5 Formwork Checklist

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This checklist provides the basic requirements for formwork related activities. Formwork users should consult manufacturers and/or
suppliers on all safety requirements and address any concerns before using. This checklist is non-exhaustive and users are
recommended to make the necessary customisation to suit your work processes and conditions at the workplace.

S/N Items Remarks

A. Integrity

A1. Design and Professional Engineer (PE) Certification of Supervision (COS)

1 Is PE design and calculation for the formwork available? Yes No

Is the formwork structure erected according to PE's design

2 Yes No
and drawing?

Is the formwork structure designed with a minimum safety

3 Yes No
factor of 2?

Is there a PE issued certificate (PE COS) stating that the

4 Yes No
formwork is safe for use?

A2. Supports and Shores

Are horizontal/diagonal bracings provided in both

5 Yes No
longitudinal & transverse directions?

Are the shores properly seated top and bottom to prevent

6 Yes No

Are the shores of the formwork structure of adequate size

7 Yes No
and spacing?

B. Processes and Procedures

B1. Supervision

8 Has a Formwork Supervisor been appointed? Yes No

Are inspections done after the completion of the formwork

9 Yes No
structure and recorded into a register?

B2. Training

10 Is the Formwork Supervisor trained? Yes No

Are the formwork supervisors & workers adequately trained

11 according to erection and dismantling sequence (system Yes No

B3. Risk Management & Work Planning

Has risk assessment (RA) been conducted for the formwork
12 Yes No
operation & communicated to the staff?

Is a Lifting Plan established and implemented for lifting

13 Yes No
operations involved?

Is there a documented formwork erection, dismantling and

14 Yes No
shifting sequence?

C. Work at Heights

15 Is a Fall Prevention Plan developed & implemented? Yes No

Are every open sides or openings covered or guarded by

16 Yes No
effective means to prevent falls?

Are visual checks conducted to ensure that anchorage for

17 Yes No
the formwork is fully engaged?

Have all persons using the fall arrest systems undergone

18 training to understand the safe and correct use of the Yes No

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