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Courier Hub: They're Not Alone'

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Courier Hub

Stoughton OUR FUTURE

Thursday, March 30, 2017 Vol. 135, No. 36 Stoughton, WI ConnectStoughton.com $1
Re-Elect Tuesday, April 4

Spring election

3 incumbents,
3 challengers
SASD race, council
contest highlight
April 4 ballot Read bios, partial
DE LARUELLE from candidates
Unified Newspaper Group
Page 8
Voters all around the
Stoughton Area School
District will choose half of Common Council, when
the six candidates on their an incumbent with almost
ballot for school board 20 years on the council
April 4. faces off against a chal-
The group narrowed lenger with no previous
from eight in the Feb. 21 political experience. Paul
primary is running for Lawrence has served on
three open seats. Among the council since 1998
them are three incumbents and is being challenged
Photo by Amber Levenhagen
and three challengers. by Lisa Foltz-Reeves,
Stoughton resident Willard Lund holds a picture of he and his wife, Mae. Mae was diagnosed with Alzheimers and passed Each of the challengers who launched a grassroots
away in 2011 and Willard has since created a DVD to commemorate her story.

Theyre not alone

received more votes than campaign and was the top
the incumbents in the pri- vote-getter among three
mary. candidates in the February
City of Stoughton Dis- primary.
trict 2 residents also will Statewide, voters will
have a decision between also have a contested race
t w o s t a r k l y d i ff e r e n t
Residents DVD spreads a caregivers story of Alzheimers candidates for a seat on Turn to Election/Page 3
AMBER LEVENHAGEN I think everybody feels better if his daughters about his memories of
Unified Newspaper Group you open up and share your story, his wife and his experiences of cop-

In the decade since his wife was

Lund said. Which is what I tried to
ing as a caregiver. After about a year,
when he moved to Skaalen Retire-
Stoughton Area School District
diagnosed with Alzheimers disease, The 94-year-old former pastor of ment Services, he became acquainted
Willard Lund has looked for ways to
share his experiences with others fac-
ing similar challenges.
McFarland Lutheran Church found
comfort in his faith, and he used his
skills as a speaker and connections
with program coordinator and demen-
tia care specialist Michael Hecht.
Lund collaborated with Hecht to
Seeking strength
After his wife, Mae, died in 2011, to reach other caregivers and support create an informative DVD called A
Willard realized he wanted to be with
people who could relate to his expe-
rience caring for someone with Alz-
systems. That started with a speak-
ing program all over the country, and
when he was no longer able to sustain
Gentle Talk on Alzheimers.
Though Lund had originally creat-
ed the 12-minute movie to help him
in numbers
heimers, a progressive disease that the travel, a DVD. come to terms with his experiences, SASD looks to
deteriorates memory and other mental Immediately after his wifes death,
address challenges
functions. Lund began giving talks with one of Turn to Alzheimers/Page 9
through outreach Strategic

2005 SHS graduate arrested in Moscow

SCOTT DE LARUELLE planning session
Unified Newspaper Group set for April 8
Theres not much a pub- Page 3
Charges against Alec Luhn, a 2005 the country since 2011. interview from Russia that lic school district can do to
persuade state politicians
Stoughton Charges against him of thousands of people rallied
photojournalist Alec High School holding an unsanctioned Sunday afternoon at a pro- it needs more funding, or investment theyre provid-
graduate, rally were dismissed, Luhn test march called by opposi- to get local politicians to ing.
Luhn dismissed has lived told the Hub. tion leader Alexei Navalny, bring more growth. With those ends in mind
in Russia Luhn, who was working who intends to challenge What it can do is com- and a more difficult finan-
BILL LIVICK since grad- in Russia for The Guardian Russian President Vladimir municate its needs and cial position than others in
Unified Newspaper Group uating from newspaper, lived in Stough- Putin in next years elec- benefits to its community. the county, the Stoughton
UW-Madi- ton with his family from tion. In a time when districts Area School District has
A former Stoughton res- son in 2010, 1997 to 2005 and was editor Thousands of protesters are increasingly turning to been increasing its out-
ident was arrested Sunday and w a s Luhn of The Norse Star at SHS. in several cities Sunday local referendums to pay reach over the past few
in Russia while covering detained by He left Stoughton to study called for an investigation the bills, its important for years and seeking to build
an anti-corruption and Russian police in Moscow in Madison, and his parents and the resignation of Rus- them to make sure taxpay- relationships with resi-
anti-government demon- while photographing what subsequently moved to Mil- sian prime minister Dmitry ers understand why they dents, city officials and
stration for a British news- media reports say were the waukee. might be asking for money
paper. largest demonstrations in Luhn said in a telephone Turn to Russia/Page 18 again, and what return on Turn to Numbers/Page 13

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2 March 30, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub ConnectStoughton.com

Send it in!
If you have a photo of an event or just a slice of life you
think the community might be interested in, send it to us and
well use it if we can. Please include contact information,
whats happening in the photo and the names of people pic-
Bridging a gap
You can submit it on our website at ConnectStoughton.
SHS construction class builds bridge for Oak Knoll Park
com, email to editor Jim Ferolie at stoughtoneditor@wcinet. SCOTT DE LARUELLE
com or drop off electronic media at our office at 135 W. Unified Newspaper Group
Main St. Questions? Call 873-6671.
Doing good deeds for the
community is often referred

New Brunch
t o a s bu i l d i n g b r i d g -
es. This year, a group of
Stoughton High School stu-

dents took that adage quite
Students in Brad See-
hafers construction class
Sundays at SHS just completed
starting April 2 building a wooden bridge
designed to span the water
10:00 am-2:00 pm runoff ditch near the base-
ball diamonds of Oak
Knoll Park, at the corner
of County B and Williams

Drive. Seehafer said his

students have built several
sheds during recent years,
both for the school dis-
trict and local groups, and
a few years ago rebuilt the Photos by Scott De Laruelle
Syttende Mai information Above, volunteer Thayer Every and Jason Elliott of Stoughton Area Little League ease into
booths. position at Oak Knoll Park last Thursday a bridge built by Stoughton High School construc-
Students in two of his tion class students this year. The bridge is designed to be easier to navigate than the existing
basic woods classes and bridge (at left), which Elliott said can get quite slippery when wet. Below, the SHS construc-
his advanced woods course tion class is recognized on the bridge.
Lawn Care and More! helped with the project,
though the advanced class approved earlier this year
MOWING TRIMMING EDGING Jaiden Hess, Bobby by the Town of Pleasant


Marvin, Max Pillath, Noah
(608) 273-1046 Style and Austin Wethal park. The town and little
Relax and let us do your lawn. were the primary builders league split the bill, and
for this project. The bridge Stoughton Lumber sold the
$10.00 FREE 1st Mow was installed in the park
last Thursday.
materials at cost.
He said Stoughton area
For any referral that leads to a
With any season mowing
Jason Elliott of Stough- little league came up with
Get a healthier lawn today! season mowing contract. contract. New clients Only! ton Area Little League idea of having a little more
Expires 6/5/17 Expires 6/5/17 Expires 6/5/17 said the great community friendly bridge to cross
beautifullawnsmadison.com beautifullawnsmadison.com beautifullawnsmadison.com the runoff ditch at the park,
involvement project was
(608) 273-1046 (608) 273-1046 (608) 273-1046 which hosts many games,
as well as people just stop-
ping out to enjoy the park.
FOR SCHOOL There was already a bridge
BOARD spanning the ditch that was
placed there as part of a
Fresh Legs for Stoughtons Future Boy Scouting project, but
Elliott said during rainy
building it.
Last Thursday, with some
the students worked on the
project, and how it will be
Husband Coach Engineer weather, the curved walk- help from a volunteer, a great new addition to the
way can cause people to Thayer Every, and his big park.
slip, prompting the idea for truck, Elliott loaded up the They really did a great
Get Out and Vote! APRIL 4th a replacement. materials from Stoughton job, he said. I cant thank
I had called Brad and High School and brought those guys enough.
A voice for young families asked if he was interested them to the park, where
A career data analyst in building a bridge with he and Every dropped it Email Unified Newspaper
his students, Elliott said. into place. Elliott couldnt Group reporter Scott De
A Stoughton volunteer He came up with the plans keep the smile off his face Laruelle at scott.delaruel-
Believes in a vocal, engaged School Board and they did a great job of as he thought of how hard le@wcinet.com.
Read my Stances and

Believes high-quality teachers are the Ask me Questions!

key to student success facebook.com/CoughlinForStoughton
Authorized and Paid for by Coughlin for School Board Campaign, Thomas Chambers, Treasurer
Junior royalty announced
The Syttende

Do You Care...
Mai prince and
princess for
2017 have been
___ About Stoughtons Downtown? T h i s y e a r s
princess is Cait-
___ About Stoughtons School District? lin Kreger, 9,
___ About Redevelopment? a third grade
student at Keg-
___ About Sustainable Growth? onsa Elementa-
ry School. Her
___ About Stoughtons Future? parents are Rob
and Ami Kreger.
Re-Elect Paul Lawrence Theodore
Chose, 8, is this

years prince. He
is a third grade
student at Sand-
Since 1998, Ive been proud to serve the citizens of Stoughton hill Elementary
as an alderman for the Second District. Im proud of our city School and his
and proud of our community. I pledge to keep asking the hard parents are Nick
questions, to working with my peers and constituents to get and Maureen
the right answers and the right decisions, and to always look They join this
out for whats best for our entire community. Th Thank
ank you for years King and
allowing me to serve you. Th
ank you for your vote. Queen, Marty

and Jean Lam-

Facebook - Paul 4 Stoughton ers, as Syttende
Mai royalty.
Paid for by friends of Paul Lawrence, John Cook, Treasurer. Amber Photo submitted
Levenhagen Caitlin Kreger, 9, and Theodore Chose, 8, will serve as this years Syt-
tende Mai princess and prince.
ConnectStoughton.com March 30, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 3
Stoughton Area School District I-39/90

Strategic planning DOT to hold open house

on interstate work April 3
session April 8
The Stoughton Area several ideas now being
Unified Newspaper Group

The state Department of

If You Go
and 2020. Work planned
for 2017 near Stoughton
includes reconstruction of
a lane and interchange this
School District is hosting used, said district superin- If You Go Transportation will hold
What: I-39/90 open
spring through summer.
a day-long strategic plan- tendent Tim Onsager, who an open house to update For information on the
ning session Saturday, April welcomed anyone interest- What: SASD 2017 Strate- residents on the I-39/90 When: 4-7p.m. Mon- project or to sign up for
6 at the high school. More ed in attending. gic Planning session construction project next day, April 3 weekly updates, go to proj-
than 100 people are so far This is an open invite, When: 8a.m. to week. Where: Southwest Re- ects.511wi.gov/i-39-90.
expected to participate, the more the merrier, he 4:30p.m. Saturday, April The meeting is scheduled gion Project Field Office, Questions can be direct-
comprising district resi- said. The more voices in 8 for 4-7p.m. Monday, April 111 Interstate Blvd., ed to project engineer
dents and stakeholders. the room, the more the pic- 3, at the Southwest Region Edgerton Craig Pringle at 884-7132
Where: Stoughton High
Titled, A Community ture and input we get, but Project Field Office, 111 or craig.pringle@dot.
Conversation: Preparing also the more people walk School cafetorium, 600 Info: projects.511wi. wi.gov.
Lincoln Dr. Interstate Blvd., Edgerton.
our Students for the future out knowing more about the There will not be a formal gov/i-39-90
follows up and continues district, what were doing To RSVP: Call 877-5005 presentation, but those Contact Scott Girard at
the districts long-term and helping us to achieve or email strategicplan@ interested can come by ungreporter@wcinet.com
planning. The last such and set our goals. stoughton.k12.wi.us by to speak one-on-one with segment from Edgerton and follow him on Twitter
event was a two-day session Friday, March 31 project representatives. to Madison, which is slat- @sgirard9.
in 2012 that has produced Scott De Laruelle Officials will cover the ed for work in 2017, 2018

Election: Six candidates vying for three school board seats

Continued from page 1 vacancy left when longtime reports on the race track. He to deal with a last-minute

for the superintendent of

board member and presi-
dent Liz Menzer resigned.
Contested races said hes running to fill the
vacancy, and that there are
controversy in the week
before that election when
public instruction, with She listed top challenges Stoughton Area School District (choose 3): Bev Fergus no big problems to tackle in Humphries revealed an
i n c u m b e n t To ny E ve r s for the board as declining (i), Brett Schumacher (i), Nichole Wiessinger (i), Steve the town at the moment. alleged deal offered to him
facing challenger Lowell enrollment with the current Jackson, Tim Bubon, Jonathon Coughlin However, he pointed to by Holtz before he submit-
Holtz. At the county level, funding formula, and a the ongoing debate over a ted his candidacy papers.
they can choose between need to recruit, retain and Council District 2: Paul Lawrence (i), Lisa Foltz-Reeves new town hall as something The deal would have had
a pair of judge candidates, support high quality educa- Town of Rutland: Kelsey Wollin Dunn, Dave Grueneberg to be addressed, noting his the winner between the two
Marilyn Townsend and Jill tors. State superintendent: Tony Evers (i), Lowell Holtz preference in finding local offer the loser a job in his
Karofsky, for the circuit Bubon, a former school people to do the work. administration.
court. administrator and current Dane County Circuit Court judge: Jill Karofsky, Marilyn The thing that got every- Holtz is a former superin-
Finally, Town of Rutland teacher in Madison, is run- Townsend body all cranked up was tendent of three school dis-
residents will decide on one ning for political office the big town hall (propos- tricts in Wisconsin.
contested supervisor race for the first time. He said noted that in a 2015 non- for a supervisor position al), he said. It was a Taj Before he became state
and a referendum. if elected, he wants the binding referendum, 59.9 that opened when incum- Mahal, but they do need superintendent in 2009,
board to work to ensure percent of voters in Stough- bent Milt Sperle decided something. Lets make it Evers was a superintendent
SASD that Stoughton continues ton opposed the city provid- not to run. Grueneberg and reasonable. If you get the in Oakfield and the Verona
Three incumbents (Bev to have a high-quality staff ing TIF for KPW Phase I. Wollin Dunn were nomi- people involved, it makes a Area School District.
Fergus, Brett Schumach- who are fairly compensated The council should rep- nated at the towns annual happy medium.
er and Nicole Wiessinger) and treated as the true pro- resent the wishes of the caucus on Jan. 21. All oth- Town of Rutland voters Circuit court
and three challengers (Steve fessionals that they are. citizens and say no to the er open town positions will also have a referendum on Karofsky and Townsend
Jackson, Tim Bubon and Coughlin, an aerospace developers request for TIF be on the ballot unopposed: the ballot on changing the are running for Branch 12
Jonathon Coughlin) will engineer and consultant and assistance for Phase 2, she Chairman Mark Porter, clerk position from elected of the Dane County Circuit
vie for three seats on the school district mentor, is wrote. Clerk Dawn George, Trea- to appointed. This measure Court.
Stoughton School Board. running for political office Reeves, 56, is married surer Kim Sime and Con- would take effect in 2019 Judge David Flanagan
The field was trimmed for the first time. He said and the mother of two adult stables Nels Wethal and if the referendum passes. retired from the seat in
from eight to six candi- his first priority if elected children. She works as a Shawn Hillestad. The current clerk is Dawn July, and Gov. Scott Walk-
dates during a primary on would be to give district healthcare professional In an email to the Observ- George. ers appointed replacement,
Feb. 21, when challengers educators clear ladders and part-time farmer, and er, Wollin Dunn, a Rut- Clayton Kawski, did not
Derek Westby and Antho- for their careers in a new moved with her family to land native who said she DPI seek the seat in this election.
ny Galston were eliminated teacher compensation plan. Stoughton in 2013. returned to the town about Evers, who was first elect- Karofsky is the executive
from the race with the two Jackson, an environmen- Lawrence, 62, is a Real- a decade ago, said she likes ed as state superintendent director of the Wisconsin
lowest numbers of votes. tal planning manager at tor and has lived here since to summarize her political in 2009, won the three-way Office of Crime Victim Ser-
In the primary, Jackson Alliant Energy, is running 1985. views using the A, B, Cs: primary race Feb. 21 by a vices, while Townsend is a
received the most votes for political office for the He and Reeves agree the agriculture, business and wide margin. local attorney and has been
with 1,160, followed by first time. He said if elect- city should focus on eco- community. Holtz took second place the Shorewood Hills munic-
Bubon with 1,095 and ed, his first priority is to nomic development, and I believe in all the essen- over fellow challenger John ipal judge since 2012.
Coughlin with 937. Fergus, work with the board to both have high hopes for tials of community, such as Humphries, who both have
Wiessinger and Schumach- establish goals in order to the citys riverfront redevel- solid public education, safe courted the more conserva- UNG assistant editor Scott
er, received 760, 673 and prioritize our work, setting opment project thats begin- and well-maintained roads, tive vote relative to Evers. Girard contributed to this
595, respectively. Galston the agenda for our forward ning to take shape along the fair taxes, civil and support- The two challengers had story
got 248 votes, while Westby progress. Yahara River a few blocks ive relationships among all
south of Main Street. residents, thoughtful and
received 241.
Fergus, a fitness instruc- Common Council For Lawrence, expanding educated forums regarding Custom Designed & Built to Last!
Lifetime Film Integrity Steel Warranty
tor who owns a fitness Reeves candidacy for the citys industrial parks future needs for the town, Featuring Doors
business, was appointed to alder was spurred, in part, and establishing a Commu- and diligently retaining or
the board in 2013 to fill a in response to Lawrences nity Development Authori- improving all necessary
vacancy but lost an election support for the Kettle Park ty are top issues facing the services such as fire, EMS, Strongest Column
bid that spring before she West development and his city in the next three years. and services for seniors, in the Industry
was elected in 2014. She vote to approve tax-incre- We can and must contin- she said. Debt Free Since 1985
said declining enrollment is ment financing to support ue to responsibly, sustain- Grueneberg, who owns Builders Risk &
Full Insurance
ably increase our tax base the White Rock Bar, said he

the districts top challenge. the project.

SASD will need to In a candidate ques- and spark economic devel- became familiar with town CONTACT US FOR A FREE CONSULTATION!
opment, he said. government from his fre-
continue to make enroll-
ment-driven reductions in
tionnaire that asked about
future TIF support for Reeves thinks the most quent appearances before VERONA, WI 608-845-9700
the short term, she said. KPW, Lawrence responded important issues facing the the board when he gave ClearyBuilding.com 800-373-5550
Schumacher, a scientist that the councils narrow city include boosting school
with Promega Corporation, decision to provide about e n r o l l m e n t a n d bu i l d -
was appointed to the board $5 million in taxpayer sup- ing partnerships and trust Second Chance Animal Advocates Resale
among local groups and
Spring Fling
in 2010 and re-elected in port for KPWs first phase
2011 and 2014. He said the shows every sign of fulfill- organizations.
most pressing challenges ing its promise, but added Our school enrollment
for the district continue to there is no such thing as a is declining which if left
be declining enrollment and
budget shortfall.
free pass.
The Council must make
unchecked, will have a neg-
ative impact on our commu-
Sat., April 8th, 2017 11am-5pm
Fewer students leads sure any request for TIF in nity, she wrote. This is a Join us for a bake sale & nail trims
to fewer dollars from the Phase II is completely justi- multi-layered problem that by Mavids Pet Spa & Salon
state, he said. fied, he wrote. requires leadership trans- (suggested donation of $5.00 per pet)
Wiessinger, a UW-Mad- In her response, Reeves parency, accountability and Several animal rescue organizations on-site.
ison undergraduate degree wrote the council should coalition building.
100% of profits help animals in need.
coordinator, is a former not approve the developers Town of Rutland Come...Shop...Support a Great Cause!
K-12 teacher and was request for more than $11
appointed to the board earli- million in TIF assistance Kelsey Wollin Dunn and 1321 E. Main Street, Stoughton, WI
er this school year to fill the for KPWs next phase. She Dave Grueneberg are vying 608-205-6636 adno=514451-01
4 March 30, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub Opinion ConnectStoughton.com

Letters to the editor

Much to be misunderstood in comp plan
On March 13, l attended a their constituents. Ive lost any
meeting regarding Stoughtons faith in the Planning Commis-
Comprehensive Plan, at which sions ability to take the stated
members of the community and input from the community and
elected officials asked questions turn it into action. I ask that res-
about the current draft plan. idents who believe in the impor-
I thank the Common Council tance of community involve-
for setting up this meeting so ment and the implementation
the community and the council of a Downtown Master Plan be
could get more current infor- appointed to the Planning Com-
mation. Without the meeting, it mission.
appears that the Plan Commis- In addition, the Redevelop-
sion was ready to proceed and, ment Authority (RDA) is also
effectively, remove additional ignoring the will of the majority
community input from the pro- who want to redevelop and pre-
cess. serve our downtown area. They
A major problem was identi- did this by recently approving
fied when it became clear that the demolition of a historic
the current printed plan is a building, one of Stoughtons
25-year plan, whereas the Draft oldest on East South Street.
Land Use Plan is a 50-year As such, much like the Plan
plan. Is it any wonder that peo- Commission, the RDA does not
ple in the community may be reflect the desires of people in
having difficulty wrapping their the community and steps should
heads around the Comprehen- be taken to appoint people who
sive Plan? Indeed, members of do.
the council who attended the
Eric Swenson,
meeting were not clear on spe-
cifics of the plan and therefore City of Stoughton Community Voices

A little penance can

are unable to properly represent

Election letters
To read election-related letters submitted past the print deadline,
as well as other general letters to the editor, visit ConnectStoughton.
com. be good for your spirit
Omission L ent means springtime is
coming. It also means
getting ready for Easter for
many Christians.
For 40 days before Easter
you do it, and say, Oh I should
not have said that. After a while,
you might start catching yourself
before you say a swear word but
say it anyway.
This motivational tool is contri-
tion, which is a form of sorrow. If
you feel bad about the language
you use or you feel bad about
Due to a production error, a letter to the editor regarding the
Stoughton Area School District that ran in the March 23 issue of the arrives, Lent is, for us, a time for If you keep trying to change, being inconsiderate or you just
Courier Hub did not have the name of the writer included. The letter penance and fasting. you will then start catching your- feel bad about lying in general
was submitted by Ardith Hemmersbach of the Town of Dunkirk. Some people view penance self before you say the word and this could be your motive to
The Hub regrets the error. and fasting in a negative way, then dont say it. Eventually, change the way you are acting.
like being punished for doing you will not even be tempted to Few people have a desire to
something bad. However, if we swear. harm those who they love, so
use them to The strategy, effort and work when we do harm them, we feel
improve our of becoming more self aware is bad about it.
lives, penance called penance. Penance is the This bad feeling is actually
and fasting can work we do to make our lives a good thing, because it can be
Thursday, March 30, 2017 Vol. 135, No. 36 help us in a better. move you to become contrite.
USPS No. 1049-0655 positive way, Another example might be a Your contrition might give you
Periodical Postage Paid, Stoughton, WI and additional offices. and it can be decision to be more thoughtful to the motivation to face the behav-
Published weekly on Thursday by the Unified Newspaper Group, good for peo- the people in your life. Your pen- iors you want to change and push
A Division of Woodward Communications, Inc. ple of every ance could be to pay more atten- ahead with changing them for the
POSTMASTER: Send Address Corrections to
The Stoughton Courier Hub, PO Box 930427, Verona, WI 53593. faith, as well tion to the people around you. better.
as people of no Budnar Perhaps youd want to talk less Anyone can work to change
Office Location: 135 W. Main Street, Stoughton, WI 53589
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday and Friday faith. and listen more. You might start their lives for the better at any
Phone: 608-873-6671 FAX: 608-873-3473
Last year, I wrote about the to look for opportunities to do time of the year. However, as
value of fasting. Fasting, going thoughtful things. What you do to spring comes, so does new life.
e-mail: stoughtoneditor@wcinet.com
without food or with less food, change for the better is penance. This makes Lent an excellent
Circulation customer service: (800) 355-1892 strengthens our self-disciple and If you decided you would be time to look at our lives and to
ConnectStoughton.com self-control and teaches us to set better off by ending a practice see what penance we can do to
This newspaper is printed on recycled paper. aside a basic desire, hunger, for a of lying to people, your penance improve.
greater good, becoming a better would be, simply, to begin telling We never have to be satisfied
General Manager Circulation person the truth. You might find it more with behaviors we dont want
Lee Borkowski Carolyn Schultz We can also do penance to motivating do this by considering in our lives. Contrition and pen-
lborkowski@wcinet.com ungcirculation@wcinet.com change our lives for the better. the harm lying does to the people ance can help us become a better
Sales Manager News For example, if you think your you love, as well as the harm it image of ourselves.
Jim Ferolie life would be better if you did does to you. You might also want
Kathy Neumeister
not swear, your penance would to work on expressing yourself Fr. Randy Budnar is the pastor
kathy.neumeister@wcinet.com be to learn to stop swearing. You better so you cut down on the of St. Ann Catholic Church in
Advertising Sports might first catch yourself after urge to lie to make yourself look Stoughton.
Catherine Stang Jeremy Jones
stoughtonsales@wcinet.com ungsportseditor@wcinet.com

Remember to shop downtown in wake of Wal-Mart opening

Classifieds Assistant Editor
Diane Beaman Scott Girard
ungclassified@wcinet.com ungreporter@wcinet.com
Reporters The grand Wal-Mart in Stoughton is now a real- Wal-Mart? Ive already noticed other local busi-
Inside Sales ity with a full parking lot, lots of happy shoppers nesses (Ace, TruValue, the auto parts stores, Wood-
Samantha Christian, Bill Livick,
Kate Froehlich and wonderful deals originating at corporate lands and Hallmark, to name a few) are lacking
insidesales@wcinet.com Anthony Iozzo, Amber Levenhagen,
Scott De Laruelle, Kate Newton
headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas. For my consumer traffic also. Shop local, Wal-Mart fans, or
part, I am having a good time grocery shopping at the wonderful downtown area will be nothing but a
Unified Newspaper Group, a division of our new Pick and Save, which is going through ghost town in the coming months and years.
Woodward Communications,Inc. a major renovation and for the most part does not
A dynamic, employee-owned media company have any other shoppers (they are all at Wal-Mart). Paul Brammeier,
Where are all those shoppers who opposed the City of Stoughton
Good People. Real Solutions. Shared Results.
Printed by Woodward Printing Services Platteville

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ConnectStoughton.com March 30, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 5
Valentine Wish, Friends
fundraisers benefit library
Stoughton Public accomplishments as FOL
Librarys annual Love- board president, as well
Your-Library Valentine as coordinating and man-
Wish Tree raised more aging the book sales and
than $1,500. keeping the Friends book
Now in its sixth year, sale cart stocked.
the event allows members FOLs spring fundraiser
of the public to purchase will be held from 11a.m.
items for the library col- to 2p.m. Saturday, April
lection, such as books and 22, at Christ Lutheran
DVDs for children and Church, 700 County Hwy.
adults. Members of the B. The event will feature
public purchased $778 a brunch buffet, a guest
worth of materials for the speaker and a raffle. Tick-
library this year. Famous ets are $20 and can be pur-
Yetis Pizza matched the chased at the library.
first $500 in donations and Funds raised and donat-
the Friends of the Stough- ed by the Friends group
ton Public Library (FOL) contribute directly to the
matched the remainder. library and support events
At its annual meeting in such as the summer read-
January, FOL presented ing and library programs
the library with a $12,000 and the adult craft club.
Photo submitted donation, which was For information, visit
Clockwise from top, St. Ann School sixth-graders Maggie Langenohl, Ellee Milota, Lillian Talbert, Savannah Hendrickson, raised from various events stoughtonpubliclibrary.
Charlie Mehring, Seth Allhands, Max Mueller and Anthony Teche discuss the book A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue and fundraisers throughout org.
Park in mid-March. The students started a fundraiser for the Water for South Sudan organization and have already sur- 2016. Also at the meeting, Contact Amber
passed their $1,000 goal. Donations are still being collected until Easter. Amy Allen was announced Levenhagen at amber.
as the Volunteer Friend of levenhagen@wcinet.com.

Empathy into action

the Year because of her

Looking for Artists and Crafters

St. Ann sixth-graders collect for Water for South Sudan for the Village of Cooksville
175th Anniversary Art in the Park
Unified Newspaper Group How to help On the Web Celebration on Saturday, July 22.
Rather than giving up a food or The deadline to contribute to the
Learn more about the fundraising project: All items must be home made by you,

drink for Lent, a group of sixth-grad- cause on behalf of the students ef- waterforsouthsudan.org the artist.
ers at St. Ann School is giving the gift
of water to an African village.
forts is April 16. Contact Jeanne Julseth (608) 882-0505
The students are collecting dona- To donate, send a check made main character, Salva Dut, had found-

tions for the Water for South Sudan ed a nonprofit, they wanted to help
out to St. Ann School, 324 N. Har-

with its efforts.

nonprofit organization, which they
heard about after reading and discuss-
ing Linda Sue Parks book, A Long
Walk to Water, in their language arts
rison, Stoughton, WI 53589, with a
note in the memo line for Water for
South Sudan.
(Theyre) putting their empa-
thy into action for people in a vil-
lage more than 7,000 miles away,
Langenohl said in a news release.
The group has already raised more
In just a few weeks, theyve already
surpassed their $1,000 goal to con- School volunteer Rachel Langenohl than $1,300 for Water for South npl discount MAR. 31-APR. 2 ,2017
tribute to a well thats being built in (whos been leading the weekly Sudan. The deadline for donations to
South Sudan, which would bring advanced reading group) said the stu- St. Anns for the project is Sunday, on one-day adult or military ticket ALLIANT ENERGY CENTER
fresh, clean water to 100 people in a dents spent about six weeks talking April 16. 1919 alliant energy center way
nearby village each day. Now the kids about the book and wanted to do For information contact Langenohl madison, wi 53713
have their sights set on a larger goal. more than just learn about the hard- at 577-5076.
With the communitys help, they hope ships of the people there for their price includes tax & admission only. no monetary value. 1 coupon per customer
to raise $15,000, which would cover final project. Contact Samantha Christian at
the costs of drilling a new water well. So when they heard the storys samantha.christian@wcinet.com.
VFW Badger Post 328 Inc.
200 Veterans Rd., Stoughton
About the book In their words 608-873-9042

Linda Sue Parks book A Long Walk

to Water is based on a true story about
The eight St. Ann School sixth-graders in the reading group shared
with the Hub what its been like learn about the book and nonprofit and
Friday Night
Salva Dut, a boy from a village in South
Sudan, Africa, who had to flee his village
get involved with the fundraising project. All-You-Can-Eat Fish Fry
as war erupted outside of his school.
Dut ran
Seth Allhands: This book is really moving, about this boy who survived Dine-in only.
this long walk and decided to make wells for his home. When we learned
with many that we could do this project I (thought) this was a great experience, a Regular menu also available.
other chil- great way to help them.
dren to escape Every Friday Night Meat Raffle starts at 5-ish
the violence,
n o t k n ow i n g Savannah Hendrickson: We felt like we needed to help the people in Every Thursday night Bingo starting at 7:00 p.m.
South Sudan get water.

whether theyd Serving Lunch Tuesday-Friday 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

ever find their Open to the Public
families again. Lillian Talbert: If we wouldnt have done something, I probably www.stoughtonvfw.org Like us on Facebook
Dut ended up wouldve regretted it and wanted to later in life, and it feels good to be

Get Connected
walking more doing something and helping people.
than 1,000
miles to safe- Anthony Teche: I always dreamed of making a big change. Now I can
ty first to a do a big thing for the world.
refugee camp Find updates and
in Ethiopia Maggie Langenohl: I think its super cool that we got a chance to do
and eventually this project, and the book really helped us to know how much they need links right away.
to Kenya. He spent 11 years in refugee water in South Sudan.
camps until being sent to New York City
to start a new life in 1996.
Search for us on
The book talks about Duts journey Max Mueller: I just felt like we needed to help them after reading this Facebook as
and the plight of the people there who book, that we needed to make a difference in the world.
often do not have access to good, clean Stoughton Courier Hub
Dut, after working and saving mon-
Charlie Mehring: It showed you what their perspective was, and if we and then LIKE us.
were in their shoes what wed want to do, so I think its good that were
ey, decided to go back to help his fellow helping them.
Sudanese people by drilling wells. He
founded the nonprofit Water for South
Sudan in 2003. Ellee Milota: I thought the book was really moving and that we needed
to make a change for the people of South Sudan and help them out.
Rachel Langenohl
6 March 30, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub ConnectStoughton.com

Coming up Community calendar

Music appreciation Interstate open house the community through small group Wednesday, March 29
performances. This shows theme 10 a.m., Craft Week: Ravioli cooking class (registra-
The Music Appreciation Series, Officials with the State Department is Whats on TV? The pieces will tion required, walk-ins welcome), senior center, 873-
organized by John Beutel and support- of Transportation will hold an open include Linus and Lucy and a com- 8585
ed by the staff of the senior center, will house on the Interstate 39/90 improve- pilation of pieces from The Lion 1-2 p.m., Senior Center Book Discussion: The Life
run weekly on Mondays through May ments from 4-7 p.m. Monday, April 3, King. We Bury, senior center, 873-8585
8. at the Southwest Region Project Field For information, call 873-8585. 3 p.m., Travelogue: Ireland, senior center, 873-8585
The free series is supported by a Office, 11 Interstate Blvd., Edgerton.
grant from the Bryant Foundation, and Work this spring and summer is Parent/child yoga Thursday, March 30
freewill donations will be accepted. expected to include segments of the Visit the library for a free parent/ 6:30 p.m., Summer Meal program meeting,
All programs last for about an hour interstate near Stoughton. child yoga class offered by Stough- Covenant Lutheran Church, 1525 N Van Buren St.,
and begin at 3 p.m. The schedule is For information, contact Craig Prin- ton Yoga at 9:30 a.m. Friday, April 7 annmarie7521@gmail.com
as follows: TetraCor Horn Quartet gle at craig.pringle@dot.wi.gov or and 14. The class is designed for chil- 6:30-8:30 p.m., Spring Break Evening Movie: Queen
from the Madison Horn Club April 3 884-7132. dren ages 2-5 and has two sessions of Katwe, library, 873-6281
at the opera house; SHS student musi- 7:30 p.m., Riders in the Sky, Stoughton Opera
cians April 10 at the senior center; Gardening program but attendees are encouraged to only
attend one. Comfortable clothes, water, House, 381 E. Main St., purchase tickets at
UW-Whitewater Faculty Brass Quin- Plan ahead now for homegrown yoga mats and towels are recommend- stoughtonoperahouse.com
tet April 17 at the opera house; flutist tomatoes in the summer season during ed. Space is limited and registration is
Iva Ugrcic April 24 at the opera house; a Growing Tomatoes in Dane Coun- Friday, March 31
required. 7:30 p.m., Rhonda Vincent and the Rage, Stoughton
Four Seasons Theatre Company May ty program from 1-2 p.m. Monday, For information, or to register, visit
1 at the opera house; and the Anco- April 3, at the senior center. Opera House, 381 E. Main St., purchase tickets at
the childrens desk at the library or call stoughtonoperahouse.com
ra String Quartet May 8 at the opera A certified master gardener volun- 873-6281.
house. teer from Dane County UW-Exten- Saturday, April 1
For information, call 873-8585. sion will share information about suc- Easter egg hunt 10 a.m. to noon, Yahara River Hootenanny (repeats
cessfully growing tomatoes in Dane
Meal program meeting County. Participants will learn how
Families can celebrate Easter first Saturdays through November), Yahara River Gro-
during an egg hunt at 11 a.m. Satur- cery Cooperative, 229 E. Main St., 712-2976
There will be an informational to choose the right varieties, prevent day, April 8, at the Mandt Park Ball 7:30 p.m., Emo Philips, Stoughton Opera House, 381
meeting about a potential Summer and deal with diseases, start toma- Diamond, 321 S. Fourth St. E. Main St., purchase tickets at stoughtonoperahouse.
Meal program at 6:30 p.m. Thurs- toes from seeds, and harvest and store The event is free and open for chil- com
day, March 30, at Covenant Lutheran tomatoes. dren under 8. All children must be
Church, 1525 N Van Buren St. For information, call 873-8585. accompanied by a responsible adult
Monday, April 3
The meeting provide an update 1-2 p.m., Master Gardener Series: Growing Tomatoes
about the program that is being cre- Music performance and bring their own basket or bag for
in Dane County, senior center, 873-8585
collecting eggs.
ated with the goal to provide students Stoughton High School students If the event is rained out, it will 3 p.m., Music Appreciation Series, Stoughton Opera
eligible for free or reduced-cost lunch- will present a musical performance at be rescheduled for 11 a.m. Saturday, House, 381 E. Main St., stoughtonoperahouse.com
es the same resource during the sum- the senior center at 3 p.m. Wednesday, April 15. 7 p.m. SASD Board of Education meeting (note new
mer. April 5. For information, visit location), Fox Prairie Elementary School, 1601 W.
For information, contact AnnMa- The SHS Heartstrings program stoughtonkiwanis.org or contact South St, 877-5000
rie Oakland at annmarie7521@gmail. is a collaboration of music students Stacey Wright at 669-2501.
com with the goal to create connections in Wednesday, April 5
3 p.m., SHS music performance, senior center, 873-
Bahai Faith Covenant Lutheran Church Seventh Day Baptist
For information: Alfred Skerpan, 877-0911 1525 N. Van Buren St., Stoughton 873-7494 Church of Albion
Thursday, April 6
or Gail and Greg Gagnon, 873-9225 covluth@chorus.net covluth.org 616 Albion Rd., Edgerton 1-5 p.m., Personal Essentials Pantry, 343 E. Main St.,
us.bahai.org Stoughton study classes. Saturday: 5:30 p.m. Worship 561-7450 albionsdb@gmail.com pepstoughton.org
Sunday: 9 and 10:30 a.m. Worship, 9:30 a.m. forministry.com/USWISDBGCASD1 6:30-8 p.m., Adult Craft Club: Soap making, library,
Bible Baptist Church Sunday School Worship Saturday 11- Sabbath School 10 873-6281
2095 Hwy. W, Utica Fellowship Meal follows service on first Sabbath 7 p.m., Stoughton High School Performing Arts pres-
873-7077 423-3033 Ezra Church ents The Lost Boy ($8 adults, $5 students/seniors,
Sunday: 10 a.m. - Worship; 6 p.m. - Worship 515 E. Main St., Stoughton 834-9050 Stoughton Baptist Church purchase at showtix4u.com), SHS Performing Arts
ezrachurch.com Corner of Williams Dr. & Cty. B, Stoughton
Christ Lutheran Church Sunday: 9 and 10:30 a.m.
Center, 600 Lincoln Ave., 877-5600
700 Hwy. B, Stoughton Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - Worship; Friday, April 7
873-9353 e-mail: office@clcstoughton.org First Lutheran Church 6 p.m. - Evening Service
Sunday Worship: 8 and 10:30 a.m. Traditional 310 E. Washington, Stoughton 9:30 a.m., Parent/child yoga (children ages 2-5, reg-
Worship. 9:10 a.m. Family Express, followed by 873-7761 flcstoughton.com St. Ann Catholic Church istration required), library, 873-6281
Sunday School Sunday: 8:30 & 10 a.m. worship 323 N. Van Buren St., Stoughton 1 p.m., Friday Movie: Inferno, senior center, 873-
873-6448 873-7633 8585
Christ the King Community Fulton Church Weekday Mass: Nazareth House
Church 9209 Fulton St., Edgerton Saturday, April 8
and St. Anns Church
401 W. Main St., Stoughton 877-0303 884-8512 fultonchurch.org Weekend Mass: Saturday - 5:15 p.m.;
10-10:45 a.m., LEGO Club, library, 873-6281
christthekingcc.org Sunday: 10 a.m. - Worship Sunday: 8 and 10:30 a.m. Worship Services Sunday - 8 and 10:30 a.m. 11 a.m., Easter egg hunt, Mandt Park Ball Diamond,
Coffee Fellowship: 9 a.m. 321 S. Fourth St., 669-2501
Christian Assembly Church Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. United Methodist of Stoughton 4:30 p.m. SASD Strategic Planning Event, SHS
1844 Williams Drive, Stoughton 873-9106 Varsity (High Schoolers): 12-3 p.m. 525 Lincoln Avenue, Stoughton
Saturday: 6 p.m. worship; Sunday: 10 a.m.
cafetorium, 600 Lincoln Ave., stoughton.k12.wi.us
AWANA (age 2-middle school): 3-5 p.m. stoughtonmethodist.org
worship 7 p.m., Stoughton High School Performing Arts pres-
Good Shepherd By The Lake Sunday: 8 a.m. - Short Service;
ents The Lost Boy ($8 adults, $5 students/seniors,
The Church of Jesus Christ Lutheran Church 10 a.m. - Full Worship
purchase at showtix4u.com), SHS Performing Arts
of Latter-day Saints 1860 Hwy. 51 at Lake Kegonsa, Stoughton Center, 600 Lincoln Ave., 877-5600
825 S. Van Buren, Stoughton 873-5924 West Koshkonong Lutheran Church 7:30 p.m., Del McCoury Band, Stoughton Opera
877-0439 Missionaries 957-3930 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. 1911 Koshkonong, Stoughton House, 381 E. Main St., purchase tickets at
Sunday: 9 a.m. Sunday school and Primary Education Hour for all ages: 9:15 a.m. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - Worship stoughtonoperahouse.com
Cooksville Lutheran Church LakeView Church
11927 W. Church St., Evansville
Western Koshkonong
2200 Lincoln Ave., Stoughton
882-4408 873-9838 lakevc.org
Lutheran Church
Pastor Karla Brekke 2633 Church St., Cottage Grove
Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship
Support groups
Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship and Sunday School Sunday: 9:30 a.m. worship
11 a.m. Bible study

Diabetic Support Group Low Vision Support

6 p.m., second Monday, 1-2:30 p.m., third Thurs-
A Beautiful Life Stoughton Hospital, 628- day, senior center, 873-
6500 8585
Saddened by the loss of such a good soul. He was a man Dementia Caregivers Parkinsons Group
who had a kind heart and never tired of telling others how 2 p.m., second Thursday, 1:30-2:30 p.m., fourth
good they were and how much he loved them and enjoyed
873-4590 their company. He made his friends and family want to be
senior center, 873-8585 Wednesday, senior center,
1358 Hwy 51, Stoughton 873-8585
better persons simply by living up to his high opinion of Crohns/Colitis/IBD
Pete Gunderson them. And on his deathbed, while we were lamenting his Support Group Multiple Sclerosis Group
Mike Smits Dale Holzhuter
Martha Paton, Administrative Manager
fate, he cheered us up, telling us that he had a beautiful 5:30 p.m., third Wednes- 10-11:30 a.m., second
life, and that there was nothing for him to regret. The only day, Stoughton Hospital, Tuesday, senior center,

Sara Paton Barkenhagen, Administrative Assistant

Paul Selbo, Funeral Assistant sadness for him, he said, was leaving his sweetheart of 25 873-7928 873-8585
www.gundersonfh.com years. He was always thinking of others, right up to the end.
We can all learn something from this man, who died just as Grief Support Groups Older Adult Alcoholics
he had lived, giving to others and building us up. He truly 2 p.m., third Wednesday, Anonymous
lived a beautiful life, and we should all try to live in such a senior center, 873-8585 2 p.m., Tuesdays, senior
way that this might be said of us. A beautiful life indeed. center, 246-7606 ext. 1182
Christopher Simon

221 Kings Lynn Rd. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also Submit your community calendar
set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what
Stoughton, WI 53589
(608) 873-8888
God has done from beginning to end. and coming up items online:

Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV

ConnectStoughton.com March 30, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 7

File photo
A group dedicated to restoring the historic 1892 high school
building is asking people to rank a list of ideas for how the
building could be used in the future using a survey at face-

Group seeks
purpose for 1892
Coalition has reached out in
Survey, video and a variety of ways to gather
flyer made for input ideas and build momentum
to preserve the building.
on historic building We have been collecting
information from business-
BILL LIVICK es, organizations, and indi-
Unified Newspaper Group viduals through a series of
focus groups that began last Photo submitted
A group dedicated to October, she said. We have Pictured from left to right, Stoughton High School students Sophie Bouzek, Sami Markle, Nick Swenson, Reese Bahrke
restoring the historic 1892 heard some simply fascinat- and Emalyn Bauer are among the cast members to appear in SHS Performing Arts production of The Lost Boy. The
high school building is ask- ing ideas that could really play portrays a fictionalized account of the life of Peter Pan creator James M. Barrie, with performances set for 7p.m.
ing people to rank a list of make Stoughton an even Thursday, April 6 through Saturday, April 8, in the SHS Performing Arts Center.
ideas for how the building more dynamic and welcom-
could be used in the future.
The 1892 High School
Coalition has created a sur-
ing place things like cultur-
al arts spaces, office areas for
social service organizations,
Finding The Lost Boy on the SHS stage
vey that can be found online
at facebook.com/1892High-
lounge areas, and distant
learning spaces for adults.
Spring play runs
SchoolCoalition or at the The 1892 High School April 6-8
Stoughton Public Library for Coalition consisting of
a paper version. The survey R Olde House Society, While the tale of Peter
lists 27 possible options for Stoughton Historical Society, Pan and his Lost Boys has
reusing the historic build- Stoughton Landmarks Com- enchanted children for
ing, which is owned by the mission, and Sustainable decades, the man behind
Stoughton Area School Dis- Stoughton was established the classic story is hardly a
trict and has been used as a last year amid concerns that household name.
storage facility for decades. the school district was think- Audience members of
Coalition member Rog- ing about demolishing the Stoughton High Schools
er Springman told the Hub building. upcoming production of
the building needs to have a In February 2016, SASD The Lost Boy, however,
purpose other than storage superintendent Tim Onsag- can soon prove the excep-
to justify preserving it, and er told the Hub the school tion. The play which runs
the coalition has compiled a district wanted to have a at 7p.m. Thursday, April 6,
list of 27 potential uses for community conversation through Saturday, April 8
the building. Its located on about the buildings future. in the SHS Performing Arts
North Forrest Street, next to He said there were no plans Center focuses on the life
River Bluff Middle School, to demolish it and no rush of Peter Pan creator James
a few blocks north of Main to make a decision. He add- M. Barrie, who, despite
finding success and fame Photo submitted
Street and the downtown dis- ed the school district doesnt
trict. have money available to as a writer is dissatisfied Reese Bahrke (at left) portrays Peter Pan creator James M. Barrie in SHS Performing
The coalition has produced restore it. with his work and his life, Arts production of The Lost Boy, with Emalyn Bauer in the role of Barries muse, Mau-
a two-minute video tour of Its up to the community according to a news release reen.
the building interior, which what were going to do with for the production.
can also be found on its this building, Onsager said. The Lost Boy debuted in and his own gift for storytell- director DeeDee Bouzek said
Facebook page, as well as an
informational flyer thats on
We didnt go into this think-
ing we want to demolish it.
New York City in 2005 and is
written by the late Ron Palil-
ing, the release said.
Other students appear-
in the news release. When
I read this retelling, I knew
If You Go
the Facebook page and at the That is one option, along lo, who acted in and directed ing in the cast include I wanted to share it with an What: Stoughton High
library. with renovating it, selling several award-winning plays Emalyn Bauer as Barries audience. School Performing Arts
Springman said the com- it, leasing it and along with and musicals on Broadway muse, Maureen; Broderick The Lost Boy also fea- presents The Lost Boy
munity survey lists potential everything else. Everythings before his death in 2012. McCloskey as his friend, tures scenic design by Aman-
SHS senior Reese Bahrke Sean; Nicole Huset as his da Potratz, who uses boxes, When: 7p.m. Thursday,
uses for the building after its on the table, and we want to
leads the cast in this fiction- mother; Madelyn Falk as his see-saws and ladders to rec- April 6, through Satur-
restored and includes sugges- engage the community.
Springman said the coa- alized account of Barries life wife, Mary Ansell; Nicho- reate Neverland onstage. day, April 8
tions like an arts/entertain-
ment district office, a parks lition has worked to build after he returns home to Scot- las Swenson as Peter Pan; Tickets are $8 for adults Where: SHS Performing
and recreation department public support to save and land to visit his mother, who Sami Markle as Old Crow and $5 for students and Arts Center, 600 Lincoln
office, a municipal court reuse the building, and noted blames Barrie for the death and Sophie Bouzek as Tin- senior citizens; they can Ave.
space, a distance-learning it may take a combination of of his older brother years ear- kerbell. Additional students be purchased in advance Tickets: $8 adults, $5
facility, workshop space for public and private funding to lier in a skating pond. in the cast play the roles of at showtix4u.com or at the students/seniors; avail-
cultural arts, social services do so. Haunted by the tragic the pirates, fairies, Lost Boys door. able at the door or online
office suite, a computer lab Last year, the Common accident and his mothers and Darlings instantly recog- For information, call 877- at showtix4u.com
or a combination of those Council voted to reserve harsh words, James slowly nizable from the story of 5600.
ideas and more. $15,000 from its contingen- begins to confront his fami- Peter Pan. Info: 877-5600
Our thought is just to cy fund to use for a poten- lys tragic past with the help Peter Pan has always Kate Newton
let people take a look at the tial feasibility study of the of an unexpected friendship been my favorite story,
ideas and pick the ones that building, and the Landmarks
they think are good, he said. Commission also applied

Theres no attempt to pre- for a $25,000 grant from the &E
condition them. State Historical Society to FREE OOLS
He noted the suggestions conduct a study. Stock Book The Professional
for future uses were com- The building was listed on New Used Surplus Advantage...
Ever get a helping hand?
piled at various public-in- the National Register of His- MULTI-METAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER
put meetings, including a toric Places in 2002 and has Why not give one? Pipe - Plate - Channel - Angle - Tube - Rebar - Bar Grating, Expanded Metal -
Sheet - Lintels - B-Decking - Pipe Bollards - Decorative Iron Parts
public forum last March at also been designated a Local Be a Foster Parent! I & H Beams $3 & up per foot
the Opera House that drew Landmark by the Stoughton
around 45 people interested Landmarks Commission. STAINLESS STEEL & ALUMINUM
in preserving the 125-year- LUMBER & BUILDING SUPPLIES ROOFING & SIDING
New, Used & Seconds at 32 per sq. ft & up

old building. Contact Bill Livick at bill.

Coalition member Sha- livick@wcinet.com. Community Care Resources, Inc. FABRICATION CRANE SERVICE STEEL PROCESSING
A Wisconsin Child Placing Agency 414 3rd Street, Palmyra 262-495-4453
ron Boersma said the 1892 866-776-3759 www.CommunityCareResources.com adno=514866-01
8 March 30, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub ConnectStoughton.com

School board questionnaires

Brett Schumacher
The candidates answered a set of questions from the Courier Hub before
the eight-person primary election. The Hub is re-printing the biographies and
one question from each in the paper. The full questionnaires can be found at
ConnectStoughton.com. The top three vote-getters in the April 4 election will win the Age: 44 October 2010. Elected in Other notable affilia-
seats. Schumacher, Wiessinger and Fergus are incumbents. Family: Cheryl (wife), April 2011 and April 2014. tions: Chairperson of Syt-
Isaac (12), I currently hold the fol- tende Mai Arts and Crafts

Nicole Wiessinger Amelia (7)

and Gavin
lowing positions: board
treasurer/chair of Finance
Committee 2015-present;
Fa i r a n d vo l u n t e e r f o r
Sandhill Working for Kids
parent group and Boy Scout
Age: 30 University of Wiscon - parents graduated from Lived in chair of Employee Rela- Troop 167.
Family: Adrian Stocks sin-Madison, Undergradu- Stoughton High School Stoughton tions Committee Septem- Why are you running
(husband), ate Degree Coordinator and so will my children. I since: 2007 ber 2016-present; member fo r S t o u g h t o n S c h o o l
three chil- Political experience: I have been a K-12 teacher Educa- of Social Media Taskforce; Board?
dren; Elsa am a current school board and currently work in high- Schumacher
t i on: B.S. member of Insurance Task- I would like to contin-
(8) Audrey member and serve on the er education. These expe- in molecular force. Ive previously held ue the work of the board
(4) and Gra- Finance Committee and riences have formed my biology from the following positions: along the lines of the Stra-
ham (1) Facilities Committee. I am deep commitment, passion UW-Madison, 1994 chair of Facilities Commit- tegic Plan developed by a
Lived in also on the Task Force for and perspective on educa- Occupation: Scientist tee 2012-2014, member of stakeholder consortium in
Stoughton Poverty. tion and its critical role in Employer/job title: Communications Commit- 2011. Id like to see how the
since: 2010 Other notable affilia- our society. The community Promega Corporation, tee, member of Web Devel- implementation of that plan
Wiessinger Educa- tions: Associate Director of Stoughton has been an senior scientist since 1997 opment Taskforce, and has impacted the prepared-
tion: Mas- for Special Initiatives for important part of my life. It Political experience: member of Strategic Plan- ness of our students.
ters degree in educational Wisconsin Space Grant was our district of choice. I Appointed to BoE in ning Commission.
administration and Bache- Consortium (past), Science am committed to continuing
lors degree in education
Occupation: Higher
education administration
Leadership Team (past)
Why are you running
for Stoughton School
to serve on the board and to
collaborate with all stake-
holders to ensure the district
Steve Jackson
(present), former K-12 Board? continues to be well-poised Age: 58 Employer/job title: Alli- Board?
teacher My commitment to to meet challenges and Family: Lisa, married 31 ant Energy, manager, envi- Im running to (1) help
E m p l o ye r / j o b t i t l e : Stoughton runs deep. My embrace opportunities. years; Ellie, ronmental planning solve the lingering issues
30; Mitch, Political experience: I that face the district, (2)
25; Layne, have not held a political position the district to

Bev Fergus 23
Lived in
office nor have I run for
Other notable affili-
move forward and be adap-
tive, and (3) ensure that
educators concerns are
Age: 54 Owner, Fitness by Nature, affiliations: Special Olym- since: July ations: Stoughton Youth addressed. I believe I bring
Family: Jake, 26; Max, LLC; Fitness Instructor at pics volunteer, volunteer 1995 Soccer, Association Board; valuable skills to the table
21; and Annie, 19 Level Up wellness/fitness instructor Jackson Educa- C o - p r e s i d e n t , Keg o n s a critical thinking, prob-
Lived in Political experience: for area school districts tion: B.S. in WFK; Co-president, Sand- lem solving, teamwork and
Stoughton Current Stoughton Board Why are you running geology, Uni- hill School WFK project management.
since: 1994 of Education member (four for Stoughton School versity of Wyoming, 1983 Why are you running
Edu- years on the Board), SASD Board? Occupation: Manager fo r S t o u g h t o n S c h o o l
cation: board clerk, current mem- I am a fierce advocate for
UW-Mad- ber of Policy Committee, the students of our school

ison, B.S.,
chair of Policy Wellness
sub-committee, past mem-
ber of Finance Committee,
district, and for providing
the best educational expe-
rience possible. I want to
Tim Bubon
Occu- Culture and Climate Com- continue to see the district Age: 46 served on a comprehensive Sustainability team to cre-
pation: mittee, and Communica- provide creative ways to Family: Jennifer Bet- neighborhood redevelop- ate a community-based EFS
self-employed; fitness/ tions Committee, current teach our children, as well ters-Bubon (wife), Mary ment committee charged Framework designed to
wellness instructor and CESA2 Board of Control as to partner with teachers Estelle with addressing the needs address local issues related
trainer member and families to keep our (daugh- of low-income families, to environmental, cultural,
E m p l o ye r / j o b t i t l e : Other notable students safe and thriving. ter, 10) and students, and citizens and economic sustainabil-
Mathew (son, through strategic school ity. Ive led school level
8). and business partnerships finance, personnel, market-
Lived in and development. This is ing and curriculum commit-

Jonathon Coughlin Bubon

since: 2013
my first time running for
public office.
Other notable affilia-
Why are you running
fo r S t o u g h t o n S c h o o l
Age: 29 Engineer Employer: Board? tion: Bache- tions: Ive served as a vol- Board?
Family: Andrea Cough- Self-Employed Aerospace I want to help SASD and lors degree unteer football coach for the Having served as a pro-
lin (Wife) Consultant, my main cus- the Stoughton community English from Beloit Col- Stoughton Rec. Department fessional educator for
Lived in tomer is Sierra Nevada grow and prosper. I want lege with elementary/mid- as well as a Sunday School over 22 years in a variety
Stoughton Corporation in Madison to be a voice for young dle school teaching certifi- teacher for St. Anns Catho- of capacities and having
since: 2014 Political Experience: families, and to push our cation. Masters degree in lic Church. I also served as two children enrolled in
Educa- This is my first race district to attract and retain education administration the president of the board of Stoughton schools, I feel
tion: B.S. Other notable affil- more young families with from Edgewood College. directors for the University an obligation to offer my
aerospace iations: Assistant soc- quality schools. Im excit- Occupation: Teacher/ Avenue Discovery Center in myriad of experiences and
engineering, cer coach at Parker High ed, vocal, and Im ready administrator which I provided oversight deep understanding of how
Coughlin from Purdue School, Mentor with Guy for a constant dialog with Employer/job title: for the implementation of school districts work to
University, Squad in Stoughton the Stoughton community. Madison Metropolitan their four-year old kin- serve the SASD through its
2009 Why are you running School District dergarten program. I also Board of Education.
Occupation: Aerospace for Stoughton School Political experience: I worked on an Educating for

Council questionnaires
The candidates answered a set of questions from the Courier Hub before the three-per-
son primary election. The Hub is reprinting the biographies and one question from each
in the paper. The full questionnaires can be found at ConnectStoughton.com. Lawrence
Paul Lawrence
is an incumbent and has served on the board since 1998. He and Foltz-Reeves were Age: 62 Personnel committee, Im running for re-elec-
the top two vote-getters in the primary Feb. 21, beating out challenger James Gorman. Family: I am single Council Affairs/Council tion to help the citizens
Foltz-Reeves received 210 votes in that race to Lawrences 141. L ive d i n Policy committee, Public of Stoughton. Thats the
Stoughton Works committee, Public only thing thats ever mat-
since: 1985 Safety committee, Parks tered to me. If re-elected,

Lisa Foltz-Reeves Educa-

tion: B.S.,
and Recreation commit-
Other notable affilia-
I promise to continue my
search for the truth and
to apply it to every issue.
Age: 56 Occupation: Healthcare for a seat on the Common UW-Osh- tions: Member of Capital I promise to look out for
Family: Husband Dale; and Farming Council? kosh Area Regional Planning whats best for the entire
daughter Employer/job title: Mer- As an historic riverfront Lawrence Occupa- Commission (CARPC). community. I take seri-
Alyssa 25; cy Health System Office city, Stoughton has tremen- tion: Real Member of Stoughton ously the responsibility
son Patrick, Coordinator, Stoughton dous potential. The actions estate agent A r e a R e s o u r c e Te a m of being a public servant
31 Hospital Insurance Spe- we take today, will impact E m p l o ye r / j o b t i t l e : (START) Advisory Board. and, with my colleagues,
Lived in cialist, Albion Prairie Farm the Stoughton that exists Realtor Past member of Madi- work hard to find common
Stoughton (co-owner) in 20 years. Im running Political experience: son Area Transportation ground to serve the best
since: Febru- Political experience: No because I want to ensure Stoughton City Council Planning Board (MPO) interests of Stoughton and
ary 2013 prior political experience that the opinions, ideas and since 1998. Three-time and Yahara River Grocery all its residents. In sum, I
Foltz-Reeves Educa- Other notable affilia- wishes of the citizens of Council President. Past or Coop Board. President of want to continue working
tion: Mas- tions: Stoughton Commu- Stoughton are represented current member of Opera Stoughton Rotary. to keep Stoughton a first-
ters Degree nity Farmers Market, R when decisions are made by House Board, Library Why are you running rate place to live, work
Loyola College Baltimore, Olde House Common Council. Board, Utilities Commis- for a seat on the Com- and raise a family.
Maryland Why are you running sion, Finance committee, mon Council?
ConnectStoughton.com March 30, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 9
Alzheimers: Movie being shown at some UW-Madison classes
Continued from page 1
Peace be with you
Wife inspires local invitation, he said.
Although Mae came
the two of them ultimately man to speak out back feeling better after
determined it could be used each visit, Willard could
for the advancement of the about Alzheimers tell she was getting weak-
community. Its now being er and that she needed
shown in some Universi- Willard Lund met Mae some professional care,
ty of Wisconsin-Madison in college, and they were which led her to Skaalen.
classes. married for 63 years. Mae lived at Skaalen for
What were trying to do But even though they four months before pass-
here is not for ourselves, had spent such a sig- ing away at 91 in 2011.
but for the people who are nificant amount of time Though her time there was
probably going through together, Willard said the short, it was full of the
something similar to me, Alzheimers diagnosis things she enjoyed doing,
Willard said. came as a surprise. like playing music, Wil-
As the disease took its lard said.
Sharing his story toll, Willard said he did A n d t h e i r d a u g h t e r,
In the wake of his wifes everything he could to Marsha, has a fond mem-
death, Lund said he simply take care of Mae, until one ory of something Mae said
needed to talk to people. As day she walked out of the to her during one of her
a former pastor, he knew house without his knowl- visits at Skaalen.
how speak to crowds and edge. She was found safe Toward the end of Maes
decided to channel his ener- in a neighbors parked life, Marsha would vis-
gy into educating and con- vehicle several hours later. it and talk about current
necting with others. Screenshot via DVD
Thats when he became events in her life. Mae
So he and his daughter, The opening title screen of the DVD Willard Lund and Michael Hecht created shows Mae concerned about her safe- seemed to be sleeping
Marsha, created Harness- Lund, Willards late wife. ty, but there were previous and was silent most of the
ing the Power of Love, indicators that caused Wil- time, until one day, Mae
a speaking program that from his speaking tour and personal DVD in regards to support, Lund said. lard to be on heightened asked her how the Scandi-
was shared with congre- settled in at Skaalen, but he his family, and Bill (Brehm) Hecht used his connec- alert while caring for Mae. navian class was going.
gations around the coun- still felt a desire to share his and Derek (Westby) were tions to distribute the DVD She came to me and Marsha had been teach-
try to encourage people to story. on board right away, Hecht to some colleagues, and he said she wanted to go ing a Norwegian class
reach out and talk about the This is the man she mar- said. Those two were a said the movie is being used home, and all I could at the time, and she was
uncomfortable reality of ried, part of it is to contin- huge help. in geriatric studies courses respond with was, This is surprised that Mae was as
dementia. ue with respect to his wife. Brehm and Westby, from at UW-Madison, facilitated our home, were already at alert as she was, that she
Overcome with the need To not be defeated, to do WSTO TV, helped produce by Dr. Suzanna Waters-Cas- home, and it didnt seem was aware of this aspect of
to communicate and search- what hes doing, every once the video to share the story tillo. to faze her at all, she just Marshas life.
ing for a support system, in awhile hell say to me, from a caregivers perspec- The video is not cur- continued asking to go Willard said she then
Lund said he was surprised what can I do, and this is tive. rently available online, but home, he said. used a phrase in Norwe-
at how little people wanted all part of it, Hecht said. During the video, Lund Hecht said its something Mae was a musician gian that means peace be
to talk about death and how and Hecht discuss some he and WSTO are working and enjoyed playing piano with you.
fearful they seemed of The DVD of the difficult decisions on making available to the and visiting with friends That triggered in (our)
Alzheimers. The speaking engage- the family made regard- public. a r o u n d t ow n . Wi l l a r d mind that her mother was
Any kind of mental ill- ments and video about ing Maes disease. This We really want to make knew that, to her, home at peace, too, and want-
ness has a stigma and peo- dementia were cathartic for includes stories about the sure people know theyre was with friends. ed others to feel the same
ple dont really like to hear Lund. process of diagnosis and not alone, so have no fear, Im so very thankful way, he reflected.
too much about it, and of The DVD was produced care, such as when Lund Hecht added. for the people who accept-
course we wanted to share, by WSTO TV, Stoughtons first knew something wasnt ed us without any formal Amber Levenhagen
Lund said. We needed the community access media quite right with his wife. Contact Amber Levenhagen

back up and the compassion channel, and filmed in Those were particular- at amber.levenhagen@
of other people who would October 2016. ly difficult years and yet wcinet.com. F

try to understand what we I reached out asking if I was fortunate to have so O
were going through. Willard wanted to make a many people in the com- R
Lund eventually retired munity help and offer their
We are proud to have the support of:
Michael Engelberger,
Engelberger, Elizabeth
Elizabeth Boone Boone
Stoughton CityCity Council
Council andMassey
& Heath Heath Massey
Tim Swadley,
Swadley, Sara Downie
Sara Downie
The life of Laura Ingalls Wilder Stoughton
City Council
& and
Sandra Black Black
BoardBoard Pete Manley
School Pete Manley
Carl Chenoweth, Jennifer Muchka
Jessica Michna presented Laura Ingalls Wilder: Dane
Dane County Board
County Supervisor
Jennifer Muchka
Supervisor Galen Snorek
Road to the Little House, at the senior center on Brian Landers, Mayor,
Brian Landers,
Galen Snorek
Charles & Christa
Wednesday, March 22. City of Wisconsin Dells
Mayor, City of Wisconsin Charles & Christa Westerberg
Dells Westerberg
Wilder was an author, known for the Little House Denise Duranczyk Jessica ZweifelZweifel
Denise Duranczyk
Frank Sullivan Jessica
on the Prairie childrens book series that was based Frank Sullivan & Steve Royko& Steve Royko
on her life as part of a pioneer family, and was even- Sharon Mason-Boersma
Anne Adametz
Sharon Mason-Boersma
& Ellen Morgan Anne Adametz
tually adapted into a television series. Roger
& Ellen Morgan Bob & Kathy
Bob and Soderbloom
Michna presented as an adult Wilder and reflected Lloyd
Roger Rowley
Thompson & Many More
on Wilders life story and how she came to produce Lisa Reeves
Lloyd Rowley and many more
her literary works. Regina Hirsch,
Lisa Reeves Offices listedlisted
Offices for identification
for identification
Regina City Council
Hirsch purposes only. only.

Addison Shechter, 8,
holds a Charlotte doll
Authorized and Paid for by
Tim Bubon for School Board,
Christa Westerberg, Treasurer VOTE APRIL 4 adno=512318-01

at the Laura Ingalls

Wilder program pre-
sented by Jessica
Michna, at right.
Photo submitted

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10 March 30, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub ConnectStoughton.com

To life! at
the RBMS
spring play
The cast of River Bluff Middle Schools
Fiddler on the Roof honored Tradition
while also breaking quite a few during
their version of the famous musical March
17-18 at the Stoughton High School Per-
forming Arts Center.
Fiddler on the Roof follows Tevye
(Laura Perry), a Jewish milkman who finds
humor and joy in life despite the challenges
of marrying off his five daughters and perse-
cution that eventually forces his family out
of their village. The production, directed by
Don Walden, featured many familiar musi-
cal numbers from the original, including If
I Were a Rich Man, Sunrise, Sunset and
Far From the Home I Love.
Kate Newton

On the Web
To view more photos from RBMS production of Fiddler
Photos by Kate Newton on the Roof, visit:
Cast members sing Sunrise, Sunset while Motel (Ben Moll, center left) and Tzeitel (Emma Sperle, center right) are married by the
Rabbi (David Stracener). ConnectStoughton.com

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Golde (Amelia
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Jeremy Jones, sports editor Thursday, March 30, 2017
845-9559 x226 ungsportseditor@wcinet.com

Anthony Iozzo, assistant sports editor

845-9559 x237 sportsreporter@wcinet.com
Courier Hub
Fax: 845-9550 For more sports coverage, visit:

Youth wrestling NHL

Continuing the tradition

Stoughton Youth Wrestling crowned
four state champions and had three more
medal last weekend at the Wisconsin
Wrestling Federation State Youth Tourna-
ment at the Dane County Coliseum.
Earning state titles were: seventh-grad-
er Nicolar Rivera (90 pounds) and
eighth-graders Rose Ann Marshall State
(115 lbs.), Luke Mechler (120 lbs.) and
Brooks Empey (190 lbs.). Stoughton
Sixth-grader Chance Suddeth (82 lbs.) native Mitch
finished second, while Claire Spilde (85 Hults, a for-
lbs.) and Rudy Detweiler (140 lbs.) finsi- mer defen-
hed third and fifth, respectively. seman for
Other state qualifiers for Stough- the Madison
ton were: fifth-graders Cole Sarback- Capitols of
er (76 lbs.); Reese Koepke, (85 lbs.); the United
sixth-0grader Griffin Empey (165 lbs.); States Hock- Hults
and eighth-graders Alex Wicks (100 lbs.) ey League
and Jonah OConnor (125 lbs.). ,has signed a
two-year entry-level contract
with the Anaheim Ducks.
Hults, 22, played in 55
games for the Capitols as
a defenseman during the
2014-15 season, and collect-
ed 13 goals and 21 assists.
He is the first Capitols player
to sign an NHL contract fol-
lowing his time in Madison.
The 6-foot, 2-inch soph-
omore moved to forward
this season at Lake Superi-
or State University. He has
recorded 54 points (20 goals,
34 assists) and 98 penalty
Alex Wicks works against minutes in 76 games over the
his opponent Saturday Photos by Jeremy Jones
last two seasons.
afternoon. Sixth grader Claire Spilde finished third at the Wisconsin Wrestling Federation state tournament last weekend. Hults was named to the
All-WCHA second team fol-
lowing this season. His 23
Baseball assists tied for 35th nation-

Eight return for the Vikings

Prior to joining the Cap-
itols in 2014, Hults played
two season with the USHLs
Indiana Ice.
Jeremy Jones
Assistant sports editor

The Stoughton High School Madison Capitols

baseball team lost a lot of talent
from last season, but the Vikings
still have one of the top pitchers
and seven others who will return to
Posick leads
Capitols back
the field in 2017.
While 10 letterwinners graduat-
ed, six starters are slated to return
this year.
This team brings back more
experience than you expect with
to Nationals
the number of juniors we have, Stoughton
head coach Jeremy Dunnihoo said. High School
Many of them got some valuable senior Mad-
experience last year and were pro- die Posick
ductive players for us. I think if we and her Mad-
can establish some pitching depth ison Capitols
this team will find lots of success. U19 girls
Junior Dillon Nowicki, who is hockey team
verbally committed to the Uni- will be play- Posick
versity of Michigan, is back after ing at the
earning a unanimous first-team USA Hockey
all-Badger South selection last National tournament April
season. 5-9 in Detroit.
Nowicki was 5-2 and allowed The team won the
12 earned runs in 36 2/3 innings in WAHA Tier 1 U19 girls
2016. He finished with 45 strike- state tournament earlier
outs and walked 23. Nowicki also this month.
was 20-for-75 with 11 RBIs and 11 Photo by Anthony Iozzo Some of the players on
runs scored last season and played Returning letterwinners for the Stoughton High School baseball team (front, from left) are: Aaron Zimmerman, the team are from out of
shortstop when he wasnt pitching. Brock Wanninger and Andy Johnson; (back) Bryan Wendt, Brady Schipper, Nick Waldorf, Dillon Nowicki and Sax- state, but much of the team
He is joined by junior honor- ton Shore. is local: McFarland, Mid-
able mention catcher Brady Schip- dleton, Madison, Sun Prai-
per and seniors Jaece Newman rie, Verona and Oregon.
(outfielder/pitcher), Bryan Wendt Schipper was 21-for-73 with 15 Wanninger. Newman pitched 8 For the other returners with Posick has 28 goals and
(middle infield) and Andy Johnson RBIs and 17 runs scored. He was 2/3 innings and allowed 10 earned plate experience, Wendt was 9-for- 51 assists in 50 games this
(catcher/outfield) and juniors Nick behind the plate for 78 2/3 innings runs. He walked seven and struck 48 with six RBIs and nine runs season. She has committed
Waldorf (third base), Brock Wan- and allowed seven passed balls and out five. Wanninger pitched 19 2/3 scored. Johnson was 2-for-10 with to play at the University of
ninger (pitcher/first base), Aar- 10 stolen bases on 11 attempts. innings last season and allowed seven runs scored, and Waldorf Wisconsin-Madison in the
on Zimmerman (pitcher/catcher/ Other pitchers with experience 18 earned runs. He walked 21 and fall.
infield) and Saxton Shore (infield). joining Nowicki are Newman and struck out 18. Turn to Baseball/Page 12 Jeremy Jones
12 March 30, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub ConnectStoughton.com

Boys track and field Softball

Vikings win six golds at

UW-Platteville invite
ANTHONY IOZZO leap of 39-3 1/2. McLaury was third (33-11
Assistant sports editor 3/4). Freshman Zak Finholt was fourth (33-7
1/2), and Malueg was seventh (32-6 3/4).
The Vikings finished with five individu- Walker added a second place in the 200
al champions and a relay title Thursday at in 25.56. Williams Jr. won the 200 in 25.11.
the University of Wisconsin-Platteville High Junior Evan Ouk finished fourth in 25.85.
School Invitational. DiBenedetto reached 19-10 to take second
Junior Jordan DiBenedetto (6.69 seconds) in the long jump, behind Williams Jr. (22-2).
took first in the 55-meter dash, edging Wis- Arnott was third (18-1).
consin Heights senior Rickie Williams Jr. by a Freshman Logan Armagost finished run-
hundredth of a second. ner-up in the 400 in 57.86, behind Albany
Sophomore Dwight Walker finished fifth junior Garrett Hlavachek (55.64). Junior
in the 55 in 7.13, and freshman Quinn Arnott Brandon Wheeler took third in 58.38, and photo by Jeremy Jones
took eighth in 7.43. junior Payton Montgomery was sixth in Returning letterwinners for the Stoughton girls softball team (from left) are: Morgan Neuen-
Senior Nathan Moll also took home a first 59.71. feld, Madisyn Robinson, Maddy Brickson, Lela Brashi and Molly Skonning; (not pictured)
place. He won the 800 in 2:06.27. Junior Sophomore Parker Flint was second in Kayley Novotny.
Emmett Post added a fifth-place finish in the two mile in 11:18.74, behind Wisconsin

Vikings need to learn quickly this season

2:26.32. Heights senior Lucas Caminiti (10:34.03).
Junior Joey LePine won the 55-meter hur- Junior Carson Fleres was fourth (11:34.87),
dles in 9.23. Senior Malachi Alvarez took and junior Tanner Hanson was sixth
third in 10.09, and freshman Nathan Hutcher- (12:47.05).
son was fourth in 10.23. The 4x200 relay finished with the bronze. JEREMY JONES
The 4x800 relay also took home gold. Juniors Paul Coleman and John Malueg Sports editor
Senior Jackson Hampton, junior Sean
McLaury, junior Brandon Wheeler and Moll
joined LePine and Alvarez to cross the finish
line in 1:49.71. Stoughton softball finished Conference shaping up to
finished in 9:19.34.
Junior Tommy McClain took first in the
Ouk added a fourth place in the pole vault
with a height of 11-0.
the conference season 11-1
last season to earn the first be a three-team race
shot put with a throw of 43 feet, 6 inches. Hunter Zaemisch took fifth in the mile in Badger South title in school
Senior Ryan Ewald was fifth (38-9). 5:14.81. Sophomore Thomas Sheehy was history. And while the team Fort Atkinson figures to be the team to beat in
Walker was first in the triple jump with a fifth in the high jump with a height of 5-4. returns six letterwinners from the Badger South Conference this season, returning
that team, earning another six all-conference athletes, including unanimous first-
conference crown this year team selection shortstop Morgan Dunkleberger.
looks like an even bigger chal-
Girls track and field lenge than last season. I believe they are returning their entire team from
The strength of the Vikings last season, and have always been a strong team,
Stoughton wins three titles at Tri-State invite this season should be its
infield, where all four start-
ers return, though theyll be
Stoughton coach Kristin Siget said.
Defending conference champion Stoughton is the
ANTHONY IOZZO and Ashworth took first in reshuffling.
Assistant sports editor 10:53.07, ahead of River Senior Morgan Neuenfeld only other team in the conference to return more
than one first-team all-conference player in catch-
The Stoughton High
Whats next Ridge (11:.46.72).
The 4x200 relay (senior
returns as a three-year starter
but will be moving out from er Morgan Neuenfeld and third baseman/outfielder
School girls track and field Kiley Lynch, junior Sam behind the plate to play first Madisyn Robinson.
The Stoughton Beach, sophomore Kyian- base this year. She was joined
team finished with one
relay title and two individ- girls and boys track na Baker and sophomore on the first-team Badger South Monroe is always tough and should once again be
ual crowns Thursday in and field teams Emma Kissling) finished all-conference team following a tough team this season.
the Tri-State Invitational at open the outdoor second in 2:00.99. Easton last season by third baseman
UW-Platteville. season at 4 p.m. Valley was first in 1:58.52. Madisyn Robinson.
Sophomore Alex Ash- Gigi Zaemisch was third It was the second time being
worth won the 400-meter Tuesday, April 4 in in the 800 in 2:51.09, and named first team for Neuen- is one of the top defensive runs. She had a 1.09 ERA to
dash in 1 minute, 4.57 sec- a quad with Monroe sophomore Jenna Stokes feld, who played behind the second baseman in the con- go along with 226 strikeouts
onds - nearly five seconds and Dodgeville/Min- finished seventh in 3:00.25. plate and in the outfield last ference, and rounds out the and 44 walks. Doubling as
ahead of Easton Valley eral Point and the Senior Isabel Dennis was season. She was also an hon- returning infield. the Vikings lead-off hitter,
sophomore Sara Kilburg third in the long jump with orable mention All-District Junior Molly Skonnings Brickson hit .358 and tied for
host Mount Horeb a leap of 13 feet, 8 1/2 inch- selection. development could go a long the team lead with six dou-
Sophomore Anna Vikings. es. Beach was sixth (13-1 Neuenfeld batted a team- way toward the teams devel- bles. She went on to earn sec-
Wozniak added a title in 1/2). high .423 with a pair of home opment this season as she ond-team WFSCA (Wiscon-
the mile (5:45.23), edging Freshman Amber Hod- runs and tied for the team lead takes over pitching duties. sin Fastpitch Softball Coaches
Albany senior Ciara Kad- kiewicz was third in the 55 in doubles (six). She drew a Molly got some great Association) All-State and
erly (5:45.47). Senior Clea took home gold. Junior hurdles in 10.39. She added team-best 18 walks, sccored experience last season in All-District honors.
Roe was third (5:48.77). Gigi Zaemisch, freshman a fourth-place finish in the 21 runs and finished second non-conference games, and The Vikings also saw sec-
The 4x800 relay also Grace Jenny, Anderson high jump (4-4). on the Vikings with 18 RBIs. were looking for her to step ond-team all-conference hon-
Morgan gives us excellent into the starting role this sea- orees Sammy Tepp (first base)
power and speed on offense, son, Siget said. and Liz Auby (right fielder)
Sports short head coach Kristin Siget said.
She should also give us con-
Catching for Skonning this
season should be junior Taylor
Tepp had five doubles and
Tennis camp Session 2: Third-fifth day of camp. The sessions sistency at first base this year. Kenrick. 17 RBIs, while Auby, who
grade from 9-10a.m. will be run by SHS coaches Robinson led Stoughton Freshman Kailey Ham- moved to from second to the
The Stoughton first serve Session 3: Sixth-eighth Ryan Reischel, Howard Rol- with 19 RBIs, while hitting mersley should add to the outfield last season, walked 10
tennis camp will run five grade from 10-11:15.a.m. off and Amy Kahl. .301 with four doubles and a teams solid defense and back times and hit .294. Both Auby
weeks from July 6 to Aug. 3 Session 4: Freshmen-se- Campers are reminded to home run. She is expected to up Skonning in the circle, and Tepp were also named the
at the Stoughton High School nior in high school from bring a racquet, water bottle hit in the clean-up spot this while bringing more power Academic All-State team.
tennis courts on Tuesdays 11:15a.m. to 12:30p.m. and tennis shoes each day. season. to the lineup. And fellow Lela Additionally, Stoughton lost
and Thursdays. The program is for tennis Contact coach Ryan Sophomore shortstop Brashi could contribute at a two players who chose not to
Session 1: Pre-Kinder- players of all abilities. Par- Reischel with questions at Maddy Brickson earned sec- number of spots. come back this season. A two-
garten to second grade from ticipants will be placed into 628-4928 or reischelryan@ ond-team honors, stepping in Although Stoughton returns year starter, Lexi Fitzsimmons
8-9a.m. appropriate groups the first gmail.com. for her sister at shortstop and a solid core, the team lost was in and out of the lineup
posting five doubles and 12 plenty of talent as well, grad- last year and opted to play
RBIs. uating five seniors, including girls lacosse her senior year.
Maddy gives us great Holly Brickson, a first-team Maddy Beske (.289) earned
speed and consistency at the all-conference pitcher. honorable mention recogni-
plate, Siget said. She is also A first-team shortstop as a tion as a sophomore but also
a very solid shortstop. junior, Brickson threw 140.67 chose not to return.
Kayley Novotny (.226) innings, allowing 22 earned

Stoughton Area Baseball Association

Baseball: Nowicki will lead on the mound
Get paid to coach local competitive baseball Continued from page 11 including first-team outfielder juniors Noah Schafer and
o Stoughton Baseball Coach Jack Nelson (25-for-69, nine Alec Tomczyk. Schafer is
RBIs and 16 runs scored, six expected to eat up innings on
o Multiple Openings was 9-for-46 with eight RBIs
and eight runs scored. doubles) and honorable men- the mound, and Tomczyk was
th th
o 7 grade thru 12 grade Zimmerman was 3-for-14, tions Nick Woodstock (13- a junior varsity player that had
and Shore was 5-for-16 with for-50, 11 runs scored) and a strong season at the plate
o High level talent & competition

four RBIs. Jack Kissling (7-for-28, three and will be looking to carry
o Call Stephanie Wanninger The returners will need to RBIs).
Two newcomers that might
that success over to the varsity
team, Dunnihoo said.
lead a younger group after
o 608-235-4725 graduating eight players, see a lot of varsity time are
ConnectStoughton.com March 30, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 13
Numbers: School board, Common Council to hold joint meeting April 20
Continued from page 1

local organizations.
In brief in Wisconsin have issued
522 referendums, with
It has also been looking 366 passing and 156 fail-
at its own performance Referendum down ing.
in an effort to make a the road
Stoughton education more Graduation rate
marketable. The district While there are encour- Stoughton High
improved on some trouble aging signs for Stough- Schools 4-year gradu-
spots over the past decade tons financial position, ation rate was 97.2 per-
most notably graduation it appears inevitable that cent in the last four-year
rates and began putting a the school district even- average released by the
greater emphasis on offer- tually will ask once more Wisconsin Department
ings and partnerships that for residents to support an of Public Instruction last
can help draw people from operations referendum. summer (2014-15). That
other districts, or at least Some increasing defi- compares favorably to
stem the tide of students cits loom in future bud- the state public schools
going elsewhere. gets. A projected $1.4 graduation rate of 88.4
And its staying involved million deficit for 2018- percent, as well as the
in efforts to bring growth 19 increases to $3.3 mil- national average of 82.3
to the community and pre- lion and $5.3 million the percent. The districts
paring for potential refer- next two. five-year graduation rate
endums in the future. However, Dirks said was 96.1 percent, and six-
SASD superintendent even without increased year rate was 98.2.
Tim Onsager told the Hub state funding or enroll- Graduation rates in
these connections arent ment growth, district offi- Stoughton has been trend-
File photo
just good for the district, Stoughton High School senior Ethan Genter addresses his classmates during graduation cer- cials will have a few more ing upward since the
theyre important for the emonies in 2016. The schools graduation rate has been trending upward since 2004. years before talking about 2004-2005 school year,
well-being of the entire another referendum. when the general grad-
Stoughton area. The soonest that we uation rate stood at 84.4
would really have to
Were a microcosm of
the community, he said. SASD series Projected enrollment think seriously about a
A strong school system is Year Students (4K-12) referendum would be the Stopping the loss?
a draw for families coming Once a month, the Hub 2020-21 school year, and The amount of students
will feature some of the 2017-18 3,021 thats three years out, and
into the district busi- lost each year by the
nesses , when they look to enrollment and bud- 2018-19 3,000 I dont even think well Stoughton Area School
relocate through differ- get challenges facing 2019-20 3,001 have to do it then. District is shrinking. The
ent events we attract visi- Stoughton schools and district has lost an aver-
tors into the community. how district officials are 2020-21 2,987 Referendums in age of 35 students a year
Were trying to not only planning for the future. 2021-22 2,999 Wisconsin in the past three years
make our students lives November: Series over- 2022-23 2,988 On April 4, voters in (2014-17). It lost an aver-
better and prepare them view Wisconsin will decide on age of 55 students the
for their future, but were 2023-24 2,955
December: How growth 65 different referendums previous three (2010-13).
helping make Stoughton in 2024-25 2,948 in 44 school districts. That could be just a
general a better communi- and development factor in
2025-26 2,913 Last year, 122 school dis- temporary trend, howev-
ty. January: Levy limits, trict referendums passed, er, as the districts four
funding affect most 2026-27 2,902 largest classes are grades
Growth wanted with 32 failing.
districts Source: UW-Madison Applied Population Lab According to the Wis- 9-12, averaging just over
One of the most import- February: How SASD consin Department of 252 students each. The
ant factors in keeping the decisions have put it in a Public Instruction, since districts four newest
school district financial- different situation requires up to 900 hours of Its really important to 2012 the year after classes (excluding 4K)
ly sound is population work-based learning and have a lot of non-academ- Act 10 went into effect average 199 students per
growth, whether its stu- March: What the district four semesters of class- ic possibilities for kids, public school districts class.
dents coming from else- is doing to solve it room-related instruction in he said. There frequently
where, families having a variety of fields, includ- are kids who but for the
more kids or, more likely, i n g m a n u fa c t u r i n g a n d fact they can do theater or
new development. the district and city have engineering, veterinary band or an athletic team
I m n o t s u r e eve r y - worked pretty well in technician, pharmacy tech- they might not even go to State funding could offer help
body understands the only the past, theres room for nician, farm hand and weld- school. In February, Gov. Scott Walker proposed bienni-
way the school district improvement for the two ing. Area employers have Those have contributed
al budget that included for public schools a per pupil
can increase its revenue is sides to do so more effec- included Cummins Filtra- to some positive enrollment increase of $200 for the 2017-18 school year and a
by our school population tively. tion, Isthmus Engineering, trends in recent years. The
$204 increase the following year. Much can change
growing, Dirks said. The Nothing really happens Mandt Equestrian, Cha- districts rate of open-en-
throughout the budget process, which is underway
only way really to do that until youre up against the let Veterinary, Associated rollment loss and net stu- with Joint Committee on Finance public hearings.
is to get more young fami- hot pipes on things, Law- Bank, Eugsters Farm Mar- dent loss are declining, and Stoughton school board president Scott Dirks said
lies with kids to move into rence said. What the city ket and Screamin Acres a population study pub-
district officials keep in touch with state legislators
Stoughton. Thats good for can do for the school dis- District director of busi- lished last month projected
who serve in the district, to keep front and center the
the whole community. trict is try to engender the ness services Erica Pickett a much slower enrollment
idea that state aid to public schools needs to increase.
But the City of Stough- kinds of development that said offering on-the-job decline than in past years. Certainly, were encouraged by the governors bud-
ton has had around zero will benefit the school dis- training and apprentice- The UW Population Lab
get proposal to increase state aid to all of the school
population growth in the trict. ships helps set Stoughton studys model analyzing
districts, he said. Well see what happens once we
past decade, and a lack of Teaming up apart from other districts data from the last two years
get through the process.
new housing is a major fac- and gives students more projects an enrollment will
Partnering with local opportunities. According to the Wisconsin State Legislature web-
tor in 2009, one house drop from around 3,084
site, the committee usually approves a modified bud-
was built in the city. Dirks businesses and groups is When that happens, only students to 2,099 in five
get in May, and the final version must be approved by
said stagnation, as well as a pillar of the districts good things happen, both years 2.8 percent. Thats both houses for signature by Walker in June, to take
an aging population, makes ongoing strategic plan. In from a student learning per- down from the 5-6 per- effect July 1.
it tough for both schools recent years, the district has spective and a community cent decrease in the 5- and
and businesses and that stressed bringing in pro- engagement perspective, 10-year model, something Scott De Laruelle
Stoughton needs planned, fessionals from around the she said. And the more district community rela-
smart growth with a community to talk with and partnerships you have like tions director Derek Spell-
variety of housing attract- even mentor students, as that, the more buzz you man said was encouraging. planning session the dis- like Kettle Park West that
ing all different segments well as donate much-need- generate about your dis- Trying to change trends trict is hosting April 8. they dont get beyond the
of the market. ed funding to projects like trict. that have built up over a More than 100 people larger picture, he said. I
To further the discus- the Fab Lab. decade is like trying to turn
sion on growth, Stoughton Cummins not only pro- Making strides around an aircraft carrier,
from the Stoughton area talk to people all the time
are expected to attend and who come to a show at the
school board members are vided a lot of funding, but While such partnerships he said. We do still have participate in a follow-up Opera House or a wrestling
holding a joint meeting engineers who come over have contributed to the challenges, but were prob- to the 2012 planning event. meet and see our beauti-
with the Stoughton Com- and talk with kids, weve districts programming, ably in a better spot that But it also means going ful little downtown (and)
mon Council on Thursday, had people from Promega its been working hard to where we were a few years beyond sharing success think, Wow this is a great
April 20. Dirks said the for projects with elementa- improve its reputation in ago. stories with the locals place to live.
topic of discussion will ry school kids, we partner other ways.
Its rise in graduation Spreading the word
marketing Stoughton to a We ve g o t t o fi g u r e
likely be development and with Stoughton Hospital wider audience is key in out some way of getting
growth, a conversation he and other groups to mentor rates from 84.4 percent Dirks said there are many maintaining the districts the word out you dont
said the different stake- kids, said Dirks. We are in 2004-05 to 97.2 in 2014- good stories to tell about health and stability. Dirks have to live in Oregon or
holders in the community fortunate those are won- 15 is a major emphasis huge strides the district said that starts with the dis- Sun Prairie or Middleton
need to have. derful opportunities to meet in recent years, and more has made in recent years,
trict working with city gov- or Verona, you can live in
The two boards dont with people who work in recently its turned toward pointing to the successful ernment and the Chamber Stoughton, as well.
regularly meet, but school those fields. expanding and improving referendums and hiring of of Commerce to do a better
officials would like to The district has also its programming. Those Onsager since 2010.
job marketing Stoughton as Email Scott De Laruelle at
see more communication increased its school-to-ca- factors, as well as its suc- Weve definitely turned a great place to live and a scott.delaruelle@wcinet.
between the two boards. reer programs in recent cess in athletics have also the corner, Dirks said. great place to raise a fam- com.
Longtime Common Coun- years, providing youth given Stoughton some pos- Now, he said, they need ily.
cil member Paul Lawrence, apprenticeship opportuni- itive momentum in recent to make people aware of it. I dont know if its
a Realtor, told the Hub ties with local businesses to years, something Dirks said One place to start is because city government is
earlier this year that while high school students. isnt lost on families. with an all-day strategic so preoccupied with issues
The two-year program
14 March 30, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub ConnectStoughton.com

Academic Honors
Stoughton High School 2016-17 Second Quarter Honor Roll
Jackson Hampton Anja Nygaard Karley Toso Brianna Drafall Courtney Normington
High Honor Roll (3.749 Nicole Hansen Molly Olstad Peighton Trieloff Taylor Dyreson Kayley Novotny
to 4.0 GPA) James Hanson Maggie Osterhaus Elizabeth Trotter Gloria Eddy Nicholas Nowlan
Samantha Havlicek Olivia Panthofer Jacob Turner Jakob Eigenberger Brendan Olson
Collin Ace Carter Hellenbrand Cade Pasold Gabriella Unitan Ryan Ewald Mitchell Osterhaus
Brianna Adams Adam Hobson Cailyn Paul Colette Vitiritti Madelyn Falk Drew Pasold
Megan Adams Amber Hodkiewicz Brianna Pautz Katelyn Walter Jacob Ferguson Sean Phillips
Jack Albert Maegan Hohol Aubrey Peterson Shay Ward Max Fernholz Helena Pope
Malachi Alvarez Ceara Hoskins Asher Pfanku Carley Wentela Kira Fields Madeline Posick
Tyler Anderson Daniel Howell Krissy Pohlod Gladys Wentorf Sophie Fjelstad Emmett Post
Nicholas Arnett Benjamin Howery Robyn Pohlod Alyson Weum Ashley Foss Fiona Prechel
Kristina Auerswald Charrley Hudson Kaitlyn Pont Alyssa Wicks Lucas Franklin Erika Pugh
Cassidy Bach Nicklas Hull Julia Pope Jordyn Wilker Matthew Franklin Jack Purves
Olivia Bakken Nicole Huset Nicholas Posch Rylie Wilker McKayla Frickelton Alexandra Puzon
Nicholas Balthazor Grace Jenny Shelby Purves Quinn Wilson Cameron Furseth Patrick Regan
Gianna Barberino Evan Jensen Lydia Ragainis Delaney Winton Jack Gardner Kayla Rippe
Emalyn Bauer Benjamin Johnson Matthew Read Hannah Wirag Abby Gibson Mikayla Roggendorf
Coltrane Bautch Brock Johnson Emily Reese Emma Wollangk Anders Goetz Isaiah Rowley
Sarah Benoy Ellen Johnson Gabrielle Restivo Anna Wozniak Natalie Gruben Riley Royston
Stacy Benoy Jason Johnson Clove Rewey Ethan Wright Paige Halverson Paige Sager
Brianna Bergman Sydney Johnson Solomon Ringen Tabitha Wylie Hailee Hanson Ashlyn Sarbacker
Tessa Berry Taylor Johnson Marissa Robson Zackary Yager Sarah Hanson Emily Schauder
Sara Blommel Derek Karlen Clea Roe Bradley Yarwood Caitlin Hardin Graham Scheel
Madeline Bonebright Audrey Killian Owen Roe Trisha Yarwood Rachel Hedman Morgan Schellin
Ian Bormett Elizabeth King Carson Roisum Katherine Zacharias Miranda Heimsoth Brady Schipper
Lela Brashi Emma Kissling Margaret Ross Gabriella Zaemisch Trevar Helland Joseph Schipper
Melissa Browning Garrett Kluever Lindsey Sarbacker Hunter Zaemisch Evan Herbst Mitchell Schoechert
Maria Buckles Myranda Kotlowski Malec Scanlon-Laemmrich Micah Zaemisch Jared Hitchcock Evan Schreier
Zackary Burke Matthew Krcma Madison Schafer Zerek Zeichert Emma Holtan Sierra Schuler
Morgan Carroll Stephen Krcma Noah Schafer Bronwynn Ziemann Jake Hougan Ryan Seamonson
Owen Chase Olivia Kress Henry Schaffer Natalie Zientek Megan Howard Julia Shattuck
Alexander Cisewski Nathan Krueger Zachary Scheel Samantha Zweck Amanda Howell Alyssa Shimek
Morgan Collins Samantha Lankey Mary Schilz Katelyn Iverson Saxton Shore
Sydney Collins Honor Roll (3.5 to
Alexandra Lee Kailee Schimelpfenig Lauren Jake Austin Sieling
Ava Cook Isabella Lenz Katelyn Schlimgen 3.749 GPA) Tristan Jenny Jakub Silbaugh
Ellen Cook Grace Link Jackson Schuh Broderick Jerrick Kennedy Silbaugh
Jonathan Cors Cole Adams
Quinlan Link Lydia Schultz Viktor Juarez Michael Slinde
Matayla De Bruin Abigail Alvarez
Jacob Livingston Brittany Schuttemeier Payton Kahl Grant Smith
Jordan DiBenedetto Drew Anderson
Mya Lonnebotn Abbigail Seffens Andrew Keehn Jacqueline Smith
Gabriel Dickens Thomas Apel
Madeline Lunde Delaney Seidel Mark Keenan Kasandra Smyth
Rosana Draus Logan Armagost
Noaj Mahieu Simon Shelley Samuel Kicera Luke Soderbloom
Hannah Drewieck Tiffany Arneson
Marianna Malin Chloe Silbaugh Abigail Kittleson Morgan Sperle
Jessica Droster Alexandria Ashworth
Kyle Malmquist Ruby Sisler Stephanie Kittleson Parker Stolen
Brady Estervig Josephine Asleson
Caroline Mancl Emily Skavlen Ruby Knipfer Alexander Stransky
Katherine Eugster Kyianna Baker
Samara Markle Briana Skerpan Sydney Konkol Kai Sylte
Veronica Ewald Nyesha Baker
Lauren Marte Gabrielle Skerpan Courtney Krabbe Jack True
Adam Falk Brittny Ballesteros
Brandon Mason Molly Skonning Natalie Kratz Hannah Tuttle
Ashley Fisher Elizabeth Balthazor
Sarah Matthews Troy Slaby Nicholas Kufel Tyler Twining
John Fisher Steven Balthazor
Adam McCune Allison Slager Nicholas Kuhn Nicole Varese
Emily Fitzsimmons Benjamin Bartelt
Savannah McGrane Catherine Smith Matthew Leikness Shelby Veum
Lexie Fitzsimmons Sam Baughn
Margaret McNulty Kiara Smyth Hunter Lewis Andrew Vick
Elise Fjelstad Jordan Baumann
Henry Mehring Alyssa Solberg Alexandra Lightner Taylor Vingum
Carson Fleres Joshua Bausch
Jessica Merzenich Sena Sperloen Arianne Lomocso Engen Lacey Watters
Parker Flint Graham Beebe
Nolan Meyer Cade Spilde Ethan Luebbers Bryan Wendt
Addison Franseen Megan Blaney
Kadin Milbauer Brynn Sproul Eli Malmquist Danielle Wenker
Emma Freeman Alejandra Boone-Hermanson
Brita Moe Joshua Stenjem Jonathan Malueg Brandon Wheeler
Alita Frick Sophie Bouzek
Hannah Moody Rachel Stepp Jet Matteson Desiree Winiarski
Bergen Gardner Augustyna Brestar
Brandon Mundt Jenna Stokes Kylie McCann Cara Wood
Luke Geister-Jones Megan Breuch
Alexa Nelson Charlotte Streitferdt Ian McClements Alexandra Wuennemann
Samuel Geitt Dale Broughton
Ashley Nelson Payton Swatek Erin McCune Zethren Zeichert
Isabelle Genter Taylor Buell
Emily Nelson Jackson Talbert Morgan McGee William Zeimet
Devan Gilbertson Amira Castillo
Jordan Nelson Alec Tebon Sean McGlynn Quinn Ziemann
Matthew Gille Anna Hope Castronovo
Morgan Neuenfeld Brody Teigen Samuel McHone Aaron Zimmerman
Emma Girling Breanna Christianson
Chloe Neumeyer David Tessier Kassidy McMillan
Anna Gruben Matthew Curry
Carolyn Newquist Aaron Thompson Delia Meier
Grace Guetschow Matthew Despins
Katelyn Nolan Sophia Thompson Amanda Mohr
Alyssa Guzman Jason Doudlah
Olivia Nortwen Paige Titak Averie Ness
Karissa Halverson Tyler Dow
Dillon Nowicki Tanner Titak Taylor Nisius

Got something to say? See something wrong?

The Hub has room for another community columnist or two. You don't need to be an The Courier Hub does not sweep errors under the rug. If you see something you
expert writer we'll help you with that. Just be willing to work with an editor and write know or even think is in error, please contact editor Jim Ferolie at 873-6671 or at
about every two months. stoughtoneditor@wcinet.com so we can get it right.
Contact editor Jim Ferolie at stoughtoneditor@wcinet.com.


PAY THE BALANCE OWED ONLY!!! School counselor honored
AMERICAN LOG HOMES IS ASSISTING FINAL RELEASE Betters Bubon gets the profession by writing for
OF ESTATE & ACCOUNT SETTLEMENT ON HOUSES. publication, according to a
state award news release.
Jennifer Betters Bubon of A school counseling coor-
Stoughton was awarded the dinator at University of Wis-
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ing research in the field of retired elementary, middle
www.1866GetAPro.com school counseling, or who and high school counselors
have made a contribution to from all parts of Wisconsin.
ConnectStoughton.com March 30, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 15
NOTICE OF ballot in its place. St, Aldermanic District 2, Census Wards
After Voting the Ballot 3-4; 10-12, City of Stoughton
SPRING ELECTION AND After an official optical scan ballot United Methodist Church, 525 Lin-
SAMPLE BALLOTS is marked, it shall be inserted in the se- coln Ave., Aldermanic District 3, Census
APRIL 4, 2017 curity sleeve so the marks do not show. Wards 5-6, City of Stoughton
OFFICE OF THE DANE COUNTY After casting his or her vote, the voter Lakeview Church, 2002 Lincoln Ave.,
CLERK shall leave the booth, insert the ballot in Aldermanic District 4, Census Wards 7-9,
TO THE VOTERS OF DANE COUN- the voting device and discard the sleeve, City of Stoughton
TY: or deliver the ballot to an inspector for ALL POLLING PLACES WILL OPEN
Notice is hereby given of a spring deposit. The voter shall leave the polling AT 7:00 A.M. AND WILL CLOSE AT 8:00
election to be held in Dane County, on place promptly. P.M.
April 4, 2017, at which the officers named A voter may select an individual to All polling places are accessible to
below shall be chosen. The names of the assist in casting his or her vote if the elderly and disabled voters.
candidates for each office to be voted for, voter declares to the presiding official If you have any questions concern-
whose nominations have been certified that he or she is unable to read, has dif- ing your polling place, contact the mu-
to or filed in this office, are given under ficulty reading, writing or understanding nicipal clerk.
the title of the office, each in its proper English or that due to disability is unable Julie Hanewall, Clerk, Town of Albion
column, together with the questions sub- to cast his or her ballot. The selected in- 620 Albion Road
mitted to a vote, for a referendum, if any, dividual rendering assistance may not be Edgerton WI 53534
in the sample ballot below. the voter's employer or an agent of that (608) 884-8974
INFORMATION TO VOTERS employer or an officer or agent of a labor Hours: M - R, 8am - 3pm
Upon entering the polling place, a organization which represents the voter.
voter shall state his or her name and ad- The following is a sample of the of- Maria Hougan, Clerk/Treasurer,
dress, show an acceptable form of photo ficial ballot: Town of Pleasant Springs
identification and sign the poll book be- __________________________ 2354 County Highway N
fore being permitted to vote. If a voter is Scott McDonell, Dane County Clerk Stoughton WI 53589
not registered to vote, a voter may reg- Published: March 30, 2017 (608) 873-3063
ister to vote at the polling place serving WNAXLP Hours: M - Tues, 10 am - 4 pm; Thur.
his or her residence, if the voter presents 12p.m. - 6pm
proof of residence in a form specified ***
by law. Where ballots are distributed to NOTICE OF Kathy Wilson, Clerk, Town of Christiana
voters, the initials of two inspectors must 773 Koshkonong Rd
appear on the ballot. Upon being permit-
ted to vote, the voter shall retire alone to SAMPLE BALLOTS (608) 423-3816
a voting booth and cast his or her ballot APRIL 4, 2017 Hours: Tues & Thurs 9am - 5pm
except that a voter who is a parent or OFFICE OF THE STOUGHTON AREA
guardian may be accompanied by the SCHOOL DISTRICT CLERK Nancy Towns, Clerk, Town of Porter
voter's minor child or minor ward. An TO THE VOTERS OF STOUGTHON 7014 N. Eagle Road
election official may inform the voter of AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT: Janesville WI 53545
the proper manner for casting a vote, but Notice is hereby given of a spring (608) 931-7835
the official may not in any manner advise election to be held in the Stoughton Hours: M-F, 9am - 4pm
or indicate a particular voting choice. Area School District on April 4, 2017, at
Optical Scan Voting is Used in Dane which the officers named below shall be Kim Banigan, Clerk, Town of Cottage
County chosen. The names of the candidates for Grove
The voter shall fill in the oval next each office to be voted for, whose nomi- 4058 County Highway N
to the name of the candidate of his or nations have been certified to or filed in Cottage Grove WI 53527
her choice for each office for which he this office, are given under the title of the (608) 839-5021
or she intends to vote. To vote for a per- office, each in its proper column, in the Hours: M-F, 8am - 12:30 pm
son whose name does not appear on the sample ballot which can be found with
ballot, the voter shall write in the name the Type B Notice for the City of Stough- Dawn George, Clerk, Town of Rutland
of the person of his or her choice in the ton. 4177 Old Stage Road
space provided for a write-in vote and fill VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN THREE Brooklyn WI 53521
in the oval next to the write-in line. On STEVE JACKSON (608) 455-3925
referendum questions, the voter shall fill BEVERLY K FERGUS Hours: Call to schedule appointment
in the oval next to "yes" if in favor of the JONATHON COUGHLIN
question, or the voter shall fill in the oval NICOLE WIESSINGER Kimberly Grob, Clerk, Town of Deerfield
next to "no" if opposed to the question. BRETT SCHUMACHER 1502 Olstad Road
When using an electronic ballot TIMOTHY BUBON Deerfield WI 53531
marking device (Automark or Ex- LOCATION AND HOURS OF POLL- (608) 764-2608
pressVote) to mark an optical scan bal- ING PLACE Hours: Call to schedule appointment
lot, the voter shall touch the screen at At the election to be held on April 4,
the name of the candidate of his or her 2017, in the Stoughton Area School Dis- Bridgit Larsen, Clerk, Town of Union
choice for each office for which he or trict the following polling place locations 13535 W. East Union Road
she intends to vote. To vote for a person will be used for the wards indicated: Brooklyn WI 53521
whose name does not appear on the bal- Vote At:, School District Voters Re- (608) 882-5323
lot, the voter shall type in the name of the siding In: Hours: Call to schedule appointment
person of his or her choice in the space Town Hall, 620 Albion Rd, Town of
provided for a write-in vote. On referen- Albion Melanie Huchthausen, Clerk,
dum questions, the voter shall touch the Town Hall, 773 Koshkonong Rd, Town of Dunkirk
screen at "yes" if in favor of the question, Cambridge, Town of Christiana 654 CTH N
or the voter shall touch the screen at Town Hall, 4058 County Hwy N, Town Stoughton WI 53589
"no" if opposed to the question. of Cottage Grove (608) 873-9177
The vote should not be cast in any Education Center, 3494 Oak Park Hours: Monday, 2-5 pm
other manner. Not more than five min- Road, Town of Deerfield
utes time shall be allowed inside a vot- Town Hall, 654 County Hwy N, South, Cathy Hasslinger, Clerk, Town of Dunn
ing booth or machine. Sample ballots Town of Dunkirk 4156 County Highway B
or other materials to assist the voter in Town Hall, 4156 County Hwy B, Town McFarland WI 53558
casting his or her vote may be taken into of Dunn 838-1081 / 835-1085
the booth and copied. The sample ballot Town Hall, 2354 County Hwy N, Town Hours: M-F, 8am - 4pm
shall not be shown to anyone so as to re- of Pleasant Springs
veal how the ballot is marked. Town Hall, 8809 North Wilder Road, Lana Kropf, Clerk, City of Stoughton
If the voter spoils an optical scan Town of Porter 381 E. Main Street
ballot, he or she shall return it to an Town Hall, 785 Center Road, Stough Stoughton WI 53589
election official who shall issue anoth- ton, Town of Rutland (608) 873-6677
er ballot in its place, but not more than Evansville Fire Station, 425 Water Hours: M- F, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
three ballots shall be issued to any one Street, Town of Union INFORMATION TO VOTERS
voter. If the ballot has not been initialed First Lutheran Church, 310 E. Wash- Upon entering the polling place, a
by two inspectors or is defective in any ington St., Aldermanic District 1, Census voter shall state his or her name and ad-
other way, the voter shall return it to the Wards 1-2, City of Stoughton
election official, who shall issue a proper Stoughton Fire Station, 401 E Main LEGALS continued on page 16
16 March 30, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub ConnectStoughton.com

From LEGALS/page 15 Location:, Wards:

First Lutheran Church, 310 E. Wash-
550 N. Burr Oak Avenue, Oregon, Wis-
consin 53575, 608.835.9009
ington St., Aldermanic District 1, Census No bid will be accepted unless ac-
dress, show an acceptable form of photo Wards 1-2, City of Stoughton companied by a certified check or bid
identification and sign the poll book be- Stoughton Fire Station, 401 E. Main bond of at least five percent (5%) of the
fore being permitted to vote. If a voter is St., Aldermanic District 2, Census Wards bid amount, payable to the Owner. If the
not registered to vote, a voter may reg- 3, 4, 10, 11, & 12, City of Stoughton successful bidder
ister to vote at the polling place serving United Methodist Church, 525 Lin- fails to execute and file the contract
his or her residence, if the voter presents coln Ave., Aldermanic District 3, Census (and any required payment or perfor-
proof of residence in a form specified Wards 5-6, City of Stoughton mance bonds or assurances) the amount
by law. Where ballots are distributed to Lakeview Church, 2200 Lincoln Ave., of the check or bid bond shall be forfeit-
voters, the initials of two inspectors must Aldermanic District 4, Census Wards 7, 8, ed to the Owner as liquidated damages.
appear on the ballot. Upon being permit- & 9, City of Stoughton Stoughton Utilities reserves the
ted to vote, the voter shall retire alone to Dunkirk Town Hall, 654 County High- right to reject any and all bids, to waive
a voting booth and cast his or her ballot way N South, Town of Dunkirk irregularities and informalities there in
except that a voter who is a parent or Pleasant Springs Town Hall, 2354 and to award the contract in the best in-
guardian may be accompanied by the CTH N, Town of Pleasant , Census Wards terest of the Utility.
voters minor child or minor ward. An 1-4 Published: March 30 and April 6, 2017
election official may inform the voter of Rutland Town Hall, 785 Center Road, WNAXLP
the proper manner for casting a vote, but Town of Rutland
the official may not in any manner advise ALL POLLING PLACES WILL OPEN ***
or indicate a particular voting choice. AT 7:00 A.M. AND WILL CLOSE AT 8:00
Where Optical Scan Voting is Used P.M.
The voter shall fill in the oval or con- If you have any questions concern- PLEASANT SPRINGS
nect the arrow next to the name of the ing your polling place, contact your mu- RESIDENTS
candidate of his or her choice for each nicipal clerk: NOTICE OF PLAN
office for which he or she intends to vote. Lana Kropf, Clerk, City of Stoughton
To vote for a person whose name does 381 E. Main Street COMMISSION OPENING
not appear on the ballot, the voter shall Stoughton WI 53589 Town residents wishing to serve on
write in the name of the person of his or 608-873-6677 the Plan Commission are encouraged to
her choice in the space provided for a Hours: M-F 7:30 am-4:30 pm send a letter of interest stating their qual-
write-in vote and fill in the oval or con- ifications for appointment to the Plan
nect the arrow next to the write-in line. Melanie Huchthausen, Clerk, Town of Commission. The term is a three-year
The vote should not be cast in any Dunkirk term and starts in April.
other manner. Not more than five min- 654 CTH N Personal interviews may be sched-
utes time shall be allowed inside a vot- Stoughton WI 53589 uled by the Town Board prior to appoint-
ing booth or machine. Sample ballots 608-873-9177 ment in April.
or other materials to assist the voter in Hours: Mondays from 2-5 pm or by Please address your letter to the
casting his or her vote may be taken into appointment Pleasant Springs Town Board, 2354
the booth and copied. The sample ballot County Rd N, Stoughton, WI, 53589-2873
shall not be shown to anyone so as to re- Maria Hougan, Clerk/Treasurer or email your letter to clerktreasurer@
veal how the ballot is marked. Town of Pleasant Springs pleasantsprings.org.
If the voter spoils a paper or optical 2354 CTH N The Town Plan Commission meets
scan ballot, he or she shall return it to an Stoughton WI 53589 608-873-3063 at 6:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of
election official who shall issue anoth- Hours: 10am-4pm M-Tu; 10am-6 Thur. each month, hears all requests for re-
er ballot in its place, but not more than zoning, variance and special exception
three ballots shall be issued to any one Dawn George, Clerk, Town of Rutland permits, and makes recommendations
voter. If the ballot has not been initialed 4177 Old Stage Rd. for action to the Town Board.
by two inspectors or is defective in any Brooklyn, WI 53521 /s/Maria Hougan, Clerk/Treasurer
other way, the voter shall return it to the 608-455-3925 Published: March 30 and April 6, 2017
election official, who shall issue a proper No set hours, call above # to schedule WNAXLP
ballot in its place. ALL POLLING PLACES ARE AC-
After an official optical scan ballot is
marked, it shall be inserted in the securi-
Published: March 30, 2017
ty sleeve so the marks do not show. After WNAXLP SPRING ELECTION AND
casting his or her vote, the voter shall SAMPLE BALLOTS
leave the booth, insert the ballot in the
voting device and discard the sleeve, or
deliver the ballot to an inspector for de- ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PLEASANT SPRINGS
posit. If a central count system is used, SUBSTATION STRUCTURE APRIL 4, 2017
the voter shall insert the ballot in the bal- AND MATERIALS TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN
lot box and discard the sleeve, or deliv- OF PLEASANT SPRINGS:
er the ballot to an inspector for deposit. STOUGHTON, WISCONSIN Notice is hereby given of a Spring
The voter shall leave the polling place PROJECT NO. S11-16D Election to be held in the Town of Pleas-
promptly. SPECIFICATION NO. 3020, ant Springs, County of Dane, on the
A voter may select an individual to Fourth Day of April, 2017, at which the
assist in casting his or her vote if the VOLUME XLI officers named below shall be chosen.
voter declares to the presiding official Stoughton Utilities will receive The names of the candidates for each of-
that he or she is unable to read, has dif- sealed bids for Substation Structure and fice to be voted for, whose nominations
ficulty reading, writing or understanding Materials. Bids will be received at the of- have been certified to or filed in these
English or that due to disability is unable fice of Forster Engineering, 550 N. Burr offices, are given under the title of the of-
to cast his or her ballot. The selected in- Oak Ave, Oregon, WI fice, each in its proper column, together
dividual rendering assistance may not be 53575 until 1:00 p.m. local time on with the questions submitted to a vote,
the voters employer or an agent of that the 13th day of April, 2017, at which time for referendums, if any, in the sample
employer or an officer or agent of a labor all bids will be publicly opened and read ballots below.
organization which represents the voter. aloud. Town Chairperson
Done in the Stoughton Area School The bids shall be addressed to: David Pfeiffer
District On March 30, 2017 Forster Engineering, 550 North Burr Oak
Allison Sorg Ave, Oregon, WI 53575 Town Board Supervisor Seat 1
Deputy Clerk And shall be marked: Sealed Bid, Douglas Larsson
Published: March 30, 2017 Submitted by (bidders name), Substa-
WNAXLP tion Materials, Specification 3020, Vol- Town Board Supervisor Seat 2
ume XLI Eric Olson
*** The work shall include furnishing Published: March 30, 2017
and delivering of a substation structure
NOTICE OF and materials package for the Stoughton
POLLING PLACES Bidding documents may be exam-
At the election to be held on April ined at or obtained from the office of the
4, 2017 in the City of Stoughton and the consulting Engineer. The nonrefundable
Towns of Dunkirk, Pleasant Springs and fee for these documents will be $20 (for
Rutland, the following polling place loca- an electronic copy) and/or $50 (for a
tions will be used for the wards indicated: printed copy).
Forster Electrical Engineering, Inc.,
LEGALS continued on page 17
From LEGALS/page 16 Stoughton Courier Hub 17
requirement during the first 2 hours of of the length of time the hearing will take.
the boards first scheduled meeting, and Notice is hereby given this 30st day March 30, 2017
the board may waive that requirement up of March, 2017.
NOTICE OF REFERENDUM to the end of the 5th day of the session Melanie Huchthausen, Clerk
or up to the end of the final day of the Published: March 30, 2017
TOWN OF RUTLAND session if the session is less than 5 days WNAXLP
APRIL 4, 2017
an election to be held in TOWN OF RUT-
with proof of extraordinary circumstanc-
es for failure to meet the 48-hour notice
requirement and failure to appear before TOWN OF DUNKIRK
*** Obituaries
LAND, DANE COUNTY on APRIL 4, 2017, the board of review during the first 2
hours of the first scheduled meeting. ANNUAL TOWN MEETING
Dean W. Sproul Thunderbirds from 1976- siblings, Steve (Sonjia),
the following proposed REFERENDUM
will be submitted to a vote of the people: 4. Objections to the amount or val- The annual town meeting of the
That, pursuant to Wis. Stat. uation of property shall first be made Town of Dunkirk will be held as provided 1979. D i a n e ( K a t h y ) , D av i d
60.30(1e)(a), the office of the town clerk in writing and filed with the clerk of the by Wis. State
may be filled by appointment of a ma- board of review within the first 2 hours Statute 60.11(2a) on Tuesday, April
18, 2017, at the Dunkirk Town Hall, 654
He later married Jodi (Mindy), Kathy (John),
jority of the members-elect of the town of the boards first scheduled meeting,
board. except that, upon evidence of extraor- County Road N, McBride; together they Jeff (Jeanine), Sally (Rod-
The term of office for the appoint-
ed position shall be set by the town
dinary circumstances, the board may
waive that requirement up to the end of
at 7:00 p.m.
AGENDA FOR APRIL 18, 2017 AN- had a son, Zachary, and n ey ) , C o n n i e ( S t eve ) ,
board, but may not exceed 3 years per the 5th day of the session or up to the NUAL MEETING he gained a step daughter, Jayne (Lisa), Paul (Dana)
60.30(1e)(c). The town board may re-ap- end of the final day of the session if the 1. Call meeting to order
point the officer for additional terms. session is less than 5 days. The board 2. Pledge of Allegiance Casey. Dean retired from and Kevin (Gloria); the
However, removal by the town board
during a given term of office may only
may require objections to the amount
or valuation of property to be submitted
3. Reading of the minutes of the
2016 Town Annual Meeting the Air Force while in mothers of his children,
be for cause as defined under 17.001
and required by 60.30(1e)(f).
on forms approved by the Department
of Revenue, and the board shall require
4. Presentation of 2016 Financial
Dayton, and then moved Barbara (David) Nennig
This ordinance is subject to approv- that any forms include stated valuations 5. Review of Past Year back to and Jodi (Chris) Law-
6. Old Business: None
al by the town electors in a referendum,
which is hereby called by the Town Board
of the property in question. Persons who
own land and improvements to that land 7. New Business: Wisconsin rence; and many family
to be held on the April 4, 2017 spring may object to the aggregate valuation of a. Any new business from the floor to be close and friends.
election. that land and improvements to that land, allowed under Wis. Stats. Ch. 60.10.
THE REFERENDUM QUESTION but no person who owns land and im- b. In order to meet the requirements
of the general storm water permit (and
to family H e wa s p r e c e d e d i n
provements to that land may object only
to the valuation of that land or only to the section 216.07(2) of State Admin. Code), and friends. death by his father, James
valuation of improvements to that land.
No person may be allowed in any action
there will be educational material on
storm water management. Dean enjoyed spend- Sproul; his stepmother,
or proceedings to question the amount or c. Board of Review Date: May 8, 2017
(Open Book: April 17, 2017) Dean Sproul ing time with his fami- Alberta Bea Sproul; and
valuation of property unless the written
APPROVE MAKING THE CLERKS PO- objection has been filed and that person d. Borrowing resolution. ly, friends and dogs. In his brother, Gary Sproul.
e. Set wages for elected officials for
SITION APPOINTED STARTING IN APRIL in good faith presented evidence to the
the next term (April 2019-April 2021) recent years, he was able A Celebration of Life
board in support of the objections and
made full disclosure before the board, f. Discussion of reducing the speed Dean William Sproul, to reunite with his fellow will be held from 1-3p.m.
under oath, of all of that persons proper-
ty liable to assessment in the district and
limit on all Town rural roads to 45 miles
an hour. 68, of Green Bay, passed Thunderbird alumni on Saturday, April 1, at the
Done in the TOWN OF RUTLAND on the value of that property. The require- 8. Set date for next Town Meeting,
April 17, 2018
away peacefully on Fri- an Alaskan cruise. Dean Otis Sampson American
JANUARY 4, 2017.
ment that objections be in writing may be
waived by express action of the board. 9. Adjournment. day, March 17, 2017. enjoyed playing cards, Legion Post 59, 803 N.
Dawn George, Clerk
Published March 30, 2017
5. When appearing before the board
of review, the objecting person shall
If you are disabled and in need of
assistance, please call 873-9177 prior to Born Dec. 31, 1948, in watching movies, Bingo, Page St. Committal ser-
WNAXLP specify in writing the persons estimate this meeting.
Questions regarding Board meeting
Stoughton, he is the son barbecuing, fishing, col- vice will take place at
of the value of the land and of the im-
*** provements that are the subject of the dates or about the agenda may be an- of Ruthann (Greig) Sproul lecting various items and 3p.m. Saturday at Riv-
NOTICE OF OPEN BOOK persons objection and specify the infor-
mation that the person used to arrive at
swered by calling the
Town Clerk at 873-9177. Stach and the late James watching the Packers play erside Cemetery and will
that estimate.
6. No person may appear before the
Melanie Huchthausen, Clerk
Posted: March 30, 2017
Sproul. After graduat- football, both live and on include full military hon-
STATE OF WISCONSIN board of review, testify to the board by Published: March 30, 2017 ing from Stoughton High the TV. ors.
telephone, or object to a valuation if that
valuation was made by the assessor or School, he married Bar- Dean is survived by his Malcore Funeral Home
the objector using the income method of
valuation, unless the person supplies the
*** bara Maerz and together mother, Ruthann Stach in Green Bay is assisting
Town Assessor will hold Open Book for assessor with all the information about The City of Stoughton Planning they had three children: a of Stoughton; his chil- the family. Visit www.
the Town of Dunkirk, Dane County, Wis- income and expenses, as specified in the
consin, on the 17th day of April, 2017, assessors manual unders.73.03 (2a),
Commission will hold a Public Hearing
on Monday, April 10, 2017 at 6:00 oclock
son, Troy, and two daugh- dren, Troy Sproul, Kris- malcorefuneralhome.com
from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Dunkirk
Town Hall, 654 County Road N, Stough-
Wis. stats., that the assessor requests.
The Town of Dunkirk has an ordinance for
p.m., or as soon after as the matter may ters, Kristine and Ker- tine (Michael) Cumbers, to share condolences.
be heard, in the Council Chambers, Pub-
ton, WI. the confidentiality of information about lic Safety Building, 321 South Fourth ri. In 1972, Dean joined Kerri Sproul and Zacha- A special thank you to
NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that the income and expenses that is provided to
Board of Review for the Town of Dunkirk, the assessor under this paragraph that
Street, Second Floor, Stoughton, Wis-
consin, 53589, to consider a proposed the Air Force, traveling ry Sproul; step daughter, the staff of the Veterans
Dane County, Wisconsin, shall hold its
first meeting on Monday, May 8, 2017,
provides exceptions for persons using
information in the discharge of duties im-
application by Dack Print LLC (Dennis
and Amy Kittleson), for a Downtown De-
throughout the world Casey Kemp; eight grand- Home at King for caring
from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Dunkirk
Town Hall, 654 County Road N, Stough-
posed by law or the duties of their officer
or by order of a court.*The information
sign Overlay District Project request to with his family. While in children, Alexis, Kylie, for Dean for over two-
ton, WI 53589. that is provided under this paragraph,
remove the building at 305/315 E. Main
Street, Stoughton. the Air Force, he lived in Ashlynn, Morgan, Krist- and-a-half years, and also
Please be advised of the following
requirements to appear before the board
unless a court determined that it is inac-
curate, is not subject to the right of in-
For questions regarding this notice
please contact Michael Stacey, Zoning
Omaha, Nebraska; Las offer, Bree, Stephen (Oliv- Heartland Hospice in his
of review and procedural requirements if
appearing before the board:
spection and copying unders.19.35 (1),
Wis. stats.
Administrator at 608-646-0421. Vegas, Nevada; Manito- ia) and Shantel (Michael); fi n a l y e a r- a n d - a - h a l f ,
1. No person will be allowed to ap- 7. The board shall hear upon oath,
Additional information including
a location map can be found at: http:// woc and Green Bay; Day- seven great-grandchil- especially Amanda and
pear before the board of review, to testify
to the board by telephone, or to contest
by telephone, all ill or disabled persons
who present to the board a letter from
ton, Ohio; and the Azores. d r e n , Q w y n , Z a n d e r, Lisa, his primary nurses
the amount of any assessment of real
or personal property if the person has
a physician, surgeon, or osteopath that
confirms their illness or disability. No
Michael P. Stacey Dean was an active mem- Anthony, Zayden, Riley, from both places respec-
Zoning Administrator
refused a reasonable written request by other persons may testify by telephone Published March 23 and 30, 2017 ber of the U.S. Air Force Isabella and Sawyer; 10 tively, along with Ma.
certified mail of the assessor to view the unless the Board, in its discretion, has WNAXLP
property. determined to grant a property owners
2. After the first meeting of the board or their representatives request to tes- ***
of review and before the boards final ad- tify under oath by telephone or written
journment, no person who is scheduled statement. LEGAL NOTICE
to appear before the board of review may
contact or provide information to a mem-
8. No person may appear before the
board of review, testify to the board by
Storage unit liquidation sale of Jer-
emy Quam on April 7th, 2017 at 11:00 Mary Beth Strong Mary Beth Strong, age made to Skaalen Home,
ber of the board about the persons ob- telephone, or contest the amount of any a.m. at 1118 East Street, Stoughton, WI. 92, of Stoughton, passed Juvenile Diabetes
assessment unless, at least 48 hours Property Description: Deer Print by Sha-
jection, except at a session of the board.
3. The board of review may not hear before the first meeting of the board, or ron Anderson 789/850, Lamp, Shelving, away on Friday, Feb. 3, Research Foundation at
an objection to the amount or valuation
of property unless, at least 48 hours be-
at least 48 hours before the objection
is heard if the objection is allowed un-
Wheel roller cart and Tools, Personal
Items, Much More. 2017, at Skaalen Home. www.jdrf.org, or to the
fore the boards first scheduled meeting, ders.70.47 (3) (a), Wis. stats., that person Seifert-Pauls Partnership, LLP A Celebration of Life Badger Fund at www.sup-
the objector provides to the boards clerk provides to the clerk of the board of re- Published: March 23 and 30, 2017
written or oral notice of an intent to file an view notice as to whether the person will WNAXLP will be held at noon Sat- portthebadgers.athletics.
objection, except that upon a showing of
good cause and the submission of a writ-
ask for the removal of a member of the
board of review and, if so, which mem- ***
urday, April 1, at Skaalen edu. Online condolenc-
ten objection, the board shall waive that ber, and provides a reasonable estimate Home, 400 N. Morris St., es may be made at www.
with Pastor James Koza gundersonfh.com.
presiding. Burial will fol-
low at Eastside Lutheran Gunderson Stoughton
Cemetery. Visitation will Funeral & Cremation
be held at Skaalen Home Care
from 11a.m. until the 1358 Highway 51 N. @
time of the service on Sat- Jackson St.
Mary Beth Strong urday. (608) 873-4590
Memorials may be

Virginia A. Waldsmith of St. Bernadette Catholic to her loving caregivers

Church, and enjoyed mov- and second family Don-
Virginia Ginny A. ies, but most of all spend- na, Ogi, Billy, Tim and
Waldsmith, 86, of Rock- ing time with her family. Anno.
ford, passed away March Survivors include her A f u n e r a l m a s s wa s
22, 2017, in her home. children, Mary Kay (Ran- held Monday, March 27,
Born May 6, 1930, in dal) Gibisch of Elmhurst at St. Bernadette Catho-
Stoughton, the daughter and Sharon (Curt) Ennen- lic Church in Rockford.
of Conrad and Ada M. ga of Oregon; grandchil- Entombment followed at
(Johnson) Metzler. She dren, Kaitlyn, Tyler, Eri- Calvary Catholic Ceme-
graduated from Stoughton ka and Lauren; brother, tery. Memorials may be
High School in the class Roland Metzler; and sev- made to Burpee Muse-
of 1948, and moved to the eral nieces and nephews. um of Natural History or
Rockford area in 1957. She was predeceased by Rockford Rescue Mis-
She married Robert Bob her parents, husband, sion. Arrangements were
A. Waldsmith, on May Bob; son, David and made by Fitzgerald Funer-
19, 1951, in Rockford at daughter-in-law, Kristen; al Home and Crematory,
Cathedral of St. Peter. She sister, Irene Lunde; and 3910 N. Rockton Ave.,
worked for Hess Brothers brothers, Richard, Harlan Rockford, IL 61103.
for six years, but mostly and Clayton Metzler. Send online condolenc-
was a homemaker rais- The family would like es at www.fitzgeraldfh.
ing her beloved children. to give a special thank you com.
She was also a member

Send it in!
We like to send report- and the names of people stoughtoneditor@wcinet.
ers to shoot photos, but pictured. com or drop off electronic
we cant be everywhere. You can submit it on media at our office at 135
And we know you all have our website at Connect- W. Main St. Questions?
cameras. Stoughton.com, email Call 873-6671.
So if you have a pho- to editor Jim Ferolie at
to of an event or just a
slice of life you think
the community might be Celebrating 25 Years in Business!
interested in, send it to
us and well use it if we WisConsin MonuMent & Vault Co.

can. Please include con- 159 W. Main St. 873-5513

tact information, whats Serving Stoughton since 1989.
happening in the photo
18 March 30, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub ConnectStoughton.com

Stoughton History Russia: Former Norse Star

February editor works for the Guardian
120 years ago (1897) invitation by the American first role after taking les- without a contract, teach- Continued from page 1 on events when Russia
Legion fiddlers contest sons at a studio school. ers in the Stoughton Area annexed Crimea and went
Have you ever used committee asking him to Describing Russian School District have Medvedev, who is alleged to war in Eastern Ukraine.
Ushers prairie chicken tea? come to Stoughton Feb. 12 Communism as being on a begun picketing outside to have secretly accrued Ive been involved with
Try it once and you will and take part in the annual march and rapidly expand- of schools and rallying at property and luxurious most of the major news
have no other. fiddlers contest. ing its forces through- Board of Education meet- gifts from Russian oli- coming out of this part of
Harmon Hoover has a About 4,000 tons of out the world, Rep. Karl ings. Stoughton is one of 63 garchs, according to vari- the world for the past couple
new preparation for the face ice have been put up so far Mundt, South Dakota school districts in the state, ous media reports. of years, he said, including
in place of bay rum after by Earl Townsend and his Republican, told a Stough- according to a Wiscon- Luhn said he repeat- reports of Russian interfer-
shaving. He used carbolic crew of about 45 men in ton forum audience that we sin Education Association edly told riot police that ence in the U.S. presidential
acid, not with very flatter- the Townsend ice house, must fight the expansion of Council representative, that he was working as for- election last year.
ing success, however. Har- located at the end of Manil- communism if we would has yet to settle its contract. eign journalist when they Most of the informa-
mons face looks as if the la Street. prevent another war. Wisconsin has nearly 430 arrested him and put him tion on that (has) come
stuff was a bit too powerful. New tire sensation! Directors of the school districts. in the back of a police from the U.S. side spe-
The reading room is Built with six high-priced Stoughton Cab & Body Co. Stoughton residents are van, which eventually was cifically what the cyber-se-
a public institution and tire features yet costs no have turned down the offer one step closer to seeing a filled with 17 people. curity firms wrote about
deserving of your patron- more than bargain builts. made by a Chicago truck- referendum question on the Im totally fine and the hacking, he noted.
age. Perhaps your boy Goodrich double-cured ing executive to purchase April 3 election ballot that didnt feel myself in any With six years of report-
spends a pleasant hour Cavaliers as low as $6.95. the outstanding stock of would ask citizens to vote danger, Luhn said. More ing experience in Russia,
there instead of in some The old grain elevator the local company. It was yes or no on pulling troops than anything, I was Luhn was surprised that he
saloon or at the gambling on the bank of the Yahara reliably reported that the from Iraq. The Stoughton shocked by the people who was detained for more than
table; and your daughter, River at the South Fourth offer tendered was $20 per Peace Coalition turned in were in the police van with five hours Sunday.
she may be in there instead bridge, now being torn share, but but the directors nearly 990 signatures on me. A lot of those guys I repeatedly said as
of before the critical eye of down, was apparently built felt the price should be Jan. 29 to the city petition- were beaten, and in the they were detaining me
the public. Dont be afraid in 1877 as stated in an old higher. ing to bring all U.S. troops end theyre going to have that I was a foreign jour-
to donate; its for a noble history of Dane County, With less than four to face consequences that I nalist and showed them
cause. instead of the late 1850s or 40 years ago (1977) months left in the 2006-07 wont have to face. my accreditation from the
The ice harvest has been 1860s as first thought. Thawing frozen water school year, members of the That tough response Russian Foreign Ministry
pushed rapidly during the services around the city Stoughton Education Asso- came as a surprise to him as a foreign correspon-
week and a large quantity 60 years ago (1957) dominated the workdays of ciation and the Stoughton and others, Luhn said. dent authorized to work in
of ice for cooling purposes S t o u g h t o n n ow h a s both the electric and water Area School District ended The police react- Moscow, he explained.
has been secured. its own candidate for the utility crews during one contract negotiations for ed more harshly than He found the police
The 15th annual mask meanest person in town. of the coldest Januarys on the 2005-06 and 2006-07 anybody expected and action to be particular-
ball of the Stoughton Fire And this meanest person record, according to the school years. Both par- detained more than 1,000 ly shocking because the
Co., held in the Armory on acquires the unpopular title monthly report to the com- ties ratified the contract people, he added. I was protesters were marching
Wednesday evening was a because he or she stole the mon council made Tues- last week, highlighting an a little bit shocked by how peacefully, not chanting a
grand success socially and March of Dimes milk bot- day. The water crew spent increase of 4.3 for the two many people the police lot, and carried few signs,
financially, although the tle from the lobby of the 135 hours of regular time years in salary and benefits. arrested and how roughly he said.
costumes were not very post office. and 66 hours of overtime Unless it finds a way to they arrested them. When opposition lead-
elaborate and not up to for- When 18-year-old Mar- thawing pipes in addition retain student population, Luhn moved to Moscow er Navalny arrived at the
mer occasions. ilyn Monroe took a job as to their regular duties. Stoughton Area School Dis- and worked for the Mos- demonstration, he was
a babysitter at the home Speeding violations in trict enrollment is likely to cow Times in 2010 after promptly arrested and tak-
80 years ago (1937) o f a H o l l y wo o d m ov i e Stoughton more than dou- continue to decline over the graduating from UW-Mad- en away, Luhn said.
Jack Benny, famous scout she never imagined it bled from 1975 to 1976, as next few years, according to ison with degrees in Rus- Despite his detention
radio comedian and violin would pay off with a movie did several other municipal results of a study conducted sian language, history Sunday, Luhn said he
virtuoso, has been sent an contract. She will get her code violations, according by UW-Madisons Applied and journalism, he said. plans to continue working
to Chief of Police Gerald P o p u l a t i o n L a b. S a r a h Hes reported on events in Russia.

Get Connected
E. Triefloffs annual report Kemp, a representative throughout the coun- Im more rejuvenat-
made to the Common from the APL, told Board of try, including the huge ed and more determined
Council Tuesday night. Education members Mon- street-protest movement to continue working here
The 1977 State Wres- day that the district will see and anti-Putin protest and because not only is it inter-
Find updates and links right away. tling tournament gets a decline in its enrollment protests against electoral esting work, but its also
underway. Vikings Bob before it will see it stabilize fraud that took place in important work and I feel
Search for us on Facebook as Dickman, Jeff Bilhorn and - let alone increase. 2011-12. that theres a lot of import-
Stoughton Courier Hub Mike Gallagher will join That was the first real- ant stories to be covered
their teammates on the mat Compiled by Scott De ly big story that I was here, he said.
and then LIKE us. Thursday night. Laruelle involved in covering, he
10 years ago (2007) told the Hub. Contact Bill Livick at bill.
Luhn traveled to livick@wcinet.com
More than 500 days Ukraine in 2014 to report

140 Lost & Found DANE COUNTYS MARKETPLACE. 402 Help Wanted, General 434 Health Care, Human 508 Child Care & Nurseries RECOVER PAINTING Offers carpentry,
The Courier Hub Classifieds. Call 873- Services & Child Care drywall, deck restoration and all forms of
LOST JEEP Spare wheel cover Brooklyn/ 6671 or 835-6677. CARE GIVER Oregon. Looking for CHILDCARE OPENINGS available in painting Recover urges you to join in the
Oregon area. Reward 608-445-5714 someone to provide care for our very CAREGIVER WANTED! Do you want Stoughton. All ages welcome. Lots of TLC fight against cancer, as a portion of every
sweet four year old special needs son, to make a difference in the life of a local and fun educational activities. For more job is donated to cancer research. Free
4 days a week from 11-4 M-TH, more information call Julie at 608-719-9686
resident but only have a few hours each estimates, fully insured, over 20 years of
hours available. ASAP. Responsibilities week? Experience not necessary. Will experience. Call 608-270-0440.
include getting him off the bus, diapering, train the right person! Contact Alicia at 516 Cleaning Services
19TH ANNUAL LAWN & GARDEN administering medications and feedings
through g-tube. Light therapy exercis-
608-225-5616 for more information. TORNADO CLEANING SERVICES
Professional, Interior,
CONSIGNMENT AUCTION es and transferring him from his wheel PCA/CNA CAREGIVERS New 16 bed LLC- Your hometown Residential Clean- Exterior, Repairs.
chair. CNA certification is great but not memory care home opening in Oregon. ing Company. 608-719-8884 or garth@ Free Estimates. Insured.
Saturday, May 6, 2017 @ 9:00 AM required. Must be 18 years of age. Pay
$13.50-$15 hourly. Paid travel is included.
Locally owned and operated. Building
a culture you want to be part of. Now
548 Home Improvement

Contact Beth bethy6305@yahoo.com hiring all shifts. Come experience the 554 Landscaping, Lawn, Tree &
N2225 Hwy 15 Hortonville, WI 54944 KK LAWN AND SPORT of Oregon is grow- difference. Call BeeHive Homes 608- A&B ENTERPRISES Garden Work
630-6793 Light Construction Remodeling
Looking For Good Quality Consignments ing!.seeking Mechanic or applicant with
mechanical aptitude to work in our store. No job too small ADONIS LAWN CARE
437 Customer Service & Retail Spring cleaning, mulching, trimming and
Lawn & Garden Equipment, Construction Equipment, Full or part-time available. Apply at 220
Janesville St, Oregon. Ask for Mike or Dean.
mowing. Free estimates and insured. In
HELP NEEDED in Postal Station. Mon- business for 30 years. West and South
Recreational Vehicles, Skid Steers, Trucks & Trailers. TAXI DRIVERS. Must be friendly, reliable, day-Saturday, days. Will train Apply in per- HALLINAN-PAINTING
Madison, Verona Fitchburg 608-845-
have clean driving record. Must be at son. Sues Hallmark Hatchery Hill Center, WALLPAPERING
* Accepting Consignments through May 3 *

least 23-years-old. 608-415-7308 3000 Cahill Main, Fitchburg. **Great-Spring-Rates**

35 + Years Professional ART'S LAWNCARE: Mowing, trimming,
Mike DeBraal: (920) 585-6084 or (920) 757-6101 433 Accounting, 452 General Interiior-Exterior roto-tilling. Rough mowing available. 608-
Free-Estimates 235-4389
Financial & Insurance
* 2 Auction Rings throughout the Day * OFFICE CLEANING in Stoughton Mon-
Fri 5pm-9pm. Visit our website: www.
References/Insured JEFF'S LAWN CARE, spring/fall clean-
BOOKKEEPER- PT. Edgerton area busi- Arthur Hallinan up, mowing, and much more 608-220-
capitalcityclean.com or call our office:
Photos & Complete Listing: www.powersauction.com ness seeking a part-time bookkeeper
608-455-3377 4025
to handle payroll, billing and payables.
Qualified candidates will be proficient in CLASSIFIEDS, 873-6671 or 835-6677. It LAWN MOWING
Auction Managed By: Powers Auction Service Quick Books. $16-$18 per hour. 4 hours pays to read the fine print. Residential & Commercial
2445 E Hwy 11 South Wayne, WI 53587 per day M-F. Email resume to hrdept@ Fully Insured.
608-439-5761 or spowers3764@yahoo.com amsolutionswi.com 608-873-7038 or 608-669-0025
DORNACKER AUCTION & EQUIPMENT 602 Antiques & Collectibles
Increase Your sales opportunitiesreach over 1.2 million households! Annual Spring Consignment Auction COLUMBUS ANTIQUE MALL
Advertise in our Wisconsin Advertising Network System.
For information call 835-6677.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 @ 9:00 AM & CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS
FOR SALE- MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS adno=514864-01 1625 E Ormsby St Oxford, WI 53952 "Wisconsin's Largest Antique Mall"!
Enter daily 8am-4pm 78,000 SF
SAWMILLS from only $4397.00- MAKE & SAVE MONEY with ADVERTISE HERE! Advertise your product or recruit an Looking For Good Quality Consignments 200 Dealers in 400 Booths
your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready applicant in over 179 Wisconsin newspapers across the state! Third floor furniture, locked cases
Farm & Construction Equipment, Hay & Forge, Tillage &

to ship! FREE Info/DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com 1-800- Only $300/week. Thats $1.68 per paper! Call this paper or 800- Location: 239 Whitney St
Columbus, WI 53925
578-1363 Ext. 300N (CNOW) 227-7636 www.cnaads.com (CNOW) Planting, Lawn & Garden, Recreational Vehicles, Skid 920-623-1992
HELP WANTED- MANAGERIAL SPORTING GOODS Steers & Attachments, Vehicles & Trailers. www.columbusantiquemall.com
MOOSE LAKE COOP, Moose Lake, Minnesota seeking Our Sportsmen will Pay Top $$$ To hunt your land. Call for a
qualified General Manager. Supply cooperative includes Free Base Camp Leasing info packet & Quote. 1-866-309-1507 Duane Dornacker: (608) 586-4646 or (608) 369-3256 WANTED SINGER trreadle sewing
machine and also anvil. 608-943-6455
convenience store light automotive repair, retail farm stores, www.BaseCampLeasing.com (CNOW)
agronomy with annual sales of $7.5 million. Successful coop Photos & Complete Listing: www.powersauction.com 652 Garage Sales
agricultural business management experience and strong Auction Managed By: Powers Auction Service
financial background. Apply https://tinyurl.com/zhbwyma GUITAR WANTED! Local musician will pay up to $12,500 for 2445 E Hwy 11 South Wayne, WI 53587 EVANSVILLE 230 Clifton St. 3/30-4/1
David.Lemmon@chsinc.com or 320-219-0270. (CNOW) pre-1975 Gibson, Fender, Martin and Gretsch guitars. Fender 9-5pm Moving Tag Sale. Complete
amplifiers also. Call toll free! 1-800-995-1217. (CNOW) 608-439-5761 or spowers3764@yahoo.com Household
ConnectStoughton.com March 30, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 19
MADISON 6925 E Buckeye Rd Grace 783 Roommate(s) Wanted 970 Horses

Get Connected
Evangelical Church 3/30- 3/31 9am-4pm. Located behind
4/1 9am-2pm. Don't miss this one, some- SHARE HOUSE, Fish Hatchery, with MIDWEST SELECT Draft and Driving
Stoughton Garden Center owner. $690/mo. Zero dollars for utilities. Horse Sale, April 6-7 at The Alliant Ener-
thing for every one. Convenient Dry Secure AC, whirlpool bath, washer/dryer. 2400 gy Center, Madison, WI. April 6 is the
696 Wanted To Buy Lighted with access 24/7 sq. ft, attached garage, on a park, large Driving Horse sale (9am) & Tack sale
Find updates and
Bank Cards Accepted garden. No pets. NS, 25 MINUTES to UW (1pm). April 7 is the Draft Horse sale
WE BUY Junk Cars and Trucks. Off North Hwy 51 on or Square. 608-835-5849. (9am). www.midwestselectsale.com For
We sell used parts. Oak Opening Dr. behind
Monday thru Friday 8am-5:30pm.
Newville Auto Salvage, 279 Hwy 59
Stoughton Garden Center
Call: 608-509-8904
801 Office Space For Rent
more information call 608-897-8014
links right away.
Edgerton, 608-884-3114 16379 W. Milbrandt Road
Search for us on
Evansville, WI
705 Rentals DEER POINT STORAGE In Oregon facing 15th hole 608-882-5725
Convenient location behind on golfcourse
Apartments for Seniors 55+, currently
Stoughton Lumber.
Clean-Dry Units
Free Wi-Fi, Parking and
Security System
980 Machinery & Tools Facebook as
IH GRAIN/GRASS 10' drill. Hardi 3pt.
has 1 & 2 bedroom units available
starting at $795 per month, includes
5x10 thru 12x25
Conference rooms available
Kitchenette-Breakroom 200 gallon sprayer,
manual Tree Toad tree spade, 3pt rear
Stoughton Courier Hub
heat, water, and sewer.
608-835-6717 Located at:
139 Wolf St., Oregon, WI 53575
608-335-3337 Autumn Woods Prof. Centre
Marty 608-835-3628 mount fork lift, 7' 3pt blade, 28" Detlor
Hydro 3 spade., 72" tree tongs.Sunset
and then LIKE us.
SELF-STORAGE Acres Tree Farm 608-719-7068
OREGON 2-Bedroom in quiet, well-kept VERONA
building. Convenient location. Includes all Only 6 miles South of WANTED IH PULL TYPE COMBINE
appliances, A/C, blinds, private parking, Verona on Hwy PB.
-Conveniently located at corner of RAKE 608-943-6455
laundry, storage. $200 security deposit. Variety of sizes available now.
Whalen Rd and Kimball Lane
Cats OK. $690/month. Available May 1st. 10x10=$60/month
608-219-6677 10x15=$70/month
-Join the other businesses- 990 Farm: Service
Gray's Tied House, McRoberts
STOUGHTON 1616 Kenilworth Ct.
Chiropractic, True Veterinary, Wealth
& Merchandise
Large 2-BR apts available now. Strategies, 17th Raddish, State Farm RENT SKIDLOADERS
Pets welcome. Many feature new wood Insurance, MEP Engineers, Adore MINI-EXCAVATORS
Call 608-424-6530 or CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE IS Noon
laminate flooring. Salon, Citgo, Caffee' Depot. Tommaso TELE-HANDLER
1-888-878-4244 Friday for The Great Dane and Noon
$775-$825/mo. 608-831-4035. Office Bldg. tenants and these attachments. Concrete
Monday for the Courier Hub unless
www.madtownrentals.com -Single office in shared Suite breaker, posthole auger, landscape rake,
NORTH PARK STORAGE changed because of holiday work
-3 office Suite concrete bucket, pallet forks, trencher,
STOUGHTON 3-BEDROOM lower level 10x10 through 10x40, plus schedules. Call now to place your ad,
-5 office Suite, reception/waiting room, rock hound, broom, teleboom, stump
of two-flat, near downtown, River Bluff 14x40 with 14' door for 873-6671 or 835-6677.
conference room, private shower grinder.
School. Newly renovated. Central air. RV & Boats.
-Individual office possibilities By the day, week, or month. ALL ADS SUBMITTED SUBJECT TO
W/D, water included. No pets, no smok- Come & go as you please.
ing $900/month +security deposit. 608-
Call Tom at 575-9700 to discuss terms
and possible rent concessions
Carter & Gruenewald Co.
4417 Hwy 92
PAPER. Stoughton
STOUGHTON TWO bedroom upper.
10x10 through 10x25
Metro Real Estate Brooklyn, WI, 608-455-2411
Country Club
$600/month + utilities. Water/Sewer paid.
Yard. 608-712-3384
month to month lease 935 Farm: Land For Rent is looking for
720 Apartments
Call Karen Everson at
608-835-7031 or
Veronica Matt at 608-291-0316
Town of Verona. 608-206-5947 IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT Bartenders and
an experienced
960 Feed, Seed & Fertilizer

55+. 1 & 2 bedroom units available RASCHEIN PROPERTY
starting at $795 per month. Includes
heat, water and sewer. Professionally
bulk. 608-290-6326 Friday nights and occasional Saturdays
Line Cook &
Sous Chef.
6x10 thru 10x25
managed. Located at Market Street/Burr Oak Street
300 Silverado Drive, Stoughton, WI in Oregon 965 Hay, Straw & Pasture or Sundays, $8.50/hr.
53589 608-877-9388 Call 608-520-0240 WANTED PASTURE to rent for approx Please apply on line at:
STOUGHTON- SOPHISTICATED 2-story 30-35 beef cows and calves for the 2017 Apply within or call Jean at: stoughtoncountryclub.com
season and beyond. Steve Olson 608-
apt. in Restored Victorian. Master balcony
overlooks living room. Beautiful wood-
575-4381 VFW Badger Post 328 or apply in person at

10x10 - 10x15
work. No Smoking. 608-238-1692 10x20 - 12x30 THEY SAY people dont read those little 200 Veterans Rd. Stoughton Country Club
750 Storage Spaces For Rent
24 / 7 Access
Security Lights & Cameras
ads, but YOU read this one, didnt you?
Call now to place your ad, 873-6671 or
Stoughton, WI 3165 Shadyside Drive
Credit Cards Accepted 835-6677. 608-873-9042 Stoughton
10X10 10X15 10X20 10X30 1128 Union Road
Security Lights-24/7 access Oregon, WI
BRAND NEW Located on the corner of Come join us at Skaalen Nursing
Credit Cards Accepted
Union Road & Lincoln Road
First Shift Assemblers Needed & Rehabilitation Center!
CALL (608)444-2900 THE Courier Hub CLASSIFIEDS, the
best place to buy or sell. Call 873-6671 Wisco Industries, a metal stamping and fabricator and We are currently looking for a full-time Quality Coordinator.
CLASSIFIEDS, 873-6671 or 835-6677. It or 835-6677. Duties include coordinating quality assurance activities,
pays to read the fine print. manufacturer of food service equipment is seeking
Assemblers to join our team on first shift. implementing quality improvement programs, evaluating
quality care indicators and more. An RN is preferred for
Job duties include the assembly of fast food equipment
CITY OF VERONA and other Wisco or contract assembly projects.
this position or a candidate with prior experience in
quality assurance and long-term care.

PUBLIC WORKS POSITION Assemblers operate a v ariety of equipment such as

riveters, forming equipment, and hand tools. Job duties
This position comes with a full benefit package that
includes medical and dental insurance, 7 paid holidays
Equipment Operator also include maintaining orderly and clean work area, and personal holidays, sick time, vacation time, 403b
pension plan and company-paid life insurance along with
completing a variety of production records, forms, and short-term disability. We also offer voluntary benefits
The City of Verona is currently accepting checklists and other duties as assigned. that include Flex Spending and supplemental policies
applications for a full-time Public Works through AFLAC, vision, additional life insurance for you
Job requirements include good hand dexterity and
Maintenance/Equipment Operator Position attention to detail, ability to lift from one to seventy-five
and your family and long-term disability. Other things
available to our staff include an onsite fitness center,
to perform skilled or semi-skilled duties re- pounds on a regular basis and sit, stand, climb or bend company-sponsored recognition dinners, a scholarship
lated to the maintenance of Municipal Pub- as the job requires and ability to use and adjust various program and more.
lic Works, Sewer and Water Infrastructure. hand tools and power equipment such as riveters, Visit our website at www.skaalen.com for a
The position requires previous experience pneumatic staplers, screw drivers and electrical and list of openings and to submit an application.
manual test equipment. Resumes can be sent to:
in municipal maintenance or a closely re- Nancy Martin
lated field and must possess a Commer- Apply on-line, in person or send resume to: Director of Human Resources
cial Drivers License. The starting wage is Skaalen Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
400 N. Morris St.
$21.07-$23.49/hr depending on qualifica- Stoughton, WI 53589

tions and years of service. Applications will Phone: (608) 873-5651 Ext. 308
Fax: (608) 873-0696
be accepted until 3:00 p.m., Wednesday Nmartin@skaalen.com
736 Janesville Street, Oregon, WI 53575
April 12, 2017. or to mlaube@wiscoind.com Equal Opportunity Employer
www.ci.verona.wi.us adno=513955-01
EOE/M-F Smokefree/Tobacco free campus

City of Stoughton Employment Opportunity EmploymEnt opportunitiEs City of stoughton

If you enjoy working outdoors, the City of Stoughton is now accepting
This is a Department Head position responsible for the oversight and direction of applications for the following SEASONAL positions:
Information and Computer Technology (IT) functions for all of City Government. yardwaste site Attendant - Responsible for operating the yardwaste site, selling yardwaste site stickers, assist users with un-
The position is responsible for all information technology enterprise wide includ- loading and separating yardwaste material. The hours of work are Saturdays from 9 am to 5 pm. This shift may be split if there are
ing maintenance, security, integrity, support, upgrades, long range planning and multiple qualified applicants. Immediate opening available. Must be at least 16 years of age. If under the age of 18, applicant must
problem resolution of the City's hardware and software assets.This position works obtain a work permit. $9.50/per hour with an annual $.25 raise for returning workers.
closely with Leadership to review Information Technology needs, projects and seasonal street maintenance - Assist Street crews with street maintenance, brush collection, etc. Mon-Thurs 6:30am-4pm,
Fri 6:30-10:30am. Must be 17+ and possess a valid driver's license. $9.50 per hour with annual $.25 raise for returning workers.
programs. The position is also responsible for the City's local television and on-
seasonal part-time mowing & maintenance, short-term parks maintenance Responsible for assisting with seasonal mowing
line station WSTO as well as web site and social media.The position works close-
and general park maintenance duties. Seasonal (after school ends) Mid May-August/School (or until after school resumes). Mon-
ly with each department supporting their technology, telephone cellular and Thurs 6:30am-4pm, Fri 6:30-10:30am as well as 1-2 weekend days per summer. Must be 18 years of age and possess a valid
VOIP, and social media directives. This position involves performing a variety of drivers license. $9.50/per hour with an annual $.25 raise for returning workers.
complex, technical, and administrative duties requiring thorough knowledge of lifeguards Responsible maintaining the safety of the patrons in and around the pool. Communicate and enforce all regulations
network computer operations, media technology and telephony throughout the and pool rules in a personable and professional manner. Lifeguard certification required. Minimum age for this position is 16. June
City Buildings and vehicles. This position also is responsible for enterprise wide 10-August 19 Varied days/hours. Pay Range $9.50-$11.25.
coordination of budgeting and budget management for information technolo- miniball soccer Assistants Responsible for the organization, instruction, motivation and development of their team. Must be 15
years of age and have knowledge of the sport with the ability to stand 2 hours at a time. April 9-May 14 Varied hours/days 1:30-
gies. Must possess Associates or Bachelor's degree or the equivalent experience, 5pm. $10/per hour.
skills, and abilities relevant to the position description. Ability to operate a mo- youth Baseball & softball Assistant Coach Responsible for the organization, instruction, motivation and development of their
tor vehicle and possession of, or ability to obtain and maintain a Wisconsin team. Must be 15 years of age and have knowledge of the sport with the ability to stand 4 hours at a time. Sundays, June 4-July
Motor Vehicle Operator's License. Microsoft Certified System Expert (MCSE), Cisco 30 4pm-6:45pm. $10/per hour.
Certified Network Associate (CCNA) or advanced certificate preferred. This is a youth flag football official Responsible for the officiating of youth flag football games (grades k-8). Must be 15 years of age and
full-time exempt position with a salary range of $28.69-$37.85 per hour and a have knowledge of the sport with the ability to stand 2 hours at a time. Tuesdays, April 18-May 23 5:15pm-6:30pm. $10/per hour.
competitive benefits package. youth flag football Assistant Responsible for helping setup and taking down equipment, and assisting with coaching activities.

For more information and/or apply online go to: cityofstoughton.com/jobs. Must be 15 years of age and have knowledge of the sport with the ability to stand 2 hours at a time. Tuesdays, April 18-May 23
5:15pm-6:30pm. $10/per hour.
Applications are also available from
Apply online at cityofstoughton.com/jobs under Employment Opportunities
City Hall, 381 E. Main St., Stoughton, WI 53589. or in person at City Hall, 381 E. Main St., Stoughton, WI 53589. adno=513251-01
20 Stoughton Courier Hub - March 30, 2017

Support your favorite teams all season with this

guide to Stoughton High Schools spring sports
April 1 @ Madison West 11 a.m. March 28 @ Beloit Turner 4:45 p.m.
April 4 @ Fort Atkinson 5 p.m. March 31 @ Janesville Parker 4:30 p.m. March 17 @ Nelson Daniels 4 p.m.
April 6 @ Monnoa Grove 5 p.m. April 4 vs. Fort Atkinson 5 p.m. April 8 @ WTFA indoor 4 p.m.
April 7 @ Wis. Dells tourney 12:30 p.m. April 6 vs. Monona Grove 5 p.m.
April 7 @ Adams/Friendship 2 p.m. April 11 @ Badger Challenge 4 p.m.
April8 @ Wis. Dells tourney 11:15 a.m.
April 11 vs. Milton 5 p.m. April 8 @Adams/Friendship 3:15 p.m. April 18 Stoughton quad 4:30 p.m.
April 13 @ Monroe 5 p.m. April 11 @ Milton 5 p.m. April 21 @ Watertown invite 4 p.m.
April 18 vs. Portage 5 p.m. April 13 vs. Monroe 5 p.m.
April 17 vs. Oregon 5 p.m. April 25 @ Monroe triple dual 4:30 p.m.
April 20 vs. Edgewood 5 p.m. April 18 vs. Portage 5 p.m.
April 21 vs. Watertown 5 p.m. April 28 @ Middleton relays 4 p.m.
April 20 @ Edgewood 5 p.m. 5
May Stoughton invite 4 p.m.
April 25 vs. Oregon 5 p.m. April 22 @ Barboo Invitational 5 p.m.
April 27 vs. Fort Atkinson 5 p.m. April 25 @ Oregon 5 p.m. May 9 @ Edgewood quad 3 p.m.
April 29 @ Baraboo (DH) 11 a.m. April 27 vs. Fort Atkinson 5 p.m. May 12 @ Tom Mueller invite 4 p.m.
May 1 vs. Verona 5 p.m. April 28 vs. Edgerton 5 p.m.
May 2 vs. Monona Grove 5 p.m. May 1 vs. Beaver Dam 5 p.m. May 16 @ Conference (MG) 4 p.m.
5May @ Milton 5 p.m. May 2 @ Monona Grove 3:30 p.m. May22 @ Verona regional 4:45 p.m.
May 9 vs. Monroe 5 p.m. 5May vs. Milton 5 p.m. May25 Stoughton sectional 4:45 p.m.
May 12 @ Portage 7 p.m. May 9 @ Monroe 5 p.m.
May 16 @ Edgewood 5 p.m. May 12 vs. Portage 5 p.m. June 2-3 state (UW-La Crosse) TBD
May 18 @ Oregon 5 p.m. May 16 vs. Edgewood 5 p.m.
May 20 @ Waunakee 4:30 p.m. May 18 Badger Challenge 5 p.m.
May 23 vs. La Crosse Logan 5 p.m. May 19 vs. McFarland 5 p.m.
May 26 @ Beloit Memorial 5 p.m. May 24 Regionals TBD
May 27 vs. Madison Memorial noon May 26 Regionals TBD

Sponsored by: Sponsored by: Sponsored by:

Hanson Electronics McGlynn Pharmacy Culvers of Stoughton


2580 Jackson Street, Stoughton 100 E. Main Street, Stoughton 916 Nygard Street, Stoughton
877-9548 873-3244 873-6635



March 17 @ Nelson Daniels 4 p.m. March 30 @ Janesville Craig 7 p.m. April 6 vs. Watertown 4:30 p.m.
April 8 @ WTFA indoor 4 p.m. April 3 @ Cambridge 6:45 p.m. April 13 vs. Baraboo 4:30 p.m.
April 11 @ Badger Challenge 4 p.m. April 6 vs. Baraboo 7 p.m. April 20 @ Monroe 4:30 p.m.
April 18 Stoughton quad 4:30 p.m. April 8 @ Jan. Parker 11 a.m. April 21 @ Mad. East Invite 1 p.m.
April 21 @ Watertown invite 4 p.m. April 10 vs. McFarland 7 p.m. April 22 @ Mad. East Invite 9 a.m.
April 25 @ Monroe triple dual 4:30 p.m. April 11 vs. DeForest 7 p.m. April 27 vs. Oregon 4:30 p.m.
April 28 @ Middleton relays 4 p.m. April 13 @ Sauk Prairie 7 p.m. April 28 Quad (@ Sun Prairie) 1 p.m.
May Stoughton invite 4 p.m. April 18 @ Elkhorn 6:30 p.m. May 2 vs. Milton 4:30 p.m.
May 9 @ Edgewood quad 3 p.m. April 20 vs. Oregon 7 p.m. 5
May @ Fort Atkinson 4:30 p.m.
May 12 @ Tom Mueller invite 4 p.m. April 21 vs. Lake Mills 7 p.m. May 6 Stougton invitational 8:30 a.m.
May 16 @ Conference (MG) 4 p.m. April 25 vs. Evansville 7 p.m. May 9 vs. Edgewood 4:30 p.m.
May22 @ Verona regional 4:45 p.m. April 27 @ Fort Atkinson 7 p.m. May 12 @ Monona Grove 4:30 p.m.
May25 Stoughton sectional 4:45 p.m. May 2 @ Milton 7 p.m. May 13 @ Hartford invite 8:30 a.m.
June 2-3 state (UW-La Crosse) TBD May 4 vs. Belleville 7 p.m. May 19 Conference 9 a.m.
May 9 @ Edgewood 5 p.m. May 20 Conference 9 a.m.
May 16 vs. Monona Grove 7 p.m. May 22 Verona subsectional TBD
May 26 vs. Monroe 7 p.m. May 24 Memorial sectional TBD
June 1-3 Individual state TBD
June 9-10 Team state TBD

Sponsored by: Sponsored by: Sponsored by:


McFarland State Bank Stoughton Pizza Pit Springers


207 S. Forrest St., Stoughton 873-6681 1060 W. Main Street, Stoughton 3097 Sunnyside Street, Stoughton
3162 Cty. Rd. B, Stoughton 873-2010 873-7737 205-9300 adno=514521-01

DATE OPPONENT TIME Get sports scores/results and photos in
April 7-8 @ Wis. Dells invite 8 a.m.
April 10
April 11
@ Stoughton invite
Fort Atkinson
3:30 p.m.
your weekly hometown newspaper
April 13 @Mon. Grove invite 8 a.m.
April 17 @Edgewood invite 12:30 p.m.
April 18 @ Edgewood 3:30 p.m.
April 20 @ Milton 3:30 p.m.
April 24 @ Lake Geneva invite 9 a.m.
April 25 vs. Oregon 3:30 p.m.
April 28 @ Onalaska invite 8 a.m.
May 1 @ Monona Grove 4 p.m.
May 2 vs. Monroe 3:30 p.m.
May @ Portage invite 10 a.m.

Follow us on
May 16 @ Conference 9 a.m.
May 17 @ Conference 9 a.m.
May 17 Badger Challenge 1 p.m.

Sponsored by:
Cress Funeral Home connectstoughton.com

206 W. Prospect Street, Stoughton

(608) 873-6671

873-9244 cressfuneralservice.com

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