Class Newsletter Assignmentsurvey Class

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Teacher: Mrs.

7th Grade
I would like to welcome you to your 7th grade year at Deer Oaks Middle School. We have many
different plans and activities that we will be doing over the course of the school year. Our goals
are the growth and development of the students, and giving them the best support that we can so
they can achieve success. We believe in a team effort in the growth and development of the
students. As a team our educational team works with you, the parents, to expand the information
and knowledge of the students. We also want their social and personal goals to show this growth
as well.

LAFS.68.WHST.1.2 LAFS.68.RH.2.6 MAFS.7.EE.1.1

This standard emphasizes the importance This standard covers the ability of the This standard explains the
of a students writing skills and their students to be able to read and identify expectation of students to be
ability to write informatory/explanatory different details from a text and to be able to apply properties and
papers. This will help your child to able to acknowledge the authors point strategies to solve.
communicate effectively through speech of view or the purpose the author had
as well as proper writing. Some of the problem solving
for writing it.
that we will be teaching
We will be practicing writing various Two of the stories we will be reading students are mnemonics such
kinds of papers (explanatory and are the Greek stories of Icarus and as Keep, Kick, Flip for
argumentative papers). The student will Arachne. The students will be expected proportions and PEMDAS
learn to write from a side opposing their to explain the characters and their for solving order of operations
own views. This is meant to allow them relationships to each other. We will questions.
to strengthen their own argument or also want to make sure the students can
thesis by knowing the other sides This helps students expand
determine the theme, or meaning/moral,
perspective. They will also learn the their ability to problem solve.
of the story.
importance and skills required of citing
and using sources. This activity is a This will allow students to grow
good chance for the students to become socially by understanding that there are
comfortable and prepared for the Florida various perspectives between different
Standards Assessment(FSA) and the people and social skills of how to act in
writing test. social situations.
SS.7.C.2.1 LAFS.7.W.1.3
Civics is a requirement for the students in the 7th This standard refers to a student being able to
grade. In this class students will learn about the write a narrative paper and use proper details and
government and the laws that make up our society. sentence structure. This is where our vocabulary
This can help them to be knowledgeable in how to will be beneficial.
be a good citizen.
That will help students be able to communicate
This standard is for students to be able to define a professionally and we will be pairing this
citizen and to break down the ways to become a assignment with public speaking since they will
U.S. citizen. have to stand in front of them and present their
This helps students understand the way others can
become a citizen. This allows them to understand This would allow students to practice their public
the process that others go through to gain the right speaking and vocal leadership skills.
to be a citizen.

As a parent, you also play an important part of the personal and developmental growth of the
students. Through you and other interactions they come across you can show them how to act in
social environments. When they have homework you may help and answer questions that the
student may have. For example, if we are reading a book and the student has read their
homework and does not understand then you could assist in explaining to them the observation.
A well-known theorist named Vygotsky had a theory that adults in any society foster childrens
cognitive development. -Ormrod.
One way that you as a parent can influence your childs cognitive and social development is to
have a dinner with your child. In a report by Journal of Family Psychology, they report that
students who have family week meals have been shown to have positive social skills and an
engagement in school, with a decrease in problematic social behaviors. (Lora, Sisson, and
Ormrod, J. E. (2014). Educational psychology: Developing learners (Eighth ed.) Chapter Two:
Cognitive and Linguistic Development [Pdf].

Florida Center for Research in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (FCR-STEM), Home
| (2015). Retrieved September 18, 2016, from

Lora, K. R., Sisson, S. B., DeGrace, B. W., & Morris, A. S. (2014). Frequency of family meals
and 611-year-old childrens social behaviors. Journal of Family Psychology, 28(4), 577-
582. doi:10.1037/fam0000014

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