Hydro Power Potential and Investment Prospects in Gilgit-Baltistan
Hydro Power Potential and Investment Prospects in Gilgit-Baltistan
Hydro Power Potential and Investment Prospects in Gilgit-Baltistan
Map of Gilgit-Baltistan
Institutional Arrangement
Salient Potential Indicators for Hydro Development
in Gilgit-Baltistan
Gilgit Baltistan is the water bank for Pakistan due to large area of
glaciers and snow deposits in its mountains.
Catchment Area is 72496 Sq Km, which include about 27 %
glaciers, the biggest in the world outside polar region.
Main Tributaries of Indus River are 06 (Olding River, Shyoke River,
Shigar River, Gilgit River, Hunza River & Astore River).
Drop of Indus River up to Diamar /Basha Dam site is 1.37 Km.
Average annual run off near Basha is 50 MAF.
Hydro power potential on Main Tributaries & Indus River is
40,000 MW.
Hydro power potential on sub tributaries is 1,200 MW.
Present Generation : 90 MW (92 Power Stations)
Population Connected
with suppressed load : 75%
Feasibility Study
1 Hanzal Gilgit River 20 MW completed
Feasibility study
10 Ghowari, Shyoke Ghanche 20 MW
Feasibility study
11 Hassanabad, Hunza 5 MW
Feasibility study
12 Dermadar, Ghizer 2 MW
Feasibility Study
14 Regional Grid in Gilgit-Baltistan 132 KV completed
Average Construction Cost
Per MW in GB : 2.0 Million US $
TOTAL 18,720 MW
3) 36 projects identified by
W & P department GB on
tributaries and sub tributaries
of River Indus 204 MW
Total 19,696 MW
Water & Power Department GB is responsible for Planning,
Execution and Operation of power projects in GB.
WAPDA is responsible for mega projects on River Indus
besides small hydros under specific directions of GOP.
NEPRAs jurisdiction not yet extended to GB in the absence of
National Grid. W & P department is responsible for devising
tariff with the approval of GB government.
GB Electricity Development Company being raised shortly.
GOP Policy for power generation projects 2002: All types of
power projects exceeding 50 MW capacity under public
sector, private sector (IPPs) and public private partnership are
covered. BOOT and BOO are applicable.
GOP Renewable Energy Policy 2006: Solar, Wind and Small
Hydro Power projects up to 50 MW capacity are covered. The
policy also provides private investment incentives.
GB Hydel and Renewable Energy Policy 2007: This policy
covers projects up to 50 MW capacity under public sector
program. Being revised for development of hydro power
projects by private sector and public private partnership also.
Consultancy services acquired for Establishment of GB
Electricity Development Company to facilitate investors
through one window operation besides capacity building of
W&P Department.
Feasibility study of Regional Grid in GB completed. The
project aims at interconnection of all existing and future
hydro power projects to a common grid for improvement of
diversity factor, minimize line losses and establish a power
corridor for interconnection to the National Grid. Estimated
cost of the project is Rs. 25 billion and proposed for
construction in 3 phases.
Computerized billing system introduced in Gilgit city as pilot