Digital Technologies

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RPPS Chromebook/ Digital Technology

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

As part of our teaching and learning at Rose Park Primary School, students are exposed to a
variety of digital learning opportunities to support an inquiry approach. This includes access
to Internet Services such as the World Wide Web (www) and Email. The Internet is a powerful
teaching tool where students can access new and different types of information and opinions
about global issues in order to discuss, reason, clarify and ultimately formulate their own
opinions. They are able to communicate, work and share ideas with other schools, libraries,
universities and community groups from other states, countries and cultures.

However, there are issues of safety and responsibility that need to be addressed when using
digital technologies, and more specifically the Internet. Unfortunately, there is inappropriate
material readily available on the Internet. In order to minimise the risk of children accessing
inappropriate information such as pornographic or violent material, we have an Internet filtering
system by DECS ‘Schoolsnet’. At school our students are always closely supervised by staff
when accessing the Internet, they are not permitted to ‘surf’ the net without purpose and are
always directed in their searches, to sites that meet with our educational goals and learning
outcomes. Although in most instances there is a teacher present, it is impossible for all students
to be supervised individually and therefore it is imperative that students act responsibly and

At Rose Park Primary School, students are actively encouraged to act responsibly when using
the Internet. Students who deliberately use the Internet to search for inappropriate materials
will lose their Internet access rights and their right to use the Rose Park Primary School
computer network for a period of time.

We would like all students to discuss the following guidelines with their teachers, peers and
parents. All students and parents will then be asked to sign a letter of agreement and return it
to class teachers. Failure to return this letter may result in students being prevented from
accessing the Internet or joining in class activities of this nature.

Di Burrell

Rose Park Primary School

54 Alexandra Avenue, Rose Park SA 5067
P: 8331 7521 E:
As a member of the Rose Park Primary School community, I will:
- keep my password private and not ask others to share their password

- not reveal personal addresses or contact numbers over the internet including my own

- log onto the Rose Park Primary School network, ‘Google Apps’ or any other digital
device using only my username and password provided by the school

- only use learning technologies at Rose Park Primary School (including the internet) for
learning related activities

- only use the Chromebook when teachers instruct me to, and take care to check the
credentials and reliability of any information obtained from the internet

- treat all learning technologies with respect and due care

- not attempt to modify the application or operating system software provided on my

Chromebook without written permission from the class teacher

- not access or store offensive images or audio on the Chromebooks or other digital
storage devices

- abide by copyright law by not copying and redistributing another’s work and will
acknowledge the owners of copyright works

- not use digital technologies to harass or bully another student and abide by
conventions of etiquette and be respectful of others

- not respond to any messages that are mean or in any way make me feel
uncomfortable. It is not my fault if I get a message like that. If I do, I will tell my
teachers right away

- promptly report damage to the hardware and/or software to the class teacher and IT
Support staff

- take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the Chromebook is not lost or damaged

- fully charge my Chromebook each evening in preparation for the next school day

- transport my Chromebook in a protective bag at all times and store my Chromebook


- be supervised by my parents/carers who will monitor my use of the Chromebook and

internet at home as this is not the responsibility of the school

Rose Park Primary School

54 Alexandra Avenue, Rose Park SA 5067
P: 8331 7521 E:
Online & Social Media Guidelines
- Be aware of what you post online. Website and social media venues are very public.
What you contribute leaves a permanent digital footprint for all to see. Do not post
anything you wouldn’t want friends, enemies, parents, teachers, future colleagues or
employers to see. If you wouldn’t show it at a whole school assembly, simply don’t
post it.

- Follow the school’s code of conduct when writing online. It is acceptable to disagree
with other’s opinions; however, do it in a respectful way. Make sure that criticism is
constructive and not hurtful. What is inappropriate in the classroom is inappropriate

- Think before you act because your virtual actions are real and permanent! (Like
footprints on the Moon!) How you represent yourself online is an extension of yourself.
Do not misrepresent yourself by using someone else’s identity.

- Be safe online. Never give out personal information, including, but not limited to, last
names, phone numbers, addresses, exact birth dates and pictures. Do not share your
password with anyone besides your teacher and parents.

- Linking to other websites to support your thoughts and ideas is, at times appropriate.
However, be sure to read and review the entire website prior to linking to ensure that
all information is appropriate for a school setting. If in doubt seek teacher or parental

- Follow the principles of Academic Honesty. Do your own work. Do not use other
people’s intellectual property without their permission. Be aware that it is a violation of
copyright law to copy and paste other’s thoughts. It is good practice to hyperlink to
your sources. Be aware that pictures may also be protected under copyright laws.
Verify that you have permission to use the image or that it is under ‘Creative
Commons’ attribution.

- Online work should be well written. Follow writing conventions including proper
grammar, capitalization and punctuation. If you edit someone else’s work, be sure it is
in the spirit of improving the writing.

Rose Park Primary School

54 Alexandra Avenue, Rose Park SA 5067
P: 8331 7521 E:

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