In all of the above cases, ignorance of the law excuses no one from
INTRODUCTION TO CONTRACTS the obligation is demandable when due, and compliance therewith.
therefore can be enforced in court if not This kind of obligation is dictated by law
GENERAL CONSIDERATION performed. like the obligation of husband and wife to live
Without being aware of it, each one of us with each other, observe mutual respect and
enters into a contract as often as the need REQUISITES OF AN OBLIGATION fidelity, and render mutual support, the
arises. When we do little things like buying a Every obligation has four essential obligation to pay taxes under the National
stick of cigarette or a detergent soap nearby, or requisites, namely: Internal Revenue Code, and the obligation of an
ride in a jeep or tricycle to or from the school or a. juridical tie or vinculum which is the link employer to pay minimum wage to the workers.
office, we in fact enter into a contract which that binds the parties;
gives rise to rights and obligations. Contracts of b. the prestation which is the giving, doing or 2. OBLIGATION ARISING FROM CONTRACTS
bigger scale surely awaits us in the future not doing of something; A contract is the meeting of minds
especially when we become professionals or c. the active subject which is the person who between two persons whereby one binds himself
businessmen, hence, the need to study the law holds the right to demand the prestation, with respect to the other to give something or
on contracts to which the law on obligation is called oblige or creditor; and render some services. When duly entered into,
integrated. d. the passive subject which is the person the obligation arising from contract has the full
against whom the prestation may be force of law between the parties, hence should
OBLIGATION DEFINED demanded, called obligor or debtor. be complied with in good faith.
An obligation is a juridical necessity to Example: X entered into a contract with Y The contracts enumerated and treated in
give, to do or not to do. It comes form the Latin whereby X agreed to deliver an electric guitar. the Civil Code, among others, are sale, barter,
word obligare which means to bind through The juridical tie is the contract, the prestation lease, partnership, agency, loan, deposit,
giving, doing or not doing something. It is a is the delivery of the guitar, the active subject insurance, guaranty, pledge, mortgage and
juridical necessity because the rights and duties is Y and the passive subject is X. antichresis.
emanating from obligation may be enforced in
courts of justice which may order their SOURCES OF OBLIGATION 3. OBLIGATIONS ARISING FROM QUASI-
performance if refused or neglected. Article 1157 of the Civil Code enumerates CONTRACTS
the sources of obligations, namely: 1. laws; 2. A quasi-contract is a juridical relation
MEANING OF OBLIGATION TO GIVE, TO DO OR Contract; 3. quasi-contract; 4. acts or omissions arising from lawful, voluntary and unilateral
NOT TO DO punishable by law; and 5. quasi-delicts. acts by virtue of which the parties become
The obligation to give is in the essence of bound to each other to the end that no one shall
a real obligation because a physical thing is 1. OBLIGATIONS ARISING FROM LAW be unjustly enriched or benefited at the
involved and delivery of the same extinguishes Law is a rule of conduct, just, obligatory expense of another.
the obligation. and laid down by the legitimate authority for There are two kinds of quasi-contracts,
Example: X obliged to give Y a bicycle. common observance and benefit. Without it namely: negotorium gestio and solutio indebiti.
On the other hand, the prestations to do or not there will be no order in a society which will be 1. Negotorium gestio is the voluntary
to do are personal obligations, like to draw a ruled by the maxim of what is might is right. administration or management of an
plan of a house (a positive one) or not to draw a Thus, everyone is presumed to know the law, as abandoned business or property belonging to
another without his consent. For relationship death due to poisoning from beverages, foods, obligee judicially or extra-judicially demands
to exist, the following elements: 1) the etc. against the fabricators. from them the fulfillment of their obligation.
management must refer to specific affairs; However, the demand by the creditor shall not
2) the business or property is neglected or DILIGENCE REQUIRED IN THE PERFORMANCE be necessary in order that delay may exist:
abandoned; 3) there is no express or implied OF AN OBLIGATION 1. When the obligation or the law expressly so
authority from the owner; 4) there is no Every person obliged to give something is declares; or
prohibition from the owner; and 5) the also obliged to take care of it with the diligence 2. When from the nature and circumstances of
management must be for an intention to of a good father of the family, unless the law or the obligation it appears that the designation
protect the interest of the owner. stipulation of the parties requires another of the time when the thing is to be delivered
2. Solutio indebiti is the juridical relation standard of care. This means that pending the or the service is to be rendered was the
which is created by virtue of a payment by delivery of the thing, the obligor shall take care controlling motive for the establishment of
mistake consequently obliging the payee to of it with the diligence and concern that a the contract; or
return to payor what he received. prudent man will exercise in taking care of his 3. When demand would be useless, as when the
property depending upon the nature of the obligor has been rendered it beyond his
OBLIGATIONS ARISING FROM CRIMES obligation and the circumstances of time, power to perform.
Acts or omissions punishable by law are person and place. On the other hand, if the In reciprocal obligations, neither party
better known as crimes or delicts, like obligation is personal in that it consists in doing incurs in delay if the other does not comply or is
homicide or damage to property through or not doing something, and the same is not not ready to comply in a proper manner with
reckless imprudence. Under the law a person done, or done in contravention with the tenor of what is incumbent upon him. From the moment
who is convicted for a criminal offense may be the obligation, the same shall be done or one of the parties fulfill his obligation, delay by
imprisoned, and in addition, will be required to undone, as the case may be, at the expense of the other begins.
indemnify the heirs of the victim. This the guilty party.
obligation is what is known as civil liability LIABILITY OF OBLIGOR FOR FRAUD,
arising from crimes may be complied with in the RIGHTS TO THE FRUITS OF THE THING TO BE NEGLIGENCE, DELAY, ETC.
form of restitution, indemnification, or DELIVERED Those who in the performance of their
reparation of damages. The creditor has the right to the fruits of obligation are guilty of fraud, negligence or
the thing from the time the obligation to deliver delay, and those who in any manner contravene
OBLIGATION ARISING FROM QUASI-DELICT arises. However, he shall acquire no real right the tenor thereof are liable for damages. Delay
A quasi-delict is a legal wrong committed over it until the same has been delivered. This exists when the obligor fails to fulfill his
through fault or negligence causing damage to a means that while the thing and the fruits have obligation on the date agreed upon and after a
person or property thereby obliging the not been delivered, the obligee acquires only a demand by the oblige, either judicially (with
wrongdoer to pay for the damage done, personal right. But once the thing is delivered, court intervention) or extra-judicially (outside a
provided that there exists no contractual the obligee acquires the real right of ownership. court) orally or in writing, has been made on the
relation between them. A typical example of obligor, whereas, fraud is simply the voluntary
this is a pedestrian who was hit and suffered RULE WHEN OBLIGOR INCURS DELAY and deliberate act of the obligor to evade or
injuries by reason of a speeding vehicle and Those obliged to deliver or to do cheat for personal gain the fulfillment of the
something incur in delay from the time the obligation. In connection with negligence or
fault, it consists in the failure to observe for the demandable because there is no specific date or If the condition is resolutory, the
protection of the interest of another person, condition mentioned for its fulfillment. happening of the condition extinguishes the
that degree of care, precaution and vigilance obligation and the parties are obliged to make
which is demanded by the circumstances, and CONDITIONAL OBLIGATION mutual restitution of whatever they have
because of which the other party suffers A conditional obligation is one whose received by reason thereof.
damage or injury. performance is subject to a condition which may
either be suspensive or resolutory in effect. A OBLIGATION WITH A PERIOD
LIABILITY ARISING FROM FORTUITOUS EVENT suspensive condition is one which upon An obligation with a period is one in
Except in cases expressly authorized by fulfillment gives rise to the obligation which a day certain has been fixed for its
law, or when it is otherwise declared by dependent upon it. fulfillment. This obligation is different from a
stipulation, or when the nature of the obligation Example: X promises to give Y a car if he conditional obligation because the condition
requires the assumption of risk, no person shall passes the Board Exam for Mechanical imposed therein may or may not happen,
be responsible for those events which could not Engineers. whereas, the period fixed in this obligation is
be foreseen, or which though foreseen, were The Civil Code provides that in case of sure to come although the time as to when is
inevitable. A fortuitous event is an unexpected improvements, loss or deterioration of the thing uncertain, as in the death of a person.
event or act of God which cannot be foreseen or before the fulfillment of the suspensive
resisted, like floods, earthquakes, torrents, ship condition, the following rules shall govern: ALTERNATIVE OBLIGATION
wreck, lightnings, and conflagration, to mention 1. If the thing is lost without the fault of the An alternative obligation is one where
a few. debtor, the obligation shall be extinguished; various prestations are due, but the
2. If the thing is lost through the fault of the performance of one, usually chosen by the
KINDS OF OBLIGATIONS debtor, he shall be obliged to pay damages; obligor, is sufficient. The choice may be granted
The Civil Code classifies obligation into it is understood that the thing is lost when it to the obligee or creditor.
1. pure and conditional; perishes or goes out of commerce, or Example: X binds himself to deliver to Y
2. obligation with a period; disappears in such a way that its existence is a color TV or betamax. X should deliver the
3. alternative and facultative; unknown or it cannot be recovered; color TV or the Betamax on the due date of
4. joint and solidary; 3. When the thing deteriorates without the obligation. The obligor or debtor does not have
5. divisible and indivisible; and fault of the debtor, the impairment is to be the right to choose prestations which are
6. obligation with a penal clause borne by the creditor; the creditor may impossible, unlawful or which could not have
chose between rescission of the obligation been the object of the obligation.
PURE OBLIGATION and its fulfillment, with indemnity of
A pure obligation is one which is not damages in either case; FACULTATIVE OBLIGATION
subject to any condition or burden and whose 4. If the thing is improved by its nature, or by In a facultative obligation, only one
fulfillment is neither dependent upon a future time, the improvement shall inure to the prestation is due but the obligor or debtor may
or uncertain or even a past event unknown to benefit of the creditor; and substitute another in lieu of the prestation due.
the parties, hence, immediately demandable. 5. If it is improved at the expense of the The loss or deterioration of the thing intended
Example: X promises to deliver a specific debtor, he shall have no other right than as a substitute does not render him liable
guitar to Y. This obligation is immediately that granted to the usufructuary except when the substitution has already been
communicated and on account of negligence, compel the other solidary debtor to contribute may either be subsidiary as when only the
delay and fraud. his share. Among the terms usually indicating penalty is demandable, or joint when both the
Example: X binds himself to deliver to Y solidarity are jointly and severally, in principal and the penalty can be enforced.
an Australian horse. Later, X proposed and Y solidum, and individually and collectively. Example: X borrowed from Y the sum of
agreed that a 1984 Familia car will do if none P20,000.00 payable on May 31, 1985. They
can be imported. X should deliver the car. DIVISIBLE OBLIGATIONS agreed in writing that if X fails to pay the same
A divisible obligation is one capable of on the said date, X shall in addition pay
JOINT OBLIGATION being performed partially. P4,000.00 as penalty.
A joint obligation is one where the entire Example: X obliged himself to deliver 600
obligation is to be fulfilled proportionately by cubic feet sand within a week. This may be MODES OF EXTINGUISHING OBLIGATIONS.
the various obligors or debtors, and each one of complied with in two or three days. It is not the Article 1231 of the Civil Code provides
the obligees or creditors is entitled and can rule, however, that because the subject matter that obligations are extinguished as follows: 1)
demand a proportionate part of the credit due is divisible, the obligation is divisible if the by payment or performance; 2) by loss of the
from each of them. intent is to make it divisible. thing due; 3) by condonation or remission of the
Example: X and Y signed a promissory debt; 4) by confusion or merger of the rights of
note binding themselves to pay Z the sum of INDIVISIBLE OBLIGATION creditor and debtor; 5) by compensation; 6) by
P10,000.00. Z can demand from X P5,000.00, Indivisible obligation is the exact novation. Elsewhere in the Code are other
and from Y the same amount because the rule in opposite of divisible obligation as no partial relative modes, among which are: annulment,
a joint obligation is that the debt or credit is performance is permitted. Thus, if the 600 cu. rescission, fulfillment of a resolutory condition
divided into as many parts as there are creditors ft. sand in the example is to be delivered on and prescription.
or debtors or to each his own. May 1, 1985, the obligation is indivisible because
under the law, the controlling factor in PAYMENT OR PERFORMANCE
SOLIDARY OBLIGATION determining whether an obligation is divisible or This mode consist not only of delivery of
A solidary obligation is exactly the indivisible is the intention of the parties. money but also the performance of an obligation
opposite of a joint obligation in the sense that To determine whether the obligation is in any other manner. It is the essence of this
each of the solidary debtors is liable for the divisible or indivisible the test is, did the parties mode that there must be a pre-existing
entire obligation as long as the same has not intend partial performance? Thus, the object of obligation (not option) otherwise, no payment
been performed, and each of the creditors can the obligation may be physically divisible, but could be made. Thus, a debt is not considered
demand compliance. A solidary obligation may they intended it to be indivisible or if so to have been paid unless the thing or service in
exist only when a) the obligation so provides; b) provided by law the object is divisible. which the obligation consists have been
when the law so provides; and c) the nature of completely delivered or rendered, as the case
the obligation requires solidarity. OBLIGATION WITH A PENAL CLAUSE may be.
Example: X and Y bind themselves jointly An obligation which contains an accessory Payment may also be effected in various
and severally to pay Z and M the sum of undertaking to assume a greater liability in case special forms, namely: 1) dacion in payment or
P10,000.00. In this case, X or Y may be of breach is an obligation with a penal clause. dacion en pago; 2) payment by cession; and 3)
compelled by Z or M to pay the entire amount, The penal clause is attached to the principal tender of payment and consignation.
and after payment, the paying debtor can obligation to insure its fulfillment. The penalty
(1) Dacion in payment. Dacion en pago is the required by law. Consignation shall be made obligation, which is extinguished in whole or in
conveyance of the ownership of a thing which is also to extinguish the obligation in the following part.
accepted by the oblige (creditor) as a payment cases: a) when the creditor is absent or is Example: Y is indebted to X in the
of a debt in lieu of money, thereby extinguishing unknown, or does not appear at the place of amount of P5,000.00. On the due date of the
the obligation. payment; b) when he is incapacitated to receive obligation, Y offered to pay but X renounces his
Example: X is indebted to Y in the amount of payment at the time it is due; c) when without right to collect as he won in the sweepstakes.
P10,000.00. Instead of paying money, X just cause, he refuses to give a receipt; d) when This is a complete remission. But if the
delivered a cd player worth the same amount two or more persons claim the same right to renunciation is only one-half, Y should still pay
which is accepted by Y. collect; and e) when the title to the obligation P2,500.00.
(2) Payment by cession. Payment by cession has been lost.
consists of the assignment of all the properties CONFUSION OR MERGER
of the debtor to his creditors in order that the LOSS OF THE THING This mode takes place when the qualities
same may be solf by the creditors to satisfy The thing due is considered lost when it of the obligor and that of the obligee meet I one
their credits. Unless there is a stipulation to the perishes, or goes out of commerce, or person, the effect of which generally
contrary, the cession shall extinguish the disappears in such a way that its existence is extinguishes the obligation.
liability of the debtor to the extent of the net unknown or cannot be recovered. When the Example: X is indebted to Y for
proceeds in the sale. obligation consists of doing something, there is P10,000.00 for which he issued a promissory
Example: M is indebted to X, Y and Z in the loss when the prestation becomes legally or note. Later, Y indorsed it to Z who then
amount of P30,000.00. If M is insolvent, physically impossible. On the other hand, an indorsed it back to X. In this case, the
partially or totally, he may assign or cede his obligation consisting in the delivery of a obligation is extinguished since X had become
properties to X, Y and Z who may sell them and determinate thing shall be extinguished if it is his own creditor and debtor.
apply the proceeds to the payment destroyed without fault of the debtor and
proportionally to his various debts. Cession or before he has incurred delay. COMPENSATION
assignment may be of two kinds, namely: (1) the Example: X obliged himself to deliver a Compensation takes place when two or
voluntary cession in which the consent of the specific Australian horse to Y. Before the more persons, in their own rights, are creditors
creditors is needed, and (2) the legal or judicial agreed date of delivery, the horse died without and debtors to each other. This means that by
where the approval of the court is required. Xs fault. In this case the obligation is operation of law, the debts of the parties who
The latter is governed by the Insolvency Law. extinguished because it consists of the delivery are creditors and debtors in their own rights are
(3) Tender of payment or consignation. This of a determinate thing. But if the obligation is extinguished to the concurrent amount even if
special form of payment is done through the to delivery a generic thing, the loss or they do not know it.
actual offering (not just a proposal) by the destruction of anything of the same kind does Example: X is indebted to Y in the
debtor to the creditor of the thing or sum which not extinguish the obligation. amount of P20,000.00 while Y is indebted to X in
he considers to be due. If this tender is unjustly the same amount. If both debts are due and
refused, the debtor shall complete this by CONDONATION OR REMISSION demandable and no prohibition against any of
making a consignation by depositing the thing or It is an act of liberality by which the them exists, compensation shall take place since
the amount due with the court of competent oblige, who receives no price or equivalent both are creditors and debtors in their own
jurisdiction in accordance with the formalities thereof, renounces the enforcement of an right.
person to take his place as the obligor. The
creditor may withhold his approval. Thus in the
DISTINCTION BETWEEN CONFUSION AND same example, if X goes to Y bringing Z and
COMPENSATION proposes to Y that Z who is willing will pay the
The differences are: P10,000.00 and Y consents to it, the novation by
(1) In confusion, there is only one person who delegacion extinguishes the obligation.
becomes both a creditor and debtor but in
compensation, the personality of the debtors QUESTIONS
and creditors is preserved; and
(2) There is only one obligation in confusion but 1. What is an obligation and explain with
not in the other where there are two. illustrations its requisites?
2. What are the sources of obligations?
NOVATION 3. What is a quasi-contract and explain each
Novation is the change, substitution, or kind?
renewal of an obligatory relation, with the 4. What is a quasi-delict and how it is
intention of extinguishing or modifying differentiated with delicts?
essentially the former, debitum pro debito (new 5. Enumerate and explain the special forms of
debt for an old debt). It may take place by payment.
changing the object or principal conditions of 6. When may an obligor be relieved from his
the obligation or substitution of another person obligation by reason of loss of thing due?
in the place of the debtor or in subrogation to 7. X promises the use of his one-door apartment
the rights of the creditor or combination of both to Y provided the latter passes the Board
through a change in the person of the parties or Examination for Mechanical Engineers. IN
the object or principal condition. this case, what kind of obligation is
Personal novation may either be in the established? Explain.
form of expromision or delegacion. Expromision
takes place when a third person of his own
accord and even without the knowledge of the
original debtor assumes the obligation, with the
consent of the creditor.
Example: X is indebted to Y in the
amount of P10,000.00. Then Z, a third person,
goes to Y and tell him that he will be the one to
pay the P10,000.00. If Y agrees, a novation by
expromision takes place even if X does not know
or consent to it. Delegacion takes place when
the debtor asks the creditor to accept a third