LM8365 Alarm Digital Clock For Beginners
LM8365 Alarm Digital Clock For Beginners
LM8365 Alarm Digital Clock For Beginners
www.eleccircuit.com /lm8365-alarm-digital-clock-for-beginners/
Today I highly recommend the alarm digital clock Another interesting project. Suitable for beginners It is small,
easy to build, use IC number IC use LM8365 is at the heart. Includes all functions within a single IC. Thus, it is
more efficient than this project, read below:
_Designed as Model all parts on one PCB
Show times is AM and PM
can set times alert 2 times in 24 hour
can schedule appliance to 1 hour.
It has the backup battery when power outage this clock non stop
can show dates, months or seconds
Pin 25 SNOOZE I/P is input of the SNOOZE pushbutton switch which is connect to the positive voltage
through switch to To stop the alarm, while about 9 minutes
Pin 26_ALARM 1 O/P is pin output of the first alarm
Pin 27_ALARM 1 OFF is pin connect to positive voltage to switch to stop the first alarm
Pin 28 _SLEEP O/P is output of setting the appliances for long 1 hour
Pin 29_Alarm 2 OFF is pin to connect the positive voltage switch to stop the 2nd alarm
Pin 30_Vdd is Ground
Pin 31_SLEEP DISPLAY I/P is pin positive to through switch to read times in setting the appliances
Pin 32 ALARM 1 DISPLAY I/P is pin connect the positive voltage to switch to read times the first alarm
Pin 33_SECOND DISPLAY I/P is pin connects the positive voltage through switch to press to look time in
Pin 34_LOWER SET I/P is pin connects the positive voltage through the switch to press to look time in minutes
Pin 35_UPPER SET I/P is pin connects the positive voltage through the switch to press to look time in hour
Pin 36_50/60 Hz I/P is pin connect the time base 50/60Hz frequencies
Pin 37_50/60Hz select is pin to connects selects the times bases frequency. If want 50 Hz to the positive and
when you want 60Hz to ground
Pin 38_ALARM 2 DISPLAY I/P is pin connects the positive voltage through the switch to look the 2nd times
Pin 39 24/12HR SELECT is pin to select display in 12 hour or 24 hour. If you leave floats or to the ground is a
12 hour. and If connect to positive will be 24 hour.
Pin 40 1Hz O/P is pin output to connect to LED display show flashing in second
Pin 41 PM O/P is pin output to drive LED display at pot PM
Pin 42_CR I/P is pin connect to the positive voltage through the switch to press clear times setting
How it works
In circuit diagram as Figure 2 at pin 37, which is pin 50/60Hz, Selected to ground, show that this times base is
The pin 33 floating, indicating that the circuit is not displays a value of seconds. It can be used by itself to the
positive voltage to switch through to look seconds.
The note is at SW2, a switch Alarm OFF have D1 and D2 connect to through to switch to the positive voltage by
connecting pin Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 O/P show that SW2 can use together to stop first alarm and 2nd alarm by all
in one switch.
Recommendations for the switch SW2, should be ON / OFF, because if is normally open pushbutton the clock
will alert every 24 hour.
D3 and D4 connects the output of alarm both 2 pin are pin 26 and pin 1. Connect driver Buzzers.
The pin 28 is pin SLEEP O/P connects to D5 the relay driver, by have Q2,R3 and R4 are the relay driver circuit.
There are D6 block is the voltage that will happen, If the power feed to the relay will stop the magnetic field
collapses, cutting a relay coil voltage across the relay coil. This voltage can damage other equipment in the
The terminal point the relay NO and NC must to connect to voltage 220VAC through contact NO and COM, to
control timer the appliances for 1 hour
IC2 number MM5369 is an IC Clock Generator 60HZ. Which is the times base of IC1, the X-Tal 3.579 MHz is the
frequency output 60Hz, connect to output pin 1 through R7 to pin 36 of IC1.
The Q3, R6 and the Zener diode ZD1 / 6V are connected the regulator circuit saving by three parts, Makes it
voltage of the regulator circuit to maintain a constant cycle of approximately 5.4V.
It works as follows: R6 and ZD1 series causes a constant voltage of 6V the Zener diode. This point is connected
to pin B of Q3 makes the voltage at pin B is steady.
Generally, when we have to maintain the voltage at pin B. The voltage at pin E will be steady, which led to the
basic regulator circuit and saving.
But when transistor works, Q3 which is NPN type the voltage at pin B will be must higher than pin E about 0.6V.
Thus the voltage at regulator so have 5.4V. Which is sufficient for the operation of the circuit R5 and D7
connected to backup battery circuit is 4.8V.
When power voltage 4.8V from battery will feed to D7 in to circuit instead voltage from the regulator circuit. But
when the voltage remains normal, the voltage from the regulator circuit will be higher than voltage from battery,
stop flow into the voltage circuit from the power supply will through R5 into charge battery instead.
Recommendations for the battery, should be the nickel cadmium battery in series 4 pcs. Q4,R10,C6 and D11
connected to get the voltage from terminal transformer is bias to transistor Q4 connect to common of LED display
to ground through to R10. When power outlet, Q4 will stop working , make pin COM of LED display unconnected
to ground of LED display to saving the power of backup battery.
How to builds
All components are install on one PCB so easy to builds as Figure 4 and Figure 5 Then check the validity. It can
be plugged into use immediately.
Caution: Need to put Q3-2SC1846 correctly
Figure 3 the PCB layout of LM8365
C1___________________0.1uF 50V Ceramic
C2,C6________________10uF 16V Electrolytic
C3__________________1000uF 16V_______
C4____________________10pF 50V Ceramic
C5____________________30pF 50V Ceramic
D1-D5 and D12________1N4148 Diode
D5-D11______________1N4001 Diode
Q1,Q2 and Q4_________BC547C
ZD1_________________6V 1A 0.5W Zener diode
X1___________________X-Tal 3.579MHz
BZ1__________________6V buzzer
RY1__________________6V Relay
T1____________________9V,200mA transformer
and more
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