Job Offer Limited
Job Offer Limited
Job Offer Limited
In the interpretation of the provisions hereof and the above mentioned
Job Offer, the following terms and phrases, wherever mentioned , shall
have the meaning set out for each of them:
State/UAE: United Arab Emirates
MOL: Ministry of Labour
Law: Federal Law No. 8 of 1980 on regulation of labour relations, as
Applicable Laws: in addition to the previously mentioned Law, the set
of regulatory decisions circulations issued under the law and being
implemented by MOL deemed as the code of legislation and governing
rules regulating the UAE labour market.
State of Recruitment: the state from which the Worker came, whether it
is the state of their nationality or any other state.
Job Offer (this Offer): the Job Offer given to the Worker in the State of
Recruitment or within UAE, signed by the Worker (or thumb imprinted
if Worker is fourth/fifth level skilled) and upon which the Employment
is signed. The Job Offer Annex is an integral and complementary part of
the Job Offer.
The Contract (this Contract/ Employment Contract): the abovementioned Contract executed under the Job Offer given to and signed by
The First Party: the Employer
The Second Party: the Worker (male or female)
Parties/ Both Parties: the Employer and Worker
Wage (Total Wage): the total of whatever given to the Second Party
(Worker) in return for his service by virtue of an Employment Contract,
whether in cash or in kind including bonuses, cost-of-living allowance
among any other allowances and bonuses.
Basic Salary: The wage stipulated in the Employment Contract during
the term of effect thereof between the Parties, exclusive of any
allowances whatsoever.
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Article (122) of the Labour Law : The termination of the employment of the
Worker by the Employer shall be deemed arbitrary should the cause of
termination not be related to the work , in particular should the termination of
the employment of the Worker be made by reason of the filing by the latter of
a serious complaint before the pertinent authorities or a valid claim against
the Employer.
Article (123) of the Labour Law :
a - Should the Worker be arbitrarily dismissed, the competent court may
order the Employer to pay a compensation to the Worker . The court shall
assess such compensation, taking into account the type of work and the extent
of damage incurred to the Worker as well as the duration of employment and
after the investigation of the work conditions. In all cases , the amount of
compensation shall not exceed the wage of the worker for a period of three
months calculated on the basis of the last due wage.
b - The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not breach the right of the
Worker to the gratuity entitled thereto and the compensation in lieu of notice
provided for herein.
Article (128) of the Labour Law: Should the non - national Worker leave work
without a valid cause prior to the end of the Contract with limited term, he
may not get another employment even with the permission of Employer for a
year from the date of abandonment of the work. No Employer may
knowingly recruit Worker or retain in his service during such period.
Whereas the First Party desires to contract with the Second Party to employ
the latter to carry out the job mentioned in the first Article of the Job Offer,
both parties have signed the previously mentioned Job Offer and this Annex
has been enclosed to such Job Offer. Both parties have reviewed the articles
set forth in both the Job Offer and Annex thereof, and are fully aware of their
provisions. Such articles are as follows:
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Article (1)
Should the Second Party successfully pass the probation period set forth in
the Third Article of the Job Offer and continues the work, then the probation
period shall be calculated within his total term of service. The First Party may
dismiss the Second Party during the probation period without a notice or end
of service gratuities.
Article (2)
The labour relation governed by the Contract executed under this Offer, shall
be a contractual and consensual relationship. Neither Party shall be obliged to
continue such contractual relationship with the other Party without its
consent, provided that the Party terminating the contractual relationship
upon its sole discretion shall bear all legal consequences resulting therefrom
as per stipulated in this Annex and according to any MOL applicable laws.
The labour relation between both Parties shall end if any of the following
cases occurred:
1. In case of expiry of the mutually agreed upon term of the Contract
executed under this Offer and not renewed under the applicable laws.
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3. Pay the due wage to the Second Party in addition to any other rights or
benefits as set forth in the Employment Contract and according to the
dates, procedures and MOL applicable laws. The First Party may not
deduct any amounts from the Second Partys wage, for special rights,
except in the following cases:
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7. Subject to Clause (4) of this Article, the First Party shall not force the
Second Party to work for more than 8 hours daily or more than 48
hours weekly, except for the following cases:
First: Cases for Reduction of working hours:
(a) Working hours may be reduced for strenuous or health
harmful works by virtue of a decision from the Minister of
(b) Daily working hours may be reduced by two hours during
Second: Cases for Increase of working hours:
(a) Working hours may be increased to nine hours per day for
people employed in trade, hotels, cafeterias, security and
other jobs which may be added by virtue of a decision from
the Minister of Labour, provided compliance with the
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11. The First Party may not terminate the Second Party for his medical
unfitness before the exhaustion of all the sick leaves legally due to him;
otherwise, any such termination shall be deemed null and void.
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12. The First Party shall give the Second Party, upon the request thereof
and at the end of the labour relation, a certificate of end of service to be
issued free of charge, in which the date of commencement and
termination of the employment, the total duration of employment, the
type of work performed and the last paid wage and supplements
thereof , if any, are stated. Moreover, the First Party shall return to the
Second Party any certificates, documents or tools belonging to the
Second Party.
13. The First Party shall bear all costs of recruitment and employment
stipulated under the applicable procedures in such regard including
the Second Partys travel ticket from abroad. In addition, the First Party
shall bear all mediation fees (if any), and after the termination of
Contract, the First Party shall bear the costs of the return travel of the
Second Party (and his family upon mutual agreement) to the
destination from where the Second Party came or to any other
destination as agreed upon by both Parties. The Second Party shall
bear the cost of his return ticket in case of the termination reasons are
attributable to him.
14. The First Party shall take all necessary actions stipulated by MOL
applicable laws in case of the occurrence of any occupational injury or
disease to the Second Party as stipulated under the law.
15. In cases of occupational injuries or diseases, the First Party shall
undertake to pay the cost of treatment of the Second Party in one of the
officially approved medical centers until his recovery or proven
disability, provided that such injury shall not be due to a deliberate act
of the Second Party.
16. Should the injury prevent the Second Party from performing his work,
the First Party shall pay him a financial aid equivalent to a full wage
for the entire period of treatment, or for a period of (6) months,
whichever is shorter. Should the treatment last for more than (6)
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months, such financial aid shall be reduced by half for the following (6)
months or until the Second Party is fully recovered, declared disabled
or dies, whichever occurs first.
17. The First Party or any legal representative thereof shall be prohibited
from assaulting the Second Party in any form or manner whatsoever,
sexually harassing, putting under compulsory labor or imposing upon
forced labour. Should otherwise is proven to occur, the Second Party
may leave the work at any time and without a notice and may refer to
MOL to file a complaint against the First Party if he is entitled thereto.
18. In case the First Party is obliged to provide accommodation for the
Second Party, such accommodation shall meet all the specifications
and requirements stipulated in the MOL applicable laws in such
19. Should the first Party assign the Second Party with a job in places far
from cities where ordinary transports do not reach, the First Party shall
provide the Second Party with all or any of the following services (as
per determined by a decision of Minister of Labour regarding such
places and services):
- Suitable Means of Transportation- Suitable Accommodation- Potable
Water- Proper Foodstuff- Medical Aid Equipment- Entertainment and
Sports Means.
20. The First Party shall notify MOL of any changes in the data of its
address or contact information within one week of such change,
otherwise, correspondences sent to the data obtained by the MOL shall
be deemed valid and legally effective.
Article (4)
Obligations of the Second Party (Worker)
For purposes of implementation of the Employment Contract by and between
both Parties, the Second Party shall:
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5- The Second Party shall not disclose any of the secrets of the
establishment where he is working.
6- The Second Party shall not commit any act that would entail conviction
of the same in a final judgment by the competent court in a crime of
honor, honesty or public ethics.
7- The Second Party shall not be found in a state of drunkenness or under
the influence of a narcotic during working hours.
8- The Second Party shall not assault, during the work, the First Party,
manager in charge or any co-worker.
9- The Second Party shall not be absent without valid cause for more
than twenty non-consecutive days in one contractual year, or for more
than seven consecutive days.
In case the Second Party breaches any of the above clauses (from 1 to 9) of
this Article, the First Party may dismiss the Second Party without notice or
end of service gratuities.
10- The Second Party shall not work for third Parties even during his leave
except in the cases and under the conditions and regulations stipulated
in the Employment Contract, which are set forth in MOL applicable
11- The Second Party shall maintain work tools and properties. In
addition, the Second Party shall not, for his own use, keep work
documents except to the extent permitted by the First Party or as
required to carry out the job responsibilities.
12- The Second Party shall notify the First Party of his sickness within
maximum two days in case such sickness is not due to an occupational
injury. The First Party shall initiate to take necessary actions to
immediately make the Second Party undergo medical examination in
order to verify the sickness thereof and to ensure provision of
necessary treatment according to the applicable laws in such regards.
13- The Second Party shall not deliberately submit malicious reports
against the First Party and shall be cautious and accurate in submitting
data, notices or reports on the conditions of work or housing provided
by the First Party.
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14- The Second Party shall use protective equipment and clothing
provided to him for such purpose, abide by all instructions of the First
Party aiming at his protection from risks and shall refrain from
carrying out any act in a way that may obstruct the implementation of
said instructions.
15- In the event where the First Party provides the Second Party with
accommodation, the Second Party shall:
- Maintain such accommodation including all its contents and use
the same only for the intended purpose and according to the
regulations set in such regard.
- Vacate the accommodation place within no more than thirty
days from the date of termination of the employment thereof.
The Second Party shall not delay vacation of the accommodation
beyond the said period for any reason whatsoever, provided
that the First Party pays to the Second Party travel expenses,
end of service gratuities and any other entitlements undertaken
by the First Party in accordance with the Employment Contract,
establishment policies or the applicable law.
- Should the Second Party dispute over the amount of the said
expenses and entitlements, the MOL shall specify such expenses
and entitlement in an expedite manner within one week from
the date of notification thereto, provided that it notifies the
Second Party thereof upon specifying the same. In such case,
the mentioned period of thirty day shall be effective as of the
date of the deposit by the First Party of the specified expenses
and entitlements into the MOL treasury on trust. Should the
Second Party not vacate the accommodation after elapse of the
said period of thirty days, the MOL shall cooperate with the
pertinent authorities to take the necessary administrative
measures for the vacation. The provisions of the present Article
shall not prejudice the right of the Second Party to challenge the
same before the competent court.
16- The Second Party shall provide assistance and help in case of risks,
disasters and crises that may threaten the safety of workplaces and
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17- The Second Party shall undergo, upon the First Partys request, to
medical examinations required prior to or during employment and
joining the work as long as such examinations are necessary for the
benefit of work.
18- The Second Party shall pay the fees of obtaining ID cards for himself
and his family members.
19- The Second Party shall inform the First Party of his full address and
any other contact information suitable for communication therewith, to
which work relevant notices may be delivered. Accordingly, the First
Party shall notify MOL of such address and information. The Second
Party shall carry out such notification to the First Party in case any
changes occurs to such information.
20- The First Party shall refer to MOL in the following cases:
First - Should the Second Party remain unemployed for a period of two
months, the Second Party shall notify MOL within such period.
Second - Should MOL refer the complaint of the Second Party to the
competent court, the Second Party shall:
a. Register his complaint within two weeks from the date of
b. Follow up his complaint before the competent authorities,
attend hearings, and implement instructions issued by
judicial authorities.
c. Settle his status by cancelling the permit and moving to work
for another establishment or leaving the State within no later
than two months after issuance of the final or conclusive
- For the purpose of the required regulation of the UAE labour market and
providing for a safe and stable work environment to all workers within the
State, MOL will prohibit granting the Second Party a work permit for periods
less than one year from the date of leaving the State in any of the following
proven cases:
Should the Second Party not refer to MOL and follow the required
procedures in the two cases mentioned in this Clause.
Should both Parties (the Employer and the Worker) agree on
terminating the Contract during its term before the Worker continued
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Article (5)
Rights of the Second Party (Worker)
For purposes of implementation of the Employment Contract by and between
both Parties, the Second Party shall be entitled to:
1. File a serious complaint to MOL in case of having any grievance concerning
the First Partys violation to the articles of the Contract entered into by both
Parties, or a breach of the provisions of the MOl applicable laws in favor of
the Second Party, provided that such complaint shall be filed within no later
than thirty days as of the date of the Second Partys knowledge of the
incident subject matter of grievance., and that the Second Party shall be
cautious in proving information and facts relating to such complaint.
2. Receive his wage in full in the manner and at the times stipulated under the
Employment Contract as per the laws and regulations set by MOL as long
as the there is no legal reasons preventing the same, provided that such
reasons shall be attributed to Second Party itself and that such reasons may
lead to prevent payment of the wage in whole or in part.
3. Get the weekly rest for at least one day or more per week as agreed upon in
this Contract. Such day-off shall be identified and known in advance, the
same case as working hours. In case the work circumstances requires the
Second Party to work on this day, the Second Party shall be entitled to
a substitute rest day, or to receive the basic salary for the ordinary working
hours in addition to at least 50 % of the said wage. The Second Party shall
not be prevented from such day set for the weekly rest more than two
consecutive times.
4. Have an official leave with full payment in the following occasions
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New Year's Day (Hijri) (One day) - New Year's Day (Gregorian) (One day) Eid al Fitr (Two days) - Eid al Adha and Arafat Day (Three days) - Prophet
Mohammed Birthday Anniversary (One day) - Isra and Mi'raj (One day)
and the National Day (One day), in addition to any further similar leaves
legally prescribed for the workers. Should the work circumstances require
the Second Party to work during holidays or leaves for which a payment is
paid thereto, the Second Party shall be granted a substitute leave as well as
an increase in the basic salary amounting to 50 % thereof. Should the
Second Party not be granted a substitute leave, the First Party shall pay to
the Second Party an additional sum to the basic salary thereof amounting to
150 % with regards to the days of work.
5. Get, during every year of service, an annual leave of no less than the
following periods:
A - Two days for each month should the period of service be of six months
at least and a year at most.
B - Thirty days for each year should the period of service exceeds one year.
Should the service of the Second Party be terminated, the Second Party shall
be entitled to an annual leave for the fractions of the last year. The holidays
set by law or by agreement, or any other leaves caused by illness should it
occur during such holiday shall be included in the annual leave and
deemed a part thereof.
6. Receive the basic salary plus a housing allowance, if any, for the days of the
annual leave, provided that such wage shall be paid to the Second Party
prior to commencement of his annual leave the provisions of law for such
prescribed leave. Should the work circumstances require the Second Partys
work during his total annual leave or a part thereof, and should the leave
during which the Second Party worked is not carried forward to the next
year, then the First Party must pay to the Second Party his wage, in addition
to a leave allowance for the days of work, equal to his basic wage. In all
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cases, the Second Party may not be required to work during the annual
leave for more than once within two consecutive years.
7. Receive payment of his wage for accrued annual leave days should he be
dismissed or should he leave work as per MOL applicable laws. Such
payment shall be calculated on the basic wage paid to the Second Party at
the time of entitlement to such leave.
8. The Female Worker shall be entitled to a maternity leave with full payment
of the wage thereof, and such for a period of forty-five days that include the
pre- and postnatal periods, provided that her continuous service period for
the First Party is of one year at least. The maternity leave shall be granted
with half a wage should the Second Party not have completed the
aforementioned period.
Upon the end of the maternity leave, the Female Worker may remain
absent from work without pay for a period of one hundred consecutive or
non-consecutive days at most if such absence be caused by an illness
hindering her from returning to work . Such illness shall be established by
means of a medical certificate issued by the medical entity appointed by the
competent health authority or ratified by such authority stating that such
illness arises from the pregnancy or the delivery. The leave referred to in
the preceding clauses shall not be deducted from other leaves to which the
Female Worker is entitled. During the period of eighteen months
subsequent to the date of delivery, the nursing Female Worker shall be
entitled to two additional periods per day for such purpose, the duration of
each thereof shall not exceed half an hour. Such additional periods shall be
deemed as part of the working hours and do not entail any deduction of the
9. Get a sick leave not exceeding 90 consecutive or non-consecutive days for
each year of service, calculated as follows: the first fifteen days with full
pay, the following thirty days with half pay, and the following periods
without pay, all this provided that the Second Party spends more than three
month after the end of the probation period in the continuous service of the
First Party and contracted an illness. The Second Party shall not be entitled
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to the wage during the sick leave if the illness directly arises from the ill
behavior of the Second Party such as the consumption of alcohols or
10. If the Second Party resigns from service by reason of illness before the
expiry of the first forty five days of the sick leaves, and the governmental
physician or the physician appointed by the First Party approves the cause
of resignation, the First Party must pay to the resigning Worker the wage
due to him with regards to the remainder of the first forty five days referred
to in Clause (9) hereinabove.
11. The Second Party shall be granted for the entire duration of his employment
and for only one time a special leave without pay for the pilgrimage. Such
leave shall not be included in the other leaves and may not exceed thirty
12. The Second Party, having spent five years in service for the First Party, shall
be entitled to an end of service gratuity upon the termination of his service
or completion of the contract agreed-upon term. The days of absence from
work without pay shall not be included in the calculation of such period of
- The gratuity shall be calculated as follows: the wage of twenty one
days for each of the first five years of service, and the wage of thirty
days for every additional year, but always provided that in all cases
the total gratuity shall not exceed the basic wage of two years. The
Second Party shall be entitled to a gratuity for the served fraction of a
year, provided that the Second Party completes the actual period of
service stipulated under this paragraph.
The First Party may deduct from the end of service gratuity any
amounts due to the same and accrued on the Second Party.
The end of service gratuity shall not be granted in cases that allow for
prevention thereof as per set forth under this Annex, and in the event
that the Second Party leaves the work at his own accord so as to avoid
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the reasons for dismissal set forth in clauses (from 1 to 9) of Article (4)
of this Annex.
In the event of the Second Partys death, his due end of service
gratuity shall be paid to the beneficiaries thereof.
13. Should the occupational injury or disease cause the death of a Worker, then
the members of his family shall be entitled to compensation equal to the
basic wage of the Worker for a period of twenty-four months, provided that
the amount of compensation shall not be less than eighteen thousand
Dirhams or be more than thirty five thousand Dirhams. The amount of
compensation shall be calculated on the basis of the last basic wage received
by the Second Party prior to his death. The compensation shall be
distributed in accordance with the provisions of the schedule enclosed with
the applicable law.
14. The Second Party shall be entitled to the same compensation set forth in
Clause (13) hereof in case of permanent total disability. As for a partial
disability, the Second Party shall be entitled to a compensation according to
the rates set forth by law. (Moreover, in case of the Second Partys partial
disability preventing him from carrying out his job duties, if he is capable
of performing other works that are consistent with his health condition, and
should such works exist, then the First Party shall transfer the Second Party
upon the latters request to one of such works. In this case, the First Party
shall pay the Second Party the wage normally paid to workers of similar
jobs with the same title, without prejudice to the rights and compensations
due to the Second Party by virtue of the provisions of this Annex). The
Second Party shall not be entitled to the rights and compensations set forth
hereunder, if it is proven in the investigations of the competent authorities
that the Second Party deliberately injured himself with the intention of
committing suicide or for obtaining a compensation, a sick leave or any
other reason, or if the Second Party be at the time of the incident under the
influence of drugs or alcohols.
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Article (7)
Provisions of MOL applicable laws shall apply to any matters not explicitly
stipulated herein. Any dispute arising in connection with this Job Offer and
the Annex thereof shall be subject to the jurisdiction of UAE Courts. The First
Party shall acknowledge and declare that any notices or correspondences
made to him by any means of communication to the contacts mentioned in
the Job Offer shall be deemed valid and of all legal effect.
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