Courier Hub: Riverfront Developer Withdraws

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Courier Hub

The We are the hand on your
shoulder to help you
graciously through these
tough times.


Thursday, July 27, 2017 Vol. 136, No. 1 Stoughton, WI $1
206 W Prospect Ave., Stoughton

City of Stoughton

Geall cites projects future.
At the start of a joint
uncertainty, city meeting of the Common
Council and Redevelop-
undecided on how ment Authority on Tues-
to proceed day, July 18, Mark Geall,
P r i n c i p a l o f Ta n e s a y
BILL LIVICK Development, announced
Unified Newspaper Group that hes withdrawing from
the project, at least for
The master developer now, because elected offi-
of the Yahara Riverfront cials do not agree on what
Redevelopment withdrew they want to include in the
from that role last week, project.
throwing the effort into Geall said the RDA was
Photo by Amber Levenhagen
disarray and leaving plan-
Brian Christensen reads a page from his journal, which documents his time spent serving in Iraq. The journal was stolen
from his car last weekend and was returned last week after the community rallied for its return. ners uncertain about the Turn to RDA/Page 13

Wounded warrior journal returned Street near Trailer

New Stoughton resident was one of several Stoughton resi- technician at the hospital, and said

victim of string of car thefts

dents recently victimized by a string
of vehicle thefts. But while the thief
(or thieves) were likely after mon-
hes been returning to the journal
over the last several months to help
him work through issues related to
building closed
AMBER LEVENHAGEN ey, jewelry or technological gadgets,
what they stole from Christensen had
PTSD, which he said is invaluable
because of the memories it holds, and
Officials cite safety integrity of the Highway
Trailer building.
Unified Newspaper Group
far more value to him. that he wants his sons to find it years concerns City officials decided
Having spent nine years in Iraq, On Saturday, July 15, Christensen from now to learn more about who I to close the 500 and 600
retired Army Staff Sgt. Brian Chris- noticed his bookbag and journal were am and who I was. BILL LIVICK blocks of the street Tues-
tensen saw both the good and the missing from his car. Those might not Twelve years after coming home, Unified Newspaper Group day night after hearing
bad. seem like important losses, except he most of what I remember are the sad about a report delivered
Now, having lived in Stoughton for uses the journal during therapy at and bad things, the hard to get over Tw o b l o c k s o f E a s t t o t h e R e d eve l o p m e n t
the past year, hes also experienced the VA Hospital in Madison to help things, he said, But this book has South Street are closed Authority by Steve Mar-
both sides of humanity here as well. treat his symptoms of Post-Traumatic really made me remember that there for an indefinite period of Pohl, of Insite Consulting
Christensen, who served in Iraq Stress Disorder (PTSD). time because of safety con-
from August 1997 to August 2006, Christensen works as a pharmacy Turn to Journal/Page 16 cerns about the structural Turn to Street/Page 16

Celebrating 40 years under the hood

KIMBERLY WETHAL names a few times from Hwy. 51 where the Stough- dealerships, Vern would
Hub Correspondent Johns Body Shop to Olson ton Wellness and Athletic help move cars when John
Automotive and finally to Center facility now stands. and Jack were in Madison.
Olson Auto Exchange its current name along By opening up a body shop He also assisted with anoth-
isnt exactly the same as with the objectives at hand. to service his dads cars, er side business where they
when it was started four I always seemed to like John filled a need in his sold of a lot of the same
decades ago. Thats not body work, John said. fathers business. clean-up and decal products
surprising, because neither When Jack and I were in For years, it was a family that they used in their ser-
are brothers John and Jack high school, we had older affair for the Olsons. Jack, vice shop in Madison.
Olson. cars. Jacks first car was a only 13 at the time, would Our dad was running
While the two have 67 Mustang, my first car later become Johns busi- around selling it, Jack said.
always shared a passion for was a 52 Ford. We always ness partner, while Vern He liked to talk to people
automobiles, theyve found had old cars. was a business partner for like that.
their interests in the indus- At the age of 20, John both of them. John added, He helped
try have shifted as years opened the body shop on When they transitioned get that business going.
passed. Naturally, their July 27, 1977, right across from body shop work to There was a time where Photo by Kimberly Wethal
business followed suit, and the road from his father rust-proofing and detail- Vintage gas pumps sit behind one of the garages.
40 years later, its changed Verns car dealership off ing for 17 Madison car Turn to Auto/Page 14

Courier Hub YOU DESERVE the V E RY B E S T !

A LOCAL bank
you can trust! Since 1904 NMLS#
2 July 27, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub

Cooksville celebrates 175 years

Cooksville, located in the northwest corner of Rock County, celebrated the 175th anniversary of the establishment of the community and honored its
founders with a party featuring local food, art and music from a range of artistic groups on Saturday, July 22.

Jeanne Julseth, right, one of the organizers of

Cooksvilles 175th anniversary celebration, talks
with state Rep. Don Vruwink (D-Milton), who
attended the event being held in his district.
Photos by Kimberly Wethal
The Merry Horde performed on the square Saturday afternoon.

Good Shepherd
by the Lake
1860 US HWY 51
July 31 - August 3
9:00 12:30 p.m. 212 years old
Kids will enjoy Bible stories,

music, games, crafts, treats

Phone: 608-873-5924


BOWL FREE Jon Langsdorf, of Madison, looks at the specifics of an engine at the car show.
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we have the perfect league for you.

Mens, Womens, Mixed, Couples, Senior
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Marinated boneless skinless chicken breast ........................ $4.59/lb

Chicken leg quarters ............................................................ $.99/lb,

BBQ pulled pork .................................................................. $6.99/lb

Help Wanted: Part-time retail sales. Please apply in person Margie Walders dogs Casper, left, and Callie relax in the shade under the tent.

at the store. No phone calls please.

STOUGHTON 873-3334 2125 McCOMB RD July 27, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 3
Stoughton Area School District

School board, council agree to form committee

Engelberger and Greg Jen- housing right now. students away from the
Group would son. The committee plans If its a decent-priced district.
continue talk on to report back to both bod-
ies within the next 60 days.
More meetings planned house, they are now on the
market for 4-5 days and
We have to do a bet-
ter job and work together
joint issues The idea here is for us While no future meeting date has been set, both city they are getting offers, and sell the differences we
to share information and he said. We dont have have, say, with Oregon, he
SCOTT DE LARUELLE collectively try to take that and school district leaders seem pleased at the results enough places to sell. Who said, noting that Stoughton
Unified Newspaper Group information and put togeth- of their two joint meetings, as well as each sides will- can move into a communi- has advantages of its own
er some sort of an action ingness to continue them. ty if we dont have enough hospital, two grocery stores
Looking to better address plan to address the issue, housing? And its got to be and plenty of restaurants
issues that affect both the said Common Council They will probably be continued on a quarterly basis, decent housing for young to choose from. We need
city and school district president Tim Swadley, a due to the difficulties in getting a 12-person Common families. a concerted effort to work
namely marketing, hous- former SASD board mem- Council and seven-member school board together City planning director together. The district would
ing, school enrollment and ber. If you guys are in the Rodney Scheel said while be interested in combin-
poverty leaders for both loop on what were doing Stoughton Area School District board president some residential develop- ing financial resources to
are forming a joint commit- and were in the loop on Scott Dirks said the two joint meetings have been ment is coming on line in bring someone in to shape
tee to help explore answers. what youre doing, hope- very helpful in raising awareness of school district the Nordic Ridge neighbor- that marketing plan.
Creation of the ad hoc fully we can make good hood, planned residential Johnson, a Realtor, said
committee was a main top- decisions. issues. development at Kettle Park Stoughton needs to empha-
ic of the July 20 joint meet- A t M o n d a y n i g h t s It appears, especially based on what I was hearing West has been held up due size the quality of their
ing of Stoughton Common school board meeting, pres- from city council members at that meeting, that there to issues with connectivity schools; or at the least,
Councils Committee of the ident Scott Dirks said its to Hwy. 138. combat possibly inaccurate
Whole and the Stoughton likely representatives of is a genuine appreciation for the need to attract young Despite the high demand perceptions about them.
Area school board. It was the Stoughton Chamber of families for housing in the area, Im concerned that
a follow-up session to an Commerce will be invited there was also a consen- Stoughton doesnt have the
initial meeting between the to participate. Common Council president Tim Swadley said he sus that Stoughton needs best reputation for schools,
two groups April 20, with We dont want to have was really impressed by the collaboration and con- to further increase its visi- and I think we need to
plans for the larger groups such a large committee tributions by all of those who participated in the two bility and attractiveness to emphasize the qualities we
to continue to meet quar- that you cant get meeting joint meetings, and said hes looking forward to the ad young families. Scheel said do have, because when you
terly to discuss common dates, he said. This is the recent Parade of Homes have young families, they
issues. going to be six people and hoc committees recommendations. was encouraging, drawing look at the quality of the
Communication with they can invite whom they We really have some great leaders in our commu- 3,600 visitors. schools, she said. I lost a
city officials about work- want to invite, and thats Its certainly brought few neighbors because they
ing together to improve probably much more work-
nity, he said. new eyes to the communi- didnt want to send their
was a key topic in the April able. ty that (havent) been there kids to Kegonsa (Elementa-
school board election that Dirks said hes real- before, he said. ry School), they wanted to
swept out three incum- ly excited about the new On the Web Stoughton Area School be in another area.
bents and brought in three committee and its tasks District superintendent Tim Dirks said Stoughton
political newcomers. That the first two of which will View the meeting on WSTO at Onsager said there has been simply needs to do a better
election also brought to be looking at marketing some talk on and off the job at letting people outside
the forefront the issues of the area and attracting sin- past few years on coopera- the city or school district
school financing and the gle-family housing for new, tive marketing efforts, but know about the good things
lack of housing growth in young families. Dirks said he hopes the nothing has come to frui- going on here.
the city as main issues to This is one of the things committee will help raise Development and tion. S t o u g h t o n s a g r e a t
work on collaboratively I was hoping would come awareness of needs in the We need a concerted community for a lot of dif-
with the council. out of setting up these joint Stoughton community as a marketing effort amongst the differ- ferent reasons, he said. I
On those big issues, this meetings between the board whole, and help spur the No formal action was ent entities the school dont think were doing a
new committee is expect- and the city council, he city into developing poli- taken at the meeting. The district, city, chamber to very good job communi-
ed to do much of the leg- said. I had some concerns cies and plans to encour- group also discussed the market what we have to cating to the outside world
work. The group features a few months ago maybe age the construction of citys comprehensive plan, offer, he said. Were in just what it is.
co-chairs in Jonathon there wasnt that unanimi- an affordable range of population growth, school a great place. You come to
Coughlin from the school ty of direction, but I think single-family housing in enrollment, development Stoughton and its a small- Email Unified Newspaper
board and Kathleen John- were all kind of moving in Stoughton. and marketing. town feel with big-city Group reporter Scott
son from the city, as well the same direction, which Right now, such housing Common Council mem- amenities close by. De Laruelle at scott.
as school board mem- is encouraging. is in very short supply, he ber Sid Boersma, a Realtor, Onsager took aim at
bers Tim Bubon and Joe This isnt just for the said. The demand is clear- said the city is deficient in Stoughtons neighbors,
Freye and city alders Mike school district, this is for ly there. Now we just need both new housing and older which have been drawing
the whole community. for more of it to be built. prospective families and

Stoughton man shot, killed in Madison

See something wrong?
The Courier Hub does not sweep errors under the
rug. If you see something you know or even think is in
error, please contact editor Jim Ferolie at 873-6671 or at
Police: Victim was The victims name had
not been released as of the
Multiple people called
911 to report the gunshots,
information from the
community right now, so we can get it right.
targeted Hubs deadline on Tues- and police located a vehi- D e S p a i n s a i d . We r e
day. When it is available, cle with apparent gun shot concerned there could be
Unified Newspaper Group
this story will be updated
damage and shell casings
in the area.
retaliation in the streets for
what happened last night.
AUGUST 10-11 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
According to the Mad- The investigation was We are concerned that this
A 29-year-old Stoughton ison Police Department continuing as of Tuesday, violence may lead to more AUGUST 12 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
man was shot and killed in incident report, the man and MPD public informa- shootings.
Madison as part of what
police believe was a tar-
suffered numerous gun-
shot wounds just after
tion officer Joel DeSpain
told the Hub they are not Contact Scott Girard at
geted homicide early 3a.m. July 24 on the 2000 at a point where we have STOP IN
Monday morning. block of Adderbury Lane any named suspects. and follow him on Twitter
off of Raymond Road. Were hoping to get @sgirard9. & SAVE!

Send it in!
We like to send reporters to shoot photos, but we cant be everywhere. And we know you all have cameras.
So if you have a photo of an event or just a slice of life you think the community might be interested in, send it to us and
well use it if we can. Please include contact information, whats happening in the photo and the names of people pictured.
You can submit it on our website at, email to editor Jim Ferolie at or
drop off electronic media at our office at 135 W. Main St. Questions? Call 873-6671. FREE GIFT with every
building designed with our
DreamMaker 3D Software.

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4 July 27, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub Opinion

Letters to the editor

Pee and move on
This is in response to a letter Unfortunately, Ive got a feel-
to the editor in the Hubs July 20 ing that the aspect of these new
publication regarding all-gender facilities inspiring your hostility
bathrooms. I will humor you, is the very concept of transgen-
previous writer, and assume derism.
for a moment that you have an Instead, consider an elderly
incomplete idea of the concept person, a child, or a person with
of all-gender. I hope this is disabilities who may require
the case, and not the alternative assistance in the bathroom. I
(what I fear to be your intention- have the extreme privilege to
al ignorance toward an evolving support adults with developmen-
school of thought). tal disabilities here in Stoughton,
An all-gender bathroom is a and often support individuals
toilet...for humans. Its a lavato- whose gender identity does
ry. A water closet. A sign read- not match my own. All-gender
ing All-Gender could easily restrooms are a blessing in that
be replaced with a sign reading they allow me to support those
Gotta Pee? Accomplish That individuals to my fullest ability
Here. in public, without either of us
You neglected to mention feeling uncomfortable complet-
exactly why you are opposed to ing the most natural of human
these bathrooms, but I can only functions.
assume someone of your age (all Its disheartening that the
due respect) possesses not the religion you preach is also the
advantage of having grown up catalyst behind your opposition
in a society increasingly accept- to inclusivity. You stated, the
ing of diversity. A surprisingly Bible does not proclaim all-gen-
revolutionary concept in recent der bathrooms true, public Community Voices

Future Liars coming to the

sociopolitical dialogue is this: plumbing etiquette may not
all humans go to the bathroom. have been of chief concern over
Right? 2,000 years ago, but correct me
I am struck by the irony in if Im wrong your Bible also
your argument. That you would proclaims acceptance, right? I

fairgrounds every summer

be so vehemently opposed to encourage you to rethink your
inclusivity within a church is perspective. Accept with grace.
appalling. I have therefore tak- Include others with respect.
en the liberty to include a few Love equally those both like and

examples of people who would unlike yourself. he moment I was old enough I would tug on our barn boots and hang out in the barn, you eventu-
benefit from this development. In other words, pee and move to join, I pledged my head, our gloves because it was time to ally had to change your shoes and
There are, of course, transgender on. Thank you. heart, hands, and health to feed and milk the goats. What wash your hands and go up to the
individuals who struggle every things that I cant remember. types of animals we were feeding exhibition building to check on
day with something as funda- Alexandra Weeden Thats because a lie is much varied from year to year, so we your other projects.
mental as feeling comfortable City of Stoughton harder to recall than the truth. I didnt get any more specific than Some kids pledged their hands
while they use a public toilet. should know, because I am an that, but that is what we always to carpentry, some to sewing, and
incredible liar and it was our said. some to baking. A lot of farm kids
local 4-H group that made me one. When I went to play at those didnt want to have to do those
We stood before our green-and- other 4-H kids farms I discovered other projects, but it made us better
white flag once not a single one of them did chores people to fib and say we enjoyed
a month to at all. They were all just feeding trying something new and to flat-
start our club and milking the same as we did! out lie that we had given it our best
meeting, and Little liars. effort.
while my sister Of course, chores at home and Show day was the best day of
pressed a cool chores at the Fair are totally dif- the Fair, especially when it was
Thursday, July 27, 2017 Vol. 136 No. 1 hand against ferent. At the Fair, our club had a over. Kids could have a pretty
USPS No. 1049-0655 her blouse sign-up sheet for Barn Duty, and stressful time if they got their show
Periodical Postage Paid, Stoughton, WI and additional offices.
and made eye kids were climbing all over one clothes dirty, or their heifer was
Published weekly on Thursday by the Unified Newspaper Group, contact with Wollin-Dunn
another to get their names on the in heat, or they couldnt find their
A Division of Woodward Communications, Inc. the thing as sheet so they could sit there all day, show halter, but after it was all
POSTMASTER: Send Address Corrections to she recited the holding a pitchfork and waiting done and every kid hoisted every
The Stoughton Courier Hub, PO Box 930427, Verona, WI 53593. pledge, I mumbled in the direction for some Holstein to stand up and other kid up to put their blue-and-
Office Location: 135 W. Main Street, Stoughton, WI 53589 of my tennies and the sweat from poop. red stickers on the signs above
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday and Friday my hot, little hand, dampened my At home you might claim that their projects, everybody could
Phone: 608-873-6671 FAX: 608-873-3473 T-shirt, branding me the liar I now you couldnt clean the pen because honestly relax.
e-mail: was. the wheelbarrow was too heavy, That is when some 4-H girl
Circulation customer service: (800) 355-1892 My sister really did care about but at the Fair you became a would be walking back from
her club, her community, her coun- manure super-hero. changing out of her whites back try and her world, but I just wanted Our club had a lot of pooping into her shorts and T-shirt, and
This newspaper is printed on recycled paper. to go to the Fair! heifers and a couple of pooping some FFA boy would just be inno-
General Manager Circulation And I was not alone. cows, but hardly any pooping beef cently carrying a couple of buckets
Lee Borkowski Carolyn Schultz In order to participate in the cattle. By peering through our little of water, and all of a sudden those local Fair each summer, a 4-H kid herd of black and white we could buckets would be empty and that
would not only have to recite that just make out the massive Angus or girl would be soaking wet and
Sales Manager News oath once per month, she would Hereford bodies and the tall FFA yelling. Only the kids who liked
Kathy Neumeister Jim Ferolie also have to turn in tenuous prom- boys at the far end of the barn. each other got into water fights so ises on paper about what kind of Sometimes a 4-H girl sitting you knew right away that boy liked
Advertising Sports projects other than animals she on a show trunk would suddenly that girl.
Catherine Stang Jeremy Jones would prepare for the Fair, lip-sync announce that she needed to get And when that 4-H girl Christmas Carols at nursing homes something from her dads truck screamed at the top of her lungs
in December and sometimes pre- and shed stroll on down that aisle that she hated that FFA boy, he
Classifieds Assistant Editor tend to want to be an officer of the and youd see her hair go flying would be grinning from ear to
Diane Beaman Scott Girard club. Our dedication to deceit was sideways when she walked by the ear because he knew she was a year-round. huge fans keeping those beef steers magnificent liar and didnt mean a
Inside Sales Reporters Those of us who were farm kids cool, but then shed be out of sight word of it.
Samantha Christian, Bill Livick, but not deeply enough immersed so youd go back to watching your In fact, she might even pledge
Monica Morgan Anthony Iozzo, Amber Levenhagen, in real farming to belong to the cud-chewers and waving at flies. her lying little 4-H heart to him
Scott De Laruelle, Helu Wang Future Farmers of America were When she finally came back smil- for that one sweet week at the Fair.
nonetheless prone to bragging ing and still carrying nothing but
Unified Newspaper Group, a division of about our farm chores. the truck keys, it confirmed that Kelsey Wollin-Dunn is a Town of
Woodward Communications,Inc. At my familys farm, we didnt she, too, was a liar. Rutland resident.
A dynamic, employee-owned media company do chores. Twice a day, Mom and Even if all you wanted to do was
Good People. Real Solutions. Shared Results.
Printed by Woodward Printing Services Platteville
US not a Christian theocracy
Regarding Neal Larsons religious diatribe, may I remind him that the United States is not a Christian
NATIONAL NEWSPAPER theocracy. I trust this will be the case as long as the Republic exists.
One Year in Dane Co. & Rock Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37
One Year Elsewhere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45 Correction
Stoughton Courier Hub In the July 13 edition of the Hub, a letter to the editor incorrectly spelled the submitters last name. His
Oregon Observer Verona Press name is David Handt. The Hub regrets the error. July 27, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 5
Letters to the editor

Inclusion, acceptance welcomed Kardasz receives

service award
Im writing in response did not consider that. He Like Mr. Larsen, I was
to the hate-filled letter in only considered his personal also born at Stoughton Hos-
last weeks Hub regarding need to express judgment on pital (November 13, 1976)
gender-neutral bathroom transgender individuals. and Stoughton is where I
facilities. Im no expert on trans- have chosen to raise my fam-
The writer claims that it is gender issues, but I do know ily. I welcome any efforts in BILL LIVICK For his first decade with Kardasz is well-respected
a lie that all-gender bath- that public messages of hate our community to increase Unified Newspaper Group the city, he also wore two in the utilities field and has
rooms are needed. Im not can cause harm. A recent inclusion, acceptance, and other hats as city engi- for years demonstrated his
sure how he could possibly study found that 40 percent openness to all. Stoughton Utilities neer and director of Public dedication to the Stough-
know this. As a parent, I of transgender adults report- To all my LGBTQI neigh- director Bob Kardasz Works ton community.
would welcome all-gender ed having made a suicide bors, please know that you received the Donald L. As director of Stoughton Its not only the time
bathrooms so that I could attempt, the great majority are loved beyond measure. Smith Distinguished Ser- Utilities, with a roughly B o b s g i v e n b u t t h e
comfortably accompany my of those (over 90 percent) You are treasured members vice Award last month, the $20 million annual budget advances hes helped cre-
young son to the bathroom, before the age of 25. These of our community and our Municipal Electric Utili- and a staff of 25, Kardasz ate at Stoughton Utilities,
or so that my husband could children absorb the hatred lives. We love you and are ties of Wisconsin organi- is a key player in the citys she said. We are extreme-
assist my daughter. All-gen- and shameful messages, and proud to offer our support. zations highest award for overall operations. In 2012, ly fortunate to have some-
der restrooms make spaces often feel so hopeless and public service. he received a Lifetime one like Bob, with his
more accommodating for unloved as a result that they Mia Croyle The award is bestowed in Achievement Award by knowledge and expertise
people in a wide variety of try to end their beautiful City of Stoughton recognition of exceptional WPPI Energy, the regional and respect.
circumstances, but the writer young lives. leadership in and dedica- power company that serves
tion to public power. Kar- 51 locally owned not-for- Email Unified Newspaper
dasz received the award at profit electric utilities, Group reporter Bill Livick

All gender bathrooms should be considered

the MEUW Annual Con- including Stoughtons. at
ference awards ceremony Mayor Donna Olson said
June 29 at the Edgewater
Recently I read a letter of safe haven from public Finally, members of the Hotel in Madison.
to the editor concerning life. transgender or nonbinary Kardasz has been
all-gender bathrooms in Knowing this, I would community shouldnt have involved in the public
Stoughton, and wish to like to point out that early to question their own iden- power utility industry
offer my own opinion. readers of the Bible and tity to simply use the bath- for over 37 years. He
As someone who loves even Jesus Christ himself room. Shouldnt Stoughton has served as MEUW
history, I often like to look used all-gender bathrooms. be devoted to making its President, on the Board
back on past societies when You are correct in saying residents feel more com- of Directors and partici-
pated in various commit-
debating current events. In
my research I was surprised
to find that, according to
that the Bible does not
proclaim all gender bath-
rooms, but that is merely
fortable and accepted by
their community?
In conclusion, I think
tees. He has also assisted
MEUW staff and other
Special Sale Pricing
Time magazine, the first because there was no such that all-gender restrooms in member communities in Friday, July 28 1-6 p.m.
gendered bathrooms were thing as a gendered bath- Stoughton should be seri- evaluating, developing Saturday & Sunday, July 29 & 30 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
established in Paris, France room at the time. ously considered. This an and maintaining pro-
in the 18th century. These I agree with your worry important topic that should grams and services that HUNDREDS OF VARIETIES
new gendered bathrooms about the city spending too be discussed by the com- are accessible to all mem- MINIATURE TO TALL BEARDED
were created in response much money on bathrooms, munity. bers.
to womens entry into the and having half the number Kardasz has been the
director of Stoughton

workforce. Thinking wom- of restrooms in every build- Emma Crowley George Bacon
en were of the weaker ing is a sure way to battle City of Stoughton Utilities since joining the 4600 Rome Corners Rd., Brooklyn, WI 53521
sex they invented separate that issue and save the city city in February 1980. (608) 334-4594
bathrooms to serve as a sort money.


The Stoughton Police De- where the subject was found old woman for Bail Jumping,
partment logged 2,432 inci-
dents in June. Cases of inter-
est for the month were; nine
intoxicated in violation of his Possession of THC, and a Pro-
probation. bation Hold following a traffic
stop where the officer smelled
August 4-6, 2017
intoxicated driver arrests, eight
drug incidents, nine batteries,
June 6 THC in the vehicle. A 31-year-
Officers took two juveniles old man was also arrested for
Utica Community Association Park
three burglaries, 58 thefts, 11 (13 and 14 years old) into Probation Hold in the incident. (between Cambridge and Stoughton on the corner of Hwys. B&W)
frauds, 14 domestic distur- protective custody on charges
bances, 33 disturbances, 22 of theft and receiving stolen June 17 Its the best party in the country with softball, baseball,
disorderly conducts, 19 traffic property following the theft of Officers arrested a 36-year- horse pulls, tractor pulls, live music and more!
crashes, 57 EMS assists, 14 a bicycle. Both were later re- old man for a Parole Violation
alarms, 13 juvenile incidents, leased to parents. after officers were called to a
70 911 calls, three runaways, residence for a possible sui- Friday, August 4, 2017
five warrant arrests, eight June 9 cide attempt.
threats, 26 animal complaints, Officers arrested a 34-year- Officers arrested a 33-year- 5:00 p.m. Slow Pitch Softball Tournament
and officers responded to 58 old man on a Probation Hold old woman for Disorderly Con- 6:00 p.m. Wisconsin Horse Pullers Association Horse Pull
suspicious activity calls. Of- following welfare check where duct following a disturbance at 8:30 p.m. Live Music with Shotgun Jane
ficers also logged 117 assist the subject was found intoxi- a residence.
cases, 66 criminal charges, 33 cated in violation of his proba- Officers arrested a 33-year-
ordinance violations, and 139 tion. old woman for Disorderly Saturday, August 5, 2017
traffic arrests from 95 traffic Officers arrested a 38-year- Conduct following a domestic Craft Fair in School House
stops. old woman for Theft from a disturbance. 8:00 a.m. Slow Pitch Softball Tournament
The following were selected Motor Vehicle & Attempted Officers arrested a 19-year- 10:00 a.m. South Central Farm Tractor Pull
as significant cases by the de- Theft from a Motor Vehicle old woman for Resisting/Ob- 11:00 a.m. Wide Open Pedal Pullers (ages 4-12)
partment: after the subject was caught structing an Officer and Dis-
entering parked vehicles and orderly Conduct following a Noon Badger Truck Pullers
June 3 removing property. domestic disturbance. 1:00 p.m. Home Talent Baseball (Utica vs. Stoughton)
Officers arrested a 19-year- 1:00 p.m. Badger State Tractor Pull
old woman for Battery and June 12 J une 18 4:00 p.m. Tri-County Mini Rod Pullers
Disorderly Conduct following a Officers arrested a 42-year- Officers arrested a 40-year- 8:00 p.m. Live Music with Cherry Pie
domestic disturbance. old man for OWI 3rd Offense old man on an Outstanding
following a traffic stop. Warrant following a traffic
June 4 Officers arrested a 37-year- stop. Subject was also cited Sunday, August 6, 2017
Officers arrested a 27-year- old man for Impeding Breath- for Operating After Revocation. Craft Fair in School House
old man for Battery and Dis- ing, False Imprisonment, and Officers arrested a 34-year- 8:00 a.m. Slow Pitch Softball Tournament
orderly Conduct following a Battery following a domestic old man on a Probation Hold 10:30 a.m. South Central Farm Tractor Pull
domestic disturbance. disturbance. following a welfare check
Officers arrested a 27-year- Officers arrested a 35-year- where the subject was found Noon Badger State Tractor and Truck Pull
old woman on an Outstanding old man for Substantial Bat- intoxicated in violation of his Noon Live Music with Jesse Walker
Warrant following the officer tery, Impeding Breathing, and probation. 3:00 p.m. Spectator Truck Pull
attempting to serve the war- Disorderly Conduct following a Officer took a 15-year-old 5:00 p.m. Live Music with Wayne Road
rant on a known wanted per- domestic disturbance. boy into custody and trans- 8:00 p.m. Raffle Drawing
son. ported him the Juvenile Re-
Officers arrested a 46-year- June 13 ception Center on a charge of Dusk ThunderCat Fireworks Display
old man for OMW third Of- Officers arrested a 36-year- Disorderly Conduct following a
fense following a traffic stop old man on an Outstanding disturbance at a residence. Visit
and Hit & Run. Warrant after the officer ob- Officers arrested a 32-year- Concessions by Utica Nora Trailblazers and beer tent all weekend long!

served the subject that he old woman for Disorderly

J une 5 knew was wanted. Conduct and Resisting/Ob- All pulling events are free and carry-ins are not allowed.
Officers arrested a 34-year- structing an officer following
old man on a Probation Hold June 14 a disturbance at a local estab-
following a welfare check Officers arrested a 32-year- lishment.
6 July 27, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub

Coming up Community calendar

Gazebo Musikk and get problem-solving tips to help monthly Our Daily Bread meal Wednesday, July 26
prevent and cope with these changes. from 4-6p.m. Sunday, July 30. 9:30a.m., Storytime (ages 0-5), library, 873-6281
Blue Spruce will perform for the This presentation will be offered at T h e m e a l w i l l b e s e r ve d a t 10:30a.m., Storytime (ages 0-5), library, 873-6281
next Gazebo Musikk series from two different locations and times. It 4:30p.m. and includes brats, hot 3-4p.m., Travelogue- Hawaii, senior center, 873-
6-7:30p.m. Thursday, July 27, at the will first be held at 10a.m. Wednes- dogs, fruit salad, beans, chips, angel 8585
Rotary Park Gazebo, 324 S. Sixth St. day, July 26, at Stoughton Hospital food cake with strawberries and ice
Members Kyle Donskey, Mark in the Bryant Health Education Cen- cream, lemonade, milk and coffee. Thursday, July 27
Hoskins, and Jeff Stanton are influ- ter, 900 Ridge St. Then at 6:30p.m. No carry-out meals are available; for 1p.m., Senior center book discussion: Eligible by
enced by the styles of Neil Young, at the library, 304 S. Fourth St., in transportation to dinner, call 873- Curtis Sittenfeld and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Aus-
Tom Petty, The Beatles, Dave Mat- the Carnegie Meeting Room. 7494 by 10a.m. on Sunday and leave ten, senior center, 873-8585
thews Band, Coldplay, and the Doo- For information, call 873-2356. a message. Rides are provided free 6-7:30p.m., Gazebo Musikk presents Blue Spruce,
bie Brothers. of charge within the Stoughton Area Rotary Park, Rotary Park Gazebo, 401 E. Main St.,
Bring your lawn chairs or blankets ROHS
School District.
for the free concert; beer and wine R Olde House Society (ROHS) This months meal is sponsored by 7p.m. R Olde House Society (ROHS) meeting,
are permitted, but no glasses. will hold its next meeting at 7p.m. Christ Lutheran Church. Altemus Corners House Bed and Breakfast Inn, 1345
For information, visit facebook. on Thursday, July 27 at Altemus Cor- For information, call 873-7761. Tower Drive (corner of Hwy 51 and Tower Drive),
com/gazebomusikk. ners House Bed and Breakfast Inn,
Tinndolan 1345 Tower Drive (corner of Hwy 51 Bible school 7p.m., Stoughton High School presents Seussical
and Tower Drive). Children ages 4-12 are invited to the Musical ($12 for adults, $8 for students and senior
The runner-up finalists of Nor- The house is a federal style cream attend Vacation Bible School (VBS) citizens), SHS auditorium,
ways Got Talent reality-TV contest city brick house built in the early at Bible Baptist Church of Utica star- 7:30-9:30, Tinndolan Dancers and Singers,
show, Tinndlan will perform a free 1870s. It is completely refurbished ing 7p.m. August 2, at the church, Stoughton Opera House, 381 E. Main St.,
show at 7:30p.m. Thursday, July with three guest bathrooms and four 2095 Hwy. W in Utica, located
27, 2017, at the Stoughton Opera bedrooms. It also has period antiques between Cambridge and Stoughton.
House. Tinndlan (pronounced: Tin- and handmade Victorian lampshades Friday, July 28
The VBS will run three consecu-
doe- lahn) is a Norwegian folk music accent every room and a southern tive Wednesday nights, August 2, 9 7a.m. to 1p.m., Stoughton Farmers Market,
and dance group from Tinn located style front porch with gazebo. and 16, all starting at 7p.m. Stoughton Plaza, 1050 W. Main St.,
in Telemark county in south central The ROHS is a group of people The Theme this year is Cowboy farmersmarket
Norway. preserving Stoughtons treasures, one Boots in Deepest Africa, based on 9:30a.m., Library story time, library, 873-6281
For information, visit stoughtonop- house at a time. Attendees are asked a true story of missionary Bill Rice. 7p.m., Stoughton High School presents Seussical or to bring a treat to share and their Parents are welcome to attend. An the Musical ($12 for adults, $8 for students and senior
and click on the events calendar. non-alcoholic beverage of choice. adult Bible study and nursery (ages citizens), SHS auditorium,
Dementia presentation F o r i n f o r m a t i o n , c o n t a c t 0-3) will be available. Children are Saturday, July 29 encouraged to dress like a cowboy or
Join Pat Wilson, Family Support 8:30a.m. to 12:30p.m., Stoughton Community
Our Daily Bread African theme. Farmers Market, Forrest Street (North of Main St.),
Specialist with the Alzheimers and For information, call Ann Kutz at
Dementia Alliance of Wisconsin, to
Visit First Lutheran Church, 423-4610.
gain a better understanding of the 310 E. Washington St., for the free 11a.m. to 3p.m., Stoughton Historical Society Muse-
reasons why behavior changes occur um open, 324 S. Page St., 873-1943
7p.m., Stoughton High School presents Seussical
the Musical ($12 for adults, $8 for students and senior
citizens), SHS auditorium,
Bahai Faith Covenant Lutheran Church Seventh Day Baptist
For information: Alfred Skerpan, 877-0911 1525 N. Van Buren St., Stoughton 873-7494 Church of Albion Sunday, July 30
or Gail and Greg Gagnon, 873-9225 616 Albion Rd., Edgerton 4-6p.m., Our Daily Bread community meal, First Stoughton study classes. Saturday: 5:30 p.m. Worship 561-7450 Lutheran Church, 310 E. Washington St., 873-7761
Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship
Bible Baptist Church Tuesday, August 1
Worship Saturday 11- Sabbath School 10
2095 Hwy. W, Utica Ezra Church Fellowship Meal follows service on first Sabbath
9:30a.m., Memory cafe, library, 873-6281
873-7077 423-3033 515 E. Main St., Stoughton 834-9050 6:30p.m., Evening story time, library, 873-8585
Sunday: 10 a.m. - Worship; 6 p.m. - Worship Stoughton Baptist Church
Sunday:10 a.m. Corner of Williams Dr. & Cty. B, Stoughton Wednesday, August 2
Christ Lutheran Church 873-6517 9:30a.m., Storytime (ages 0-5), library, 873-6281
700 Hwy. B, Stoughton First Lutheran Church Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - Worship; 10:30a.m., Storytime (ages 0-5), library, 873-6281
873-9353 e-mail: 310 E. Washington, Stoughton 6 p.m. - Evening Service 6:30p.m., Baby storytime (ages 0-2), library, 873-
Summer worship times: 873-7761
5:30 p.m. Saturday; 9 a.m. Sunday Sunday: 8:30 & 10 a.m. worship St. Ann Catholic Church
323 N. Van Buren St., Stoughton 6:30p.m., Foundation SciFi book group: The First
Christ the King Community Fulton Church 873-6448 873-7633 Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North, library,
Church 9209 Fulton St., Edgerton Weekday Mass: Nazareth House 873-6281
401 W. Main St., Stoughton 877-0303 884-8512 Sunday: 10 a.m. - Worship Sunday: 8 and 10:30 a.m. Worship Services
and St. Anns Church Thursday, August 3
Weekend Mass: Saturday - 5:15 p.m.;
Coffee Fellowship: 9 a.m. Sunday - 8 and 10:30 a.m.
1-5p.m., Personal Essentials Pantry, 343 E. Main St.,
Christian Assembly Church Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
1844 Williams Drive, Stoughton 873-9106 Varsity (High Schoolers): 12-3 p.m. United Methodist of Stoughton 6:30-8p.m., Adult Craft Club- plant it!, library, 873-
Saturday: 6 p.m. worship; Sunday: 10 a.m. AWANA (age 2-middle school): 3-5 p.m. 525 Lincoln Avenue, Stoughton 6281
Good Shepherd By The Lake 6-7:30p.m., Gazebo Musikk presents The Happy Fun-Time Jam, Rotary Park, Rotary Park Gazebo, 401
The Church of Jesus Christ Lutheran Church Sunday: 8 a.m. - Short Service;
of Latter-day Saints 1860 Hwy. 51 at Lake Kegonsa, Stoughton
E. Main St.,
10 a.m. - Full Worship
825 S. Van Buren, Stoughton 873-5924 Friday, August 4
877-0439 Missionaries 957-3930 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. West Koshkonong Lutheran Church 7a.m. to 1p.m., Stoughton Farmers Market, Stoughton
Sunday: 9 a.m. Sunday school and Primary Adult Bible Study: 9:15-9:45 a.m. 1911 Koshkonong, Stoughton Plaza, 1050 W. Main St.,
Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - Worship
Cooksville Lutheran Church LakeView Church 9:30a.m., Library story time, library, 873-6281
11927 W. Church St., Evansville 2200 Lincoln Ave., Stoughton Noon to 1p.m., Appetite for Arts: Mark Twain and Ameri-
Western Koshkonong can Art, senior center, 873-8585
Pastor Karla Brekke Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship
Lutheran Church
Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship and Sunday School 2633 Church St., Cottage Grove
Sunday: 9:30 a.m. worship
11 a.m. Bible study Support groups
Diabetic Support Group Low Vision Support
6 p.m., second Monday, 1-2:30 p.m., third Thurs-
Stoughton Hospital, 628- day, senior center, 873-
Getting Our Lives in Order 6500 8585
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Dementia Caregivers Parkinsons Group
Psalm 32:8 NIV 2 p.m., second Thursday, 1:30-2:30 p.m., fourth
873-4590 senior center, 873-8585 Wednesday, senior center,
1358 Hwy 51, Stoughton If you are unhappy with your life, or with certain aspects of it and 873-8585
everyone has some area of their life that needs work perhaps it is Crohns/Colitis/IBD
Pete Gunderson
Mike Smits Dale Holzhuter because you have tried to manage it by yourself. It might relieve you to Support Group Multiple Sclerosis Group
Martha Paton, Administrative Manager know that God has a better plan for your life than you do, and it takes a 5:30 p.m., third Wednes- 10-11:30 a.m., second
lot day, Stoughton Hospital, Tuesday, senior center,

Sara Paton Barkenhagen, Administrative Assistant

Paul Selbo, Funeral Assistant
of the pressure off ourselves when we decide to live by Gods plan. 873-7928 873-8585 We arent responsible for our being here, since none of us created
ourselves, and so it shouldnt surprise us to realize that our Creator Grief Support Groups Anorexia and Bulimia Group
already has a plan for us. We should of course take some responsibility 2 p.m., third Wednesday, 6 p.m., first Thursday,
for our own well-being, striving to be as happy, healthy and virtuous as senior center, 873-8585 Stoughton Hospital, 628-
possible, but putting the responsibility for our entire life and life plan 6500
on ourselves is too heavy a burden. It is folly to try to be the engineer
and director of our own lives. Many of us have lived poorly by following
221 Kings Lynn Rd.
our own path and need some help from God to get it together. Consider
Gods word as a users manual for how to get your life together. If youre
Submit your community calendar
Stoughton, WI 53589
(608) 873-8888
not sure what God has planned for you, a good place to start in the
Bible is the Book of Proverbs. It is filled with Godly wisdom for living a and coming up items online:

good life.
Christopher Simon July 27, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 7

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Mike & Terry Niedfeldt

City/town of residence: Stoughton
Occupation/place of employment or business name: We have both worked for Thrivent
Financial for over 30 years each.
Who are the members of your family?: Mike has two grown children, Amanda and Chelsee.
Terry is married to Tammy Niedfeldt with two grown children and three grandchildren
How long have you lived in the area?: Mike I have lived in the Stoughton area for 31 years.
Terry - I have worked in the Stoughton area for 27 years and lived here for the last 14 years.
What organizations are you involved in and how long have you been with them? (50-100
words): Mike - I have been involved in the Stoughton Lions Club for the last four years and have
helped with Habitat for Humanity.
How else are you active in the community?: Terry and Mike - We have been involved in
many different community programs in the Stoughton area through different fund raising events
and action teams that have been sponsored by volunteer groups and Thrivent members in
the community. Many of these events are to help local organizations in Stoughton or families
in need. One true example of this is the Raise the Flag program in Stoughton. This program
helps raise funds for the new Veterans Memorial park each year for its upkeep. Many different
volunteer groups help in this effort along with community donors to make this a success. Over
$11,000 has been raised for 2017 alone.
How do you feel you help make a difference in your community?: Mike I feel it is best to
lead by example and can hopefully inspire others to get involved to help out on different causes
that are important to them. Many ways that this can be done are with Thrivent action teams as
Terry mentions below. Terry - It is important for me to help empower others to live more gen-
erously. One way to do this is to help Thrivent Financial members utilize the benefits of Thrivent
Financial Action Teams and Choice dollars. The impact of empowering others with tools to help
them live more generous lives is second to none.
Hobbies/interests: Mike - Some of my hobbies include home remodel work, riding on the
Harley, and attending sporting events. Terry - I enjoy many different activities including camping,
fishing, traveling and sightseeing, wood working, wine making and spoiling grandchildren.
What do you like best about your community and why?: Mike What I like is that where
there are needs in the community it always comes together to help those in need or to get a
cause taken care of. Terry - The one thing that has drawn me to the Stoughton area is the close- BEFORE
ness of the community. I have felt like part of the Stoughton family for the time that I have been
here and look forward to many more years to come. SCHOOL STARTS!
What personal satisfaction do you get from serving in your community?: Mike - It is just
great to see the end results and how lives have been affected from the end results of the work
that has been able to be done. Terry - I feel a sense of accomplishment when I see others whom
I have helped, help others. I like to think of it as the pay it forward concept. If someone is in
need, do you give them a fish to eat or do you help teach them to fish. I feel satisfied when 1300 Nygaard St.
someone has learned how to fish.
If money were no object, what kind of gift would you give your community?: Mike I
would try to develop some sort of resource where people from the community would be able to
come forth and apply for funding that could then be used to help benefit causes that are import-
ant to them and help bring the community together. Terry - I would like for everyone in the com- 608.205-3280
munity to help and respect others. The gift of generosity can be and is a very powerful tool to
use. The personal feeling of accomplishment in helping others is empowering. Dr. Steven Dow Dr. Sarah Santos
Family Dentistry Orthodontist


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8 July 27, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub

You Should Know

the community?: I participated Sylvia Lawrence
in Senior Center accreditation
process, I sing in the Edvard City/town of residence:
Grieg Choir, was President Stoughton
of The Norwegian Singers Occupation/place of
Association, volunteered in employment or business
the schools, was chief of psy- name: I am a stay-at-home
chology at Stoughton Hospital, mom, formerly a CNA with
organized a fundraiser for the Skaalen Home and Nazareth
high school music depart- House.
ment. Who are the members of
How do you feel you your family?: Husband Steve
help make a difference in Lawrence, kids Hannah, 13,
your community?: Simply Felix, 4, and Virginia, May 2,
by participating actively in three cats, one dog and three
whats going on in Stoughton. hens.
Raising money for the Opera How long have you lived
House has allowed us to in the area?: Im a second
improve the facilities in ways generation Stoughtonite and
Jon Lewis the city could not afford in this graduated here! Our commu-
Age: 68 time of tight budgets. If you nity is too special to leave!
participate in the community,
City/town of residence: you improve it. What organizations
Stoughton are you involved in and
Hobbies/interests: I fish how long have you been
Occupation/place of when its warm out and I do
employment or busi- with them?: I am a found-
a lot of photography. Singing ing member of Naturally
ness name: retired in the Grieg Choir is a hobby,
Neuropsychologist Stoughton, a group that
I guess, and I love to do it. I formed in 2013 in hopes to
Who are the members of also really enjoy junky novels, bring safer turf maintenance
your family?: Wife Sylvia, son mostly sci-fi. practices to Stoughton. We
Max What do you like best merged with Sustainable
How long have you lived in about your community and Stoughton in 2014 for which
the area?: 30 years why?: The Opera House is my I proudly served until May of
What organizations are fave, but the list is long. The 2017. I am on the Board of
you involved in and how long Opera House brings vitality the Stoughton Community
have you been with them?: and bustle to the downtown, Farmers Market, established
Stoughton River and Trails and has an amazing lineup. in 2015.
Task Force, past Chair, since We recently finished the fourth How else are you active
1996, Stoughton Opera House year of the Catfish River Music in the community?: Through
board, since 2012, vice chair Festival, which is a lot of work, my involvement with the
of The Nature Conservancy, but a lot of fun. Stoughton has Saturday Farmers Market, I
Wisconsin Chapter 2004, friendly people, a sense of its had an opportunity to coor-
Syttende Mai executive com- own history, Norwegians and dinate Shop Small Saturday
mittee, 2012-2017, Stoughton lots of beautiful old houses. and Victorian Holiday Artisan
Planning Commission, 1993- Parks are plentiful and beau- Market, in 2016. The events
2004, Stoughton Wellness tiful and the bicycle paths are featured quality local artists
Coalition, 2016, Stoughton great and getting better. and crafters. Stoughton is
Police and Fire Commission What personal satisfaction filled with talented folks. Keep
president, 2015-2016, do you get from serving in an eye on the Community
Stoughton Livsreise Center your community?: Seeing Market Page for exciting
Steering committee, 2013- the results of peoples efforts, news about 2017 Shop Small
2015, founder and president whether or not I participated. and Victorian Holiday events!
of the Stoughton Opera If money were no object, How do you feel you help
House Friends Association, what kind of gift would you make a difference in your
2013, Stoughton Community give your community?: I community?:They say, it Hobbies/interests: I am a fiber arts to the community is knowing that I am
Foundation board, 2016, would follow the lead of the takes a village. I am a vil- fanatic; spinning, knitting, weaving, dyeing, demonstrating stewardship to my children.
Dane County Friends of Bryant Foundation, which lager working together with and crocheting! My husband works very We must get involved in order to shape the
Scandinavian Culture presi- has done such a great job of countless other volunteers to hard in the garden, so I work hard preserv- world we want to live in; my kids are learn-
dent, 2014. supporting and enhancing the make Stoughton a brighter ing the treats from summer by canning, ing this through action, not words.
How else are you active in community through the years. community. pickling or dehydrating. If money were no object, what kind of
What do you like best about your com- gift would you give your community?:
munity and why?: I love how action-ori- If I had the opportunity to give the city a
ented the community is. When we see an gift and money were no object, I would

Are you running a business issue, a group forms to take it on. Our
community has a lot of passion and we
invest our time and resources into tackling
work to create a public health coalition in
Stoughton. This would encompass reduc-
ing pesticide exposure on green space,
in Stoughton? the issues, whether its ensuring our youth
have access to food during the summer,
substance abuse prevention, advocating for
access to free nutritious food at all times,
a 24/7 free health clinic, crisis stabilization
and better treatment options for the grow-
safe parks, ETC, Stoughtonites mobilize. ing opioid epidemic.
Heres someone you should know! What personal satisfaction do you get
from serving in your community?: The
Catherine Stang knows how to help personal satisfaction I get from my service
your business reach people who
live, work and shop in Stoughton.
Every week, over 3,600 people look
to the Stoughton Courier Hub to Whom Send your ideas of
find out whats happening in our
community members who
community. If you want to reach
do you go above and beyond to
Catherine Stang
Proud Employee-Owner
these readers, call Catherine today
and put the power of the Stoughton
think the
for our next
since 2011
Courier Hub to work for you! community People You Should Know section.
Call Catherine at (608) 873-6671 should Please include as much
or email information as possible, including
know? contact information and what
135 W. Main St., Ste. 102, Stoughton, WI makes that person stand out.
adno=531913-01 July 27, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 9

Photos by Evan Halpop

Elijah Hartberg (right), 11, from Stoughton, chats with community members who are showing off a robotic car at the truck event hosted by the Stoughton Public Library on July 19 at
Mandt Park.

Exploring on Truck Day

Dozens of families visited Mandt Park Wednesday, July 19, for Truck Day. Community vehicles from the police and fire department and other city service trucks were at the park
for the kids to explore and take pictures.

Brittany Rusch of Stoughton shows her son, Griffin, 3, in an emergency vehicle

Sienna Marten, front, 9, of Stoughton explores the buttons with her mother at the truck event hosted by the Stoughton Public Library on July 19 at Mandt
Rebecca Hanna, back, in a emergency vehicle at the truck event hosted by the Park.
Stoughton Public Library on July 19 at Mandt Park.

Get ready for Kubb

The Stoughton Kubb club and Sons of Norway Stoughton branch held a Kubb yard
game at Virgin Lake park teaching kids how to play Kubb, a traditional Norwegian
yard game, Saturday, July 15. A Stoughton Kubb Invitational was held Saturday, July
22 with proceeds going toward the senior center.

Photo submitted
The home of Barbara and Robert Shenk at 617 Hamilton St. was selected as the July Yard of
the Month by the Stoughton Heritage Garden Club.

July Yard of the Month

The Stoughon Heritage all sides of their proper- which also enhance their
Garden Club has chosen the ty throughout the 30 years backyard pool area.
home of Barbara and Rob- they have lived there. She The Stoughton Heritage
ert Shenk at 617 Hamilton especially looks forward Garden club welcomes
St. as the July Yard of the to July, when a variety of guests at its meetings on the
Month. colorful perennials such as third Tuesday of the month.
Barbara shared that they lilies, coneflowers, daisies, For more information, visit
have developed the floral astilbe, hydrangea, and Photo by Helu Wang
landscapes that surround clematis are at their peak, GardenClub/. Sadie Bergeson, 6, learns how to throw out a Kubb to make it rotate properly for scoring.
10 Thursday, July 27, 2017 Jeremy Jones, sports editor
845-9559 x226

Courier Hub Anthony Iozzo, assistant sports editor

845-9559 x237
For more sports coverage, visit: Fax: 845-9550

Home Talent League Wrestling

Photo submitted
Stoughtons Rose Ann
Marshall finished seventh
overall July 16-18 in the USA
Womens Cadet Nationals
in Fargo, N.D. Marshall was
also named a Wisconsin

Marshall is first
woman from
Assistant sports editor

Photo by Jeremy Jones Stoughtons Rose Ann

T.J. DiPrizio scores on a wild pitch in front of McFarland pitcher Nick Schreiber in the bottom of the sixth inning Sunday. Stoughton won the Southeast Marshall traveled to in
Section game 8-1. the USA Womens Cadet

Big inning leads to sweep

Nationals in Fargo, N.D.,
July 16-18 and became the
first All-American woman
in Stoughton history.
Marshall finished seventh
overall at 106 pounds and
throughout the Southeast playoffs had a 7-2 overall record.
Win over McFarland with one more win or a loss by Fort Southeast Section Marshall said she was
extends league lead Atkinson.
West Division W-L East Division W-L
honored to not only be the
A one-run game through 5 first woman in Stough-
innings, Stoughton broke the game Stoughton 13-1 Fort Atkinson 11-2 ton to be an All-American
JEREMY JONES open with a pair of suicide squeezes Albion 9-4 Jefferson 9-3 but was also honored to
Sports editor at Norse Park. be able to do it in her first
Clean-up hitter Ryan Nyhagen led McFarland 6-7 Cambridge 6-6 year wrestling in the Cadet
Big innings have carried the off the four-run bottom of the sixth Evansville 5-8 Clinton 6-6 Nationals.
Stoughton Merchants all season. inning with a double, and Dave Han- To be able to place in
Utica 2-11 Waterloo 4-7 my first year, it was really
Sunday the Merchants showed the son reached base on an error by short-
ability to play small ball, as well, as stop Kyle Bender with one out before Deerfield 1-12 Lake Mills 4-9 amazing, Marshall said.
the bottom of the order helped carry T.J. DiPrizio walked to load the bases. I never thought I would
the team to an 8-1 Southeast Section The bottom of the order supplied a be able to place in my first
victory over the visiting McFarland bit of unexpected heroics, laying two reached first base safely as McFarland can play small ball when we need to. year.
Muskies. suicide squeezes to help Stoughton had no one covering the bag. I think the bunts threw them off both Marshall defeated Con-
Stoughton has clinched the top take a 6-1 lead. When the bottom of the order gets times. necticuts Joanne Ortiz
seed from the west division and will Backup Sam Simon, playing in on base and is scoring runs for you, Tanner Klitzke popped up his first 11-10 in the seventh-place
host a Southeast final on Aug. 13. place of Jake Wenzel, got down thats huge, pitcher Ben Riffle said.
They can clinch home field advantage the first bunt to plate a run. Simon Were a team with power, but we Turn to Merchants/Page 11 Turn to Wrestling/Page 11

Home Talent League

Utica gets swept by Albion

Sports editor Whats next
Utica was swept by Albion on Sun- Utica (2-11) travels to Evansville (5-8)
day, falling 13-5 at home against the sec-
ond-place Tigers. for a doubleheader at noon on Sunday. The
Christian Stokstad took the loss for Utica, As then close out the season 1p.m. Sat-
giving up six earned runs on 14 hits and one urday, Aug. 5 at Utica Fest against the rival
walk over six innings. He struck out one. Stoughton Merchants (13-1).
Aaron Schauer tossed three innings of
relief, allowing five more runs on nine hits.
Jake Taylor earned the win for Albion. and Eastman (2-for-6) all had multiple hits
He allowed three earned runs over seven for the Tigers, who had 23 hits in the win.
innings on nine hits. He walked two. Josh Three of Brennan Deegans four hits were
Eastman tossed two innings of scoreless doubles.
relief, striking out two. Night League
Cody Jump went 2-for-3 at the plate to
pace the As. The As remained winless in Central Sec-
Brennan Deegan (4-for-6), Jake Zeimet tion Night League action on Thursday, fall-
Photo by Joe Koshollek (4-for-6), Cameren Wileman (3-for-6), Ols- ing 9-0 against undefeated Middleton.
Uticas Doug Vike takes a throw from catcher Cody Jump as Albions Cameren Wileman tad (3-for-5), Aaron Laskowski (2-for-4), Utica (0-9) finishes out the season 6p.m.
(19) steals second base during the first inning of the game Sunday at Utica. Evan Deegan (2-for-6), Tyler Oren (2-for-6) Thursday against Sun Prairie (2-6). July 27, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 11
Wrestling: Marshall takes seventh at USA Cadet Nationals Sports shorts
Continued from page 10 Rhylee Jung 6-4. Broukal finished sights on the Stoughton High School Viking Open tennis contact Ryan Reischel at
sixth, and Jung made the round of 16 wrestling team. She will be a fresh- 628-4928 or by email at
in the championship bracket. man starting in the fall and hopes her tournament
Team Wisconsin finished fifth over- Marshall said it was a difficult road experience gives her an edge to make The sixth annual Viking
in the consolation bracket, but she the team. Open tennis tournament Booster 5K run/walk
all with 50 points. Team California
won with 102 points. was able to stay focused against each Besides wrestling in meets, Mar- will be held Aug. 4-6 on the The Viking Booster Trek
Marshall also defeated Pennsyl- opponent. shall has also been attending camps Stoughton High School ten- 5K run/walk will take place
vanias Mia Butler 12-2, Floridas It was really tough, Marshall with Pat Kilty, who is the director of nis courts. 9 a.m., Saturday, Aug. 19, at
Angela Lorusso 10-0, Colorados said. I just had to wrestle one match the womens program for Team Wis- This tournament is the Mandt Park. The event will
Emily Llamas 10-0, Pennsylvanias at a time and just make sure I was consin. largest weekend tournament kick off the Coffee Break
Montana Delawder 12-2, Wisconsins ready for my match and wasnt think- His camps are really tough and I in the state, attracting approx- festival.
Josie Bartishofski 18-8 and Ohios ing whether the person was good or have been doing them quite a while, imately 150 tennis players of Registration is $15 and
Kailiena Allen 15-6. not. I just had to see how it went and Marshall said. I think it will help me all ages and their families to forms can be picked up at the
The two losses came to Indianas always be on my offensive. prepare for the high school season. the Stoughton community. chamber, Level Up Fitness,
Ciera Broukal 8-6 and New Yorks Marshall will next be setting her Varsity boys and girls Salon X or SWAC. They can
tennis coach Ryan Reischel also be printed off at stough-
started the tournament as a
fundraiser for the tennis pro- You may also sign up
Merchants: Stoughton falls to Verona in Night League game gram back in 2012 and it has
been growing strong ever
online at All
registrations received before
since. Aug. 4 will receive a com-
Continued from page 10 The tournament is geared memorative Viking Booster
towards players who have Trek T-shirt.
bunt attempt, which landed had some match experience. The Stoughton Sports
just out of the reach of the While the tournament is Boosters was formed to sup-
Muskies catcher before lay- competitive, there is a very port the high school athletic
ing down a second bunt that laid-back and fun element to department. Throughout the
scored Hanson. the tournament as well. school year individual sports
We were in the bottom We have pizza delivered teams make requests to fund
of the order and we werent free of charge for the play- specific projects or have
stringing any hits together, ers, there is a raffle with additional expenses that need
so I thought why not roll the awesome prizes from local the clubs help.
dice, manager Dale Seffens businesses, and there are free In addition to general and
said. Sam and Tanner did a giveaways all three days of corporate memberships, the
nice job getting bunts down. the tournament. It is really boosters host other major
DiPrizio added a run on a just a great big celebration of fundraisers throughout the
wild pitch and Irvin Medina tennis, Reischel said. year to raise money for the
singled home another for a There are flights in singles, club.
6-1 lead. doubles, and mixed doubles, More information about
Chris Lund led off the sev- and each flight is broken the boosters or becoming
enth with a single back at down by age group. a booster member can be
pitcher Nick Schreiber, and Anyone interested in play- found on the groups web-
Nyhagen then hammered a ing in the tournament should site.
double into the right center
field gap. But Lund got a
late read on the ball and was Madison International Speedway
thrown out at home.
Lund, who is returning to
100 percent after sustain-
ing an ankle injury earlier
Big rigs night set for Friday
this year, still had a big day, The Bandit Big Rig place with Madisons very
going 3-for-4 with a sin- Series, Must See Sprint own 6Shooters featuring a
gle, double, RBI and a run Cars, Midwest Truck Series stock, entry level six-cylin-
scored. Seffens said Lund and 6Shooters will be in der car division for anyone
has been a big addition for action Friday as part of the who wants to become a rac-
the Merchants, coming over Big Rigs and Big Wings er.
from Utica this season. Photo by Jeremy Jones Night at Madison Interna- Pit gates open at
Max Fuller and DiPrizio Sam Simon lays down a suicide squeeze in the sixth inning. The basehit helped the Mer- tional Speedway. 3:30p.m. Grandstands
added a pair of RBI singles chants score four runs in the inning to break the game open as Stoughton beat McFarland Highlighting the rac- open at 6 with racing at
in the final two innings. 8-1. ing action will be the first 7:30. Adult tickets are $25.
Riffle tossed the first seven appearance by the Bandit Whelen Heroes, seniors
innings before giving way to picture with a loss today and single. Murphy popped a ball high Big Rig Series, which fea- and students aged 12-17
Erick Sperloen. Riffle gave we expected them to play Justin Moore doubled with into the lights that fell in for tures big rig tractor trucks pay $22, and children aged
up five hits, walked two and well. two outs in the top of the sec- a double in right. Murphy battling it out side-by- 6-11 cost $10. Children 5
ond, and Dan Campbell fol- later scored on a passed ball.
struck out three. Night League lowed with an infield single The Merchants final-
side for the first time in 35 and under are free.
Today was probably the years.
best my arm has felt all sea- The Merchants could not to the shortstop, but Laufen- ly got on the board in the Also, the Must See Sprint Double feature
get the clutch hits on July berg struck out Sperloen to sixth. Nyhagen doubled to Series brings their high
son, he said. I left a few
18 in a 4-1 loss to Verona at end the threat. right-center field, and Scott postponed
pitches get away but I was flying winged sprint cars
Stampfl Field in the Thurs- The Cavaliers then added Nachreiner singled to put to Madison. These rock- The Kuhn Agriculture
around the zone all day. and Olson Automotive
Sperloen struck out one day Night League. another run in the bottom of runners on the corners with ets will approach speeds
Rookie Cavaliers pitcher the inning. David Lund sin- one out. close to 140 mph as they fly Buck Night, featuring dou-
in two innings of relief. He ble features for the Whelen
allowed one baserunner. Brad Laufenberg struck out gled to right field, and Alan Moore then plated Nyha- around the track.
five and scattered nine hits Kopp was hit by a pitch. gen with a basehit to left Back for their third visit All-American Series was
Irvin Medina walked in the canceled last Friday.
first inning and then scored and a walk, and Stoughton Jeff Bishop bunted Lund field, but Laufenberg got out this season is the Midwest
stranded four runners in scor- and Kopp to second and of the inning with a 6-4-3 Truck Series, which began The next Buck Night
two hitters later on Lunds promotion will take place
double to right center after ing position. third with one out, and Jacob double play. at Madison back in 1997.
The Merchants (5-3) are Slonim followed with an RBI Laufenberg finished the Grassroots racing takes on Aug. 25.
being sacrificed into scoring - John Wells
position by Winder Fuentes. now two-and-a-half games in single to make it 3-0. complete game with a 1-2-3
Stoughton extended its back of first-place Middleton Laufenberg once again had seventh inning. He allowed
lead to 2-0 on a triple by (8-0) and two games behind to get out of a small jam in an earned run on nine hits
Nyhagen, which scored Lund Verona (7-1) in the Central the fifth. Campbell singled and a walk, striking out five.
from first base. Section. Stoughtons magic to right, and he later reached Sperloen took the loss for
The Muskies lone run number to reach the Night third on a groundout and a Stoughton. He allowed three
came in the top of the fourth League playoffs is one. passed ball. earned runs on six hits and
inning as Justin Hanson The Merchants and Mono- Fuentes walked to put run- two walks and a hit by pitch
walked with one out before na/McFarland (3-5) are ners on the corners for the in three innings.
Adam Hagerty blooped an locked in a playoff race and second time in the game for Riffle pitched two innings
RBI single to cut the Stough- although each team has one Stoughton, but Laufenberg and allowed an earned run on
ton lead to 2-1. game remaining, Stoughton induced a grounder for the two hits, two walks and a hit
Schreiber went the dis- can lock up the final playoff final out of the inning. by pitch. Jeremy Dunnihoo
tance and took the loss for spot with a win 6p.m. Thurs- Verona took a 4-0 lead in pitched the sixth and hit one
day at Norse Park. the bottom of the fifth after batter. PRODUCTS & SERVICES
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12 July 27, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub Obituaries

Emil G. Robyn printing in Chicago. He Marjorie L. Gullickson Park, Ill. of Whitewater; sons, Rich- luncheon will follow the
moved to Stoughton in She married Reynold ard Rick (Deanna) Gul- service. Private family
1987 with his wife Betty Gullickson on June 7, lickson of Stoughton and interment will be held at a
(Rowe). 1956, at Grace Luther- Jay (Kim) Gullickson of later date.
Emil enjoyed golf, craft- an Church in Loves Park. Fox Point; granddaughters, Visitation will be held
ing stained glass lamps and Marg was employed as a Ashley, Emily (Steven), at the church from 10a.m.
going on long walks. homemaker, legal secre- Amber (Michael), Kailey until the time of the service
He is survived by his tary, bank employee and and Amanda; great-grand- on Friday. Memorials may
two children, George worked in admissions at children, Kyler, Benjamin be made, in Margs name,
( J oy ) R o b y n a n d E ve - Stoughton Hospital. For and Charlotte; sisters-in- t o C ove n a n t L u t h e r a n
lyn (Michael) Viland, five many years, she was an law, Rose Lee, Rita and Church. The family would
grandchildren and six integral part of running the Grace Gullickson and like to thank the wonder-
great grandchildren. Emil family owned Norse Mar- Elrene Oyen; and broth- ful staff of professionals
was preceded in death by ket in Stoughton. er-in-law, Roger (Cyndie) who provided care to Mom
his wife of 57 years, son Over the past years, Gullickson. over the past week, and to
Emil Robyn Richard Robyn and brother Marjorie Gullickson Marg developed a great She was preceded in all who offered support,
George Robyn. passion for quilting, cher- death by her parents; the thoughts, prayers and kind
Emil Mick G. Robyn, A special thank you to the M a r j o r i e L . M a rg ishing the many pieces she love of her life, Reynold; words during this difficult
age 91, passed away on staff at Skaalen Home for (Oyen) Gullickson, age created and the wonderful brothers, Allen and Donald time.
Tuesday, July 18, 2017 their care of Emil. Memori- 79, of Stoughton, passed friendships she made. Oyen; and brother-in-law,
at Skaalen Nursing and away on Monday, July 24, Gunderson Stoughton
als may be made in Emils She was a wonderful Ralph Gullickson. Funeral & Cremation
Rehab. name to Skaalen Home. 2017, at Agrace Hospice- wife, mother, grandmother A Celebration of Life
He was born in Chicago, A celebration of Care, after succumbing to and friend to many and will be held at covenant Care
lll. on Febru- Emils life will be held at a recent stroke. was deeply rooted in her lutheran church, 1525 N. 1358 Hwy. 51 North at
ary 2, 1926, 1:30p.m., Saturday Aug. She was born on Nov. faith at Covenant Lutheran Van Buren St., Stough- Jackson
the son of 5, 2017 at Skaalen Home 19, 1937, in Rockford, Ill. Church. ton, at noon, Friday, July
George and Marg graduated from Har- (608) 873-4590
Chapel, 400 N. Morris St., Marg is survived by her 28, 2017, with the Rev.
Evelyn (Aerts) Robyn. Stoughton, with Rev. James lem High School in Loves daughter, Jill (Kent) Hoard Jerry Tews presiding. A
He served as a signalman Koza presiding. A time of
on USS LSM 85, partici- gathering will take place
pating in the battle of Leyte
Stoughton History
from 12:30 until the time of
Gulf and other combat services on Saturday.
actions culminating in the Please share your memo-
defeat of Japan. He worked ries at cressfuneralservice. July
for over 35 years as an com
engraver at R.R. Donnelley 120 Years ago (1897) Everything from shooting Stoughton, Wis., planted a consultants with expertise
in the range to guard duty. peach stone at the age of in everything from traf-
While our trip around Sgt. Skavlem has a new 93 and lived to eat the fruit fic to landscaping to light
the lake was no easy task it job up here. He is over at of her tree. poles are making headway
Allan E. Skinner station, UW Badgers was nevertheless a pleasant the service company bak- The ancient barn on the proposal to develop
Broadcast and other vari- one. In summing matters up ing hams. adjoining the Matson the 183-acre Linnerud tract
ous radio stations across the at the end of our journey, The annual school Motor Company is being at US Hwy. 51 and County
Midwest. we find there are 77 cot- census which was tak- torn down to make room B. Starting last month, the
Al was an avid sports tages and six tents strewn en by Misses Elinore and for a parking lot. The barn Plan Commission began
fan, especially enjoying around the beautiful shore, Dorothy Buehler, reveals and the residence prop- meeting twice monthly to
the Badgers, Green Bay containing a population an increase of 81 school erty on the corner were review and recommend
Packers, Chicago Cubs and of 476 souls. As many of children over the number purchased by the Matson changes to voluminous
golf. Al is survived by his the houses are now vacant, reported last year. This Company for expansion. development plans submit-
beloved family, Darleen we estimate that when the year there are 1,168 chil- The residence will remain ted for the tract as a whole,
Laufenberg, Sharon (Dave) season is in its height, the dren between the ages of as is for present. as well as separate plans
Adams and Cindy Cooley; population will increase to four and 20 residing in the Upwards of 75 Little submitted by Wal-Mart for
nieces and nephews; and nearly 1,000 people. school district. League baseball players the construction of a super-
many friends. T.G. Mandt has invent- Work of extending and other Stoughton boys center on about 25 acres of
Allan Skinner He was preceded in death ed another patent, a side the Kegonsa electric line will make the annual bus the property.
by his parents; and partner draft to a buggy. By this to a few farms northwest trip to Milwaukee Thurs- The water impound-
of 33 years, Mark Cooley. means the horse can fol- of Stoughton, was begun day to see a big league ment area behind the
Allan E. Al Skinner III, Funeral services will
age 73, of Madison, passed low a smooth path, while Thursday morning by baseball game. The Braves Stoughton dam will be
be held at gunderson east the wheels track in the ruts Andrew M. Quam and a will play the New York drawn down starting Fri-
away on Tuesday, July 18, funeral and cremation care,
2017, at Agrace Hospice- made by a double rig, the crew of men. Mets. day, July 20 to allow for an
5203 Monona Dr., Madi- same as with a cutter. Honolulu - Navy fliers inspection of the structure
Care. son, at noon, Monday, July 10 Years ago (2007)
He was born on Aug. The woodshed to the Saturday resumed their by professional engineers.
24, 2017, with the Rev. Jer- dwelling house occupied sky patrol in a final search Part of Stoughtons
19, 1943, in ry Amstutz presiding. By approving the instal-
Evanston, by C. Shumway took fire for Amelia Earhardt and lation of security cameras landscape was altered
Visitation will be held Sunday evening and was Capt. Fred Noonan. Unless We d n e s d a y w h e n t h e
Ill., the son at the funeral home from around the perimeter of
of Allan Jr. discovered by neighbors found by Saturday, the Stoughton school build- 54-year-old water tower
10a.m. until the time of the just in time to prevent a two will join the long roll behind River Bluff Ele-
and Ida Mae (Johnson) service on Monday. In lieu ings, would-be criminals
Skinner. Al graduated from conflagration. A bucket bri- of fliers who tried to span will be less likely to com- mentary School was torn
of flowers, memorials may gade was formed and the the Pacific and never came down. A construction com-
Stoughton High School. He be made to Dane County mit vandalism, robbery
attended Wisconsin School blaze extinguished without back. and other acts of crime. At pany worked all day on
Humane Society. the aid of the fire depart- Wednesday disassembling
of Electronics and Univer- least thats the hope of the
Online condolences may ment. 55 Years ago (1962) Stoughton Board of Edu- the water tower and tank,
sity of Wisconsin. He was be made at gundersonfh.
an electrical and broadcast The new street roller, Miss Mary Lindgren cation, who unanimously which was first installed in
com. weighing six tons, pur- Stoughton in 1951.
engineer for Midwestern was crowned Queen of supported the recommen-
Broadcast, Airforce MARS chased by the city, arrived the Stoughton Fair Sunday dation from the boards Laurie Sullivan, trea-
Wednesday. The stone night before a large grand- facilities committee. surer/accountant for the
crusher has not yet arrived stand audience some of City residents can City of Milton, has been
Carol F. Eugster Mt. Horeb Evangelical by is expected daily. the finest livestock in the expect to see a dramatic hired as Stoughtons new
Lutheran Church Chap- Blooming health, long world was shown at the change in the Yahara River finance director. Sullivan,
Memorial service for el, 315 East Main St., Mt. life, prosperity and happi- Stoughton Junior Fair last later this month when the 46, succeeds John Neal,
Carol Fosshage Eugster Horeb ness come by taking Rocky weekend. Total attendance impoundment area behind who retired as Stoughtons
6 p.m., Friday, July 28 Mountain Tea. No failures. was estimated at 25,000. the Stoughton dam is drawn finance director on May 1,
Sold by all druggists. Our town made Bob down by about five feet so following 25 years in the

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Ripleys Believe it or the dam can be inspected. position.
80 Years ago (1937) Not again. Susan Olson Slowly, but surely,
War news from Camp sent a clipping from the Stoughton city staff mem- Compiled by Scott De
D o u g l a s : To d a y t h e Dallas Newspaper which bers, the Stoughton Plan Laruelle
war games commence. r e a d , A n n a G r e e n o f Commission and teams of

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RDA: Group to meet Aug. 9 to assess project, possible next steps for riverfront redevelopment
Continued from page 1 developer of the project last interested in it, once those reflect the current council
October, and in Decem-
ber he submitted his plan
uncertainties are removed.
City officials began eye-
Sveum said the RDAs
premature in seeking pri-
vate partners in redevel- for the area. He expected ing the redevelopment area efforts were moving for- September 2014: MillFab ceases operations
oping a 12-acre former to adjust the plan after the in 2006, and the council in ward until the RDA voted April 2015: RDA offers $700,000 for property
industrial area between charrette, based on what 2009 approved a project in March to demolish the
he learned from the public. plan for it. But some of the Highway Trailer building March 2016: RDA increases offer to $750,000
the Yahara River and East
South Street. But after becoming aware assumptions in the plan, to clear the site for redevel- August 2016: Court approves RDA offer
Geall said after partici- of the citys disagreements including demolishing opment. September 2016: RDA solicits redevelopment proposals
pating in a public design- over the project, he said, he buildings to make way for The Common Council
decided to withdraw. new ones, might no longer reversed that decision the February 2017: RDA selects Tanesay as master developer
ing exercise (known as
a charrette) in June, it The uncertainty makes be supported by a majority following week. It later March 2017: RDA recommends Movin Out as secondary
became clear that the Com- it difficult to plan for the of the current council. voted to approve the demo- developer
mon Council does not sup- project, Geall told the The RDA sought a mas- lition for most of the build- April 11: Council votes to preserve Mandt Foundry build-
port the project plan the Hub in a phone interview ter developer to lead the ing but preserve a smaller ing
RDA based its request for from Chicago last week. project last year, send- structure, known as the
Its a beautiful site, with ing out whats known as blacksmith shop, within June 9-11, 2017: Design charrette
development proposals on.
RDA chair Peter Sveum its proximity to Main a request for proposals, the larger complex. July 18: Master developer Tanesay withdraws
said he was disappointed Street and the river. All of or RFP, to more than 100 The night we voted to
with Gealls decision but the things that attracted us developers in Wisconsin take that building down
understands it. He said to the site initially are still and northern Illinois last was the night that every-
alders must reach agree- there. But over the course
of the past year, we learned
year and received only one
response, from Tanesay.
thing changed, Sveum
Whats next
ment on several issues
before a developer would more things that are giving Two other developers At last weeks meeting, The Redevelopment Authority meets Wednesday, Aug.
be willing to lead the rede- us pause. Gorman and Company and RDA member Ron Chris-
G e a l l s a i d h e h a s n t Movin Out expressed tianson noted the RDA 9, to assess the redevelopment project and decide its
velopment effort.
I m ve r y c o n c e r n e d ruled out returning to lead i n t e r e s t i n d ev e l o p i n g met its goal of bringing next step. In the meantime, RDA officials hope the Com-
about where this develop- the redevelopment effort, smaller or complementary all the parties to the table. mon Council will reach consensus on what it wants to
ment is going, he said. but the council must reach projects. Assessing the state of include in the redevelopment area.
A m o n g t h e d i s a g r e e- consensus on what it wants But the overall redevel- the redevelopment effort in
ments are whether there for the area, which is locat- opment effort needs to be light of Gealls announce-
ought to be private home- ed between East South led by a master developer, ment, he added, The he said. because not everybodys
ownership rather than rent- Street and the Yahara Riv- said RDA consultant Gary council is on the precipice Mayor Donna Olson told going to agree on every-
al properties, whether his- er, and Fourth Street on the Becker. And the city needs of a great success or a great the Hub that city alders thing, she said. Thats
toric buildings in the area west and Seventh Street to to have a clear vision, he debacle. need to have a serious dis- just human nature. Theyll
should be preserved, and the east. added. In a phone interview, cussion about their prior- have to reach a consensus
to what extent retail should These redevelopment The council needs to S ve u m a g r e e d . B u t h e ities for the redevelopment before they can move for-
be included in the mix of s i t e s a r e ve r y h a r d t o tell us what their policies d o u b t e d t h e R DA c a n project. ward.
new buildings. come by, and Stoughton are for that area, he said. come up with a plan that Theyre going to have to
T h e R DA s e l e c t e d is an amazing communi- That may mean we have the council would accept. come to a consensus, and it Contact Bill Livick at bill.
Geall to serve as master ty, Geall said. So were to go in and amend the all I dont think they even will have to be a consensus
always going to remain those plans that we have to know what theyll accept,

Photo submitted
Hannah Klapperich-Mueller leads a group of workshop participants

Shakespeare in the Park

A traveling theater group performed a Shakespeare classic at Lake
Kegonsa State Park July 15. The group, Summit Players Theatre, is
performing a stripped-down, 75-minute showing of The Comedy of
Errors at state parks across Wisconsin this summer. Before the show,
which had 48 people in the audience, the group offered acting lessons Photo submitted
during a workshop, which had 13 participants. From left, Michael Nicholas and Joe Picchetti perform in The Comedy of Errors at Kegonsa State Park.

NOTICE OF Second Reading: July 11, 2017 3. Neither this ordinance nor the NOTICE OF please contact the City Zoning Adminis- oclock p.m., or as soon after as the
RECITALS GDP constitute City approval of any trator at 608-646-0421 matter may be heard, in the Council
PUBLIC HEARING A. Kettle Park West, LLC (the Appli- plans or specifications for any public PUBLIC HEARING Information related to this request Chambers, Public Safety Building, 321 S.
The City of Stoughton Planning cant) has requested approval of a new improvements referred to in the GDP, The Common Council of the City can be viewed at: http://stoughtoncity- Fourth Street, Second Floor, Stoughton,
Commission will hold a Public Hear- General Development Plan for Outlot 1 including utility improvements, street of Stoughton, Dane County, Wisconsin, Wisconsin, 53589, to consider the pro-
ing on Monday, August 14, 2017 at 6:00 and Lots 3 and 4 of Certified Survey Map improvements, and other public improve- will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, Published: July 27, 2017 posed rezoning of the following parcels
oclock p.m., or as soon after as the mat- No. 14057, and Lots 5 and 7 of Certified ments. Plans and specifications for all August 22, 2017 at 7:00 oclock p.m., or WNAXLP of land located at 1009 W. Main Street,
ter may be heard, at the Public Safety Survey Map No. 14058 (the Property). public improvements to be constructed as soon hereafter as the matter may be Stoughton, WI., owned by the Dhillon
Building, Second Floor, 321 S. Fourth B. The Property is currently zoned within the Property shall be approved heard, in the Council Chambers, Public *** Petroleum LLC, from PD Planned De-
Street, Stoughton, Wisconsin, 53589, to Planned Development and is subject to by the City, separately from the approval Safety Building, 2nd Floor, 321 South velopment to PD Planned Development
review a proposed amendment to the City a previously approved General Develop- of the GDP, and in accordance with the Fourth Street, Stoughton, Wisconsin, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS (General Development Plan) to construct
of Stoughton Municipal Code of Ordi- ment Plan that includes the Property and Citys ordinances and policies relating to to consider special assessments for INVITATION TO BID an addition to the existing principal build-
nances. The proposed ordinance amend- other lands in the Kettle Park West Com- the design, approval and construction of sidewalks, driveways, aprons, carriage Sealed bids will be received by the ing including other site improvements, in
ment is to consider removal of Appendix mercial Center Development. public improvements. walks, and curb and gutter for the follow- City of Stoughton for the furnishing of the City of Stoughton, Dane County, WI,
F, Procedural Checklists, including all C. The Zoning Administrator has de- 4. No part of the Property may be ing projects: labor, services, materials and equipment more fully described:
references within Chapter 78, of the City termined, pursuant to Section 78-914(1) developed until a Specific Implementa- Giles Street from Henry Street to for the construction of the proposed 1009 W. Main Street: parcel number:
of Stoughton Zoning Ordinance, Dane (a) of the City of Stoughton Municipal tion Plan (SIP) has been submitted and Morris Street to include the following project known as Nordic Ridge Park 281/0511-071-0905-2; LOT 1 CSM 14227
County, Wisconsin. Code (the City Code), that the most approved for that part of the Property. parcels: (Project), together with necessary in- CS96/239&244-4/21/2016 F/K/A LOTS
The ordinance amendment is pro- comparable standard zoning district ap- Specific Implementation Plans may be Parcel #:, Street Address: cidentals on the enclosed plans. All bids 19 & 20 I M JULSETH ADDN & PRT VAC
posed to remove Appendix F to allow plicable to the proposed Planned Devel- approved in phases, for parts of the Prop- 281-0511-043-5191-6, 120 N Henry St shall be clearly marked with the name of WEST ST DESCR AS SEC 7-5-11 PRT
staff to convert the procedural check- opment is Planned Business (PB). erty. However, Planned Development 281-0511-043-5202-2, 1117 Giles St the project. NE1/4NE1/4 (0.535 ACRES)
list to an application format and make D. The Applicant has submitted a zoning and the GDP, and any approved 281-0511-043-5213-9, 1109 Giles St Bids will be received until 10:00 a.m. For questions related to this notice
changes when necessary without going proposed General Development Plan (the SIP, shall expire for any part of the Prop- 281-0511-043-5224-6, 1101 Giles St on Tuesday, August 15th, 2017, and will contact Michael Stacey at 608-646-0421.
through an ordinance amendment. Addi- GDP) attached as Exhibit A to this Or- erty that is not fully developed within ten 281-0511-043-5325-4, 1100 Giles St then be opened and read aloud at the City Information related to this request
tionally, the appendix is not consistent dinance. years of the date of adoption of this or- 281-0511-043-5336-1, 1108 Giles St of Stoughton, 381 E. Main Street, Stough- can be found at http://stoughtoncitydocs.
with other parts of the zoning ordinance. E. On June 12, 2017, the City of dinance, and the zoning classification of 281-0511-043-5347-8, 1116 Giles St ton, Wisconsin 53589. com/planning-commission/
For questions regarding this notice Stoughton Planning Commission held a such property shall revert to RH District. 281-0511-043-5358-5, 1124 Giles St Plans may be obtained at the City of Michael Stacey
please contact Michael Stacey, Zoning public hearing regarding the application 5. The Property shall be developed within the City of Stoughton and Stoughton. Zoning Administrator
Administrator at 608-646-0421. to approve the GDP, which was preced- and used in full compliance with all levying of special assessments to pay A bid bond or certified check, pay- Published: July 27 and August 3, 2017
The proposed amendment may be ed by the publication of a class 2 notice standards and requirements in Chapter for same. able to the City of Stoughton in the WNAXLP
viewed at under chapter 985 of the Wisconsin Stat- 78 of the City Code that apply to lands Please Note: If you have any ques- amount of five percent (5%) of the bid
planning-commission utes. zoned Planned Business, except those tions regarding this notice and/or special must accompany each bid as a guaran- ***
Published July 20 and 27, 2017 F. On June 12, 2017, the Planning standards and requirements that are ex- assessments, please contact Director of tee that if the bid is accepted, the bidder
WNAXLP Commission recommended approving pressly modified in the approved GDP, Planning & Development Rodney Scheel will execute the contract and furnish NOTICE
C.N.R Storage holds a lien on and in-
the GDP. or that are expressly modified in an ap- at 873-6619 payment and performance bonds within
tends to sell the personal property owned
*** G. The Common Council determines proved Specific Implementation Plan for Lana Kropf, City Clerk ten (10) days after the award of the con-
by Keith Stenjem stored in Unit #217 on
CITY OF STOUGHTON that approving the GDP is consistent with all or part of the Property. Chapter 78 of Published: July 27, 2017 tract. In case the bidder fails to execute
WNAXLP the contract and furnish the payment and July 31, 2017 at 9:00 am at 1457 Oak
381 E. MAIN STREET, the spirit and intent of the Citys Zoning the City Code, the GDP, and approved Opening Dr., Stoughton, WI 53589.
Code, has the potential for producing SIPs, constitute the zoning regulations performance bonds within the time limit
STOUGHTON, WI 53589 A brief and general description of
significant community benefits in terms for the Property, and may be enforced as *** set forth above, the amount of the certi-
ORDINANCE OF THE of environmental and aesthetic design, any other zoning regulation in the City of PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE fied check or bid bond shall be forfeited items stored: couch, chair, bedroom
to the owner as liquidated damages. furniture, living room table, craft mate-
COMMON COUNCIL promotes the public health, safety and Stoughton. A copy of the General Devel- The City of Stoughton Landmarks rials including Stamping pads. Wedding
Approving a General Development general welfare of the City, and allows opment Plan and any approved Specific Commission will hold a Public Hearing The City retains the right to reject
dress, personal and household items.
appropriate use of the Property. Development Plan shall be maintained on Thursday, August 10, at 7:00 oclock any or all bids, to waive any informality in
Plan for Outlot 1 and Lots 3 and 4, CSM Terms of the sale CASH. Items may
No. 14057, and Lots 5 and 7, CSM No. ORDINANCE and kept on file by the City Clerk. p.m., or as soon after as the matter may bidding and to accept any bid deemed to
be viewed at 8:45 am on the day of sale.
14058. The Common Council of the City of 6. This ordinance shall take effect be heard, in the Council Chambers, Pub- be in the best interest of the City.
All items sold as is whereas with no war-
Stoughton, Dane County, Wisconsin do upon publication. lic Safety Building, 321 S. Fourth Street, Published: July 27 and August 3, 2017
(Part of Kettle Park West Commer- WNAXLP ranties expressed or implied. Unit must
cial Center) ordain as follows: Council Adopted: July 11, 2017 Second Floor, Stoughton, Wisconsin, be cleaned out by the end of the date of
Committee Action: Planning Com- 1. The recitals set forth above are Mayor Approved: July 11, 2017 53589, to consider designating 501 E. sale. Sale subject to adjournment.
material to and are incorporated in this Attest: July 11, 2017 South Street, historically known as the ***
mission recommends approval 6 - 0 Published: July 20 and 27, 2017
Fiscal Impact: None ordinance as if set forth in full. Published: July 27, 2017 Moline Plow Company Factory (Highway PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE WNAXLP
File Number: O-7-2017 Date Intro- 2. The General Development Plan is WNAXLP Trailer Building) as a Local Landmark The City of Stoughton Planning
duced: June 27, 2017 approved pursuant to section 78-914 of property. Commission will hold a Public Hear-
the City Code and Wis. Stat. 62.23(7)(d). ***
*** For questions regarding this notice ing on Monday, August 14, 2017 at 6:00
14 July 27, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub Business

First Choice
Dental opens
new clinic
First Choice Den-
tal opened a new clin-
ic in Stoughton at
1300 Nygaard St. on
Monday, July 17. The
12,593-square-foot build-
ing is the 11th in Dane
County for the company.
Stoughton native Steve
Dow is the dentist at the
new clinic. He previous-
ly worked in the Madison
location on Junction Road.
The office will offer
general, family dentist-
ry and restorative care as
well as access to special-
ists like orthodontists,
endodontists, periodontists
and oral surgeons, accord-
ing to the company web-
For more information
on the clinic, visit first-
- Scott Girard

Photos by Kimberly Wethal

From left, John and Jack Olson stand by a vehicle painted with the date that John opened his body shop.

Auto: xxxx
Continued from page 1 years in the business, the damage, building custom
brothers have seen their cars and updating older
share of success, whether cars with items like rebuilt
the brothers worked its winning an award for transmissions so they can
together, but separately one of their custom-built keep up rising speed limits.
John managed the staff cars, or seeing a custom- In fact, working with the
that was contracted for the er come back to purchase vintage vehicles has turned
Madison dealerships, while another vehicle. into a specialty for them,
Jack worked up in Portage We l i ke t o c a t e r t o Jack says.
with the auctioneers. entry-level buyers, John A lot of auto repair
At one point, the broth- said. You know, parents shops dont want to (ser-
ers juggled almost 100 want to have a safe car for vice collectible cars)
employees most of whom their kids Parents might because it ties up the vehi-
pretty much like them buy it for themselves, and cle up. You dont get parts
still, John joked but then come back for the as fast, Jack said with a
have since narrowed down kids. laugh. (You need) a little
the staff after selling part Now primarily dealers more patience with that.
of the business. for modern and collectible
Now, theyre back in vehicles since 2005, the Email Unified Newspaper
Stoughton, two miles from brothers have also come Group reporter Scott De
where their father ran his full-circle to where they Laruelle at scott.delaruel-
used car lot. In their 40 Photos by Kimberly Wethal
started: fixing minor body The interior of the Olson Auto Exchange office carries a retro feel.

350 Motorcycles 433 Accounting, 434 Health Care, Human 452 General 516 Cleaning Services RECOVER PAINTING Offers carpentry,
Financial & Insurance Services & Child Care drywall, deck restoration and all forms of
1993 HARLEY Davidson Low Rider CUSTOMER SERVICE- Country View TORNADO CLEANING SERVICES painting Recover urges you to join in the
FXDL Mustang seat, newer saddlebags, ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT Excellent C.N.A / Caregivers-All Shifts. Heart- Veterinary Service is seeking a cheerful, LLC- Your hometown Residential Clean- fight against cancer, as a portion of every
100,00 miles, 25,000 on factory rebuilt opportunity with a small accounting firm Song - A premier Senior Living Home, motivated individual to join our customer ing Company. 608-873-0333 or garth@ job is donated to cancer research. Free
motor. Andrew's EV27 cam, S & S carb, in Stoughton, WI The position duties Belleville, WI. We offer flexible hours, service team 25-40 hours/week. Duties estimates, fully insured, over 20 years of
Cobra pipes. $3,000 OBO. 608-558-4534 include basic bookkeeping, office man- competitive pay, bonuses based on expe- include greeting clients, answering mul- experience. Call 608-270-0440.
2006 BMW X3, 3.0 SAV. A well-equipped, agement, customer service and basic rience/performance. Caregivers provide tiple phone lines, assisting doctors and 548 Home Improvement
one owner car with 78,631 miles. BMW accounting functions. The ideal candi- assistance with activities of daily living technicians and other customer service A&B ENTERPRISES 554 Landscaping, Lawn,
condition report as of 7/14/17 available. date should have: Excellent organization- such as grooming, hair, shower, medica- tasks. Saturday rotating shifts required. Light Construction Remodeling Tree & Garden Work
608-938-1190 al and attention to detail with the ability tion management, maintaining personal Benefits for full time employees include No job too small
to perform diverse tasks under variable environment (ie) preparing and serving health, retirement, paid personal days LAWN MOWING
402 Help Wanted, General workload; Excellent interpersonal and meals, laundry, etc.) Document/Report and animal care benefits. Customer Residential & Commercial
communication skills Strong computer care provided, observations, etc. Will service and animal experience required. Fully Insured.
FAIRWAY AUTO Auction now hiring part- HALLINAN-PAINTING 608-873-7038 or 608-669-0025
skills including knowledge of MS Office attend in service training, observe com- Send cover letter, resume and pertinent WALLPAPERING
time lot attendant/shop help. Apply in per- (Word, Excel) Self motivation and strong munity policies and procedures. Must be references to office@countryviewvets. **Great-Summer-Rates** POWERWASHING HOMES, businesses,
son no phone calls. 999 Hwy A Edgerton, work ethic Knowledge of bookkeeping available weekends. Walk-ins welcome com 35 + Years Professional sheds, free estimates! Fast and efficient.
Across from Coachmans. concepts and practices Ability to work to or call for interview. 608 290-7347 or Interiior-Exterior Also deck staining. GreenGro Design.
FAIRWAY AUTO Auction now hiring part- independently and in a team environment 608-290-7346. 508 Child Care & Nurseries Free-Estimates 608-669-7879.
time office help. apply in person. No Knowledge of QuickBooks preferred. Pre- STOUGHTON CHILD Care opening References/Insured
phone calls. 999 Hwy A Edgerton, across vious accounting experience is a plus 449 Driver, Shipping September in my home. I have 2 toddlers Arthur Hallinan 601 Household
from Coachmans but willing to train the right person.This & Warehousing and 2 cats. Looking for another child 608-455-3377 FOR SALE. Frigidaire 12cu/ft freez-
THEY SAY people dont read those little position is typically 30 to 35 hours per between 3 months and 4 years. Smoke er $350obo, Shark floor steam cleaner
week. To apply, send letter of interest and DRIVERS: AVG. $1,100 Plus Weekly!
ads, but YOU read this one, didnt you? free home. Trained in CPR and first aid. CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE IS Noon $100, Table, white w/oak trim, 4 chairs
resume by AUGUST 1, 2107 to:Account- Monthly Bonuses! Medical, Dental, Vision
Call now to place your ad, 873-6671 or $175.00 per week. If interested call or text Friday for The Great Dane and Noon $350.
ing Assistant P.O. Box 301 Stoughton, & More! Excellent Equipment w/APU's
835-6677. Lindsey 608-235-7150. Monday for the Courier Hub unless
Great Family Home-Time! 1yr CDL-A:
WI 53589
changed because of holiday work 602 Antiques & Collectibles
schedules. Call now to place your ad,
The Courier Hub Classifieds. Call 873-
873-6671 or 835-6677. COLUMBUS ANTIQUE MALL
Harbor Freight Truckload Auction 6671 or 835-6677.
72 Easy Street Benton WI 53803 "Wisconsin's Largest Antique Mall"!
Increase Your sales opportunitiesreach over 1.2 million households!
Saturday, August 5, 2017 @ 9 AM Advertise in our Wisconsin Advertising Network System.
Customer Appreciation Week
20% DISCOUNT Aug 7-13
Open House: Friday, August 4, 2017: 9 AM 4 PM For information call 835-6677. Enter daily 8am-4pm 78,000 SF
200 Dealers in 400 Booths
Information: 608-439-5761608-214-5761608-214-1883 MISCELLANEOUS A PLACE FOR MOM. The nations largest senior living referral Third floor furniture, locked cases
Many Items Are Like-New Condition. Overstock/Returned Items. Stop OVERPAYING for your prescriptions! SAVE! Call our service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is
FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-855-385-8739 (CNOW)
Location: 239 Whitney St
Auction Starts @ 9AM Sharp. Rain Or Shine Auction Held Indoors! licensed Canadian and International pharmacy, compare Columbus, WI 53925
prices and get $25.00 OFF your first prescription! CALL 1-866- DISH NETWORK.TV for Less, Not Less TV! FREE DVR. FREE
Air Compressors Generators Engines 936-8380 Promo Code CDC201725 (CNOW) Install (up to 6 rooms.) $49.99/mo. PLUS Hi-Speed Internet - Road Reconstruction Hwy 60 & 16
in City
THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing,
$14.95/mo (where available.). Call 1-855-997-5088 (CNOW)
FREE - Learn more biblical information about Zionism just

Pressure Washers & Much More! All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-855-711-0379 (CNOW) before Christs second coming. Send return address to: Dave 652 Garage Sales
All Things Basementy! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all Konkel, 3203 State Highway 17, Phelps, WI 54554 (CNOW) 400 S Academy St. 728-7/29 8am-4pm.
10% Buyers Premium Day of Sale of your basement needs! Waterproofing, Finishing, Structural Must Sell, half price sale.
Complete listing & photos Repairs, Humidity and Mold Control FREE ESTIMATES! Call BADGER MILITARY COLLECTIBLE & MILITARY FIREARMS STOUGHTON- 2742 Lissa Lane July
1-855-781-4387 (CNOW) 27th-28th 9am-5pm July 29th 8am-1pm. SHOW: Aug 4&5, Waukesha Expo Forum, 1000 Northview Rd.,
**STOP STRUGGLING ON THE STAIRS** Give your life a Waukesha, WI. Fri 3pm-8pm, Sat 9am-4pm. $7 (14 & Under
Like us on Facebook lift with an ACORN STAIRLIFT! Call now for $250 OFF your RUMMAGE SALE. Rocker, Highchair,
adno=531409-01 FREE). BUY/SELL/TRADE 608-752-6677 (CNOW) Bench, Kid Items, Baby Items & furniture,
POWERS AUCTION SERVICE stairlift purchase and FREE DVD & brochure! 1-855-750-1951 GOT LAND? Our Hunters will Pay Top $$$ To hunt your land. Baby Girl Clothes-Newborn to 18 months.
(CNOW) Call for a FREE info packet & Quote. 1-866-309-1507 www.
2445 E State Highway 11 Baby Toys, Kids clothing sz 7-14. Craft (CNOW) Supplies, Pictures, Wicker baskets, Char-
South Wayne, WI 53587 adno=532122-01
coal Grill, Way too much more to List. July 27, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 15
VERONA- 116 North Jefferson St Estate OREGON SELF-STORAGE UNION ROAD STORAGE 801 Office Space For Rent
Garage Sale. Friday-Sat, 7/28-7/29. Many 10x10 through 10x25 10x10 - 10x15
antiques, furniture, household goods, month to month lease 10x20 - 12x30 OFFICE SPACES FOR RENT
decorations, much more. All must go! Call Karen Everson at 24 / 7 Access In Oregon facing 15th hole
VERONA- 7608 Marsh View Rd Thurs- 608-835-7031 or Security Lights & Cameras on golfcourse
day-Saturday July 27, 28, 29 8am-3pm. Veronica Matt at 608-291-0316 Credit Cards Accepted Free Wi-Fi, Parking and
Couches, Love Seats, Chairs, Bar Stools, 608-835-0082 Security System
Oak Dining Table Area Rugs, Wine Racks RASCHEIN PROPERTY 1128 Union Road Conference rooms available
& Wine Accessories, Misc Kitchen Items, STORAGE Oregon, WI Kitchenette-Breakroom
Microwaves, Bikes, Stroller, Pictures 6x10 thru 10x25 Located on the corner of Autumn Woods Prof. Centre
Fence Dog Kennel & FREE Dog House. Market Street/Burr Oak Street Union Road & Lincoln Road Marty 608-835-3628
in Oregon
2153 Fallen Oak Trail Stoughton, WI
Sat July 29th 10am- 4pm Sun July
Call 608-520-0240


793 Wanted To Rent
883 Wanted:
Residential Property Housekeeper
Friday for The Great Dane and Noon rary furnished housing for the 2017-2018 WE BUY Homes any condition. Close
30th 11-3pm Antiques, Collectibles,
Monday for the Courier Hub unless school year in Oregon, WI. "House-sit-
Work for a company with a culture where you feel appreciated.
dry sink, cupboard, church pew, retro quickly. Joe 608-618-1521 jssrealestate@
cafe tables and stools, Queen size changed because of holiday work ting" references available. Must allow Join Stoughton Hospitals award winning Environmental Services
tempurpedic mattress and adjustable schedules. Call now to place your ad, cats. 724-791-2716 team of Housekeepers. Our patients rank Stoughton Hospital as
base-yr old. , round oak table and 873-6671 or 835-6677. 970 Horses having the cleanest patient rooms in the state.
chairs, side chairs, bureaus, primitive WALMERS TACK SHOP
antiques and more. A fun sale with 16379 W. Milbrandt Road Full-time PM's, 40 hours per week, Monday - Friday, 3:00 p.m.-

great prices for a two day sale. See Evansville, WI 11:30 p.m.
updates on 608-882-5725
Terms: cash and credit card. Full or Part-time PMs, 40 hours per week, 3:00 p.m.-11:30 p.m.,
975 Livestock occasional weekends, and every 3rd holiday.
Full or Part-time Days, 40 hours per week, 7:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.,
WE BUY Junk Cars and Trucks. PROGRAMMED CLEANING, INC. and working every 4th weekend and holiday
We sell used parts. 28TH, 2017 1:00 PM EARLY CONSIGN-
Monday thru Friday 8am-5:30pm. MENTS SO FAR INCLUDE: 20 FRESH
General Cleaners, $13/hr., Stoughton, WI 2 YEAR OLDS INCLUDING 15 B &
Stoughton Hospital offers competitive pay, shift differentials, and
Newville Auto Salvage, 279 Hwy 59
Edgerton, 608-884-3114 W HOLSTEINS AND 3 CROSSBREDS. benefits. Call 608-873-2296
We are looking to fill 2 General Cleaner positions in the Stoughton ALL FRESH 10 TO 40 DAYS. UP AND or email for more details.
705 Rentals area. These positions are in a clinic environment. ROLLING. LOW SCC AND MILK OUT Equal Opportunity Employer.
M-F, 4 hours per night, start time is 5 pm with some flexibility. GOOD. 11 HERD DISPERSAL STAN-
gon. One stall garage space with opener Pay rate is $13/hr. BROWN SWISS, 9 HOLSTEINS. MOST-
Apply online at
for $90/mo. on S Perry Pkwy. Great for NO WEEKENDS! LY FRESH WITH A FEW CONFIRMED
storage or an extra vehicle. Call 608-255- Must be independent, reliable and detail oriented. BRED BACK. LOW SCC. LOTS OF
7100 today! MILK. ALSO--14 100% REGISTERED
Must have own transportation.
Apartments for Seniors 55+, currently RECORDS. LOW SCC. ALL FRESH.
has 1 & 2 bedroom units available Apply now in person at 30-60 DAYS. PAPERS IN HAND. 50
starting at $795 per month, includes 2001 W. Broadway, Madison, WI 53713 YEARS OF BREEDING. HOME
heat, water, and sewer. Mon-Fri, 9 am-5 pm RAISED. 2 TO 4YR. OLDS, FANCY AND
608-835-6717 Located at: Or fill out an online application at: WELL BRED. 3 REGISTERED FRESH
139 Wolf St., Oregon, WI 53575 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, HOME RAISED.
If you have questions please call 608-222-0217. 6 BRED HOLSTEIN HEIFERS. 30 HOL-
Large 2-BR apts available now.
Pets welcome. Many feature new wood STEIN HEIFERS, OPEN. 550# TO 850#.
laminate flooring. VERY GOOD. 8 OPEN HEIFERS, 650#.
$820. Available Aug 1. and Sept 1 Small 815-367-5581 OR TERRY CELL NUM-
24 unit building. Includes heat, hot water,
water & sewer, off-street parking, fully
BER 815-291 5604. I THINK COWS
Administrative Sales Assistant
carpeted, dishwasher and coin operated
Activity Associates
laundry and storage in basement. Con-
venient to Madison's west side. Call KC
Construction Crew
at 608-273-0228 to view your new home.
If you would like to use your exceptional heath care WEBSITE WWW.TAHLIVESTOCK.COM
VERONA 2 Bedroom Apartment $655 to
$820. Available Aug 1. and Sept 1 Small talents to make a difference in the lives of seniors and
Construction Estimator / Job Processor
their families, Oregon Manor is the place for you. We

24 unit building. Includes heat, hot water,
water & sewer, off-street parking, fully
carpeted, dishwasher and coin operated are a 45 bed skilled nursing facility. 980 Machinery & Tools Production Draftsperson

laundry and storage in basement. Con-
venient to Madison's west side. Call KC
at 608-273-0228 to view your new home.
We are looking for a Two Part-Time Activity
FARM FANS AB350 single phase batch
dryer, many newer parts, 2 near-new Sawyer Saw Operator
motors. Very good condition. Also frame-
Associates to help with activities days/weekends. less aluminum dump trailer w/liner and
720 Apartments
Potential candidates with experience in long term care tarp. 815 369-4796 Semi Driver
55+. 1 & 2 bedroom units available or with a CNA license or RA certificates are preferred. 990 Farm: Service
starting at $795 per month. Includes & Merchandise
heat, water and sewer. Professionally Please fill out an application online at We offer competitive wages based on experience, opportunities
managed. Located at Rusty roofs, metal buildings, grain bins. for career growth, and a full benefit package.
300 Silverado Drive, Stoughton, WI EOE adno=531802-01 Free-estimate. 608-221-3510
53589 608-877-9388

730 Condos &

Cleary Building Corp. is proud to be an Equal
Townhouses For Rent
3 bedroom, 3 bath brand new condo
and these attachments. Concrete
breaker, posthole auger, landscape rake,
Opportunity Employer with a smoke-free/drug-free work
place. Pre-employment substance abuse testing and
on golf course. 2 gas fireplaces, mas- Work flexible part-time hours. concrete bucket, pallet forks, trencher,
rock hound, broom, teleboom, stump
background checks are performed.
ter suite, large kitchen w/stainless
appliances, breakfast bar. Main floor
grinder. Veterans are encouraged to apply.
By the day, week, or month.
laundry. Large, maintenance-free deck Do you have: Carter & Gruenewald Co.
overlooking golf course. 2 car attached
garage. $1950/mo+ deposit. Small pets Great People Skills? 4417 Hwy 92
Brooklyn, WI, 608-455-2411
Please apply online at
considered. Brad 608-333-4700 adno=532429-01
Domestic Household Skills? CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE IS Noon Or apply in person at:
750 Storage Spaces For Rent Friday for The Great Dane and Noon
Monday for the Courier Hub unless 190 Paoli St.
changed because of holiday work
And, do you like dogs? schedules. Call now to place your ad, Verona, WI 53593
10X10 10X15 10X20 10X30
Security Lights-24/7 access 873-6671 or 835-6677.
Credit Cards Accepted
Call or text Holly at 608.225.5037
CALL (608)444-2900
CNA, MH experience helpful

Located behind
Stoughton Garden Center Be the Change - Ghandi
Convenient Dry Secure
Lighted with access 24/7
Bank Cards Accepted
Off North Hwy 51 on
Oak Opening Dr. behind
Stoughton Garden Center
Call: 608-509-8904
$100.00 Sign On Bonus If Hired!!!
Convenient location behind
CAREERS (Paid after 90 days of employment)
Stoughton Lumber. OPEN INTERVIEWS!
Walk-In Interviews
Clean-Dry Units
24 HOUR LIGHTED ACCESS THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2017, 9:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M.
5x10 thru 12x25
608-335-3337 Friday, July 28th at 2762 County Road N and I - 90, Cottage Grove, WI 53527
(Currently under remodeling and road construction)
9 am to 5 pm
Only 6 miles South of Edgerton Library Road Ranger a Travel Center/ Truck Stop company is hiring for the following positions:
Verona on Hwy PB. - Cashier who can work 2nd/3rd shift Full-Time 36 + hours a week.
Variety of sizes available now.
101 Albion St. - Maintenance Worker who can work 1st/2nd shift Full-Time 36 + hours a week.
10x15=$70/month Edgerton, WI - Subway Assistant Manager who can work 2nd shift Full-Time 36 + hours a week.
Hiring for our - Subway Sandwich Artist who can work 1st/2nd shift Full-Time 36 + hours a week.
- Subway Sandwich Artist who can work 2nd shift Part-Time 24-36 hours a week.
Call 608-424-6530 or
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You must be able to smile, have fun, maintain the store inside and out, run a register, count money, prepare food product
Edgerton Stores and sandwiches, supervise/ motivate others, do side duties and most importantly provide Great Customer Service.
This position does have physical requirements that require you to able to lift, bend, reach, sweep, mop, work in the cold,
10x10 through 10x40, plus
14x40 with 14' door for All Shifts: work in the heat, work with cleaning chemicals and stand for 8 hours.
RV & Boats.
Come & go as you please.
Cashier, Kitchen starting at $11.50/hr We offer: Starting Wage of $11.00 per hour, Your wage can be higher based on experience, Bonus Potential, Full/Part
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608-873-5088 3rd Shift Premium Pay $2.00/hr If you like working in a customer friendly, fast paced, high energy and fun environment then this is your opportunity to
THEY SAY people dont read those little join a growing company! Stop in for your Interview on Thursday, 7/27/2017
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Call now to place your ad, 873-6671 or
835-6677. Apply online at adno=528665-01
Road Ranger is an E.O.E. adno=532012-01
16 July 27, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub

Street: Roof, wall failures from water damage force indefinite closing of blocks
Continued from page 1
what remediation needs to
Authority by Steve Mar- take place and completes
Pohl, of Insite Consulting safety improvements.
Architects. The RDA had We j u s t d o n t k n ow
hired Mar-Pohl to investi- how long it will take at
gate the century-old build- this time, Olson said.
ing in May to consider its We spoke with our insur-
suitability for rehabilita- ance carrier, and they said
tion. Mar-Pohl had previ- having a report like that
ously used a drone to con- means you take action right
duct a detailed inspection away.
that produced hundreds of In March, the RDA vot-
photos of the brick build- ed to demolish the build-
ing. ing to clear the site for
In the report, Mar-Pohl redevelopment. The build-
recommended closing East ing is located in the citys
South Street to traffic and 12-acre riverfront redevel-
pedestrians because of opment area.
failures in roof and exte- A week later, the Com-
rior wall systems from m o n C o u n c i l vo t e d t o
water intrusion. block the demolition. It
Extended lack of main- later reversed the vote and
tenance has resulted in decided instead to save
total building envelope a small building, known
failures in roof and exteri- as the blacksmith shop, Photo by Amber Levenhagen
or wall systems, Mar-Pohl within the larger Highway East South Street, near the Highway Trailer building, is closed indefinitely.
wrote. Trailer complex.
Mayor Donna Olson The citys Landmarks against its destruction. to qualify for federal tax could be saved. It estimat-
told the Hub a two-block Commission is in the pro- That decision would not credits to either rehab or ed a cost of at least $2.25 Contact Bill Livick at bill.
section of the street will cess of designating the need council approval. demolish the building. million to restore the build-
remain closed until the entire four-story building The building would have Despite its dangerous ing shell, with a demoli-
Common Council decides a local landmark, which to be listed on the National c o n d i t i o n , M a r - P o h l s tion cost at of $1 million to
would provide protections Register of Historic Places report said the building $1.2 million.

Journal: Community came together to help find soldiers stolen journal from time in Iraq
Continued from page 1 it for a Bible so I put it in But we didnt expect this I wanted to have a barbe-
the nook of a tree thinking kind of a response, Im just que in my yard and have
were magnificent things whoever left it back there so blown away. Right out- the entire city of Stoughton
that I was a part of, like would come back for it. It side the perimeter of my come eat hot dogs to show
trying to help the commu- wasnt until Monday when yard, theres people that how thankful I am, but hav-
nity over there, and the I saw the flyer on Stough- care and people that want ing a few thousand people
friendships I made between tons police page, and it all to help and people that are in my yard wouldnt really
my army brothers and the came together. worth knowing and worth be appropriate.
friendships I made with The Stoughton Police the effort of getting out and
civilians. Department had shared the knowing them. Contact Amber Levenha-
Knowing how import- poster on Facebook, and Im just so thankful, gen at amber.levenhagen@
ant the journal is to her reassured Christensen that just beyond myself thank-
husband, Christensens Stoughton is a great neigh- ful, he continued. I jok-
wife, Nina Nevins, quickly borhood, a gesture he said ingly said to my wife that
sprang into action, putting he appreciated after he,
Nina and their two sons,
up posters around the city,
and a picture on Facebook, Barret and Soren Chris- The anonymous letter
which was shared over tensen, moved here a year
20,000 times. VFW Post ago from Colorado to be Your journal was found in the back of the church on S.
328 offered a cash reward closer to family in the Van Buren St. We came home from camping on Sunday
f o r i t s r e t u r n a n d wa s Madison area.
Aside from this hiccup, to the journal in the field where we let our dog out back.
organizing a search of the
neighborhood when it was Christensen said his time There was also an empty pill bottle without any labels
suddenly returned to his so far in Stoughton has next to the journal. When I first saw the journal, I mis-
mailbox three days later, been amazing, and cred- took it for a Bible so I put it in the nook of a tree think-
ited the quick work by his
with an anonymous, hand-
wife and countless strang-
ing whoever left it back there would come back for it. It
written letter stating it was wasnt until Monday when I saw the flyer on Stoughtons
found in back of a church ers for getting the journal
on South Van Buren Street. returned safely to him. police page, and it all came together. When I got home,
We came home from I would have called the I flipped through it, and sure enough it was your journal.
camping on Sunday to the police and pretty much we walked over to your house, but no one was home, so
journal in the field where stopped there, because in
my mind what more can I figured a note was the next best thing. Photo submitted
we let our dog out back,
the letter read. I mistook you do besides that and A photo of the poster went viral on Facebook and within
pray for the best? he said. three days was shared more than 20,000 times.

Ask The Stoughton


Q. Should I be concerned about Glaucoma?
Q. We just bought our first home and are curious about why A. Glaucoma is often called the sneak thief of sight. This disease is the second leading cause of
blindness in the world, according to the World Health Organization. There are rarely warning signs.
mortgage lenders need every single financial transaction up until Once symptoms begin to show, vision loss is permanent. There is no cure. However, blindness caused
the day of closing when theyve already seen bank account that show by glaucoma can also be prevented, provided it is detected at an early stage.
liquid assets? Why does it matter what account it is in, if you already Risk factors for glaucoma increase if you are over the age of 60; are Hispanic, African American
know we have it? or Asian; have diabetes as a result of being obese; have family members (especially siblings) with
glaucoma; are very nearsighted.
Kathleen C. Aiken
A. Lenders need to verify that funds were not borrowed elsewhere and Stephen Rudolph Because there are rarely symptoms that indicate the presence of glaucoma, most people do not realize
therefore do not have any payments attached to them that may not be FACHE, CSA there is a problem until loss of vision occurs. By this time, it is often too late. Up to 40% of your vision
included in your loan qualification. They need to make sure gifts are actually can disappear without your realizing you have glaucoma. This vision loss, while avoidable through early diagnosis, is irreversible.
that and that money is not being funneled back to you from the agents or The only way glaucoma can be detected is by regular comprehensive eye exams, which should begin sometime about 50.
sellers involved. It is important that you discuss with your senior loved ones how crucial it is to have regular eye exams. Find out if any of family
members have glaucoma and do research to determine if other risk factors are present. Remember, early detection is critical in
117 King St. Stoughton, WI 53589 managing this disease and preventing complete vision loss.
608-873-6755 5396 King James Way, Suite 210, Madison, WI 53719 (608) 442-1898
adno=527909-01 adno=527910-01

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