Angle Prod
Angle Prod
Angle Prod
July 2005
Angle encoders with integral bearing and
integrated stator coupling
Information on
This catalog supersedes all previous
Rotary encoders
editions, which thereby become invalid.
Encoders for servo drives
The basis for ordering from
Exposed linear encoders
HEIDENHAIN is always the catalog
Sealed linear encoders
edition valid when the contract is made.
HEIDENHAIN subsequent electronics
Standards (ISO, EN, etc.) apply only
is available on request as well as on the
where explicitly stated in the catalog.
Internet under
Rotary tables on machine tools
Swivel heads on machine tools
C-axes of lathes
Measuring machines for gears
Printing units of printing machines
RON 886
The tables on the following pages list
different types of angle encoders to suit
the various applications and meet different
The RON 886 angle encoder mounted onto the rotary table of a machine tool
Other advantages:
Compact size for limited installation
Hollow shaft diameters up to 100 mm for
leading power cables, etc.
Simple installation
Selection Guide
Angle Encoders with Integral Bearing
1 VPP 32768
D = 60 mm
D = 100 mm for RCN 7xx (F)
1 VPP 18000/36000
RCN 8xx (F)
RCN 800 1 0.00005 1 VPP 32768
RON 800
RPN 800
1 VPP 36000
Absolute Absolute positions Model Page
position values per revolution
RON 225 30
RON 275
RON 285
RON 287
RON 785 32
RON 786
RON 786 38
EnDat 2.2/02 536 870 912 29 bits RCN 829 34/36 RON 905
RON 886 38
RPN 886
RON 905 40
ROD 285
ROD 260 42
ROD 270
ROD 280
ROD 880
For position capture
With integrated interpolation
Selection Guide
Angle Encoders without Integral Bearing
36.8 51.2
Without installation. Additional error caused by mounting inaccuracy and inaccuracy from the bearing of the measured shaft are not included.
Angular segment from 50 to 200; see Measuring Accuracy for the accuracy.
For position capture.
Incremental signals Reference marks Model Page
ERA 180
Measuring Principles
Measuring Standard Absolute Measuring Method
Incremental Measuring Method
90000 180 4
45000 90 8
36000 72 10
18000 36 20
Schematic representation of a circular scale with distance-coded Circular graduations of incremental angle encoders
reference marks
Scanning the Measuring Standard
Photoelectric Scanning
Measuring standard reticle
Interferential scanning principle A relative motion of the scanning reticle to
The interferential scanning principle exploits the scale causes the diffracted wave fronts
the diffraction and interference of light on a to undergo a phase shift: when the grating
fine graduation to produce signals used to moves by one period, the wave front of the
measure displacement. first order is displaced by one wavelength in
the positive direction, and the wavelength of
A step grating is used as the measuring diffraction order 1 is displaced by one
standard: reflective lines 0.2 m high are wavelength in the negative direction. Since
applied to a flat, reflective surface. In front the two waves interfere with each other
of that is the scanning reticlea transparent when exiting the grating, the waves are
phase grating with the same grating period shifted relative to each other by two
as the scale. wavelengths. This results in two signal
periods from the relative motion of just one
When a light wave passes through the grating period.
scanning reticle, it is diffracted into three
partial waves of the orders 1, 0, and +1, Interferential encoders function with
with approximately equal luminous intensity. average grating periods of 4 m and finer.
The waves are diffracted by the scale such Their scanning signals are largely free of
that most of the luminous intensity is found harmonics and can be highly interpolated.
in the reflected diffraction orders +1 and 1. These encoders are therefore especially
suited for high resolution and high accuracy.
These partial waves meet again at the Even so, their generous mounting
phase grating of the scanning reticle where tolerances permit installation in a wide
they are diffracted again and interfere. This range of applications.
produces essentially three waves that leave
the scanning reticle at different angles. The RPN 886 and ERP 880 angle encoders
Photovaltaic cells convert this alternating operate according to the interferential
light intensity into electrical signals. scanning principle.
light source
Measuring Accuracy
The accuracy of angular measurement is For angle encoders with integral bearing scanning signals and their subdivision. The
mainly determined by: and separate shaft coupling, the angle following factors influence the result:
1. Quality of the graduation error of the coupling must be added (see The size of the signal period,
2. Quality of the scanning process Mechanical Design Types and Mounting The homogeneity and edge definition of
3. Quality of the signal processing ROD). the graduation,
electronics For angle encoders without integral The quality of the optical filter structures
4. Eccentricity of the graduation to the bearing, additional deviations resulting on the scanning reticle,
bearing from mounting, errors in the bearing of The characteristics of the photoelectric
5. Radial runout of the bearing the drive shaft, and adjustment of the detectors, and
6. Elasticity of the encoder shaft and its scanning head must be expected (see The stability and dynamics during the
coupling with the drive shaft Measuring Accuracy Angle Encoders further processing of the analog signals.
7. The elasticity of the stator coupling without Integral Bearing). These
(RCN, RON, RPN) or shaft coupling deviations are not reflected in the HEIDENHAIN angle encoders take these
(ROD) system accuracy. factors of influence into account, and
permit interpolation of the sinusoidal
In positioning tasks, the accuracy of the The system accuracy reflects position output signal with subdivision accuracies of
angular measurement determines the deviations within one revolution as well as better than 1% of the signal period (RPN/
accuracy of the positioning of a rotary axis. those within one signal period. ERP: 1.5%). The reproducibility is even
The system accuracy given in the better, meaning that useful electric
Specifications is defined as follows: subdivision factors and small signal periods
The extreme values of the total deviations Position deviations within one permit small enough measuring steps (see
of a position arereferenced to their mean revolution becomes apparent in larger Specifications).
valuewithin the system accuracy a. angular motions.
They are ascertained during the final Example:
inspection, and are indicated on the Position deviations within one signal Angle encoder with 36 000 sinusoidal
calibration chart. period already become apparent in very signal periods per revolution
For angle encoders with integral bearing small angular motions and in repeated One signal period corresponds to 0.01 or
and integrated stator coupling, this value measurements. They especially lead to 36. At a signal quality of 1%, this results
also includes the deviation due to the speed ripples in the speed control loop. in maximum position deviations within one
shaft coupling. These deviations within one signal period signal period of approx. 0.0001 or
are caused by the quality of the sinusoidal 0.36.
Signal period
360 elec.
Signal levels
Position deviation
within one signal period
Angle Encoders with Integral Bearing
For its angle encoders with integral All measured values determined in this arithmetic mean are documented on the
bearings, HEIDENHAIN prepares individual manner lie within or on the graphically calibration chart.
calibration charts and ships them with the depicted envelope curve. The mean value The following limits apply to the reversal
encoder. curve shows the arithmetic mean of the error:
The calibration chart documents the measured values, whereby the reversal RCN/RON 2xx: Max. 0.6
encoders accuracy and serves as a error is not included. RCN/RON 7xx: Max. 0.4
traceability record to a calibration standard. RCN/RON/RPN 8xx: Max. 0.4
For the RCN, RON and RPN, which feature The reversal error depends on the shaft
an integrated coupling, the accuracy coupling. On angle encoders with integral The manufacturers inspection certificate
specifications already include the error of stator coupling it is determined at ten certifies the accuracy of the encoder. The
the coupling. For angle encoders with measuring positions in forward and calibration standard is indicated in order
separate shaft coupling, however, the error backward steps. The maximum value and to certify the traceability to the national
caused by the coupling is not included in standard.
the encoder specification and must be
added to calculate the total error (see Determination of the reversal error with forward and backward measurements
Kinematic transfer error under Mechanical
Design Types and Mounting ROD). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Measuring point
Calibration chart example: RON 285 Reference mark
1 Graphic representation of error
Envelope curve
Mean value curve 36 72 108 144 180 216 252 288 324 360
2 Results of calibration
Measuring Accuracy
Angle Encoders without Integral Bearing
In addition to the system accuracy, the ERA 781C, ERA 881C, ERA 882C 2. Error due to eccentricity of the
mounting and adjustment of the scanning In these segment solutions, the additional graduation to the bearing
head normally have a significant effect on angular error occurs when the nominal Under normal circumstances the bearing
the accuracy that can be achieved with scale-tape bearing-surface diameter is not will have a certain amount of radial runout
angle encoders without integral bearings. exactly maintained: or shape deformation after the disk/hub
Of particular importance are the mounting assembly (ERO), circumferential-scale
= (1 D/D) 3600
eccentricity and radial runout of the drum (ERA 180) or scale tape (ERA 78x C
measured shaft. where and ERA 88xC) is mounted. When
= Segment deviation in angular centering using the centering collar of the
To evaluate the accuracy of modular seconds hub or the drum, please note that
angle encoders without integral bearing = Segment angle in degrees HEIDENHAIN guarantees an eccentricity of
(ERA and ERO), each of the significant D = Nominal scale-tape carrier diameter the graduation to the centering collar of
errors must be considered individually. D = Actual scale-tape carrier diameter under 1 m. For the modular angle
encoders, this accuracy value presupposes
1. Directional deviations of the This error can be eliminated if the line a diameter deviation of zero between the
graduation count per 360 z valid for the actual scale- encoder shaft and the master shaft.
ERA 180 and ERO: The extreme values of tape carrier diameter D can be entered in If the centering collar is centered on the
the directional deviation with respect to the control. The following relationship is bearing, then in a worst-case situation both
their mean value are shown in the valid: eccentricity vectors could be added
Specifications as the graduation accuracy together.
z = z D/D
for each model. The graduation accuracy
and the position error within a signal period where z = Nominal line count per 360 The following relationship exists between
comprise the system accuracy. z = Actual line count per 360 the eccentricity e, the mean graduation
diameter D and the measuring error
ERA 700 and ERA 800 series The angle actually traversed in individual (see illustration below):
The extreme values of the directional segment solutions should be measured
deviations depend on with a comparative encoder, such as an = 412 e
angle encoder with integral bearing. D
the graduation accuracy,
the irregular scale-tape expansion during = Measuring error in (angular seconds)
mounting, and e = Eccentricity of the radial grating to
deviations in the scale-tape butt joints the bearing in m
(only for ERA 780C/ERA 880 C). D = Mean graduation diameter (ERO) or
drum outside diameter (ERA 180)
The special graduation manufacturing and scale-tape carrier diameter
process and the butt joints precisely (ERA 78xC/ERA 88x C) in mm
machined by HEIDENHAIN reduce M = Center of graduation
directional deviations of the graduation to = True angle
within 3 to 5 angular seconds (with = Scanned angle
accurate mounting).
Angular error due to variations in scale-tape carrier diameter Eccentricity of the graduation to the bearing
Segment version
Scanning unit
Center of graduation
Model Mean Error per 3. Error due to radial deviation of the 4. Position error within one signal
graduation 1 m of bearing period u
diameter D eccentricity The equation for the measuring error is The scanning units of all HEIDENHAIN
also valid for radial deviation of the bearing encoders are adjusted so that the
ERP 880 D = 126 mm 3.3 if the value of e is replaced with the maximum position error values within one
eccentricity value, i.e. half of the radial signal period will not exceed the values
ERA 180 D= 80 mm 5.2 deviation (half of the displayed value). listed below, with no further electrical
D= 130 mm 3.2 adjusting required at mounting.
D= 180 mm 2.3 Bearing compliance to radial shaft loading
D= 250 mm 1.6 causes similar errors.
D= 330 mm 1.2 Model Line count Position error
D= 485 mm 0.8 within one
D= 562 mm 0.7 signal period
ERO 785 D = 110 mm 3.7
D = 165 mm 2.5 ERP 880 90000 0.1
D = 240 mm 1.7 ( 180000 signal periods)
Mechanical Design Types and Mounting
The housing of the RCN, RON and RPN is
firmly connected to the stationary machine
part with an integral mounting flange and a
centering collar. Liquids can easily flow
away through drainage channels on the
D2 *)
Hollow shaft 100 mm: Id. Nr. 336 669-06
Mechanical Design Types and Mounting
Radial offset
Mounting an ROD
Angular error
Axial motion
Shaft coupling K 03 K 18 K 01 K 15 K 16
Diaphragm coupling Flat coupling Diaphragm coupling Flat coupling Flat coupling
Hub bore 10 mm 14 mm
Torsional rigidity 1500 Nm/rad 1200 Nm/rad 4000 Nm/rad 6000 Nm/rad 4000 Nm/rad
Moment of inertia (approx.) 20 106 kgm2 75 106 kgm2 200 106 kgm2 400 106 kgm2
Permissible speed 10 000 rpm 1000 rpm 3000 rpm 1000 rpm
Weight 100 g (0.220 lb) 117 g (0.258 lb) 180 g (0.4 lb) 250 g (0.55 lb) 410 g (0.9 lb)
K 03 diaphragm coupling
Id. Nr. 200313-04
K 18 flat coupling
Id. Nr. 202 227-01
K 01 diaphragm coupling
Id. Nr. 200301-02
K 15 flat coupling
Id. Nr. 255 797-01
K 16 flat coupling
Id. Nr. 258 878-01
Dimensions in mm
Mounting ERP
First the scanning unit is mounted on the
stationary machine part with an alignment
of 1.5 m to the shaft. Then the front side
of the disk/hub assembly is screwed onto
the shaft, and is also aligned with a
maximum eccentricity of 1.5 m to the
scanning unit. Then the PCB is attached
and connected to the scanning unit. Fine
adjustment takes place with electrical
centering using the PWM 9 (see
HEIDENHAIN Measuring Equipment) and
an oscilloscope. The ERP 880 can be
protected from contamination by covering
it with a cap.
Mounting the
ERP 880
(in principle)
IP 40 cover cap
With sealing ring for IP 40 protection
Cable 1 m with male coupling, 12-pin
Id. Nr. 369774-01
IP 64 cover cap
With shaft seal for IP 64 protection
Cable 1 m with male coupling, 12-pin
Id.-Nr. 369774-02
ERA 180, ERO
Spacer foil
Mounting the
ERA 180
Mounting ERO
The disk/hub assembly is slid onto the Graduated disk
drive shaft, centered, and fastened with
screws. The scanning unit is then slid onto Hub
the centering collar of the hub and the
screws are tightened. The gap between
the graduated disk and the scanning unit is
set with spacer foils.
Scanning unit
Cross section of
ERO 785
Mechanical Design Types and Mounting
ERA 700 and ERA 800 Series
The encoders of the ERA 700 and ERA 800 Mounting the scale tape for full-circle
series consist of a scanning unit and a one- applications
piece steel scale tape up to 30 m in length. ERA 780C: An internal slot with a certain
The tape is mounted on the diameter is required as scale tape carrier.
inside diameter (ERA 700 series) or The tape is inserted starting at the butt
outside diameter (ERA 800 series) joint and is clicked into the slot. The length
of a machine element. is cut so that the tape is held in place by its
own spring force. To make sure that the
The ERA 780 C and ERA 880 C angle scale tape does not move within the slot, it
encoders are designed for full-circle is fixed with adhesive at multiple points in
applications. Thus, they are particularly the area of the butt joint.
suited to hollow shafts with large inside
diameters (from approx. 300 mm) and to ERA 880C: The scale tape is supplied with
applications requiring an accurate the halves of the tensioning cleat already
measurement over a large circumference, mounted on the tape ends. An external
e.g. large rotary tables, telescopes, etc. slot is necessary for mounting. The tape is
placed in the outside slot of the machine
In applications where there is no full circle, (along slot edge) and is tensioned using the
or measurement is not required over 360, tensioning cleat.
segment angles are available for The scale tape ends are manufactured so
diameters from 300 mm. exactly that only minor signal-form
deviations can occur in the area of the butt
The following must be kept in mind for Basic slot diameter Line count projected onto a full circle
segment applications:
Determining the slot diameter ERA 781 C 318.58 + n 12.73111 25000 + n 1000
In order to guarantee the correct
functioning of the distance-coded ERA 881 C/ 317.99 + n 12.73178 25000 + n 1000
reference marks, the circumference of ERA 882 C
the theoretical full circle must be a
multiple of 1000 grating periods. This
also facilitates adaptation to the NC
control, which mostly can only calculate
integer line counts. The connection
between the basic slot diameter and the
line count can be seen in the table.
Segment angles Measuring range
The measuring range available for the
segment angle should be a multiple of
1000 signal periods, since these versions Basic slot diameter
are available more quickly.
General Mechanical Information
RCN, RON, RPN and ROD angle encoders The following components are necessary
are equipped with a compressed air inlet. for connection to the RCN, RON, RPN and
Connection to a source of compressed air ROD angle encoders:
slightly above atmospheric pressure
provides additional protection against M5 connecting piece for
contamination. RCN/RON/RPN/ROD
with gasket and throttle ( 0.3 mm)
for air-flow rate from 1 to 4 l/min
Id. Nr. 207 835-04
DA 300
Work steps to be performed and
dimensions to be maintained during
mounting are specified solely in the
mounting instructions supplied with the
unit. All data in this catalog regarding
mounting are therefore provisional and
not binding; they do not become terms
of a contract.
RCN 200 Series
Integrated stator coupling
Hollow through shaft, diameter 20 mm
System accuracy 5 and 2.5
Dimensions in mm
Absolute position values EnDat 2.1 Serial interface Fanuc 01 Mitsubishi high-speed serial
Positions per revolution 67 108 864 (26 bits) 8388608 (23 bits)
Calculation time tcal 10 s
RON 200 Series
Integrated stator coupling
Hollow through shaft, diameter 20 mm
System accuracy 5 and 2.5
Dimensions in mm
RON 225 RON 275 RON 275 RON 285 RON 287
RON 785
Integrated stator coupling
Hollow through shaft, diameter 50 mm
System accuracy 2
Dimensions in mm
RON 785
System accuracy 2
RCN 700/RCN 800 Series
Integrated stator coupling
Hollow through shaft, diameter 60 mm
System accuracy 2 or 1
Dimensions in mm
Absolute position values EnDat 2.2 EnDat 2.2 Serial Interface Fanuc 02 Mitsubishi high-speed
serial interface
Positions per revolution 536 870 912 (29 bits) 134217728 (27 bits) 8388608 (23 bits)
Electrical connection* Cable 1 m (3.3 ft), with Cable 1 m (3.3 ft), with or without M23 coupling
coupling M12
RCN 700/RCN 800 Series
Integrated stator coupling
Hollow through shaft, diameter 100 mm
System accuracy 2 or 1
Dimensions in mm
Absolute position values EnDat 2.2 EnDat 2.2 Serial Interface Fanuc 02
Positions per revolution 536 870 912 (29 bits) 134217728 (27 bits)
Electrical connection* Cable 1 m (3.3 ft), with coupling Cable 1 m (3.3 ft), with or without M23 coupling
RON 786/RON 886/RPN 886
Integrated stator coupling
Hollow through shaft, diameter 60 mm
System accuracy 2 or 1
Dimensions in mm
System accuracy 2 1
RON 905
Integrated stator coupling
Blind hollow shaft
System accuracy 0.4
Dimensions in mm
RON 905
ROD 200 Series
For separate shaft coupling
System accuracy 5
Dimensions in mm
System accuracy 5
ROD 780/ROD 880
For separate shaft coupling
System accuracy ROD 780: 2
ROD 880: 1
Dimensions in mm
System accuracy 2 1
ERP 880
Modular angle encoder
High accuracy
due to interferential scanning principle
Dimensions in mm
ERP 880
System accuracy1) 1
Electrical connection With housing: Cable 1 m (3.3 ft), with M23 coupling
Without housing: Via 12-pin PCB connector (adapter cable Id. Nr. 372164-xx)
Protection* IEC 60529 Without housing: IP 00 With housing: IP 40 With housing and rotary shaft
seal: IP 64
ERA 180
Modular angle encoder
Grating on steel drum
Incremental signals
Reference mark
Cutoff frequency 3 dB
Electrical connection
Line count
System accuracy2)
Vibration 55 to 2000 Hz
Shock 6 ms
ERA 180 with protective cover
Operating temperature
Scale drum
Protective cover
ERA 180
500 kHz
150 m
5 3 3 3 3 2 2
40000 rpm 25000 rpm 18 000 rpm 13000 rpm 10000 rpm 7000 rpm 6000 rpm
0.58 103 kgm2 3.45 103 kgm2 11.1 103 kgm2 35.7 103 kgm2 82.6 103 kgm2 281.8 103 kgm2 399.7 103 kgm2
10 C to 80 C (14 F to 176 F)
Approx. 0.5 kg Approx. 1.08 kg Approx. 1.17 kg Approx. 2.85 kg Approx. 3.3 kg Approx. 5 kg Approx. 5.3 kg
(1.1 lb) (2.38 lb) (2.58 lb) (6.28 lb) (7.3 lb) (11 lb) (12 lb)
ERA 180
Dimensions in mm
Protective cover
A = Bearing
m = Mounting surfaces
= Mounting clearance set with spacer foil
= Mounting hole
= Back-off thread
Direction of shaft rotation for output signals is described in interface description.
Scale drum inside diameter
40 mm to 180 mm
270 mm
425 mm
512 mm
Scale drum D1 e D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 E
inside diameter
40 mm 40 0.001 50 64 80 80.4 100 110 60
80 mm 80 0.001 95 112 130 130.4 150 160 85
120 mm 120 0.001 140 162 180 180.4 200 210 144 110
180 mm 180 0.001 200 232 250 250.4 270 280 150 145
270 mm 270 0.01 290 312 330 185
425 mm 425 0.01 445 467 485 262.5
512 mm 512 0.015 528 544 562 301
ERO 785
Modular angle encoder
Circular scale with hub
Dimensions in mm
102.2 mm
47.2 mm
ERO 785
Electrical connection Cable 0.3 m (1 ft) with flange socket (male) M23 on mounting base
Max. cable length 150 m
Moment of inertia of rotor 620 106 kgm2 3700 106 kgm2 26000 106 kgm2
Permissible axial motion See the tolerance of scanning gap B in the dimension drawing
of measured shaft
Vibration 55 to 2000 Hz 100 m/s (IEC 60 068-2-6)
Shock 6 ms 1000 m/s (IEC 60 068-2-27)
Circular scale with hub 0.46 kg (1.0 lb) 0.87 kg (1.9 lb) 2.6 kg (5.2 lb)
ERA 700 Series
Modular angle encoder for inside diameters
Full-circle and segment versions
Dimensions in mm
Line count
Accuracy of the 3
Operating temperature 10 to 50 C (32 F to 122 F) (thermal coefficient of expansion of the scale substrate between 9 106K1
and 12 106K1)
ERA 800 Series
Modular angle encoder for outside diameters
Full-circle and segment versions
Line count
Accuracy of the 3
Operating temperature 10 to 50 C (+14 to 122 F) (thermal coefficient of expansion of the scale substrate between 9 106K1
and 12 106K1)
Dimensions in mm
29 44
28 4 3.5
56 X
k 36
M4 0.1 A
X 0.2 A
D x 0.00002 A D x 0.00002 A
1 1.6
( D +0.8) 0.05
D min = 300
( D) D x 0.00005
0.5mrad *
ERA 880 C:
ERA 881 C: 13.2+0.1
0.05 B
3 0.1 A
ERA 880C Scale tape
D x 0.00002 A B
) 0.04
60+0.5 36
70+0.5 41+0.5
ERA 881 C Scale tape
Incremental Signals 1 VPP
Interpolation/resolution/measuring step
The output signals of the 1 VPP interface
are usually interpolated in the subsequent
electronics in order to attain sufficiently
high resolutions. For velocity control,
interpolation factors are commonly over
1000 in order to receive usable velocity
information even at low speeds. Rated value
Input circuitry of the subsequent Incremental signals
electronics Reference mark Encoder Subsequent electronics
Operational amplifier MC 34074 Ra < 100 , typ. 24
Z0 = 120 Ca < 50 pF
R1 = 10 k and C1 = 100 pF Ia < 1 mA
U0 = 2.5 V 0.5 V
R2 = 34.8 k and C2 = 10 pF (relative to 0 V of the
UB = 15 V power supply)
U1 approx. U0
Signal monitoring
A threshold sensitivity of 250 mVPP is to be
provided for monitoring the 1 VPP
incremental signals.
Pin Layout
12-pin coupling M23 12-pin connector M23
a and IK 220
123 4 5 6
12 2 10 11 5 6 8 1 3 4 9 7 /
2a 2b 1a 1b 6b 6a 5b 5a 4b 4a 3b 3a /
1 9 2 11 3 4 6 7 10 12 5/8/13/15 14 /
Brown/ Blue White/ White Brown Green Gray Pink Red Black / Violet Yellow
Green Green
edge separation
max. 100 m, or 50 m for the fault detection
signal. This requires, however, that the
power supply (see Specifications) be
ensured at the encoder. The sensor lines 50
can be used to measure the voltage at the with
encoder and, if required, correct it with an 25
automatic system (remote sense power
0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.05
Input circuitry of the subsequent Incremental signals Encoder Subsequent electronics
electronics Reference mark
IC1 = Recommended differential line
DS 26 C 32 AT
Only for a > 0.1 s:
AM 26 LS 32 Fault detection
MC 3486 signal
SN 75 ALS 193
R1 = 4.7 k
R2 = 1.8 k
Z0 = 120
C1 = 220 pF (serves to improve noise
Pin Layout
12-pin 12-pin
flange socket connector M23
coupling M23
12 2 10 11 5 6 8 1 3 4 7 / 9
4 12 2 10 1 9 3 11 14 7 13 5/6/8 15
2a 2b 1a 1b 6b 6a 5b 5a 4b 4a 3a 3b /
UP Sensor 0V Sensor Ua1 Ua2 Ua0 Vacant Vacant2)
Brown/ Blue White/ White Brown Green Gray Pink Red Black Violet Yellow
Green Green
C3 = 330 pF
Z0 = 120
Incremental signals
Depends on encoder
Versions Interface Version Clock Ordering
The extended EnDat interface version 2.2 frequency designation
is compatible in its communication,
command set (i.e. the available mode EnDat 2.1 With incremental signals 2 MHz EnDat 01
commands) and time conditions with
version 2.1, but also offers significant Without incremental signals EnDat 21
advantages. It makes it possible, for
example, to transfer additional information EnDat 2.2 With incremental signals 2 MHz EnDat 02
with the position value without sending a
separate request for it. The interface Without incremental signals 8 MHz EnDat 22
protocol was expanded and the time
conditions were optimized.
EnDat 2.1
information, or parameters. The type of Encoder receive parameters
information to be transmitted is selected Encoder transmit parameters
by mode commands. Mode commands Encoder receive reset 1)
define the content of the transmitted Encoder transmit test values
EnDat 2.2
information. Every mode command Encoder receive test commands
consists of three bits. To ensure reliable
transmission, every bit is transmitted Encoder transmit position value with additional information
redundantly (inverted or double). If the Encoder transmit position value and receive selection of memory area2)
encoder detects an erroneous mode Encoder transmit position value and receive parameters2)
transmission, it transmits an error Encoder transmit position value and send parameters2)
message. The EnDat 2.2 interface can also Encoder transmit position value and receive error reset2)
transfer parameter values in the additional Encoder transmit position value and receive test command2)
information together with the position Encoder receive communication command 3)
value. This makes the current position
values constantly available for the control 1)
Same reaction as switching the power supply off and on
loop, even during a parameter request. 2)
Selected additional additional information is also transmitted
Reserved for encoders that do not support the safety system
Control cycles for transfer of position
The transmission cycle begins with the
first falling clock edge. The measured
values are saved and the position value
calculated. After two clock pulses (2T), to Without delay With delay
select the type of transmission the compensation compensation
subsequent electronics transmit the mode
command Encoder transmit position value Clock frequency fc 100 kHz ... 2 MHz 100 kHz ... 8 MHz
(with/without additional information).
Calculation time for
After successful calculation of the absolute Position value tcal See Specifications
position value (tcal see Specifications), the Parameters tac Max. 12 ms
start bit initiates the data transmission
from the encoder to the subsequent Recovery time tm EnDat 2.1: 10 to 30 s
electronics. The subsequent error EnDat 2.2: 10 to 30 s or 1.25 to 3.75 s (fc 1 MHz)
messages, error 1 and error 2 (only with (parameterizable)
EnDat 2.2 commands), are group signals
for all monitored functions and serve as tR Max. 500 ns
failure monitoring.
EnDat 2.2 Transfer of Position Encoder saves Position value without additional information
Values position value
EnDat 2.2 can transmit position values Subsequent electronics
selectably with or without additional transmits mode command
tcal tm tR
S F1 F2 L M
Encoder saves Data packet with position value and additional information 1 and 2
position value
Subsequent electronics
transmits mode command
tcal tm tR
S F1 F2 L M
Additional Additional
Mode command Position value CRC CRC CRC
information 2 information 1
Additional information
With EnDat 2.2, one or two additional 30 bits
pieces of information can be appended
to the position value. Each additional Additional information 5 bits
information is 30 bits long with LOW as CRC
first bit, and ends with a CRC check. The
additional information supported by the
respective encoder is saved in the encoder
parameters. WRN RM Busy
The content of the additional information is
Acknowledgment of
determined by the MRS code and is
the additional 8 bits 8 bits
transmitted in the next sampling cycle for information Address or Data
additional information. This information is data
then transmitted with every sampling until
a selection of a new memory area changes
the content.
The additional information The additional information can contain the following data:
always begin with:
EnDat 2.1 Transfer of Position Encoder saves
Values position value
Subsequent electronics
EnDat 2.1 can transmit position values transmits mode command
selectably with interrupted clock pulse (as
in EnDat 2.2) or continuous clock pulse.
Interrupted clock
The interrupted clock is intended
particularly for time-clocked systems such
as closed control loops. At the end of the
data word the clock signal is set to HIGH
Cyclic Redundancy
level. After 10 to 30 s (tm), the data line Mode command Position value
falls back to LOW. Then a new data
transmission can begin by starting the
clock. Interrupted clock
Continuous clock
For applications that require fast acquisition Save new Save new
of the measured value, the EnDat interface position value position value
can have the clock run continuously.
Immediately after the last CRC bit has
been sent, the data line is switched to high
for one clock cycle, and then to low. The
new position value is saved with the very
next falling edge of the clock and is output
in synchronism with the clock signal
immediately after the start bit and alarm
bit. Because the mode command Encoder
CRC Position value CRC
transmit position value is needed only
before the first data transmission, the
continuous-clock transfer mode reduces
the length of the clock-pulse group by 9
n = 0 to 7; depending on system Continuous clock
periods per position value.
absolute position values with incremental
values. With the first falling edge (latch 1 VPP
signal) of the CLOCK signal from the
subsequent electronics, the scanning Counter
signals of the individual tracks in the
encoder and counter are frozen, as are also
1 VPP Subdivision
the A/D converters for subdividing the
sinusoidal incremental signals in the
subsequent electronics. Parallel
The code value transmitted over the serial
interface unambiguously identifies one After power on and initial transmission of values can be compared in the subsequent
incremental signal period. The position position values, two redundant position electronics. This monitoring is possible
value is absolute within one sinusoidal values are available in the subsequent even at high shaft speeds thanks to the
period of the incremental signal. The electronics. Since encoders with EnDat EnDat interfaces short transmission times
subdivided incremental signal can interface guarantee a precise of less than 50 s. This capability is a
therefore be appended in the subsequent synchronizationregardless of cable prerequisite for modern machine design
electronics to the serially transmitted code lengthof the serially transmitted absolute and safety techniques.
value. value with the incremental signals, the two
Parameters and Memory Areas Parameters of the OEM Monitoring and Diagnostic
The encoder provides several memory In this freely definable memory area, the Functions
areas for parameters. These can be read OEM can store his information, e. g. the The EnDat interface enables comprehen-
from by the subsequent electronics, and electronic ID label of the motor in which sive monitoring of the encoder without
some can be written to by the encoder the encoder is integrated, indicating the requiring an additional transmission line.
manufacturer, the OEM, or even the end motor model, maximum current rating, etc. The alarms and warnings supported by the
user. Certain memory areas can be write- respective encoder are saved in the
protected. Operating parameters parameters of the encoder manufacturer
This area is available for a datum shift and memory area.
The parameters, which in most cases the configuration of diagnostics. It can be
are set by the OEM, largely define the protected against overwriting. Diagnosis
function of the encoder and the EnDat Cyclic information on encoder function and
interface. When the encoder is exchanged, Operating status additional diagnostic values are transmitted
it is therefore essential that its parameter This memory area provides detailed alarms in the additional information.
settings are correct. Attempts to configure or warnings for diagnostic purposes. Here
machines without including OEM data can it is also possible to activate write Error message
result in malfunctions. If there is any doubt protection for the OEM parameter and An error message becomes active if a
as to the correct parameter settings, the operating parameter memory areas and malfunction of the encoder might result
OEM should be consulted. interrogate their status. Once write in incorrect position values. The exact
protection is activated, it cannot be cause of the trouble is saved in the
Parameters of the encoder manufacturer removed. encoders operating status memory
This write-protected memory area contains where it can be interrogated in detail.
all information specific to the encoder, Safety System Errors include:
such as encoder type (linear/angular, The safety system is in preparation. Safety- Light unit failure
singleturn/multiturn, etc.), signal periods, oriented controls are the planned Signal amplitude too low
position values per revolution, transmission application for encoders with EnDat 2.2 Error in calculation of position value
format of position values, direction of interface. Refer to IEC 61800 standard Power supply too high/low
rotation, maximum speed, accuracy Adjustable speed electrical power drive Current consumption is excessive
dependent on shaft speeds, support of systems Part 5-2.
warnings and alarms, part number and Here the EnDat interface transmits the
serial number. This information forms the error bits, error 1 and error 2 (only with
basis for automatic configuration. A EnDat 2.2 commands). These are group
separate memory area contains the signals for all monitored functions and
parameters typical for EnDat 2.2: Status of serve for failure monitoring. The two error
additional information, temperature, messages are generated independently
acceleration, support of diagnostic and from each other.
error messages, etc.
This collective bit is transmitted in the
status data of the additional information. It
indicates that certain tolerance limits of
the encoder have been reached or
Absolute Encoder Subsequent exceededsuch as shaft speed or the limit
electronics of light source intensity compensation
through voltage regulationwithout
1 VPP A*)
Incremental implying that the measured position values
signals *) are incorrect. This function makes it
1 VPP B*)
possible to issue preventive warnings in
order to minimize idle time.
EnDat interface
Pin Layout
coupling M23
Power supply Incremental signals Absolute position values
7 1 10 4 11 15 16 12 13 14 17 8 9
Brown/ Blue White/ White / Green/ Yellow/ Blue/ Red/ Gray Pink Violet Yellow
Green Green Black Black Black Black
2 8 1 5 3 4 7 6
15-pin 15-pin
D-sub connector, male D-sub connector, female
for IK 115/IK 215 for HEIDENHAIN controls
and IK 220
4 12 2 10 6 1 9 3 11 5 13 8 15
1 9 2 11 13 3 4 6 7 5 8 14 15
Brown/ Blue White/ White / Green/ Yellow/ Blue/ Red/ Gray Pink Violet Yellow
Green Green Black Black Black Black
Fanuc and Mitsubishi Pin Layouts
15-pin 17-pin
Fanu connector HEIDENHAIN
9 18/20 12 14 16 1 2 5 6
7 1 10 4 14 17 8 9
20-pin 17-pin
Mitsubishi connector HEIDENHAIN
20 19 1 11 6 16 7 17
7 1 10 4 14 17 8 9
HEIDENHAIN Measuring Equipment
for Incremental Angle Encoders
With modular angle encoders the scanning head needs to be aligned very accurately
head moves over the graduation without during mounting. HEIDENHAIN offers
mechanical contact. Thus, to ensure various measuring and testing equipment
highest quality output signals, the scanning for checking the quality of the output
Dimensions 114 mm x 64 mm x 29 mm
Connecting Elements and Cables
General Information
Symbols Symbols
Mounted coupling
with flange M23
X: 42.7 Y: 41.7
Connecting Cables 1 VPP
Polyurethane (PUR) connecting cable dia. 8 mm [4(2 0.14 mm2) + (4 0.5 mm2)]
for encoders with M23 coupling or M23 flange socket
Complete with M23 connector 298 399-xx With one connector with M23 309777-xx
(female) and M23 connector (male) connector (female)
Complete with M23 connector 310 199-xx Cable only PUR 8 mm 244957-01
(female) and D-sub connector (female)
for IK 220
Coupling on encoder cable M23 coupling (male), Mating element to coupling on M23 connector
12-pin encoder cable or flange socket (female),
Connecting Cables EnDat
Polyurethane (PUR) connecting cable dia. 8 mm with M23 connecting element [(4 x 0.14 mm2) + 4(2 x 0.14 mm2) + (4 x 0.5 mm2)]
Complete with M23 connector 323 897-xx Complete with M23 connector 324544-xx
(female) and M23 coupling (male) (female) and D-sub connector (male)
for IK 115
With one connector with M23 309 778-xx Complete with M23 connector 332115-xx
connector (female) (female) and D-sub connector (female)
for IK 220
Connecting cable for EnDat 2.2 encoders without incremental signals with M12 connecting element
Coupling on encoder cable M23 coupling (male), Mating connector M23 connector
17-pin (female),
Connector to subsequent electronics M23 connector (male), Coupling M23 coupling (male),
17-pin 17-pin
PUR adapter cable for Fanuc interface dia. 8 mm PUR adapter cable for Mitsubishi interface dia. 8 mm
Complete with M23 connector (fe- 534 855-xx Complete with M23 connector (fe- 344625-xx
male), 17-pin, and Fanuc connector male), 17-pin, and Mitsubishi connec-
[(2 x 2 x 0.14 mm2) + (4 x 1 mm2)] tor [(2 x 2 x 0.14 mm2) + (4 x 0.5 mm2)]
General Electrical Information
3.7 mm R 8 mm R 40 mm
HEIDENHAIN Cross section of power supply lines AP
4.5 mm R 10 mm R 50 mm
5.1 mm
17-pin 8-pin
6 mm R 20 mm R 75 mm
3.7 mm 0.05 mm2
8 mm R 40 mm R 100 mm
4.5/5.1 mm 0.14/0.052) mm2 0.05 mm2 0.05 mm2 1)
Metal armor
Only on length
1) 3) 2 10 mm1) R 35 mm R 75 mm
6/10 mm 0.19/ 0.14 mm 0.08 mm2 0.34 mm2 gauges
Only for
14 mm1) R 50 mm R 100 mm
8/141) mm 0.5 mm
1 mm2 0.5 mm2 1 mm2 LIDA 400
Reliable Signal Transmission
Electromagnetic compatibility/ Protection against electrical noise Do not lay signal cables in the direct
CE compliance The following measures must be taken to vicinity of interference sources (inductive
When properly installed, HEIDENHAIN ensure disturbance-free operation: consumers such as contacts, motors,
encoders fulfill the requirements for Use only original HEIDENHAIN cables. frequency inverters, solenoids, etc.).
electromagnetic compatibility according to Watch for voltage attenuation on the Sufficient decoupling from interference-
89/336/EEC with respect to the generic supply lines. signal-conducting cables can usually be
standards for: Use connectors or terminal boxes with achieved by an air clearance of 100 mm
Noise immunity EN 61 000-6-2: metal housings. Do not conduct any (4 in.) or, when cables are in metal ducts,
Specifically: extraneous signals. by a grounded partition.
ESD EN 61 000-4-2 Connect the housings of the encoder, A minimum spacing of 200 mm (8 in.) to
Electromagnetic fields EN 61 000-4-3 connector, terminal box and evaluation inductors in switch-mode power supplies
Burst EN 61 000-4-4 electronics through the shield of the is required. Also see EN 50178/4.98
Surge EN 61 000-4-5 cable. Connect the shielding in the area Chapter regarding cables and
Conducted disturbances EN 61 000-4-6 of the cable inlets to be as induction-free lines, EN 50174-2/09.01, Chapter 6.7
Power frequency as possible (short, full-surface contact). regarding grounding and potential
magnetic fields EN 61 000-4-8 Connect the entire shielding system with compensation.
Pulse magnetic fields EN 61 000-4-9 the protective ground. When using multiturn encoders in
Interference EN 61000-6-4: Prevent contact of loose connector electromagnetic fields greater than
Specifically: housings with other metal surfaces. 30 mT, HEIDENHAIN recommends
For industrial, scientific and medical The cable shielding has the function of consulting with the main facility in
(ISM) equipment EN 55 011 an equipotential bonding conductor. If Traunreut.
For information technology compensating currents are to be
equipment EN 55 022 expected within the entire system, a Both the cable shielding and the metal
separate equipotential bonding housings of encoders and subsequent
Transmission of measuring signals conductor must be provided. electronics have a shielding function. The
electrical noise immunity Also see EN 50178/4.98 Chapter housings must have the same potential
Noise voltages arise mainly through regarding protective connection lines and be connected to the main signal
capacitive or inductive transfer. Electrical with small cross section. ground over the machine chassis or by
noise can be introduced into the system Connect HEIDENHAIN position means of a separate potential
over signal lines and input or output encoders only to subsequent electronics compensating line. Potential compensating
terminals. whose power supply is generated lines should have a minimum cross section
Possible sources of noise are: through double or strengthened of 6 mm2 (Cu).
Strong magnetic fields from insulation against line voltage circuits.
transformers and electric motors Also see IEC 364-4-41: 1992, modified
Relays, contactors and solenoid valves Chapter 411 regarding protection
High-frequency equipment, pulse against both direct and indirect touch
devices, and stray magnetic fields from (PELV or SELV).
switch-mode power supplies
AC power lines and supply lines to the
above devices
The encoder housings are isolated against
all circuits.
Rated surge voltage: 500 V
(preferred value as per VDE 0110 Part 1)
ND 281B ND 281B
Position display unit
The ND 281B position display unit contains Input signals 1 VPP 11 APP
special display ranges for angle measure-
ment. You can directly connect incremental Encoder inputs Flange socket, 12-pin female Flange socket, 9-pin female
angle encoders with 1-VPP output
signals and any line count up to 999 999 Input frequency Max. 500 kHz Max. 100 kHz
signal periods per revolution. The display
value is available via the RS-232-C/V.24 Max. cable length 60 m 30 m
interface for further processing or print-out.
Signal subdivision Up to 1024-fold (adjustable)
Features Sorting and tolerance check mode with two limit values
Display stop
Two switching limits
Reference-mark evaluation with REF
For more information, see the Numerical Interface RS-232-C/V.24; max. 38400 baud
Displays for Length and Angle catalog.
Output signals 2 TTL square-wave pulse trains Ua1 and Ua2 and their
IBV 101 inverted signals and
Reference pulse Ua0 and
Interference signal
For more information, see the Interpolation
and Digitizing Electronics brochure for Power supply 5 V 5%
IBV 660 as well as the IBV 100/EXE 100
product overview.
IK 220 IK 220
Universal PC counter card
The IK 220 is an expansion board for AT- Input signals 1 VPP 11 APP EnDat SSI
compatible PCs for recording the (switchable)
measured values of two incremental or
absolute linear or angle encoders. The Encoder inputs Two D-sub connectors (15-pin), male
subdivision and counting electronics
subdivide the sinusoidal input signals up Max. input frequency 500 kHz 33 kHz
to 4096-fold. A driver software package is
included in delivery. Max. cable length 60 m 10 m
Signal subdivision
(signal period : meas. step) Up to 4096-fold
For more information, see the IK 220 Dimensions Approx. 190 mm 100 mm
product information sheet.