Decision Making in The Electricity Bureaucracy: Case of Budhi Gandaki
Decision Making in The Electricity Bureaucracy: Case of Budhi Gandaki
Decision Making in The Electricity Bureaucracy: Case of Budhi Gandaki
of Budhi Gandaki
Abstract: There is a power shortage in the Nepalese market and in the peaking demand as well. This clearly indicates the
need for storage type hydropower stations. The Budhi Gandaki (storage) Project (BGP) was identified and studied in 1983.
The project has been proposed with an installed capacity of 600 MW by constructing a 225 m high dam on Budhi Gandaki
River in central Nepal. The main attraction of this project is its nearness to the load centers. The government of Nepal decided
to implement the project for more than three times; but there were no seriously interested investor. It has been 25 years that
we have been talking about this project; but why the project is not happening is a crucial question to be addressed. Only
recently, six developers have shown interest to develop it in association with the Nepal Electricity Authority. It is also interest-
ing to know about the status of this project that has been left untouched since early studies in the 1980s. Further, there is a
proposal of a road construction network in the BGP site area which might ruin the project.
Key words: storage type hydropower projects, downstream benefits, private investment, resettlement and rehabilitation
Gandak Treaty
The Gandak Treaty signed between Nepal and
India in 1959 is very harmful to Nepal. It totally
Index Map
curtailed Nepal’s right to utilize the Gandak water
within Nepalese territory. The Treaty as revised
The BGP is one of the attractive storage type projects. in 1964 partially restored Nepal’s right for transvalley use
This project was given importance because the site is near of water except in the period of February to April. After the
the capital (Kathmandu), the main load Center and the completion of the BGP, the dry season flow of the Gandak
national grid. The accessibility to the project site is very easy River will increase substantially.
and convenient for the transportation of materials. The site Before we take the decision to implement the BGP,
is centrally located and less expenditure is accounted for however, it will be wise to try to further amend the Gandak
access infrastructures. Despite many positive features and Treaty to lift the restriction on the transvalley use for the
accessibility of the project, however, it is stalled. months of February to April.
The reservoir of the proposed BGP covers about 49.8
square kilometers which was expected to displace about India’s Involvement
10,000 people or 2000 families (at the time of study in In the mid-1990s, the BGP was envisaged as a mutual benefit
1984). With the population growth of 2.3% in the area, it project with India. It was later withdrawn at the Secretary
is expected that the number of people to be displaced is level meeting held in November 1996. It should be noted,
17,660 in 2009. The project will affect the residents of 18 however, that these cost effective hydro projects should not
VDCs―eight in Dhading District and 10 in Gorkha District, be allocated solely for foreign investment and export to India
About 5,000 hectares of land including 1,240 hectares of at arbitrarily fixed cheap export royalty. The consequence
will be that Nepal will have to bear social and environmental
Table 1 Salient Features consequences, whereas downstream riparian countries will
receive downstream benefits like flood control, irrigation etc.
Salient Feature of the Project
India will be interested in storage projects so that they
will have regulated water in the dry season and flood control
Region Central/Western Development
District Dhadhing/Gorkha
in the monsoon. They are also interested to make the inter
Type storage basin water transfer links. The case shows that the major
Installed capacity 600 MW (4 x150 MW) downstream benefits will be towards the Indian side by
Net head 185 m the regulated flow. Based on this fact, India should invest
Design discharge 430 m3/s certain equity in the project sighting the above benefits. The
Dam height 225 m
Indian government, however, does not show its willingness
Live storage 2755 million cubic meters
Dam type rockfill with inclined core to invest for the said benefits. A question will always arise
Powerhouse type underground as to why Nepal should submerge its valuable farm land/
Tunnel length & forests and displace its people; and then share the benefits
276 m /12m
Average annual with India. A reasonable export tax on the energy generated
2495 GWh
energy by large storage projects may compensate for the losses
Access road length 2.5 km
Transmission length 65 km (220 kV) suffered by Nepal in the storage projects. In the case of the
US$ 774 million (1983) BGP, however, the energy generated would be consumed in
Project cost Rs 45,250 million (Indian currency) at Nepal itself.
2006 price level (Source: CEA/Govt. Nepal and India’s power systems and demands/