm) cluster if originating from black spots of back-thinned
CCDs or front-illuminated CCDs coupled to an FOS.
Front-illuminated CCDs with a small photosensitive [Figure 1-53] Cross section of CCD (back-illuminated)
area, such as Hamamatsu S9970/S9971 series, have no that has received cosmic rays
point defects, cluster defects, or column defects. When (a) Standard type
CCDs are coupled to an FOP (fiber optic plate) or FOS,
1 pixel
CCD side
defects might occur due to other factors not originating
in the CCDs, so the shape and number of defects will
- - - -
differ from those occurring only in CCDs. - - - -
Effects of cosmic rays on CCDs
Cosmic rays Cosmic rays
If cosmic rays enter the CCD, these rays may be detected
as shown in Figure 1-52. A certain ratio of cosmic rays
reaches the Earth's surface. The main portion of such (b) Fully-depleted type
rays consists of particles (up to several GeVs), and they
generate signal charges inside the CCD silicon along CCD side 1 pixel
[Figure 1-54] Timing chart of line binning
Integration period (shutter open) Vertical binning period (shutter closed) Readout period (shutter closed)
P2V, TG Tpwh, Tpws
(b) Large saturation charge mode
Integration period (shutter open) Readout period (shutter closed)
P2V, TG Tpwh, Tpws
P2V, TG Tpwh, Tpws
(b) Large saturation charge mode
Integration period (shutter open) Readout period (shutter closed)
P2V, TG Tpwh, Tpws
[Figure 1-57] Timing chart of TDI operation
(a) 1 1
Tovr Detail
P2V, TG Tpwh, Tpws
Note: For the timing chart in low dark current mode, see P1V, P2V, and TG in Figure 1-55 (a).
P2V, TG Tpwh, Tpws
Note: For the timing chart in low dark current mode, see P1V, P2V, and TG in Figure 1-56 (a).
(2) Two-dimensional operation (area scan) CCD saturation charge. If the low level voltage of the
reset clock pulses becomes high, the charge that can be
This operation transfers all horizontal signal charges each
stored in the FD decreases because the potential has
time one bit is transferred in the vertical direction. When
not lowered sufficiently in a state where the reset switch
the transfer in the vertical direction is fully complete, a
is off. This may cause an overflow before all transfer
frame transfer is complete. At this point, the summing
charges are converted into voltage. For this reason, the
gate pulse should be set exactly as the clock pulse (P2H)
low level of the reset clock pulses must be set to a voltage
for the horizontal shift register.
low enough not to affect the saturation charge level of
(3) Pixel binning the output section.
One bit is first transferred in the vertical direction. Then Set the pulse width of the reset clock pulses to about 10
all the horizontal signal charges are transferred. At ns to 100 ns (there will be no problem if longer than 100
this point, by halting the summing gate pulses for the ns).
number of bits required for summing, the signal charges (3) Transfer clock pulse generator
are added to the summing well.
Figure 1-58 shows an example of a transfer clock pulse
Note: Line binning and pixel binning can be performed at the same time.
generator. As stated above, clock pulses with high and
low levels of voltage amplitude are required to operate
(4) TDI operation a CCD. These clock pulses must drive the vertical shift
As explained in TDI-CCD in section 1-1, Structure and register and horizontal shift register at high speeds,
operating principle, TDI operation allows imaging of a which have an input capacitance of several hundred
moving object. To do this, the CCD vertical transfer clock picofarads to several nanofarads. For this purpose, MOS
pulse must be synchronized with the speed at which the driver IC is commonly used to drive a CCD since it is
object moves along the photosensitive area surface of the capable of driving a capacitive load at high speeds.
CCD. Normally, the timing signal generator circuit uses a TTL
or CMOS logic level IC. The operating voltage for these
Clock pulse and DC bias adjustment ICs is +3.3 V or +5.0 V, so a level converter circuit must be
connected to the MOS driver IC.
The clock pulse and DC bias must be adjusted properly In 2-phase CCD operation, the clock pulses for driving
to make fullest use of CCD performance. the vertical and horizontal shift registers must overlap
with each other (see Charge transfer operation in
(1) Transfer clock pulse section 1-1, Structure and operating principle). For this
The low level of the clock voltage for the vertical shift reason, a resistor Rd with an appropriate value (damping
register affects the CCD dark current. If it is set to a resistor: a few to several dozen ohms) should be placed
voltage higher than the pinning voltage that initiates between the MOS driver IC and the CCD in order to
MPP operation, the dark current will not lower as adjust the rise time and fall time of the clock pulses.
expected. The pinning voltage differs according to the To minimize noise intrusion to the CCD from digital circuits,
individual CCD due to variations in device production. it is recommended that the analog ground and digital
Ideally, it should be adjusted for each product. ground be set to the same potential by the transfer clock
After determining the low level of the vertical clock pulse generator.
voltage, adjust the high level. The clock pulse amplitude
[Figure 1-58] Example of transfer clock pulse generator
should be large enough to maintain the desired is set too
large, the spurious charges become large, causing the +Vcc
7 2 2.2 k 14
Y5 A5
P2V 12
3 G1
temperature, but they may cause problems when the CCD 100 pF
0.1 F
Voltage gain (Av) in the source follower circuit is lowered.
+24 V +24 V
MOSFET does not operate in the saturation region.
1 F 10 F
VOD=+20 V
These phenomena adversely affect CCD performance. -
VOD Vref=+10 V +VI
For example, they may cause a decrease in the conversion 100 + VO
10 F TRIM N.R.
factor (unit: V/e-), an increase in the readout noise, or 1 F
deterioration in the linearity.
When using a multi-stage amplifier such as a two-stage
source follower output type, set VOD to approx. +15 V,
which is lower than VOD for a one-stage type. As in the
case of one-stage type, phenomena and occur in the
two-stage source follower output type. Signal processing circuit
Bias (VRD) applied to RD Major sources of noise from a CCD are the well-known
VRD is the bias voltage applied to the reset drain. It determines kT/C noise and 1/f noise. The kT/C noise is generated
the reset level of the output section and also serves as the by a discharge (reset operation) in the FDA (see FDA
gate voltage of the output transistor. The VRD determines in section 1-1, Structure and operating principle). This
the voltage gain and MOSFET operating region the same as noise is inversely proportional to the square root of the
with VOD and also affects the saturation charge level of the node capacitance (Cfd) of the FDA and makes up a large
output section. Increasing the VRD also raises the potential percentage of the total noise of a CCD. The 1/f noise is
in the FD and the amount of signal increases. However, generated by the MOSFET constituting the FDA and is
it must be set to an optimum value in consideration of inversely proportional to the frequency.
phenomena and which may occur in the output These noises degrade the S/N in the CCD system and
transistor. therefore should be reduced as much as possible in the
signal processing circuit. A typical circuit for this purpose
Bias (VOG) applied to OG
is a CDS circuit.
VOG is the bias voltage applied to OG that separates the FD The operating principle of the CDS circuit is described
arranged at the last stage of the horizontal shift register below. Figure 1-61 shows an output waveform from a CCD.
from the last clocking gate (summing gate). The signal As stated above, kT/C noise occurs during a reset period
charge is output to the FD in synchronization with the in the FDA. At the point where the reset period has ended,
falling edge to the low level of the summing gate pulse the voltage level varies due to kT/C noise. Therefore, if
(SG) which is the last clocking gate. The OG potential data is acquired at time T2, the S/N deteriorates by an
therefore becomes smaller than the SG potential at low amount equal to the kT/C noise variation. In contrast,
acquiring data at times T1 and T2 on the output waveform A circuit example of Type 1 is shown in Figure 1-64.
and then obtaining the difference between them will The preamp gain should be set high in order to sufficiently
extract only a signal component V with the kT/C noise amplify the CCD output signal. Since the CCD output
removed. DC components such as the offset voltage signal contains DC voltage components, a capacitor is
component and reset feed-through are removed at the used for AC coupling. Note that this capacitor can cause
same time. a DC voltage error if the preamp bias current is large.
Therefore, a preamp with a small bias current must be
[Figure 1-61] CCD output waveform
selected. A JFET or CMOS input amplifier is generally
Signal output
Reset period period used. It is also necessary to select a low-noise amplifier
with a bandwidth wide enough to amplify the CCD output
kT/C noise Reset level
The clamp circuit is made up of capacitors and an analog
Signal output level
switch. For the analog switch, we recommend using a
high-speed type having low ON resistance and small
T1 T2
KMPDC0304EA charge injection amount.
For the preamp, the last-stage amplifier is AC-coupled via
There are two types of CDS circuits: Type 1 that uses a capacitor, so a JFET or CMOS input amplifier should be
a clamp circuit in combination with a sample-and- selected. In addition, a non-inverted amplifier must be
hold amplifier (SHA), and Type 2 that uses a SHA in configured to allow high input impedance.
combination with a differential amplifier. Type 1 has a Incidentally the CCD provides a negative-going output
very simple circuit configuration [Figure 1-62]. But if the while the last-stage amplifier gives a positive-going
ON resistance of the switch used in the clamp circuit is output to facilitate analog-to-digital conversion. For
large, the amount of noise that can be removed will be this reason, an inverted amplifier is connected after the
small or a DC voltage error will occur. Ideally, the ON preamp.
resistance should be 0 .
[Figure 1-62] CDS circuit block diagram High-speed signal processing circuit
(using clamp circuit and SHA)
Sample signal (T2) For a CCD signal processing circuit that requires high-
Preamp (LPF) Buffer amp
CCD Video speed readout at several megahertz or faster, it is difficult
output output
for a circuit constructed only of discrete components to
Clamp signal (T1) achieve high-speed clamp operation and fast capacitor
charging/discharging response.
Clamp circuit Sample-and-hold amp (SHA) A high-speed signal processing circuit can be constructed
by using an analog front-end IC (a single IC chip consisting
of CDS, gain, and offset circuits, A/D converter, etc.)
CCD output
optimized for CCD signal processing.
Clamp signal (T1)
[Figure 1-64] CDS circuit example (using clamp circuit and SHA)
33 pF 47 pF 47 pF
1k 1.5 k 1k 1k
-15 V 1k -15 V
-15 V
1 F 1 F
+20 V 1 F UI
24 IG1V RG
2 - - -
+ + Video Out
21 NC OD
100 1k + 100 1 nF
6 0.1 F
8 22 k 100 k
16 9
15 TG P2H 10 1 F 1 F 1 F
14 P1V
11 -15 V
12 +15 V +15 V +15 V
S9970-1007 1 F
1 F
+15 V
[Figure 1-65] High-speed signal processing circuit example (using S11155/S11156-2048-01 and analog front-end IC)
To FPGA +5 V +3.3 V
10 0.1 F
15 SDATA D0 (LSB) 14 10
+VOD 16 13 10
10 F 17 SLOAD D2 12 10
0.1 F 18 AVDD D3 11 10
0.1 F 19 10 10
0.1 F AVSS D4
20 CAPB D5 9 10
10 F 0.1 F 21 8 10
22 VINB D7 (MSB) 7 10
0.1 F 0.1 F 23 6
0.1 F 24 5
0.1 F 25 4 330
26 3 330
24 RG OS 1 27 2 330
23 TG OD 2 28 1 330
22 NC OG 3
21 NC SG 4 0.1 F AD9826KRS To FPGA
20 STG Vret 5 2.2 k
19 NC RD 6 0.1
18 RD REGL 7
17 SS REGH 8
16 NC P2H 9
15 ISH P1H 10 330
14 ARD IG2H 11
13 ARG IG1H 12
Tpwh, Tpws
D1 D2 D19 D20
D3..D10, S1...S2048, D11..D18
[Figure 1-67] Effect of light emission on the output circuit [Figure 1-69] Element temperature vs. operation time
(horizontal profile in a dark state, typical example) (S11155-2048-01, using our evaluation circuit,
typical example)
45 Signal output frequency
Output (digital number)
10 MHz
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 20
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Number of pixels in horizontal direction
KMPDB0328EA Operation time (min)
622 roentgens
Damage by radiation 103
Ion damage and bulk damage can occur in a CCD due to 102
radiation, the same as with other devices made of silicon. irradiation
[Figure 1-70] Effects of radiation on CCDs -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5
UV light X-rays
Heat dissipation
(Typ. Ta=25 C)
7 30
Voltage vs. current
CCD element temperature vs. current Screws
6 20 Base
CCD element temperature (C)
Voltage (V)
4 0
3 -10
[Figure 1-75] Method of mounting to circuit board
1 -30
0 -40
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Current (A)
P- P type silicon
inserting the lead pins into the mat (for shorting leads) Gate oxide film
BPSG film
and then put it in a conductive case. The PC board for Electrode
N Poly-silicon electrode
mounting the CCD should also be put in a conductive KMPDC0458EA
Accumulation layer
(4) Storage precautions P type silicon
30 m
10 to
N Poly-silicon
100 to
Support substrate
inserting the lead pins into the mat (for shorting the electrode
Through-hole electrode
leads) and then put it into a conductive case. The PC
board for mounting the CCD should also be put in a
conductive case. (2) TDI-CMOS CCD
Avoid placing CCDs near equipment that may generate
high voltage or high magnetic fields. The TDI-CMOS CCD is an image sensor that combines
the feature of the TDI-CCD that allows acquiring of high
S/N images even under low-light conditions during high-
It is not always necessary to provide all the electrostatic
speed imaging and the features of the CMOS sensor that
and surge measures stated above. Implement these
provides digital output (an A/D converter is built into
measures according to the extent of deterioration or
the chip) and low voltage operation. Signal charges are
damage that may occur.
integrated and transferred in the charge state through
TDI operation, converted into voltage by a readout
amplifier in each column, converted into a digital
signal by the on-chip signal processing circuit and A/D
converter, and then output.
(3) Back-thinned CCD with suppressed UV-light-
irradiation-caused sensitivity deterioration 2. NMOS
We are developing back-thinned CCDs with high
sensitivity in the ultraviolet region and low sensitivity
linear image sensors
deterioration (deterioration becomes a problem during
UV light irradiation) by applying ingenuity to the NMOS linear image sensors are self-scanning photodiode
production method and sensor structure. arrays designed as detectors for multichannel
spectrophotometers. The scanning circuit of these image
sensors is made up of N-channel MOS transistors and
operates at low power consumption, making them easy
to use. Each photodiode has a large photosensitive area
and high UV sensitivity, yet the noise is extremely low so
high S/N signals can be obtained even at low light levels.
Current output type NMOS linear image sensors also
deliver excellent output linearity and wide dynamic range.
2-1 Features
Wide photosensitive area
2-2 Structure
NMOS linear image sensors consist of a photodiode array
that performs photoelectric conversion and stores the
resulting charges, address switches connected to each
photodiode, and a digital shift register. Each address switch
[Table 2-1] Hamamatsu NMOS linear image sensors (current output type)
from image sensors with small pixels by integrating the Saturation exposure
charge. In low-light-level detection, making the integration 10-2
Photoresponse nonuniformity
2-5 How to use
Image sensors contain a large number of photodiodes in An external driver circuit for NMOS linear image sensors
arrays, and each photodiode is different from the others in includes a digital circuit for generating input clock pulses
terms of sensitivity. This may be due to crystalline defects and an analog circuit for converting output charges into
in the silicon substrate or variations in processing and voltage signals. The digital circuit consists of a clock
diffusion during the manufacturing process. In NMOS oscillator circuit and a timing control circuit. Clock pulse
linear image sensors, these variations are evaluated signals should be input at CMOS logic levels. The analog
in terms of photoresponse nonuniformity (PRNU) by circuit consists of an output processing circuit and an
illuminating the image sensor with uniform light emitted amplifier circuit. The output processing circuit normally
from a tungsten lamp and measuring variations in the uses a charge integration circuit including a charge
output from all pixels. PRNU is given by equation (1). amplifier. This method has the advantages that signal
detection accuracy is high and it produces easy-to-process
PRNU = (X/Xave) 100 [%] (1) boxcar waveforms. Figure 2-4 shows a recommended
block diagram of an external current integration method,
Xave: average output of all pixels
X : difference between Xave and maximum or minimum pixel output and Figure 2-5 shows the timing chart.
The PRNU of our NMOS linear image sensors is specified [Figure 2-4] Recommended block diagram
(external current integration method)
as 3% maximum.
Control signal generator D.GND
1, 2 Start, CLK
Dark output Buffer PLD Buffer
EOS, Trigger
Precautions when building driver circuits Incorporating a signal processing circuit into the sensor
chip to match the required specifications integrates the
Separate the analog circuit ground and the digital following features into the sensor. This allows downsizing
circuit ground. the photo-sensing systems and upgrading their functions.
Connect the video output terminal to the amplifier High-speed response
input terminal in the shortest possible distance.
Avoid crossing of analog and digital signals as much as
High gain
possible. Low noise
Use a series power supply having only small voltage
fluctuations. Digital output mode (with built-in A/D converter)
The S8377/S8378 series CMOS linear image sensors The S11105 series CMOS linear image sensors have
have on-chip circuits that are built in an external circuit a simultaneous charge integration function for high-
section for NMOS linear image sensors. A block diagram speed readout. Compared to the video data rate of 10
is shown in Figure 3-1. Like NMOS linear image sensors, MHz maximum on the previous high-speed type (S10453
these CMOS linear image sensors consist of photodiodes, series), the S11105 series has achieved a video data rate
address switches, and shift registers. A timing generator of 50 MHz maximum. The photosensitive area consists
is formed on the input side, and a signal processing of 512 pixels at a height of 0.25 mm, arrayed at a 12.5 m
circuit made up of a charge amplifier and clamp circuit pitch. In NMOS linear image sensors and S8377/S8378
forms the readout circuit on the output side. series CMOS linear image sensors, a lag occurs in the
pixel charge integration start/end times. However, the
[Figure 3-1] Block diagram (S8377/S8378 series)
S11105 series has simultaneous integration and variable
integration time functions (shutter function) controlled
7 EOS by an internal CMOS signal processing circuit, so charge
CMOS digital shift register 3 Vg integration in all pixels can start and end simultaneously.
Address switch Charge Clamp
amplifier circuit 6 Video The S11105 series has a CMOS amplifier array to convert
Photodiode array charges to voltages. The conversion gain is determined
1 2 3 4 5 N-1 N by the charge amplifiers feedback capacitance. A small
feedback capacitance of 0.1 pF allows a high output
Timing generator
Each photodiode pixel is connected to a charge amplifier.
4 8 1 2 There is no switch between the photodiode and a charge
Vdd Vss CLK ST amplifier. Since the photodiodes act as a current source, the
generated signal charge is not stored in the photodiodes
The S8377/S8378 series operate only on a single 5 V but is stored in the charge amplifiers feedback capacitance.
power supply, ground, a clock pulse, and a start pulse. The output voltage from the charge amplifier changes in
All pulses necessary to operate the shift register, charge proportion to the incident light level during the integration
amplifier, and clamp circuit are generated by the timing time. A hold circuit is connected following the charge
generator. An analog video output with boxcar waveform amplifier of each pixel. The charge amplifiers of all pixels
and an end-of-scan pulse are the output signals. The are simultaneously reset. By inputting a hold pulse to each
charge-to-voltage conversion gain can be adjusted in hold circuit immediately before the charge amplifiers
two steps by switching the charge amplifiers feedback are reset, the charge amplifier outputs from all pixels
capacitance via the input voltage to the gain selection are simultaneously held in their respective hold circuits.
terminal. The time from when the reset switch for each charge
The peak sensitivity wavelength is 500 nm, which is amplifier is turned off to when the hold pulse is input is
shorter than NMOS linear image sensors. Since the the integration time. Charge integration therefore starts
CMOS linear image sensors operate on a single 5 V and ends simultaneously for all pixels. An address pulse
power supply, their dynamic range is narrow compared from the shift register is next input to the switch in the
to NMOS linear image sensors that operate on 15 V stage after the hold circuit to allow the output signals being
supply. However, there is almost no difference in basic held to be sequentially output as a time-series signal from
characteristics such as linearity accuracy and dark the video output terminal. Since this signal readout from
output compared to NMOS linear image sensors. CMOS the hold circuits is performed in a circuit separate from
linear image sensors are suitable for use in compact the operation for integrating the photodiode charges,
measurement systems since they need only a simple the photodiodes and charge amplifiers can start the
external driver circuit. next charge integration while video output readout is in
The S8377/S8378 series are available in six types with progress.
different pixel pitches and number of pixels. A variant
type, S9226-03 series, is also available having the same
block configuration but a different pixel format with 7.8
m pitch, 0.125 mm photosensitive area height, and 1024
[Figure 3-2] Block diagram (S11105 series) series. The reset pulses for the charge amplifiers, hold
pulses for the hold circuits, and a start pulse for the
shift register are all generated by the internal timing
Trig Shift register EOS
generator. Switching the start pulse from high to low
Hold circuit Video
initializes the timing generator which then sequentially
generates the various control pulses. First, hold pulses
ST Charge amplifier array
are generated to hold the charge amplifier outputs in
Photodiode array generator the hold circuits. Next, the reset pulses for the charge
amplifiers are switched on to reset the charge amplifiers.
KMPDC0312EA No signal charges are integrated while the charge
amplifiers are in a reset state. A start pulse is then input
[Figure 3-3] Equivalent circuit (high-speed readout
circuit of S11105 series) to the shift register to sequentially read out the video
output as a time-series signal from the first pixel. When
Signal component
the start pulse changes from low to high, the reset pulses
Buffer circuit for the charge amplifiers are switched off, or in other
Differential circuit
words, charge integration starts. When the start pulse
Peak hold
again changes from high to low, the timing generator is
initialized as described above, and one cycle of operation
is complete. Strictly speaking, charge integration starts
0.5 clocks after the start pulse has changed from low
Reset component
to high, and ends 0.5 clocks after the start pulse has
changed from high to low. Therefore, the integration time
The S11105 series employs a high-speed readout circuit is equal to the high period of the start pulse. If the length
that uses a peak-hold circuit to increase the video data of one cycle is fixed, then the integration time can be
rate [Figure 3-3]. The signal and reset components enter adjusted by changing the ratio of high to low periods.
the differential circuit. Only the signal component is With the S11105 series, in addition to reading out all 512
output and enters the peak-hold circuit, and there the pixels, it is possible to read out a portion of the pixels
output waveform is held at the peak value of the signal (e.g., 32 pixels from the first to the 32nd pixel) [Figure
component. Since there is no need to reset after reading 3-6]. The line rate when reading out 512 pixels is 88.65
each pixel signal as in a normal circuit, signal fluctuation kHz and 595 kHz when reading out 32 pixels.
is reduced, making high-speed readout possible. Figure
3-4 shows the video output waveform displayed on an [Figure 3-6] Operation example
oscilloscope. (a) When reading out all 512 pixels
tlp(ST)=1.04 s thp(ST)=10.24 s
[Figure 3-4] Video output waveform (S11105 series)
Voltage (V)
Integration time
512 1 512
(b) When reading out all 1 to 32 pixels the analog signal into a digital signal which is serially output
tlp(ST)=1.04 s thp(ST)=0.64 s from the MSB (most significant bit). Even though it has
a small photosensitive area size, it delivers a high output
voltage since the charge amplifiers feedback capacitance
of the readout circuit is set to a small value of 0.05 pF. A
tpi(ST)=1.68 s (line rate: 595 kHz)
switch and a hold circuit are connected to each photodiode
pixel. During the integration time, the signal charge of each
When the clock pulse frequency is maximized (video data rate is also maximized) and photodiode, which is proportional to the incident light level,
the integration time is maximized (when stopping the output at channel 32).
Clock pulse frequency=Video data rate=50 MHz is transferred to the hold circuit and held there. All pixels are
Start pulse period=84/f(CLK)=84/50 MHz=1.68 s
High start pulse period=Start pulse period - Minimum low start pulse period simultaneously reset. The integration time is from when the
=84/f(CLK) - 52/f(CLK)=84/50 MHz - 52/50 MHz=0.64 s
The integration time corresponds to high start pulse period, which is 0.64 s. reset switch for each photodiode is turned off to when the
KMPDC0408EA hold pulse is turned on and then off. An address pulse from
the shift register is next input to each hold circuit to allow
The previous S10453 series was available only in DIP
the output signals being held to be sequentially output as
packages, but the S11105 series is available in two package
a time-series signal from the video output terminal. Since
types: DIP (S11105) and surface mount (S11105-01).
this signal readout from the hold circuits is performed in
a circuit separate from the operation for integrating the
Digital output type S10077 photodiode charges, the photodiodes can start the next
charge integration while video output readout is in progress.
The S10077 is a low power consumption CMOS linear Two types of input pulses consisting of a clock pulse and
image sensor incorporating a simultaneous integration start pulse are required to operate the S10077 series.
function and internal A/D converter. It provides an 8-bit The reset pulses for the photodiodes, hold pulses for the
or 10-bit digital output which is switchable. The video data hold circuits, and a start pulse for the shift register are
rate is 1 MHz maximum, and the S10077 can operate from all generated by the internal timing generator. Switching
a single supply voltage of 3.3 V at a power consumption the start pulse from high to low initializes the timing
of 30 mW. The photosensitive area consists of 1024 pixels generator which then sequentially generates the various
at a height of 0.05 mm, arrayed at a 14 m pitch. The control pulses. First, hold pulses are generated to hold
simultaneous integration and variable integration time the photodiode charges in the hold circuits. Next, the
functions (shutter function) are controlled by an internal reset pulses for the photodiodes are switched on to reset
CMOS signal processing circuit. the photodiodes. No signal charges are integrated while
the photodiodes are in a reset state. A start pulse is then
[Figure 3-7] Block diagram (S10077)
input to the shift register to sequentially read out the
CLK ST D.Trig A.Trig Vdd Vss
video output as a time-series signal from the first pixel.
22 23 2 4 8 21 9 20
At the time when the start pulse changes from low to
Timing generator Bias generator high, the reset pulses for the photodiodes are switched
off, or in other words, charge integration starts. When
Shift register 16 EOS the start pulse again changes from high to low, the
timing generator is initialized as described above, and
Address switch Readout circuit 5 AO
one cycle of operation is complete. Strictly speaking,
charge integration starts 0.5 clocks after the start pulse
Hold circuit A/D converter 3 DO
has changed from low to high, and ends 7.5 clocks after
Photodiode array the start pulse has changed from high to low. Therefore,
19 17 the integration time is equal to the sum of the high
Vsel EOC period of the start pulse and the period of 7 clock pulses.
Within one cycle, the integration time can be adjusted
[Figure 3-8] Equivalent circuit (S10077) by changing the ratio of high to low periods of the start
Hold circuit
012345 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 light
Pixel pitch
22 34 46
21 33 45 57 The fineness of the black and white lines for input
pattern is given by the spatial frequency of the input
D0 D9
44 46
image. The spatial frequency is the number of black and
DO DO1 DO2 white line pairs per unit length. The higher this spatial
34.5 43.5 46.5 55.5
Trig(D) frequency, the finer the input pattern, causing a drop
33 45 57 in the contrast transfer function. Figure 3-11 shows
an example of the S10077 contrast transfer function
(b) Vicinity of last pixel measurement.
[Figure 3-11] Contrast transfer function vs. spatial
frequency (S10077, typical example)
(White light)
12286 12298
Contrast transfer function
AO1023 AO1024
12285 12297
D0 D9 D0 D9 D0 D9 D0
12284 12286 12296 12298 12308 12310 12320
DO DO1022 DO1023 DO1024
12283.5 12286.5 12295.5 12298.5 12307.5 12310.5 12319.5
12285 12297 12309 12320
1 pixel
Video 20
400 600 800 1000 1200
Amp Amp Amp The S10121 to S10124 series are current output type
CMOS linear image sensors consisting of a photodiode
array that performs photoelectric conversion and stores
1 pixel the resulting charges, address switch array connected
to each photodiode, and a shift register with a readout
control function. Each address switch is a MOS switch
[Figure 3-13] Structure of photosensitive area
with the source connecting to a photodiode, the gate
(a) Surface type photodiode handling the address pulses from the shift register, and
the drain connecting to the video line (common output
1 pixel
line). The shift register comprises D (delayed) type flip-
flops and NOR gates.
N+ [Figure 3-15] Block diagram (S10121 to S10124 series)
Charge storage section
ST Shift register EOS
Active Video
Address switch array
Dummy Video
Photodiode array
Overflow drain
[Figure 3-16] Equivalent circuit (S10121 to S10124 series) [Figure 3-17] Timing chart (variable integration time function)
CLK Readout 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Dummy Video Effective
Invalid data data
The saturation charge of the CMOS linear image sensors
The structure of the S10121 to S10124 series is similar is more than twice that of NMOS linear image sensors
to the S3901 to S3904 series NMOS linear image sensors of the same pixel size [Table 3-2]. Thus, the upper limit
but different in that a shift register with readout control of light level that the CMOS linear image sensors can
function is used. On the S10121 to S10124 series, the detect is higher. Figure 3-18 shows the spectral response
shift register output can be controlled using INT pulses. of the S10121 to S10124 series. The spectral response
The output from the D type flip-flops and INT pulses range is 200 to 1000 nm, featuring high UV sensitivity.
enter the NOR gates. The output from the NOR gates They provide stable operation even during ultraviolet
is connected to the address switch gate. To perform a light measurement because their structure is designed to
readout, both the output signal from the D type flip-flops suppress sensitivity from deteriorating due to ultraviolet
and the external INT pulse must be set to low level. light.
The D type flip-flops start operating when a start pulse
[Figure 3-18] Spectral response
is input while a clock pulse is being applied to the D (S10121 to S10124 series, typical example)
type flip-flops. The D type flip-flops synchronize to the
(Ta=25 C)
falling edges of the clock pulses and output low level 0.4
logic signals in order starting from the first pixel. Set the
INT pulses for pixels that you want to read out also to low
level. For pixels that you don't want to read out, set the
Photosensitivity (A/W)
[Table 3-2] Comparison table of saturation charges (NMOS linear image sensors, CMOS linear image sensors)
Product name NMOS linear image sensor CMOS linear image sensor
S3901 S3902 S3903 S3904 S10121 S10122 S10123 S10124
Type no.
series series series series series series series series
3-3 New approaches 4. CMOS
area image sensors
Increasing the pixel size of buried photodiode structures
The production of Hamamatsu CMOS area image sensors
CMOS linear image sensors employing the buried photodiode
started off with sensors used in X-ray imaging such as
structure have relatively small pixels with a size of 14
intraoral imaging for dental diagnosis. They featured
14 m or 14 42 m. Currently, we are developing larger
relatively large pixel sizes. In recent years, thanks to
pixel sizes such as 7 125 m, 14 200 m, and 127 127
the development of buried photodiode structures,
m. We are also in the process of incorporating additional
miniaturization of pixels, and improvements to readout
features to the photosensitive area such as high sensitivity
circuits, we have been providing CMOS area image
and high durability in the ultraviolet region and high
sensors that support special functions such as position
sensitivity in the near infrared region.
and pattern detection for industrial and measurement
applications, in addition to the normal imaging function.
Digital output
Most of the current Hamamatsu CMOS linear image sensors 4-1 Features
have analog output, but we are planning products with a
12-bit pipeline type A/D converter. This will result in an High near infrared sensitivity (S11661, S11662, S12524)
all-digital I/O interface making it easy to use and high
speed. Global shutter readout (S11661, S11662, S12524)
signals for output.
Port 2
[Figure 4-1] Near infrared-enhanced APS types S11661 and S11662
512 512 pixels
Port 3
Port 4
Port 5
Port 7
Port 8
Since the sensor chip contains a timing generator, bias Hamamatsu has mainly been producing CMOS area
voltage generator circuit, and successive approximation image sensors with a single A/D converter on a chip,
type 10-bit A/D converter, it can be operated with an but in recent years, we have been developing various
extremely simple external driver circuit and external types of column parallel type ADCs. We are also
signal processing circuit. developing readout circuits for monolithic, high-speed,
low-noise CMOS area image sensors as well as hybrid
[Figure 4-5] Profile sensor S9132 image sensors that combines a CCD and compound
semiconductor (e.g., InGaAs).
rate, and the other circuit could read out the remaining
regions at a normal frame rate. When this sensor is used
as an optical communication image sensor that performs
optical communication and imaging in parallel,
numerous readout modes shown below can be used.
Vertical control 1
apparent especially when the image sensor has large Readout circuit (bottom)
Wide dynamic range and low noise by non-destructive CLTX CLTX CLTX
readout (S11961/S11963-01CR) GND Vdd(A) GND Vdd_tx VTX1 VTX2 VTX3 GND Vdd_tx
3 2 1 44 43 42 41 37 36
35 sel2
Built-in column gain amplifier (S11963-01CR) 34 sel1
Delay time Td when Cfd1=Cfd2 in equations (1) and (2) is [Figure 5-3] Structure and surface potential of
expressed by equation (3). photosensitive area
(a) VTX1: on, VTX2: off (in the case of Figure 5-2 )
Td = {V2/(V1 + V2)} T0 (3)
Cfd1 Cfd2
c: speed of light (3 108 m/s)
Pulsed light T0
Reflected light Td
Q1 Q2
- - - - - -
(b) VTX1: off, VTX2: on (in the case of Figure 5-2 )
The structure and surface potential of the photosensitive
area of the distance image sensor are shown in Figure
5-3. Typical CMOS image sensors can be driven with a
single power supply, but the transfer time needed for
the charge to move from the photosensitive area to the Cfd1 Cfd2
integration area is in the microsecond order. On the PG
other hand, high-speed charge transfer (nanosecond
order) is possible on CCD image sensors, but they require
multiple voltage inputs including high voltage.
To achieve the high-speed charge transfer (several tens of
nanoseconds) needed to acquire distance information,
we have developed a pixel structure that enables high-speed -
charge transfer like the CCDs in the CMOS process. This has
allowed distance image sensors to achieve the high-speed
charge transfer needed for distance measurement.
The number of electrons generated in each pulse emission
is several e-. Therefore, the operation shown in Figure 5-3 Q1 Q2
- - - - - -
is repeated several thousand to several tens of thousands KMPDC0472EA
(ext_res, reset, vst, hst, mclk, VTX1, VTX2, and VTX3)
5-4 Characteristics needs to be generated with an external circuit and
applied (see the datasheet). Note that because VTX1,
Figures 5-4 and 5-5 show distance measurement examples VTX2, and VTX3 are high-speed clock pulse signals, high-
under the following conditions using the S11961-01CR speed buffer ICs must be provided near the distance
and a light source. image sensor. Bias voltages (Vr, Vpg, Vref, and Vref2) must
Integration time=30 ms (effective integration time=180 s) be applied within the ranges specified in the datasheet.
Charge transfer clock width (VTX1, VTX2)=30 ns
Light receiving lens F=1.2, angle of view=37.5 27.7 Configuration example
Light source output=10 W, duty ratio=0.3%,
light emission pulse width=30 ns, =870 nm A configuration example of a distance measurement
Light projection angle=10 10 system using the distance image sensor is shown in
Background light: room light level Figure 5-6. The system consists of the distance image
sensor, light source and its driver circuit, light emitting/
[Figure 5-4] Measurement distance vs. actual distance receiving optical system, timing generator, and arithmetic
(S11961-01CR, center pixel of photosensitive
circuit for calculating distance. The distance accuracy
area, typical example)
depends greatly on the light source emission level and
(Ta=25 C)
5 the light emitting/receiving optical system.
Gray object (reflectance 18%)
White object (reflectance 90%)
[Figure 5-6] Configuration example of distance
measurement system
Measurement distance (m)
Optical system
Timing generator
Arithmetic circuit for Light source, driver
1 calculating distance circuit for light source
Measurement distance
0 1 2 3 4 5 KMPDC0473EA
10 ns or less for rise and fall times. Since the light source
must be irradiated in a line in the case of the S11961-01CR
distance linear image sensor and over an area in the case
10 of the S11962-01CR and S11963-01CR distance area image
sensors, large output power is required. For this, multiple
light sources are sometimes used. When multiple light
sources are used, a driver circuit for driving the multiple
0 1 2 3 4 5 light sources at high speeds and high output is also required.
An estimation example expressing the relationship between
Actual distance (m)
the light source pulse peak output and the distance accuracy
is shown in Figure 5-7.
5-5 How to use Integration time=16 ms (effective integration time=32 s)
Charge transfer clock width (VTX1, VTX2)=30 ns
To operate the distance image sensor, supply voltages, Light receiving lens F=1.2, focal distance f=2.8 mm
timing signals, and bias voltages must be applied. For the Light emission pulse width=30 ns, =870 nm
S11963-01CR, two types of supply voltages are required: Light projection angle=20 20
Vdd at 5 V and Vdd_tx at 3 V. In addition, timing signals Background light: room light level
[Figure 5-7] Distance accuracy vs. pulse peak output
(estimation example) 6. Photodiode arrays with
(a) Measurement distance: 1 m
(Ta=25 C, duty ratio 0.1%)
Gray object (reflectance 18%)
White object (reflectance 90%) Photodiodes with amplifiers are a type of CMOS linear
image sensor designed for long and narrow area detection
Distance accuracy (cm)
placement of multiple devices.
Distance accuracy (cm)
5 V operation
Simultaneous integration by charge amplifier
20 Time-series signal readout by shift register
(data rate: 1 MHz max.)
Low dark current due to zero-bias photodiode operation
10 100 Internal clamp circuit achieves low noise and wide
Pulse peak output (W) dynamic range.
Internal timing generator allows operation with two
(c) Measurement distance: 4 m types of input pulses (reset and clock).
(Ta=25 C, duty ratio 0.1%)
50 X-ray detection type available with a phosphor screen
Gray object (reflectance 18%)
White object (reflectance 90%) attached to the photosensitive area
Usable with wide variety of photodiode specifications
Distance accuracy (cm)
(custom order product)
6-2 Structure
As shown in Figure 6-1, a photodiode array with amplifier
consists of two chips: a Si photodiode array chip for light
10 100 detection and a CMOS signal processing IC chip.
Pulse peak output (W)
[Figure 6-1] Structure diagram (S11865 series)
CMOS signal processing IC chip
6-3 Operating principle
The CMOS signal processing IC chip consists of a timing
generator, shift register, hold circuit, and charge amplifier
array [Figure 6-2]. Each pixel of the photodiode array is
connected by wire bonding to the charge amplifier in
the CMOS signal processing IC chip. The light-generated
Si photodiode array chip Board charge (Qout) in a photodiode, which is expressed by the
KMPDC0186EA product of the photocurrent (IL) and the integration time
(Ts), is converted into an output voltage (Vout = Qout/Cf )
Signals from 64 pixels or 128 pixels at a time are handled
by the charge amplifier feedback capacitance (Cf ). The
by the CMOS signal processing IC. This makes the entire
output signal, which is sent to the hold circuit before the
system configuration very simple compared to methods
charge amplifier is reset, is read out by the shift register as
that connect each pixel on the photodiode array to an
time-series voltage signals. In the S11865/S11866 series,
external signal processing circuit.
signals from all pixels are read out by the simultaneous
Sensor devices with a phosphor screen attached to the
integration method. The S11865/S11866 series also have
photosensitive area are intended for X-ray detection.
a shutter function capable of adjusting the integration
When X-rays irradiate a sensor device, the phosphor
time. The video data rate is 1 MHz maximum.
screen converts the X-rays into visible light which is then
detected by the photodiode array. These devices are used [Figure 6-2] Block diagram (S11865-64/-128, S11866-64-02/-128-02)
as line sensors for X-ray non-destructive inspection tasks
requiring long X-ray detectors.
Timing generator
Shift register
Hold circuit
Photodiode array
Besides fabricating image sensors with a long detection
6-4 Characteristics length, photodiode arrays with amplifiers also allow
downsizing of detection systems. Using our standard
Figure 6-3 shows the spectral response of the S11865/ CMOS signal processing IC chips makes it easy to create
S11866 series. custom image sensors by just changing the Si photodiode
array chips or circuit boards to a desired shape.
[Figure 6-3] Spectral response
(S11865/S11866 series, typical example) [Figure 6-5] Long and narrow image sensor consisting of
multiple photodiode arrays with amplifiers
Photosensitivity (A/W)
Wavelength (nm)
8 clocks 8 clocks
Integration time
Video output period
Video 1 2 n-1 n
7. InGaAs 7-2 Structure
linear image sensors InGaAs linear image sensors consist of an InGaAs photodiode
array and a CMOS IC (ROIC) including a charge amplifier
InGaAs linear image sensors are designed specifically for array, sample-and-hold circuit, shift register, readout
near infrared detection. These image sensors successfully circuit, and timing generator. The InGaAs photodiode array
minimize adverse effects from dark current by driving is connected to the CMOS IC by wire bonding or via bumps.
the InGaAs photodiode array at zero bias, and they Available packages include a ceramic package for room
deliver a wide dynamic range in the near infrared region. temperature operation and a metal package with a built-
in thermoelectric cooler, which are selectable according to
application. A typical block diagram for TE-cooled InGaAs
7-1 Features linear image sensors is shown in Figure 7-1. An analog
video output (Video) and digital outputs (AD_trig, AD_sp)
Wide dynamic range for sample-and-hold can be obtained by supplying analog
inputs of +5 V (Vdd), GND (Vss), a charge amplifier reset
Low dark current due to zero bias operation voltage (INP), pixel voltage (PDN), and readout circuit
reset voltages (Vinp, Vref, Fvref ), as well as digital inputs of
Wide spectral response range
master clock pulse (CLK) and integration time control pulse
High gain due to charge amplifier (Reset).
Low crosstalk
Selectable gain
[Figure 7-1] Block diagram (TE-cooled type) becomes saturated yet the charge integration still continues,
CLK Reset Vdd Vss INP PDN Vinp Fvref Cf_select
then the charges that are no longer stored in the charge
amplifiers feedback capacitance will flow out to the adjacent
pixels, degrading the purity of the signal output (this is
Timing generator Bias generator
known as blooming). To avoid this blooming, each pixel
Shift register has a circuit for stopping the charge integration by sensing
Address switch Readout circuit Video whether the charge amplifiers feedback capacitance is
Charge amp + sample-and-hold circuit CMOS IC
To extract continuous signals, the integration capacitance
of the charge amplifier must be reset. A drawback of this,
however, is that a large reset noise occurs. This reset noise
InGaAs photodiode array
must be removed to make measurements with high accuracy.
In the CDS circuit for InGaAs linear image sensors, the
TE+ TE- Temperature monitor integration start output is held in the signal processing
circuit immediately after reset and the integration end
output is then held to obtain the difference between the
7-3 Operating principle two outputs to eliminate the reset switching noise.
Incidentally, high-speed type image sensor circuitry gives
priority to high-speed readout while standard type image
In the CMOS IC for InGaAs linear image sensors, a charge
sensor circuitry gives priority to a wide dynamic range.
amplifier and sample-and-hold circuit array is formed
To achieve even higher speeds, the multi-port types employ
and connected one-to-one to each pixel on the InGaAs
a multiport readout format that reads out the data in parallel
photodiode array. Figure 7-2 shows an equivalent circuit
by dividing the pixels into multiple ports.
for one pixel.
[Figure 7-3] Multi-port example (8-port)
[Figure 7-2] Equivalent circuit (for one pixel)
Vout+1 Vout-1 Vout+7 Vout-7
Sample-and- Reset
Readout circuit
hold circuit
Vref Vdd
Vref1 to 3
Output voltage (V)
y = ax + b
Dark output
Saturation exposure
Exposure (J) 1 10 100 1000 10000
Output voltage (mV)
y = ax + b ............ (1)
The light absorption coefficient for InGaAs differs
Photoresponse nonuniformity
depending on the light wavelength. The longer the light
wavelength, the smaller the light absorption coefficient,
InGaAs linear image sensors contain a large number of
and near the cutoff wavelength it decreases abruptly.
InGaAs photodiodes arranged in an array, yet sensitivity of
The incident light at longer wavelengths penetrates
each photodiode (pixel) is not uniform. This may result from
deeper into the InGaAs substrate, generating carriers
crystal defects in the InGaAs substrate and/or variations in
in deep positions within it. Since these carriers have
the processing and diffusion in the manufacturing process
a limited life, they can only diffuse a certain distance
as well as inconsistencies in the CMOS charge amplifier
(diffusion length) after being generated. This means that,
arrays. For our InGaAs linear image sensors, variations in
even when the same amount of light enters the InGaAs
the outputs from all pixels measured when the effective
linear image sensor, the probability that the generated
photosensitive area of each photodiode is uniformly
carriers can reach the depletion layer and eventually be
illuminated are referred to as photoresponse nonuniformity
detected as an output signal depends on the wavelength.
(PRNU) and defined as shown in equation (3).
Moreover, how the incident light undergoes interference,
reflection, and absorption on the surface passivation film PRNU = (X/X) 100 [%] ............ (3)
of the photodiode (such as the insulation film) depends
X : average output of all pixels
on the wavelength and affects the sensitivity.
X: absolute value of the difference between the average output
Figures 7-6 and 7-7 show examples of spectral response. X and the output of the maximum (or minimum) output pixel
G9211 to G9214/
1.0 G9494 series cause the sensitivity uniformity to deteriorate. So caution
should be exercised on this point when handling image
series sensors. Figure 7-8 shows typical examples of photoresponse
nonuniformity. These data were obtained by random
Td=25 C
Td=-20 C 2000
Photosensitivity (A/W)
0.5 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
Wavelength (m)
(b) G9207-256W Figure 7-9 shows the temperature characteristics of the
(Td=-20 C, INP=4.5 V, CE=16 nV/e, integration time 3.736 ms, f=250 kHz) G9204- 512S dark current (random sampling).
Output value after subtracting dark output
[Figure 7-9] Dark current vs. element temperature
(G9204-512S, typical example)
Output voltage (mV)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
The dark current shot noise (Nd) and signal current shot (b) G9207-256W
noise at light input (Ns) can be expressed as the root (Td=-20 C, INP=4.5 V, CE=16 nV/e, integration time 0.736 ms, f=250 kHz, integration count 50)
square of the generated charge by representing them as an
equivalent input noise charge which is a value converted
to a charge quantity for input to the image sensor.
2IS 0.20
Ns = TS [e- rms] ............ (9)
q 0.15
Is: signal current by light input
q : electron charge 0.05
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
We specify the noise level in InGaAs linear image sensors
as fluctuations in the output voltage of each pixel by Pixel
using root-mean-square noise voltage ( V rms) units. KMIRB0030EB
Vref Vref
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
[Figure 7-12] Setup and wiring (G9201 to G9204 series) [Figure 7-13] Temperature characteristics of one-stage
thermoelectrically cooled device
TE+ (Typ. heatsink 0.5 C/W)
4 70
TE- Temperature
Thermoelectric cooler Therm controller circuit
Temperature difference 60
Vdd 40
Voltage (V)
2 30
Vref Power supply
Vss 20
Cf select
1 10
Timing signal generator 0
0 -10
0 1 2
Signal processing circuit
Video Current (A)
InGaAs linear image sensor
[Figure 7-14] Temperature characteristics of two-stage
(2) Heatsink thermoelectrically cooled device
(Typ. heatsink 0.4 C/W)
Selecting a heatsink 7 60
Temperature difference
When cooling a one-stage thermoelectrically cooled device 6 50
Current (A)
[Table 7-2] Terminal function and recommended connection (G9201 to G9204 series)
Heatsink mounting method
Drive method
To allow the thermoelectric cooler to exhibit fullest
cooling capacity, the heatsink must be mounted correctly Sensor operation should be checked in a dark state.
onto the sensor package. Mount the heatsink while Block the light falling on the photosensitive area before
taking the following precautions. checking operation.
Check that the heatsink attachment surface and the (1) Turning on power to the driver circuit
heat-dissipating surface of the InGaAs image sensor
First check the voltages (Vdd, INP, Vref, etc.) supplied
package are clean and flat.
to the sensor, and then turn the power on. At this point,
Mount the heatsink so that it makes tight contact with
also check that the current values are correct. If excessive
the entire heat-dissipating surface of the package.
current is flowing, the power supply line might be
The heat-dissipating surface area should be large to
shorted so immediately turn off the power and check the
improve the cooling efficiency and prevent possible
power supply line.
Apply a thin coat of heat-conductive grease uniformly (2) Inputting control signals from the pulse generator
over the attachment surface in order to lower thermal While referring to the timing chart shown in Figure 7-16,
resistance between the package heat-dissipating input the control signals from the pulse generator to the
surface and the heatsink. Fasten the sensor package InGaAs linear image sensor (G9201/G11135 series). Two
to the heatsink with screws using equal force so that control signals (CLK and Reset) are input to the image
the grease spreads more uniformly. When a mica sheet sensor and must be H-CMOS level inputs. The image
is used, it must also make contact with the entire sensor may malfunction if other control signal levels
heat-dissipating surface of the package. The cooling are used. In the G9201/G9494 series, set the Reset signal
efficiency will degrade if the sensor package is fastened pulse width to at least 6 s. The CLK signal frequency
to the heatsink with screws while the mica sheet is still determines the video signal readout frequency, and the
too small to cover the screw positions. This may also Reset pulse interval determines the integration time.
warp the package base, causing cracks between the Normal operation is performed whether the CLK
sensor and the package base [Figure 7-15 (a)]. and Reset signals are synchronized or not. When the
Do not press on the upper side of the package when Reset pulse rising edge is synchronized with the CLK
fastening the sensor package to the heatsink or printed pulse falling edge, the integration starts at the falling
circuit board. If stress is applied to the glass faceplate, edge of the CLK pulse following the Reset pulse rising
this may cause the faceplate to come off or may impair edge. When not synchronized, the integration starts
airtightness of the package [Figure 7-15 (b)]. at the falling edge of the second CLK pulse from the
Reset pulse rising edge. When the Reset pulse falling
[Figure 7-15] Sensor mounting method
edge is synchronized with the CLK pulse falling edge,
(a) Example 1 the integration ends with the falling edge of the CLK
pulse following the Reset pulse falling edge. If not
synchronized, the integration ends with the falling edge
Base of the second CLK pulse from the Reset pulse falling
(package heat-dissipating surface)
Sensor Sensor edge.
(3) Setting the drive timing
The image sensor output end does not have drive capability,
In this case, the reset time [low period of Reset in
so in order to monitor the video signal, the sensor output
Figure 7-16 (a)] must be longer than the time required
should be amplified by a buffer amplifier and then fed to an
for one scan, so set the scan time (tscan) longer than
2062 s. Note that the scan time becomes slightly
[Figure 7-16] Timing chart
(a) G9201 series
tr(clk) tf(clk)
t1 t2
Blank period
tr(RES) tf(RES) (10 clocks or more)
Reset Output
Blank period
5 CLK (3 clocks or more)
Reset Integration time
1 2 n-1 n
tr(RES) tf(RES)
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
longer depending on the Reset pulse width and the (4) Turning on the power supply for the thermoelectric cooler
synchronization with the CLK signal.
Use extra caution to avoid damaging the image sensor
The G9201 series performs simultaneous integration
when turning on the power to the thermoelectric cooler.
of all pixels and sequential readout, so the line rate
Take the following precautions when designing a power
is calculated from the integration time (high period
supply circuit for the thermoelectric cooler.
of Reset) and the time required for one scan (tscan).
Since the maximum CLK frequency is 4 MHz and the Never exceed the absolute maximum ratings for the
minimum integration time is 6 s for the G9201 series, thermoelectric cooler.
the maximum line rate of the G9201-256S is expressed by Make sure that the power supply voltage and connection
equation (13). polarity are correct. Turning on the power supply with
the wrong voltage or polarity will damage the image
Maximum line rate = 1/(Integration time + tscan) .......... (13) sensor.
= 1/(6 [s] + 515.5 [s]) A power supply with the lowest possible noise and
= 1917 [lines/s] ripple should be used. Also, use power supply wires
thick enough to keep impedance as low as possible.
The longer the integration time, the lower the line rate. The TE+ and TE- wires in particular must be sufficiently
Example 2: When operating an InGaAs linear image sensor
Be sure to provide an over-current safeguard circuit to
G11135-512DE at a CLK frequency of 5 MHz protect the thermoelectric cooler from being damaged.
Since the video signal readout frequency equals the CLK Provide a protection circuit that monitors the temperature
signal frequency, the readout time (tr) per pixel is 0.2 s. on the heat-emitting side of the heatsink to prevent the
The time (tscan) required for one scan is therefore given heatsink temperature from exceeding the specified level
by equation (14). due to excessive cooling.
While referring to Figures 7-13 and 7-14, set the optimum
tscan = (tc 12) + (tr N) ....................... (14)
voltage and current values that maintain the target
= 0.2 [s] 12 + 0.2 [s] 512
= 104.8 [s]
8-1 Features
Cutoff wavelength: 1.7 m or 1.9 m
8-2 Structure
InGaAs photodiode
[Figure 8-1] Spectral response [Figure 8-2] Block diagram
(Typ. Td=25 C) (a) CTIA type
Reset switch
Cutoff wavelength
1.0 1.9 m
Photosensitivity (A/W)
0.8 Cf
Sample switch
Source follower
Cutoff wavelength
1.7 m InGaAs photodiode
0.2 Hold capacitance
0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Wavelength (m)
(b) SF type
The ROIC in the InGaAs area image sensor is manufactured InGaAs photodiode
[Figure 8-3] Schematic of InGaAs area image sensor In our InGaAs linear image sensor datasheets, the saturation
output voltage (Vsat) is defined as the saturated output
voltage from light input minus the dark output. The
saturation charge is calculated from the equation Q = C V
based on the saturation output voltage. If the integration
capacitance (Cf ) is 0.1 pF and the saturation output voltage
is 2.0 V, then the saturation charge will be 0.2 pC.
ROIC (Si) In bump InGaAs photodiode array
Photoresponse nonuniformity
y = ax + b
input window may also cause the sensitivity uniformity to
Saturation output voltage
y = ax + b (1)
y: output voltage 0.6
a: sensitivity (ratio of output with respect to the exposure) 0.4
x: exposure 1
: slope coefficient 0.2
b: dark output (output when exposure=0) 0 64
1 Vertical pixels
32 96
Since the upper limit of the output voltage is determined Horizontal pixels 128
by the output voltage range of the ROIC, the input/output
characteristics will have an inflection point. The incident
light exposure at this inflection point is referred to as the
saturation exposure, the output voltage as the saturation
output voltage, and the amount of charge stored in the
charge amplifier as the saturation charge.
Dark output Noise
The dark output is the output generated even when no InGaAs area image sensor noise can be largely divided
incident light is present. This output is the sum of the dark into fixed pattern noise and random noise. Fixed pattern
current (sum of diffusion current, recombination current, noise includes ROIC DC offset voltage and photodiode dark
and surface leakage current) of the photodiode and the current which is current noise from the DC component.
ROIC offset voltage. Since the upper limit of the video The magnitude of the fixed pattern noise is constant even
output is determined by the saturation output voltage, if readout conditions are changed, so it can be canceled by
a large dark output narrows the dynamic range of the using an external signal processing circuit.
output signal. The output signal is the sum of the output Random noise, on the other hand, results from fluctuations
generated by light and the dark output, so the purity of the in voltage, current, or charge that are caused in the signal
output signal can be improved by using signal processing output process in the sensor. When the fixed pattern noise
to subtract the dark output from each pixel. The dark has been canceled by external signal processing, the random
output is given by equation (3). The integration time must noise will then determine the InGaAs area image sensors
be determined by taking the magnitude of the dark output detection limit for low-level light or lower limit of dynamic
into account. range. Random noise includes the following four components:
9-4 Spectrophotometers
The S9971 series of front-illuminated CCD with an internal
CCD area Sample thermoelectric cooler is used in spectrophotometry over a
image sensor
broad spectral range (400 to 1200 nm). The S9971 series is
low cost compared to back-thinned CCDs with the same
[Figure 9-3] Schematic of grain sorter [Figure 9-5] Security (tailgate detection)
Distance area image sensor
Top view
2 to 3 m
InGaAs linear
image sensor
Approx. 2 m
Approx. 2 m
Spray nozzle
Add/drop device
Distance area
image sensor
Optical tap
Optical signal
Approx. 2 m
[Figure 9-9] Andromeda galaxy captured by the Subaru
9-8 Detector for prime focus Telescope
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