208960-2F Exposed Linear Encoders en
208960-2F Exposed Linear Encoders en
208960-2F Exposed Linear Encoders en
Linear Encoders
Exposed linear encoders
Linear encoders measure the position of Exposed linear encoders are used on Mechanical design
linear axes without additional mechanical machines and equipment that require high Exposed linear encoders consist of a scale
transfer elements. A number of potential measuring accuracy. Typical applications or scale tape and a scanning head that
error sources are thereby eliminated: include the following: operate without mechanical contact.
• Positioning error due to heat generation • Measuring and production equipment in The scales of exposed linear encoders are
in the recirculating ball screw the semiconductor industry fastened to a mounting surface. High
• Reversal error • PCB assembly machines flatness of the mounting surface is thus an
• Kinematic error through the ball-screw • Ultra-precision machines and devices important requirement for the high
pitch error such as diamond lathes for optical accuracy of linear encoders.
components, facing lathes for magnetic
Linear encoders are therefore indispensable storage disks, and grinding machines for
for machine tools on which high positioning ferrite components
accuracy and a high machining rate are • High-accuracy machine tools
essential. • Measuring machines and comparators,
measuring microscopes, and other
precision measuring devices
• Direct drives
Selection guide 4
Technical characteristics
Measuring principles 8
Reliability 12
Measuring accuracy 14
LIC 4119 FS 32
LIC 2117, LIC 2197 34
Electrical connection
Interfaces 60
Interface electronics 69
Selection guide
Absolute encoders and encoders with position value output
LIP 200 ±1 µm ±0.125 µm/ Scale made of Zerodur glass
For very high accuracy ±3 µm 5 mm ceramic, fastened with fixing
Up to a measuring length (ML) of 1640 mm
Up to a measuring length (ML) of 1020 mm or 1040 mm
Interpolation Signal Measuring Interface Model Page
error period length
Selection guide
Incremental encoders
The following exposed linear encoders are LIP/LIF ±0.5 µm ±0.175 µm/ Scale made of Zerodur glass
specifically designed for use in a high and For use in high and ±1 µm 5 mm ceramic or glass, fastened with
ultrahigh vacuum: ultrahigh vacuums fixing clamps
• High vacuum: LIP 481 V and LIF 481 V ±3 µm ±0.225 µm/
• Ultrahigh vacuum: LIP 481 U 5 mm
For more information, please refer to the
appropriate Product Information At an interval of 1 m or a measuring length < 1 m (accuracy grade)
documents. Up to measuring lengths of 1020 mm or 1040 mm
Higher accuracy grades upon request
Other measuring lengths / measuring ranges upon request
Interpolation Signal Measuring Interface Model Page
error period length
HEIDENHAIN encoders with optical scanning With the absolute measuring method, the
use measuring standards consisting of position value is available immediately
periodic structures known as graduations. upon switch-on of the encoder and can be
These graduations are applied to a carrier requested at any time by the subsequent
substrate made of glass or steel. For electronics. There is no need to move the
encoders with large measuring lengths, axes to find the reference position. The
steel tape is used as the scale substrate. absolute position information is read from
the graduation on the measuring
HEIDENHAIN manufactures the precision standard, which is designed as a serial
graduations in the following specially absolute code structure. A separate
developed, photolithographic processes: incremental track is interpolated for the
• METALLUR: contamination-tolerant position value and, depending on the
graduation consisting of metal lines on interface version, is also used to generate
gold; typical graduation period: 20 μm an optional incremental signal.
• SUPRADUR phase grating: optically
three-dimensional, planar structure;
particularly tolerant to contamination;
typical graduation period: 8 μm and finer
• OPTODUR phase grating: optically
three-dimensional, planar structure with
particularly high reflectance; typical
graduation period: 2 μm and finer
• TITANID phase grating: exceptionally
robust optically three-dimensional structure
with a high degree of reflectance; typical
grating period: 8 µm
With the incremental measuring method, In the most unfavorable case, machine
the graduation consists of a periodic grating movements over sizeable sections of the
structure. The position information is obtained measuring range may be necessary. To
by counting the individual increments speed up and simplify such “reference
(measuring steps) from some point of origin. runs,” many HEIDENHAIN encoders feature
Since an absolute reference is required to distance-coded reference marks—multiple
ascertain positions, the measuring standard reference marks that are variously spaced
is provided with an additional track that in accordance with a mathematical algorithm.
bears a reference mark. The absolute The subsequent electronics find the absolute
position on the scale, which is established reference after traversing two successive
by the reference mark, is assigned to reference marks—thus after a traverse path
exactly one signal period. The reference of only a few millimeters (see table below).
mark must therefore be scanned to Encoders with distance-coded reference
establish an absolute reference or to find marks are identified with a “C” following
the last selected datum. the model designation (e.g., LIF 181 C).
With distance-coded reference marks,
the absolute reference B is calculated
by counting the increments between two
reference marks and by applying the
following formula:
P1 = (abs R–sgn R–1) x N + (sgn R–sgn D) x abs MRR
2 2
R = 2 x MRR–N
P1 = Position of the first traversed N = Nominal increment between two
reference mark in signal periods fixed reference marks in signal
periods (see table below)
abs = Absolute value
D = Direction of traverse (+1 or –1).
sgn = Algebraic sign function (“+1” or “–1”) Traverse of scanning unit to the
right (when properly installed)
MRR = Number of signal periods between equals +1
the traversed reference marks
Graduations of incremental linear encoders
Signal Nominal Maximum
period increment N in traverse
signal periods
LIF 1x1 C 4 µm 5000 20 mm
LIDA 4x3 C 20 µm 1000 20 mm
Schematic representation of an incremental graduation with distance-coded
reference marks (LIDA 4x3 C as example)
Photoelectric scanning
Scale Window detector
Scanning reticle
Condenser lens
Index grating
Photoelectric scanning in accordance with the imaging principle with a steel scale and single-field
scanning (LIDA 400)
Interferential scanning principle When there is relative motion between the
The sensor generates four nearly The interferential scanning principle exploits scale and the scanning reticle, the diffracted
sinusoidal current signals (I0°, I90°, I180°, the diffraction and interference of light on wavefronts undergo a phase shift: move
and I270°), phase-shifted to each other finely divided gratings in order to produce ment by the amount of one grating period
by 90° elec. These scanning signals do the signals used to measure displacement. shifts the positive first-order diffraction
not initially exhibit symmetry about the wavefront by one wavelength in the positive
zero line. For this reason, the photocells A step grating is used as the measuring direction, while the negative first-order
are connected in anti-parallel, thereby standard: reflective lines with a height diffraction wavefront is displaced by one
producing two 90° elec. phase-shifted of 0.2 µm are applied to a flat, reflective wavelength in the negative direction. Since
output signals, I1 and I2, which are surface. In front of this is the scanning the two waves interfere with each other
symmetrical about the zero line. reticle—a transparent phase grating with upon exiting the phase grating, these
the same grating period as the scale. waves are shifted relative to each other by
In the X/Y representation on an two wavelengths. This results in two signal
oscilloscope, the signals form a When a light wave passes through the periods when there is relative motion of
Lissajous figure. Ideal output signals scanning reticle, it is diffracted into three just one grating period.
appear as a centered circle. Deviations partial waves of the orders +1, 0, and –1,
in the circular form and position are with nearly equal luminous intensity. The Interferential encoders use grating periods
caused by position errors and therefore waves are diffracted by the scale such that of, for example, 8 µm, 4 µm, or finer. Their
go directly into the result of measure most of the luminous intensity is found in scanning signals are largely free of harmonics
ment. The size of the circle, which the reflected diffraction orders +1 and –1. and can be highly interpolated. These
corresponds to the amplitude of the These partial waves meet again at the encoders are therefore especially well-suited
output signal, can vary within certain phase grating of the scanning reticle, for small measuring steps and high accuracy.
limits without influencing the measuring where they are diffracted again and They nevertheless feature workable
accuracy. interfere. This produces essentially three mounting tolerances.
waves that leave the scanning reticle at
different angles. Photocells convert these The LIP, LIF, and PP linear encoders use
alternating light intensities into electrical the interferential scanning principle.
X/Y representation of the output signals
Orders of diffraction
–1 0 +1
Scale Scale graduation with
DIADUR phase grating
Condenser lens
LED light
Grating period
Scanning reticle:
transparent phase grating
Photoelectric scanning in accordance with the interferential measuring principle and single-field scanning
Measuring standard with contamination and the associated signal amplitudes with conventional
scanning and scanning with the HSP 1.0 signal processing ASIC
Durable measuring standards OPTODUR
By nature of their design, the measuring SUPRADUR
standards of exposed linear encoders are Reflective layer
less protected from their environment.
For this reason, HEIDENHAIN always uses
tough gratings manufactured in special Transparent
processes. layer
Measuring accuracy
The accuracy of the linear measurement Encoder-specific position error Accuracy of the interpolation
is mainly determined by Encoder-specific position error includes The accuracy of the interpolation is mainly
• the quality of the graduation, • the accuracy of the measuring standard, influenced by
• the quality of the graduation carrier, • the accuracy of the interpolation, and • the size of the signal period,
• the quality of the scanning process, • the position noise. • the homogeneity and period definition
• the quality of the signal processing of the graduation,
electronics, and by Accuracy of the measuring standard • the quality of scanning filter structures,
• how the encoder is installed within the The accuracy of the measuring standard • the characteristics of the sensors, and
machine. is mainly determined by • the quality of the signal processing.
• the homogeneity and period definition
These factors can be subdivided into of the graduation, The accuracy of the interpolation is
encoder-specific position errors and • the alignment of the graduation on its ascertained with a serially produced
application-dependent factors. For carrier, and measuring standard and is indicated by a
assessment of the attainable system • the stability of the graduation carrier. typical maximum value u of the inter
accuracy, all of the individual factors must polation error. Encoders with an analog
be taken into account. The accuracy of the measuring standard is interface are tested with a HEIDENHAIN
indicated by the uncompensated maximum electronic device (e.g., EIB 741). The
value of the baseline error. This accuracy maximum values do not include position
is ascertained under ideal conditions via noise and are indicated in the specifications.
measurement of the position errors with a
serially produced scanning head. The The interpolation error already has an effect
distance between the measuring points is at very low traversing speeds and during
equivalent to the integer multiple of the repeated measurements. This error leads
signal period. As a result, interpolation to fluctuations in the traversing speed,
errors have no effect. particularly within the speed control loop.
Position error
Baseline error
Signal level
Position noise Application-dependent Vibration
Position noise is a random process leading position error To function properly, linear encoders must
to unpredictable position errors. The position In the case of encoders without integral not be continuously subjected to strong
values are grouped around an expected bearing, installing the encoder in the vibration. The best mounting surfaces are
value in the form of a frequency distribution. machine has a significant influence on the therefore solid and stable machine elements.
attainable overall accuracy beyond the Encoders should not be mounted on
The amount of position noise depends specified encoder-specific position error. hollow parts or with adapter blocks, etc.
on the signal processing bandwidths For assessment of the overall accuracy,
necessary for forming the position values. the individual application-dependent errors Influence of temperature
It is ascertained within a defined time In order to avoid temperature effects, the
must be measured and taken into account.
interval and is stated as a product-specific linear encoders should not be mounted in
RMS value. Deformation of the graduation close proximity to heat sources.
Errors due to a deformation of the graduation
In the velocity control loop, position noise are not to be neglected. Such deformation
influences the speed stability at low occurs when the measuring standard is
traversing speeds. mounted on an uneven surface (e.g., a
convex surface).
Mounting location
Poor mounting of linear encoders can
aggravate the effect of guideway error on
measuring accuracy. To keep the resulting
Abbé error as small as possible, the scale
should ideally be mounted to the machine
slide and at the height of the table. It is
important to ensure that the mounting
surface is parallel to the machine guideway.
Position noise
Position error
Time Frequency density
Calibration chart
ment uncertainty.
Die Messkurve zeigt die Mittelwerte der Positionsabweichungen The error curve shows the mean values of the position errors from
aus Vorwärts- und Rückwärtsmessung. measurements in forward and backward direction.
Dieser Maßstab wurde unter den strengen This scale has been manufactured and inspected in accordance with
HEIDENHAIN-Qualitätsnormen hergestellt und geprüft. the stringent quality standards of HEIDENHAIN.
Die Positionsabweichung liegt bei einer Bezugstemperatur The position error at a reference temperature of 20 °C lies within
von 20 °C innerhalb der Genauigkeitsklasse ± 1,0 µm. the accuracy grade ± 1.0 µm.
DR. JOHANNES HEIDENHAIN GmbH · 83301 Traunreut, Germany · www.heidenhain.de · Telefon: +49 8669 31-0 · Fax: +49 8669 5061 Prüfer/Inspected by K. Sommerauer
Mechanical design types and mounting
Linear scales
LIP 201
LIP 6001
LIC 4003 Scale
The graduation carriers are fastened directly LIF 101 C
to the mounting surface with clamps.
A holder is used to define the thermal fixed
Accessories for the LIC 41x3 and LIP 60x1:
Fixing clamps ID 1176458-01
Holder for thermal
fixed point ID 1176475-01
Spacer shims ID 1176441-01
LIP 6001
Adhesive* ID 1180444-01 LIF 401
Double-cartridge gun ID 1180450-01 LIDA 403
LIC 4003
Dispensing nozzles
and mixing tubes ID 1176444-01
LIP 6001
LIF 401
LIDA 403
LIC 4003
The graduation carriers are adhesively
bonded directly to the mounting surface
with PRECIMET adhesive mounting film,
with even pressure applied by means
of a roller. A thermal fixed point can be
established at a location with epoxy
Roller ID 276885-01
LIC 41x5
Scale for LIC 4005, LIDA 405
LIDA 4x5
Linear encoders of the LIC 41x5 and
LIDA 4x5 series are specially designed for
large measuring lengths. They are mounted
with scale carrier sections screwed onto
the mounting surface or adhesively bonded
with PRECIMET adhesive mounting film.
The single-piece steel scale tape is then
pulled through the carrier, tensioned as
specified, and secured at its ends to the
machine base. The LIC 41x5 and LIDA 4x5
encoders thereby exhibit the same thermal
behavior as that of the mounting surface.
LIC 21x7
LIC 41x7
LIDA 2x7
LIDA 4x7
Encoders of the LIC 41x7, LIC 21x7, LIDA 2x7,
and LIDA 4x7 series are also designed for
large measuring lengths. The scale carrier
sections are adhesively bonded to the mount-
ing surface with PRECIMET adhesive mount-
ing film; the single-piece scale tape is pulled
through, and the midpoint is secured to the
machine bed. This mounting method allows Scale for LIC 4007, LIC 2107, LIDA 207/407
the scale to expand freely at both ends and
ensures a defined thermal behavior.
Mounting aid
(for LIC 41x7, LIDA 4x7)
LIC 21x9
LIC 41x9 Scale for LIC 4009, LIC 2109, LIDA 209/409
LIDA 2x9
LIDA 4x9
The steel scale tape of the graduation is
adhesively bonded directly to the mounting
surface with PRECIMET adhesive mounting
film, with pressured applied evenly with a
roller. A ridge or aligning rail with a height
of 0.3 mm must be provided for the
horizontal alignment of the scale tape.
General mechanical information
Functional safety
With the absolute linear encoders of the The reliable transmission of the position is In addition to the data interface, the me-
LIC 4100 series, HEIDENHAIN offers an based on two independently generated chanical connection of the encoder to the
ideal solution for position acquisition on absolute position values and on error bits drive is also safety-relevant. In table D8 of
linear axes in safety-related applications. provided to the safe control. The functions the standard for electrical drive systems,
In conjunction with a safe control, the of the encoder can be used for numerous EN 61800-5-2, the loosening of the me-
encoders can be used as single-encoder safety functions of the complete system chanical connection between the encoder
systems in applications with control category as per EN 61800-5-2. and the motor is listed as a fault that re-
SIL 2 (as per EN 61508) or performance quires consideration. Since it cannot be
level "d" (as per EN ISO 13849). The LIC 4100 linear encoder can provide a guaranteed that the control will detect such
safe, absolute position value at any time— errors, fault exclusion for the loosening of
including immediately after switch-on. the mechanical connection is required in
Purely serial data transfer takes place via many cases.
the bidirectional EnDat 2.2 interface.
Unless otherwise specified, HEIDENHAIN
encoders are designed for a service life of
20 years (in accordance with ISO 13849).
Fault exclusion for the loosening of the Mounting and operating conditions
mechanical connection The qualification of the mechanical fault
The machine manufacturer is responsible exclusion was performed for a broad range
for the dimensioning of mechanical of encoder applications. As a result, fault
connections in a drive system. When exclusion is ensured for the following
planning the mechanical design, the OEM operating conditions.
should ideally consider the conditions
within the application. However, establishing
proof of a safe connection is cost- and
For this reason, HEIDENHAIN has
developed a mechanical fault exclusion for
the LIC 4100 series and has confirmed it
through a type examination.
Mechanical Fastening Safe position for the Confined parameters
connection mechanical coupling
1) 2)
Scale Screw connection ±0.0 mm See Specifications:
• Vibration
Scanning head Mounting configurations I and II: • Shock
Screw connection:2)
M2x25 ISO 4762 8.8 screws See Mounting:
• Usable materials
Mounting configuration III: • Mounting conditions
Screw connection:2)
M2x16 ISO 4762 8.8 screws
A materially bonding anti-rotation lock is to be used for the screw connections of the scale (mounting/servicing)
Friction class B as per VDI 2230
When compared with an LIC 4100 without functional safety
Material Angle bracket for scanning head Mounting surface
The material used for the mounting for measuring
surfaces of the scanning head and standard
measuring standard must comply with
the specifications provided in the table. Material Steel Aluminum Steel, aluminum
Mounting temperature Tensile strength 600 N/mm2 220 N/mm2 Not applicable
All of the information provided on screw Rm
connections assumes a mounting
temperature of 15 °C to 35 °C. 390 N/mm2 130 N/mm2
Shear strength τB Not applicable
Mounting the scanning head Elastic modulus E 200 000 N/mm
70 000 N/mm2 Not applicable
M2 screws as per ISO 4762 8.8 are to be to 215 000 N/mm2 to 75 000 N/mm2
used for the mechanical fault exclusion
(included in delivery). A PWM20/21 and the Coefficient of 10 · 10–6 K–1 to 25 · 10–6 K–1 10 · 10–6 K–1 to
mounting wizard of the ATS software are thermal expansion 17 · 10–6 K–1 25 · 10–6 K–1
then used to check and optimize the Þtherm
Mounting the scale tape
The steel scale tape of the graduation is
adhesively bonded directly to the mounting
surface with PRECIMET adhesive mounting
film, and pressure is applied evenly with a
roller. The scale tape is additionally secured
by a screw (punched hole in scale tape).
The mounting aid (included in delivery)
facilitates the symmetrical alignment of the
screw to the punched hole.
The scanning head may be operated only
within the permissible mounting tolerances
and measuring length of the measuring
Included in delivery:
Scanning head
• Fastener kit ID 1233536-01
(2 x M2x16 screws)
• Fastener kit ID 1233536-02
(2 x M2x25 screws)
• Spacer shim ID 578983-06
• One screw ID 1233558-01
• Mounting aid ID 1244387-02
• Mounting wizard in ATS software
• Roller ID 276885-01
LIC 4113, LIC 4193
Absolute linear encoders for measuring lengths of up to 3 m
• Measuring steps of down to 1 nm
• Glass or glass ceramic measuring standard
• Measuring standard is secured with adhesive film or with fixing clamps
• Consists of a linear scale and scanning head
• Version available for use in a high vacuum (see separate Product Information document)
Scale, clamped
Scale, adhesively
F = Machine guideway
* = Mounting error plus dynamic guideway error
Ⓢ = Beginning of measuring length (ML)
Ⓒ = Code start value: 100 ±1 mm
Ⓛ = Scale length
Ⓖ = Fixed-point element for defining the thermal fixed point
1 = Gap is adjusted with a spacer shim during mounting
2 = Depending on the measuring length (ML), use an additional pair of fixing clamps
Linear scale LIC 4003
LIC 4115, LIC 4195
Absolute linear encoders for measuring lengths of up to 28 m
• For measuring steps of down to 1 nm
• Steel scale tape is drawn into the aluminum extrusions and tensioned
• Consists of a linear scale and scanning head
0.55/50 *
1 8
16.5 R>
8 30±0.1 >8
9.6±0.1 ②
② 18.23±0.1
Ô = Scale carrier sections secured with screws Ⓩ = Spacer for measuring lengths of 3040 mm
Õ = Scale carrier sections secured with or greater
PRECIMET Ⓣ = Carrier length
F = Machine guideway Ⓜ = Mounting surface for scanning head
P = Measuring points for alignment 1 = Optical centerline
* = Mounting error plus dynamic guideway error 2 = Mounting clearance between scanning
Ⓒ = Code start value: 100 mm head and extrusion
Ⓢ = Beginning of measuring length (ML) 3 = Direction of motion of the scanning unit for
ascending position values
Scale LIC 4005
Measuring standard Steel scale tape with absolute and incremental METALLUR track
Coefficient of linear expansion Depends on the mounting surface
Accuracy grade ±5 µm
Measuring length (ML)* 140 240 340 440 540 640 740 840 940 1040 1140 1240 1340 1440
in mm 1540 1640 1740 1840 1940 2040
Greater measuring lengths of up to 28 440 mm with a single-section scale tape and individual scale
carrier sections
Mass Scale tape 31 g/m
Parts kit 80 g + n · 27 g
Scale tape carrier 187 g/m
Scanning head LIC 411 LIC 419 F LIC 419 M LIC 419 P LIC 419Y
LIC 4117, LIC 4197
Absolute linear encoders for measuring lengths of up to 6 m
• For measuring steps of down to 1 nm
• Steel scale tape is drawn into the aluminum extrusions and fastened at center
• Consists of a linear scale and scanning head
0.55/50 *
F = Machine guideway
P = Measuring points for alignment
* = Mounting error plus dynamic guideway error
Ⓒ = Code start value: 100 mm
Ⓢ = Beginning of measuring length (ML)
Ⓣ = Carrier length
1 = Optical centerline
2 = Mounting clearance between scanning head and extrusion
3 = Direction of motion of the scanning unit for ascending position values
Scale LIC 4007
Measuring standard Steel scale tape with absolute and incremental METALLUR track
Coefficient of linear expansion –6 –1
Þtherm 10 · 10 K
Measuring length (ML)* 240 440 640 840 1040 1240 1440 1640 1840 2040 2240 2440 2640 2840
in mm 3040 3240 3440 3640 3840 4040 4240 4440 4640 4840 5040 5240 5440 5640
5840 6040
Mass Scale tape 31 g/m
Parts kit 20 g
Scale tape carrier 68 g/m
Scanning head LIC 411 LIC 419 F LIC 419 M LIC 419 P LIC 419Y
Interface EnDat 2.2 Fanuc Mitsubishi high Panasonic Yaskawa
Serial Interface Þi speed interface Serial Interface Serial Interface
LIC 4119, LIC 4199
Absolute linear encoders for measuring lengths of up to 1 m
• For measuring steps of down to 1 nm
• Steel scale tape is adhesively bonded to mounting surface
• Consists of a linear scale and scanning head
F = Machine guideway
* = Mounting error plus dynamic guideway error
Ⓒ = Code start value: 100 mm
Ⓢ = Beginning of measuring length (ML)
Ⓛ = Scale tape length
1 = Optical centerline
2 = Mounting clearance between scanning head and linear scale
3 = Direction of motion of the scanning unit for ascending position values
Scale LIC 4009
Measuring standard Steel scale tape with absolute and incremental METALLUR track
Coefficient of linear expansion –6 –1
Þtherm 10 · 10 K
Measuring length (ML)* 70 120 170 220 270 320 370 420 520 620 720 820 920 1020
in mm
Mass 31 g/m
Scanning head LIC 411 LIC 419 F LIC 419 M LIC 419 P LIC 419Y
Interface EnDat 2.2 Fanuc Mitsubishi high Panasonic Yaskawa
Serial Interface Þi speed interface Serial Interface Serial Interface
Ordering designation* EnDat22 Fanuc05 Mit03-4 Mit02-2 Pana01 YEC07
Electrical connection* Cable, 1 m or 3 m, with 8-pin M12 coupling (male) or 15-pin D-sub connector (male)
Cable length 100 m4) 50 m 30 m 50 m
(with HEIDENHAIN cable)
Supply voltage DC 3.6 V to 14 V
Power consumption3) (max.) At 3.6 V: 700 mW At 3.6 V: 850 mW
At 14 V: 800 mW At 14 V: 950 mW
Current consumption (typical) At 5 V: 75 mA At 5 V: 95 mA (without load)
(without load)
LIC 4119
Absolute linear encoder with high accuracy for safety-related applications
• For measuring steps of down to 1 nm
• Steel scale tape is adhesively bonded to mounting surface
• Consists of a linear scale and scanning head
• Fault exclusion for the loosening of the mechanical connection
1.18 2.5 L 5.5
12 ML
F 0.55/ 50 * B C
0.43 3
B-B 46
M3 - 6H
Rz 16
R 0.1 F
8 30 50
M2x25 (2x)
Rz 16
Rz 16 0.25/ 25 A C 14
0.25/ 25 A
M2x25 (2x) Rz 16
M2 A
0.4 13.18
4:1 4:1 C
0.4 M2
Scale LIC 4009
Measuring standard Steel scale tape with absolute and incremental METALLUR track
Coefficient of linear expansion –6 –1
Þtherm 10 · 10 K
Accuracy grade* 1)
±3 µm , ±15 µm
Baseline error ±0.750 µm/50 mm (typical)
Measuring length (ML)* 70 120 170 220 270 320 370 420 520 620 720 820
in mm 920 3) 1020 3) 1220 3) 1420 3) 1620 3) 1820 3)
Mass Scale tape 31 g/m
Screw <1g
Protection 4) IP00
Scanning head5) LIC 411
Interface EnDat 2.2
PFH 20 · 10
(up to 6000 m above sea level)
Safe position6) Encoder: ±550 µm (safety-relevant measuring step: SM = 220 µm);
mechanical coupling: fault exclusions for the loosening of the scanning head and scale tape
(see Functional safety)
Traversing speed7) 600 m/min
Interpolation error ±20 nm
Vibration 55 Hz to 2000 Hz 200 m/s (EN 60068-2-6)
Shock 11 ms 200 m/s2 (EN 60068-2-27)
F = Machine guideway
* = Maximum change during operation
Ⓒ = Code start value: 100 mm
Ⓢ = Beginning of measuring length (ML)
Ⓣ = Carrier length
1 = Optical centerline
2 = M3 threaded mating hole, 5 mm deep
3 = Mounting clearance between scanning head and scale tape
4 = Direction of motion of the scanning unit for ascending position values
Scale LIC 2107
Measuring length (ML)* 120 320 520 770 1020 1220 1520 2020 2420 3020
in mm (measuring lengths up to 6020 mm upon request)
Mass Scale tape 20 g/m
Scale tape carrier 70 g/m
Scanning head LIC 211 LIC 219 F LIC 219 M LIC 219 P LIC 219Y
Interface EnDat 2.2 Fanuc Mitsubishi high Panasonic Yaskawa
Serial Interface Þi speed interface Serial Interface Serial Interface
Ordering designation* EnDat22 Fanuc05 Mit03-4 Mit02-2 Pana01 YEC07
LIC 2119, LIC 2199
Absolute linear encoders for measuring lengths of up to 3 m
• Measuring step of 100 nm or 50 nm
• Steel scale tape is adhesively bonded to mounting surface
• Consists of a linear scale and scanning head
③ R
② ②
F = Machine guideway
* = Maximum change during operation
Ⓒ = Code start value: 100 mm
Ⓢ = Beginning of measuring length (ML)
Ⓛ = Scale tape length
1 = Optical centerline
2 = Mounting clearance between scanning head and scale tape
3 = Direction of motion of the scanning unit for ascending position values
Scale LIC 2109
Measuring length (ML)* 120 320 520 770 1020 1220 1520 2020 2420 3020
in mm (measuring lengths up to 6020 mm upon request)
Mass 20 g/m
Scanning head LIC 211 LIC 219 F LIC 219 M LIC 219 P LIC 219Y
Interface EnDat 2.2 Fanuc Mitsubishi high Panasonic Yaskawa
Serial Interface Þi speed interface Serial Interface Serial Interface
Ordering designation* EnDat22 Fanuc05 Mit03-4 Mit02-2 Pana01 YEC07
Measuring step* 0.1 µm (100 nm)
0.05 µm (50 nm)
LIP 382
Incremental linear encoders with very high accuracy
• Measuring steps < 1 nm
• Measuring standard is fastened by screws
Pmax = 5 mW
λ= 670 nm
* = Maximum change during operation
F = Machine guideway
Ⓢ = Beginning of measuring length (ML)
Ⓜ = Mounting surface for scanning head
1 = Direction of motion of the scanning unit for ascending position values
LIP 382
Measuring standard DIADUR phase grating on Zerodur glass ceramic; grating period: 0.512 µm
Coefficient of linear expansion –6 –1
Þtherm = (0 ±0.1) · 10 K
Interface » 1 VPP
Integrated interpolation –
Signal period 0.128 µm
Cutoff frequency –3 dB 1 MHz
Scanning frequency* –
Edge separation a
Traversing speed 7.6 m/min
Interpolation error ±0.01 nm
RMS position noise 0.06 nm (1 MHz )
Laser Mounted scanning head and scale: Class 1
Non-mounted scanning head: Class 3B
Laser diode used: Class 3B
Electrical connection 0.5 m cable to interface electronics (APE), separate adapter cable (1 m/3 m/6 m/9 m) connectable
to APE
Cable length See the interface description; however, 30 m (with HEIDENHAIN cable)
Supply voltage DC 5 V ±0.25 V
Current consumption < 190 mA
Vibration 55 Hz to 2000 Hz 4 m/s2 (EN 60068-2-6)
Shock 11 ms 50 m/s2 (EN 60068-2-27)
Operating temperature 0 °C to 40 °C
Mass Scanning head 150 g
Interface electronics 100 g
Scale ML 70 mm: 260 g, ML 150 mm: 700 g
Connecting cable 38 g/m
* Please select when ordering
–3 dB cutoff frequency of the subsequent electronics
LIP 211, LIP 281, LIP 291
Incremental linear encoders for very high accuracy and high position stability
• For measuring steps of 1 nm and smaller
• For high traversing speeds and large measuring lengths
• Measuring standard is fastened with fixing clamps
• Consists of a linear scale and scanning head
Scale LIP 201
Measuring standard OPTODUR phase grating on Zerodur glass ceramic; grating period 2.048 µm
Coefficient of linear expansion –6 –1
Þtherm = (0 ±0.1) · 10 K
Accuracy grade* ±1 µm ±3 µm (higher accuracy grades upon request)
Measuring length (ML)* 20 30 50 70 120 170 220 370 420 470 520 570 620 670
in mm 270 320 370 420 470 520 570 720 770 820 870 920 970 1020
620 670 720 770 820 870 920 1140 1240 1340 1440 1540 1640 1840
970 1020 2040 2240 2440 2640 2840 3040
Reference marks One at midpoint of measuring length
Mass 1.1 g + 0.11 g/mm measuring length
Scanning head LIP 21 LIP 29 F LIP 29 M LIP 28
Interface EnDat 2.2 Fanuc Serial Interface1) Mitsubishi high speed1) » 1 VPP
Operating temperature 0 °C to 50 °C
Mass Scanning head: 59 g; connector: 140 g; cable: 22 g/m
* Please select when ordering; for measuring lengths < 70 mm, the “adhesively bonded” mounting type is recommended
Absolute position value in “Position Value 2” after crossing the reference mark
See General electrical information in the Interfaces of HEIDENHAIN Encoders brochure
3) 4)
–3 dB cutoff frequency of the subsequent electronics With HEIDENHAIN interface electronics
LIP 6071, LIP 6081
Incremental linear encoders with very high accuracy
• For limited installation space
• For measuring steps of down to 1 nm
• For high traversing speeds and large measuring lengths
• Position detection through homing track and limit switches
• Measuring standard is secured by adhesive or fixing clamps
Scale, clamped (ML+10)±0.5
3 5 ISO 7984–M3x6 10
5 6 4
(ML+10)/2 r
Scale, adhesively bonded
3 10±2
5 6
(ML+10)/2 r 10
Scanning head and scale clamped / adhesively bonded IKS 0.05 B
RI* 0.01 B
Option: Cable outlet at left
7 7 8
2.6 20.8 >R8
8 1 6 6 1
10 26 >3.4 LE 6.85 14.85
0.13 A IKS
0.08 A RI* 9 17
LE 2
Mounting possibilities for 0.06 A IKS 0.75±0.2
scanning head 0.04 A RI*
±0.1 RI* ISO 4762–M2.5x (a+4.9) - 8.8
(shown without fixing clamps) a 0.03 A IKS
ISO 7092–2.5
2 0.75±0.2
ISO 7092–3
0.02 A RI*
±0.1 RI*
ISO 4762–M3x (a+6) - 8.8
±0.1 RI*
m m
±0.1 RI*
(10.58) Clamped
(10.58) Clamped
(10.71) Bonded (10.71) Bonded
F = Machine guideway
* = Maximum change during operation
IKS = Incremental track
RI = Reference mark track
Ⓜ = Mounting surface
Ⓛ = Scale length
Ⓢ = Beginning of measuring length (ML)
Ⓖ = Fixed point for defining the thermal fixed point
Ⓡ = Reference mark position
1 = Optical center
2 = Mounting clearance of scanning head to scale; adjusted by means of a space shim
3 = Scale stop surface
4 = Use additional fixing clamp pair depending on the measuring length (ML)
5 = Adhesive
6 = Direction of motion of the scanning head for ascending position values
7 = Moiré adjustment option 1: alignment pin, ¬ 3m6, possible only with mounting option Ⓘ
8 = Moiré adjustment option 2: alignment pin, ¬ 2m6
9 = Recommendation: ¬ 3
10 = Adhesive tape (only if the scale is adhesively bonded)
Scale LIP 6001
Measuring standard* OPTODUR phase grating on Zerodur glass ceramic or glass; grating period: 8 µm
Coefficient of linear expansion –6 –1 –6 –1
Þtherm = (0 ±0.1) · 10 K (Zerodur glass ceramic); Þtherm ≈ 8 · 10 K (glass)
Accuracy grade* ±1 µm (only for Zerodur glass ceramic of up to a measuring length of 1020 mm); ±3 µm
Measuring length (ML)* 20 30 50 70 120 170 220 270 320 370 420 470 520 570
in mm 620 670 720 770 820 870 920 970 1020 1140 1240 1340 1440 1540
1640 1840 2040 2240 2640 2840 3040
Reference mark One at midpoint of measuring length
Mass 1.1 g + 0.11 g/mm measuring length
Scanning head LIP 608 LIP 607
Interface » 1 VPP TTL1)
LIF 471, LIF 481
Incremental linear encoders for simple installation
• For measuring steps of down to 2 nm
• Position detection through homing track and limit switches
• Measuring standard secured with adhesive film
• Consists of a linear scale and scanning head
• Versions available for high vacuum (see Product Information document)
UNC 4/40
For distance-coded reference marks or
larger measuring lengths, see the
LIF 171, LIF 181 Product Information
LIF 171
LIF 181
Scale LIF 401 R
Measuring standard* SUPRADUR phase grating on Zerodur glass ceramic or glass; grating period: 8 µm
Coefficient of linear expansion –6 –1
Þtherm = (0±0.1) · 10 K (Zerodur glass ceramic)
–6 –1
Þtherm 8 · 10 K (glass)
Accuracy grade* ±1 µm (only for Zerodur glass ceramic of up to a measuring length of 1020 mm), ±3 µm
LIDA 473, LIDA 483
Incremental linear encoders with limit switches
• For measuring steps of down to 10 nm
• Glass or glass ceramic measuring standard
• Measuring standard secured with adhesive film
• Consists of a linear scale and scanning head
F = Machine guideway
* = Maximum change during operation
(IKS: incremental track, RI: reference mark track)
Ⓢ = Beginning of measuring length (ML)
Ⓡ = Reference-mark position on LIDA 4x3
Ⓒ = Reference-mark position on LIDA 4x3 C
Ⓛ = Scale length
Ⓐ = Selector magnet for limit switch
Ⓜ = Mounting surface for scanning head
1 = Function indicator
2 = Scanning gap
3 = Scale stop surface
4 = Direction of motion of the scanning unit for ascending position values
Scale LIDA 403
Measuring standard METALLUR scale grating on glass ceramic or glass; grating period: 20 µm
Coefficient of linear expansion* Þtherm 8 · 10–6 K–1 (glass)
Þtherm = (0 ±0.5) · 10–6 K–1 (Robax glass ceramic)
Accuracy grade* ±1 µm (only for Robax glass ceramic), ±3 µm, ±5 µm
Electrical connection Cable, 0.5 m/1 m/3 m, with 15-pin D-sub connector (male)
Cable length See interface description; however, limit: 20 m (with HEIDENHAIN cable)
Supply voltage DC 5 V ±0.5 V
Current consumption < 130 mA < 150 mA (without load)
Vibration 55 Hz to 2000 Hz 500 m/s (EN 60068-2-6)
Shock 6 ms 1000 m/s2 (EN 60068-2-27)
Operating temperature –10 °C to 70 °C
ML 2040
Ô = Scale carrier sections secured with screws Ⓐ = Selector magnet for limit switch
Õ = Scale carrier sections secured with Ⓣ = Carrier length
PRECIMET Ⓩ = Spacer for measuring lengths of 3040 mm
F = Machine guideway or greater
* = Maximum change during operation Ⓜ = Mounting surface for scanning head
(IKS: incremental track, 1 = Function indicator
RI: reference mark track) 2 = Scanning gap
P = Measuring points for alignment 3 = Carrier stop surface
Ⓢ = Beginning of measuring length (ML) 4 = Direction of motion of the scanning unit
Ⓡ = Reference mark position for ascending position values
Scale LIDA 405
Measuring standard Steel scale tape with METALLUR scale grating; grating period: 20 µm
Coefficient of linear expansion Depends on the mounting surface
Accuracy grade ±5 µm
Measuring length (ML)* 140 240 340 440 540 640 740 840 940 1040 1140 1240 1340 1440
in mm 1540 1640 1740 1840 1940 2040
Larger measuring lengths of up to 30 040 mm with a single-section scale tape
and individual scale-carrier sections
Reference marks One at midpoint of measuring length
Limit switches L1/L2 with two different magnets; output signals: TTL (without line driver)
Electrical connection Cable, 0.5 m/1 m/3 m, with 15-pin D-sub connector (male)
Cable length See interface description; however, limit: 20 m (with HEIDENHAIN cable)
Supply voltage DC 5 V ±0.5 V
Current consumption < 130 mA < 150 mA (without load)
Vibration 55 Hz to 2000 Hz 500 m/s (EN 60068-2-6)
Shock 6 ms 1000 m/s2 (EN 60068-2-27)
ML 2040
(e.g. 840)
ML > 2040
(e.g. 5040)
Measuring standard Steel scale tape with METALLUR scale grating; grating period: 20 µm
Coefficient of linear expansion –6 –1
Þtherm 10 · 10 K
Accuracy grade* ±3 µm (up to ML 1040); ±5 µm (starting from ML 1240); ±15 µm
Measuring length (ML)* 240 440 640 840 1040 1240 1440 1640 1840 2040 2240 2440 2640 2840
in mm 3040 3240 3440 3640 3840 4040 4240 4440 4640 4840 5040 5240 5440 5640
5840 6040
Reference marks One at midpoint of measuring length
Mass 25 g + 0.1 g/mm measuring length
Scanning head LIDA 48 LIDA 47
Interface » 1 VPP TTL
Electrical connection Cable, 0.5 m/1 m/3 m, with 15-pin D-sub connector (male)
Cable length See interface description; however, limit: 20 m (with HEIDENHAIN cable)
Supply voltage DC 5 V ±0.5 V
Current consumption < 130 mA < 150 mA (without load)
Vibration 55 Hz to 2000 Hz 500 m/s (EN 60068-2-6)
Shock 6 ms 1000 m/s2 (EN 60068-2-27)
Operating temperature –10 °C to 70 °C
F = Machine guideway
* = Maximum change during operation
(IKS: incremental track, RI: reference mark track)
Ⓢ = Beginning of measuring length (ML)
Ⓡ = Reference mark position
Ⓛ = Scale tape length
Ⓐ = Selector magnet for limit switch
Ⓜ = Mounting surface for scanning head
1 = Function indicator
2 = Scanning gap
3 = Scale-tape stop surface
4 = Direction of motion of the scanning unit for ascending position values
Scale LIDA 409
Measuring standard Steel scale tape with METALLUR scale grating; grating period: 20 µm
Coefficient of linear expansion –6 –1
Þtherm 10 · 10 K
Accuracy grade* ±3 µm, ±15 µm
Measuring length (ML)* 70 120 170 220 270 320 370 Scale tape from the roll: 2 m,4 m, 6 m
in mm 420 520 620 720 820 920 1020
Reference marks One at midpoint of measuring length Every 50 mm3)
Mass 31 g/m
Scanning head LIDA 48 LIDA 47
Interface » 1 VPP TTL
Reference mark:
k = Any position of the selected reference mark starting from the beginning of the measuring length
(depending on the cut)
Scale LIDA 207
LIDA 279, LIDA 289
Incremental linear encoder with wide mounting tolerances
• For measuring steps of down to 100 nm
• Scale tape cut from roll
• Steel scale tape adhesively bonded to mounting surface
• Integrated three-color LED function indicator
• Consists of a linear scale and scanning head
Reference mark:
k = Any position of the selected reference mark starting from the beginning of the measuring
length (depending on the cut)
j = Additional reference marks spaced every n x 100 mm
Scale LIDA 209
PP 281 R
Two-coordinate incremental encoder
• For measuring steps of 1 µm to 0.05 µm
PP 281 R
Measuring standard Two-coordinate TITANID phase grating on glass; grating period: 8 µm
Coefficient of linear expansion –6 –1
Þtherm 8 · 10 K
Accuracy grade ±2 µm
Measuring area 68 mm x 68 mm,
other measuring areas upon request
Reference marks One reference mark in each axis, 3 mm after beginning of measuring length
Interface » 1 VPP
Signal period 4 µm
Cutoff frequency –3 dB 300 kHz
Traversing speed 72 m/min
Interpolation error ±12 nm
RMS position noise 2 nm (450 kHz2))
Electrical connection Cable, 0.5 m, with 15-pin D-sub connector (male); interface electronics in the connector
Cable length See the interface description; however, 30 m (with HEIDENHAIN cable)
Supply voltage DC 5 V ±0.25 V
Current consumption < 185 mA per axis
Vibration 55 Hz to 2000 Hz 80 m/s (EN 60068-2-6)
Shock 11 ms 100 m/s2 (EN 60068-2-27)
Operating temperature 0 °C to 50 °C
Mass Scanning head 170 g (without cable)
Grid plate 75 g
Connecting cable 37 g/m
Connector 140 g
The reference mark signal deviates from the interface specification in its zero crossovers K, L (see the mounting instructions)
–3 dB cutoff frequency of the subsequent electronics
With HEIDENHAIN interface electronics (e.g., EIB 741)
» 1 VPP incremental signals
signal shape
(rated value)
Further information:
For detailed descriptions of all available
interfaces, as well as general electrical
information, please refer to the Interfaces
of HEIDENHAIN Encoders brochure.
Limit switches
Position detection
Besides the incremental graduation, the
LIF 4x1 and LIP 60x1 encoders feature a Further information:
homing track and limit switches for limit
position detection. For detailed descriptions of all available
interfaces, as well as general electrical
The signals for position detection H and information, please refer to the Interfaces
L are transmitted at the TTL level over the of HEIDENHAIN Encoders brochure.
separate lines H and L and are therefore
directly available. Yet the cable has only a
very thin diameter of 4.5 mm (LIF 4x1) or
3.7 mm (LIP 60x1) in order to keep the
forces on movable machine elements to a
The incremental signals conform with the
1 VPP or TTL interface.
Pin layouts (1 VPP/TTL)
15-pin D-sub connector
4 12 2 10 1 9 3 11 14 7 13 8 6 15 5
« TTL UP Sen 0V Sen Ua1 ¢ Ua2 £ Ua0 ¥ L1 L23) PWT1) Vacant
sor4) sor
2) Brown/ Blue White/ White Brown Green Gray Pink Red Black Violet Green/ Yellow/ Yellow /
Green Green Black Black
Shield on housing; UP = Power supply voltage TTL/11 µAPP conversion for the PWT
Sensor: The sense line is connected in the encoder with the corresponding Color assignment of the connecting cable
power line. Valid only for the LIDA 400
Unused pins or wires must not be assigned! LIDA 200: vacant
4 12 2 10 1 9 3 11 14 7 13 8 6 15 5
« TTL UP Sensor 0V Sensor Ua1 ¢ Ua2 £ Ua0 ¥ H L3) PWT1) Vacant
5V 0V
» 1 VPP A+ A– B+ B– R+ R– As As Vacant
signed signed
2) Brown/ Blue White/ White Brown Green Gray Pink Red Black Violet Green/ Green/ Yellow /
Green Green Black Black
Shield on housing; UP = Power supply voltage TTL/11 µAPP conversion for the PWT
Sensor: The sense line is connected in the encoder with the corresponding Color assignment of the connecting cable
power line. Valid only for the LIP 6000/LIF 400
Unused pins or wires must not be assigned!
Further information:
For detailed descriptions of cables, please
refer to the Cables and Connectors
LIP 281 and PP 281 R
15-pin D-sub connector
Further information:
For detailed descriptions of cables, please
refer to the Cables and Connectors
position values
The EnDat interface is a digital, bidirectional Ordering designation Command set Incremental signals
interface for encoders. It is capable of
outputting position values, reading and EnDat01 EnDat 2.1 or EnDat 2.2 With
updating information stored in the encoder,
and storing new information in the encoder. EnDat21 Without
Thanks to the serial transmission method,
only four signal lines are required. The EnDat02 EnDat 2.2 With
DATA data are transmitted in synchronism
with the CLOCK signal from the subsequent EnDat22 EnDat 2.2 Without
electronics. The type of transmission
(position values, parameters, diagnostics,
Versions of the EnDat interface
etc.) is selected via mode commands sent
to the encoder by the subsequent
Absolute encoder Subsequent electronics
electronics. Some functions are available
only with EnDat 2.2 mode commands. Incremental » 1 VPP A*)
signals *)
» 1 VPP B*)
EnDat interface
position value
Further information:
For detailed descriptions of all available
Parameters of the encoder
interfaces, as well as general electrical Operating Operating Parameters manufacturer for *) D
epending on
information, please refer to the Interfaces parameters status of the OEM the device
of HEIDENHAIN Encoders brochure. EnDat 2.1 EnDat 2.2
8 2 5 1 3 4 7 6
4 12 2 10 5 13 8 15
Further information:
For detailed descriptions of cables, please
refer to the Cables and Connectors
Fanuc and Mitsubishi pin layouts
Panasonic and Yaskawa pin layouts
8 2 5 1 3 4 7 6
4 12 2 10 5 13 8 15
UP Sensor 0V Sensor Vacant Vacant1) Request Request
UP 0V Data Data
8 2 5 1 3 4 7 6
4 12 2 10 5 13 8 15
UP Sensor 0V Sensor Vacant Vacant1) Data Data
Testing equipment and diagnostics
PWM 21 PWM 21
The PWM 21 phase-angle measuring unit,
together with the ATS adjusting and testing Encoder input • EnDat 2.1 or EnDat 2.2 (absolute value with or without
software, serves as an adjusting testing incremental signals)
package for the diagnosis and adjustment • DRIVE-CLiQ
of HEIDENHAIN encoders. • Fanuc Serial Interface
• Mitsubishi high speed interface
• Yaskawa Serial Interface
• 1 VPP/TTL/11 µAPP
Supply voltage DC 24 V
Power consumption: max. 15 W
Operating temperature 0 °C to 40 °C
Dimensions 145 mm x 85 mm x 35 mm
Interface electronics
Interface electronics from HEIDENHAIN Input signals of the interface electronics Box design
adapt the encoder signals to the interface Interface electronics from HEIDENHAIN
of the subsequent electronics. They are can be connected to encoders with the
used when the subsequent electronics following sinusoidal signals: 1 VPP (voltage
cannot directly process the output signals signals) or 11 μAPP (current signals).
from HEIDENHAIN encoders or when Encoders with the EnDat or SSI serial
additional interpolation of the signals is interfaces can also be connected to various
necessary. interface electronics.
Outputs Inputs Design – degree of Interpolation or subdivision Model
Interface Quantity Interface Quantity
EnDat 2.2 1 » 1 VPP 1 Box design – IP65 16384-fold subdivision EIB 192
Vollständige und weitere Adressen siehe www.heidenhain.de
For complete and further addresses see www.heidenhain.de
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