SCE 102-Introduction - To - Foundation - Engineering
SCE 102-Introduction - To - Foundation - Engineering
SCE 102-Introduction - To - Foundation - Engineering
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the module, you will be able to:
Foundation engineering:
Foundation design is a process of designing the footing and foundation walls of the
structure. The footing can be of many varieties, for example, strip or continuous footings,
drilled piles, mat foundations, etc. Designing a foundation is dependent on the geotechnical
report. According to the geotechnical report, it is decided whether the structure should have
a deep foundation or a shallow foundation.
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Republic of the Philippines SCE 102: Foundation Engineering and
University Town, Northern Samar
Professor: Engr. Ric L Gonzaga
∙ The design and the construction of the foundation is done such that it can sustain
as well as transmit the dead and the imposed loads to the soil. This transfer has
to be carried out without resulting in any form of settlement that can result in any
form of stability issues for the structure.
∙ Differential settlements can be avoided by having a rigid base for the foundation.
These issues are more pronounced in areas where the superimposed loads are
not uniform in nature.
∙ Based on the soil and area it is recommended to have a deeper foundation so that
it can guard any form of damage or distress. These are mainly caused due to
the problem of shrinkage and swelling because of temperature changes.
∙ The location of the foundation chosen must be an area that is not affected or
influenced by future works or factors
The following are the processes of designing a foundation consists of: ⮚ Basic site
⮚ Geotechnical survey
⮚ Checking of bearing capacity of soil and depth of soft and hard strata.
⮚ Design of footing.
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Republic of the Philippines SCE 102: Foundation Engineering and
University Town, Northern Samar
Professor: Engr. Ric L Gonzaga
⮚ Basic site survey
A professional land surveyor will typically be called out once the foundation has
been poured and cured. The surveyor will take measurements, compare the
measurements of the property to those of structure foundation, and make notes about
size and location to be recorded in the property description on the deed. These results
will also be filed with the relevant permitting agencies so that construction workers can
continue with a project once the foundation is poured.
Foundation location surveys have become a common necessity with the increase
in new construction. Many city and county agencies request these surveys, and even
when they aren’t required, in many cases the banks and mortgage companies will want
a licensed professional to certify that the house or building they are backing with a
mortgage is in the clear with regard to zoning setbacks, building setbacks and existing
easements. You may also need this type of survey if you are building an addition to an
existing home or structure.
It is critical to make sure the foundation of your new structure is correctly placed
for the simple fact that it’s much easier to fix a noncompliant foundation before anything
has been built up on it.
⮚ Geotechnical survey
⮚ Checking of bearing capacity of soil and depth of soft and hard strata. BEARING
As the load under a footing spreads out, pressure on the soil diminishes. Soil
directly under the footing takes the greatest load, and therefore should be thoroughly
Because the load spreads out, the pressure on the soil is greatest right
beneath the footing. By the time we get down below the footing a distance equal to
the footings width, the unit soil pressure has dropped by about half. Go down the
same distance again, and the pressure has dropped by two-thirds. So it's the soil
right under the footing that is the most critical and also, typically, the most abused.
When we excavate for the footings, the teeth on the bucket stir up the soil
and mix air into it, decreasing its density. Also, soil from the embankment may fall
into the trench. Soil that's loose has much less bearing capacity than the original soil.
That's why it is so important to compact the trench bottom. Use a vibrating
plate compactor for sand or gravel soils, and a jumping jack compactor for silt or clay
(learn more about compaction equipment in this guide to subgrades and subbases). If
you don't compact that soil, you could get 1/2 inch of settlement in just the first 6
inches of soil.
If you dig too deep and replace the soil to recover the grade, you are adding
back soil that has expanded by as much as 50%. Under load, it will reconsolidate
and cause settling. So when you replace material in the trench, compact it
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Republic of the Philippines SCE 102: Foundation Engineering and
University Town, Northern Samar
Professor: Engr. Ric L Gonzaga
thoroughly, or else use large gravel. One-inch-and-a-half or larger gravel is virtually
self-compacting as you place it. Under the weight of a wood house, it won't settle to
any significant degree.
Sedimentary 6,000
Source: Table 401.4.1; CABO One- and Two- Family Dwelling Code; 1995. Soil
The type and density of the native soil is also important. The International
Building Code, like the CABO code before it, lists presumed bearing strengths for
different types of soils. Very fine soils (clays and silts) typically have lower capacities
than coarse granular soils (sands and gravels).
However, some clays or silts have higher bearing capacity than the values in
the code tables. If you have a soil test done, you could discover that you have a
denser clay with a much higher bearing strength. Mechanically compacting the soil
can also raise its bearing capacity.
⮚ Consultation of a structural engineer.
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Republic of the Philippines SCE 102: Foundation Engineering and
University Town, Northern Samar
Professor: Engr. Ric L Gonzaga
Everyone has an opinion on whether or not your house needs foundation repair.
You see cracks in the walls and ceilings, floors are not level or your trusted friend
commented that you have foundation "problems". Or you may have had a buyer that did
not buy your house because a foundation repair company said you had problems. You
can call a foundation repair company to give you a bid for "repairs" with sell pitches and
1000 year warranties or you can consult with a structural engineer to provide a non-
biased opinion on whether or not your foundation needs to be repaired. You may need
foundation repair, but wouldn't it be more valuable to have a structural engineer explain
why you need the "repair" and the risks and benefits that come with it before you make
the final decision?
No one can force you to get foundation repair; but there are plenty of confusing
and intimidating reasons that can convince you to have this major surgery done to your
house without any clear objectives in sight. We offer explanations and information for
"why" you should or shouldn't get foundation repair. WE believe that understanding the
risks and benefits of foundation repair will help you make better decisions for your home
and family.
⮚ Design of footing.
The type and the location where the stratum hold the foundation affect its
bearing capacity value. This study aims to map the bearing capacity of the foundation
and the distribution of the depth of the hard stratum to support it.
Footing is the part of a structure which transmits the load to the underlying soil or
rock. The main purpose of the footing is to distribute the load from the substructure to the
ground in such a way that the settlement of the total structure or any part of the structure
relative to any part is held to a minimum.
Footing areas must be proportional that it is safe when only the permanent load is
acting and will still be safe when both dead load and live load are acting. The settlement of
the footing may be assumed to be proportional to the bearing pressure caused by the dead
load plus a fraction of love load, usually this amount to approximately 30%. Since live load
varies with time, its effect on settlement is less predictable than that of the dead load which is
present at all times.
DL = Dead load
LL = live load TL = total load
PL = permanent load TL = DL + LL
B = soil bearing capacity r = ����
����(bearing ratio)
A = ����
����(Area of Footing)
The bearing capacity is the capacity of soil to support the loads applied to the ground.
The bearing capacity of soil is the maximum average contact pressure between the
foundation and the soil which should not produce shear failure in the soil. Ultimate bearing
capacity is the theoretical maximum pressure which can be supported without failure;
allowable bearing capacity is the ultimate bearing capacity divided by a factor of safety.
Sometimes, on soft soil sites, large settlements may occur under loaded foundations without
actual shear failure occurring; in such cases, the allowable bearing capacity is based on the
maximum allowable settlement. There are three modes of failure that limit bearing capacity:
general shear failure, local shear failure, and punching shear failure. It depends upon the
shear strength of soil as well as shape, size, depth and type of foundation.
A general bearing failure occurs when the load on the footing causes large
movement of the soil on a shear failure surface which extends away from the footing and
up to the soil surface. Calculation of the capacity of the footing in general bearing is based
on the size of the footing and the soil properties. The basic method was developed by
Terzaghi, with modifications and additional factors by Meyerhof and Vesić. The general
shear failure case is the one normally analyzed. Prevention against other failure modes is
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Republic of the Philippines SCE 102: Foundation Engineering and
University Town, Northern Samar
Professor: Engr. Ric L Gonzaga
accounted for implicitly in settlement calculations.
Foundation design is a process of designing the footing and foundation walls of the
structure. The footing can be of many varieties, for example, strip or continuous footings,
drilled piles, mat foundations, etc. Designing a foundation is dependent on the geotechnical
report. According to the geotechnical report, it is decided whether the structure should have
a deep foundation or a shallow foundation.
Are you already starting your head STUMBLING? Relax…you better focus on the
provisions and sample problems in order for you to get a remarkable and exemplary
rating… Don’t turn to the next page until you comprehensively solve the questions
and problems given. You may review your answer. Good luck to the next Lesson!
▪ Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, National Structural
Code of the Philippines (NSCP C101, Vol.1 Buildings and Other
Structural Vertical Structures), 7th Ed. 2016
▪ Besavilla, Venancio I, Jr., Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition
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