2011 New York CAPCO Program Report

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Twelfth Annual Report

(Pursuant to Section 11(j) of the New York Tax Law)








June 1, 2011

New York State Insurance Department

James J. Wrynn
Superintendent of Insurance

Andrew M . Cuomo James J. Wrynn

Governor Superintendent

June 1, 2011

To the Governor and the Legislature:

This Report on the New York Certified Capital Company Program as of December 31, 2010 is
herewith submitted in accordance with Section 110) of the New York Tax Law.

Respectfully submitted,

Ja~~. wrynQ -- a
Superintendent of Insurance

http://www.ins.state. ny.us


Executive Summary 1

Introduction 4

1. Certified Capital Companies 6

2. Tax Credits Allocated and Certified Capital Invested by Insurers 7

3. CAPCO Qualified Investments 10

a. Allocations and Invested Amounts 11

b. Size of Qualified Businesses 19

c. Locations of Qualified Businesses 22

d. Industry Sectors of Qualified Businesses 26

e. Employment Growth or Reduction in Qualified Businesses 28

4. CAPCO Compliance with NYTL Section 11(c)(1) and (h)(3), (4), & (5) 31

5. Comments on the CAPCO Program 44


A. Insurer Tax Credit Allocations

A1 - CAPCO Program One

A2 - CAPCO Program Two

A3 - CAPCO Program Three

A4 - CAPCO Program Four

A5 - CAPCO Program Five

B. Amounts Invested in Qualified Businesses

B1 - CAPCO Program One

B2 - CAPCO Program Two

B3 - CAPCO Program Three

B4 - CAPCO Program Four

B5 - CAPCO Program Five

C. CAPCO Programs One, Two, Three, Four, and Five Combined

Characteristics of Qualified Businesses

D. Sections 11 and 1511(k) of the New York Tax Law, as revised by the
Laws of 2005

Executive Summary

Section 11 of the New York Tax Law was amended by Chapter 62 of the Laws of 2011 (1)
to move the regulation of CAPCOs to the Department of Economic Development on August
1, 2011; and (2) to repeal the requirement to report to the Governor and the New York
State Legislature effective October 3, 2011. This Report will be the last report required to
be submitted under Section 11(j) of the New York Tax Law.

New Yorks Certified Capital Law was signed into law on August 7, 1997 to spur the growth
of businesses and employment in New York State. Program One created $100 million of tax
credit incentives for insurance companies that invest in certified capital companies
(CAPCOs). The law was amended in 1999, 2000, 2004 and 2005, adding four additional
programs. Programs Two, Three, Four, and Five created $30 million, $150 million, $60
million and $60 million, respectively, in tax credit incentives.

The Insurance Department certified five active CAPCOs in each of the first three programs,
six active CAPCOs in Program Four and seven CAPCOs in Program Five. In Program One,
three of the five received certified capital of approximately $30 million each and two
received approximately $4 million each. In Program Two, three received approximately $7
million each, one received approximately $6 million, and one received approximately $4
million. In Program Three, each of the five CAPCOS received different amounts ranging from
approximately $12 million to $53 million. In Program Four, four of the CAPCOs received
approximately $11 to $14 million and two received approximately $5 million each. In
Program Five, three CAPCOs received approximately $11 million each, two received
approximately $5 million each, and the last two received approximately $9 and $6 million.

Thirty insurers participated as certified investors in Program One with investments ranging
from $420,000 to $6.75 million. Twenty-eight insurers participated in Program Two, with
investments ranging from $453,000 to $1.8 million. Forty-four insurers participated in
Program Three, with investments ranging from $252,000 to over $5 million. Forty-two
insurers participated in Program Four, with investments ranging from $90,000 to $1.8
million. Fifty-one insurers participated as certified investors in Program Five, with
investments ranging from $153,154 to $1.5 million.

Since the programs inception in 1998, 86.72% of the $100 million allocated by New Yorks
CAPCO Program One has been invested in qualified businesses. Each Program One CAPCO
was required to invest 50% of its certified capital in qualified businesses within four years of
the program's inception, half of which had to be in early stage businesses. All Program
One CAPCOs have met these milestones. In addition, each Program One CAPCO was
required to invest 100% of its certified capital in qualified businesses within twelve years of
the program's inception. Two Program One CAPCOs have each invested an amount
cumulatively equal to one hundred percent of their certified capital in qualified businesses.
The remaining three Program One CAPCOs have each failed to place one hundred percent
of their certified capital in qualified investments within twelve years of the programs

Since the programs inception in April 2000, 83.45% of the $30 million allocated by New
Yorks CAPCO Program Two has been invested in qualified businesses. Each Program Two
CAPCO was required to invest 50% of its certified capital in qualified businesses within four
years of the program's inception, half of which had to be in early stage businesses. All
Program Two CAPCOs have met these milestones.

Since the programs inception in December 2000, 84.66% of the $150 million allocated by
New Yorks CAPCO Program Three has been invested in qualified businesses. Each Program
Three CAPCO was required to invest 50% of its certified capital in qualified businesses
within four years of the program's inception, half of which, minus Empire Zone investments,
had to be invested in early stage businesses. All Program Three CAPCOs have met these

Since the programs inception in December 2004, 78.44% of the $60 million allocated by
New Yorks CAPCO Program Four has been invested in qualified businesses. As in the prior
programs, each Program Four CAPCO was required to invest 50% of its certified capital in
qualified businesses within four years of the program's inception, twenty-five percent of
which, minus Empire Zone investments, had to be invested in early stage businesses and
an additional twenty-five percent of which, minus Empire Zone investments, had to be
invested in start-up businesses. All Program Four CAPCOs have met this milestone.

Since the programs inception in November 2005, 64.59% of the $60 million allocated by
New Yorks CAPCO Program Five has been invested in qualified businesses. As in the prior
programs, each Program Five CAPCO was required to invest 50% of its certified capital in
qualified businesses within four years of the program's inception, twenty-five percent of
which, minus Empire Zone investments, had to be invested in early stage businesses and
an additional twenty-five percent of which, minus Empire Zone investments, had to be
invested in start-up businesses. All Program Five CAPCOs have met this milestone.

Two Program One CAPCOs, three Program Two CAPCOs, two Program Three CAPCOs, and
one Program Four CAPCO have each invested an amount cumulatively equal to one hundred
percent of their respective certified capital in qualified businesses. Six of the eight CAPCOs,
having met all other requirements under Section 11(e) of the New York Tax Law, are no
longer regulated by the Insurance Department.

It should be noted that the remaining three Program One and two Program Two CAPCOs
have met the 50% milestone, and there are no further statutory requirements to invest the
remaining certified capital of approximately $18.2 million. Nevertheless, each remaining
Program One and Program Two CAPCO continues to be subject to regulation by the
Insurance Department, pursuant to Section 11(e)(5) of the New York Tax Law, until it has
invested 100% of its certified capital in qualified businesses.

The remaining three Program Three CAPCOs have met the 50% milestone and have the
additional statutory requirement to invest at least one-third of their certified capital in
Empire Zones and one-third in Underserved Areas outside of all Empire Zones. As of
December 31, 2010, all Program Three CAPCOs are investing in accordance with the statute
and are in position to achieve the target percentages at such time as they have invested
100% of the certified capital and are no longer regulated by the Insurance Department.

The remaining five Program Four CAPCOs and all seven Program Five CAPCOs have each
met the 50% milestone and have the additional statutory requirement to invest at least
one-third of their certified capital in Empire Zones and one-third in Underserved Areas
outside of all Empire Zones. As of December 31, 2010, all Program Four and Program Five
CAPCOs are investing in accordance with the statute and are in position to achieve the
target percentages at such time as they have invested 100% of the certified capital and are
no longer regulated by the Insurance Department.

Since the time of the initial investments for all of the programs, the overall change in the
number of employees in New York in the qualified businesses has increased by 188. The
change in the number of employees in any one business ranged from a decrease of 103 to
an increase of 245. Sixty-two businesses showed decreases in the number of New York
employees, 16 experienced no change, and of the 45 that experienced increases, only 9
entities showed employee growth of more than 50 employees. No current employee
information was included for 61 of the businesses, because the CAPCOs relationship as an
investor has ended and they no longer have contact with the entities.

Program One, Two, Three, Four, and Five investments were in 184 qualified businesses.
The industries were predominately manufacturing, marketing/sales, computers, and
media/entertainment. The investments in qualified businesses ranged from $25,000 to $6.2
million. Total investments in qualified businesses were approximately $324.6 million as of
December 31, 2010.

In the five programs combined, approximately 82.6% of the number of qualified businesses
and 83.2% of the dollars invested in qualified businesses were headquartered in New York
City, Long Island, Mid-Hudson, and Western New York. The remaining 17.4% of the
businesses and 16.8% of the dollars invested were in other regions of New York State.

Ninety-eight of the 184 qualified businesses that received CAPCO funds had less than $1
million in assets at the time of the initial investment. Approximately 30.6% of the invested
funds have been invested in these entities.

CAPCOs have invested 31.1% of the invested funds in early stage businesses, 14.7% in
emerging technology and 3.2% in start-up businesses. CAPCOs also have invested 25.2%
of the invested funds in Empire Zones and 22.5% in Underserved Areas, defined as areas
outside of New York County.


Program One

Governor George E. Pataki signed New Yorks first venture capital investment bill (Chapter 389
of the Laws of 1997) on August 7, 1997. The bill created a tax credit incentive mechanism to
increase the investment of financial resources of insurers into New York States venture capital
markets. The Legislature made a finding that, in order to promote the growth of the State
economy, a need existed to further encourage the investment of private financial resources into
the States venture capital markets, emphasizing viable smaller business enterprises which
traditionally have had difficulty in attracting institutional venture capital. In addition, this
Legislation implements the legislative goal of promoting the formation and expansion of new
and existing businesses thereby creating jobs and resulting in growth in the States economy.

Sections 142 through 145 of that bill amended the New York Tax Law (NYTL) by adding new
sections 11 and 1511(k) providing for:
the establishment of certified capital companies (CAPCOs);
the creation of $100 million in tax credit incentives ($50 million each for calendar years
1999 and 2000) to insurance companies that invest in the CAPCOs; and
the New York State Insurance Departments oversight over the program.

Sections 11 and 1511(k) of the New York Tax Law (CAPCO statute) were subsequently

amended by Chapter 544 of the Laws of 1998 to limit the recapture of tax credits by insurers

investing in any CAPCO whose certification is revoked.

Program Two

Part S of Chapter 407 of the Laws of 1999 extended New Yorks original CAPCO program
(subsequently to be known as CAPCO Program One) by establishing a Program Two that
provides for $30 million in tax credits starting in calendar year 2001 to insurers that invest in
Program Two CAPCOs.

Program Three

Part FF of Chapter 63 of the Laws of 2000 established New Yorks CAPCO Program Three.
CAPCO Program Three provides for $150 million in tax credits starting in calendar year 2002 to
insurers that invest in Program Three CAPCOs. It requires qualified investments in early stage
businesses, Empire Zones, and Underserved Areas of New York.

Program Four

Part D of Chapter 59 of the Laws of 2004 established New Yorks CAPCO Program Four. This
Program provides for $60 million in tax credits to be used starting in calendar year 2006 to
insurers that invest in Program Four CAPCOs. The CAPCOs are required to invest in Empire
Zones and Underserved Areas of New York, as well as early stage, start-up and Emerging
Technology businesses.

Program Five

Part A of Chapter 63 of the Laws of 2005 established New Yorks CAPCO Program Five. This
Program provides for $60 million in tax credits starting in calendar year 2007 to insurers that
invest in Program Five CAPCOs. The CAPCOS are required to invest in Empire Zones and
Underserved Areas of New York, as well as early stage, start up and Emerging Technology

A copy of the CAPCO statute, as amended by Chapter 63 of the Laws of 2005, is contained in
Appendix D.

1. Certified Capital Companies

Section 11(b) of the New York Tax Law sets forth the standards for CAPCO certification.
CAPCOs can be partnerships, corporations, trusts or limited liability companies whose primary
business activity is the investment of cash in qualified businesses. Organized on a for-profit
basis, CAPCOs must be located, headquartered and licensed (or registered) to conduct business
in New York State. A CAPCO must have an initial capitalization of at least $500,000. Two
principals (or any manager) must have at least five years experience in the venture capital field.

The Insurance Department certified six CAPCOs under CAPCO Program One. Three CAPCOs
were recertified and two were certified under Program Two. Four CAPCOs were recertified and
two were certified under Program Three. One CAPCO was recertified and six were certified
under Program Four. Two CAPCOs were recertified and five were certified for Program Five.
Three Program One CAPCOs, two Program Two CAPCOs, three Program Three CAPCOs, five
Program Four CAPCOs, and seven Program Five CAPCOs were active as of December 31, 2010.
Table 1

New York CAPCOs

as of 12/31/10

CAPCO Headquarters Program

Advantage Capital New York Partners I, LP (Advantage) New York City 1, 2**, 3**
Advantage Capital New York Partners II, LP (Advantage II) New York City 4, 5
Aegis NY Venture Fund, LP (Aegis) Latham 5
BOCNY, LLC (BOCNY) New York City 1**
CF Capital Group,Inc. Garden City 4*
Enhanced New York Issuer, LLC (Enhanced) New York City 3
Enhanced Capital New York Fund II, LLC (Enhanced II) New York City 4**
Enhanced Capital New York Fund III, LLC (Enhanced III) New York City 5
Excelsior Partners I, LP (Excelsior) New York City 1*
Exponential of New York, LLC (Exponential) South Salem 1, 2, 3*
New York Small Business Venture Fund, LLC (NYSBVF) New York City 1, 2**, 3
New York Small Business Venture Fund II, LLC (NYSBVF II) New York City 4
New York Small Business Venture Fund III, LLC (NYSBVF III) New York City 5
Stonehenge Capital Fund New York, LLC (Stonehenge) New York City 2**, 3**, 4, 5
Whitecap New York Growth Fund, LLC, (Whitecap) New York City 4
Whitecap New York Growth Fund II, LLC, (Whitecap II) New York City 5
Wilshire Advisers, LLC (Wilshire) South Salem 1**
Wilshire New York Advisers II, LLC (Wilshire II) South Salem 2
Wilshire New York Partners III, LLC (Wilshire III) South Salem 3
Wilshire New York Partners IV, LLC (Wilshire IV) South Salem 4
Wilshire New York Partners V, LLC (Wilshire V) South Salem 5

* Inactive did not receive certified capital from insurer investors for the program indicated.
** Inactive 100% of certified capital has been invested as reported by the CAPCO.

In January 2002, Newtek Capital, Inc., (the parent company of Program One CAPCO Wilshire
Advisers, LLC, Program Two CAPCO Wilshire New York Advisers II, LLC, and Program Three
CAPCO Wilshire New York Partners III, LLC) acquired Exponential of New York, LLC, a Program
One, Program Two, and Program Three CAPCO.

2. Tax Credits Allocated and Certified Capital Invested by Insurers

Chapter 389 of the Laws of 1997 provided insurers a dollar-for-dollar New York State premium
tax credit of up to $50 million for each of tax years 1999 and 2000 for the certified capital
investments made in Program One CAPCOs. Spread out over a 10-year period, the credits
could be applied beginning with the 1999 tax year. Pursuant to Sections 11 and 1511(k) of the
New York Tax Law, the tax credits allocated to insurers are subject to an aggregate limit of $10
million for each of the two allocations. For tax year 1999, a total of three CAPCOs and 24
insurers participated in the $50 million allocation. A total of five CAPCOs and 26 insurers
participated in the tax year 2000 allocation. Details of Program One tax credits granted and
certified capital invested by insurers are contained in Appendix A1.

Part S of Chapter 407 of the Laws of 1999 provided insurers a dollar-for-dollar New York State
premium tax credit of up to $30 million for tax year 2001 for the certified capital investments
made in Program Two CAPCOs. Spread out over a 10-year period, the credits could be applied
beginning with the 2001 tax year. Pursuant to Sections 11 and 1511(k) of the New York Tax
Law, the tax credits allocated to insurers are subject to an aggregate limit of $8 million. A total
of five CAPCOs and 28 insurers participated in the tax year 2001 allocation. Details of Program
Two tax credits granted and certified capital invested by insurers are contained in Appendix A2.

Chapter 63 of the Laws of 2000 provided insurers a dollar-for-dollar New York State premium
tax credit of up to $150 million for tax year 2002 for the certified capital investments made in
Program Three CAPCOs. Spread out over a 10-year period, the credits could be applied
beginning with the 2002 tax year. Pursuant to Sections 11 and 1511(k) of the New York Tax
Law, the tax credits allocated to insurers are subject to an aggregate limit of $10 million. A
total of five CAPCOs and 44 insurers participated in the tax year 2002 allocation. Details of

Program Three tax credits granted and certified capital invested by insurers are contained in
Appendix A3.

Chapter 59 of the Laws of 2004 provided insurers a dollar-for-dollar New York State premium
tax credit of up to $60 million starting in tax year 2006 for the certified capital investments
made in Program Four CAPCOs. Spread out over a 10-year period, the tax credits could be
applied beginning with the 2006 tax year. Pursuant to Sections 11 and 1511(k) of the New
York Tax Law, the tax credits allocated to insurers are subject to an aggregate limit of $8
million. A total of six CAPCOs and 42 insurers participated in the allocation for the tax year
2006. Details of Program Four tax credits granted and certified capital invested by insurers are
contained in Appendix A4.

Chapter 63 of the Laws of 2005 provided insurers a dollar-for-dollar New York State premium
tax credit of up to $60 million starting in tax year 2007 for the certified capital investments
made in Program Five CAPCOs. Spread out over a 10-year period, the tax credits could be
applied beginning with the 2007 tax year. Pursuant to Sections 11 and 1511(k) of the New
York Tax Law, the tax credits allocated to insurers are subject to an aggregate limit of $8
million. A total of seven CAPCOs and 51 insurers participated in the allocation for the tax year
2007. Details of Program Five tax credits granted and certified capital invested by insurers are
contained in Appendix A5.

Table 2

Certified Capital Investments in CAPCOs


1999 2000 2001 2002 2004 2005 TOTAL
Advantage $17,543,860 $14,505,348 $6,807,867 $27,824,621 $66,681,696
Advantage II $10,391,566 $11,486,919 21,878,485
Aegis NY 6,126,356 6,126,356
BOCNY 14,912,280 14,505,346 29,417,626
Enhanced 11,635,750 11,635,750
Enhanced II 13,554,216 13,554,216
Enhanced III 11,486,920 11,486,920
Exponential 3,810,161 3,676,248 * 7,486,409
NYSBVF 17,543,860 13,368,984 5,900,151 22,512,648 59,325,643
NYSBVF II 12,763,553 12,763,553
NYSBVF III 5,360,563 5,360,563
Stonehenge 6,807,867 52,866,779 13,554,216 11,486,916 84,715,778
Whitecap 4,518,072 4,518,072
Whitecap II 5,360,562 5,360,562
Wilshire I 3,810,161 3,810,161
Wilshire II 6,807,867 6,807,867
Wilshire III 35,160,202 35,160,202
Wilshire IV 5,218,377 5,218,377
Wilshire V 8,691,764 8,691,764
Total $50,000,000 $50,000,000 $30,000,000 $150,000,000 $60,000,000 $60,000,000 $400,000,000

* Inactive did not receive certified capital from insurer investors for the program indicated.

3. CAPCO Qualified Investments

Section 11(c) of the New York Tax Law requires a CAPCO to invest at least 50% of its certified
capital in qualified businesses within four years of the starting date of each CAPCO Program of
which half (25% of certified capital) must be in early stage businesses. The 25% early stage
requirement, however, does not apply to CAPCO Program Three investments made in qualified
businesses located in Empire Zones established pursuant to Article 18-B of the General
Municipal Law. Section 11(h)(3) of the New York Tax Law requires a CAPCO to invest at least
one-third of its Program Three certified capital funds in qualified businesses located in Empire
Zones and another one-third in qualified businesses located in Underserved Areas outside
such Empire Zones. Section 11(a)(7) of the New York Tax Law defines a qualified business as
an independently owned and operated business whose headquarters and principal business
operations are located in New York State. Real estate and real estate development firms,
insurance firms, and those businesses that are predominately engaged in professional services
provided by accountants, lawyers or physicians are excluded from consideration. At the time of
the CAPCOs initial investment, the qualified business may have no more than 200 employees,
80% of whom are employed in New York; if it has more than 100 employees, its gross annual
revenues, together with its affiliates, may not exceed $5 million ($8 million for businesses
located in Empire Zones). Section 11(a)(15) of the New York Tax Law defines an Underserved
Area as any county that received less than 25% of the Program One qualified business
investments made as of January 1, 2000. Based on the investment information provided by the
CAPCOs, all counties other than New York County are Underserved Areas. The CAPCOs
investment is to be used to support the New York operations of the qualified business.

Fifteen working days prior to making an investment, a CAPCO is required to file a certified
application with the New York State Insurance Department. Most of the information needed for
this report was obtained from the information requested on the qualified business applications.
In addition, all of the CAPCOs were asked to submit cumulative, updated data on all of their
qualified business investments for this report. The updated information included the actual
amount of money invested at year-end, the number of New York employees at year-end and, if
the investment is no longer held by the CAPCO, the number of employees at the time the
investment terminated. The following data is cumulative for Program One from June 1998, for

Program Two from April 2000, for Program Three from December 2000, for Program Four from
December 2004, and for Program Five from November 2005, through December 31, 2010.

a. Allocations and Invested Amounts

For Program One, the CAPCO statute designated $50 million in tax credits for tax year 1999 and
another $50 million for tax year 2000. Together, the insurers requested a total of $312.5
million in tax credits. Since this amount exceeded the available tax credits, the insurers were
allocated credits in proportion to their total requested amounts. A total of $95.5 million was
allocated to the five Program One certified CAPCOs as of June 1998. Due to the fact that two
insurance companies failed to fund their certified capital commitments to Wilshire Advisers,
LLC., a reallocation of the unfunded amount was necessary. This reallocation of the remaining
$4.5 million was made in April 2000.

For Program Two, the CAPCO statute designated $30 million in tax credits for tax year 2001.
Together, the insurers requested a total of $132.2 million in tax credits. Since this amount
exceeded the available tax credits, the insurers were allocated credits in proportion to their total
requested amounts. A total of $30 million was allocated to the five Program Two certified
CAPCOs as of April 2000.

For Program Three, the CAPCO statute designated $150 million in tax credits for tax year 2002.
Together, the insurers requested a total of $296.5 million in tax credits. Since this amount
exceeded the available tax credits, the insurers were allocated credits in proportion to their total
requested amounts. A total of $150 million was allocated to five of the six Program Three
certified CAPCOs as of December 2000. The sixth CAPCO did not submit any requests for tax

For Program Four, the CAPCO statute designated $60 million in tax credits for tax year 2006.
Together, the insurers requested a total of $265.6 million in tax credits. Since this amount
exceeded the available tax credits, the insurers were allocated credits in proportion to their total
requested amounts. A total of $60 million was allocated to six of the seven Program Four
certified CAPCOs as of December 2004. The seventh CAPCO did not submit any requests for
tax credits.

For Program Five, the CAPCO statute designated $60 million in tax credits for tax year 2007.
Together, the insurers requested a total of $313.4 million in tax credits. Since this amount
exceeded the available tax credits, the insurers were allocated credits in proportion to their total
requested amounts. A total of $60 million was allocated to seven Program Five certified
CAPCOs as of November 2005.

Table 3 below lists the total amount of certified capital that the Program One CAPCOs received
for tax years 1999 and 2000 and the total amount of money that they have invested in qualified
businesses as of December 31, 2010. On a combined basis, the CAPCOs have invested
approximately $86.7 million, or a total of 86.7%, of the $100 million of certified capital. The
remaining 13.3%, is invested by the CAPCOs as they deem appropriate. Details of Program
One qualified investments made by the CAPCOs are contained in Appendices B1 and C.

Table 4 below lists the total amount of certified capital that the Program Two CAPCOs received
for tax year 2001 and the total amount of money that they have invested in qualified
businesses as of December 31, 2010. On a combined basis, the CAPCOs have invested
approximately $25.0 million, or a total of 83.5%, of the $30 million of certified capital. The
remaining 16.5% is invested by the CAPCOs as they deem appropriate. Details of Program Two
qualified investments made by the CAPCOs are contained in Appendices B2 and C.

Table 5 below lists the total amount of certified capital that the Program Three CAPCOs
received for tax year 2002 and the total amount of money that they have invested in qualified
businesses as of December 31, 2010. On a combined basis, the CAPCOs have invested
approximately $127.0 million, or a total of 84.7% of the $150 million of certified capital. The
remaining 15.3% is invested by the CAPCOs as they deem appropriate. Details of Program
Three qualified investments made by the active CAPCOs are contained in Appendices B3 and C.

Table 6 below lists the total amount of certified capital that the Program Four CAPCOs received
for tax year 2006 and the total amount of money that they have invested in qualified
businesses as of December 31, 2010. On a combined basis, the CAPCOs have invested
approximately $47.1 million, or a total of 78.4%, of the $60 million of certified capital. The

remaining 21.6% is invested by the CAPCOs as they deem appropriate. Details of Program Four
qualified investments made by the active CAPCOs are contained in Appendices B4 and C.

Table 7 below lists the total amount of certified capital that the Program Five CAPCOs received
for tax year 2007 and the total amount of money that they have invested in qualified
businesses as of December 31, 2010. On a combined basis, the CAPCOs have invested
approximately $38.8 million, or a total of 64.6%, of the $60 million of certified capital. The
remaining 35.4% is invested by the CAPCOs as they deem appropriate. Details of Program Five
qualified investments made by the CAPCOs are contained in Appendices B5 and C.

Table 3


Certified Capital Allocations and Invested Amounts

June 1998 through December 2010

Certified Capital
Qualified Investments
@ 12/31/10 Percentage
$ 32,049,208 $26,694,895 83.29%
BOCNY 29,417,626

29,417,626 100.00%
3,810,161 2,307,957 60.57%
30,912,844 24,494,010 79.24%
Wilshire I
3,810,161 3,810,161 100.00%
TOTAL $100,000,000 $86,724,649 86.72%

Graph 1


Allocated and Invested Amounts by CAPCO

as of 12/31/10

$ millions

Advantage BOCNY Exponential NYSBVF Wilshire I

Allocated Invested

Table 4


Certified Capital Allocations and Invested Amounts

April 2000 through December 2010

Certified Capital Qualified Investments

Allocated @12/31/10 Percentage
Advantage $ 6,807,867 $ 6,807,867 100.00%
Exponential 3,676,248 2,088,667 56.82%
NYSBVF 5,900,151 5,900,151 100.00%
Stonehenge 6,807,867 6,807,866 100.00%
Wilshire II 6,807,867 3,430,000 50.38%
TOTAL $30,000,000 $25,034,551 83.45%

Graph 2
Allocated and Invested Amounts by CAPCO
as of 12/31/10

$ millions

Advantage Exponential NYSBVF Stonehenge Wilshire II

Allocated Invested

Table 5


Certified Capital Allocations and Invested Amounts

December 2000 through December 2010

Certified Capital Qualified Investments

Allocated @12/31/10 Percentage
Advantage $ 27,824,621 $ 27,824,621 100.00%
Enhanced 11,635,750 8,211,643 70.57%
NYSBVF 22,512,648 19,936,177 88.56%
Stonehenge 52,866,779 52,866,781 100.00%
Wilshire III 35,160,202 18,152,283 51.63%
TOTAL $150,000,000 $126,991,505 84.66%

Graph 3


Allocated and Invested Amounts by CAPCO

as of 12/31/10





$ millions







Advantage Enhanced NYSBVF Stonehenge Wilshire III

Allocated Invested

Table 6


Certified Capital Allocations and Invested Amounts

December 2004 through December 2010

Certified Capital Qualified Investments

Allocated @12/31/10 Percentage
Advantage II $10,391,566 $ 9,282,886 89.33%
Enhanced II 13,554,216 13,554,216 100.00%
NYSBVF II 12,763,553 8,492,749 66.54%
Stonehenge 13,554,216 9,053,177 66.79%
Whitecap 4,518,072 4,057,458 89.81%
Wilshire IV 5,218,377 2,625,000 50.30%
TOTAL $60,000,000 $47,065,486 78.44%

Graph 4


Allocated and Invested Amounts by CAPCO

as of 12/31/10



$ millions

Advantage II Enhanced II NYSBVF II Stonehenge Whitecap Wilshire IV

Allocated Invested

Table 7


Certified Capital Allocations and Invested Amounts

November 2005 through December 2010

Certified Capital Qualified Investments

Allocated @12/31/10 Percentage
Advantage II $11,486,919 $ 8,059,077 70.16%
Aegis 6,126,356 3,615,000 59.01%
Enhanced III 11,486,920 8,730,622 76.00%
NYSBVF III 5,360,563 3,079,499 57.45%
Stonehenge 11,486,916 7,542,185 65.66%
Whitecap II 5,360,562 2,879,084 53.71%
Wilshire V 8,691,764 4,850,000 55.80%
TOTAL $60,000,000 $38,755,466 64.59%

Graph 5


Allocated and Invested Amounts by CAPCO

as of 12/31/10



$ millions

Advantage II Aegis Enhanced III NYSBVF III Stonehenge Whitecap II Wilshire V

Allocated Investments

b. Size of Qualified Businesses

As of December 31, 2010, 98 of the 184 qualified businesses that received funds had assets of
less than $1 million at the time of the initial investment; 57 had assets of between $1 million
and $5 million, and 29 had assets of over $5 million. In terms of qualified investments, 177 of
the 510 qualified investments were in qualified businesses that had assets of less than $1
million at the time of the initial investments, 192 were in qualified businesses that had assets of
between $1 million and $5 million, and 141 were in qualified businesses that had assets of over
$5 million.

In terms of actual investment dollars, the smallest companies received 30.6% of the investment
funds. The medium-sized companies received 35.1% of the funds, and the large-sized
companies with assets of over $5 million received 34.3% of the investment funds. Information
on the asset size category of each qualified business at the time of initial investment is in
Appendix C.

Table 8

Distribution of Qualified Investments by Size of Company

as of 12/31/10

Program One

Size of Company By Number of

Amount Invested
Assets Companies
Less than $1 million 43 $27,029,921
Between $1 and 5 million 24 29,074,462
Over $5 million 20 30,620,266
TOTAL PROGRAM 1 87 $86,724,649

Program Two

Size of Company By Number of

Amount Invested
Assets Companies*
Less than $1 million 6 $ 5,925,000
Between $1 and 5 million 6 9,088,513
Over $5 million 3 10,021,038
TOTAL PROGRAM 2 15 $25,034,551

*Each qualified business is reflected only once in the number of companies column, i.e.,
the number of companies in Program 2 excludes companies invested in Program 1.

Program Three

Size of Company By Number of

Amount Invested
Assets Companies*
Less than $1 million 24 $ 37,156,779
Between $1 and 5 million 19 47,662,898
Over $5 million 4 42,171,828
TOTAL PROGRAM 3 47 $126,991,505

*Each qualified business is reflected only once in the number of companies column, i.e.,
the number of companies in Program 3 excludes companies invested in Programs 1 and/or 2.

Program Four

Size of Company By Number of

Amount Invested
Assets Companies*
Less than $1 million 18 $14,876,663
Between $1 and 5 million 7 14,417,738
Over $5 million 2 17,787,012
TOTAL PROGRAM 4 27 $47,081,413

*Each qualified business is reflected only once in the number of companies column, i.e., the
number of companies in Program 4 excludes companies invested in Programs 1, 2 and/or 3.

Program Five

Size of Company By Number of

Amount Invested
Assets Companies*
Less than $1 million 7 $14,238,721
Between $1 and 5 million 1 13,705,499
Over $5 million 0 10,811,247
TOTAL PROGRAM 5 8 $38,755,466

*Each qualified business is reflected only once in the number of companies column, i.e., the
number of companies in Program 5 excludes companies invested in Programs 1, 2, 3, and/or 4.

Programs One, Two, Three, Four, & Five combined

Size of Company By Number of

Amount Invested
Assets Companies*
Less than $1 million 98 $ 99,227,084
Between $1 and 5 million 57 113,949,110
Over $5 million 29 111,411,391
TOTAL COMBINED 184 $324,587,584

*Each qualified business is reflected only once in the number of companies column, i.e., the
number of companies in Program 2 excludes companies invested in Programs 1; and the
number of companies in Program 3 excludes companies invested in Programs 1 and/or 2; etc.

c. Locations of Qualified Businesses

With respect to Programs One, Two, Three, Four, and Five combined, at the time the initial
investments were made, the distribution of the number of qualified businesses by geographic
region was as follows:
96 of the businesses (52.2%) were located in New York City: 77 in New York County, 15 in
Kings County, and 4 in Queens County;
20 of the businesses (10.9%) were located in the Mid-Hudson region: 12 in Westchester
County, 5 in Orange County, 2 in Putnam County, and 1 in Ulster County;
19 of the businesses (10.3%) were in Long Island: 13 in Suffolk and 6 in Nassau County;
16 of the businesses (8.7%) were in the Capitol District: 6 in Albany County, 5 in Rensselaer
County, 2 each in Saratoga and Washington Counties, and 1 in Schenectady County;
17 of the businesses (9.2%) were located in Western New York: 9 in Monroe County, 7 in
Erie County, and 1 in Niagara County;
13 of the businesses (7.1%) were located in the Central New York region: 5 in Tompkins, 2
each in Broome, Cortland and Onondaga Counties, and 1 each in, Chenango, Cayuga
Counties; and
3 of the businesses (1.6%) were located in the North Country region: 2 in Clinton County
and 1 in Essex County.

Another way to look at the distribution of the qualified investments made throughout the State
is to compare the actual amounts of money invested in qualified businesses in each region of
the State:
$133.7 million (41.2%) was invested in New York City businesses;
$56.9 million (17.6%) was invested in Western New York businesses;
$40.0 million (12.3%) was invested in Mid-Hudson region businesses;
$39.3 million (12.1%) was invested in Long Island businesses;
$28.6 million (8.8%) was invested in Capitol District businesses;
$24.2 million (7.5%) was invested in Central New York businesses; and
$1.9 million (0.6%) was invested in North Country New York businesses.

Summaries by county are shown in Tables 9 and 10. Detailed information regarding the

location of each business and the amounts invested are provided in Appendices B1, B2, B3, B4,

B5, and C.


Table 9

Distribution of Total Qualified Investments by County/Geographic Areas

as of 12/31/10 for Programs 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5

Number of Companies* Amount Invested

Geographic Areas Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program
1* 2* 3* 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
New York 39 8 18 10 2 $36,979,477 $ 8,952,990 $36,444,337 $17,848,764 $11,374,655
Kings 1 1,028,750 1,527,000 9,684,788 3,123,309 3,926,518
4 5 5
Queens 1,000,000 750,000 1,100,000
1 2 1
New York City Total 44 8 25 16 3 $39,008,227 $10,479,990 $46,879,125 $22,072,072 $15,301,173

Nassau 1 $ 4,545,000 $ 2,670,000 $ 2,484,950 $ 750,000 $ 1,300,000

2 3
Suffolk 2 1 5,629,275 2,038,000 16,108,267 1,450,000 2,300,000
7 2 1
Long Island Total 9 3 5 1 1 $10,174,275 $ 4,708,000 $18,593,217 $ 2,200,000 $ 3,600,000

Westchester $ 3,611,047 $ 1,560,000 $13,473,217 $ 4,541,175 $ 1,263,722

5 4 3
Orange 2,150,000 9,850,100 500,000
1 3 1
Putnam 1,000,000 250,000
1 1
Ulster 1 25,000 975,000 785,000
Mid-Hudson Total 8 8 4 $ 6,786,047 $ 1,560,000 $24,548,317 $ 4,541,175 $ 2,548,722

Albany 1 $ 5,754,416 $ 2,140,354 $ 3,376,897

Rensselaer 1 4,669,500 300,000 300,000 $ $ 500,000
Saratoga 288,890 751,458 300,000
1,863,346 1,010,000
1 1
Schenectady 1,485,317 500,000
Washington 1,227,198 492,500 1,616,563 985,000 993,438
1 1
Capitol District Total 12 2 2 $13,425,321 $ 2,932,854 $ 6,544,918 $ 3,148,346 $ 2,503,438

Table 9 (continued)

Distribution of Total Qualified Investments by County/Geographic Areas

as of 12/31/10 for Programs 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5

Number of Companies* Amount Invested

Geographic Areas Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program
1* 2* 3* 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Broome $ 117,000 $ $ 285,000 $ 915,000
1 1 65,000
Cayuga 1 380,000
Chenango $
1,665,000 $ 1,189,002 $ 1,112,815
Cortland 468,000 342,000 5,740,000 1,400,150
1 1
Onondaga 103,000 3,000,000
1 1
Tompkins 1 228,750 2,848,140 2,775,350 1,555,515
2 2
Central NY Total 4 1 5 3 $ $ 787,000 $ 13,253,140 $ 5,649,502 $ 3,583,330
Clinton $ 650,000 $ 975,750
1 1
Essex 1 $ 250,000
North Country Total 1 1 1 $ 650,000 $ $ 250,000

Erie $10,019,029 $ 3,266,707 $ 9,445,198 $ 4,270,915 $ 6,018,093

6 1
Monroe 3,195,000 750,000 4,675,000 4,533,475 4,750,710
2 1 3 3
Niagara 2,550,000 550,000 2,076,840 650,000 200,000
Western NY Total 9 1 3 4 $15,764,029 $ 4,566,707 $ 16,197,038 $ 9,454,390 $10,968,803


87 15 49 29 4 $86,724,649 $25,034,551 $126,991,505 $47,065,486 $38,755,466

*Each qualified business is reflected only once in the number of companies columns, i.e., the number of companies in Program 2 excludes companies invested in
Program 1; and the number of companies in Program 3 excludes companies invested in Programs 1 and/or 2; and the number of companies in Program 4 excludes
companies invested in Programs 1, 2 and/or 3; and the number of companies in Program 5 excludes companies invested in Programs 1, 2, 3, and/or 4.

Table 10

Distribution of Total Qualified Investments by County/Geographic Areas

as of 12/31/10 for Programs 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 Combined

County Total Number of Percent of Total Amount Percent of

Geographic Areas Companies* Companies Invested Amount Invested
Programs 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 Programs 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5
New York 77 41.85% $111,600,223 34.38%
Kings 15 8.15% 19,290,365 5.94%
Queens 4 2.17% 2,850,000 0.88%
New York City Total 96 52.17% $133,740,588 41.21%

Nassau 6 3.26% $ 11,749,950 3.62%

Suffolk 13 7.07% 27,525,542 8.48%
Long Island Total 19 10.33% $ 39,275,492 12.10%

Westchester 12 6.52% $ 24,449,161 7.53%

Orange 5 2.72% 12,500,100 3.85%
Putnam 2 1.09% 1,250,000 0.39%
Ulster 1 0.54% 1,785,000 0.55%
Mid-Hudson Total 20 10.87% $ 39,984,261 12.32%

Albany 6 3.26% $ 11,271,667 3.47%

Rensselaer 5 2.72% 6,069,500 1.87%
Saratoga 2 1.09% 3,913,695 1.21%
Schenectady 1 0.54% 1,985,317 0.61%
Washington 2 1.09% 5,314,699 1.64%
Capitol District Total 16 8.70% $ 28,554,877 8.80%

Broome 2 1.09% $ 1,382,000 0.43%

Cayuga 1 0.54% 380,000 0.12%
Chenango 1 0.54% 3,966,817 1.22%
Cortland 2 1.09% 7,950,150 2.45%
Onondaga 2 1.09% 3,103,000 0.96%
Tompkins 5 2.72% 7,407,755 2.28%
Central NY Total 13 7.07% $ 24,189,722 7.45%

Clinton 2 1.09% $ 1,625,750 0.50%

Essex 1 0.54% 250,000 0.08%
North Country Total 3 1.63% $ 1,875,750 0.58%

Erie 7 3.80% $ 33,019,942 10.17%

Monroe 9 4.89% 17,904,185 5.52%
Niagara 1 0.54% 6,026,840 1.86%
Western NY Total 17 9.24% $ 56,950,967 17.55%

NEW YORK STATE TOTAL 184 100.00% $324,571,657 100.00%

*Each qualified business is reflected only once in the number of companies column, i.e., the number of companies in Program 2

excludes companies also invested in Program 1; the number of companies in Program 3 excludes companies also invested in

Programs 1 & 2; the number of companies in Program 4 excludes companies invested in Programs 1, 2 and/or 3, etc.


Table 11

Counties within each New York State Geographic Area

Counties within the Geographic Areas
Geographic Areas
Capitol District Albany, Montgomery, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady,
Schoharie, Washington
Central NY Broome, Cayuga, Chemung, Chenango, Cortland, Delaware,
Madison, Oneida, Onondaga, Ontario, Oswego, Otsego,
Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins, Wayne, Yates
Long Island Nassau, Suffolk
Mid-Hudson Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, Rockland,
Sullivan, Ulster, Westchester
New York City Bronx, Kings, New York, Queens, Richmond
North Country Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Saint Lawrence, Warren
Western NY Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Livingston,
Monroe, Niagara, Orleans, Wyoming

d. Industry Sectors of Qualified Businesses

The intent of the CAPCO program is to foster growth primarily in high tech industries, although
investments in other industry sectors are permitted. Investments in real estate, real estate
development, insurance, and businesses predominately engaged in professional services
provided by accountants, lawyers or physicians are all excluded from this program. Any other
business that is involved in developing and manufacturing products, product
processing/assembling, product research and development, or providing services, however, is
an acceptable business for a qualified investment.

As shown in the table below, 95.45% of the approximately $324.6 million was invested in 173

qualified businesses in nine major industry sectors. Manufacturing, marketing/sales, and

computers were the three categories with the largest investments and the most qualified

businesses. The manufacturing category included the production of frozen foods, electronics,

optical equipment, and ladies apparel. The marketing/sales category covered advertising, direct

response marketing, and telephone sales. The computer businesses were involved in computer

system design, computer software, and computer education or support services. A complete

list of the entire industry sector classifications of the qualified businesses based on the North

American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is provided in Appendix C.


Table 12

CAPCO Programs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

Number of Qualified Businesses and

Amount of Investments by Industry Sector

Number of % of Amount % of
Industry Sector
Businesses Total Invested Total
Business consulting 10 5.43% $ 13,636,950 4.20%
Computers 30 16.30% $ 71,119,451 21.91%
Financial services 14 7.61% $ 26,561,324 8.18%
Health/Environmental/Scientific 10 5.43% $ 18,708,299 5.76%
Internet 16 8.70% $ 19,426,158 5.99%
Manufacturing 38 20.65% $ 72,645,010 22.38%
Marketing/Sales 33 17.93% $ 47,191,478 14.54%
Media/Entertainment 18 9.78% $ 31,252,198 9.63%
Security services 4 2.17% $ 9,250,000 2.85%
Other 11 5.98% $ 14,780,789 4.55%
Totals 184 100.00% $324,571,657 100.00%

The other category includes communications (2), auto related (1), water transportation (1), beauty salon (1),
bowling center (1), Restaurants (1), Plumbing (1) and education (3).

e. Employment Growth or Reduction in Qualified Businesses

CAPCO Programs One, Two, Three, Four, and Five Combined

The generation of jobs is a major goal of the CAPCO legislation. One of the statutory
requirements to be considered a qualified business is that, upon initial investment in the
business, a minimum of 80% of the employees have to be located in New York State.

The CAPCOs reported information provided by the qualified businesses regarding the changes in
the number of employees in businesses invested in by the CAPCOs in Programs One, Two,
Three, Four, and Five. During 2004, there was a revision in the law that added another method
to measure job creation. Chapter 59 of the laws of 2004 required the CAPCOs to report the
number of employees in a qualified business as of the last day before the investment was
terminated. Using the information from the termination dates, the cumulative employee figures
for all five programs since 1998 shows an increase of 876 positions in New York State.

The current statute also requires the CAPCOs to report the number of jobs in the state that are
retained. Overall, the number of employees in New York in the businesses for which
information was provided as of December 31, 2010 (see Note below) increased by 188 positions
since the inception of the CAPCO program. The change in the number of employees in any one
business ranged from a decrease of 103 to an increase of 245. Sixty-two businesses showed
decreases in the number of New York employees, 16 experienced no change, and, of the 45
that experienced increases, 9 businesses showed employee growth of more than 50 employees.

Note: No current employee information was provided for 61 of the businesses, because the
CAPCOs relationship as an investor has ended and they no longer have contact with the
businesses. The businesses (where as of year-end the CAPCO indicated it no longer has
contact, but had reported 0 employees in any prior report year) were counted as having 0
employees at year-end.

In a couple of instances, the increases in employees were a result of the acquisition of smaller
companies or mergers, and not the result of job creation. It should be noted that in many
instances a CAPCO investment in a qualified business represents only a portion of a qualified

business overall funding. In an effort to quantify overall funding in the qualified businesses,
the CAPCOs were required to report capital invested by other sources at the same time and/or
subsequent to their CAPCO investments in qualified businesses. During 2010, the CAPCOs
invested approximately $10.2 million in qualified businesses and reported that $563.0 million
dollars of non-CAPCO funds was invested at the same time.

The table below summarizes the increases and decreases in jobs as reported by the CAPCOs.
Further detail is provided in Appendix C.

Table 13

CAPCO Programs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Combined

Change in Number of New York Employees from Time of Initial Investment

through 12/31/10

Change in # Employees from # Businesses

Time of Initial Investment as of 12/31/10
Decreases > 20 22
Decreases 11-20 11
Decreases 1-10 29
No changes 16
Increases <5 8
Increases 5-10 10
Increases 11-20 10
Increases 21-30 5
Increases 31-50 3
Increases > 50 9
Total businesses 184*

Note: *The change in the number of employees was not available for 61
businesses because the CAPCO's relationship as an investor
ended and it no longer had contact with the business.

Changes in the number of employees in CAPCO Programs Three, Four, and

Five qualified businesses in Empire Zones

Since the time of the initial investments, the overall change in the number of employees in New
York in the 41 qualified businesses located in Empire Zones has increased by 294. One
hundred eighty of the increases were in qualified businesses invested in by Advantage; 112
were in business invested in by Stonehenge; 65 were in businesses invested in by NYSBVF; and
23 were in businesses invested in by Whitecap. Enhanced, Wilshire, and Aegis showed
decreases of 64, 16, and 6, respectively. In instances where more than one CAPCO invested in
a qualified business, the gain or loss in employees was divided between the CAPCOs.

The following were the changes in the number of employees in Empire Zone businesses
invested in by CAPCOs, by location: Erie County had an increase of 266; New York County had
an increase of 118; Chenango County had an increase of 48; and Orange County had an
increase of 45. Four other counties experienced an increase of less than 25 employees each;
namely, Albany, Saratoga, Broome, and Tompkins. Nassau County experienced no change;
and the remaining eleven counties (Onondaga, Monroe, Kings, Cortland, Rensselaer,
Washington, Ulster, Essex, Suffolk, Westchester and Clinton) showed decreases in number of
employees ranging from one to one hundred.

Changes in the number of employees in CAPCO Programs Three, Four, and

Five qualified businesses in Underserved Areas

Since the time of the initial investments, the overall change in the number of employees in New
York in the qualified businesses located in Underserved Areas has increased by 574. Qualified
businesses invested in by Advantage showed net increases of 581 employees. Enhanced,
Whitecap, and NYSBVF businesses showed increases of 54, 39, and 18 employees, respectively.
On the other hand, Stonehenge, Aegis, and Wilshire reported decreases of 54, 39, and 18,
respectively, in the overall number of employees in qualified business in Underserved Areas. In
instances where more than one CAPCO invested in a qualified business, the gain or loss in
employees was divided between the CAPCOs.

The following were the changes in the number of employees in the 52 Underserved Area
businesses invested in by CAPCOs, by county: Erie had a net increase of 312; Queens had a
net increase of 144; Tompkins had a net increase of 135; Suffolk had a net increase of 129;
Orange had a net increase of 109; Niagara had a net increase of 42; and Broome had a net
increase of 13. Washington county showed no change in the overall number of employees in
qualified businesses in Underserved Areas. Westchester, Nassau, Schenectady, Kings, Ulster,
Monroe, Putnam, and New York counties, each, had a net decrease of 119, 76, 66, 23, 11, 10,
3, and 2 employees, respectively.

4. CAPCO Compliance with NYTL Section 11(c)(1) and (h)(3),

(4) and (5)

Section 11(c)(1) of the New York Tax Law requires all CAPCOs to invest at least 25% of its
certified capital in qualified businesses within two years of the starting date, 40% within three
years of the starting date, and 50% within four years of the starting date of which half (25% of
certified capital) must be in early stage businesses. Program Four and Five CAPCOs have to
invest one half of the early stage requirement in early stage businesses (12.5%) and the other
half (12.5%) in start-up businesses. The 25% early stage and start-up requirements do not
apply to CAPCO Program Three, Four or Five investments made in qualified businesses located
in Empire Zones.

An early stage business as defined in Section 11(a)(11) is a qualified business which, at the
time of investment, must be involved in activities related to the development of initial product
or service offerings, or must be less than two years old and have less than $2 million in gross
revenues in the immediately preceding fiscal year.

A start-up business as defined in Section 11(a)(16) is a qualified business which, at the time of
investment, must be involved in activities related to the development of initial product or
service offerings, or must be less than two years old and have less than $2 million in gross
revenues in the immediately preceding fiscal year and must have less than 20 employees. In
addition, the business must be one which has emerged within the year prior to the date of the
investment, or is emerging from, or utilizes a technology transferred from, a university or
college research facility located in New York state, a not-for-profit research facility located in

New York state, or an industrial research facility located in New York state, or which is
conducting research in conjunction with or in the research facilities of a university or college
located in New York state, or which is located in or has emerged within the year prior to the
date of investment or is emerging from an incubator facility located in New York state.

The starting date is based on the date of the allocations by the Insurance Department, which
were completed in June 1998 for Program One (except for a reallocation of approximately $4.5
million made in April 2000); April 2000 for Program Two; December 2000 for Program Three,
December 2004 for Program Four, and November 2005 for Program Five. If a CAPCO fails to
meet an investment milestone, it is given an additional 120 days to comply. If the deficiency
remains at the end of the extension period, the CAPCO would be decertified and the tax credits
allowed its insurers would be subject to recapture.

According to information provided by the CAPCOs, all Program One CAPCOs have met both the
50% investment milestone and the 25% early stage investment milestone.

It should be noted that there are no further statutory requirements for the Program One
CAPCOs to invest the remaining allocated certified capital of approximately $13.5 million.
However, if the CAPCO fails to invest all of its certified capital within twelve years after the start
of the specific program, it will no longer be permitted to receive management fees. Two
Program One CAPCOs have each invested an amount cumulatively equal to one hundred
percent of their certified capital in qualified businesses and have met all other requirements
under Section 11(e) of the New York Tax Law. Accordingly, these two CAPCOs are now
released from regulation by the Insurance Department and will no longer be subject to Section
11(c) of said statute with respect to certified capital company Program One. The remaining
three Program One CAPCOs have each failed to place one hundred percent of their certified
capital in qualified investments within twelve years after the starting date of the Program and
two of these CAPCOs are no longer permitted to receive management fees, pursuant to Section
11(c)(1)(F) of the New York Tax Law. The third CAPCO is exempted from such restriction
under Section 11(c)(1)(F)(ii) of the New York Tax Law and is allowed to continue to receive
management fees.

Each Program Two CAPCO was required to reach the 50% milestone by April 2004. According
to information provided by the CAPCOs, all Program Two CAPCOs have met both the 50%
investment milestone and the 25% early stage investment milestone.

It should be noted that there are no further statutory requirements for the Program Two
CAPCOs that have met both the 50% investment milestone and the 25% early stage investment
milestone to invest the remaining allocated certified capital of approximately $5.0 million.
However, if the CAPCO fails to invest all of its certified capital within twelve years after the start
of the specific program, it will no longer be permitted to receive management fees. Three
Program Two CAPCOs have each invested an amount cumulatively equal to one hundred
percent of their certified capital in qualified businesses. However, only one of the CAPCOs has
met all the other requirements under Section 11(e) of the New York Tax Law. Accordingly, this
CAPCO has been released from regulation by the Insurance Department and will no longer be
subject to Section 11(c) of said statute with respect to certified capital company Program Two.
The remaining Program Two CAPCOs continue to be subject to regulation by the Insurance
Department pursuant to Section 11(e)(5) of the New York Tax Law until each has invested
100% of its allocated certified capital in qualified businesses.

Each Program Three CAPCO was required to reach the 50% milestone by December 2004.
According to information provided by the CAPCOs, all Program Three CAPCOs have met the
50% investment milestone and the 25% early stage investment milestone. Program Three
CAPCOs continue to have the statutory requirement to invest one-third of the certified capital in
Empire Zones and one-third in Underserved Areas outside of all Empire Zones, at the time that
the certified capital is 100% invested. If the CAPCO fails to invest all of its certified capital
within twelve years after the start of the specific program, it will no longer be permitted to
receive management fees. Two Program Three CAPCOs have each invested an amount
cumulatively equal to one hundred percent of their certified capital in qualified businesses and
have met all other requirements under Section 11(e) of the New York Tax Law. Accordingly,
these two CAPCOs are now released from regulation by the Insurance Department and will no
longer be subject to Section 11(c) of said statute with respect to certified capital company
Program Three.

Each Program Four CAPCO was required to reach the 50% milestone by December 2008.
According to information provided by the CAPCOs, all Program Four CAPCOs have met the 50%
investment milestone. Each Program Four CAPCO continues to have the statutory requirement
to invest one-third of the certified capital in Empire Zones and one-third in Underserved Areas
outside of all Empire Zones, at the time that the certified capital is 100% invested. In addition
to the above statutory requirements, Program Four CAPCOs must invest 50% of their total
allocated funds in emerging technology businesses as described in paragraph (b) of subdivision
one of section thirty-one hundred two-e of the public authorities law. If the CAPCO fails to
invest all of its certified capital within ten years after the start of the specific program, it will no
longer be permitted to receive management fees. One Program Four CAPCO has invested an
amount cumulatively equal to one hundred percent of its certified capital in qualified businesses
and has met all other requirements under Section 11(e) of the New York Tax Law. Accordingly,
this CAPCO is now released from regulation by the Insurance Department and will no longer be
subject to Section 11(c) of said statute with respect to certified capital company Program Four.

Each Program Five CAPCO was required to reach the 50% milestone by November 2009.
According to information provided by the CAPCOs, all Program Five CAPCOs have met the 50%
investment milestone. Each Program Five CAPCO continues to have the statutory requirement
to invest one-third of the certified capital in Empire Zones and one-third in Underserved Areas
outside of all Empire Zones, at the time that the certified capital is 100% invested. In addition
to the above statutory requirements, Program Five CAPCOs must invest 50% of their total
allocated funds in emerging technology businesses as described in paragraph (b) of subdivision
one of section thirty-one hundred two-e of the public authorities law. If the CAPCO fails to
invest all of its certified capital within ten years after the start of the specific program, it will no
longer be permitted to receive management fees.

Tables 14, 15, 16, 18, and 21 summarize information supplied by the CAPCOs for Programs
One, Two, Three, Four, and Five, respectively, regarding amounts invested through December
2010 in qualified businesses and early stage/start-up businesses. Collectively, the seventeen
CAPCOs have $75.4 million remaining to be invested in the five CAPCO programs.

Table 14


Certified Capital Allocations and Invested Amounts

Certified Qualified Investments Early Stage Investments

CAPCO Capital
Allocated @12/31/10 Percentage @12/31/10 Percentage

Advantage $ 32,049,208 $26,694,895 83.29% $10,236,717 31.94%

BOCNY 29,417,626 29,417,626 100.00% 15,458,081 52.55%
Exponential 3,810,161 2,307,957 60.57% 1,745,640 45.82%
NYSBVF 30,912,844 24,494,010 79.24% 9,395,157 30.39%
Wilshire I 3,810,161 3,810,161 100.00% 1,495,000 39.24%
TOTAL $100,000,000 $86,724,649 86.72% $38,330,595 38.33%

Table 15


Certified Capital Allocations and Invested Amounts

Certified Qualified Investments Early Stage Investments

CAPCO Capital
Allocated @12/31/10 Percentage @12/31/10 Percentage

Advantage $ 6,807,867 $ 6,807,867 100.00% $ 2,694,500 39.58%

Exponential 3,676,248 2,088,667 56.82% 930,000 25.30%
NYSBVF 5,900,151 5,900,151 100.00% 2,794,577 47.36%
Stonehenge 6,807,867 6,807,866 100.00% 2,403,333 35.30%
Wilshire II 6,807,867 3,430,000 50.38% 3,380,000 49.65%
TOTAL $30,000,000 $25,034,551 83.45% $12,202,410 40.67%

Table 16


Certified Capital Allocations and Early Stage Invested Amounts

Early Stage Requirement

Certified Early Stage
CAPCO Capital 50% of Empire Zone Required Investments
Col. 3 less
Allocated Certified Investments Investment @12/31/10
Col. 4
Capital @12/31/10 (50% of Col. 5)
Advantage $ 27,824,621 $13,912,310 $11,664,997 $ 2,247,313 $ 1,123,657 $ 6,942,703
Enhanced 11,635,750 5,817,875 2,351,458 3,466,417 1,733,208 3,310,185
NYSBVF 22,512,648 11,256,324 8,122,435 3,133,889 1,566,945 4,809,726
Stonehenge 52,866,779 26,433,389 21,978,192 4,455,197 2,227,599 7,315,316
Wilshire III 35,160,202 17,580,101 4,230,667 13,349,434 6,674,717 8,703,283
TOTAL $150,000,000 $75,000,000 $48,347,749 $26,652,251 $13,326,125 $31,081,213

Table 17


Certified Capital Allocations and Invested Amounts

December 2000 through December 2010

Certified Empire Zone Underserved Area*

Qualified Investments Other Investments
CAPCO Capital Investments Investments
@12/31/10 Percentage @12/31/10 Percentage @12/31/10 Percentage @12/31/10 Percentage
Advantage $ 27,824,621 $ 27,824,621 100.00% $11,664,997 41.92% $13,123,733 47.17% $ 3,035,891 10.91%
Enhanced 11,635,750 8,211,643 70.57% 2,351,458 20.21% 2,275,000 19.55% 3,585,185 30.81%
NYSBVF 22,512,648 19,936,177 88.56% 8,122,435 36.08% 4,275,125 18.99% 7,538,617 33.49%
Stonehenge 52,866,779 52,866,781 100.00% 21,978,192 41.57% 18,575,611 35.14% 12,312,978 23.29%
Wilshire III 35,160,202 18,152,283 51.63% 4,230,667 12.03% 4,499,950 12.80% 9,421,666 26.80%
TOTAL $150,000,000 $126,991,505 84.66% $48,347,749 32.23% $42,749,419 28.50% $35,894,337 23.93%

* An Underserved Area is any area outside of New York County and outside of all Empire Zones.

Table 18


Certified Capital Allocations, Early Stage, and Start-Up Invested Amounts

Early Stage Requirement

Certified Early Stage
50% of Empire Zone Required Start-Up
CAPCO Capital Col. 3 less Investments
Certified Investments Investment Investment
Allocated Col. 4 @12/31/10
Capital @12/31/10 (25% of Col. 5)

Advantage II $10,391,566 $ 5,195,783 $ 2,991,647 $ 2,204,136 $ 551,034 $ 4,267,523 $ 623,716

Enhanced II 13,554,216 6,777,108 5,095,779 1,681,329 420,332 3,474,586 1,441,278
NYSBVF II 12,763,553 6,381,777 2,744,440 3,637,336 909,334 3,028,309 1,350,000
Stonehenge 13,554,216 6,777,108 2,918,105 3,859,003 964,751 1,151,612 1,102,000
Whitecap 4,518,072 2,259,036 1,554,000 705,036 176,259 1,215,748 610,000
Wilshire IV 5,218,377 2,609,189 2,625,000 0 0 0 0
TOTAL $60,000,000 $30,000,000 $17,928,971 $12,071,029 $3,017,757 $13,137,778 $5,126,994

Table 19


Certified Capital Allocations and Invested Amounts

December 2004 through December 2010

Certified Empire Zone Underserved Area*

Qualified Investments Other Investments
CAPCO Capital Investments Investments
@12/31/10 Percentage @12/31/10 Percentage @12/31/10 Percentage @12/31/10 Percentage
Advantage II $10,391,566 $ 9,282,886 89.33% $ 2,991,647 28.79% $ 4,991,239 48.03% $ 1,300,000 12.51%
Enhanced II 13,554,216 13,554,216 100.00% 5,095,779 37.60% 4,782,086 35.28% 3,676,351 27.12%
NYSBVF II 12,763,553 8,492,749 66.54% 2,744,440 21.50% 3,048,309 23.88% 2,700,000 21.15%
Stonehenge 13,554,216 9,053,177 66.79% 2,918,105 21.53% 2,552,000 18.83% 3,583,072 26.44%
Whitecap 4,518,072 4,057,458 89.81% 1,554,000 34.40% 1,887,710 41.78% 615,748 13.63%
Wilshire IV 5,218,377 2,625,000 50.30% 2,625,000 50.30% 0 0.00% $0 0.00%
TOTAL $60,000,000 $47,065,486 78.44% $17,928,971 29.88% $17,261,344 28.77% $11,875,171 19.79%

* An Underserved Area is any area outside of New York County and all Empire Zones.

Table 20


Certified Capital Allocations, Invested Amounts and Emerging Technology Investments

December 2004 through December 2010

Certified Capital Qualified Investments Emerging Technology Investments

@ 12/31/10 Percentage @ 12/31/10 Percentage
Advantage II $10,391,566 $ 9,282,886 89.33% $ 4,491,239 43.22%
Enhanced II 13,554,216 13,554,216 100.00% 6,777,244 50.00%
NYSBVF II 12,763,553 8,492,749 66.54% 5,197,749 40.72%
Stonehenge 13,554,216 9,053,177 66.79% 5,859,777 43.23%
Whitecap 4,518,072 4,057,458 89.81% 2,764,000 61.18%
Wilshire IV 5,218,377 2,625,000 50.30% 125,000 2.40%
TOTAL $60,000,000 $47,065,486 78.44% $25,215,009 42.03%

Table 21


Certified Capital Allocations, Early Stage, and Start-Up Invested Amounts

Early Stage Requirement

Certified Early Stage
50% of Empire Zone Required Start-Up
CAPCO Capital Col. 3 less Investments
Certified Investments Investment Investment
Allocated Col. 4 @12/31/10
Capital @12/31/10 (25% of Col. 5)

Advantage II $11,486,919 $ 5,743,460 $ 1,915,004 $ 3,828,456 $ 957,114 $3,244,073 $1,000,000

Aegis 6,126,356 3,063,178 1,665,000 1,398,178 349,545 600,000 1,050,000
Enhanced III 11,486,920 5,743,460 3,940,299 1,803,161 450,790 2,269,361 860,722
NYSBVF III 5,360,563 2,680,282 1,370,000 1,310,282 327,570 1,034,999 674,500
Stonehenge 11,486,916 5,743,458 2,123,356 3,620,102 905,026 1,000,000 934,229
Whitecap II 5,360,562 2,680,281 0 2,680,281 670,070 1,404,000 671,000
Wilshire V 8,691,764 4,345,882 4,350,000 0 0 0 0
TOTAL $60,000,000 $30,000,000 $15,363,659 $14,636,341 $3,659,085 $9,552,433 $5,190,451

Table 22


Certified Capital Allocations and Invested Amounts

November 2005 through December 2010

Certified Empire Zone Underserved Area*

Qualified Investments Other Investments
CAPCO Capital Investments Investments
@12/31/10 Percentage @12/31/10 Percentage @12/31/10 Percentage @12/31/10 Percentage
Advantage II $11,486,919 $ 8,059,077 70.16% $ 1,915,004 16.67% $ 4,744,073 41.30% $ 1,400,000 12.19%
Aegis 6,126,356 3,615,000 59.01% 1,665,000 27.18% 1,050,000 17.14% 900,000 14.69%
Enhanced III 11,486,920 8,730,622 76.00% 3,940,299 34.30% 3,407,601 29.67% 1,382,722 12.04%
NYSBVF III 5,360,563 3,079,499 57.45% 1,370,000 25.56% 912,000 17.01% 797,499 14.88%
Stonehenge 11,486,916 7,542,185 65.66% 2,123,356 18.48% 1,552,229 13.51% 3,866,600 33.66%
Whitecap II 5,360,562 2,879,084 53.71% 0 0.00% 1,404,084 26.19% 1,475,000 27.52%
Wilshire V 8,691,764 4,850,000 55.80% 4,350,000 50.05% 0 0.00% 500,000 5.75%
TOTAL $60,000,000 $38,755,466 64.59% $15,363,659 25.61% $13,069,987 21.78% $10,321,821 17.20%

* An Underserved Area is any area outside of New York County and outside all Empire Zones.

Table 23


Certified Capital Allocations, Invested Amounts and Emerging Technology Investments

November 2005 through December 2010

Certified Capital Qualified Investments Emerging Technology Investments

@ 12/31/10 Percentage @ 12/31/10 Percentage
Advantage II $11,486,919 $8,059,077 70.16% $5,065,635 44.10%
Aegis 6,126,356 3,615,000 59.01% 2,400,000 39.18%
Enhanced III 11,486,920 8,730,622 76.00% 4,160,325 36.22%
NYSBVF III 5,360,563 3,079,499 57.45% 2,367,499 44.17%
Stonehenge 11,486,916 7,542,185 65.66% 5,509,185 47.96%
Whitecap II 5,360,562 2,879,084 53.71% 1,271,000 23.71%
Wilshire V 8,691,764 4,850,000 55.80% 1,750,000 20.13%
TOTAL $60,000,000 $38,755,466 64.59% $22,523,644 37.54%

With respect to Programs Three, Four, and Five, pursuant to Sections 11(h)(3), (4), and (5) of
the New York Tax Law, each CAPCO is required to invest at least one-third of its certified capital
in qualified businesses in Empire Zones and at least one-third in qualified businesses in
Underserved Areas outside of all Empire Zones. Tables 17, 19, and 22 summarize the
cumulative investments in the designated areas as of December 31, 2010. All of the CAPCOs
are proceeding toward the achievement of the required distribution at the time that 100% of
the certified capital is invested, and they are no longer subject to regulation by the Insurance

Programs Four and Five have an additional category of investments that must be achieved at
the time that 100% of the certified capital is invested. Pursuant to Sections 11(h)(4) and (5),
the CAPCOs must invest fifty percent of their total allocated funds in emerging technology
businesses that are in activities set forth in paragraph (b) of subdivision one of section thirty-
one hundred two-e of the public authorities law. These businesses must also have a ratio of
research and development expenditures to net sales that equals or exceeds six percent during
the fiscal year immediately preceding the qualified investment. Tables 20 and 23 summarize
the emerging technology investments as of December 31, 2010.

5. Comments on the CAPCO Program

The generation of jobs is a major goal of the CAPCO Programs. As a result of the approximately
$324.6 million that has been invested in qualified businesses by all of the CAPCO programs,
there has been a net increase of 188 jobs in the state, according to the information provided by
the CAPCOs.

Section 11 of the New York Tax Law was amended by Chapter 62 of the Laws of 2011 (1) to
move the regulation of CAPCOs to the Department of Economic Development on August 1,
2011; and (2) to repeal the requirement to report to the Governor and the New York State
Legislature effective October 3, 2011. This Report will be the last report required to be
submitted under Section 11(j) of the New York Tax Law.
A p p e n d i x A1

CAPCO Program One

Insurer Tax Credit Allocations



1 Allstate 0 2,673,797 2,673,797 B 568,181 3,241,978
2 Allstate Life of NY 3,508,772 3,508,772 0 3,508,772
3 Am Family Life of NY 1,052,632 1,052,632 0 1,052,632
4 Am Gen Life of NY 1,666,667 1,666,667 1,336,898 1,336,898 3,003,565
5 Am Manufacturers Mut 850,000 850,000 681,818 681,818 1,531,818
6 Am Motorists 233,333 233,333 187,166 187,166 420,499
7 Bankers Am Life 1,666,667 1,666,667 1,336,898 1,336,898 3,003,565
8 Conn Gen Life 3,508,772 3,508,772 2,673,797 2,673,797 6,182,569
9 Employer's of Wausau 0 2,673,797 2,673,797 2,673,797
10 Equitable Life 1,754,386 1,754,386 2,673,797 2,673,797 4,428,183
11 Financial Sec Assur 0 1,243,316 1,243,316 1,243,316
12 1st Allmerica Finc'l Life 1,666,667 1,666,667 1,871,658 1,871,658 3,538,325
13 1st SunAmerica Life 0 2,673,797 2,673,797 W 1,136,364 3,810,161
14 Frontier 0 721,925 721,925 721,925
15 Guardian Life 1,666,667 1,666,667 1,336,898 1,336,898 3,003,565
16 Hartford Life 3,508,772 3,508,772 2,673,797 2,673,797 6,182,569
17 John Hancock Mut Life 3,508,772 3,508,772 2,673,797 2,673,797 6,182,569
18 Lumbermen's Mut Cas 583,333 583,333 467,914 467,914 1,051,247
19 Mass Mut Life 2,456,140 2,456,140 2,673,797 2,673,797 5,129,937
20 Metropolitan Life 1,666,667 1,754,386 3,421,053 955,885 802,139 1,758,024 5,179,077
21 Mut Life of NY 1,754,386 1,754,386 0 1,754,386
22 Nationwide Mut 1,666,667 1,754,386 3,421,053 1,089,572 668,449 1,758,021 5,179,074
23 New York Life 1,666,667 1,666,667 1,336,898 1,336,898 A 1,136,364 4,139,929
24 Northwestern Mut Life 1,666,667 1,666,667 1,336,898 1,336,898 3,003,565
25 Phoenix Home Life Mut 1,754,386 1,754,386 3,508,772 1,336,898 1,336,898 2,673,796 B 568,181 6,750,749
26 Reliance 833,333 833,333 668,449 668,449 1,501,782
27 Reliance Nat'l Indem 833,333 833,333 668,449 668,449 1,501,782
28 Traveler's Indemnity 877,192 877,192 1,754,386 3,508,770 668,449 1,336,898 2,005,347 5,514,117
29 Utica Mut 0 2,673,797 2,673,797 E 1,136,364 3,810,161
30 US Life in City of NY 1,754,386 1,754,386 0 1,754,386
TOTAL 17,543,860 14,912,280 17,543,860 50,000,000 13,368,984 13,368,984 13,368,984 2,673,797 2,673,797 45,454,546 4,545,454 100,000,000


A p p e n d i x A2

CAPCO Program Two

Insurer Tax Credit Allocations



1 Allstate Life of NY 1,361,573 1,361,573
2 Ambac Assurance 1,815,431 1,815,431
3 Am Gen Life of NY 680,787 680,787
4 American Bankers of FL 885,023 885,023
5 AMEX Assurance 567,323 567,323
6 Columbian Mutual Life 680,787 680,787
7 Equitable Life 680,787 680,787
8 First Fortis Life 885,023 885,023
9 GE Capital Life Assur of NY 1,134,644 1,134,644
10 Guardian Life 1,361,573 1,361,573
11 The Hanover Ins 907,716 907,716
12 IDS Life of NY 567,323 567,323
13 John Hancock Mut Life 1,815,431 1,815,431
14 Massachusetts Bay 453,858 453,858
15 Mass Mut Life 1,134,644 1,134,644
16 MBIA Ins Corp 1,770,045 1,770,045
17 Metropolitan Life 1,361,573 1,361,573
18 New York Life 1,361,573 1,361,573
19 Philadelphia Indemnity 1,134,644 1,134,644
20 Phoenix Home Life Mut 1,770,045 1,770,045
21 Principal Life 1,134,644 1,134,644
22 Pudential Ins. of America 1,134,644 1,134,644
23 Security Mutual Life of NY 612,708 612,708
24 Traveler's Indemnity of IL 1,497,730 226,929 1,724,659
25 Unity Mutual Life 567,323 567,323
26 US Life in City of NY 680,787 680,787
27 Utica Mutual 1,210,288 1,210,288
28 Utica National Life 605,144 605,144
TOTAL 6,807,866 6,807,866 5,900,152 6,807,866 3,676,250 30,000,000


A p p e n d i x A3

CAPCO Program Three

Insurer Tax Credit Allocations



1 Aetna Life Ins Co 5,059,022 5,059,022
2 American Automobile Ins Co 1,517,707 1,517,707
3 American Bankers Ins Co 1,806,071 1,806,071
4 American Mayflower Life 2,023,609 2,023,609
5 American Security Ins Co 591,906 591,906
6 AMEX Assurance Co 1,517,707 1,517,707
7 Atlantic Mutual Ins Co 1,264,755 1,264,755
8 AUSA Life Ins Co 4,047,218 4,047,218
9 Bankers American Life Assurance 2,661,046 2,661,046
10 Colonial Penn Franklin Ins Co 505,902 505,902
11 Colonial Penn Ins Co 505,902 505,902
12 Commonwealth Land Title 2,377,740 2,377,740
13 Equitable Life Assurance of US 3,035,413 3,035,413
14 Finger Lakes Long Term Care 1,517,707 1,517,707
15 Firemen's Fund Ins Co 3,541,315 3,541,315
16 First UNUM Life Ins Co 5,059,022 5,059,022
17 GE Capital Life Assur Co of NY 2,023,609 2,023,609
18 Guardian Life Ins Co of America 5,059,022 5,059,022
19 Hanover Ins Co 5,059,022 5,059,022
20 Hartford Life Ins Co 4,047,218 4,047,218
21 IDS Life Ins Co of NY 3,541,315 3,541,315
22 John Hancock Life Ins Co 5,059,022 5,059,022
23 Lawyers Title Ins Co 1,669,477 1,669,477
24 Life Ins Co of Boston & NY 252,951 252,951
25 Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins Co 1,264,755 1,264,755 1,264,755 1,264,755 5,059,022
26 MBIA Ins Co 5,059,022 5,059,022
27 Medical Liability Mutual Ins Co 5,059,022 5,059,022
28 Metropolitan Life Ins Co 2,529,511 2,529,511 5,059,022
29 National Life Ins Co 5,059,022 5,059,022
30 National Union Fire of Pittsburgh 5,059,022 5,059,022
31 Nationwide Mutual Ins Co 5,059,022 5,059,022
32 New York Life Ins Co 2,529,511 2,529,511 5,059,022
33 Northwestern Mutual Life 2,529,511 2,529,511 5,059,022
34 Penn Mutual Life Ins Co 5,059,022 5,059,022
35 Philadelphia Indemnity Ins Co 758,853 758,853
36 Phoenix Ins Co 4,553,120 4,553,120
37 Principal Life Ins Co 2,529,511 2,529,511
38 Prudential Ins Co of America 2,529,511 2,529,511 5,059,022
39 Reliastar Life Ins Co of NY 5,059,022 5,059,022
40 Teachers Ins & Annuity Assoc 5,059,022 5,059,022
41 Travelers Indemnity of Illinois 505,902 505,902
42 Union Central Life Ins Co 2,023,609 2,023,609
43 United Services Auto Assoc 5,059,022 5,059,022
44 US Life Ins Co in the City of NY 5,059,022 5,059,022
TOTAL 27,824,621 11,635,750 22,512,648 52,866,779 35,160,202 150,000,000


A p p e n d i x A4

CAPCO Program Four

Insurer Tax Credit Allocations



1 American Family Life Ass Co of NY 1,807,229 1,807,229
2 Automobile Ins Co of Hartford, CT 1,084,337 1,084,337
3 AXA Equitable Life Ins Co 1,807,229 1,807,229
4 Banker's Life Ins Co 1,807,229 1,807,229
5 Citizens Ins Co of America 903,614 903,614
6 Columbian Mutual Life Ins Co 225,904 225,904
7 Continental Casualty Co 1,807,229 1,807,229
8 Erie Ins Co 1,807,229 1,807,229
9 Federal Ins Co 1,807,229 1,807,229
10 Financial Security Ass, Inc. 1,807,229 1,807,229
11 First Fortis Life Ins Co 1,807,229 1,807,229
12 First Unum Life Ins Co 1,807,229 1,807,229
13 General Ins Co of America 903,614 903,614
14 Government Employees Ins Co 1,807,229 1,807,229
15 Guardian Life Ins Co of America 1,807,229 1,807,229
16 Hanover Ins Co 903,614 903,614
17 John Hancock Life Ins Co 1,807,229 1,807,229
18 Lincoln Life and Annuity Co of NY 1,242,470 564,759 1,807,229
19 Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins Co 903,614 903,614 1,807,228
20 MBIA Ins Corp 1,807,229 1,807,229
21 MedAmerica Ins Co of NY 1,807,229 1,807,229
22 Medical Liability Mutual Ins Co 1,807,229 1,807,229
23 Metropolitan Life Ins Co 903,614 903,614 1,807,228
24 Mortgage Guaranty Ins Corp 1,242,470 1,242,470
25 Nation Union Fire Ins Co of Pittsburgh, PA 1,807,229 1,807,229
26 National Benefit Life Ins Co 903,614 903,614
27 National Life Ins Co 1,807,229 1,807,229
28 Nationwide Mutual Ins Co 1,807,229 1,807,229
29 New York Life Ins Co 451,807 1,355,422 1,807,229
30 Northwestern Mutual Life Ins Co 1,807,229 1,807,229
31 Pacific Life and Annuity Co 158,133 158,133
32 Penn Life Mutual Ins Co 1,129,518 1,129,518
33 Phoenix Life Ins Co 903,614 903,614
34 Prudential Ins Co of America 903,614 903,614 1,807,228
35 SAFECO Ins Co of America 903,614 903,614
36 Sun Life Ins and Annuity Co of NY 1,807,229 1,807,229
37 Transamerica Financial Life Ins Co 1,807,229 1,807,229
38 Travelers Indemnity Co of CT 722,892 722,892
39 Travelers Ins Co 903,614 903,614
40 United Services Automobile Association 1,807,229 1,807,229
41 Unity Mutual Life Ins Co 90,364 90,364
42 US Specialty Ins Co 225,904 225,904
TOTAL 10,391,566 13,554,216 12,763,553 13,554,216 4,518,072 5,218,377 60,000,000


A p p e n d i x A5

CAPCO Program Five

Insurer Tax Credit Allocations


INSURER Advantage II Aegis Enhanced III NYSBVF III Stonehenge Whitecap II Wilshire V TOTAL
1 Aetna Life Insurance Company 1,531,589 1,531,589
2 Arch Insurance Company 1,531,589 1,531,589
3 AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company 1,148,692 1,148,692
4 Balboa Insurance Company 574,346 574,346
5 Bankers Life Insurance Company of New York 1,531,589 1,531,589
6 Canada Life Insurance Company of New York 1,470,325 1,470,325
7 Citizens Insurance Company of America 735,163 735,163
8 Columbian Mutual Life Insurance Company 574,346 574,346
9 Continential Casualty Company 1,531,589 1,531,589
10 CUNA Mutual Insurance Society 1,531,589 1,531,589
11 Erie Insurance Company 1,531,589 1,531,589
12 Federal Insurance Company 1,531,589 1,531,589
13 Financial Security Assurance Inc. 765,795 765,795
14 GE Capital Life Assurance Company of New York 1,531,589 1,531,589
15 General Insurance Company of America 765,795 765,795
16 Government Employees Insurance Company 1,531,589 1,531,589
17 Graphic Arts Mutual Insurance Company 765,795 765,795
18 John Hancock Life Insurance Company 1,531,589 1,531,589
19 Lincoln Life and Annuity Company of New York 1,531,589 1,531,589
20 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company 0 765,795 765,795 1,531,590
21 MedAmerica Insurance Company of New York 1,194,639 1,194,639
22 Medical Liability Mutual Insurance Company 1,470,325 1,470,325
23 Merchants Mutual Insurance Company 1,531,589 1,531,589
24 Meritplan Insurance Company 191,449 191,449
25 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 765,795 765,795 1,531,590
26 MONY Life Insurance Company 382,897 382,897
27 Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation 1,531,589 1,531,589
28 National Benefit Life Insurance Company 1,470,325 1,470,325
29 National Grange Mutual Insurance Company 1,531,589 1,531,589
30 National Life Insurance Company 1,470,325 1,470,325
31 Nationwide Life Insurance Company 441,098 441,098
32 Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company 1,029,228 1,029,228
33 New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation 191,449 191,449 382,898
34 New York Life Insurance Company 574,346 574,346 1,148,692
35 Nova Casualty Company 306,318 306,318
36 Phoenix Life Insurance Company 1,531,589 1,531,589
37 Physicians' Reciprocal Insurers 1,531,589 1,531,589
38 Principal Life Insurance 1,531,589 1,531,589
39 Prudential Insurance Company of America 1,531,589 1,531,589
40 SAFECO Insurance Company of America 765,795 765,795
41 Sun Life and Annuity Company of New York 1,531,589 1,531,589
42 The Automobile Ins Company of Hartford, CT 765,795 765,795
43 The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America 1,531,589 1,531,589
44 The Hanover Insurance Company 735,163 735,163
45 The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company 1,531,589 1,531,589
46 The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company 765,795 765,795
47 The Travelers Indemnity Company of Connecticut 765,795 765,795
48 Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company 1,531,589 1,531,589
49 United Services Automobile Association 1,470,325 1,470,325
50 Unity Mutual Life Insurance Company 153,154 153,154
51 Utica Mutual Insurance Company 1,531,589 1,531,589
Total 11,486,919 6,126,356 11,486,920 5,360,563 11,486,916 5,360,562 8,691,764 60,000,000

A p p e n d i x B1

CAPCO Program One

Amounts Invested in Qualified Businesses


As of December 31, 2010

Early Stage
1 1-800-Gift Certificate LLC <1M 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 0 325,000 325,000
2 1Call4All LLC dba Biazo <1M 9 Rensselaer Rensselaer 500,000 0 125,000 0 0 625,000
3 7thOnline Inc <1M 9 NYC New York 0 287,500 0 0 0 287,500
7thOnline Inc 1-5M -- NYC New York 0 25,000 0 0 0 25,000
4 Actiant Inc (Electronic Sales Systems Inc) <1M 9 Tarrytown Westchester 0 0 0 550,000 0 550,000
5 Advanced Internet Design and Application <1M 9 Buffalo Erie 0 0 0 0 570,000 570,000
6 Alloy Inc. (InSite Advertising Inc) <1M -- NYC New York 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
7 Allworx Corp. 1-5M 9 Fairport Monroe 225,000 0 0 0 0 225,000
8 American Scholar Inc 1-5M -- Bay Shore Suffolk 0 789,275 0 0 0 789,275
9 AngelSociety LLC <1M 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 250,000 0 250,000
10 Applied Robotics Inc 5M+ -- Glenville Schenectady 0 1,485,317 0 0 0 1,485,317
11 Autotask Corporation <1M 9 Rensselaer Rensselaer 0 0 200,000 0 200,000 400,000
12 Blue Slate Ventures, LLC <1M -- Albany Albany 0 0 75,000 0 0 75,000
13 Broadway Digital Entertainment Inc (Broadway 5M+ 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 249,600 0 249,600
14 C3i Inc 1-5M -- NYC New York 0 0 0 875,000 0 875,000
15 Cambium Learning (New York) Inc. 5M+ -- NYC New York 0 951,451 0 0 0 951,451
16 Cedric Kushner Promotions Ltd 1-5M -- Watermill Suffolk 0 0 0 0 400,000 400,000
17 Chapman Instruments Inc <1M -- Rochester Monroe 2,370,000 0 2,370,000
Chapman Instruments Inc <1M 9 Rochester Monroe 500,000 0 0 0 0 500,000
Chapman Instruments Inc 1-5M -- Rochester Monroe 100,000 0 0 0 0 100,000
18 Chestnut Direct Inc.dba Home Bistro <1M -- Plattsburgh Clinton 0 0 0 150,000 0 150,000
Chestnut Direct Inc.dba Home Bistro <1M -- Plattsburgh Clinton 0 0 0 500,000 0 500,000
19 City Street Solutions, Inc. <1M 9 Brooklyn Kings 213,750 0 0 0 0 213,750
20 Click Things Inc (Hotspace Inc) 5M+ 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 999,995 0 999,995
21 Comet Systems Inc <1M 9 NYC New York 663,467 0 0 0 0 663,467
22 Commerce Systems Inc dba 2Scoot 1-5M 9 Kingston Ulster 0 25,000 0 0 0 25,000
23 CreditEx Inc <1M 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 250,000 0 250,000
24 Critical Mention, Inc. <1M 9 NYC New York 0 275,000 0 0 0 275,000
Critical Mention, Inc. <1M 9 NYC New York 0 167,024 0 0 167,024
25 DataSynapse, Inc. 1-5M 9 NYC New York 0 178,457 0 200,000 0 378,457
DataSynapse, Inc. 5M+ -- NYC New York 0 47,904 0 0 47,904

1 of 4

As of December 31, 2010

Early Stage
26 dB Design LLC <1M -- Johnson City Broome 0 0 117,000 0 0 117,000
27 Direct Creations, LLC <1M 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 0 400,000 400,000
28 EasyLink Services Inc (Mail.com Inc) 5M+ 9 NYC New York 0 2,150,000 0 0 0 2,150,000
29 Edgehill Technologies LLC <1M 9 Syracuse Onondaga 0 0 103,000 0 0 103,000
30 Engineered Products Group, LLC 5M+ -- Niagara Falls Niagara 1,050,000 1,500,000 0 0 0 2,550,000
31 eOneGlobal <1M 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 500,000 0 500,000
32 FinTrack Systems Corp <1M 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 500,000 0 500,000
33 GarageTek Inc <1M 9 Port Washington Nassau 0 3,275,000 0 3,275,000
34 Globecon Group Ltd 1-5M -- NYC New York 0 750,000 750,000
35 Golden Goal, LLC 1-5M 9 Fort Ann Washington 369,375 369,375
Golden Goal, LLC 1-5M 9 Fort Ann Washington 615,625 0 0 0 0 615,625
Golden Goal, LLC 5M+ -- Fort Ann Washington 96,099 0 0 0 0 96,099
Golden Goal, LLC 5M+ -- Fort Ann Washington 96,099 0 0 0 0 96,099
Golden Goal, LLC 5M+ -- Fort Ann Washington 50,000 0 0 0 0 50,000
36 Gourmet Plate Inc (Fulton Street Lobster & <1M 9 Long Island City Queens 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
37 GridApp Systems, Inc. 1-5M -- NYC New York 750,000 0 0 0 0 750,000
GridApp Systems, Inc. 1-5M -- NYC New York 750,000 0 0 0 0 750,000
GridApp Systems, Inc. 1-5M -- NYC New York 666,667 0 0 0 0 666,667
GridApp Systems, Inc. 1-5M -- NYC New York 250,000 0 0 0 0 250,000
38 HalfthePlanet (AdaptZ.com Inc) <1M 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 500,000 0 500,000
39 IA Systems Inc <1M 9 Albany Albany 0 0 250,000 0 0 250,000
40 IMPROV Technologies Inc 1-5M 9 NYC New York 250,000 0 0 0 0 250,000
41 Intelli-Tec Security Services LLC 1-5M 9 Westbury Nassau 1,270,000 0 0 0 0 1,270,000
42 Internet Financial Services Inc / A.B. Watley 1-5M -- NYC New York 0 0 0 1,838,750 0 1,838,750
43 IntraLinks Inc 1-5M -- NYC New York 0 0 0 2,500,000 0 2,500,000
44 Invision.com, Inc. 5M+ -- Commack Suffolk 50,000 0 0 0 0 50,000
45 i-Stream TV Inc <1M 9 NYC New York 0 0 500,000 0 500,000
46 J.F.G. Food Corp. 1-5M -- Brewster Putnam 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
47 JCR Business Services, LLC <1M -- Great River Suffolk 0 0 0 0 570,000 570,000

2 of 4

As of December 31, 2010

Early Stage
48 Kanoodle.com, Inc. 5M+ -- Getzville Erie 850,000 3,250,000 0 0 0 4,100,000
Kanoodle.com, Inc. 5M+ 9 Getzville Erie 1,000,000 0 0 0 1,000,000
49 K's Salon, LLC <1M -- New York New York 0 0 111,000 0 570,000 681,000
50 L&K Top Design Corp. <1M -- Brooklyn Kings 0 0 0 0 90,000 90,000
51 Medicom, LLC 1-5M -- Brooklyn Kings 0 375,000 0 0 0 375,000
52 Merchant's Ad-Vantage Corp 1-5M 9 Melville Suffolk 1,900,000 0 0 0 0 1,900,000
53 ModelWire Inc <1M 9 NYC New York 0 0 650,000 650,000
54 MR Holding Company, LLC 5M+ 9 Goshen Orange 0 2,150,000 0 0 0 2,150,000
55 New Monarch Machine Tool, Inc. 5M+ -- Cortland Cortland 468,000 0 0 0 0 468,000
56 New York Business development Corp. 5M+ -- Albany Albany 0 0 0 1,123,103 0 1,123,103
57 Nextidea Corp <1M 9 Albany Albany 0 0 75,000 0 0 75,000
58 Niagara Dispensing Technologies, LLC 1-5M -- Buffalo Erie 500,000 500,000
Niagara Dispensing Technologies, LLC <1M 9 Buffalo Erie 290,000 290,000
Niagara Dispensing Technologies, LLC 1-5M -- Amherst Erie 200,000 200,000
59 NightFunk Inc <1M 9 Ithaca Tompkins 0 0 228,750 0 0 228,750
60 Oxford Collection Agency 1-5M -- Melville Suffolk 0 170,000 0 0 0 170,000
Oxford Collection Agency 1-5M -- Melville Suffolk 0 750,000 0 0 0 750,000
61 Parkview Health Services, LLC 5M+ -- Buffalo Erie 0 1,929,712 0 0 0 1,929,712
62 PECO Pallet, Inc. 5M+ -- Yonkers Westchester 325,000 190,841 515,841
PECO Pallet, Inc. 5M+ 9 Yonkers Westchester 1,800,000 1,800,000
PECO Pallet, Inc. 5M+ -- Yonkers Westchester 245,045 245,045
63 PowerOne Media LLC <1M 9 Troy Rensselaer 3,439,500 0 175,000 0 0 3,614,500
64 Prefer Network Inc (Prefer.com Inc) 1-5M 9 NYC New York 0 1,350,000 0 0 0 1,350,000
65 PressCorps Inc 1-5M -- NYC New York 2,705,000 0 0 0 0 2,705,000
66 R.D.N.Y.C. Inc 1-5M -- NYC New York 0 0 0 100,000 0 100,000
67 RenalTech International LLC 1-5M 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 500,000 0 500,000
68 ReQuest Inc <1M 9 Ballston Spa Saratoga 0 0 288,890 0 0 288,890
69 Right Track Recording LLC 1-5M -- NYC New York 0 0 0 1,250,000 0 1,250,000
70 Ryder System, Inc. 5M+ -- Brooklyn Kings 0 0 0 0 350,000 350,000
71 SchoolNet, Inc. 5M+ -- NYC New York 0 0 0 1,500,000 0 1,500,000
72 Sesha, Inc. <1M -- South Salem Westchester 0 0 0 0 335,161 335,161

3 of 4

As of December 31, 2010

Early Stage
73 Show Digital Inc <1M 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
74 Skyline Ambulance 1-5M 9 New Rochelle Westchester 0 0 0 115,000 0 115,000
75 Soms Technologies, LLC 1-5M -- Valhalla Westchester 50,000 0 0 0 0 50,000
76 Synacor, Inc. 5M+ -- Buffalo Erie 1,150,000 0 0 0 0 1,150,000
77 TAKKLE, Inc. <1M 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 329,999 0 329,999
78 TeleMedia Accelerator LLC 1-5M 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 500,000 0 500,000
79 The Metropolitan Switchboard Co Inc 1-5M -- Amityville Suffolk 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 1,000,000
80 The SmartPill Corp. <1M 9 Buffalo Erie 0 0 270,000 0 0 270,000
The SmartPill Corp. <1M -- Buffalo Erie 0 0 9,317 0 0 9,317
81 TheStreet.com Inc 5M+ -- NYC New York 0 0 0 312,000 0 312,000
82 Thumbplay 5M+ -- NYC New York 0 0 0 2,000,000 0 2,000,000
83 Tire Conversion Technologies Inc <1M 9 Troy Rensselaer 0 0 30,000 0 0 30,000
84 UGO Networks Inc (Bla-Bla.com Inc) 5M+ 9 NYC New York 0 2,800,100 0 0 0 2,800,100
85 Veer Inc (Direct Stock, Inc) <1M -- NYC New York 0 1,250,000 0 0 0 1,250,000
86 VisionPlay LLC 1-5M -- Latham Albany 3,981,313 0 250,000 0 0 4,231,313
87 Worldo.com Inc <1M 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 1,000,563 0 1,000,563
26,694,895 29,417,626 2,307,957 24,494,010 3,810,161 86,724,649

4 of 4
A p p e n d i x B2

CAPCO Program Two

Amounts Invested in Qualified Businesses


As of December 31, 2010

Early Stage
1 7thOnline Inc <1M 9 NYC New York 0 0 250,000 0 0 250,000
2 Acquire Systems Inc (Phlair Inc) <1M 9 NYC New York 0 0 150,000 0 0 150,000
3 Activision, Inc. (Vicarious Visions Inc) <1M -- Troy Rensselaer 0 300,000 0 0 0 300,000
4 Advanced Internet Design and Application LLC <1M 9 Buffalo Erie 0 0 0 0 430,000 430,000
5 Allworx Corp. 1-5M 9 Fairport Monroe 500,000 0 0 0 0 500,000
6 American Scholar Inc 1-5M -- Bay Shore Suffolk 0 0 0 353,000 0 353,000
7 Apollo Revue LLC 1-5M 9 NYC New York 0 0 450,000 0 0 450,000
8 Astro Electroplating Inc 1-5M -- Farmingdale Suffolk 0 0 0 360,000 0 360,000
9 Blue Slate Ventures, LLC <1M 9 Albany Albany 0 400,000 0 0 0 400,000
Blue Slate Ventures, LLC <1M -- Albany Albany 0 275,000 0 0 0 275,000
10 Cambium Learning (New York) Inc. (Metropolitan 5M+ -- NYC New York 0 0 0 836,826 0 836,826
11 Capital Stream, Inc. (Capital Thinking, Inc.) 5M+ 9 NYC New York 0 0 250,000 0 0 250,000
Capital Stream, Inc. (Capital Thinking, Inc.) 5M+ -- NYC New York 0 0 65,574 0 0 65,574
12 DataSynapse, Inc. 1-5M 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 58,333 0 58,333
13 dB Design LLC <1M -- Johnson City Broome 0 65,000 0 0 0 65,000
14 Direct Creations, LLC <1M 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000
15 Engineered Products Group, LLC 5M+ -- Niagara Falls Niagara 550,000 0 0 550,000 0 1,100,000
16 GarageTek Inc <1M 9 Port Washington Nassau 0 0 0 700,000 0 700,000
17 Global Miroge Inc / Spectracom Corp 1-5M -- Rochester Monroe 0 250,000 0 0 0 250,000
18 Golden Goal, LLC 1-5M 9 Fort Ann Washington 492,500 0 0 0 0 492,500
19 GridApp Systems, Inc. 1-5M -- New York New York 227,680 0 0 0 0 227,680
20 Harvest Strategies, LLC <1M 9 East Meadow Nassau 0 0 0 0 950,000 950,000
21 Intelli-Tec Security Services LLC 1-5M 9 Westbury Nassau 1,020,000 0 0 0 0 1,020,000
22 Invision.com, Inc. 1-5M -- Commack Suffolk 700,000 0 0 0 0 700,000
Invision.com, Inc. 5M+ -- Commack Suffolk 200,000 0 0 0 0 200,000
23 Kanoodle.com, Inc. 5M+ -- Getzville Erie 150,000 0 0 750,000 0 900,000
24 LMB Sales Corp <1M 9 Bayshore Suffolk 0 250,000 0 0 0 250,000
25 M.R.B. Securities Corp. 5M+ -- New York New York 0 0 750,000 0 0 750,000

1 of 2

As of December 31, 2010

Early Stage

26 Medicom, LLC 1-5M -- NYC Kings 0 0 0 375,000 0 375,000

27 Medidata Solutions, Inc. 1-5M 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 295,000 0 295,000
Medidata Solutions, Inc. 1-5M 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 500,000 0 500,000
28 ModelWire Inc <1M -- NYC New York 0 0 225,000 0 0 225,000
29 New Monarch Machine Tool, Inc. 5M+ -- Cortland Cortland 262,000 0 0 0 0 262,000
New Monarch Machine Tool, Inc. 5M+ -- Cortland Cortland 80,000 0 0 0 0 80,000
30 Nextidea Corp <1M 9 Albany Albany 0 250,000 0 0 0 250,000
31 Oxford Collection Agency 1-5M -- Melville Suffolk 0 0 0 175,000 0 175,000
32 Parkview Health Services, LLC 5M+ -- Buffalo New York 0 0 0 1,004,707 0 1,004,707
33 PartSearch Technologies, Inc. 1-5M 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 850,000 0 850,000
34 PECO Pallet, Inc. 5M+ -- Yonkers Westchester 575,000 0 0 0 0 575,000
PECO Pallet, Inc. 5M+ -- Yonkers Westchester 100,000 0 0 0 0 100,000
35 Ryder System, Inc. 5M+ 9 Brooklyn Kings 0 102,000 0 0 1,050,000 1,152,000
36 SchoolNet, Inc. 1-5M -- NYC New York 0 0 885,000 0 0 885,000
SchoolNet, Inc. 5M+ 9 NYC New York 0 0 809,577 0 0 809,577
37 SellJewelry Inc. <1M -- NYC New York 0 0 300,000 0 0 300,000
38 Skyline Ambulance 1-5M 9 New Rochelle Westchester 0 0 885,000 0 0 885,000
39 Synacor, Inc. 1-5M 9 Buffalo Erie 682,000 0 0 0 0 682,000
Synacor, Inc. 5M+ -- Buffalo Erie 250,000 0 0 0 0 250,000
40 The Jacobs Press <1M -- Auburn Cayuga 0 0 380,000 0 0 380,000
41 vault.com Inc 5M+ -- NYC New York 0 0 500,000 0 0 500,000
42 VisionPlay LLC 5M+ -- Latham Albany 1,018,687 166,667 0 0 0 1,185,354
43 Yahoo! Inc. 1-5M 9 Albany Albany 0 30,000 0 0 0 30,000
6,807,867 2,088,667 5,900,151 6,807,866 3,430,000 25,034,551

2 of 2
A p p e n d i x B3

CAPCO Program Three

Amounts Invested in Qualified Businesses


As of December 31, 2010

Empire Zone

Early Stage

1 1-800-Gift Certificate LLC <1M -- -- -- NYC New York 0 0 0 0 950,000 950,000
2 7thOnline Inc 1-5M -- -- -- New York New York 0 0 50,000 0 50,000
7thOnline Inc <1M 9 -- -- NYC New York 0 0 12,500 0 12,500
3 Acquire Systems Inc (Phlair Inc) <1M 9 -- -- NYC New York 0 0 600,000 0 0 600,000
4 Adirondack Plastics & Recycling, Inc. <1M -- 9 -- Fort Edward Washington 125,000 0 0 0 0 125,000
5 Advanced Internet Design and Application LLC <1M -- -- 9 Buffalo Erie 0 0 0 0 3,500,000 3,500,000
6 Alfa Medical Equipment Specialists Inc <1M -- -- 9 Hempstead Nassau 0 0 250,000 0 0 250,000
7 Allworx Corp. 1-5M 9 -- 9 Fairport Monroe 475,000 0 0 0 0 475,000
8 APF Group, Inc. 1-5M -- 9 -- Mount Vernon Westchester 2,000,000 0 0 0 0 2,000,000
9 Applied Robotics Inc 5M+ -- -- 9 Glenville Schenectady 0 0 0 500,000 0 500,000
10 Astro Electroplating Inc 1-5M -- -- 9 Farmingdale Suffolk 0 0 0 2,852,500 0 2,852,500
11 Autotask Corporation <1M -- 9 -- East Greenbush Rensselaer 0 0 0 0 300,000 300,000
12 Azimuth Alternative Assets, LLC <1M 9 -- -- NYC New York 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 1,000,000
13 BinOptics Corporation 1-5M -- 9 -- Ithaca Tompkins 0 400,000 0 0 0 400,000
14 Brooklyn Boat Company <1M -- 9 -- Brooklyn Kings 0 0 2,419,788 0 0 2,419,788
15 Burly Bear Network Inc 1-5M 9 -- -- NYC New York 0 0 999,936 0 0 999,936
16 Burst LLC <1M 9 -- -- NYC New York 300,000 0 0 0 0 300,000
17 Capital Stream, Inc. (Capital Thinking, Inc.) 5M+ -- -- -- New York New York 0 0 185,000 0 0 185,000
18 CEC Elevator Car Company 1-5M -- -- 9 Long Island City Queens 0 0 250,000 0 0 250,000
19 College Broadband Inc <1M 9 -- -- NYC New York 0 0 100,000 0 0 100,000
20 Commerce Systems Inc dba 2Scoot 1-5M 9 -- 9 Kingston Ulster 0 0 0 975,000 0 975,000
21 Coresense, Inc. <1M -- 9 -- Saratoga Springs Saratoga 0 600,000 0 0 0 600,000
Coresense, Inc. <1M -- 9 -- Saratoga Springs Saratoga 0 150,000 0 0 0 150,000
Coresense, Inc. <1M -- 9 -- Saratoga Springs Saratoga 0 1,458 0 0 0 1,458
22 Cortland Plastics International LLC 1-5M -- 9 -- Cortland Cortland 0 0 0 3,600,000 0 3,600,000
23 Critical Mention, Inc. <1M 9 -- -- NYC New York 0 0 0 250,000 0 250,000
24 DataSynapse, Inc. 1-5M 9 -- -- New York New York 0 0 222,790 97,816 0 320,606
DataSynapse, Inc. 1-5M -- -- -- New York New York 0 0 93,891 25,000 0 118,891
25 Direct Creations, LLC <1M -- -- -- NYC New York 0 0 0 0 708,333 708,333

1 of 4

As of December 31, 2010

Empire Zone

Early Stage

26 D'Lisi Food Systems, Inc. 1-5M -- 9 -- Rochester Monroe 0 500,000 0 1,150,000 0 1,650,000
27 eBidenergy Inc <1M -- -- 9 West Henrietta Monroe 0 550,000 0 0 0 550,000
28 Ecoboard Holdings Inc 1-5M -- -- 9 Farmingdale Suffolk 0 0 0 1,300,100 0 1,300,100
29 Emergingmed.com, Inc. <1M 9 -- -- NYC New York 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 1,000,000
30 Engineered Products Group, LLC 5M+ -- -- 9 Niagara Falls Niagara 1,000,000 0 0 1,045,810 0 2,045,810
Engineered Products Group, LLC 5M+ -- -- 9 Niagara Falls Niagara 31,030 0 0 0 31,030
31 FGNY, LLC 1-5M -- -- -- New York New York 0 0 0 1,833,001 0 1,833,001
32 Filco Carting Corp. 1-5M -- 9 -- Brooklyn Kings 0 0 0 2,085,000 0 2,085,000
Filco Carting Corp. 1-5M -- 9 -- Brooklyn Kings 0 0 0 250,000 0 250,000
Filco Carting Corp. 5M+ -- 9 -- Brooklyn Kings 0 0 0 450,000 0 450,000
Filco Carting Corp. 5M+ -- 9 -- Brooklyn Kings 0 0 0 600,000 0 600,000
Filco Carting Corp. 5M+ -- 9 -- Brooklyn Kings 0 0 0 325,000 0 325,000
Filco Carting Corp. 5M+ -- 9 -- Brooklyn Kings 0 0 0 400,000 0 400,000
Filco Carting Corp. 5M+ -- 9 -- Brooklyn Kings 0 0 0 280,000 0 280,000
33 FinTrack Systems Corp <1M -- -- -- NYC New York 0 0 600,000 0 0 600,000
34 Gaia Power technologies <1M 9 -- 9 Peekskill Putnam 0 0 250,000 0 0 250,000
35 GarageTek Inc <1M 9 -- 9 Port Washington Nassau 0 0 0 25,000 0 25,000
36 Golden Goal, LLC 1-5M 9 -- 9 Fort Ann Washington 1,245,313 0 0 0 0 1,245,313
Golden Goal, LLC 1-5M 9 -- 9 Fort Ann Washington 246,250 0 0 0 0 246,250
GridApp Systems, Inc. <1M 9 -- -- NYC New York 250,000 0 0 0 0 250,000
37 GridApp Systems, Inc. 1-5M -- -- -- NYC New York 750,000 0 0 0 0 750,000
GridApp Systems, Inc. 1-5M -- -- -- NYC New York 735,891 0 0 0 0 735,891
38 Group 3 Design Corp <1M -- -- -- NYC New York 0 1,250,000 0 0 0 1,250,000
39 GSD Productions Inc 1-5M -- -- 9 West Hempstead Nassau 0 0 500,000 0 0 500,000
40 Harlem Bowling Center, LLC <1M -- 9 -- New York New York 0 0 50,000 0 0 50,000
41 Harvest Strategies, LLC <1M 9 -- 9 East Meadow Nassau 0 0 0 0 999,950 999,950
42 HDS Cosmetics Lab Inc 1-5M -- 9 -- Yonkers Westchester 0 0 300,000 0 0 300,000
HDS Cosmetics Lab Inc 1-5M -- -- 9 Harrison Westchester 0 0 200,125 0 0 200,125

2 of 4

As of December 31, 2010

Empire Zone

Early Stage

43 Home Bistro Foods Inc. (Chestnut ) <1M -- 9 -- Plattsburgh Clinton 0 0 750,000 0 0 750,000
Home Bistro Foods Inc. (Chestnut ) <1M -- 9 -- Plattsburgh Clinton 0 0 225,750 0 0 225,750
44 Hornet Group, Inc. 1-5M -- 9 -- Port Jervis Orange 0 0 0 3,750,100 0 3,750,100
45 Intelli-Tec Security Services LLC 1-5M 9 -- 9 Westbury Nassau 710,000 0 0 0 0 710,000
46 Invision.com, Inc. 1-5M -- -- 9 Commack Suffolk 1,050,000 0 0 0 0 1,050,000
Invision.com, Inc. 5M+ -- -- 9 Commack Suffolk 1,750,000 0 0 0 0 1,750,000
47 JCR Business Services, LLC <1M -- 9 -- Great River Suffolk 0 0 0 0 430,000 430,000
48 Kanoodle.com, Inc. 5M+ -- -- 9 Getzville Erie 900,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 1,900,000
49 Karen's Fabulous Foods, Inc. <1M -- -- 9 White Plains Westchester 0 600,000 0 0 0 600,000
50 Kionix, Inc. 5M+ 9 -- 9 Ithaca Tompkins 1,050,000 1,125,000 0 0 0 2,175,000
Kionix, Inc. 5M+ 9 -- 9 Ithaca Tompkins 273,140 0 0 0 273,140
51 Knovel Corporation <1M -- 9 -- Norwich Chenango 0 0 1,000,000 525,000 0 1,525,000
Knovel Corporation <1M -- 9 -- Norwich Chenango 0 0 140,000 0 140,000
52 L&G Bakery Enterprises, Inc. 1-5M -- 9 -- Rochester Monroe 0 0 0 2,000,000 0 2,000,000
53 M.R.B. Securities Corp. 5M+ -- -- -- New York New York 0 0 500,000 0 0 500,000
54 Marketing Technology Solutions, Inc. 1-5M -- -- -- New York New York 0 0 250,000 0 0 250,000
55 Medicom, LLC 1-5M -- -- 9 Brooklyn Kings 0 0 0 300,000 0 300,000
56 Medidata Solutions, Inc. <1M 9 -- -- NYC New York 0 0 0 1,655,000 0 1,655,000
Medidata Solutions, Inc. 5M+ -- -- -- NYC New York 0 0 0 6,227,938 0 6,227,938
57 Metropolitan TLC Holdings Inc 5M+ -- -- -- NYC New York 0 0 0 2,211,723 0 2,211,723
58 MilMar Food Group, LLC 1-5M -- 9 -- Goshen Orange 0 700,000 0 0 0 700,000
59 MR Holding Company, LLC 5M+ 9 -- 9 Goshen Orange 0 0 0 2,150,000 0 2,150,000
MR Holding Company, LLC 5M+ -- 9 -- Goshen Orange 0 0 0 3,000,000 0 3,000,000
60 New Monarch Machine Tool, Inc. 5M+ -- 9 -- Cortland Cortland 1,970,000 0 0 0 0 1,970,000
New Monarch Machine Tool, Inc. 5M+ -- 9 -- Cortland Cortland 170,000 0 0 0 0 170,000
61 New York Business development Corp. 5M+ -- 9 -- Albany Albany 0 0 3,000,000 0 0 3,000,000
New York Business development Corp. 5M+ -- 9 -- Albany Albany 0 0 376,897 0 0 376,897
62 Newtek Securities LLC (PPMLink LLC) <1M 9 -- -- NYC New York 0 0 0 0 2,103,333 2,103,333

3 of 4

As of December 31, 2010

Empire Zone

Early Stage

63 Oasis Children's Services <1M -- -- 9 Brooklyn Kings 0 0 625,000 0 0 625,000
Oasis Children's Services <1M -- -- 9 Brooklyn Kings 0 0 650,000 0 0 650,000
64 Oxford Collection Agency 1-5M -- -- 9 Melville Suffolk 0 0 0 3,725,000 0 3,725,000
65 Parkview Health Services, LLC 5M+ -- -- 9 Buffalo Erie 0 0 0 1,665,581 0 1,665,581
Parkview Health Services, LLC 5M+ -- -- 9 Buffalo Erie 0 0 0 386,620 0 386,620
66 PartSearch Technologies, Inc. 1-5M 9 -- -- NYC New York 0 1,185,185 0 0 0 1,185,185
PartSearch Technologies, Inc. 1-5M -- -- -- NYC New York 0 150,000 0 0 0 150,000
67 PECO Pallet, Inc. 5M+ -- 9 -- Yonkers Westchester 3,000,000 0 0 3,000,000 0 6,000,000
PECO Pallet, Inc. 5M+ -- 9 -- Yonkers Westchester 100,000 0 0 238,982 0 338,982
PECO Pallet, Inc. 5M+ -- 9 -- Yonkers Westchester 700,000 0 0 334,110 0 1,034,110
68 Picasso Lighting Inc 1-5M -- -- 9 Brooklyn Kings 0 0 300,000 0 0 300,000
69 Production Designer LLC dba Wet Electrics <1M 9 -- -- NYC New York 0 0 750,000 0 0 750,000
70 Rapid Response Monitoring Services Inc 1-5M -- 9 -- Syracuse Onondaga 3,000,000 0 0 0 0 3,000,000
71 ReVal.com Inc 1-5M -- -- -- NYC New York 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000
72 Sasun LLC 1-5M -- 9 -- Brooklyn Kings 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
73 Scarsdale Security Systems Inc 1-5M -- -- 9 Scarsdale Westchester 3,000,000 0 0 0 0 3,000,000
74 SchoolNet, Inc. 5M+ 9 -- -- New York New York 0 0 1,100,000 0 0 1,100,000
75 SellJewelry Inc. <1M -- -- -- NYC New York 0 0 550,000 0 0 550,000
76 Shake-N-Go Fashions Inc 5M+ -- -- 9 College Point Queens 0 0 500,000 0 0 500,000
77 Small Business Lending, Inc. <1M 9 -- -- NYC New York 0 0 0 0 2,000,000 2,000,000
78 Solbright Inc 1-5M 9 -- -- NYC New York 0 0 537,000 0 0 537,000
79 Synacor, Inc. 1-5M 9 -- 9 Buffalo Erie 68,000 0 0 0 0 68,000
Synacor, Inc. 1-5M 9 -- 9 Buffalo Erie 1,325,000 0 0 0 0 1,325,000
Synacor, Inc. 5M+ -- 9 -- Buffalo Erie 599,997 0 0 0 0 599,997
80 Tayor Recycling Facility LLC (TKM Materials LL <1M 9 -- 9 Middletown Orange 0 0 250,000 0 0 250,000
81 The Metropolitan Switchboard Co Inc <1M -- -- 9 Amityville Suffolk 0 0 0 1,500,000 0 1,500,000
82 Transworld Business Brokers of New York LLC <1M -- 9 -- Great River Suffolk 0 0 0 0 3,500,667 3,500,667
83 Universal Processing Services LLC <1M 9 -- -- NYC New York 0 0 0 0 3,600,000 3,600,000
Universal Processing Services LLC <1M -- -- -- NYC New York 0 0 0 0 60,000 60,000
84 US Energy Group, Inc. 1-5M -- -- 9 Queens New York 0 0 500,000 0 0 500,000
27,824,621 8,211,643 19,936,177 52,866,781 18,152,283 126,991,505

4 of 4
A p p e n d i x B4

CAPCO Program Four

Amounts Invested in Qualified Businesses


As of December 31, 2010


Initial Assets


Empire Zone

Early Stage

City County Advantage II Enhanced II NYSBVF II Stonehenge Whitecap Wilshire IV TOTAL

1 Allworx Corp. 1-5M -- 9 -- 9 9 Fairport Monroe 800,000 960,000 0 0 0 0 1,760,000

Allworx Corp. 1-5M -- 9 -- 9 9 Fairport Monroe 300,000 162,383 0 0 0 0 462,383
Allworx Corp. 1-5M -- 9 -- 9 9 Fairport Monroe 108,256 0 0 0 0 108,256
Allworx Corp. 1-5M -- 9 -- 9 9 Fairport Monroe 151,120 0 0 0 0 151,120
2 APF Group, Inc. 5M+ -- -- 9 -- -- Mount Vernon Westchester 263,919 0 0 0 0 0 263,919
3 Autotask Corporation 1-5M -- -- 9 -- -- East Greenbush Rensselaer 0 0 0 0 0 300,000 300,000
4 BinOptics Corporation 5M+ -- -- 9 -- 9 Ithaca Tompkins 0 250,000 0 0 0 0 250,000
5 CDS Business Services, Inc. 5M+ -- -- 9 -- -- West Hempstead Nassau 0 0 0 0 0 750,000 750,000
6 City Winery New York, LLC 1-5M -- -- -- -- -- New York New York 0 400,000 0 0 0 0 400,000
7 Coresense, Inc. 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Saratoga Springs Saratoga 0 400,000 0 0 200,000 0 600,000
Coresense, Inc. 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Saratoga Springs Saratoga 0 250,000 0 0 0 250,000
Coresense, Inc. 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Saratoga Springs Saratoga 0 111,346 0 0 0 111,346
Coresense, Inc. 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Saratoga Springs Saratoga 0 500,000 0 0 0 500,000
Coresense, Inc. 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Saratoga Springs Saratoga 0 200,000 0 0 0 200,000
Coresense, Inc. 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Saratoga Springs Saratoga 0 150,000 0 0 0 150,000
Coresense, Inc. 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Saratoga Springs Saratoga 0 52,000 0 0 0 52,000
8 Cortland Plastics International LLC 1-5M -- -- 9 -- -- Cortland Cortland 0 0 0 400,000 0 0 400,000
Cortland Plastics International LLC 5M+ -- -- 9 -- -- Cortland Cortland 0 0 0 66,400 0 0 66,400
9 Critical Mention, Inc. <1M -- 9 -- -- 9 New York New York 0 0 0 151,612 0 0 151,612
Critical Mention, Inc. 1-5M -- -- -- -- 9 New York New York 0 0 0 109,995 0 0 109,995
10 eHealth Global Technologies <1M -- -- -- 9 9 Rochester Monroe 0 0 0 550,000 0 0 550,000
11 Engineered Products Group, LLC 5M+ -- -- -- 9 -- Niagara Falls Niagara 0 0 0 650,000 0 0 650,000
12 FGNY, LLC 1-5M -- -- -- -- -- New York New York 0 0 0 400,000 0 0 400,000
13 Filco Carting Corp. 5M+ -- -- 9 -- -- Brooklyn Kings 0 0 0 250,000 0 0 250,000
Filco Carting Corp. 5M+ -- -- 9 -- -- Brooklyn Kings 0 0 0 175,000 0 0 175,000
Filco Carting Corp. 5M+ -- -- 9 -- -- Brooklyn Kings 0 0 0 500,000 0 0 500,000
14 Flower Hill Advisers, LLC <1M -- -- 9 -- -- Great River Suffolk 0 0 0 0 0 700,000 700,000
15 Golden Goal, LLC 1-5M -- 9 -- 9 -- Fort Ann Washington 738,750 0 0 0 0 0 738,750
Golden Goal, LLC 1-5M -- 9 -- 9 -- Fort Ann Washington 246,250 0 0 0 0 0 246,250
16 GridApp Systems, Inc. 1-5M -- -- -- -- 9 NYC New York 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 300,000
GridApp Systems, Inc. <1M -- 9 -- -- 9 NYC New York 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000
17 Harlem Bowling Center, LLC <1M -- -- 9 -- -- NYC New York 0 0 500,000 0 0 0 500,000

1 of 3

As of December 31, 2010


Initial Assets


Empire Zone

Early Stage

City County Advantage II Enhanced II NYSBVF II Stonehenge Whitecap Wilshire IV TOTAL

18 Hotel Technology Solutions, Inc. 1-5M -- -- -- 9 - - Amherst Erie 0 157,500 0 502,000 0 0 659,500
Hotel Technology Solutions, Inc. 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Buffalo New York 0 539,312 0 280,000 0 0 819,312
Hotel Technology Solutions, Inc. 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Buffalo Erie 0 0 78,705 0 0 78,705
19 i-Cardiac Technologies, Inc. <1M 9 -- -- 9 9 Rochester Monroe 223,716 0 0 300,000 0 0 523,716
20 Infinia Group LLC <1M -- 9 -- -- - - New York New York 0 300,000 0 0 0 0 300,000
Infinia Group LLC <1M -- -- -- -- - - New York New York 0 126,000 0 0 0 0 126,000
Infinia Group LLC <1M -- -- -- -- - - New York New York 0 300,000 0 0 0 0 300,000
Infinia Group LLC <1M -- -- -- -- - - New York New York 0 100,000 0 0 0 0 100,000
21 Intra-Cellular Therapies, Inc. 5M+ -- -- 9 -- 9 NYC New York 0 0 204,964 0 0 0 204,964
Intra-Cellular Therapies, Inc. 5M+ -- -- 9 -- 9 NYC New York 0 0 259,476 0 0 0 259,476
22 JCR Business Services, LLC <1M -- -- 9 -- - - Great River Suffolk 0 0 0 0 0 750,000 750,000
23 Kanoodle.com, Inc. 5M+ -- -- -- 9 - - Getzville Erie 1,100,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,100,000
24 Kionix, Inc. 5M+ -- 9 -- 9 9 Ithaca Tompkins 332,523 292,827 0 0 0 0 625,350
Kionix, Inc. 5M+ -- 9 -- 9 9 Ithaca Tompkins 1,500,000 0 0 0 0 1,500,000
25 Knovel Corporation 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Norwich Chenango 0 0 0 100,000 0 0 100,000
Knovel Corporation 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Norwich Chenango 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000
Knovel Corporation 5M+ -- -- -- -- 9 Norwich Chenango 0 0 0 89,002 0 0 89,002
26 Lumetrics, Inc. <1M 9 -- -- 9 9 West Henrietta Monroe 0 0 0 300,000 610,000 0 910,000
Lumetrics, Inc. <1M -- -- 9 -- 9 West Henrietta Monroe 0 0 68,000 68,000
27 Medicom, LLC 1-5M -- -- -- 9 - - Brooklyn Kings 0 0 0 250,000 0 0 250,000
28 Medidata Solutions, Inc. 5M+ -- 9 -- -- 9 New York New York 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000
Medidata Solutions, Inc. 5M+ -- -- -- -- 9 New York New York 0 0 0 997,463 0 0 997,463
29 Mezmeriz, Inc <1M 9 -- -- 9 9 Ithaca Tompkins 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 150,000
30 Mystique Brands, LLC 1-5M -- -- 9 -- - - New York New York 0 870,482 0 0 0 0 870,482
Mystique Brands, LLC 1-5M -- -- 9 -- - - New York New York 0 52,086 0 0 0 0 52,086
Mystique Brands, LLC 1-5M -- -- 9 -- - - New York New York 0 52,086 0 0 0 0 52,086
Mystique Brands, LLC 1-5M -- -- 9 -- - - New York New York 0 28,467 0 0 0 0 28,467
31 NANIRX Therapeutics Inc. 1-5M 9 -- -- -- 9 NYC New York 0 0 375,000 0 0 0 375,000
32 New Monarch Machine Tool, Inc. 5M+ -- -- 9 -- - - Cortland Cortland 900,000 0 0 0 0 0 900,000
New Monarch Machine Tool, Inc. 5M+ -- -- 9 -- - - Cortland Cortland 33,750 0 0 0 0 0 33,750
33 New York Information Services Corp. <1M -- 9 -- 9 9 New Rochelle Westchester 0 0 0 0 600,000 0 600,000
34 Niagara Dispensing Technologies, LL <1M -- 9 -- 9 9 Amherst Erie 850,000 0 0 0 0 0 850,000
35 NYC Seed, LLC <1M 9 -- -- 9 - - Brooklyn Kings 0 0 550,000 0 0 0 550,000
36 Outside.in Inc. <1M -- 9 -- 9 9 Brooklyn Kings 0 0 653,309 0 0 0 653,309
Outside.in Inc. 1-5M -- 9 -- 9 9 Brooklyn Kings 0 0 250,000 0 0 0 250,000

2 of 3

As of December 31, 2010


Initial Assets


Empire Zone

Early Stage

City County Advantage II Enhanced II NYSBVF II Stonehenge Whitecap Wilshire IV TOTAL

37 OwnEnergy, Inc. 1-5M -- 9 -- 9 -- Brooklyn Kings 0 0 225,000 0 0 0 225,000

OwnEnergy, Inc. 5M+ -- -- -- 9 -- Brooklyn Kings 0 0 270,000 0 0 0 270,000
38 Parkview Health Services, LLC 5M+ -- -- -- 9 -- Buffalo Erie 0 0 0 0 640,000 0 640,000
Parkview Health Services, LLC 5M+ -- -- -- 9 -- Buffalo Erie 0 0 37,710 37,710
39 PartSearch Technologies, Inc. 5M+ -- -- 9 -- -- New York New York 0 740,000 1,000,000 0 0 0 1,740,000
40 PECO Pallet, Inc. 5M+ -- -- 9 -- -- Yonkers Westchester 429,823 0 0 0 0 0 429,823
PECO Pallet, Inc. 5M+ -- -- 9 -- -- Yonkers Westchester 579,155 0 0 0 0 0 579,155
41 Pixfusion <1M -- -- -- -- 9 New York New York 0 0 0 750,000 0 0 750,000
Pixfusion 1-5M -- -- -- -- 9 New York New York 0 0 0 85,000 0 0 85,000
42 PowerChow, LLC (d/b/a NuKitchen) <1M -- -- -- 9 -- Long Island City Queens 0 0 750,000 0 0 0 750,000
PowerChow, LLC (d/b/a NuKitchen) 1-5M -- -- -- 9 9 Long Island City Queens 0 0 350,000 0 0 0 350,000
43 Resolute Digital, LLC 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 0 677,000 0 677,000
44 Rheonix, Inc. 1-5M -- -- -- 9 9 Ithaca Tompkins 0 250,000 0 0 0 0 250,000
45 SchoolNet, Inc. 5M+ -- 9 -- -- 9 NYC New York 0 0 1,900,000 0 0 0 1,900,000
46 Soft Sight, Inc <1M -- -- 9 -- 9 Endwell Broome 285,000 0 0 0 0 0 285,000
47 Soms Technologies, LLC <1M 9 -- -- 9 9 Valhalla Westchester 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 250,000
48 Synacor, Inc. 5M+ -- -- 9 -- -- Buffalo Erie 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000
49 The SmartPill Corp. <1M -- -- 9 -- 9 Buffalo Erie 0 0 0 0 0 125,000 125,000
50 TradeComet.com, LLC <1M -- 9 -- -- -- NYC New York 0 0 0 0 100,000 0 100,000
TradeComet.com, LLC <1M -- 9 -- -- -- NYC New York 0 0 0 0 500,000 0 500,000
TradeComet.com, LLC <1M -- 9 -- -- -- NYC New York 0 0 0 0 15,748 0 15,748
51 Vault.com, Inc. 5M+ -- -- -- -- -- New York New York 0 1,909,073 0 0 0 0 1,909,073
52 Verde Energy USA, Inc. <1M -- -- 9 -- 9 Yonkers Westchester 0 0 0 0 677,000 0 677,000
53 Webenergy.Net, Inc., d/b/a ConsumerP 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 NYC New York 0 0 630,000 0 0 0 630,000
Webenergy.Net, Inc., d/b/a ConsumerP 5M+ -- -- 9 -- 9 NYC New York 0 0 150,000 0 0 0 150,000
54 Word World, LLC <1M -- -- 9 -- 9 New York New York 0 900,000 0 0 0 0 900,000
55 Xtreme Mobile, Inc. <1M 9 -- -- -- -- White Plains Westchester 0 541,278 0 0 0 0 541,278
Xtreme Mobile, Inc. <1M 9 -- -- 9 -- White Plains Westchester 0 600,000 0 0 0 0 600,000
Xtreme Mobile, Inc. <1M 9 -- -- 9 -- White Plains Westchester 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 50,000
Xtreme Mobile, Inc. <1M 9 -- -- 9 -- White Plains Westchester 0 175,000 0 0 0 0 175,000
Xtreme Mobile, Inc. <1M 9 -- -- 9 -- White Plains Westchester 0 75,000 0 0 0 0 75,000
Xtreme Mobile, Inc. <1M -- -- -- 9 -- White Plains Westchester 0 300,000 0 0 0 0 300,000
56 YellowJacket Software, Inc. 1-5M 9 -- -- -- 9 NYC New York 0 0 375,000 0 0 0 375,000
YellowJacket Software, Inc. 1-5M 9 -- -- -- 9 NYC New York 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 50,000
9,282,886 13,554,216 8,492,749 9,053,177 4,057,458 2,625,000 47,065,486

3 of 3
A p p e n d i x B5

CAPCO Program Five

Amounts Invested in Qualified Businesses


As of December 31, 2010

Initial Assets


Empire Zone

Early Stage


1 Adirondack Digital Imaging Syste 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Keeseville Essex 0 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 250,000

2 Allworx Corp. 1-5M -- 9 -- 9 9 East Rochester Monroe 200,000 0 1,040,000 0 0 0 0 1,240,000
Allworx Corp. 1-5M -- 9 -- 9 9 East Rochester Monroe 501,120 0 137,617 0 0 0 0 638,737
Allworx Corp. 1-5M -- 9 -- 9 9 Fairport Monroe 0 91,744 0 0 0 0 91,744
Allworx Corp. 1-5M -- 9 -- 9 9 Fairport Monroe 0 100,000 0 0 0 0 100,000
3 Autotask Corporation 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 East Greenbush Rensselaer 0 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 500,000
4 BinOptics Corporation 5M+ -- -- 9 -- 9 Ithaca Tompkins 0 0 250,000 0 0 0 0 250,000
5 Brooklyn Boro Film Company, LL <1M -- -- 9 -- -- Brooklyn Kings 0 915,000 0 0 0 0 0 915,000
6 CDS Business Services, Inc. 5M+ -- -- 9 -- -- West Hempstead Nassau 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,300,000 1,300,000
7 Chapman Instruments Inc <1M -- 9 -- 9 9 Rochester Monroe 594,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 594,000
8 City Winery New York, LLC 1-5M -- -- -- -- -- New York New York 0 0 350,000 0 0 0 0 350,000
9 Coresense, Inc. 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Saratoga Springs Saratoga 0 0 390,000 0 0 0 0 390,000
Coresense, Inc. 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Saratoga Springs Saratoga 0 0 200,000 0 0 0 0 200,000
Coresense, Inc. 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Saratoga Springs Saratoga 0 0 200,000 0 0 0 0 200,000
Coresense, Inc. 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Saratoga Springs Saratoga 0 0 60,000 0 0 0 0 60,000
Coresense, Inc. 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Saratoga Springs Saratoga 0 0 40,000 0 0 0 0 40,000
Coresense, Inc. 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Saratoga Springs Saratoga 0 0 120,000 0 0 0 0 120,000
10 DataSynapse, Inc. 5M+ -- -- -- -- 9 New York New York 0 0 0 0 500,000 0 0 500,000
DataSynapse, Inc. 5M+ -- -- -- -- 9 New York New York 0 0 0 0 125,000 0 0 125,000
11 Dogmatic Products, Inc. <1M 9 -- -- 9 9 Brooklyn Kings 0 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 150,000
Dogmatic Products, Inc. <1M -- 9 -- 9 9 Brooklyn Kings 0 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 100,000
12 eHealth Global Technologies <1M -- -- -- 9 9 Rochester Monroe 0 0 0 0 450,000 0 0 450,000
13 Engineered Products Group, LLC 5M+ -- -- -- 9 -- Niagara Falls Niagara 0 0 0 0 200,000 0 0 200,000
14 FGNY LLC 1-5m -- -- -- -- -- New York New York 0 0 0 0 965,000 0 0 965,000
15 Filco Carting Corp. 5M+ -- -- 9 -- -- Brooklyn Kings 0 0 0 0 420,000 0 0 420,000
16 Flower Hill Advisers, LLC <1M -- -- 9 -- -- Great River Suffolk 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,300,000 1,300,000
17 Golden Goal, LLC 1-5M -- 9 -- 9 -- Fort Ann Washington 747,188 0 0 0 0 0 0 747,188
Golden Goal, LLC 1-5M -- 9 -- 9 -- Fort Ann Washington 246,250 0 0 0 0 0 0 246,250
18 GridApp Systems, Inc. 1-5M -- -- -- -- 9 New York New York 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 500,000

1 of 3

As of December 31, 2010

Initial Assets


Empire Zone

Early Stage


GridApp Systems, Inc. 1-5M -- -- -- -- 9 New York New York 400,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 400,000
GridApp Systems, Inc. <1M -- -- -- -- 9 New York New York 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,000
GridApp Systems, Inc. <1M -- -- -- -- 9 NYC New York 450,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 450,000
19 Hotel Technology Solutions, Inc. 1-5M -- -- -- 9 -- Amherst Erie 0 0 342,500 0 298,000 0 0 640,500
Hotel Technology Solutions, Inc. 1-5M 9-- -- 9 -- Amherst Erie 0 0 402,000 0 198,326 0 0 600,326
Hotel Technology Solutions, Inc. 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Buffalo Erie 0 0 220,374 0 195,453 0 0 415,827
Hotel Technology Solutions, Inc. 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Buffalo Erie 0 0 88,740 0 118,057 0 0 206,797
Hotel Technology Solutions, Inc. 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Buffalo Erie 0 0 133,110 0 78,705 0 0 211,815
Hotel Technology Solutions, Inc. 1-5M -- -- -- 9 9 Buffalo Erie 0 0 88,740 0 0 0 88,740
20 i-Cardiac Technologies, Inc. <1M 9-- -- 9 9 Rochester Monroe 1,000,000 0 0 0 300,000 0 0 1,300,000
i-Cardiac Technologies, Inc. <1M 9-- -- 9 9 Rochester Monroe 0 0 0 154,229 0 0 154,229
21 Infinia Group LLC <1M -- -- -- -- -- New York New York 0 0 274,000 0 0 0 0 274,000
Infinia Group LLC <1M -- -- -- -- -- New York New York 0 0 100,000 0 0 0 0 100,000
Infinia Group LLC <1M -- -- -- -- -- New York New York 0 0 200,000 0 0 0 0 200,000
22 Intra-Cellular Therapies, Inc. 5M+ -- -- 9 -- 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 500,000 0 0 0 500,000
Intra-Cellular Therapies, Inc. 5M+ -- -- 9 -- 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 300,000 0 0 0 300,000
23 Invision.com, Inc. 5M+ -- -- -- 9 -- Commack Suffolk 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 500,000
24 Kionix, Inc. 5M+ -- 9 -- 9 9 Ithaca Tompkins 305,515 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 1,305,515
25 Knovel Corporation 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 Norwich Chenango 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000
Knovel Corporation 5M+ -- -- 9 -- 9 Norwich Chenango 0 0 0 0 112,815 0 0 112,815
26 Lumetrics, Inc. <1M 9-- -- -- 9 West Henrietta Monroe 0 0 0 0 182,000 0 0 182,000
27 Medidata Solutions, Inc. 5M+ -- 9 -- -- 9 New York New York 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000
Medidata Solutions, Inc. 5M+ -- -- -- -- 9 New York New York 0 0 0 0 714,600 0 0 714,600
28 Mystique Brands, LLC 1-5M -- -- 9 -- -- Brooklyn Kings 0 0 1,129,518 0 0 0 0 1,129,518
Mystique Brands, LLC 1-5M -- -- 9 -- -- New York New York 0 0 67,585 0 0 0 0 67,585
Mystique Brands, LLC 1-5M -- -- 9 -- -- New York New York 0 0 67,585 0 0 0 0 67,585
Mystique Brands, LLC 1-5M -- -- 9 -- -- New York New York 0 0 36,938 0 0 0 0 36,938
Mystique Brands, LLC 1-5M -- -- 9 -- -- New York New York 0 0 82,800 0 0 0 0 82,800
Mystique Brands, LLC 1-5M -- -- 9 -- -- New York New York 0 0 59,799 0 0 0 0 59,799
Mystique Brands, LLC 1-5M -- -- 9 -- -- New York New York 0 0 8,850 0 0 0 0 8,850
29 NANIRX Therapeutics Inc. 1-5M 9-- -- -- 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 187,500 0 0 0 187,500

2 of 3

As of December 31, 2010

Initial Assets


Empire Zone

Early Stage


30 New York Information Services C <1M -- 9 -- 9 9 New Rochelle Westchester 0 0 0 0 0 600,000 0 600,000
31 Niagara Dispensing Technologies <1M -- 9 -- 9 9 Amherst Erie 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 150,000
32 NYC Seed, LLC 1-5M 9-- -- 9 -- Brooklyn Kings 0 0 0 487,000 0 0 0 487,000
33 Outside.in Inc. 1-5M -- 9 -- 9 9 Brooklyn Kings 0 0 0 200,000 0 0 0 200,000
34 OwnEnergy, Inc. 1-5M -- 9 -- 9 -- Brooklyn Kings 0 0 0 225,000 0 0 0 225,000
35 Parkview Health Services, LLC 5M+ -- -- -- 9 -- Buffalo Erie 0 0 0 0 150,000 760,000 0 910,000
Parkview Health Services, LLC 5M+ -- -- -- 9 -- Buffalo Erie 0 0 0 0 44,084 0 44,084
36 PartSearch Technologies, Inc. 5M+ -- -- 9 -- -- Kingston Ulster 0 0 785,000 0 0 0 0 785,000
37 Pixfusion 1-5M -- -- -- -- 9 New York New York 0 0 0 0 275,000 0 0 275,000
Pixfusion 1-5M -- -- -- -- 9 New York New York 0 0 0 0 15,000 0 0 15,000
Pixfusion 1-5M -- -- -- -- 9 New York New York 0 0 0 0 90,000 0 0 90,000
38 PMT Works Payroll, LLC <1M -- -- -- -- -- New York New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 500,000
39 Polar Industries, Inc. <1M -- -- 9 -- 9 New Windsor Orange 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000
40 Resolute Digital, LLC <1M 9-- -- -- 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 0 0 671,000 0 671,000
41 Rosenfeld Advisors, LLC <1M -- -- -- 9 -- Brooklyn Kings 0 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 300,000
42 SchoolNet, Inc. 5M+ -- 9 -- -- 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 190,000 0 0 0 190,000
43 SLM Holdings Inc. <1M -- 9 -- 9 9 Melville Suffolk 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000
44 Soft Sight, Inc <1M -- 9 -- 9 9 Vestal Broome 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 500,000
Soft Sight, Inc <1M -- -- 9 -- 9 Endwell Broome 415,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 415,000
45 Synacor, Inc. 5M+ -- -- 9 -- -- Buffalo Erie 1,500,004 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,500,004
46 TAKKLE, Inc. <1M -- 9 -- -- 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 419,999 0 0 0 419,999
47 The SmartPill Corp. <1M -- -- 9 -- 9 Buffalo Erie 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,250,000 1,250,000
48 TradeComet.com, LLC <1M -- 9 -- -- -- NYC New York 0 0 0 0 0 804,000 0 804,000
49 Vincent Partnership Inc. <1M 9-- -- -- 9 New York New York 0 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 300,000
Vincent Partnership Inc. <1M 9-- -- -- 9 New York New York 0 600,000 0 0 0 0 0 600,000
50 Webenergy.Net, Inc., d/b/a Consu 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 370,000 0 0 0 370,000
Webenergy.Net, Inc., d/b/a Consu 1-5M -- -- 9 -- 9 NYC New York 0 0 0 200,000 0 0 0 200,000
51 Xtreme Mobile, Inc. <1M 9 -- -- -- -- White Plains Westchester 0 0 458,722 0 0 0 0 458,722
Xtreme Mobile, Inc. <1M -- -- -- 9 -- White Plains Westchester 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 50,000
Xtreme Mobile, Inc. <1M -- -- -- 9 -- White Plains Westchester 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 50,000
Xtreme Mobile, Inc. <1M -- -- -- 9 -- White Plains Westchester 0 0 75,000 0 0 0 0 75,000
Xtreme Mobile, Inc. <1M -- -- -- 9 -- White Plains Westchester 0 0 30,000 0 0 0 0 30,000
8,059,077 3,615,000 8,730,622 3,079,499 7,542,185 2,879,084 4,850,000 38,755,466

3 of 3
Appendix C

CAPCO Programs One, Two, Three, Four and Five Combined

Characteristics of Qualified Businesses


As of December 31, 2010
INITIAL As Of 12/31/10
Investment Since Initial
City County NO. Sector NY TOTAL Outside NY NY TOTAL
1 1-800-Gift Certificate LLC 1 3 <1M NYC New York 514199 Telephone Sales 0 0 * * * * *
2 1Call4All LLC dba Biazo 1 <1M NYC New York 514191 Online information services (Internet Relocation 5 5 0 0 0 (5) (5)
3 7thOnline Inc 1 2 3 <1M NYC New York 514210 Data Processing Services 0 0 0 16 16 16 16
4 Acquire Systems Inc (Phlair Inc) 2 3 <1M Brewster Putnam 541512 Computer Systems Design services 25 25 * * * * *
5 Actiant Inc (Electronic Sales Systems 1 <1M Kingston Ulster 541512 Computer Systems Design 8 9 0 0 0 (8) (9)
6 Activision, Inc. (Vicarious Visions 2 <1M Brooklyn Kings 541990 Software Game Developer 60 60 * * * * *
7 Adirondack Digital Imaging Systems, 5 1-5M NYC New York 339900 Manufacturing - Optical Equipment 4 4 * * * * *
8 Adirondack Plastics & Recycling, Inc. 3 <1M Melville Suffolk 421930 Recyclable Material Wholesalers 7 7 0 0 0 (7) (7)
9 Advanced Internet Design and 1 2 3 <1M Rensselaer Rensselaer 541519 Other computer related services 8 8 * * * * *
10 Alfa Medical Equipment Specialists 3 <1M NYC New York 339113 Sterilizer Manufacturer 23 23 3 10 13 (13) (10)
11 Alloy Inc. (InSite Advertising Inc) 1 <1M Saratoga Saratoga 541850 Advertising Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Allworx Corp. 1 2 3 4 5 1-5M NYC New York 334210 Telephone Apparatus Manufacturing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 American Scholar Inc 1 2 1-5M NYC New York 421490 School equipment and supplies wholesaling 23 23 * * * * *
14 AngelSociety LLC 1 <1M NYC New York 54199 Network for Angel Investors 2 2 0 0 0 (2) (2)
15 APF Group, Inc. 3 4 1-5M Ithaca Tompkins 339999 Frames, mirror and picture, all materials, 73 80 3 81 84 8 4
16 Apollo Revue LLC 2 1-5M Bayshore Suffolk 711110 Musical theater productions, live 50 50 0 0 0 (50) (50)
17 Applied Robotics Inc 1 3 5M+ West Nassau 333298 All other industrial machinery mfg (Robotic 62 66 * * * * *
Hempstead Equipment)
18 Astro Electroplating Inc 2 3 1-5M Great River Suffolk 332813 Electroplating, Plating, Polishing, Anodizing and 70 70 * * * * *
19 Autotask Corporation 1 3 4 5 <1M Long Island Queens 541519 Other computer related services 13 13 * * * * *
20 Azimuth Alternative Assets, LLC 3 <1M Goshen Orange 522320 Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve and 9 9 * * * * *
21 BinOptics Corporation 4 5 5M+ Ithaca Tompkins 334413 Semiconductors and Related Devices 36 42 6 41 47 5 5
22 Blue Slate Ventures, LLC 1 2 <1M Albany Albany 541611 Administrative Management and General 12 12 * * * * *
23 Broadway Digital Entertainment Inc 1 5M+ NYC New York 513200 Cable Network/Program Distribution 5 6 0 0 0 (5) (6)
24 Brooklyn Boat Company 3 <1M NYC New York 483212 Inland Water Passenger Transportation 2 2 * * * * *
25 Brooklyn Boro Film Company, LLC 5 <1M Latham Albany 512100 Production/Media Production 2 2 0 0 0 (2) (2)
26 Burly Bear Network Inc 3 1-5M Goshen Orange 4841 Cable Networks 42 45 0 0 0 (42) (45)
27 Burst LLC 3 <1M NYC New York 512240 Sound recording studios 1 1 0 0 0 (1) (1)
28 C3i Inc 1 1-5M NYC New York 61171 Computer Sales Support & Consulting 84 84 1,098 18 1116 (66) 1,032

1 of 7
As of December 31, 2010
INITIAL As Of 12/31/10
Investment Since Initial
City County NO. Sector NY TOTAL Outside NY NY TOTAL
29 Cambium Learning (New York) Inc. 1 2 5M+ NYC New York 51113 Book Publishers 75 93 * * * * *
30 Capital Stream, Inc. (Capital 2 3 5M+ Getzville Erie 541511 Custom Computer Programming Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 CDS Business Services, Inc. 4 5 5M+ College Point Queens 522298 All Other Non Depository Credit Intermediation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 CEC Elevator Car Company 3 1-5M NYC New York 333921 Elevators, Manufacturing 66 66 0 49 49 (17) (17)
33 Cedric Kushner Promotions Ltd 1 1-5M NYC New York 71132 Sports Promotion Business 9 10 * * * * *
34 Chapman Instruments Inc 1 5 <1M Johnson City Broome 334515 Measuring Instruments and meters, electric, 24 29 0 3 3 (21) (26)
35 Chestnut Direct Inc.dba Home Bistro 1 <1M NYC New York 445299 All other specialty food stores 1 1 0 0 0 (1) (1)
36 City Street Solutions, Inc. 1 <1M Rochester Monroe 235210 Paiting and Wall Covering Contractors 5 5 0 0 0 (5) (5)
37 City Winery New York, LLC 4 5 1-5M NYC New York 312130 Wineries 4 4 4 60 64 56 60
38 Click Things Inc (Hotspace Inc) 1 5M+ Brooklyn Kings 541512 Computer Related Services 8 8 0 0 0 (8) (8)
39 College Broadband Inc 3 <1M Cortland Cortland 511140 On-line Publisher 1 1 0 0 0 (1) (1)
40 Comet Systems Inc 1 <1M NYC New York 541511 Applications software programming services, 40 40 0 0 0 (40) (40)
41 Commerce Systems Inc dba 2Scoot 1 3 1-5M Watermill Suffolk 522320 Electronic Financial Payment Systems 10 11 * * * * *
42 Coresense, Inc. 3 4 5 1-5M Albany Albany 423430 Software, computer, packaged, merchant, 11 11 1 24 25 13 14
43 Cortland Plastics International LLC 3 4 1-5M Cortland Cortland 326160 Plastic Bottle Manufacturing 35 35 0 36 36 1 1
44 CreditEx Inc 1 <1M West Monroe 523999 Services Allied with the Exchange of Securities 5 5 0 0 0 (5) (5)
45 Critical Mention, Inc. 1 3 4 <1M Rochester Monroe 511210 Software Publishers 9 9 4 41 45 32 36
46 DataSynapse, Inc. 1 2 3 5 1-5M NYC New York 541511 Custom Computer Programming Services 27 28 0 0 0 (27) (28)
47 dB Design LLC 1 2 <1M Brooklyn Kings 54133 Designs & sells Radar Calibration Equip. for use by 1 1 * * * * *
48 Direct Creations, LLC 1 2 3 <1M Tarrytown Westchester 541613 Direct response marketing 2 2 * * * * *
49 D'Lisi Food Systems, Inc. 3 1-5M New Westchester 311412 Frozen specialty food manufacturing 32 34 * * * * *
50 Dogmatic Products, Inc. 5 <1M NYC New York 33999 Misc Manufacturing 11 11 0 0 0 (11) (11)
51 EasyLink Services Inc (Mail.com Inc) 1 5M+ Farmingdale Suffolk 541512 Computer Systems Design Services 90 95 * * * * *
52 eBidenergy Inc 3 <1M NYC New York 54162 Environmental Consulting Services 12 12 * * * * *
53 Ecoboard Holdings Inc 3 1-5M Albany Albany 326199 Plastic Products Manufacturing 31 35 * * * * *
54 Edgehill Technologies LLC 1 <1M Syracuse Onondaga 334519 Measuring Controlling Device (Electronic Timing 1 1 * * * * *
55 eHealth Global Technologies 4 4 <1M Rochester Monroe 518210 Data Processing,and Related Svcs 14 17 6 32 38 18 21

2 of 7
As of December 31, 2010
INITIAL As Of 12/31/10
Investment Since Initial
City County NO. Sector NY TOTAL Outside NY NY TOTAL
56 Emergingmed.com, Inc. 3 <1M Buffalo Erie 516110 Internet Publishing and Broadcasting-Medical 10 10 9 14 23 4 13
57 Engineered Products Group, LLC 1 2 3 4 5 5M+ Troy Rensselaer 332410 Power Boiler and Heat Exchanger Manufacturing 74 75 3 114 117 40 42
58 eOneGlobal 1 <1M NYC New York 611000 Education services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
59 FGNY, LLC 3 4 5 <1M NYC New York 722211 Family Restaurants, Ltd Svc. 89 89 0 160 160 71 71
60 Filco Carting Corp. 3 4 5 1-5M Ithaca Tompkins 562111 Solid Waste and Recyclable Collection 47 48 1 58 59 11 11
61 FinTrack Systems Corp 1 3 <1M Plattsburgh Clinton 541512 Computer Software Development, custom 9 9 0 0 0 (9) (9)
62 Flower Hill Advisers, LLC 4 5 <1M New Westchester 523930 Investment Advice 0 0 * * * * *
63 Gaia Power technologies 3 <1M Brooklyn Kings 335999 Electronic equipment Manufacturing 3 3 0 0 0 (3) (3)
64 GarageTek Inc 1 2 3 <1M Keeseville Essex 326199 All Other Plastic Product Manufacturing 2 2 0 7 7 5 5
65 Global Miroge Inc / Spectracom Corp 2 1-5M West Monroe 3698 Manufacturer of syncronized time & frequency 32 32 0 0 0 (32) (32)
66 Globecon Group Ltd 1 1-5M Niagara Falls Niagara 611000 Education services 35 35 0 0 0 (35) (35)
67 Golden Goal, LLC 1 2 3 4 5 1-5M Fort Edward Washington 713900 Other Amusment and Recreation Industries 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
68 Gourmet Plate Inc (Fulton Street 1 <1M NYC New York 454110 Non-Store Retail - Electronic Shopping 19 20 * * * * *
69 GridApp Systems, Inc. 1 2 3 4 5 1-5M Buffalo Erie 334110 Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing 0 0 2 24 26 24 26
70 Group 3 Design Corp 3 <1M Brooklyn Kings 541490 Clothing Design Services 24 24 * * * * *
71 GSD Productions Inc 3 1-5M Brooklyn Kings 713900 Theatrical lighting and equipment sales and rentals 35 35 0 0 0 (35) (35)
72 HalfthePlanet (AdaptZ.com Inc) 1 <1M Brooklyn Kings 514100 Portal Web Site 10 10 0 0 0 (10) (10)
73 Harlem Bowling Center, LLC 3 4 <1M Brooklyn Kings 713950 Bowling Centers 0 0 4 59 63 59 63
74 Harvest Strategies, LLC 2 3 <1M White Plains Westchester 541611 Business Consulting Services 1 1 * * * * *
75 HDS Cosmetics Lab Inc 3 1-5M Melville Suffolk 325620 Cosmetics Sales 57 57 0 0 0 (57) (57)
76 Home Bistro Foods Inc. (Chestnut ) 3 <1M Buffalo Erie 445299 All other specialty food stores 1 1 0 0 0 (1) (1)
77 Hornet Group, Inc. 3 1-5M NYC New York 332439 Other metal container manufacturing 48 48 0 35 35 (13) (13)
78 Hotel Technology Solutions, Inc. 4 5 1-5M Melville Suffolk 334419 Electronic Component Manufacturing 0 0 5 5 10 5 10
79 IA Systems Inc 1 <1M NYC New York 5045 Computer Peripherals & Software 21 21 * * * * *
80 i-Cardiac Technologies, Inc. 4 5 <1M NYC New York 541710 Research and Development in the Physical, 0 0 2 25 27 25 27
81 IMPROV Technologies Inc 1 1-5M Great River Suffolk 51121 Software publishers 25 25 0 0 0 (25) (25)
82 Infinia Group LLC 4 5 <1M Vestal Broome 541613 Consulting Services 6 6 0 20 20 14 14
83 Intelli-Tec Security Services LLC 1 2 3 1-5M Hempstead Nassau 561612 Security alarm systems sales combined with 35 35 0 0 0 (35) (35)

3 of 7
As of December 31, 2010
INITIAL As Of 12/31/10
Investment Since Initial
City County NO. Sector NY TOTAL Outside NY NY TOTAL
84 Internet Financial Services Inc / A.B. 1 1-5M Peekskill Putnam 523120 Security Brokers on the Internet 62 62 * * * * *
85 Intra-Cellular Therapies, Inc. 4 5 5M+ NYC New York 541710 R&D in the Physical, Engineering, and Life 0 0 3 19 22 19 22
86 IntraLinks Inc 1 1-5M Port Nassau 51339 Computer Processing, Data Prep & Processing 32 36 0 0 0 (32) (36)
87 Invision.com, Inc. 1 2 3 5 1-5M NYC New York 541513 Computer systems facilities management & 69 69 151 237 388 168 319
88 i-Stream TV Inc 1 <1M Rochester Monroe 512191 Video Production Services 14 14 0 0 0 (14) (14)
89 J.F.G. Food Corp. 1 1-5M NYC New York 422400 Grocery Wholesaler 35 35 0 0 0 (35) (35)
90 JCR Business Services, LLC 1 3 4 <1M Brooklyn Kings 561499 Other Business Support Services 1 1 * * * * *
91 Kanoodle.com, Inc. 1 2 3 4 5M+ Fairport Monroe 541840 Media Advertising Representative 76 77 2 58 60 (18) (17)
92 Karen's Fabulous Foods, Inc. 3 <1M Yonkers Westchester 311991 Perishable prepared food manufacturing 8 8 * * * * *
93 Kionix, Inc. 3 4 5 5M+ Brooklyn Kings 334413 Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing 47 47 18 158 176 111 129
94 Knovel Corporation 3 4 5 <1M NYC New York 511140 Electronic database Publishing 16 18 20 46 66 30 48
95 K's Salon, LLC 1 <1M Fort Ann Washington 812112 Beauty Salon 1 1 * * * * *
96 L&G Bakery Enterprises, Inc. 3 1-5M New Windsor Orange 311412 Frozen Specialty Food Manufacturing 32 34 * * * * *
97 L&K Top Design Corp. 1 <1M Long Island Queens 315292 Fur Clothier Manufacturer 4 4 * * * * *
98 LMB Sales Corp 2 <1M NYC New York 424990 Merchant Wholesalers, Non Durable Goods: Other 3 3 * * * * *
99 Lumetrics, Inc. 4 5 <1M Valhalla Westchester 333314 Optical Instrument and Lens Manufacturing 3 3 0 17 17 14 14
100 M.R.B. Securities Corp. 2 3 5M+ Ithaca Tompkins 523900 Finance-Securities broker-dealer 0 0 9 37 46 37 46
101 Marketing Technology Solutions, Inc. 3 1-5M Long Island Queens 54191 Marketing Research and Public Opinion Polling 24 24 66 0 66 (24) 42
102 Medicom, LLC 1 2 3 4 1-5M Bay Shore Suffolk 423990 Durable Goods Wholesaler 9 9 0 15 15 6 6
103 Medidata Solutions, Inc. 2 3 4 5 <1M Norwich Chenango 511210 Software Publishers 9 9 0 0 0 (9) (9)
104 Merchant's Ad-Vantage Corp 1 1-5M NYC New York 52222 Sales Financing 6 7 0 0 0 0 0
105 Metropolitan TLC Holdings Inc 3 5M+ Troy Rensselaer 51113 Book Publishers 75 93 * * * * *
106 Mezmeriz, Inc 4 <1M NYC New York 334419 Other Electronic Component Manufacturing 2 2 0 4 4 2 2
107 MilMar Food Group, LLC 3 1-5M NYC New York 311412 Frozen specialty food manufacturing 53 53 * * * * *
108 ModelWire Inc 1 2 <1M Brooklyn Kings 541512 Online Information Services 1 1 * * * * *
109 MR Holding Company, LLC 1 3 5M+ NYC New York 311412 Frozen Specialty Food Manufacturing 88 89 9 191 200 103 111
110 Mystique Brands, LLC 4 5 1-5M Buffalo Erie 42480 Wine and Distilled Alcohol Beverage Merchant 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 of 7
As of December 31, 2010
INITIAL As Of 12/31/10
Investment Since Initial
City County NO. Sector NY TOTAL Outside NY NY TOTAL
111 NANIRX Therapeutics Inc. 4 5 1-5M NYC New York 541710 R&D in the Physical, Engineering, and Life 0 0 * * * * *
112 New Monarch Machine Tool, Inc. 1 2 3 4 5M+ NYC New York 333200 Machine Manufacturing 42 42 2 22 24 (20) (18)
113 New York Business development 1 3 5M+ NYC New York 5222 Nondepository Credit Intermediaries 39 39 0 58 58 19 19
114 New York Information Services Corp. 4 5 <1M Middletown Orange 541618 Telecommunications management consulting 7 7 0 5 5 (2) (2)
115 Newtek Securities LLC (PPMLink 3 <1M NYC New York 523999 Financial Investment Activities 0 0 * * * * *
116 Nextidea Corp 1 2 <1M NYC New York 33992 Sports Promotional Items / Marketing 2 2 * * * * *
117 Niagara Dispensing Technologies, 1 4 5 <1M NYC New York 333310 Commercial and Service Industry Machinery 9 11 3 6 9 (3) (2)
118 NightFunk Inc 1 <1M West Nassau 514191 Online Campus-Specific Information Services 2 2 * * * * *
119 NYC Seed, LLC 4 5 <1M Great River Suffolk 514 Information Services and Data Processing Services 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
120 Oasis Children's Services 3 <1M NYC New York 611110 Educational Services 49 49 1 50 51 1 2
121 Outside.in Inc. 4 5 <1M NYC New York 519130 Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web 16 16 2 17 19 1 3
122 OwnEnergy, Inc. 4 5 1-5M Auburn Cayuga 221119 Other Electric Power Generation Solar, Wind and 4 5 2 11 13 7 8
123 Oxford Collection Agency 1 2 3 1-5M Mount Westchester 561440 Collection Agencies 66 83 * * * * *
124 Parkview Health Services, LLC 1 2 3 4 5 5M+ NYC New York 446110 Pharmacy 0 0 0 68 68 68 68
125 PartSearch Technologies, Inc. 2 3 4 5 1-5M NYC New York 454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail Order House 21 22 0 15 15 (6) (7)
126 PECO Pallet, Inc. 1 2 3 4 5M+ Glenville Schenectady 532490 Other Commercial and Industrial Machinery and 15 18 50 23 73 8 55
127 Picasso Lighting Inc 3 1-5M NYC New York 421610 Wholesale Lighting Fixtures 30 30 * * * * *
128 Pixfusion 4 5 <1M Amityville Suffolk 512110 Video Production and Distribution 0 0 1 5 6 5 6
129 PMT Works Payroll, LLC 5 <1M NYC New York 541511 Custom Computer Programming Services 1 1 0 0 0 (1) (1)
130 Polar Industries, Inc. 5 <1M NYC New York 334111 Manufacturing - Electronic Computer 0 0 * * * * *
131 PowerChow, LLC (d/b/a NuKitchen) 4 <1M NYC New York 3119910 Perishable Prepared Foods 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
132 PowerOne Media LLC 1 <1M NYC New York 51121 Software Publishers (Online Auto Marketing) 8 8 0 0 0 (8) (8)
133 Prefer Network Inc (Prefer.com Inc) 1 1-5M NYC New York 511140 Mailing List Compilers 44 45 * * * * *
134 PressCorps Inc 1 1-5M East Meadow Nassau 511120 Periodical publishing 20 20 0 0 0 (20) (20)
135 Production Designer LLC dba Wet 3 <1M Syracuse Onondaga 541511 Custom Computer Programming Services 21 21 0 0 0 (21) (21)
136 R.D.N.Y.C. Inc 1 1-5M Yonkers Westchester 315234 Manufacturing of Women's Apparel 15 15 0 0 0 (15) (15)
137 Rapid Response Monitoring Services 3 1-5M NYC New York 561422 Telephone call centers (inbound) 95 100 0 0 0 (95) (100)

5 of 7
As of December 31, 2010
INITIAL As Of 12/31/10
Investment Since Initial
City County NO. Sector NY TOTAL Outside NY NY TOTAL
138 RenalTech International LLC 1 1-5M Plattsburgh Clinton 541710 Scientific Research and Development 14 14 6 0 6 (14) (8)
139 ReQuest Inc 1 <1M Port Jervis Orange 33431 Electronic Multimedia Storage/Audio & Video 3 3 * * * * *
140 Resolute Digital, LLC 5 <1M NYC New York 541511 Custom computer programming services 4 4 7 18 25 14 21
141 ReVal.com Inc 3 1-5M Ballston Spa Saratoga 523930 Investment Advice 10 10 30 110 140 100 130

142 Rheonix, Inc. 4 <1M Ithaca Tompkins 621511 Medical Laboratories 20 20 0 24 24 4 4

143 Right Track Recording LLC 1 1-5M Amherst Erie 334611 Recording Studio and Service Business 23 23 0 0 0 (23) (23)
144 Rosenfeld Advisors, LLC 5 <1M Brooklyn Kings 541618 Other Management Consulting 1 1 0 0 0 (1) (1)
145 Ryder System, Inc. 1 2 5M+ NYC New York 53212 Truck Rental & Leasing 0 0 * * * * *
146 Sasun LLC 3 1-5M NYC New York 339911 Jewelry, precious metal, manufacturing 35 35 * * * * *
147 Scarsdale Security Systems Inc 3 1-5M NYC New York 561621 Security system services (except locksmiths) 53 54 0 0 0 (53) (54)
148 SchoolNet, Inc. 1 2 3 4 5 5M+ Farmingdale Suffolk 541511 Application Computer Software 39 46 50 61 111 22 65
149 SellJewelry Inc. 2 3 <1M Rochester Monroe 42194 Jewelry, watch, precious stone, & precious metal 6 6 9 32 41 26 35
150 Sesha, Inc. 1 <1M Albany Albany 445120 Convenience Stores 5 5 * * * * *
151 Shake-N-Go Fashions Inc 3 5M+ Brooklyn Kings 42231 Piece goods, Notions and Other Dry Goods 40 40 * 201 201 * *
152 Show Digital Inc 1 <1M Rochester Monroe 54519 Communication Services 20 20 0 0 0 (20) (20)
153 Skyline Ambulance 1 2 1-5M NYC New York 621910 Ambulance Services 80 80 0 0 0 (80) (80)
154 SLM Holdings Inc. 5 <1M White Plains Westchester 518210 Data processing, Hosting and related web 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
155 Small Business Lending, Inc. 3 <1M Brooklyn Kings 522390 Loan Servicing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
156 Soft Sight, Inc 4 5 <1M Albany Albany 511210 Software Publishers 5 5 1 17 18 12 13
157 Solbright Inc 3 1-5M Scarsdale Westchester 541512 Online information systems 35 37 * 0 0 * *
158 Soms Technologies, LLC 1 4 <1M NYC New York 441300 Automotive Parts, Accessories, and Tire Stores 1 1 1 2 3 1 2
159 Synacor, Inc. 1 2 3 4 5 1-5M Rensselaer Rensselaer 519100 Other Information Services 28 30 18 273 291 245 261
160 TAKKLE, Inc. 1 5 <1M NYC New York 519130 Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web 0 0 * * * * *
161 Tayor Recycling Facility LLC (TKM 3 <1M NYC New York 421930 Non-hazardous waste treatment & disposal 2 2 * * * * *
162 TeleMedia Accelerator LLC 1 1-5M NYC New York 541614 General Management Consulting Service 1 1 0 0 0 (1) (1)
163 The Jacobs Press 2 <1M NYC New York 323122 Printing 11 11 0 9 9 (2) (2)
164 The Metropolitan Switchboard Co Inc 1 3 1-5M NYC New York 421610 Electrical Apparatus and Equipment Wiring 26 26 0 24 24 (2) (2)
165 The SmartPill Corp. 1 4 5 <1M Westbury Nassau 334510 Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Appartaus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 of 7
As of December 31, 2010
INITIAL As Of 12/31/10
Investment Since Initial
City County NO. Sector NY TOTAL Outside NY NY TOTAL
166 TheStreet.com Inc 1 5M+ NYC New York 514191 Online Information Services 74 81 * 0 0 * *
167 Thumbplay 1 5M+ NYC New York 519130 Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web 66 70 4 71 75 5 5
168 Tire Conversion Technologies Inc 1 <1M NYC New York 32629 Tire Recycling/Other Rubber Product Mfg 1 1 * * * * *
169 TradeComet.com, LLC 4 5 <1M Buffalo Erie 425110 Business-to-business electronic markets, durable 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
170 Transworld Business Brokers of New 3 <1M NYC New York 56199 All Other Business Support Services 2 2 * * * * *
171 UGO Networks Inc (Bla-Bla.com Inc) 1 5M+ NYC New York 514100 Distributes aggregated Web content 39 39 * * * * *
172 Universal Processing Services LLC 3 <1M South Salem Westchester 52232 Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve & 1 1 * * * * *
173 US Energy Group, Inc. 3 <1M Queens New York 238220 Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning 31 31 0 29 29 (2) (2)
174 vault.com Inc 2 5M+ Brooklyn Kings 514191 Media company 103 103 0 0 0 (103) (103)
175 Veer Inc (Direct Stock, Inc) 1 <1M Commack Suffolk 514199 All other Information Services 9 10 * * * * *
176 Verde Energy USA, Inc. 4 <1M Yonkers Westchester 221122 Electric and other services combined 4 5 0 0 0 (4) (5)
177 Vincent Partnership Inc. 5 <1M NYC New York 54189 Other Services Related to Advertising 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
178 VisionPlay LLC 1 2 1-5M NYC New York 511210 Software Publishers (Interactive Entertainment) 29 30 0 0 0 (29) (30)
179 Webenergy.Net, Inc., d/b/a 4 5 1-5M NYC New York 22112 Electric Power Transmission, Control, and 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
180 Word World, LLC 4 <1M NYC New York 512110 Television Show Production 0 0 1 9 10 9 10
181 Worldo.com Inc 1 <1M NYC New York 541511 Custom Computer Programming Services 8 8 0 0 0 (8) (8)
182 Xtreme Mobile, Inc. 4 5 <1M Troy Rensselaer 513322 Cellular and other Wireless Communications 0 0 * * * * *
183 Yahoo! Inc. 2 1-5M NYC New York 5418 Internet Publishing Company 0 0 * * * * *
184 YellowJacket Software, Inc. 4 1-5M NYC New York 541511 Application Computer Software 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3,739 3,889 1,617 2876 4493 188 1,740

* All employee information excluded because the CAPCO is no longer an investor and no longer has contact with the business.

7 of 7
Appendix D

Text of

CAPCO Statute as amended

by the Laws of 2005


Current through L.2005, c.63, p.A.
(Reformatted for readability.)

11. Certified capital companies

(a) Definitions. For the purpose of this section the following terms shall mean:

(1) "Certification date" - the date on which a certified capital company is so designated by the department for a
specific certified capital company program.

(2) "Certified capital" - an investment of cash by a certified investor in a certified capital company which fully funds
the purchase price of either or both its equity interest in the certified capital company or a qualified debt
instrument issued by the certified capital company. Any such investment shall be subject to the provisions of
article fourteen of the insurance law.

(3) "Certified capital company" - a partnership, corporation, trust or limited liability company, organized on a
for-profit basis that is located, headquartered and licensed or registered to conduct business in New York, that
has as its primary business activity the investment of cash in qualified businesses and that is certified by the
department as meeting the criteria set forth in subdivision (b) of this section.

(4) "Certified investor" - any insurance company that contributes certified capital.

(5) "Department" - the department of insurance.

(6) "Net profits on certified investments" - the amount of money returned to the certified capital company
in repayment of or exchange for the certified capital company's qualified investment or investments in
the qualified business in excess of the amount of such qualified investment or investments. Such
number shall aggregate all of the certified capital company's qualified investments where gains on
qualified investments are netted against losses on qualified investments.

(7) "Qualified business" - an independently owned and operated business that meets all of the following conditions
as of the time of the first investment in the business:

(A) It is headquartered in New York state, and its principal business operations are located in New York state,
and the qualified investment it receives is used solely to support its business operations in the state,
except for advertising, promotions and sales purposes. In cases where the qualified investment is made in
a start-up company such capital must be used solely to establish and support its business operations in
New York state, except for advertising, promotions and sales purposes.

(B) It has either

(i) no more than one hundred employees, at least eighty percent of whom are employed in New York
state or,
(ii) no more than two hundred employees, at least eighty percent of whom are employed in this state,
and during the fiscal year immediately preceding the qualified investment it had, together with its
affiliates, gross revenues of no more than five million dollars, on a consolidated basis as determined in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, except that, with respect to certified capital
company program three and certified capital company program four and certified capital company
program five, in the case of a company located in an empire zone established pursuant to article
eighteen-B of the general municipal law such gross revenues shall not exceed eight million dollars.

(C) It is involved in commerce for the purpose of developing and manufacturing products and systems,
including but not limited to high technology products and systems such as computers, computer software,
medical equipment, biotechnology, telecommunications equipment and products, processing or assembling
Page 2

all types of products, conducting research and development on all types of products or providing services,
but excluding real estate, real estate development, insurance and businesses predominantly engaged in
professional services provided by accountants, lawyers or physicians.

(D) The business was not organized by a certified capital company or an affiliate of a certified capital company,
but this paragraph shall not prohibit a certified capital company from providing financial, technical or
similar advice to a business before making an investment in such business.

(E) The business does not have a financial relationship, such as an ownership interest, investment interest, or
compensation agreement, with a certified capital company or any affiliate of a certified capital company
before the date on which a certified capital company makes its first investment in the business, but this
paragraph shall not prohibit a certified capital company from providing financial, technical or similar advice
to a business before making an investment in such business.

(F) For purposes of this paragraph, the term "independently owned and operated business" means

(i) in the case of a corporation or limited liability company, a corporation where no more than fifty
percent of the voting stock of the corporation or limited liability company is owned or controlled,
directly or indirectly, by a single corporation, a single partnership or a single limited liability
company, and
(ii) in the case of a partnership, association, or other entity, a partnership, association or other entity
where no more than fifty percent of the capital, profits or other beneficial interest in such
partnership, association or other entity is owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by a single
corporation, a single partnership or a single limited liability company;

provided, however, that the term shall include, as a single "independently owned and operated
business," parent and subsidiary or affiliated corporations or limited liability companies

(i) that are engaged in an integrated for-profit business enterprise, and

(ii) in which at least eighty percent of the voting stock or membership interests of all of the
corporations or limited liability companies is owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by a
common group of shareholders or members, and no more than fifty percent of the voting stock or
membership interests of all of the corporations or limited liability companies is owned or controlled,
directly or indirectly, by a single corporation, single partnership, or single limited liability company
that is not part of such group or parent company or affiliated corporations or limited liability

(8) "Qualified debt instrument" - a debt instrument issued by a certified capital company, at par value or a
premium, with an original maturity date of at least five years from date of issuance, a repayment schedule
which is not faster than a level principal amortization, and interest, distribution or payment features which
are not related to the profitability of the certified capital company or the performance of the certified capital
company's investment portfolio.

(9) "Qualified distribution" - any distribution or payment by a certified capital company in connection with the

(A) Reasonable costs and expenses of such equity holders incurred by such equity holders in connection
with forming, syndicating, managing and operating the certified capital company, including

(i) an annual management fee in an amount that does not exceed two and one-half percent of the
certified capital of the certified capital company with respect to a particular certified capital
company program;
(ii) the reasonable and necessary fees paid for professional services (such as legal and accounting
services) related to the operation of the certified capital company;
(iii) with respect to program four and any subsequent program, all payments by the certified capital
company in satisfaction of its indebtedness to its certified investors, provided that no more than
thirty-five percent of such certified capital company's certified capital may be used to purchase U.S.
Page 3

treasury securities, other investment-grade securities, a guaranty, indemnity, bond, insurance policy
or other payment undertaking, or any combination thereof; and provided further, that nothing in
this provision shall be construed to limit a certified capital company from expending non-certified
capital in satisfaction of such indebtedness; and
(iv) with respect to program four and any subsequent program, the reasonable costs and expenses of
forming, syndicating, or organizing the certified capital company, separate from the costs of
insuring or defeasing the obligations of the certified capital company, provided, however, that such
costs and expenses shall not exceed five percent of the certified capital company's certified capital;

(B) Any increase or projected increase in federal or state taxes, including penalties and interest related to
state and federal income taxes, of the equity owners of a certified capital company resulting from the
earnings or other tax liability of the certified capital company to the extent that the increase is related
to the ownership, management or operation of a certified capital company.

(10) "Qualified investment" - the investment of cash by a certified capital company in a qualified business for the
purchase of any debt, equity or hybrid security, of any nature and description whatever, including a debt
instrument or security which has the characteristics of debt but which provides for conversion into equity or
equity participation instruments such as options or warrants, provided however, in the case of certified
capital programs three, four and five, that any such debt instrument have a maturity of at least twenty-four
months from the date such debt is incurred; and further provided that a certified capital company, after the
investment and assuming full conversion and exercise of any equity participation instruments, shall not own
more than fifty percent of the voting equity of the qualified business, except in the case of a follow-on
investment where a specific exemption is granted by the department under subparagraph (D) of paragraph
one of subdivision (c) of this section. Furthermore, except in the case of a follow-on investment, if a
certified capital company owns more than fifteen percent of the equity in a company or has a seat on the
board of directors of such company, then a certified capital company cannot invest in such company unless
the following conditions are met:
(i) at least one other investor who is not an affiliate of the certified capital company participates in the
same round of investment on the same terms and conditions as the certified capital company; and
(ii) the certified capital company and its affiliates invest no more than fifty percent of the total investment
made in that round of investment.

(11) Early stage business - a qualified business which is involved, at the time of investment, in activities related
to the development of initial product or service offerings, such as prototype development or establishment
of initial production or service processes, or, which is less than two years old and during the fiscal year
immediately preceding the qualified investment had, together with its affiliates, gross revenues of no more
than two million dollars, on a consolidated basis as determined in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles.

(12) "Superintendent" - the superintendent of insurance.

(13) "Certified capital company program" - a calendar year or years for which taxpayers may be allocated and
allowed credits pursuant to this section and subdivision (k) of section fifteen hundred eleven of this chapter
and delineated as a separate program by this section.

(14) "Starting date" - the date on which a certified capital company is allocated certified capital for a specific
certified capital company program pursuant to subdivision (b) of this section.

(15) "Underserved area" - a county, including a county wholly within a city, in which, as of January first, two
thousand, less than twenty-five percent of the qualified investments in qualified businesses were made by
certified capital companies under certified capital company program one. The superintendent shall prepare a
list of such counties by July first, two thousand.

(16) "Start-up business" - a qualified business which is involved, at the time of investment, in activities related to
the development of initial product or service offerings, such as prototype development or establishment of
initial production or service processes, or, which is less than two years old and during the fiscal year
Page 4

immediately preceding the qualified investment had, together with its affiliates, gross revenues of no more
than two million dollars, on a consolidated basis as determined in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles and has fewer than twenty employees at the time of the investment; and, in addition,
which has emerged within the year prior to the date of investment or is emerging from, or utilizes a
technology transferred from, a university or college research facility located in New York state, a not-for-
profit research facility located in New York state, or an industrial research facility located in New York state,
or which is conducting research in conjunction with or in the research facilities of a university or college
located in New York state, or which is located in or has emerged within the year prior to the date of
investment or is emerging from an incubator facility located in New York state.

(b) Certification.

(1) The superintendent shall establish by rule or regulation the procedures for making an application to become
a certified capital company. The applicant shall pay a non-refundable application fee of five hundred dollars
at the time of filing the application with the department.

(2) The superintendent may certify partnerships, corporations, trusts or limited liability companies, organized on
a for profit basis, which submit an application to be designated as a certified capital company if such
applicant is located, headquartered and licensed or registered to conduct business in New York, has as its
primary business activity the investment of cash in qualified businesses and meets the other criteria set
forth in this subdivision.

(3) A certified capital company's initial capitalization, at the time of seeking certification, must be five hundred
thousand dollars or more.

(4) The superintendent shall review the organizational documents of each applicant for certification and the
business history of the applicant, determine that the applicant's cash, marketable securities and other liquid
assets are at least five hundred thousand dollars, and determine that the officers and the board of directors,
general partners, trustees, managers, or members are trustworthy and are thoroughly acquainted with the
requirements of this subdivision.

(5) The superintendent shall verify that at least two principals of the certified capital company or any manager
of the certified capital company each have no less than five years of experience in the venture capital or a
venture capital-related industry.

(6) Any offering material involving the sale of securities of the certified capital company shall include the
following statement:
"Authorizing the formation of a Certified Capital Company does not constitute the endorsement of
the state of New York as to either the quality of management or the potential for earnings of such
company and the state of New York is not liable for damages or losses to a Certified Investor in the
company. Use of the word 'certified' in an offering does not constitute a recommendation or
endorsement of the investment by the state of New York. Investments in a prospective Certified
Capital Company prior to the time such company is certified with respect to a certified capital
company program are not eligible for tax credits. In the event certain statutory provisions (as
specified in section 11 of the Tax Law) are violated, the state of New York may require forfeiture of
unused tax credits and repayment of used tax credits."

(7) Within sixty days of application, the superintendent shall issue the certification or shall refuse the
certification and communicate in detail to the applicant the grounds for the refusal, including suggestions for
the removal of those grounds.

(8) The superintendent may certify any previously certified capital company which has remained in compliance
with the requirements of this section upon the application of such company to be designated a certified
capital company for a certified capital company program for which it is not so designated. Such new
certification shall be considered a separate certification from any other such certification under this section
and investments in and by such company shall be considered separately for purposes of subdivisions (c) and
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(d) of this section.

(9) The superintendent shall start accepting applications to become a certified capital company in certified
capital company program two by November first, nineteen hundred ninety-nine, and shall start accepting
applications to become a certified capital company in certified capital company program three by August
first, two thousand, and shall begin accepting applications to become a certified capital company in certified
capital company program four by the later of August first, two thousand four or not more than sixty days
after the effective date of section one of part D of chapter fifty-nine of the laws of two thousand four and
shall begin accepting applications to become a certified capital company in certified capital company
program five by the later of July first, two thousand five or not more than sixty days after the effective date
of the chapter of the laws of two thousand five which amended this paragraph.

(10) A certified capital company may obtain a guaranty, indemnity, bond, insurance policy and/or other payment
undertaking for the benefit of its certified investors from any entity; provided, however, that, in no case
shall more than one certified investor of such certified capital company or affiliates of such certified investor
be entitled to provide such guaranty, indemnity, bond, insurance policy and/or other payment undertaking
in favor of the certified investors of the certified capital company and its affiliates in this state.

(c) Requirements for continuance of certification.

(1) To continue to be certified with respect to a particular certified capital company program, a certified capital
company must make qualified investments according to the following schedule:

(A) Within two years after the starting date of a specific certified capital company program of a certified
capital company, at least twenty-five percent of its certified capital allocable to such certified capital
company program must be placed in qualified investments.

(B) Within three years after the starting date of a specific certified capital company program of a certified
capital company, at least forty percent of its certified capital allocable to such certified capital company
program must be placed in qualified investments.

(C) Within four years after the starting date of a specific certified capital company program of a certified
capital company, at least fifty percent of its certified capital allocable to such certified capital company
program must be placed in qualified investments, at least fifty percent of which must have been placed
in early stage businesses, except that in the case of program four and any subsequent program, at least
twenty-five percent of which must have been placed in early stage businesses and an additional twenty-
five percent of which must have been placed in start-up businesses, and except that in the case of
qualified investments made in qualified businesses located in empire zones established pursuant to
article eighteen-B of the general municipal law under the provisions of certified capital company
program three, program four and program five from allocations of certified capital made specifically for
such targeted investments in such zones, the requirement for qualified investments in early stage and
start-up businesses shall not apply.

(D) A certified capital company, at least fifteen working days prior to making a proposed investment in a
specific business, shall certify in writing to the superintendent that
(i) the business in which it proposes to invest meets the definition of a qualified business as set forth
in subdivision (a) of this section or, in the case of a follow-on investment, that such business
continues to meet the requirements set forth in subparagraphs (A) and (C) of paragraph seven of
subdivision (a) of this section and, in either case, an explanation of its determination that the
business meets such requirements, and
(ii) with respect to certified capital company program three, program four and program five, whether or
not such business is located in an empire zone established pursuant to article eighteen-B of the
general municipal law or in an underserved area outside an empire zone. The certification to the
superintendent shall include a sworn statement from the business in which the certified capital
company proposes to invest, which statement shall evidence the intention of the business to
maintain its headquarters in New York and conduct its primary business operations in the state of
Page 6

New York after its receipt of the investment by the certified capital company. If the superintendent
determines that the business does not meet the definition of a qualified business, or, in the case of
a follow-on investment, that such business does not meet the requirements set forth in
subparagraphs (A) and (C) of paragraph seven of subdivision (a) of this section, then it shall, within
the fifteen working day period prior to the making of the proposed investment, notify the certified
capital company of its determination and provide an explanation thereof, provided, however, that
the department may, upon written request of a certified capital company and at the discretion of the
department, grant, in writing, an exemption to the percentage limitations of paragraph ten of
subdivision (a) of this section.

(E) All certified capital not placed in qualified investments by the certified capital company may be held or
invested in such manner as the certified capital company, in its discretion, deems appropriate. The
proceeds of all certified capital returned to a certified capital company after being originally placed in
qualified investments may be placed again in qualified investments and shall count toward any
requirement in this subdivision with respect to placing certified capital in qualified investments.

(F) If within ten years after the starting date of certified capital company program four or program five, and
within twelve years after the starting date of certified capital company programs one, two, and three,
one hundred percent of the certified capital allocable to a certified capital company participating in such
program has not been placed in qualified investments, the specific certified capital company shall no
longer be permitted to receive management fees; provided that such restriction shall not apply (i) with
respect to certified capital company programs one, two, and three, to any certified capital company that
has not, prior to October thirty-first, two thousand four, received, as opposed to accrued, any
management fees, or (ii) with respect to any certified capital company program, to a certified capital
company in which at least fifty percent of the voting stock, capital, membership interests, or other
beneficial ownership interests, as the case may be, are owned by an entity that is managed, directly or
indirectly, by a non-profit corporation.

(2) Any business which is classified as a qualified business at the time of the first investment in said business by
a certified capital company shall remain classified as a qualified business and may receive follow-on
investments from any certified capital company, and such follow-on investments shall be qualified
investments even though such business may not meet the definition of a qualified business at the time of
such follow-on investments, provided, however, that such business continues to meet the requirements set
forth in subparagraphs (A) and C) of paragraph seven of subdivision (a) of this section, and such business
reaffirms its intention to maintain its headquarters in New York and conduct its primary business operations
in the state of New York as required in subparagraph (D) of paragraph one of this subdivision.

(3) No qualified investment may be made by a certified capital company to the extent such investment would
cause the company's total qualified investment outstanding with respect to the qualified business receiving
such investment to exceed fifteen percent of the total certified capital of the certified capital company at the
time of such investment.

(4) Documents and other materials submitted by certified capital companies or by businesses for purposes of
the continuance of certification shall not be public records if such records are determined by the
superintendent to be trade or business secrets and shall be maintained in a confidential manner by the

(5) The aggregate cumulative amount of all qualified investments made by the certified capital company for a
certified capital company program from its starting date for such program will be considered in the
calculation of the percentage requirements under subparagraphs (A), (B) and (C) of paragraph one of this
subdivision, provided, however, that any amounts received by a certified capital company from a qualified
business as (i) commitment fees, closing fees, or other similar fees (excluding reimbursement of out-of-
pocket expenses, including legal fees and accounting fees) in excess of one percent of the certified capital
company's investment in the qualified business or (ii) license fees, royalties, or similar charges shall not
considered in any of the percentage calculations under this section.

(6) Each certified capital company shall report the following to the superintendent:
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(A) As soon as practicable after the receipt of certified capital or an irrevocable funding commitment subject
only to the receipt of an allocation pursuant to subdivision (h) of this section,
(i) the name of each certified investor from which the certified capital was received, including such
certified investor's insurance tax identification number;
(ii) the amount of each certified investor's investment of certified capital; and
(iii) the date on which the certified capital was received.

Provided, however, that requests for allocation of tax credits with respect to certified capital company
program two by certified capital companies on behalf of their certified investors which are received by
the superintendent on or before March first, two thousand shall be treated as having been received on
March first, two thousand for tax credits to be utilized in two thousand one, and if satisfactory, shall be
given equal priority for allocation, and provided, however, that requests for allocation of tax credits with
respect to certified capital company program three by certified capital companies on behalf of their
certified investors which are received by the superintendent on or before December first, two thousand
shall be treated as having been received on December first, two thousand for tax credits to be utilized
in two thousand two, and if satisfactory, shall be given equal priority for allocation, and provided,
however, that requests for allocation of tax credits with respect to certified capital company program
four by certified capital companies on behalf of their certified investors which are received by the
superintendent on or before December first, two thousand four shall be treated as having been received
on December first, two thousand four for tax credits to be utilized in two thousand six, and if
satisfactory, shall be given equal priority for allocation, and provided, however, that requests for
allocation of tax credits with respect to certified capital company program five by certified capital
companies on behalf of their certified investors which are received by the superintendent on or before
the later of (i) November first, two thousand five and (ii) the one hundred twentieth day after the date
on which the superintendent began accepting applications for certification in connection with certified
capital company program five pursuant to paragraph nine of subdivision (b) of this section shall be
treated as having been received on such later date for tax credits to be utilized in two thousand seven,
and if satisfactory, shall be given equal priority for allocation.

(B) On an annual basis, on or before January thirty-first of each year,

(i) the amount of the certified capital company's certified capital at the end of the immediately
preceding year;
(ii) whether or not the certified capital company has invested more than fifteen percent of its total
certified capital in any one business;
(iii) all qualified investments that the certified capital company made during the previous calendar year,
including the number of employees of each qualified business in which it has made investments at
the time of such investment and as of December first of the preceding calendar year. For any
qualified business where the certified capital company no longer has an investment, the certified
capital company shall provide employment figures for such company as of the last day before the
investment was terminated. Such report shall provide a separate accounting by each certified
capital company program; and
(iv) all qualified investments made in empire zones and underserved areas outside such empire zones
as required under certified capital company program three, certified capital company program four
and certified capital company program five.

(C) Each certified capital company shall provide to the superintendent annual audited financial statements,
which shall include the opinion of an independent certified public accountant, within ninety days of the
close of its fiscal year. The audit shall address whether the funds received by the certified capital
company have been invested as required under subparagraphs (A), (B) and (C) of paragraph one of this
subdivision. Upon receiving notification and documentation by a certified capital company that it has
satisfied the requirements of subparagraph (C) of paragraph one of this subdivision that it has invested
fifty percent of its certified capital, the department shall have sixty days to notify such certified capital
company that it has or has not met such requirement, with a reason for such determination if it has not,
in the judgment of the department, met such requirement. If the department does not provide such
notification within sixty days, the certified capital company shall then be deemed to have met such
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(D) On or before April first of each year, each certified capital company shall pay an annual, non-refundable
certification fee of five hundred dollars to the superintendent; provided that no such fee shall be
required within six months of the initial certification date of a certified capital company.

(E)(1) Within thirty days of the decision on an application for certification pursuant to subdivision (b) of
this section, the superintendent shall submit a copy of such application and the related decision to
the department of taxation and finance. The superintendent shall submit a copy of all filings of
certifications pursuant to subparagraph (D) of paragraph one of this subdivision and any
determination made thereon within fifteen days of such filing.

(2) The superintendent shall annually, by March first, submit to the department of taxation and finance
a list of persons who may claim the tax credit for the previous taxable year and any other
information necessary to assist the department of taxation and finance to determine eligibility for
such tax credit.

(d) Distributions.

(1) A certified capital company may make qualified distributions at any time. In order for a certified capital
company to make a distribution other than a qualified distribution from a certified capital company program,
to its equity holders, either
(A) the aggregate cumulative amount of all qualified investments for such program must equal or exceed
one hundred percent of its certified capital allocable to such certified capital company program, or
(B) it must have received written authorization to make such distribution from the superintendent.

In no event, however, shall any such distribution to its equity holders, other than a qualified distribution, be
made by a certified capital company from a certified capital company program unless an amount equal
cumulatively to at least ninety percent of its certified capital of such program is invested in companies that
conduct their principal business operations in New York state.

(2) In the event that a business in which a qualified investment is made relocates its principal business
operations to another state during such investment, or within three months after the termination of such
investment, the cumulative amount of qualified investment shall be reduced by the amount of such qualified
investment, for the purposes of this subdivision only, unless
(A) the certified capital company invests an amount at least equal to the investment of certified capital in
the relocated business in a qualified business located in New York state within six months of the
relocation or
(B) unless the business demonstrates that it has returned its principal business operations to New York
state within three months of such relocation.

A business shall be deemed to have relocated its principal business operations outside New York state if the
primary workplace of more than fifty percent of the employees of such business within the state is relocated
to another state.

(3) In the event that a business in which a qualified investment is made under certified capital company
program three, certified capital company program four or certified capital company program five, relocates
its principal business operation within the earlier of four years after the date of such qualified investment or
three months after the termination of such investment, whereby the requirements of paragraph three of
subdivision (h) of this section to make qualified investments in qualified businesses located in empire zones
established pursuant to article eighteen-B of the general municipal law or in underserved areas outside such
empire zones no longer are satisfied, the cumulative amount of qualified investment shall be reduced by the
amount of such qualified investment, for the purposes of this subdivision only, unless

(A) the certified capital company invests an amount at least equal to the investment of certified capital in
the relocated business in a qualified business located in either an empire zone or in an underserved
area outside an empire zone so that the requirements of paragraph three of subdivision (h) of this
Page 9

section are again satisfied within six months of such relocation, unless the certified capital company
certifies to the superintendent that a good faith effort was made to make additional qualifying
investments under the requirements of paragraph three of subdivision (h) of this section, or

(B) the business demonstrates that it has returned its principal business operation to New York state in
either an empire zone or in an underserved area outside an empire zone within three months of such
relocation, or

(C) the business demonstrates that it had a valid business purpose for relocating its principal business

A business shall be deemed to have relocated its principal business operations outside of an empire zone or
an underserved area outside an empire zone if the primary workplace of more than fifty percent of the
employees of such business within an empire zone or an underserved area outside an empire zone is
relocated to an area outside the state or outside an empire zone or an underserved area outside an empire

(4) Payments to debt holders of a certified capital company may be made without restriction with respect to
repayments of principal and interest on indebtedness owed to them by a certified capital company, including
indebtedness of the certified capital company on which certified investors earned tax credits. A debt holder
that is also a certified investor or equity holder of a certified capital company may receive payments with
respect to such debt without any restriction whatsoever.

(5) A certified capital company that receives certified capital investments under program four and any
subsequent program shall pay to the department for deposit in the general fund an amount equal to thirty
percent of the net profits on qualified investments. A certified capital company shall make all payments
required under this paragraph concurrently with and pro rata to distributions of profits and gains to its
equity owners; however, nothing contained in this paragraph shall be construed to affect qualified

(6) The amount of any payment required under paragraph five of this subdivision shall be reduced to fifteen
percent of such net profits on qualified investments if, at the time of such net profits distribution, such
certified capital company irrevocably commits to both: (A) re-invest the remaining fifteen percent of such
net profits not being paid to the general fund under paragraph five of this subdivision into qualified
businesses, and (B) invest an additional amount equal to at least fifteen percent of such net profits
distribution into qualified businesses which additional amount shall come from a separate pool of venture
capital that is controlled by the certified capital company but that does not contain certified capital. In
making investments from funds established under this paragraph, the certified capital company shall follow
the requirements set forth in subparagraph (D) of paragraph one of subdivision (c) of this section pertaining
to obtaining approval of the investment being in a qualified business, except that requirements pertaining to
empire zones and underserved areas requirements shall not apply. Once qualified investments in qualified
businesses have been made pursuant to this paragraph equal to thirty percent of the net profits on qualified
investments, then the requirements under this subdivision shall have been satisfied and the proceeds from
such qualified businesses may be distributed without restriction.

(e) Decertification.

(1) The superintendent shall conduct an annual review of each certified capital company to determine if the
certified capital company is abiding by the requirements of certification, to advise the certified capital
company as to the eligibility status of its qualified investments, and to ensure that no investment has been
made in violation of this subdivision. The cost of the annual review shall be paid by each certified capital
company according to a reasonable fee schedule adopted by the superintendent.

(2) Any material violation of subdivision (c) of this section with respect to a particular certified capital company
program shall be grounds for decertification of the certified capital company with respect to such program.
If the superintendent determines that a certified capital company is not in compliance with the requirements
Page 10

of subdivision (c) of this section with respect to a particular certified capital company program, it shall, by
written notice, inform the officers of the certified capital company that the certified capital company will be
subject to decertification with respect to such program in one hundred twenty days from the date of mailing
of the notice, unless the deficiencies are corrected and the certified capital company is again in compliance
with all requirements for certification.

(3) At the end of the one hundred twenty day grace period, if the certified capital company is still not in
compliance with subdivision (c) of this section with respect to a particular certified capital company
program, the superintendent shall send a notice of decertification to the certified capital company with
respect to such program and to all other appropriate state agencies.

(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs two and three of this subdivision, if a certified capital company in
certified capital company programs three, four and five fails to satisfy the requirement in subparagraph (B) of
paragraph one of subdivision (c) of this section because it has been unable to make a sufficient amount of
qualified investments in qualified businesses located either in empire zones established pursuant to article
eighteen-B of the general municipal law or in underserved areas outside such empire zones, such certified
capital company shall not be subject to decertification at that time. However, if such certified capital company
fails to satisfy the requirement in subparagraph (C) of paragraph one of subdivision (c) of this section because
it has been unable to make a sufficient amount of qualified investments in qualified businesses located either in
such empire zones or in underserved areas outside such empire zones, but certifies to the superintendent that
it had made a good faith effort to make such investments, such certified capital company shall be allowed two
additional years to satisfy the requirement in such subparagraph (C). If, after the conclusion of such two year
period, the certified capital company still has not been able to satisfy the requirement to make such
investments, and such certified capital company certifies to the superintendent that it had made a good faith
effort to make such investments, the requirement in paragraphs three, four and five of subdivision (h) of this
section to make qualified investments in qualified businesses located in empire zones or in underserved areas
shall be waived. Such certified capital company shall then be allowed one additional year to satisfy the
requirement in such subparagraph (C), and if, at the conclusion of that additional one year period, such
requirement is still not satisfied, such certified capital company shall be subject to decertification and the
provisions of paragraphs two and three of this subdivision shall apply.

(5) Once a certified capital company has invested an amount cumulatively equal to one hundred percent of its
certified capital with respect to a particular certified capital company program in qualified investments and
has met all other requirements under this subdivision, the certified capital company shall no longer be
subject to regulation by the superintendent and shall no longer be subject to the requirements of
subdivision (c) of this section with respect to such program. Upon receiving documented certification by a
certified capital company that it has invested an amount equal to one hundred percent of its certified
capital, the department shall have sixty days to notify such certified capital company that it has or has not
met such requirement with a reason for such determination if it has not, in the judgment of the department,
met such requirement. If the department does not provide such notification within sixty days, the certified
capital company shall then be deemed to have met such requirement.

(6) The superintendent shall send written notice of such decertification to the address of each certified investor
whose tax credit has been subject to recapture or forfeiture, using the address shown on the last filing
submitted to the superintendent.

(f) Revocation of certification.

The superintendent may revoke the certification of a certified capital company, or, at the discretion of the
superintendent, the certification of a certified capital company with respect to a particular certified capital
company program only, if any material representation to the superintendent in connection with the application
process proves to have been falsely made or if the application materially violates any requirement established by
the superintendent pursuant to this subdivision. In addition, the superintendent may revoke the certification of a
certified capital company if such certified capital company
(i) falsely certified, pursuant to paragraph three of subdivision (d) of this section that a good faith effort was
made to make additional qualifying investments under the requirements of paragraph three of subdivision
Page 11

(h) of this section, or

(ii) falsely certified, pursuant to paragraph four of subdivision (e) of this section, that it had made a good faith
effort to make a sufficient amount of qualifying investments in qualifying businesses located in empire zones
established pursuant to article eighteen-B of the general municipal law or in underserved areas outside such
empire zones.

(g) Registration requirements.

All investments for which tax credits are allowable under the provisions of subdivision (k) of section fifteen
hundred eleven of this chapter shall satisfy the conditions of being registered or specifically exempt from
registration by provisions or regulations under sections three hundred fifty-nine-e through three hundred fifty-
nine-ff of the general business law.

(h) Maximum permitted credits.

(1) Certified capital company program one.

The aggregate amount of certified capital for which taxpayers may be allocated and allowed tax credits
pursuant to this paragraph and subdivision (k) of section fifteen hundred eleven of this chapter may not
exceed fifty million dollars for calendar year nineteen hundred ninety-nine, which certified capital may be
invested in certified capital companies beginning in calendar year nineteen hundred ninety-eight.

In calendar year two thousand or thereafter, tax credits may be allowed pursuant to this paragraph and
such subdivision (k) for an additional fifty million dollars of certified capital, which certified capital may be
invested in certified capital companies beginning in calendar year nineteen hundred ninety-nine, if not
allocated to calendar year nineteen hundred ninety-eight in accordance with this paragraph. Therefore, the
total amount of certified capital for which tax credits may be allowed pursuant to this paragraph and such
subdivision (k) shall be one hundred million dollars.

During any calendar year in which the limitation described in this paragraph will limit the amount of certified
capital, certified capital will be allocated in order of priority based upon the date of filing of information
described in subparagraph (A) of paragraph six of subdivision (c) of this section. Certified capital limited in
any calendar year by the application of the provisions of this paragraph shall be allowed and allocated in the
immediately succeeding calendar year in order of priority set forth in this paragraph. The superintendent
shall advise any certified capital company in writing within fifteen days after receiving such filing, whether
the limitations of this paragraph then in effect will be applicable with respect to the investments and credits
described in such filing with the superintendent.

Certified capital may be raised by each certified capital company with respect to certified capital company
program one at any time subsequent to its certification date, and credits shall be allocated to and vested in
certified investors at the time of each such investment as provided in this paragraph, although such credits
shall not be first allowed or incurred for state tax purposes, until, at the earliest, tax years beginning in
nineteen hundred ninety-nine with respect to the first fifty million dollars of credits and tax years beginning
in two thousand with respect to the next such fifty million dollars of credits.

(2) Certified capital company program two.

The aggregate amount of certified capital for which taxpayers may be allocated and allowed tax credits
pursuant to this paragraph and subdivision (k) of section fifteen hundred eleven of this chapter may not
exceed thirty million dollars for calendar year two thousand one, which certified capital may be invested in
certified capital companies beginning in calendar year nineteen hundred ninety-nine.

During any calendar year in which the limitation described in this paragraph will limit the amount of certified
capital, certified capital will be allocated in order of priority based upon the date of filing of information
described in subparagraph (A) of paragraph six of subdivision (c) of this section. The superintendent shall
Page 12

advise any certified capital company in writing, within fifteen days after receiving such filing, whether the
limitations of this paragraph then in effect will be applicable with respect to the investments and credits
described in such filing with the superintendent.

Certified capital may be raised by each certified capital company with respect to certified capital company
program two at any time subsequent to its certification date, and credits shall be allocated to and vested in
certified investors at the time of each such investment as provided in this paragraph, although such credits
shall not be first allowed or incurred for state tax purposes, until, at the earliest, tax years beginning in two
thousand one.

(3) Certified capital company program three.

The aggregate amount of certified capital for which taxpayers may be allocated and allowed tax credits
pursuant to this paragraph and subdivision (k) of section fifteen hundred eleven of this chapter may not
exceed one hundred fifty million dollars for calendar year two thousand two, which certified capital may be
invested in certified capital companies beginning in calendar year two thousand.

During any calendar year in which the limitation described in this paragraph will limit the amount of certified
capital, certified capital will be allocated in order of priority based upon the date of filing of information
described in subparagraph (A) of paragraph six of subdivision (c) of this section. The superintendent shall
advise any certified capital company in writing, within fifteen days after receiving such filing, whether the
limitations of this paragraph then in effect will be applicable with respect to the investments and credits
described in such filing with the superintendent.

Certified capital may be raised by each certified capital company with respect to certified capital company
program three at any time subsequent to its certification date, and credits shall be allocated to and vested
in certified investors at the time of each such investment as provided in this paragraph, although such
credits shall not be first allowed or incurred for state tax purposes, until, at the earliest, tax years beginning
in two thousand two. One-third of the certified capital raised by each certified capital company with respect
to certified capital company program three shall be used to make qualified investments in qualified
businesses located in empire zones established pursuant to article eighteen-B of the general municipal law,
and one-third of such certified capital shall be used to make qualified investments in qualified businesses
located in underserved areas outside such empire zones.

(4) Certified capital company program four.

The aggregate amount of certified capital for which taxpayers may be allocated and allowed tax credits
pursuant to this paragraph and subdivision (k) of section fifteen hundred eleven of this chapter may not
exceed sixty million dollars for calendar year two thousand six, which certified capital may be invested in
certified capital companies beginning in calendar year two thousand four.

During any calendar year in which the limitation described in this paragraph will limit the amount of certified
capital, certified capital will be allocated in order of priority based upon the date of filing of information
described in subparagraph (A) of paragraph six of subdivision (c) of this section. The superintendent shall
advise any certified capital company in writing, within fifteen days after receiving such filing, whether the
limitations of this paragraph then in effect will be applicable with respect to the investments and credits
described in such filing with the superintendent.

Certified capital may be raised by each certified capital company with respect to certified capital company
program four at any time subsequent to its certification date, and credits shall be allocated to and vested in
certified investors at the time of each such investment as provided in this paragraph, although such credits
shall not be first allowed or incurred for state tax purposes, until, at the earliest, tax years beginning in two
thousand six. One-third of the certified capital raised by each certified capital company with respect to
certified capital company program four shall be used to make qualified investments in qualified businesses
located in empire zones established pursuant to article eighteen-B of the general municipal law, and one-
third of such certified capital shall be used to make qualified investments in qualified businesses located in
underserved areas outside such empire zones, provided, however, that in the case of an investment made
Page 13

by a certified capital company in an empire zone located in an underserved area, the certified capital
company making such an investment may choose to designate such investment as an investment in an
underserved area but not as an investment in an empire zone for the purpose of meeting the requirements
of this paragraph. Fifty percent of the total amount of capital invested by a certified capital company at the
time of one hundred percent investment of funds shall be invested in qualified businesses that are involved
in commerce for the primary purpose of developing and manufacturing products and systems covered by
the activities set forth in paragraph (b) of subdivision one of section thirty-one hundred two-e of the public
authorities law and have a ratio of research and development expenditures to net sales which equals or
exceeds six percent during the fiscal year immediately preceding the qualified investment.

(5) Certified capital company program five.

The aggregate amount of certified capital for which taxpayers may be allocated and allowed tax credits
pursuant to this paragraph and subdivision (k) of section fifteen hundred eleven of this chapter may not
exceed sixty million dollars for calendar year two thousand seven, which certified capital may be invested in
certified capital companies beginning in calendar year two thousand five.

During any calendar year in which the limitation described in this paragraph will limit the amount of certified
capital, certified capital will be allocated in order of priority based upon the date of filing of information
described in subparagraph (A) of paragraph six of subdivision (c) of this section. The superintendent shall
advise any certified capital company in writing, within fifteen days after receiving such filing, whether the
limitations of this paragraph then in effect will be applicable with respect to the investments and credits
described in such filing with the superintendent.

Certified capital may be raised by each certified capital company with respect to certified capital company
program five at any time subsequent to its certification date, and credits shall be allocated to and vested in
certified investors at the time of each such investment as provided in this paragraph, although such credits
shall not be first allowed or incurred for state tax purposes, until, at the earliest, tax years beginning in two
thousand seven. One-third of the certified capital raised by each certified capital company with respect to
certified capital company program five shall be used to make qualified investments in qualified businesses
located in empire zones established pursuant to article eighteen-B of the general municipal law, and one-
third of such certified capital shall be used to make qualified investments in qualified businesses located in
underserved areas outside such empire zones, provided, however, that in the case of an investment made
by a certified capital company in an empire zone located in an underserved area, the certified capital
company making such an investment may chose to designate such investment as an investment in an
underserved area but not as an investment in an empire zone for the purpose of meeting the requirements
of this paragraph. Fifty percent of the total amount of capital invested by a certified capital company at the
time of one hundred percent investment of funds shall be invested in qualified businesses that are involved
in commerce for the primary purpose of developing and manufacturing products and systems covered by
the activities set forth in paragraph (b) of subdivision one of section thirty-one hundred two-e of the public
authorities law and have a ratio of research and development expenditures to net sales which equals or
exceeds six percent during the fiscal year immediately preceding the qualified investment.

(i) Maximum certified capital.

The maximum amount of certified capital per certified capital company program invested in one or more
certified capital companies allowed in any one year to any one certified investor shall not exceed ten million
dollars for certified capital company programs one and three, and eight million dollars for certified capital
company programs two, four and five for such year, provided, however, that if the aggregate amount of
certified capital for such year, as set forth in subdivision (h) of this section, has not been reached sixty days
prior to the end of the year to which such aggregate amount applies, the provisions of this subdivision shall
cease to apply for the remainder of such year. In addition, the aggregate amount of tax credits allowed in any
taxable year to any affiliated group of taxpayers in relation to certified capital may not exceed such maximum
amount, whether or not such taxpayers file a combined return pursuant to subdivision (f) of section fifteen
hundred fifteen of this chapter. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term "affiliated group" shall have
the same meaning as described in section 1504 of the internal revenue code, except that the references to "at
Page 14

least eighty percent" in such section 1504 shall be read as "more than fifty percent".

(j) Reports.

The superintendent shall report to the governor, the temporary president of the senate, and the speaker of the
assembly, on or before June first of each year beginning in the year two thousand, the number of certified
capital companies holding certified capital; the amount of certified capital invested in each certified capital
company; the cumulative amount that each certified capital company has invested as of January first of the year
two thousand and the cumulative total each year thereafter; the cumulative amount that the investments of
each certified capital company have leveraged in terms of capital invested by other sources of capital in qualified
businesses at the same time or subsequent to investments made by a certified capital company in such
businesses; the total amount of tax credits granted under this section each year that credits have been awarded
under this section and subdivision (k) of section fifteen hundred eleven of this chapter; the performance of each
certified capital company with regard to the requirements for recertification set forth in subdivision (c) of this
section; the classification of companies in which each certified capital company has invested according to
industrial sector and size of company; the total gross number of jobs created by investments made by each
certified capital company using certified capital and the number of jobs retained; the location of companies in
which each certified capital company has invested in a manner to indicate if the requirements for qualified
investments in qualified businesses located in empire zones established pursuant to article eighteen-B of the
general municipal law set forth for programs three, four and five and in underserved areas outside such empire
zones have been met; the total gross number of jobs created in empire zones established pursuant to article
eighteen-B of the general municipal law and in underserved areas outside such empire zones made by each
certified capital company using certified capital in certified capital company programs three, four and five,
reported by geographic location of each empire zone and underserved area and the number of jobs retained;
and those certified capital companies that have been decertified, or have had their certifications revoked,
including the reasons for decertification or revocation.

(k) Rules and regulations.

The superintendent, in consultation with the department of taxation and finance, shall prescribe such rules and
regulations as he or she shall deem necessary in order to implement the provisions of this section within one
hundred twenty days of the effective date of this section.

(1) For the purposes of this section, the term "empire zone" shall also include, in relation to investments made
by a certified capital company in which at least fifty percent of the voting stock, capital, and membership
interests, as the case may be, are owned by an entity that is managed directly or indirectly, by a non-profit
corporation, the liberty zone as defined in section one of part AA of chapter three hundred eighty-three of
the laws of two thousand one, the resurgence zone as defined in section one of part A of chapter three
hundred eighty-three of the laws of two thousand one and a federal empowerment zone designated
pursuant to section 1391 of the internal revenue code.
Page 15


Current through L.2005, c.61, p.H.
(Reformatted for readability.)


(k) Credit for certain investments in certified capital companies.

(1) A taxpayer shall be allowed a credit, to be computed as hereinafter provided, against the tax imposed by this
article. The amount of the credit shall be equal to one hundred percent of an investment of certified capital in
a certified capital company program made by the taxpayer pursuant to section eleven of this chapter.

(2) Ten percent of such credit shall be allowed in the taxable year to which such investment is allocated pursuant
to subdivision (h) of section eleven of this chapter and in each of the nine following taxable years. In addition,
in any taxable year subsequent to the taxable year for which such investment is so allocated, any amount
carried forward under paragraphs three and four of this subdivision may be carried forward indefinitely until
such credits are utilized.

(3) No credit allowable pursuant to this subdivision shall reduce the tax payable under this article to less than the
minimum tax fixed by paragraph four of subdivision (a) of section fifteen hundred two of this article or by
section fifteen hundred two-a of this article, whichever is applicable. If, however, the amount of credit
allowable under this subdivision for any taxable year reduces the tax to such amount, any amount of credit not
taken in such taxable year may be carried over to the following year or years and may be deducted from the
taxpayer's tax for such year or years.

(4) If for any taxable year the credit allowable under paragraph two of this subdivision exceeds such minimum tax
for such taxable year, then the amount by which such credit exceeds such minimum tax liability shall be
carried forward as a credit under paragraph two of this subdivision to the following year or years and may be
deducted from the taxpayer's tax for such year or years.

(5) Decertification of a certified capital company from a certified capital company program shall cause the
disallowance and the recapture of the credit allowed under paragraph one of this subdivision, as follows:

(A) Decertification of a certified capital company from a certified capital company program within two years of
its starting date prior to meeting the requirements of subparagraph (A) of paragraph one of subdivision
(c) of section eleven of this chapter shall cause disallowance of one hundred percent of the credit allowed
under paragraph one of this subdivision with respect to such certified capital company program and the
recapture of any portion of such credit that was previously taken.

(B) Decertification of a certified capital company from a certified capital company program which, having met
all requirements of subparagraph (A) of paragraph one of subdivision (c) of section eleven of this chapter,
subsequently fails to meet the requirements for continued certification under the provisions of
subparagraph (B) of such paragraph one, shall cause the disallowance of eighty-five percent of the credit
allowed under paragraph one of this subdivision with respect to such certified capital company program
and recapture of any portion of such credit in excess of fifteen percent that was previously taken.

(C) Decertification of a certified capital company from a certified capital company program which, having met
all requirements of subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph one of subdivision (c) of section eleven of this
chapter, subsequently fails to meet the requirements for continued certification under the provisions of
subparagraph (C) of such paragraph one, shall cause the disallowance of seventy percent of the credit
Page 16

allowed under paragraph one of this subdivision with respect to such certified capital company program
and the recapture of any portion of such credit in excess of thirty percent that was previously taken.

(D) Decertification of a certified capital company from a certified capital company program pursuant to
paragraph two of subdivision (e) of section eleven of this chapter, other than on the grounds of the failure
of such certified capital company to meet the requirements of subparagraphs (A), (B) or (C) of paragraph
one of subdivision (c) of such section, shall not cause the disallowance of any of the credits allowed under
paragraph one of this subdivision with respect to such certified capital company program, nor the
recapture of any portion of such credits that was previously taken.

(E) If, after twelve years after a certified capital company receives an investment of certified capital under
certified capital company program four and any subsequent program, such certified capital company has
failed to invest one hundred percent of its certified capital allocable to such certified capital company
program in qualified investments, such certified capital company shall be required to pay to the
department, for deposit in the general fund, an amount equal to two times the amount of net profits on
qualified investments as required under paragraph five of subdivision (d) of section eleven of this chapter
at such subsequent time when it has fully invested one hundred percent and has begun to make a
distribution of its net profits; provided that such requirement shall not apply to a certified capital company
in which at least fifty percent of the voting stock, capital, membership interests, or other beneficial
ownership interests, as the case may be, are owned by an entity that is managed, directly or indirectly, by
a non-profit corporation. This amount of payment to the department shall not be reduced by the amount
set forth in paragraph six of subdivision (d) of section eleven of this chapter, and a certified capital
company making a payment under this paragraph shall not be eligible to create a fund pursuant to such
paragraph six of subdivision (d) of section eleven of this chapter for that particular certified capital
company program.

(6) Revocation of certification from a certified capital company program pursuant to subdivision (f) of section
eleven of this chapter, before the later of (i) the third anniversary of the certification date of the certified
capital company or (ii) the date on which the certified capital company satisfies the requirements of
subparagraph (C) of paragraph one of subdivision (c) of section eleven of this chapter, shall cause
disallowance of one hundred percent of the credit allowed under paragraph one of this subdivision with
respect to such certified capital company program and the recapture of any portion of such credit that was
previously taken.

(7) No credit shall be allowed in any tax year in which the taxpayer shall, individually or with or through one or
more affiliates, be a managing general partner of or underwrite or control the direction of investments of a
certified capital company for which the credit was allowed under paragraph one of this subdivision. This
provision shall not preclude a certified investor, insurance company or any other party from exercising its legal
rights and remedies (which may include interim management of a certified capital company) in the event that
a certified capital company is in default of its statutory obligations or its contractual obligations to such
certified investor, insurance company or other party or from monitoring the certified capital company to ensure
its compliance with section eleven of this chapter or disallowing any investments that have not been approved
by the superintendent pursuant to subparagraph (D) of paragraph one of subdivision (c) of such section
eleven. For purposes of this paragraph, affiliate shall mean a business entity in which the taxpayer holds at
least a ten percent beneficial interest.

(8) A certified investor allowed a credit against its state tax liability earned through an investment in a certified
capital company shall not be required to pay any additional retaliatory tax levied pursuant to section eleven
hundred twelve of the insurance law as a result of claiming such credit.

(9) A taxpayer is permitted to transfer or sell tax credits allowed under this subdivision, in whole or in part, to any
affiliate within an affiliated group of taxpayers, who are subject to tax in this state under this article. Such
transfer or sale shall not affect the time schedule for claiming the credit transferred or sold. Any credit
recaptured shall be the liability of the taxpayer who actually claimed the credit. The claim of a transferee shall
be permitted in the same manner and subject to the same provisions and limitations of section eleven of this
chapter as applied to the taxpayer to whom the credit was originally allowed. For purposes of this paragraph,
the term "affiliated group" shall have the same meaning as described in section fifteen hundred four of the
Page 17

internal revenue code, without exclusion for a company listed under paragraph two of subsection (b) of section
fifteen hundred four of the internal revenue code, except that the references to "at least eighty percent" in
such section fifteen hundred four shall be read as "more than fifty percent". Whenever a taxpayer transfers or
sells a tax credit pursuant to this paragraph, such taxpayer shall notify the department and the insurance
department of such transfer or sale within forty-five days.

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