Standards Guide
Table of Contents:
Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Corporate Brands..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Technical Specifications......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Cascade SportTM....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8-9
CurfewTM.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10-11
CurfewTM Girl.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................12-13
Everyday Living BasicsTM............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14-15
Glaciers EdgeTM...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................18-19
GNWTM (Women).......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20-21
GNWTM (Men)................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22-23
Great Northwest Clothing CompanyTM (Women).......................................................................................................................................................... 24-25
Great Northwest Clothing CompanyTM (Men)................................................................................................................................................................. 26-27
Great Northwest IndigoTM......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28-29
JORE TM................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 30-31
3800 EastTM....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32-33
Holiday TraditionsTM...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34-35
Kids KornerTM................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36-37
Michael MorganTM......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 38-39
Table of Contents:
I n t r o d u cti o n :
This standards guide allows vendors and suppliers to achieve perfect execution of apparel products
falling under the Corporate Brands umbrella. This standards guide will be updated on a semi-annual
basis. Through strong partnerships with vendors and suppliers, we offer customers an outstanding
imagine it.
find it.
make it happen.
A p pa r e l
C o r p o r at e B r a n d s :
in subsequent pages.
T e c h n ic a l S p e ci f ic ati o n s :
Todays athlete is not dedicated to a
athletes wardrobe.
B r a n d P o s iti o n : Designed with comfort in mind for the
Cascade Sport for male and female athletes include quality active apparel styles and basics. gym and the outdoors, Cascade Sport
Edgy Styling
Quinn is confident and outgoing.
Her social status is very important
to her and she is conscious about
the way in which people perceive her.
Quinn updates her wardrobe often,
making sure it is always trend-right.
She loves her iPhone; she is an avid
texter and is always connected in her
social networks, like Facebook. Quinn
also appreciates many aspects of pop-
culture. She frequently reads fashion
magazines and watches reality shows.
Quinn truly enjoys spending time with
her family, but right now most of her
attention is to her close friends. She is
looking forward to attending college.
B r a n d P o s iti o n : CurfewTM offers trend-focused,
CurfewTM for young females includes trendy separates, shoes and accessories with fresh design. affordably-priced assortments for
Denim, cotton
Tamila sees life through her heart-
shaped sunglasses. She is all about
having fun and enjoying her childhood,
but also wants to keep up with the
bright and cheerful trends of her older
sister. Tamila enjoys recess time with
her friends at school, and loves going
on road trips with her family. She is
eight going on 18, and cannot wait
unitl she can attend high school,
like her big sister.
B r a n d P o s iti o n : CurfewTM Girl offers trend-focused,
CurfewTM Girl for young females includes trendy separates, shoes and accessories affordably-priced assortments for
with fresh design.
grade-school to pre-teen females.
C u s to m e r T a r g e t :
Inspired by pop-culture icons, social
Female 6-12
trends and the fashion world,
Q u a l it y S tat e m e n t :
CurfewTM Girl exemplifies clean
Better level of product
and contemporary design.
F a b r ic ati o n s :
Cotton, jersey
Denim, cotton
Todays Customer is not only seeking
B r a n d P o s iti o n : Everyday Living Basics is for the
Everyday Living Basics is for the value-minded customer including basic separates value-minded Customer who are
and accessories.
always on the lookout for the best
C u s to m e r T a r g e t :
quality at the best price. Everyday
Female and Male: Age 20-80
Living Basics offer timeless, basic
Q u a l it y S tat e m e n t :
Good level of product styles at solid values.
F a b r ic ati o n s :
Polar fleece, cotton
Edgy Styling
Caleb is an active teenager who
B r a n d P o s iti o n : Fission is designed for pre-teen to
Fission for young males includes comfortable separates, shoes, and accessories with an edge. early-twenties males who desire trendy
Todays outdoor enthusiast wants to
outdoor enthusiasts.
B r a n d P o s iti o n : Glaciers Edge focuses on
Glaciers Edge for males and females includes cold-weather technical apparel, shoes performance fabrications, design
and accessories.
innovations and details. Engineered to
C u s to m e r T a r g e t :
be comfortable and perform best on
Female: Age 25-45
the trail or the slopes, Glaciers Edge
Q u a l it y S tat e m e n t :
designs feature technologies that
Better level of product
combat the elements, keeping
F a b r ic ati o n s :
Knits: adventurers warm and dry.
Performance-inspired nylon/polyester, micro/polar bonded fleece
updated styling
B r a n d P o s iti o n : GNW delivers up-to the-minute,
GNW for women includes business wear, sleepwear, handbags, shoes, hosiery trend-right sportswear designed to
and accessories.
add freshness and sophistication to any
C u s to m e r T a r g e t :
wardrobe. Updated design trends are
Women 25-40
captured and delivered in high-profile,
Q u a l it y S tat e m e n t :
affordable separates.
Best level of product
F a b r ic ati o n s :
Fine gauge yarns, premium blends, cotton basics, rayon/spandex
Spandex blends, brushed cotton
Fine to heavy gauge yarns, Lyocel, Merino wool and rayon, acrylic blends and
poly rayons
Updated styling
B r a n d P o s iti o n : GNW delivers up-to the-minute, trend-
GNW for men includes business casual separates and accessories with updated styling. right sportswear designed to
F a b r ic ati o n s :
Fine gauge yarns, premium blends, cotton basics, rayon/spandex
Spandex blends, brushed cotton
Fine to heavy gauge yarns, Lyocel, Merino wool and rayon, acrylic blends and
poly rayons
casual styling
B r a n d P o s iti o n : Great Northwest Clothing Company
Great Northwest Clothing Company for women includes relaxed, casual separates, offers timeless, all-American styled
sleepwear, shoes and accessories.
apparel with value and quality in mind
C u s to m e r T a r g e t :
for casual or active lifestyles.
Women 35-60
Q u a l it y S tat e m e n t :
Better level of product
F a b r ic ati o n s :
Cotton-based ribs and jerseys, fleececotton, man-made brazed and flat black ribs
Brushed and sueded cotton twills, sheeting and chambray. Relaxed, worked denim
and flannels
Cotton, fair isles, jacquards and acrylic blends
casual styling
Tom is a hard-working man who takes pride
B r a n d P o s iti o n : Great Northwest Clothing Company
Great Northwest Clothing Company for men includes relaxed, casual separates, shoes offers timeless, all-American-styled
and accessories.
apparel with value and quality in mind,
C u s to m e r T a r g e t :
for casual or active lifestyles.
Men 30-50 (primary purchaser: female spouse 30-50)
Q u a l it y S tat e m e n t :
Better level of product
F a b r ic ati o n s :
Cotton or cotton-rich based ribs and jacquards
Brushed and sueded cotton twills, sheeting and chambray. Relaxed and worked denim
Cotton, fair isles, jacquards and acrylic blends
Trend-right styling
Issabella is known as the hip mom on
the block; she has a youthful attitude
and always wears a smile. Her cool,
casual style is perfect for her active
lifestyle. Whether managing her office,
shuffling kids from school to practice
or grabbing coffee with her friends after
a workout, Issabella adapts well and
embraces change. She knows how to text
with the best of them, has hundreds of
friends on Facebook and tweets on
occasion. Issabellas husband, friends and
kids love her infectious optimism and
they cherish the time she invests in
making each of them feel special.
B r a n d P o s iti o n : Great Northwest Indigo offers
Great Northwest Indigo for women includes trend-right casual separates and accessories. Customers a youthful but age-appro-
Lightweight cotton and cotton/spandex blends
Acrylic blends, fine-gauge cotton, wool, and rayon.
Trend-right styling
Eva thrives on an active lifestyle.
Brand Position: offers Customers a fresh
Trend-right sandals, shoes, boots. and age-appropriate look for everyday
C u s to m e r T a r g e t :
footwear. offers a fun and
Women 25-45
relaxed style while making a modern
Q u a l i t y S tat e m e n t :
fashion statement. Designed for
Better level of product
Customers to easily mix and match
F a b r i c at i o n :
with existing separates to create a
Synthetic leather
personalized style that inspires.
Trend-right styling
Ryan has a passion for life. He enjoys his
creative job and the flexibility it affords
him. On nice days he bikes to work,
but not before stopping at the neighbor-
hood espresso bar. Ryan is active in his
community, whether volunteering at his
kids school or leading creative writing
workshops to pre-teens. Ryan and his wife
often marvel at the ways in which their
young children are constantly changing.
Ryans social network is expansive and he is
great at keeping in touch via Twitter, Face-
book and texts. He takes every opportunity
to be outdoors: running, biking or playing
a game of pick-up basketball.
B r a n d P o s iti o n : 3800 eastTM offers Customers
3800 eastTM for men includes trend-right casual separates. a progressive urban feel, with
Todays Customer enjoys the holiday
holiday guests.
B r a n d P o s iti o n : Holiday Traditions offers Customers
Holiday Traditions includes relaxed, casual separates, sleepwear, shoes and accessories. traditional, all-American styled
F a b r ic ati o n s :
Cotton-based ribs and jerseys, fleece-cotton, man-made brazed and flat back ribs
Brushed and sueded cotton twills, sheeting and chambray. Relaxed, worked denim
and flannels
Acrylic blends, cotton, fair isles, jacquards
Todays kids are happy, energetic and
affordable clothing.
B r a n d P o s iti o n : kids korner is a comprehensive
kids korner for children includes mix-and-match casual separates, basics, shoes brand of childrens school and play
and accessories.
clothes. kids korner offers relaxed
C u s to m e r T a r g e t :
fits and fresh designs that kids love,
Mothers of children infant-8 years of age
while appealing to parents with
Q u a l it y S tat e m e n t :
affordable prices, easy care and
Good level of product
versatility. kids korner includes
F a b r ic ati o n s :
mix-and-match pieces for school and
Cotton and cotton/Spandex blends
casual occasions, suitable for infants,
Cotton/polyester blends
toddlers and bigger kids.
When it comes to selecting mens
B r a n d P o s iti o n : With value in mind, Michael Morgan
Michael Morgan for men includes quality socks, underwear and loungewear. is a line of basics created to keep
F a b r ic ati o n s :
Cotton, CVC - Cotton/poly blend
Cotton, brushed cotton
A d u lt F it S a m p l e R e q u i r e m e n t s :
A d u lt F it S a m p l e s :
All samples must be submitted with information from detailed Tech Pack.
(Tech Pack template is available at the location below.) Vendor Tech Pack may
The Product Development group be used, if all required Kroger fields are supplied in vendors own Tech Pack.
directs two product categories: Product
All fit samples must be accompanied by the required Kroger sample Approval Card.
Development-initiated product and A template is available here.
Merchant-initiated product. All fit samples must be made with the same fabric and trim-standard quality that will
be used for a production garment.
1. Product Development-initiated
products are conceived and designed All adult apparel fit samples must be submitted in a size medium and accompanied
by the following:
from the ground up. Tech Packs,
sourcing details, costing and technical Full size range of graded specs of the style must be sent with counter sample
specifications all originate from the Vendor measurements of actual counter sample listed on graded specs
PD group. Tolerance level +/- for each measurement on specs
2. Merchant-initiated
products are Fabrication quality with weight and construction must be called out on the
fit sample
conceived and designed as part of a
vendors line. Tech Packs are initiated Please Note: 2nd or 3rd fit sample may be required before final fit is approved.
A d u lt S p e ci f ic ati o n M e a s u r e m e n t G u i d e :
A d u lt
Sleeve Measurement Guide:
Lay garment flat. Measure from back center,
following slope of shoulder to low shoulder point. All products must meet a basic
Continue straight down sleeve to cuff edge. standard-fit specification, which is
Neck designed to ensure fit consistency
Lay garment flat. Measure straight across from between garments under a single
neck seam to neck seam. private label. A standard fit measurement
Chest guide is provided. Sizing specifications
Lay garment flat. 1 UA measure straight across are also provided, but will be reviewed
chest, from side seam to side seam. based on individual garment styling
Waist and vendor-supplied Tech Pack.
G r e at NW C lot h i n g C o . M i s s e s S i z e C h a rt G reat NW C lothing C o . W omen s P lus S ize C hart
Womens Sizing Si ze S M L XL Si ze 1X 2X 3X
S p e ci f ic ati o n s : Chest 17 3/4 -19 19-20 1/2 20 1/2 -22 21 1/4 -22 3/4 Chest 24-25 1/2 24 3/4 - 26 1/4 25 1/2 - 27 1/2
Waist 16 1/4 -17 1/2 18-19 1/2 19-20 1/4 19 3/4 - 21 1/4 Waist 23-24 1/2 23 3/4 - 25 3/4 24 1/2 -26 1/2
Womens brands for Kroger are Bo dy Length 25 1/2 -27 1/2 26-28 26 1/2 -28 1/2 27-29 Bo dy Length 27 1/2 -29 1/2 28-30 28 3/4 - 30 3/4
designed with fit and styling targeted Sleeve Le ngth 23-24 23 1/2 -24 1/2 24 1/4 -25 1/4 24 3/8 -25 3/8 Sl eeve Length 22 3/4 -23 3/4 23 1/2 -24 1/2 24 1/4 -25 1/4
Waist 15-18 1/4 16 1/4 -17 3/4 17 3/4 -19 1/4 18 1/2 - 20 Waist 23-24 1/2 23 3/4 - 25 3/4 24 1/2 -26 1/2
Body Length 25 1/2 -27 1/2 26-28 26 1/2 -28 1/2 27-29 Body Length 27 1/2 -29 1/2 28-30 28 3/4 - 30 3/4
Sleeve Le ngth 23-24 23 1/2 -24 1/2 24 1/4 -25 1/4 24 3/8 -25 3/8 Sl eeve Length 22 3/4 -23 3/4 23 1/2 -24 1/2 24 1/4 -25 1/4
GN W M i s s e s S i z e C h a rt
Si ze S M L XL
Chest 17 -19
4 19-20 1/
2 20 -22
2 21 1/
4 -22 3/4
Waist 15-18 1/4 16 1/2 -17 3/4 17 3/4 -19 1/4 18 1/4 -20
Sleeve Le ngth 23-24 23 1/2 -24 1/2 24 1/4 -25 1/4 24 3/8 -25 3/8
M e n s R e g u l a r S i z i n g C h a rt Mens Sizing
S i ze S M L XL XXL S p e ci f ic ati o n s :
Chest 40-42 42-44 44-46 46-48 48-50
Waist 34-36 36-38 38-40 40-42 42-44 Mens brands for Kroger share
Neck 14-14 1/
2 15-15 1/
2 16-16 1/
2 17-17 1/
2 18-18 1/
similar sizing specifications and
Sl eeve 32 -33 33 -34 34 -35 35 -36 36 1/2 -37
are displayed by Customer type.
1/ 1/ 1/ 1/
2 2 2 2
Y o u n g M e n s S i z i n g C h a rt
S i ze S M L XL
A d u lt F o l d i n g A d u lt F o l d i n g R e q u i r e m e n t s :
I n s t r u cti o n s :
All folded product must be folded to the specified dimensions unless otherwise noted
on purchase order.
To achieve greater holding capacity,
product should be folded by the All folded product must have an approved size strip placed (see the Adult Folding
manufacturer after production. Instructions link below).
Please follow guidelines so that Integra Trim LTD is the designated provider for ticketing and labels unless otherwise
perfect execution may be achieved. indicated on the purchase order: www.integratrim.com
C h i l d r e n s F it S a m p l e R e q u i r e m e n t s : C h i l d r e n s F it S a m p l e s :
All samples must be submitted with information from a detailed Tech Pack. The Product Development group
Vendor Tech Packs may be used if all required Kroger fields are supplied in
directs two product categories:
vendors own Tech Pack. Click here to view and download the Product Development
Tech Pack Template. Product Development-initiated product
and Merchant-initiated product.
All fit samples must be accompanied by the required Kroger Sample Approval Card.
The template is available by clicking here. 1. Product Development-initiated
All fit samples must be submitted in a 18M for Infant, 3T for Toddler, M (5/6) product is conceived and designed from
for Little Boy/Little Girl and M (10/12) for Big Boy/Big Girl. the ground up. Tech Packs, sourcing de-
All fit samples must be made in same fabric and trim-standard quality that will be
tails, costing and technical specifications
used for production garments. all originate from the
PD group.
All fit samples must be accompanied by the following:
F ull size range of graded specs of the style of counter sample 2. Merchant-initiated product is
conceived and designed as part
endor measurements of actual counter sample listed on graded specs
of a vendors line. Tech Packs are
olerance level +/- for each measurement on specs initiated by the vendor at the request
F abrication quality with weight and construction must be called out on of the Merchant group Buyer.
the fit sample. All details concerning technical
Please Note: 2nd or 3rd fit sample may be required before final fit is approved. specifications and costing are
directed to the buying office.
The Product Development group super-
vises the execution of the
request, ensuring proper fit,
fabrication, construction, color
and ticketing/label identification.
Childrens C h i l d r e n s S p e ci f ic ati o n
Measurement Guide:
Measurement Guide:
All products must meet a basic
Body length
standard-fit specification, which is
Measure from high shoulder point at
designed to ensure fit consistency neck seam to bottom opening.
between garments under a single
private label. Sizing specifications are also
Measure around the fullest part of
provided, but will be reviewed based on
the chest.
individual garment styling and vendor
supplied Tech Pack.
Measure waistline from top waist
seam to seam.
Measure 2 above gusset point from
side seam to side seam. Measure inseam
from gusset to leg opening.
K i d s K o rn e r I n fa n t and T o d d l e r S i z e C h a rt Childrens
Si ze
Ch est
12 M
11. 2 5
18 M
11. 7 5
12 . 2 5
12 .2 5
12 .7 5
13 .2 5
Sizing S p e ci f ic ati o n s :
Bo dy L engt h 13 13 . 2 5 13 . 7 5 14 . 2 5 16 16 .5 17
Waist 8.25 8.25 8.5 8.75 9 .2 5 9 .5 9 .7 5 Childrens brands for Kroger are
Hi p 11 11. 5 12 12 . 5 12 .5 13 13 .5 designed with fit and styling targeted
I ns eam (S h o rt ) 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3 .7 5 4 4 .2 5
at specific Customer types. The fit
I ns eam ( Pan t ) 9 10 . 5 11. 5 12 . 5 14 15 16
between age groups may vary. It is
important to have fit consistency within
K ids K orner (L ittle B oy s 4 to 7 and G irl s 4 to 6X) F i s s i o n B oy (B i g B oy s S i z e 8 to 16)
Si ze S (4 ) M (5/6) L (6 X /7 ) Si z e S (8 ) M (10 /12 ) L (14 /16 )
the same age group/private label.
Ch est 13 . 2 5 13 . 7 5 14 . 2 5 C hest 17 17. 5 18
Bo dy L engt h 18 . 5 19 19 . 5 Bo dy Le ngth 24 2 4 .5 25
hip 13 . 5 14 14 . 5 hi p 18 .5 19 19 .5
18 . 5
C u r f e w G i r l (B i g G i r l s S i z e 7 to 16)
S i ze S (7 ) M (10 /12 ) L (14 /16 )
Ch est 17 17. 5 18
Bo dy L e ngt h 24 24.5 25
Waist 11. 5 12 12 . 5
hip 18 . 5 19 19 . 5
Childrens Folding Childrens Folding Requirements:
I n s t r u cti o n s :
All folded product must be folded to the specified dimensions unless otherwise
noted on purchase order.
To achieve greater holding capacity,
product should be folded by the All folded product must have an approved size strip placed (see the Childrens Folding
manufacturer after production. Instructions link below).
Please follow guidelines so that Integra Trim LTD is the designated provider unless otherwise indicated on the purchase
perfect execution may be achieved. order: www.integratrim.com
F it S a m p l e R e q u i r e m e n t s : D e v e lo p m e n t
I d e n ti f ic ati o n C a r d :
All fit samples must be accompanied with the required Kroger sample tag.
If a vendor Development Identification Card contains all required information on the To expedite the fit sample process,
Kroger Card, a vendors card can be substituted. Minimum size for each card should all vendors are to affix a Development
be 3x6.5.
Identification Sample Approval Card to
Reminder: each garment submitted for approval.
All fit samples must be made in same fabric and trim-standard quality that will be
used for production garments.
All fit samples must be accompanied by the following:
F a b r ic Q u a l it y F a b r ic Q u a l it y A p p r o va l R e q u i r e m e n t s :
A p p r o va l P r o c e s s :
endors are responsible for submitting fabrication swatches for approval.
Fabric quality approvals for all private V
endors are to attach fabrication swatches to the Kroger Development Identification
label apparel will be managed by Card for fabric quality approvals. If vendor fabric quality cards contain all required
the Product Development group. information, they may be submitted in lieu of a Kroger Approval Card.
By centralizing this process, it is F
abric quality sample size is to be 7x 7.
expected that the execution of fabric T
he sample must be delivered in a timely manner, in accordance with the in
quality across the Apparel group DC due-date.
will improve consistency and
The sample must be delivered in a timely manner, in accordance with the
Customer satisfaction. development timeline.
abric quality samples must be resubmitted if not approved. Verdors may submit
samples up to three times before Kroger exercises the right to cancel the PO/order.
Click here to view and download the Fabric Quality Approval Card.
Lab Dip Requirements: L a b D i p A p p r o va l
Vendors are responsible for submitting lab dips for all colorways.
Vendors are to attach three lab dip swatches to the Kroger Lab Dip Approval Card for Color approvals for all Apparel
lab dip approvals. If a vendors lab dip card contains all required information, it may be Corporate Brands will be managed by the
submitted in lieu of the Kroger card. Product Developer. By centralizing
Dip size is to be 2x2. this process, the execution of color
Written approval must be provided by Product Developer prior to bulk production.
application across the Apparel group
will improve consistency and Customer
The above must be sent in a timely manner, in accordance with the development timeline.
satisfaction. For questions regarding
Lab dips must be resubmitted if not approved. Vendors may submit samples up to three the lab dip approval process, please
times before Kroger exercises the right to cancel the PO/order. contact the Product Developer for
Click here to view and download the Kroger Lab Dip Approval Card. the specific category of goods.
P r i vat e L a b e l S h o e s : P r i vat e L a b e l S h o e s R e q u i r e m e n t s :
Kroger selects shoes for private labels. All samples must be submitted with respective domestic or import quote sheets.
I n f a n t S h o e S i z e C h a rt (0-12 M o n t h s ) K i d s S h o e S i z e C h a rt (1-5 Y e a r s ) Y o u t h S h o e S i z e C h a rt (6-10 Y e a r s )
US Size Euro Size UK Size CM Inches US Size Euro Size UK Size CM Inches US Size Euro Size UK Size CM Inches
5 20 4 12 .1 4.75 10 27 9 16 .5 6 .5 4 36 3 2 2 .2 8 .7 5
10 . 5 27 9 .5 16 .8 6 .6 2 5 4 .5 36 3 .5 2 2 .9 9
M e n s S h o e S i z e C h a rt
11 28 10 17.1 6 .7 5 5 37 4 2 3 .2 9 .12 5
6 39 5. 5 23.5 9.25
12 30 11 18 .1 7.12 5 6 38 5 2 4 .1 9 .5
6. 5 39 6 2 4 .1 9.5
6 .5 38 5 .5 2 4 .4 9 .6 2 5
7 40 6. 5 24.4 9.625 W o m e n s S h o e S i z e C h a rt
7 39 6 2 4 .8 9 .7 5
9 42 8. 5 26 10 . 2 5 6 3 6 - 37 4 2 2 .5 8 .87 5
10 43 9. 5 27 10 . 5 6 2 5 7 37 - 3 8 5 2 3 .5 9 .2 5
10 . 5 41 8 .5 2 6 .2 10 .312 5
11 41 - 4 2 9 2 6 .7 10 .5
11. 5 42 9 .5 27.1 10 .6 87 5
P r o p r i e ta ry A rtw o r k : P r o p r i e ta ry A rtw o r k R e q u i r e m e n t s :
Kroger continues to differentiate If a vendor quotes on a product using proprietary artwork, the vendor must:
from competition by using proprietary Contact their respective Product Developer to request a Confidentiality Agreement.
artwork in product design and An officer of the company must sign the agreement (not a domestic sales representative).
development. Any vendor requested Submit agreement to respective Product Developer.
to quote on product requiring the use
Proprietary artwork will be forwarded upon completion and submission of
of proprietary artwork must sign a Confidentiality Agreement.
confidentiality agreement.
Please contact your respective Product Developer for more information.
S t r ik e -O f f R e q u i r e m e n t s : S t r ik e -O f f s :
If a vendor quotes on product using proprietary graphic design and print, the vendor must: Proprietary graphic design and print
Please follow the requirements for obtaining Proprietary Artwork (previous page). work reinforces Krogers commitment
Strike-off samples must be attached to the Fabric Quality Approval Card. For childrens
to differentiate from competition.
strike-off approval, provide strike-off sized to 3T, if size is within committed size range. Vendors completing screen-print and
For adults, strike-off should be provided in size medium. pattern work must provide strike-off
Allow 7 business days for PD Department to review and approve. samples as required, to ensure
excellence in execution.
To view and download the Fabric Quality Approval Card, click here.
P r o p r i e ta ry T r e n d and P r o p r i e ta ry T r e n d and C o lo r D i r e cti o n R e q u i r e m e n t s :
C o lo r D i r e cti o n :
If a vendor quotes on product using proprietary trend and/or color direction, the vendor
must adhere to the following:
Kroger subscribes to several resources
for trend and color services. Each season, Please follow the requirements for obtaining Proprietary Artwork (click here).
countless hours are spent constructing Trend and Color Direction is published twice a year.
color palettes, which align with forecasted
All colors are selected from Pantone and colors are provided using the Pantone
trends. Trend and color packets are numbering system for fabrics.
considered proprietary information.
Hanger Requirements: Hangers:
To select a hanger from Krogers approved list of suppliers, please visit the
Kroger has designated Mainetti
Kroger Business-to-Business resource here.
Hanger as our international supplier
Click here to view the Mainetti Hangers website: of hangers. For a list of standard hanger
http://www.mainettihangerstore.com/ availability or for contact information,
please see the link below.
I n v e n to ry C o n t r o l T a g s : I n v e n to ry C o n t r o l T a g R e q u i r e m e n t s :
Kroger continues to focus on To view and download the Kroger Source Tagging Handbook, click here.
shrink-reduction as a way to provide
a healthier bottom line that we may
reinvest in our stores, our systems
and our pricing. This practice enables
us to further drive greater
Customer satisfaction.
M o l d -P r e v e n ti o n R e q u i r e m e n t s : M o l d -P r e v e n ti o n :
Vendors should make every effort to eliminate potential for mold. This process should Kroger is committed to assisting
include preventative measures in sourcing and storing of raw materials, as well as post-
manufacturer with the necessary
production packaging, storage and shipping.
resources needed to improve the
For more information regarding Micro-Pak or mold-prevention, please visit: prevention of mold on imported
products. Kroger is working to eliminate
the use of Silica in mold management.
Micro-Pak is our designated provider
for mold-prevention-enhanced
products in packaging.
Q u a l it y C o n t r o l : Q u a l it y C o n t r o l R e q u i r e m e n t s :
All merchant-initiated private label At the request of the Product Development group, vendors will provide a full outline of
quality control process used during production of private label goods, which should include
goods are upheld to the highest
the following:
quality standards possible. All vendors
manufacturing private label goods for
the Enterprise should adhere to outlined Compliance testing protocols
quality control processes in order to Project management tools
maintain optimal quality of goods.
Compliance Requirements: Compliance:
We expect all Kroger private label goods to be produced in compliance Safety is a core value at Kroger.
with international quality standards.
All private label merchandise must
Bureau Veritas is our preferred third-party lab responsible for executing testing, be tested to meet the basic safety
as outlined by Kroger Enterprise protocols. For product testing information, click here.
and performance standards, as outlined
SGS is our preferred third-party organization responsible for the inspection of factories by the CPCSIA. Social awareness and
for social compliance. For questions concerning Social Compliance, please click here to responsibility are of great importance
contact International Logistics.
for the Enterprise.
For information regarding Consumer Product Safety, please click here.
L o g i s tic s : L o g i s tic s R e q u i r e m e n t s :
Kroger considers all merchandise The Kroger Enterprise Logistics Department is separated into two categories:
perishable. It is in our best interest and International Logistics manages all logistical aspects of the importing of merchandise
our Customers best interest to ship from foreign countries.
product in the most efficient way, at the Domestic Logistics include transportation and warehouse services for all Enterprise
lowest possible expense. warehouses.
C o n f l ict M i n e r a l s R e s o u r c e s : C o n f l ict M i n e r a l s :
To download the Special Legislation Acknowledgement Dod Frank Wall Street Reform Act, United States federal regulations,
Section 1502, Conflict Minerals, click here.
effective January 1, 2013, mandate
To download the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template, please visit: publicly traded companies, such as
Kroger, examine their supply chain to
determine if certain minerals (gold, tin,
tungsten and tantalum) are contained
in product being manufactured for
resale. If so, additional inquiry is
required, along with mandatory
reporting obligations.
Registered K r o g e r RN # :
I d e n ti f ic ati o n
Kroger requires the use of the Kroger Registered Identification Number to be used on
Number: all Corporate Brand product falling under the regulatory requirements outlined by the
Federal Trade Commission. The Kroger RN number can be provided to vendors by the
A registered identification number, or Kroger General Merchandise Product Development team.
RN, is a number issued by the FTC, upon
If you have questions after reviewing materials within the standards guide, please contact us
request, to a business residing in the direct directly at: 1-800-858-9202 ext. 3002. Our team will put you in touch with someone
U.S. and engaged in the manufacture, who can help!
importing, distribution, or sale of textile,
For more information, please visit: http://www.usitc.gov/
wool, or fur products.
S ta n d a r d V e n d o r A g r e e m e n t R e q u i r e m e n t s : S ta n d a r d V e n d o r
In addition to the Standard Vendor Agreement, vendors producing private label
merchandise for Kroger are required to submit additional documentation.
All of Krogers merchandise suppliers
To download and preview the Standard Vendor Agreement, please click the links below: are required to review, complete,
sign and return the Standard Vendor
Standard Vendor Agreement
Agreement. This agreement ensures
Corporate Brand Addendum to Standard Vendor Agreement that our suppliers agree to meet our
Corporate Brands Documentation standards and share our business policy
of putting the Customers needs first.
S CORS : SCORS R e q u i r e m e n t s :
SCORS is a barcode-scanning conveyor With SCORS, cartons are placed onto a conveyor from the inside of the delivery truck.
Cartons barcodes are read as they are conveyed through a scan tunnel, which automates
system which allows product to flow
the receiving and store billing processes. The transfer from delivery truck to outbound
through our Retail Service Center (RSC) store pallets takes less than 5 minutes, potentially putting product into stores the same
efficiently expediting delivery of day it arrives at the RSC.
product to our sales floors.
For more information or label approval, please contact:
Kyla Galbraith: 503-797-7611 or kyla.galbraith@kroger.com
ED I R e q u i r e m e n t s : ED I :
EDI allows Kroger to collaborate with suppliers to meet Customer demand in the most
EDI is the Electronic Data Interchange
effecient and cost-effective manner.
that allows the transfer of data
To review requirements and details regarding EDI, please click here. between Kroger and each vendor.
EDI improves efficiency and reduces
costs associated with logistics.
P r i vat e L a b e l P a ck a g i n g : P r i vat e L a b e l P a ck a g i n g R e q u i r e m e n t s :
Some products require packaging for All Private Label merchandise is managed by the Kroger Corporate Brands and
Packaging team.
proper presentation on store shelves.
Effective packaging is often more Kroger requires all vendors manufacturing private label goods for the company to
persuasive to Customers than a use an company provided GTIN and private label packaging or ticketing.
salesperson. Our Kroger Corporate All private label packaging requires submission of a Packaging Design Request
Brands team achieves consistency (PDR) form, filled out by the respective Buyer or Product Developer.
by using a standards guide in the Please contact your respective Buyer or Product Developer for more information.
development (and management) of
packaging for each corporate brand.
T ick e ti n g and Label Requirements: T ick e ti n g a n d
L a b e l O p ti o n s :
The Product Development group will assist vendors in the selection
of tickets or labels needed for each product. Ticketing information
Kroger uses Integra Trim LTD as our
should be included on POs provided from our Buyers. If ticketing
information is incomplete and not specified in PO comments, designated supplier for ticketing and
please contact the respective Product Developer in the label needs for private label Home and
Product Development group. Apparel merchandise. Integra Trim LTD
Integra Trim LTD Contacts: offers many services and innovations in
ordering, allowing EDI transmission and
Heather Grant, Representative:
925-577-0271 or heather@integratrim.com web-based ordering.
O f f -S h e l f D i s p l ay s : D i s p l ay R e q u i r e m e n t s :
Contact your Buyer or Product Developer to discuss off-shelf display specifications.
When shelf space is at a premium
during promotions, Kroger may install The Buyer or Product Developer will submit a Packaging Design Request to Corporate
custom corrugated, off-shelf displays. Brands and Packaging, once general parameters are established.
A custom display adds interest to Corporate Brands and Packaging will then work directly with the vendor and ensure proper
the sales floor and attracts the execution of the design, production and distribution logistics. A design specification work-
sheet will be provided, per project or season.
targeted Customer. We also use
PDQs and CDUs for merchandising. Note: This process will also apply to PDQs and CDUs. Design and color must be approved
for all displays being submitted.
For assistance with the design and
sourcing of displays, please contact
the Corporate Brand Packaging team
in Portland Oregon. Toll Free:
800-858-9202 Local: 503-797-3908
O r g a n i z ati o n a l C h a rt : C o m m u n ic ati o n :
Organizational charts are updated quarterly. To direct you to the correct person, call our Driving sales through corporate
toll-free line and use the voice-automated prompts to conntect to the appropriate division. brands continues to be a key initiative
for Kroger. As a vendor, it is important
Call Toll Free:
1.800.858.9202 you receive prompt, accurate feedback
and direction from our Merchandising
Direct line for Product Development:
503.797.3002 and Product Development teams.
Please feel free to contact us.
Thank You!