Social Media Guide For Nunavut Teachers 2016

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you have questions or

concerns, or need help,
please call the
Nunavut Teachers Online Safety for
Association Office at NTA Members
(867) 979 0750
More and more often,
Dont say anything educators in Nunavut are
online that you being disciplined or are
having their contracts
wouldnt want terminated as a result of
plastered on a poor choices in online
behavior. Dont be next!
billboard with your
face on it. Nunavut Teacher's Association
PO Box 2458, Iqaluit, NU Privacy is dead, and
Erin Bury, Sprouter X0A 0H0
social media hold the
community manager smoking gun. Pete
Cashmore, Mashable CEO
With assistance from the

Manitoba Teachers Society

From the NTA Code of Ethics:
"NTA members will adhere to the
NTA Code of Ethics in all online and
DO communicate in a professional electronic communications"
DONT accept any students as friends or
manner with students, followers on any personal social media
colleagues and parents using accounts.
your work email account.
DO follow policy provided by the DONT use social media or instant
employer. messaging to communicate with students,
parents or colleagues - use a work email
DO get permission before sharing account
pictures of students, classroom
activities or information about
students , families, or colleagues. DONT use email or texting to convey
difficult messages that could be
DO ensure students are not misconstrued. Meet in person to avoid
exposed to inappropriate material any misinterpretation.
or communications.

DONT vent online.

DO separate your personal and
professional life online. If you
wish to use social media
accounts for work purposes, get DONT use your personal email address
pre approval from your to contact students or parents.
DO consider a personal Facebook
account in a different name. DONT post information, comments or
pictures that would be embarrassing if
DO use the highest level of security they appeared on the front page of a
controls on social networking sites Teachers should model
you participate in.
ethical and appropriate
online b ehavior.

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